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Grain size and weight are directly associated with grain yield in crops. However, the molecular mechanisms that set final grain size and weight remain largely unknown. Here, we characterize two large grain mutants, large grain8‐1 (large8‐1) and large grain8‐2 (large8‐2). LARGE8 encodes the mitogen‐activated protein kinase phosphatase1 (OsMKP1). Loss of function mutations in OsMKP1 results in large grains, while overexpression of OsMKP1 leads to small grains. OsMKP1 determines grain size by restricting cell proliferation in grain hulls. OsMKP1 directly interacts with and deactivates the mitogen‐activated protein kinase 6 (OsMAPK6). Taken together, we identify OsMKP1 as a crucial factor that influences grain size by deactivating OsMAPK6, indicating that the reversible phosphorylation of OsMAPK6 plays important roles in determining grain size in rice.  相似文献   

Grain size is an important agronomic trait in determining grain yield. However, the molecular mechanisms that determine the final grain size are not well understood. Here, we report the functional analysis of a rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutant, dwarf and small grain1 (dsg1), which displays pleiotropic phenotypes, including small grains, dwarfism and erect leaves. Cytological observations revealed that the small grain and dwarfism of dsg1 were mainly caused by the inhibition of cell proliferation. Map‐based cloning revealed that DSG1 encoded a mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK), OsMAPK6. OsMAPK6 was mainly located in the nucleus and cytoplasm, and was ubiquitously distributed in various organs, predominately in spikelets and spikelet hulls, consistent with its role in grain size and biomass production. As a functional kinase, OsMAPK6 interacts strongly with OsMKK4, indicating that OsMKK4 is likely to be the upstream MAPK kinase of OsMAPK6 in rice. In addition, hormone sensitivity tests indicated that the dsg1 mutant was less sensitive to brassinosteroids (BRs). The endogenous BR levels were reduced in dsg1, and the expression of several BR signaling pathway genes and feedback‐inhibited genes was altered in the dsg1 mutant, with or without exogenous BRs, indicating that OsMAPK6 may contribute to influence BR homeostasis and signaling. Thus, OsMAPK6, a MAPK, plays a pivotal role in grain size in rice, via cell proliferation, and BR signaling and homeostasis.  相似文献   

Grain size and shape are two crucial traits that influence grain yield and grain appearance in rice. Although several factors that affect grain size have been described in rice, the molecular mechanisms underlying the determination of grain size and shape are still elusive. In this study we report that WIDE AND THICK GRAIN 1 (WTG1) functions as an important factor determining grain size and shape in rice. The wtg1‐1 mutant exhibits wide, thick, short and heavy grains and also shows an increased number of grains per panicle. WTG1 determines grain size and shape mainly by influencing cell expansion. WTG1 encodes an otubain‐like protease, which shares similarity with human OTUB1. Biochemical analyses indicate that WTG1 is a functional deubiquitinating enzyme, and the mutant protein (wtg1‐1) loses this deubiquitinating activity. WTG1 is expressed in developing grains and panicles, and the GFP–WTG1 fusion protein is present in the nucleus and cytoplasm. Overexpression of WTG1 results in narrow, thin, long grains due to narrow and long cells, further supporting the role of WTG1 in determining grain size and shape. Thus, our findings identify the otubain‐like protease WTG1 to be an important factor that determines grain size and shape, suggesting that WTG1 has the potential to improve grain size and shape in rice.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins, which consist of Gα, Gβ and Gγ subunits, function as molecular switches that regulate a wide range of developmental processes in plants. In this study, we characterised the function of rice RGG2, which encodes a type B Gγ subunit, in regulating grain size and yield production. The expression levels of RGG2 were significantly higher than those of other rice Gγ‐encoding genes in all tissues tested, suggesting that RGG2 plays essential roles in rice growth and development. By regulating cell expansion, overexpression of RGG2 in Nipponbare (NIP) led to reduced plant height and decreased grain size. By contrast, two mutants generated by the clustered, regularly interspaced, short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR‐associated protein 9 (Cas9) system in the Zhenshan 97 (ZS97) background, zrgg2‐1 and zrgg2‐2, exhibited enhanced growth, including elongated internodes, increased 1000‐grain weight and plant biomass and enhanced grain yield per plant (+11.8% and 16.0%, respectively). These results demonstrate that RGG2 acts as a negative regulator of plant growth and organ size in rice. By measuring the length of the second leaf sheath after gibberellin (GA3) treatment and the GA‐induced α‐amylase activity of seeds, we found that RGG2 is also involved in GA signalling. In summary, we propose that RGG2 may regulate grain and organ size via the GA pathway and that manipulation of RGG2 may provide a novel strategy for rice grain yield enhancement.  相似文献   

Argonaute (AGO) proteins and small RNAs (sRNAs) are core components of the RNA‐induced silencing complex (RISC). It has been reported that miRNAs regulate plant height and grain size in rice, but which AGO is involved in grain size regulation remains unclear. Here, we report that enhanced expression of OsAGO17, a putative AGO protein, could improve grain size and weight and promote stem development in rice. Cytological evidence showed that these effects are mainly caused by alteration of cell elongation. Expression analyses showed that OsAGO17 was highly expressed in young panicles and nodes, which was consistent with the expression pattern of OsmiR397b. SRNA sequencing, stem‐loop RT‐PCR and sRNA blotting showed that the expression of OsmiR397b was reduced in ago17 and enhanced in the OsAGO17 OE lines. Four OsmiR397b target laccase (LAC) genes showed complementary expression patterns with OsAGO17 and OsmiR397b. Combined with the results of immunoprecipitation (IP) analysis, we suggested that OsAGO17 formed an RISC with OsmiR397b and affected rice development by suppression of LAC expression. In conclusion, OsAGO17 might be a critical protein in the sRNA pathway and positively regulates grain size and weight in rice.  相似文献   

Grain weight is the most important component of rice yield and is mainly determined by grain size, which is generally controlled by quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Although numerous QTLs that regulate grain weight have been identified, the genetic network that controls grain size remains unclear. Herein, we report the cloning and functional analysis of a dominant QTL, grain length and width 2 (GLW2), which positively regulates grain weight by simultaneously increasing grain length and width. The GLW2 locus encodes OsGRF4 (growth‐regulating factor 4) and is regulated by the microRNA miR396c in vivo. The mutation in OsGRF4 perturbs the OsmiR396 target regulation of OsGRF4, generating a larger grain size and enhanced grain yield. We also demonstrate that OsGIF1 (GRF‐interacting factors 1) directly interacts with OsGRF4, and increasing its expression improves grain size. Our results suggest that the miR396c‐OsGRF4‐OsGIF1 regulatory module plays an important role in grain size determination and holds implications for rice yield improvement.  相似文献   

Sugar signaling pathways have been evolutionarily conserved among eukaryotes and are postulated to help regulate plant growth, development and responses to environmental cues. Forward genetic screens have identified sugar signaling or response mutants. Here we report the identification and characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana sugar insensitive8 (sis8) mutants, which display a sugar‐resistant seedling development phenotype. Unlike many other sugar insensitive mutants, sis8 mutants exhibit wild‐type responses to the inhibitory effects of abscisic acid and paclobutrazol (an inhibitor of gibberellin biosynthesis) on seed germination. Positional cloning of the SIS8 gene revealed that it encodes a putative mitogen‐activated protein kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK; At1g73660). SIS8mRNA is expressed ubiquitously among Arabidopsis organs. A UDP‐glucosyltransferase, UGT72E1 (At3g50740), was identified as an interacting partner of SIS8 based on a yeast two‐hybrid screen and in planta bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Both SIS8–yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) and UGT72E1–YFP fusion proteins localize to the nucleus when transiently expressed in tobacco leaf cells. T‐DNA insertions in At3g50740 cause a sugar‐insensitive phenotype. These results indicate that SIS8, a putative MAPKKK, is a regulator of sugar response in Arabidopsis and interacts with a UDP‐glucosyltransferase in the nucleus.  相似文献   

The mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is composed at least of MAP3K (for MAPK kinase kinase), MAP2K, and MAPK family modules. These components together play a central role in mediating extracellular signals to the cell and vice versa by interacting with their partner proteins. However, the MAP3K‐interacting proteins remain poorly investigated in plants. Here, we utilized a yeast two‐hybrid system and bimolecular fluorescence complementation in the model crop rice (Oryza sativa) to map MAP3K‐interacting proteins. We identified 12 novel nonredundant interacting protein pairs (IPPs) representing 11 nonredundant interactors using 12 rice MAP3Ks (available as full‐length cDNA in the rice KOME ( http://cdna01.dna.affrc.go.jp/cDNA/ ) at the time of experimental design and execution) as bait and a rice seedling cDNA library as prey. Of the 12 MAP3Ks, only six had interacting protein partners. The established MAP3K interactome consisted of two kinases, three proteases, two forkhead‐associated domain‐containing proteins, two expressed proteins, one E3 ligase, one regulatory protein, and one retrotransposon protein. Notably, no MAP3K showed physical interaction with either MAP2K or MAPK. Seven IPPs (58.3%) were confirmed in vivo by bimolecular fluorescence complementation. Subcellular localization of 14 interactors, together involved in nine IPPs (75%) further provide prerequisite for biological significance of the IPPs. Furthermore, GO of identified interactors predicted their involvement in diverse physiological responses, which were supported by a literature survey. These findings increase our knowledge of the MAP3K‐interacting proteins, help in proposing a model of MAPK modules, provide a valuable resource for developing a complete map of the rice MAPK interactome, and allow discussion for translating the interactome knowledge to rice crop improvement against environmental factors.  相似文献   

在盆栽土培条件下,研究了5种浓度(0、10、20、40、80 mg/kg土)的1,2,4-三氯苯(TCB)对两种基因型水稻品种宁粳1号(敏感基因型)和扬辐粳8号(耐性基因型)产量及灌浆期生理特性的影响。结果表明:TCB对两种基因型水稻产量和灌浆期生理特性的影响具有显著差异,随着TCB浓度的增加,宁粳1号的产量呈现递减趋势,而扬辐粳8号呈低浓度下产量增加高浓度下产量显著降低的趋势,在中高浓度TCB(40、80 mg/kg)处理时,宁粳1号每盆穗数,每穗粒数,结实率显著降低且降幅显著大于扬辐粳8号,两个基因型品种千粒重变化都不明显。宁粳1号株高、干物重受TCB抑制程度较明显,降幅显著大于扬辐粳8号。在低浓度TCB(20 mg/kg)处理时,宁粳1号根系活力、叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白质含量显著降低,而扬辐粳8号有所提高。随着TCB浓度的增加,两个基因型品种叶片抗氧化酶SOD、POD、CAT活性均呈先升后降趋势,且在低浓度TCB(10 mg/kg、20mg/kg)处理时,扬辐粳8号抗氧化酶活性极显著高于宁粳1号,在高浓度TCB(80 mg/kg)TCB浓度胁迫下,宁粳1号抗氧化酶活性极显著低于对照,且降幅极显著大于扬辐粳8号,且MDA含量增幅较大,膜质过氧化程度高。总体而言,低浓度TCB对扬辐粳8号的产量和灌浆期株高、干物重、叶绿素含量、叶片蛋白质含量和抗氧化酶活性具有一定的促进作用,中高浓度TCB对宁粳1号的抑制作用显著大于扬辐粳8号,扬辐粳8号在不同浓度的TCB处理下较宁粳1号表现出较强的耐迫性和适应性。  相似文献   

Rice grain size and weight are major determinants of grain quality and yield and so have been under rigorous selection since domestication. However, the genetic basis for contrasting grain size/weight trait among Indian germplasms and their association with domestication‐driven evolution is not well understood. In this study, two long (LGG) and two short grain (SGG) genotypes were resequenced. LGG (LGR and PB 1121) differentiated from SGG (Sonasal and Bindli) by 504 439 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 78 166 insertion‐and‐deletion polymorphisms. The LRK gene cluster was different and a truncation mutation in the LRK8 kinase domain was associated with LGG. Phylogeny with 3000 diverse rice accessions revealed that the four sequenced genotypes belonged to the japonica group and were at the edge of the clades indicating them to be the potential source of genetic diversity available in Indian rice germplasm. Six SNPs were significantly associated with grain size/weight and the top four of these could be validated in mapping a population, suggesting this study as a valuable resource for high‐throughput genotyping. A contiguous long low‐diversity region (LDR) of approximately 6 Mb carrying a major grain weight quantitative trait loci (harbouring OsTOR gene) was identified on Chromosome 5. This LDR was identified as an evolutionary important site with significant positive selection and multiple selection sweeps, and showed association with many domestication‐related traits, including grain size/weight. The aus population retained more allelic variations in the LDR than the japonica and indica populations, suggesting it to be one of the divergence loci. All the data and analyses can be accessed from the RiceSzWtBase database.  相似文献   

OsSPX1, a rice SPX domain gene, involved in the phosphate (Pi)‐sensing mechanism plays an essential role in the Pi‐signalling network through interaction with OsPHR2. In this study, we focused on the potential function of OsSPX1 during rice reproductive phase. Based on investigation of OsSPX1 antisense and sense transgenic rice lines in the paddy fields, we discovered that the down‐regulation of OsSPX1 caused reduction of seed‐setting rate and filled grain number. Through examination of anthers and pollens of the transgenic and wild‐type plants by microscopy, we found that the antisense of OsSPX1 gene led to semi‐male sterility, with lacking of mature pollen grains and phenotypes with a disordered surface of anthers and pollens. We further conducted rice whole‐genome GeneChip analysis to elucidate the possible molecular mechanism underlying why the down‐regulation of OsSPX1 caused deficiencies in anthers and pollens and lower seed‐setting rate in rice. The down‐regulation of OsSPX1 significantly affected expression of genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism and sugar transport, anther development, cell cycle, etc. These genes may be related to pollen fertility and male gametophyte development. Our study demonstrated that down‐regulation of OsSPX1 disrupted rice normal anther and pollen development by affecting carbohydrate metabolism and sugar transport, leading to semi‐male sterility, and ultimately resulted in low seed‐setting rate and grain yield.  相似文献   

Mitogen‐activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway is activated in a wide spectrum of human tumors, exhibiting cardinal oncogenic roles and sustained inhibition of this pathway is considered as a primary goal in clinic. Within this pathway, receptor tyrosine kinases such as epithelial growth factor receptor, mesenchymal–epithelial transition, and AXL act as upstream regulators of RAS/RAF/MEK/extracellular‐signal‐regulated kinase. MAPK signaling is active in both early and advanced stages of tumorigenesis, and it promotes tumor proliferation, survival, and metastasis. MAPK regulatory effects on cellular constituent of the tumor microenvironment is for immunosuppressive purposes. Cross‐talking between MAPK with oncogenic signaling pathways including WNT, cyclooxygenase‐2, transforming growth factor‐β, NOTCH and (in particular) with phosphatidylinositol 3‐kinase is contributed to the multiplication of tumor progression and drug resistance. Developing resistance (intrinsic or acquired) to MAPK‐targeted therapy also occurs due to heterogeneity of tumors along with mutations and negative feedback loop of interactions exist between various kinases causing rebound activation of this signaling. Multidrug regimen is a preferred therapeutic avenue for targeting MAPK signaling. To enhance patient tolerance and to mitigate potential adversarial effects related to the combination therapy, determination of a desired dose and drug along with pre‐evaluation of cancer‐type‐specific kinase mutation and sensitivity, especially for patients receiving triplet therapy is an urgent need.  相似文献   

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