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Engineered nucleases can be used to induce site‐specific double‐strand breaks (DSBs) in plant genomes. Thus, homologous recombination (HR) can be enhanced and targeted mutagenesis can be achieved by error‐prone non‐homologous end‐joining (NHEJ). Recently, the bacterial CRISPR/Cas9 system was used for DSB induction in plants to promote HR and NHEJ. Cas9 can also be engineered to work as a nickase inducing single‐strand breaks (SSBs). Here we show that only the nuclease but not the nickase is an efficient tool for NHEJ‐mediated mutagenesis in plants. We demonstrate the stable inheritance of nuclease‐induced targeted mutagenesis events in the ADH1 and TT4 genes of Arabidopsis thaliana at frequencies from 2.5 up to 70.0%. Deep sequencing analysis revealed NHEJ‐mediated DSB repair in about a third of all reads in T1 plants. In contrast, applying the nickase resulted in the reduction of mutation frequency by at least 740‐fold. Nevertheless, the nickase is able to induce HR at similar efficiencies as the nuclease or the homing endonuclease I–SceI. Two different types of somatic HR mechanisms, recombination between tandemly arranged direct repeats as well as gene conversion using the information on an inverted repeat could be enhanced by the nickase to a similar extent as by DSB‐inducing enzymes. Thus, the Cas9 nickase has the potential to become an important tool for genome engineering in plants. It should not only be applicable for HR‐mediated gene targeting systems but also by the combined action of two nickases as DSB‐inducing agents excluding off‐target effects in homologous genomic regions.  相似文献   

Gene targeting (GT), the programmed change of genomic sequences by homologous recombination (HR), is still a major challenge in plants. We previously developed an in planta GT strategy by simultaneously releasing from the genome a dsDNA donor molecule and creating a double‐stranded break (DSB) at a specific site within the targeted gene. Using Cas9 form Streptococcus pyogenes (SpCas9) under the control of a ubiquitin gene promoter, we obtained seeds harbouring GT events, although at a low frequency. In the present research we tested different developmentally controlled promotors and different kinds of DNA lesions for their ability to enhance GT of the acetolactate synthase (ALS) gene of Arabidopsis. For this purpose, we used Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 (SaCas9) nuclease and the SpCas9 nickase in various combinations. Thus, we analysed the effect of single‐stranded break (SSB) activation of a targeted gene and/or the HR donor region. Moreover, we tested whether DSBs with 5′ or 3′ overhangs can improve in planta GT. Interestingly, the use of the SaCas9 nuclease controlled by an egg cell‐specific promoter was the most efficient: depending on the line, in the very best case 6% of all seeds carried GT events. In a third of all lines, the targeting occurred around the 1% range of the tested seeds. Molecular analysis revealed that in about half of the cases perfect HR of both DSB ends occurred. Thus, using the improved technology, it should now be feasible to introduce any directed change into the Arabidopsis genome at will.  相似文献   

The controlled change of plant genomes by homologous recombination (HR) is still difficult to achieve. We previously developed the in planta gene targeting (ipGT) technology which depends on the simultaneous activation of the target locus by a double‐strand break and the excision of the target vector. Whereas the use of SpCas9 resulted in low ipGT frequencies in Arabidopsis, we were recently able to improve the efficiency by using egg cell‐specific expression of the potent but less broadly applicable SaCas9 nuclease. In this study, we now tested whether we could improve ipGT further, by either performing it in cells with enhanced intrachromosomal HR efficiencies or by the use of Cas12a, a different kind of CRISPR/Cas nuclease with an alternative cutting mechanism. We could show before that plants possess three kinds of DNA ATPase complexes, which all lead to instabilities of homologous genomic repeats if lost by mutation. As these proteins act in independent pathways, we tested ipGT in double mutants in which intrachromosomal HR is enhanced 20–80‐fold. However, we were not able to obtain higher ipGT frequencies, indicating that mechanisms for gene targeting (GT) and chromosomal repeat‐induced HR differ. However, using LbCas12a, the GT frequencies were higher than with SaCas9, despite a lower non‐homologous end‐joining (NHEJ) induction efficiency, demonstrating the particular suitability of Cas12a to induce HR. As SaCas9 has substantial restrictions due to its longer GC rich PAM sequence, the use of LbCas12a with its AT‐rich PAM broadens the range of ipGT drastically, particularly when targeting in CG‐deserts like promoters and introns.  相似文献   

During the evolution of plant genomes, sequence inversions occurred repeatedly making the respective regions inaccessible for meiotic recombination and thus for breeding. Therefore, it is important to develop technologies that allow the induction of inversions within chromosomes in a directed and efficient manner. Using the Cas9 nuclease from Staphylococcus aureus (SaCas9), we were able to obtain scarless heritable inversions with high efficiency in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Via deep sequencing, we defined the patterns of junction formation in wild‐type and in the non‐homologous end‐joining (NHEJ) mutant ku70‐1. Surprisingly, in plants deficient of KU70, inversion induction is enhanced, indicating that KU70 is required for tethering the local broken ends together during repair. However, in contrast to wild‐type, most junctions are formed by microhomology‐mediated NHEJ and thus are imperfect with mainly deletions, making this approach unsuitable for practical applications. Using egg‐cell‐specific expression of Cas9, we were able to induce heritable inversions at different genomic loci and at intervals between 3 and 18 kb, in the percentage range, in the T1 generation. By screening individual lines, inversion frequencies of up to the 10% range were found in T2. Most of these inversions had scarless junctions and were without any sequence change within the inverted region, making the technology attractive for use in crop plants. Applying our approach, it should be possible to reverse natural inversions and induce artificial ones to break or fix linkages between traits at will.  相似文献   

The ability to edit plant genomes through gene targeting (GT) requires efficient methods to deliver both sequence‐specific nucleases (SSNs) and repair templates to plant cells. This is typically achieved using Agrobacterium T‐DNA, biolistics or by stably integrating nuclease‐encoding cassettes and repair templates into the plant genome. In dicotyledonous plants, such as Nicotinana tabacum (tobacco) and Solanum lycopersicum (tomato), greater than 10‐fold enhancements in GT frequencies have been achieved using DNA virus‐based replicons. These replicons transiently amplify to high copy numbers in plant cells to deliver abundant SSNs and repair templates to achieve targeted gene modification. In the present work, we developed a replicon‐based system for genome engineering of cereal crops using a deconstructed version of the wheat dwarf virus (WDV). In wheat cells, the replicons achieve a 110‐fold increase in expression of a reporter gene relative to non‐replicating controls. Furthermore, replicons carrying CRISPR/Cas9 nucleases and repair templates achieved GT at an endogenous ubiquitin locus at frequencies 12‐fold greater than non‐viral delivery methods. The use of a strong promoter to express Cas9 was critical to attain these high GT frequencies. We also demonstrate gene‐targeted integration by homologous recombination (HR) in all three of the homoeoalleles (A, B and D) of the hexaploid wheat genome, and we show that with the WDV replicons, multiplexed GT within the same wheat cell can be achieved at frequencies of ~1%. In conclusion, high frequencies of GT using WDV‐based DNA replicons will make it possible to edit complex cereal genomes without the need to integrate GT reagents into the genome.  相似文献   

The CRISPR/Cas9 system has greatly improved our ability to engineer targeted mutations in eukaryotic genomes. While CRISPR/Cas9 appears to work universally, the efficiency of targeted mutagenesis and the adverse generation of off‐target mutations vary greatly between different organisms. In this study, we report that Arabidopsis plants subjected to heat stress at 37°C show much higher frequencies of CRISPR‐induced mutations compared to plants grown continuously at the standard temperature (22°C). Using quantitative assays relying on green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter genes, we found that targeted mutagenesis by CRISPR/Cas9 in Arabidopsis is increased by approximately 5‐fold in somatic tissues and up to 100‐fold in the germline upon heat treatment. This effect of temperature on the mutation rate is not limited to Arabidopsis, as we observed a similar increase in targeted mutations by CRISPR/Cas9 in Citrus plants exposed to heat stress at 37°C. In vitro assays demonstrate that Cas9 from Streptococcus pyogenes (SpCas9) is more active in creating double‐stranded DNA breaks at 37°C than at 22°C, thus indicating a potential contributing mechanism for the in vivo effect of temperature on CRISPR/Cas9. This study reveals the importance of temperature in modulating SpCas9 activity in eukaryotes, and provides a simple method to increase on‐target mutagenesis in plants using CRISPR/Cas9.  相似文献   

Multiple pathways exist to repair DNA damage induced by methylating and crosslinking agents in Arabidopsis thaliana. The SWI2/SNF2 translocase RAD5A, the functional homolog of budding yeast Rad5 that is required for the error‐free branch of post‐replicative repair, plays a surprisingly prominent role in the repair of both kinds of lesions in Arabidopsis. Here we show that both the ATPase domain and the ubiquitination function of the RING domain of the Arabidopsis protein are essential for the cellular response to different forms of DNA damage. To define the exact role of RAD5A within the complex network of DNA repair pathways, we crossed the rad5a mutant line with mutants of different known repair factors of Arabidopsis. We had previously shown that RAD5A acts independently of two main pathways of replication‐associated DNA repair defined by the helicase RECQ4A and the endonuclease MUS81. The enhanced sensitivity of all double mutants tested in this study indicates that the repair of damaged DNA by RAD5A also occurs independently of nucleotide excision repair (AtRAD1), single‐strand break repair (AtPARP1), as well as microhomology‐mediated double‐strand break repair (AtTEB). Moreover, RAD5A can partially complement for a deficient AtATM‐mediated DNA damage response in plants, as the double mutant shows phenotypic growth defects.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a versatile microbial platform to build synthetic metabolic pathways for production of diverse chemicals. To expedite the construction of complex metabolic pathways by multiplex CRISPR-Cas9 genome-edit, eight desirable intergenic loci, located adjacent to highly expressed genes selected from top 100 expressers, were identified and fully characterized for three criteria after integrating green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene - CRISPR-mediated GFP integration efficiency, expression competency assessed by levels of GFP fluorescence, and assessing growth rates of GFP integrated strains. Five best performing intergenic loci were selected to build a multiplex CRISPR platform, and a synthetic 23-bp DNA comprised of 20-bp synthetic DNA with a protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) was integrated into the five loci using CRISPR-Cas9 in a sequential manner. This process resulted in five different yeast strains harbouring 1–5 synthetic gRNA-binding sites in their genomes. Using these pre-engineered yeast strains, simultaneous integrations of 2-, 3-, 4-, or 5-genes to the targeted loci were demonstrated with efficiencies from 85% to 98% using beet pigment betalain (3-gene pathway), hygromycin and geneticin resistance markers. Integrations of the multiple, foreign genes in the targeted loci with 100% precision were validated by genotyping. Finally, we further developed the strain to have 6th synthetic gRNA-binding site, and the resulting yeast strain was used to generate a yeast strain producing a sesquiterpene lactone, kauniolide by simultaneous 6-gene integrations. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of a single gRNA-mediated CRISPR platform to build complex metabolic pathways in yeast.  相似文献   

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