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The genetic code is degenerate; thus, protein evolution does not uniquely determine the coding sequence. One of the puzzles in evolutionary genetics is therefore to uncover evolutionary driving forces that result in specific codon choice. In many bacteria, the first 5–10 codons of protein‐coding genes are often codons that are less frequently used in the rest of the genome, an effect that has been argued to arise from selection for slowed early elongation to reduce ribosome traffic jams. However, genome analysis across many species has demonstrated that the region shows reduced mRNA folding consistent with pressure for efficient translation initiation. This raises the possibility that unusual codon usage is a side effect of selection for reduced mRNA structure. Here we discriminate between these two competing hypotheses, and show that in bacteria selection favours codons that reduce mRNA folding around the translation start, regardless of whether these codons are frequent or rare. Experiments confirm that primarily mRNA structure, and not codon usage, at the beginning of genes determines the translation rate.  相似文献   

随着基因组学和转录组学在不同生物体遗传和细胞生物学领域的广泛应用,同义密码子使用的偏嗜性逐渐被接受,并且在研究生物进化与生物表型之间的深层联系时,同义密码子使用模式受到相关领域研究人员的重视。信使RNA(messenger RNA,mRNA)最终表达出具有正常生物活性的蛋白产物是生命活动的重要环节。被称为“第二遗传密码”的同义密码子使用模式,可以通过精微调控翻译选择压力等分子机制,从转录调控、翻译调控及代谢活动等水平表达其承载的遗传信息。研究表明,mRNA半衰期的长短对mRNA活性以及转录和翻译过程有显著的影响。因此,系统地归纳同义密码子使用模式在基因转录、翻译调控及翻译后修饰等生命活动中所扮演的角色,将有助于全方位审视生物体如何巧妙利用密码子使用模式所产生的遗传效应来精准合成不同种类蛋白质,并以此保障生长或分化的特定基因表达程序顺利执行、维持正常的生命周期。  相似文献   

Synonymous codons encode the same amino acid, but differ in other biophysical properties. The evolutionary selection of codons whose properties are optimal for a cell generates the phenomenon of codon bias. Although recent studies have shown strong effects of codon usage changes on protein expression levels and cellular physiology, no translational control mechanism is known that links codon usage to protein expression levels. Here, we demonstrate a novel translational control mechanism that responds to the speed of ribosome movement immediately after the start codon. High initiation rates are only possible if start codons are liberated sufficiently fast, thus accounting for the observation that fast codons are overrepresented in highly expressed proteins. In contrast, slow codons lead to slow liberation of the start codon by initiating ribosomes, thereby interfering with efficient translation initiation. Codon usage thus evolved as a means to optimise translation on individual mRNAs, as well as global optimisation of ribosome availability.  相似文献   

从GenBank获得大肠杆菌K-12MG1655株的全基因组序列,计算了与基因密码子偏好性相关的多个参数(Nc、CAI、GC、GC3s),对其mRNA编码区长度、形成二级结构倾向与密码子偏好性之间的关系进行了统计学分析,发现虽然翻译效率(包括翻译速度和翻译精度)是制约大肠杆菌高表达基因的密码子偏好性的主要因素,同时,mRNA编码区长度及其形成二级结构的倾向也是形成这种偏好性的不可忽略的原因,而且对偏好性有一定程度的削弱。另外对mRNA编码区形成二级结构倾向的生物学意义进行了讨论分析。  相似文献   

The FGLamide allatostatins (ASTs) are invertebrate neuropeptides which inhibit juvenile hormone biosynthesis in Dictyoptera and related orders. They also show myomodulatory activity. FGLamide AST nucleotide frequencies and codon bias were investigated with respect to possible effects on mRNA secondary structure. 367 putative FGLamide ASTs and their potential endoproteolytic cleavage sites were identified from 40 species of crustaceans, chelicerates and insects. Among these, 55% comprised only 11 amino acids. An FGLamide AST consensus was identified to be (X)1→16Y(S/A/N/G)FGLGKR, with a strong bias for the codons UUU encoding for Phe and AAA for Lys, which can form strong Watson-Crick pairing in all peptides analyzed. The physical distance between these codons favor a loop structure from Ser/Ala-Phe to Lys-Arg. Other loop and hairpin loops were also inferred from the codon frequencies in the N-terminal motif, and the first amino acids from the C-terminal motif, or the dibasic potential endoproteolytic cleavage site. Our results indicate that nucleotide frequencies and codon usage bias in FGLamide ASTs tend to favor mRNA folds in the codon sequence in the C-terminal active peptide core and at the dibasic potential endoproteolytic cleavage site.  相似文献   

The effect on translation of multiple copies of the initiation codon AUG at the initiation site in a eukaryotic mRNA carrying a short leader sequence was tested in translation experiments in vitro. DNA, corresponding to a chimeric mRNA sequence consisting of the 5 leader region of brome mosaic virus (BMV) RNA4 and the goat pre--lactalbumin mRNA sequence, was prepared and transcribed in vitro using SP6 RNA polymerase. Site-directed mutagenesis was carried out to change the sequence around the initiation codon AUG. In a wheat germ translation system, the yield of protein obtained using the mRNA with a duplication of the AUG codons at the initiation site was 1.6 times that achieved when only one AUG was present. The rate of formation of the 80S initiation complex was measured by the ribosome binding assay using cycloheximide. A good correlation was observed between the ability to form the complex and translation efficiency.  相似文献   

Xuhua Xia 《Genetics》2015,199(2):573-579
Two alternative hypotheses attribute different benefits to codon-anticodon adaptation. The first assumes that protein production is rate limited by both initiation and elongation and that codon-anticodon adaptation would result in higher elongation efficiency and more efficient and accurate protein production, especially for highly expressed genes. The second claims that protein production is rate limited only by initiation efficiency but that improved codon adaptation and, consequently, increased elongation efficiency have the benefit of increasing ribosomal availability for global translation. To test these hypotheses, a recent study engineered a synthetic library of 154 genes, all encoding the same protein but differing in degrees of codon adaptation, to quantify the effect of differential codon adaptation on protein production in Escherichia coli. The surprising conclusion that “codon bias did not correlate with gene expression” and that “translation initiation, not elongation, is rate-limiting for gene expression” contradicts the conclusion reached by many other empirical studies. In this paper, I resolve the contradiction by reanalyzing the data from the 154 sequences. I demonstrate that translation elongation accounts for about 17% of total variation in protein production and that the previous conclusion is due to the use of a codon adaptation index (CAI) that does not account for the mutation bias in characterizing codon adaptation. The effect of translation elongation becomes undetectable only when translation initiation is unrealistically slow. A new index of translation elongation ITE is formulated to facilitate studies on the efficiency and evolution of the translation machinery.  相似文献   

Patterns of codon usage have been extensively studied among Bacteria and Eukaryotes, but there has been little investigation of species from the third domain of life, the Archaea. Here, we examine the nature of codon usage bias in a methanogenic archaeon, Methanococcus maripaludis. Genome-wide patterns of codon usage are dominated by a strong A + T bias, presumably largely reflecting mutation patterns. Nevertheless, there is variation among genes in the use of a subset of putatively translationally optimal codons, which is strongly correlated with gene expression level. In comparison with Bacteria such as Escherichia coli, the strength of selected codon usage bias in highly expressed genes in M. maripaludis seems surprisingly high given its moderate growth rate. However, the pattern of selected codon usage differs between M. maripaludis and E. coli: in the archaeon, strongly selected codon usage bias is largely restricted to twofold degenerate amino acids (AAs). Weaker bias among the codons for fourfold degenerate AAs is consistent with the small number of tRNA genes in the M. maripaludis genome.  相似文献   

Analysis of synonymous codon usage bias in Chlamydia   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacterial pathogens that cause ocular and sexuallytransmitted diseases,and are associated with cardiovascular diseases.The analysis of codon usage mayimprove our understanding of the evolution and pathogenesis of Chlamydia and allow reengineering of targetgenes to improve their expression for gene therapy.Here,we analyzed the codon usage of C.muridarum,C.trachomatis(here indicating biovar trachoma and LGV),C.pneumoniae,and C.psittaci using the codonusage database and the CUSP(Create a codon usage table)program of EMBOSS(The European MolecularBiology Open Software Suite).The results show that the four genomes have similar codon usage patterns,with a strong bias towards the codons with A and T at the third codon position.Compared with Homosapiens,the four chlamydial species show discordant seven or eight preferred codons.The ENC(effectivenumber of codons used in a gene)-plot reveals that the genetic heterogeneity in Chlamydia is constrained bythe G+C content,while translational selection and gene length exert relatively weaker influences.Moreover,mutational pressure appears to be the major determinant of the codon usage variation among the chlamydialgenes.In addition,we compared the codon preferences of C.trachomatis with those of E.coli,yeast,adenovirus and Homo sapiens.There are 23 codons showing distinct usage differences between C.trachomatisand E.coli,24 between C.trachomatis and adenovirus,21 between C.trachomatis and Homo sapiens,butonly six codons between C.trachomatis and yeast.Therefore,the yeast system may be more suitable for theexpression of chlamydial genes.Finally,we compared the codon preferences of C.trachomatis with those ofsix eukaryotes,eight prokaryotes and 23 viruses.There is a strong positive correlation between the differ-ences in coding GC content and the variations in codon bias(r=0.905,P<0,001).We conclude that thevariation of codon bias between C.trachomatis and other organisms is much less influenced by phylogeneticlineage and primarily determined by the extent of disparities in GC content.  相似文献   

Gene expression is known to correlate with the degree of codon bias in many unicellular organisms. However, such a correlation is not observed in some organisms. It was demonstrated that inverted complementary repeats within coding DNA sequences (ORFs) should be considered for proper estimation of the translation efficiency because they can form secondary structures that obstruct ribosome movement. A program was developed for estimating the potential expression of ORFs in unicellular organisms on the basis of their genome sequences. The program computes the elongation efficiency index (EEI) and takes into account three key factors: codon bias, the average number of inverted complementary repeats, and the free energies of potential stem-loop structures formed by these repeats. The influence of these factors on translation was numerically estimated. Their optimal ratio was computed for each organism. EEIs of 384 unicellular organisms (351 bacteria, 28 archaea, and 5 eukaryotes) were computed using the annotated genomes available from GenBank. Five potential evolutionary strategies of translational optimization were determined in the organisms studied. A considerable difference in preferential translational strategies was observed between bacteria and archaea. Significant correlations between EEIs and gene expression levels were shown for two species (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Helicobacter pylori), using the available microarray data. The method allows the numerical estimation of the translation efficiency of an ORF and optimization of the nucleotide composition of heterologous genes in specified unicellular organisms. The program is available at http://wwwmgs.bionet.nsc.ru/mgs/programs/eei-calculator.  相似文献   

以普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)线粒体基因组为对象,分析其蛋白质编码基因的密码子使用特征及与亚洲栽培稻(O. sativa L.)的差异,探讨其密码子偏性形成的影响因素和进化过程。结果显示:普通野生稻线粒体基因组编码序列第1、第2和第3位碱基的GC含量依次为49.18%、42.67%和40.86%;有效密码子数(Nc)分布于45.32~61.00之间,其密码子偏性较弱; Nc值仅与GC_3呈显著相关,密码子第3位的碱基组成对密码子偏性影响较大;第1向量轴上显示9.91%的差异,其与GC3s、Nc、密码子偏好指数(CBI)和最优密码子使用频率(Fop)的相关性均达到显著水平;而GC_3和GC12的相关性未达到显著水平。因此,普通野生稻线粒体基因组密码子的使用偏性主要受自然选择压力影响而形成。本研究确定了21个普通野生稻线粒体基因组的最优密码子,大多以A或T结尾,与叶绿体密码子具有趋同进化,但是与核基因组具有不同的偏好性。同义密码子相对使用度(RSCU)、PR2偏倚分析和中性绘图分析显示,普通野生稻线粒体基因功能和其密码子使用密切相关,且线粒体密码子使用在普通野生稻、粳稻(O. sativa L. subsp. japonica Kato)和籼稻(O. sativa L. subsp.indica Kato)内具有同质性。  相似文献   

Codon bias is the non-random use of synonymous codons, a phenomenon that has been observed in species as diverse as bacteria, plants and mammals. The preferential use of particular synonymous codons may reflect neutral mechanisms (e.g. mutational bias, G|C-biased gene conversion, genetic drift) and/or selection for mRNA stability, translational efficiency and accuracy. The extent to which these different factors influence codon usage is unknown, so we dissected the contribution of mutational bias and selection towards codon bias in genes from 15 eudicots, 4 monocots and 2 mosses. We analysed the frequency of mononucleotides, dinucleotides and trinucleotides and investigated whether the compositional genomic background could account for the observed codon usage profiles. Neutral forces such as mutational pressure and G|C-biased gene conversion appeared to underlie most of the observed codon bias, although there was also evidence for the selection of optimal translational efficiency and mRNA folding. Our data confirmed the compositional differences between monocots and dicots, with the former featuring in general a lower background compositional bias but a higher overall codon bias.  相似文献   

Background: Oncogenes are the genes that have the potential to induce cancer. The extent and origin of codon usage bias is an important indicator of the forces shaping genome evolution in living organisms. Results: We observed moderate correlations between gene expression as measured by CAI and GC content at any codon site. The findings of our results showed that there is a significant positive correlation (Spearman''s r= 0.45, P<0.01) between GC content at first and second codon position with that of third codon position. Further, striking negative correlation (r = -0.771, P < 0.01) between ENC with the GC3s values of each gene and positive correlation (r=0.644, P<0.01) in between CAI and ENC was also observed. Conclusions: The mutation pressure is the major determining factor in shaping the codon usage pattern of oncogenes rather than natural selection since its effects are present at all codon positions. The results revealed that codon usage bias determines the level of oncogene expression in human. Highly expressed oncogenes had rich GC contents with high degree of codon usage bias.  相似文献   

好氧超嗜热古菌敏捷气热菌 (Aeropyrumpernix)mRNA中起始密码子AUG侧翼序列的保守性以及它与密码子使用偏好及基因长度之间具有相关性。AUG侧翼序列的保守性由M1(1)值表示 ,AUG侧翼序列对翻译起始的有效性由AUGCAI值表示。研究表明 :高表达和低表达基因的 - 2 0位到 13位中某些位点的保守性存在差异 ,其中高表达基因的 - 4位和 - 3位可能与其高表达的特性有关 ;在A .pernix中一个普遍的趋势是 :较短的基因有较高的表达效率 ,较长的基因的表达效率较低。与仅使用密码子偏好相比 ,将AUGCAI值引入到研究古菌在翻译水平上的自然选择更准确、更具有广泛适应性  相似文献   

以普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)线粒体基因组为对象,分析其蛋白质编码基因的密码子使用特征及与亚洲栽培稻(O.sativa L.)的差异,探讨其密码子偏性形成的影响因素和进化过程。结果显示:普通野生稻线粒体基因组编码序列第1、第2和第3位碱基的GC含量依次为49.18%、42.67%和40.86%;有效密码子数(Nc)分布于45.32~61.00之间,其密码子偏性较弱;Nc值仅与GC3呈显著相关,密码子第3位的碱基组成对密码子偏性影响较大;第1向量轴上显示9.91%的差异,其与GC3s、Nc、密码子偏好指数(CBI)和最优密码子使用频率(Fop)的相关性均达到显著水平;而GC3和GC12的相关性未达到显著水平。因此,普通野生稻线粒体基因组密码子的使用偏性主要受自然选择压力影响而形成。本研究确定了21个普通野生稻线粒体基因组的最优密码子,大多以A或T结尾,与叶绿体密码子具有趋同进化,但是与核基因组具有不同的偏好性。同义密码子相对使用度(RSCU)、PR2偏倚分析和中性绘图分析显示,普通野生稻线粒体基因功能和其密码子使用密切相关,且线粒体密码子使用在普通野生稻、粳稻(O.sativa L.subsp.japonica Kato)和籼稻(O.sativa L.subsp.indica Kato)内具有同质性。  相似文献   

密码子偏性的分析方法及相关研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
密码子偏性是指生物体中编码同一种氨基酸的同义密码子的非均衡使用的现象,由于这一现象与遗传信息的载体分子DNA和生物功能分子蛋白质相关联,所以具有重要的生物学意义;本文概述了密码子偏性研究方面的基本理论和常用分析方法,归纳了密码子使用分析的常用软件和提供在线分析网站,介绍了与密码子偏性相关的生物学领域及最新的研究进展,并对深入研究进行展望。  相似文献   

张琦  焦翔  刘香健  张月  张素芳  赵宗保 《菌物学报》2018,37(11):1454-1465
运用CodonW等软件,分析了圆红冬孢酵母Rhodosporidium toruloides基因组中191个蛋白质编码基因的密码子使用模式,包括密码子3个位置上的GC含量、有效密码子数和密码子使用频率。圆红冬孢酵母有效密码子数ENc值为38.9,密码子GC含量为63%,密码子第三位GC含量为78.3%,且偏好使用G或C结尾的密码子,确定了圆红冬孢酵母R. toruloides的21个高表达优越密码子。研究发现,圆红冬孢酵母与毕赤酵母、酿酒酵母、大肠杆菌和拟南芥在密码子使用频率上有较大差异,而与解脂耶氏酵母和果蝇差异相对较小。研究结果对提高外源基因在圆红冬孢酵母中表达效率及相关代谢工程和合成生物学研究有一定意义。  相似文献   

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