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We used multiple approaches to investigate the coordination of trans and medial Rab proteins in the regulation of intra‐Golgi retrograde trafficking. We reasoned that medially located Rab33b might act downstream of the trans Golgi Rab, Rab6, in regulating intra‐Golgi retrograde trafficking. We found that knockdown of Rab33b, like Rab6, suppressed conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex‐ or Zeste White 10 (ZW10)‐depletion induced disruption of the Golgi ribbon in HeLa cells. Moreover, efficient GTP‐restricted Rab6 induced relocation of Golgi enzymes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) was Rab33b‐dependent, but not vice versa, suggesting that the two Rabs act sequentially in an intra‐Golgi Rab cascade. In support of this hypothesis, we found that overexpression of GTP‐Rab33b induced the dissociation of Rab6 from Golgi membranes in vivo. In addition, the transport of Shiga‐like toxin B fragment (SLTB) from the trans to cis Golgi and ER required Rab33b. Surprisingly, depletion of Rab33b had little, if any, immediate effect on cell growth and multiplication. Furthermore, anterograde trafficking of tsO45G protein through the Golgi apparatus was normal. We suggest that the Rab33b/Rab6 regulated intra‐Golgi retrograde trafficking pathway must coexist with other Golgi trafficking pathways. In conclusion, we provide the first evidence that Rab33b and Rab6 act to coordinate a major intra‐Golgi retrograde trafficking pathway. This coordination may have parallels with Rab conversion/cascade events that regulate endosome, phagosome and exocytic processes.  相似文献   

ZW10 participates in the termination of the spindle checkpoint during mitosis by interacting with dynamitin, a subunit of the dynein accessory complex dynactin. We previously showed that ZW10 is attached to the endoplasmic reticulum through RINT-1 in interphase HeLa cells and involved in membrane transport between the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi. Although a recent study demonstrated that ZW10 is localized in the Golgi in COS7 cells, the mechanism that regulates ZW10 localization remains unknown. In this study we showed a correlation between the Golgi localization of ZW10 and the centrosomal accumulation of dynactin. The amounts of ZW10 associated with dynactin were larger in cells where ZW10 was present in the Golgi than those where ZW10 was not in the Golgi. The targeting of ZW10 to the perinuclear Golgi region was found to depend on the perinuclear accumulation of dynactin, suggesting that dynactin regulates ZW10 localization.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1) is an enveloped virus that uses undefined transport carriers for trafficking of its glycoproteins to envelopment sites. Screening of an siRNA library against 60 Rab GTPases revealed Rab6 as the principal Rab involved in HSV1 infection, with its depletion preventing Golgi‐to‐plasma membrane transport of HSV1 glycoproteins in a pathway used by several integral membrane proteins but not the luminal secreted protein Gaussia luciferase. Knockdown of Rab6 reduced virus yield to 1% and inhibited capsid envelopment, revealing glycoprotein exocytosis as a prerequisite for morphogenesis. Rab6‐dependent virus production did not require the effectors myosin‐II, bicaudal‐D, dynactin‐1 or rabkinesin‐6, but was facilitated by ERC1, a factor involved in linking microtubules to the cell cortex. Tubulation and exocytosis of Rab6‐positive, glycoprotein‐containing membranes from the Golgi was substantially augmented by infection, resulting in enhanced and targeted delivery to cell tips. This reveals HSV1 morphogenesis as one of the first biological processes shown to be dependent on the exocytic activity of Rab6.   相似文献   

Ricin is transported from early endosomes and/or the recycling compartment to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and subsequently to the endoplasmic recticulum (ER) before it enters the cytosol and intoxicates cells. We have investigated the role of the Rab6 isoforms in retrograde transport of ricin using both oligo- and vector-based RNAi assays. Ricin transport to the TGN was inhibited by the depletion of Rab6A when the Rab6A messenger RNA (mRNA) levels were reduced by more than 40% and less than 75%. However, when Rab6A mRNA was reduced by more than 75% and Rab6A' mRNA was simultaneously up-regulated, the inhibition of ricin sulfation was abolished, indicating that the up-regulation of Rab6A' may compensate for the loss of Rab6A function. In addition, we found that a near complete depletion of Rab6A' gave approximately 40% reduction in ricin sulfation. The up-regulation of Rab6A mRNA levels did not seem to compensate for the loss of Rab6A' function. The depletion of both Rab6A and Rab6A' gave a stronger inhibition of ricin sulfation than what was observed knocking down the two isoforms separately. In conclusion, both Rab6A and Rab6A' seem to be involved in the transport of ricin from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The transport and sorting of soluble and membrane-associated macromolecules arriving at endosomal compartments require a complex set of Rab proteins. Rab22a has been localized to the endocytic compartment; however, very little is known about the function of Rab22a and inconsistent results have been reported in studies performed in different cell lines. To characterize the function of Rab22a in endocytic transport, the wild-type protein (Rab22a WT), a hydrolysis-deficient mutant (Rab22a Q64L), and a mutant with reduced affinity for GTP (Rab22a S19N) were expressed in CHO cells. None of the three Rab22a constructs affected the transport of rhodamine-dextran to lysosomes, the digestion of internalized proteins, or the lysosomal localization of cathepsin D. In contrast with the mild effect of Rab22a on the endosome-lysosome route, cells expressing Rab22a WT and Rab22a Q64L presented a strong delay in the retrograde transport of cholera toxin from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus. Moreover, these cells accumulated the cation independent mannose 6-phosphate receptor in endosomes. These observations indicate that Rab22a can affect the trafficking from endosomes to the Golgi apparatus probably by promoting fusion among endosomes and impairing the proper segregation of membrane domains required for targeting to the trans-Golgi network (TGN).  相似文献   

The coiled‐coil Golgi membrane protein golgin‐84 functions as a tethering factor for coat protein I (COPI) vesicles. Protein interaction analyses have revealed that golgin‐84 interacts with another tether, the conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex, through its subunit Cog7. Therefore, we explored the function of golgin‐84 as the tether for COPI vesicles of intra‐Golgi retrograde traffic. First, glycosylic maturation of both plasma membrane (CD44) and lysosomal (lamp1) glycoproteins was distorted in golgin‐84 knockdown (KD) cells. The depletion of golgin‐84 caused fragmentation of the Golgi with the mislocalization of Golgi resident proteins, resulting in the accumulation of vesicles carrying intra‐Golgi soluble N‐ethylmaleimide‐sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) and cis‐Golgi membrane protein GPP130. Similar observations were obtained by diminution of the COG complex, suggesting a strong correlation between the two tethers. Indeed, COG complex‐dependent (CCD) vesicles that accumulate in Cog3 or Cog7 KD cells carried golgin‐84. Surprisingly, the interaction between golgin‐84 and another candidate tethering partner CASP (CDP/cut alternatively spliced product) decreased in Cog3 KD cells. These results indicate that golgin‐84 on COPI vesicles interact with the COG complex before SNARE assembly, suggesting that the interaction of golgin‐84 with COG plays an important role in the tethering process of intra‐Golgi retrograde vesicle traffic.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease predisposing LRRK2 kinase phosphorylates a group of Rab GTPase proteins including Rab29, within the effector‐binding switch II motif. Previous work indicated that Rab29, located within the PARK16 locus mutated in Parkinson's patients, operates in a common pathway with LRRK2. Here, we show that Rab29 recruits LRRK2 to the trans‐Golgi network and greatly stimulates its kinase activity. Pathogenic LRRK2 R1441G/C and Y1699C mutants that promote GTP binding are more readily recruited to the Golgi and activated by Rab29 than wild‐type LRRK2. We identify conserved residues within the LRRK2 ankyrin domain that are required for Rab29‐mediated Golgi recruitment and kinase activation. Consistent with these findings, knockout of Rab29 in A549 cells reduces endogenous LRRK2‐mediated phosphorylation of Rab10. We show that mutations that prevent LRRK2 from interacting with either Rab29 or GTP strikingly inhibit phosphorylation of a cluster of highly studied biomarker phosphorylation sites (Ser910, Ser935, Ser955 and Ser973). Our data reveal that Rab29 is a master regulator of LRRK2, controlling its activation, localization, and potentially biomarker phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Vesicular tethers and SNAREs are two key protein components that govern docking and fusion of intracellular membrane carriers in eukaryotic cells. The conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex has been specifically implicated in the tethering of retrograde intra‐Golgi vesicles. Using yeast two‐hybrid and co‐immunoprecipitation approaches, we show that the COG6 subunit of the COG complex is capable of interacting with a subset of Golgi SNAREs, namely STX5, STX6, GS27 and SNAP29. Interaction with SNAREs is accomplished via the universal SNARE‐binding motif of COG6. Overexpression of COG6, or its depletion from cells, disrupts the integrity of the Golgi complex. Importantly, COG6 protein lacking the SNARE‐binding domain is deficient in Golgi binding, and is not capable of inducing Golgi complex fragmentation when overexpressed. These results indicate that COG6–SNARE interactions are important for both COG6 localization and Golgi integrity .  相似文献   

Rab GTPases are master regulators of membrane trafficking events and template the directionality of protein transport through the secretory and endocytic pathways. Certain Rabs recruit the guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that activates a subsequent acting Rab protein in a given pathway; this process has been termed a Rab cascade. We show here that the medial Golgi-localized Rab33B GTPase has the potential to link functionally to the late Golgi, Rab6 GTPase, by its capacity for association with Ric1 and Rgp1 proteins. In yeast, Ric1p and Rgp1p form a complex that catalyzes guanine nucleotide exchange by Ypt6p, the Rab6 homolog. Human Ric1 and Rgp1 both bind Rab6A with preference for the GDP-bound conformation, characteristic of a GEF. Nevertheless, both Ric1 and Rgp1 proteins are needed to catalyze nucleotide exchange on Rab6A protein. Ric1 and Rgp1 form a complex, but unlike their yeast counterparts, most of the subunits are not associated, and most of the proteins are cytosolic. Loss of Ric1 or Rgp1 leads to destabilization of Rab6, concomitant with a block in Rab6-dependent retrograde transport of mannose 6-phosphate receptors to the Golgi. The C terminus of Ric1 protein contains a distinct binding site for Rab33B-GTP, supporting the existence of a Rab cascade between the medial and trans Golgi. This study thus identifies a GEF for Rab6A in human cells.  相似文献   

Macropinocytosis is a clathrin‐independent endocytic pathway implicated in fluid uptake, pathogen invasion and cell migration. During collective cell migration, macropinocytosis occurs primarily at membrane ruffles arising from the leading edges of migrating cells. We report here that N‐cadherin (Ncad) regulates the tempo of macropinocytosis and thereby influences wound‐induced collective cell migration. Using live‐cell and super‐resolution imaging techniques, we observed that Ncad formed clusters at the membrane ruffles and macropinosomes. De‐clustering of Ncad by an interfering antibody impaired the recruitment of Rab5‐an early endosomal marker‐to the macropinosomes. Moreover, we demonstrated that Ncad interacts with Rab5, and laser ablation of Ncad caused Rab5 to dissociate from the macropinosomes. Although Rab5 detached from macropinosomes upon the de‐clustering of Ncad, the recruitment of late endosomal marker Rab7 occurred earlier. Consequently, both centripetal trafficking of macropinosomes and collective migration were accelerated due to de‐clustering of Ncad. Thus, our results suggest that Ncad is involved in the maturation of macropinocytosis through Rab5 recruitment, linking macropinocytosis and cell migration through a novel function of Ncad.   相似文献   

The enrichment of phosphatidylinositol‐4‐phosphate (PI(4)P) at the trans Golgi network (TGN) is instrumental for proper protein and lipid sorting, yet how the restricted distribution of PI(4)P is achieved remains unknown. Here, we show that lipid phosphatase Suppressor of actin mutations 1 (SAC1) is crucial for the spatial regulation of Golgi PI(4)P. Ultrastructural analysis revealed that SAC1 is predominantly located at cisternal Golgi membranes but is absent from the TGN, thus confining PI(4)P to the TGN. RNAi‐mediated knockdown of SAC1 caused changes in Golgi morphology and mislocalization of Golgi enzymes. Enzymes involved in glycan processing such as mannosidase‐II (Man‐II) and N‐acetylglucosamine transferase‐I (GnT‐I) redistributed to aberrant intracellular structures and to the cell surface in SAC1 knockdown cells. SAC1 depletion also induced a unique pattern of Golgi‐specific defects in N‐and O‐linked glycosylation. These results indicate that SAC1 organizes PI(4)P distribution between the Golgi complex and the TGN, which is instrumental for resident enzyme partitioning and Golgi morphology.  相似文献   

Phagosome maturation follows a defined biochemical program and, in the vast majority of cases, the microbe inside the phagosome is killed and digested. Although, an important number of pathogens, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which kills around two million people every year, have acquired the ability to survive, and even replicate by arresting phagosomal maturation. To identify more of the machinery involved in phagocytosis and phagosomal maturation, we investigated the function of Rab10 in engulfment and maturation of inert particles and Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette‐Guérin (BCG). We showed that Rab10 association with phagosomes is transient and confocal microscopy revealed detectible levels of Rab10 on phagosomal membranes at very early time‐points, occurring even before Rab5 acquisition. Rab10 recruitment had strong functional consequence, as the knockdown of endogenous Rab10 by RNA interference or overexpression of Rab10 dominant‐negative mutant delayed maturation of phagosomes of IgG‐opsonized latex beads or heat killed‐mycobacteria. These results can be explained, at least in part, by the involvement of Rab10 in recycling of some phagosomal components. More importantly, overexpression of the constitutively active mutant of Rab10 partially rescued live‐Mycobacterium‐containing phagosomes maturation. Indeed, we found that the membrane harbouring Mycobacterium acquired early endosome antigen 1 (EEA‐1), a marker excluded from phagosomes in control cells. Altogether these results indicate that Rab10, acting upstream of Rab5, plays a prominent role in phagolysosome formation and can modulate Mycobacterium‐containing phagosomes maturation.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus is the main glycosylation and sorting station along the secretory pathway. Its structure includes the Golgi vesicles, which are depleted of anterograde cargo, and also of at least some Golgi‐resident proteins. The role of Golgi vesicles remains unclear. Here, we show that Golgi vesicles are enriched in the Qb‐SNAREs GS27 (membrin) and GS28 (GOS‐28), and depleted of nucleotide sugar transporters. A block of intra‐Golgi transport leads to accumulation of Golgi vesicles and partitioning of GS27 and GS28 into these vesicles. Conversely, active intra‐Golgi transport induces fusion of these vesicles with the Golgi cisternae, delivering GS27 and GS28 to these cisternae. In an in vitro assay based on a donor compartment that lacks UDP‐galactose translocase (a sugar transporter), the segregation of Golgi vesicles from isolated Golgi membranes inhibits intra‐Golgi transport; re‐addition of isolated Golgi vesicles devoid of UDP‐galactose translocase obtained from normal cells restores intra‐Golgi transport. We conclude that this activity is due to the presence of GS27 and GS28 in the Golgi vesicles, rather than the sugar transporter. Furthermore, there is an inverse correlation between the number of Golgi vesicles and the number of inter‐cisternal connections under different experimental conditions. Finally, a rapid block of the formation of vesicles via COPI through degradation of ϵCOP accelerates the cis‐to‐trans delivery of VSVG. These data suggest that Golgi vesicles, presumably with COPI, serve to inhibit intra‐Golgi transport by the extraction of GS27 and GS28 from the Golgi cisternae, which blocks the formation of inter‐cisternal connections .  相似文献   

We have shown previously that Rab6, a small, trans-Golgi-localized GTPase, acts upstream of the conserved oligomeric Golgi complex (COG) and ZW10/RINT1 retrograde tether complexes to maintain Golgi homeostasis. In this article, we present evidence from the unbiased and high-resolution approach of electron microscopy and electron tomography that Rab6 is essential to the trans-Golgi trafficking of two morphological classes of coated vesicles; the larger corresponds to clathrin-coated vesicles and the smaller to coat protein I (COPI)-coated vesicles. On the basis of the site of coated vesicle accumulation, cisternal dilation and the normal kinetics of cargo transport from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to Golgi followed by delayed Golgi to cell surface transport, we suggest that Golgi function in cargo transport is preferentially inhibited at the trans-Golgi/trans-Golgi network (TGN). The >50% increase in Golgi cisternae number in Rab6-depleted HeLa cells that we observed may well be coupled to the trans-Golgi accumulation of COPI-coated vesicles; depletion of the individual Rab6 effector, myosin IIA, produced an accumulation of uncoated vesicles with if anything a decrease in cisternal number. These results are the first evidence for a Rab6-dependent protein machine affecting Golgi-proximal, coated vesicle accumulation and probably transport at the trans-Golgi and the first example of concomitant cisternal proliferation and increased Golgi stack organization under inhibited transport conditions.  相似文献   

Multiple mutations in different subunits of the tethering complex Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) have been identified as a cause for Congenital Disorders of Glycosylation (CDG) in humans. Yet, the mechanisms by which COG mutations induce the pleiotropic CDG defects have not been fully defined. By detailed analysis of Cog8 deficiency in either HeLa cells or CDG‐derived fibroblasts, we show that Cog8 is required for the assembly of both the COG complex and the Golgi Stx5‐GS28‐Ykt6‐GS15 and Stx6‐Stx16‐Vti1a‐VAMP4 SNARE complexes. The assembly of these SNARE complexes is also impaired in cells derived from a Cog7‐deficient CDG patient. Likewise, the integrity of the COG complex is also impaired in Cog1‐, Cog4‐ and Cog6‐depleted cells. Significantly, deficiency of Cog1, Cog4, Cog6 or Cog8 distinctly influences the production of COG subcomplexes and their Golgi targeting. These results shed light on the structural organization of the COG complex and its subcellular localization, and suggest that its integrity is required for both tethering of transport vesicles to the Golgi apparatus and the assembly of Golgi SNARE complexes. We propose that these two key functions are generally and mechanistically impaired in COG‐associated CDG patients, thereby exerting severe pleiotropic defects.  相似文献   

In order to assign the absolute configurations of 8‐tert‐butyl‐2‐hydroxy‐7‐methoxy‐8‐methyl‐9‐oxa‐6‐azaspiro[4.5]dec‐6‐en‐10‐one ( 2a , 2b ), their esters ( 5a , 5b , 5c , 5d ) with (R)‐ or (S)‐2‐methoxyphenylacetic acid ( 4a , 4b ) have been synthesized. The absolute configurations of these compounds have been determined on the basis of NOESY correlations between the protons of the tert‐butyl group and the cyclopentane fragment of the molecules. The crucial part of this analysis was assignment of the absolute configuration at C‐5. Additionally, by calculation of the chemical shift anisotropy, δRS, for the relevant protons, it was also possible to confirm the absolute configurations at the C‐2 centres of compounds 2a , 2b and 5a , 5b , 5c , 5d . Chirality, 25:422–426, 2013.© 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Acidic extracellular pH (pHe) has been shown to stimulate peripheral lysosome trafficking, resulting in cathepsin B secretion and tumor invasion. In addition, inhibitors of sodium‐proton exchangers (NHE) such as EIPA, cariporide and s3226, as well as the non‐specific NHE inhibitor, troglitazone (Tro), blocked these changes. In this paper, we report a differential ability of the thiazolidinedione (TZD) family of compounds to induce a time‐dependent retrograde aggregation of lysosomes over the microtubule‐organizing center (MTOC) in tumor cells exposed to acidic pHe. This trafficking event depended on microtubules and the MAP‐Kinase pathway, but was independent of Rho GTPase activity. Expression of shRNA implicated Rab7 in this process, and subcellular fractionation revealed that levels of Rab7, RILP and Erk1/2 were increased on lysosomes purified from cells treated with Tro. In addition, DN‐RILP overexpression studies indicated that this Rab7 effector also played a role in TZD‐induced retrograde trafficking. Tro was able to prevent acidic pHe‐induced cell invasion. Finally, DU145 prostate tumor cells stably over‐expressing WT‐RILP, a condition where lysosomes aggregate to the MTOC in the absence of Tro, did not invade in response to acidic pHe, suggesting that the regulation of lysosome trafficking is an inherently important aspect of tumor cell invasion.  相似文献   

We report that microtubule (MT) nucleation at the Golgi apparatus requires AKAP450, a centrosomal γ‐TuRC‐interacting protein that also forms a distinct network associated with the Golgi. Depletion of AKAP450 abolished MT nucleation at the Golgi, whereas depletion of the cis‐Golgi protein GM130 led to the disorganisation of AKAP450 network and impairment of MT nucleation. Brefeldin‐A treatment induced relocalisation of AKAP450 to ER exit sites and concomitant redistribution of MT nucleation capacity to the ER. AKAP450 specifically binds the cis‐side of the Golgi in an MT‐independent, GM130‐dependent manner. Short AKAP450‐dependent growing MTs are covered by CLASP2. Like for centrosome, dynein/dynactin complexes are necessary to anchor MTs growing from the Golgi. We further show that Golgi‐associated AKAP450 has a role in cell migration rather than in cell polarisation of the centrosome–Golgi apparatus. We propose that the recruitment of AKAP450 on the Golgi membranes through GM130 allows centrosome‐associated nucleating activity to extend to the Golgi, to control the assembly of subsets of MTs ensuring specific functions within the Golgi or for transporting specific cargos to the cell periphery.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae is the most common causative agent of community‐acquired pneumonia and can penetrate epithelial barriers to enter the bloodstream and brain. We investigated intracellular fates of Spneumoniae and found that the pathogen is entrapped by selective autophagy in pneumolysin‐ and ubiquitin‐p62‐LC3 cargo‐dependent manners. Importantly, following induction of autophagy, Rab41 was relocated from the Golgi apparatus to Spneumoniae‐containing autophagic vesicles (PcAV), which were only formed in the presence of Rab41‐positive intact Golgi apparatuses. Moreover, subsequent localization and regulation of K48‐ and K63‐linked polyubiquitin chains in and on PcAV were clearly distinguishable from each other. Finally, we found that E3 ligase Nedd4‐1 was recruited to PcAV and played a pivotal role in K63‐linked polyubiquitin chain (K63Ub) generation on PcAV, promotion of PcAV formation, and elimination of intracellular Spneumoniae. These findings suggest that Nedd4‐1‐mediated K63Ub deposition on PcAV acts as a scaffold for PcAV biogenesis and efficient elimination of host cell‐invaded pneumococci.  相似文献   

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