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Preliminary observations using HIV-specific transfer factor in AIDS   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twenty five HIV-1-infected patients, at various stages (CDC II, III and IV) were treated orally with HIV-1-specific transfer factor (TF) for periods varying from 60 to 1870 days. All patients were receiving antiviral treatments in association with TF. The number of lymphocytes, CD4 and CD8 subsets were followed and showed no statistically significant variations. In 11/25 patients the number of lymphocytes increased, whilst in 11/25 decreased; similarly an increase of the CD4 lymphocytes was observed in 11/25 patients and of the CD8 lymphocytes in 15/25. Clinical improvement or a stabilized clinical condition was noticed in 20/25 patients, whilst a deterioration was seen in 5/25. In 12/14 anergic patients, daily TF administration restored delayed type hypersensitivity to recall antigens within 60 days. These preliminary observations suggest that oral HIV-specific TF administration, in association with antiviral drugs, is well tolerated and seems beneficial to AIDS patients, thus warranting further investigation.  相似文献   

Summary On the basis of our clinical findings that the ability of cancer patients to generate lymphokine-activated killer cells became markedly augmented after mitomycin C administration, we designed a treatment regimen comprising mitomycin C 12 mg/m2, i.v. on day 1 and recombinant interleukin-2 700 U/m2 (8000 IU/kg), i.v. every 12 h from day 4 through day 8. The treatment course was repeated at almost 7-day intervals. Altogether 33 patients with advanced carcinoma, including mainly gastrointestinal carcinoma, were treated with this regimen. Of these, 10 had a partial response (PR) and 4 had a minor response (MR). Since eosinophil counts peaked 1 day after either the first or second course of the therapy, the posttreatment values were compared to each pretreatment level, with regard to the clinical antitumor response to this treatment. When patients who showed PR were defined as responders, absolute eosinophil counts and the percentages of eosinophils in responders after both the first and second courses of the therapy were significantly greater than each pretreatment value or the posttreatment level in nonresponders. Further, these findings were almost identical, when both PR and MR were considered to be a true remission and therefore patients who exhibited PR or MR were defined as responders, although the difference between posttreatment levels of eosinophils in responders and nonresponders was not significant at the second course. These results indicate that eosinophilia induced by this treatment correlates with the clinical response to this therapy.  相似文献   

In a first seroepidemiological study on the prevalence of the human T-lymphotropic retrovirus HTLV-III in West Germany, sera of 26 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 33 patients with lymphadenopathy syndrome (LAS) or AIDS related complex (ARC), and 113 homosexual men at risk of AIDS were screened for IgG antibodies to HTLV-III by an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). 22 out of 26 AIDS-patients (84.6%), 24 out of 33 LAS-patients (72.7%), and 44 out of 113 healthy homosexual men with increased risk of AIDS (38.9%) were found positive for antibodies to HTLV-III. Heterosexual controls including healthy laboratory workers and medical personnel with contact to AIDS patients did not show antibodies to HTLV-III. The HTLV-III antibodies analyzed predominantly recognize a protein of molecular weight 41,000 (p41).  相似文献   

P Kern  M Dietrich 《Blut》1986,52(4):249-254
An increase in circulating eosinophils was observed in patients with AIDS or ARC who were substituted for a period of 14 days with exogenous recombinant IL-2 in the context of a Phase I/II study. IL-2 exerts a broad range of biological properties and enhances the production of a variety of other cytokines, i.e., factors for haemopoietic cell growth and differentiation. After having excluded a direct effect of r IL-2 on haemopoietic precursor cells in semi-solid agar cultures, we developed a liquid culture system and studied the effect of patients' sera collected at different time intervals before, during and after r IL-2 substitution on cell differentiation of normal human bone-marrow cells in vitro. Patients' eosinophilia was preceded by a detectable activity in the sera which induced light-density, non-adherent bone-marrow cells to differentiate into the eosinophil lineage and was assessed by the presence of eosinophil primary granules or Luxol-fast blue positive granules. Thus, these in vitro data suggest the presence of circulating mediator(s) enhancing eosinophil production and differentiation in response to in vivo substitution of r IL-2.  相似文献   

In a phase I/II dose escalation study performed at our institution, a total of 14 advanced metastatic cancer patients received between 4 and 16 weeks of subcutaneous recombinant interleukin-2. Doses were escalated at weekly intervals, starting at 1.8 million IU/m2/day up to a maximum dose of 14.4 million U/m2 daily. When comparing patients with (n = 4) and without (n = 7) prior chemotherapy on day 0 (i.e., before rIL-2), both patient groups exhibited Tac IL-2 receptor (CD25) positive peripheral blood lymphocytes at equal levels of positivity (8%). In contrast, 4-week systemic treatment with subcutaneous rIL-2 at escalating dose levels revealed a significant difference in the up-regulation by interleukin-2 of CD25 cell surface receptor. Thus, after 4 consecutive weeks of treatment, patients without previous chemotherapy showed a mean CD25 positivity of peripheral blood lymphocytes at 38%, as compared with 22% in patients who did receive prior chemotherapy (p less than 0.05). These data suggest that chemotherapy pretreatment may have a significant effect on biological response to rIL-2 in vivo.  相似文献   

The immunogenicity of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2, EuroCetus, Amsterdam, Netherlands) was studied in seventy-six patients receiving different subcutaneous immunotherapy regimens. Patients presented with progressive metastatic renal cell carcinoma, malignant melanoma, colorectal cancer, B-cell lymphoma, and Hodgkin's disease. An enzyme immunoassay (EIA) was employed to screen patients for development of non-neutralizing antibodies against rIL-2, antibody specificity was confirmed by a standard Western blot. Neutralizing serum activity against rIL-2 was detected using a standard CTLL mouse proliferation assay. Additionally, serum levels of soluble interleukin-2 receptors and lymphocyte subsets expressing the CD56 natural killer (NK) associated antigen were measured.In a proportion of approximately 35% to 90% of the patients treated, non-neutralizing antibodies against rIL-2 could be detected after all treatment courses were evaluated. Antibodies were of the IgG, IgM, IgA and IgD subtypes. None of the 76 patients exhibited serum neutralizing activity after one treatment course. Five patients exhibited neutralizing anti-rIL-2 serum activity after two or more treatment courses of systemic rIL-2. In three of these patients, antibodies neutralized both recombinant and natural IL-2. Patients developing neutralizing anti-rIL-2 antibodies, exhibited significantly lower serum sIL-2 receptor levels upon the emergence of serum neutralizing activity than patients without antibody. Additionally, NK cell associated CD56 positivity was significantly lower in patients who exhibited neutralizing anti-rIL-2 serum activity than in patients who did not. A significant decrease in levels of soluble IL-2 receptors and CD56 NK cell positivity was observed, when comparing values prior to and after onset of serum neutralizing activity against rIL-2. However, while emergence of neutralizing antibodies to rIL-2 diminished rIL-2 induced biological activation, it did not coincide with abrogation of treatment response.Abbreviations rIL-2 recombinant interleukin-2 - EIA enzyme immuno assay - rIFN-2 recombinant interferon- 2  相似文献   

Forty-three patients with malignant pleurisy due to lung cancer were entered into the trial to evaluate clinical efficacy of intrapleural instillation of recombinant interleukin-2 (RIL-2). Among 35 evaluable patients, serial cytological examinations of pleural effusion following the start of the treatment revealed disappearance of malignant cells in 26 (74%). Malignant cells were detected again in 7 of the 26, however, cytology remained negative in the other 19 patients for longer than 4 weeks. Pleural effusion disappeared roentogenographically in 13 of 35 evaluable patients. Additional 8 patients demonstrated marked decrease of pleural effusion. Complete response (CR) which means disappearance of both malignant cells and pleural effusion for longer than 4 weeks was obtained in 13 of the 35 patients (37%). No serious side effects were experienced in this trial. These results indicate that intrapleural RIL-2 is one of candidates to control intractable malignant pleurisy due to lung cancer.  相似文献   

Summary We have used a BALB/c colonic adenocarcinoma (C-26) to evaluate the therapeutic potential of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) at high and low dosages in combination with or without lymphokine-activated killers (LAK) or tumor-specific, immune lymphocytes in either an adjuvant spontaneous or an artificial metastasis system. Most (80%) of the mice that underwent s.c. C-26 tumor excision were shown to die of spontaneous metastasis with lung involvement by 1–4 months after excision. Postsurgical systemic treatment with low-dose rIL-2 (3 × 104 U/day, i.p.) increased the survival rate to 31% as compared to 21% (not significant) in excised controls while administration of high-dose rIL-2 (8 × 104 U/day) led to 53% survival (P <0.01). Both LAK cells and C-26-tumor-immune lymphocytes given during rIL-2 treatment significantly increased the effects of rIL-2 at the low but not at the high-dose, with tumor-immune effectors resulting in the highest percentage (63%) of cures. When mice bearing 3-day artificial lung metastases of C-26 cells were treated with low- or high-dose rIL-2, in combination with or without LAK or tumor-immune lymphocytes, a highly significant reduction or abrogation of the number of lung foci was observed with all treatments, including those involving or tumor-immune lymphocytes alone. Assessment of survival benefit in these mice, however, showed survival prolongation, with 20% cures achieved by low-dose rIL-2 alone and up to 65% cures by LAK in combination with low-dose rIL-2. In this system of artificial metastasis high-dose rIL-2 alone increased the survival time but failed to cure the animals, and the addition of LAK was ineffective whereas that of tumor-immune lymphocytes led to 80% cure. These results suggest that tumorimmune lymphocytes are more effective than LAK when combined with rIL-2 and that caution is necessary in extrapolating findings obtained in artificial metastasis models.  相似文献   

A phase I trial of interleukin-2 and interferon gamma combination treatment in patients with advanced malignancies was performed based on preclinical in vitro and in vivo data which demonstrated synergistic antitumor effect. The toxicities, immune parameters, and tumor responses are described. The clinical and biologic maximal tolerated doses were extrapolated from these data.  相似文献   

重组人白细胞介素-11工程菌的发酵条件研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨发酵条件对大肠杆菌表达人白细胞介素-11融合蛋白的影响,利用正交实验设计,对工程菌的生长条件和人白细胞介素-11融合蛋白表达进行优化。在摇瓶中研究了培养基中的葡萄糖、蛋白胨、酵母抽提物的浓度、pH及摇床转速、装液量、接种量等。确定了工程菌生长及表达的培养基和培养条件:葡萄糖10g/L,蛋白胨20g/L,酵母抽提物10g/L,pH7.5,接种量10%,装液量10%,摇床转速220r/min及诱导时间为4~5h。然后在BiofloⅢ-5L发酵罐中以优化的发酵条件进行了3批实验,结果表明:工程菌量达到55g/L(DCW),重组人白细胞介素-11融合蛋白表达量为33%左右,为进行中试研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

The frequency of peripheral blood cells expressing the perforin gene or the granzyme B gene was evaluated by in situ hybridization in nine patients suffering from metastatic melanoma and treated with recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2). A spontaneous expression of both genes was detected in five to seven patients, rIL-2 administration increased the frequency of positive cells in all patients (P<0.03 for each gene), the highest frequency being reached in the patients who already expressed these genes prior to rIL-2 treatment (P<0.02). Expressions of the granzyme B gene and of the perforin gene were strongly correlated before IL-2 treatment and they were similarly affected by rIL-2 administration. In contrast, their modification under treatment did not correlate with that of CD56+ cell counts, of natural killer activity and of sCD8 release. This indicates that perforin and granzyme B gene expressions are markers of cytotoxic cell activation independent of those previously described, and that they should be further evaluated in patients with malignancies to delineate their potential value in predicting clinical outcome.  相似文献   

gamma-Ray and UV sensitivities of phytohemagglutinin (PHA)-stimulated T-lymphocytes were examined in the presence of the recombinant human interleukin-2 (IL-2). D0 values for the survival curves after gamma-irradiation varied from 0.90 to 1.25 Gy, and were comparable to those reported for human fibroblast cells. By fractionated exposure of gamma-rays, T-lymphocytes were shown to have the repair capacity for the sublethal damage. UV-survival curves yielded D0 of 6.5 J/m2 for T-lymphocytes from normal donors. T-Lymphocytes from a xeroderma pigmentosum patient with extremely low excision repair were markedly hypersensitive to UV (D0, 1.4 J/m2). T-Lymphocytes may be used to detect individuals who are sensitive to radiation or chemicals, and this method takes less time than that using fibroblast cells.  相似文献   

Human recombinant interleukin 2 produced by Escherichia coli gives rise to oligomeric forms that are stable to complete denaturation. The appearance of these forms is preceded by the formation of oligomers sensitive to reduction. These processes depend on the cell status and seem to be associated with aggregation of the reaction product.  相似文献   

Cardiopulmonary effects of recombinant interleukin-2 infusion in sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The systemic administration of recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) with or without lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells, a new treatment for patients with advanced cancer, is associated with a presumed "third-space" syndrome. To further define the extent and time course of this toxicity, we established a chronic sheep model and monitored changes in systemic and central vascular pressures, cardiac function, and gas exchange during a 72-h continuous intravenous infusion of rIL-2 at a total dose of 5 (group 3) or 9 x 10(5) U/kg (group 4). At 72 h, caudal mediastinal lymph flow, histology, and extravascular lung water-to-dry lung weight ratio (EVLW/DLW) were obtained. During the rIL-2 infusion there was a dose-dependent significant decrease in systemic blood pressure and arterial Po2 and an increase in core temperature. In group 4, pulmonary arterial pressure increased from a base line of 13 +/- 5 to 21 +/- 6 mmHg (P less than 0.05). Lung lymph flow was significantly increased in groups 3 and 4 compared with animals receiving 0.9% NaCl or excipient infusions (groups 1 and 2). EVLW/DLW values were elevated in groups 3 and 4 (P less than 0.01). In animals receiving rIL-2, histological evaluation revealed a dose-dependent infiltration of lung tissue by lymphoblastoid cells that stained esterase negative. We conclude that rIL-2 infusion in doses comparable to those given to humans results in alterations in systemic and central hemodynamics, gas exchange, high-protein lung lymph flow, and infiltration of lymphoblastoid cells into the lung parenchyma.  相似文献   

Nine patients with recurrent glioblastoma were given autologous adherent lymphokine-activated killer (A-LAK) cells and interleukin-2 (IL-2) administered directly into the tumor cavity through an Ommaya tube placed during surgery/biopsy. The immunotherapy was well tolerated and the response rate was 33% (one complete response, two partial responses, four with stable disease and two with progressive disease). However, survival 18 months from initial diagnosis did not differ from that reported in the literature for patients treated conventionally. Serial determinations of IL-2 in the tumor cavity during the course of treatment revealed that IL-2 concentrations were sufficient to maintain lymphocyte activation. Since steroid medication was discontinued during treatment and A-LAK cells have greater antitumor activity than standard LAK cells, other factors are discussed that might explain the limited results.  相似文献   

Recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2) therapy has been shown to be of value in the treatment of some cases of melanoma and renal cell carcinoma. However, its use can be limited by severe systemic toxicity. Targeting rIL-2 to the tumor should improve the antitumor immune response and decrease the systemic toxicity. With this aim, we have employed recombinant DNA techniques to construct a single-chain antibody interleukin-2 fusion protein (SCA-IL-2). The protein used in this model system consists of the variable domains of the antilysozyme antibody D1.3 fused to human IL-2 and is expressed inE. coli. It retains antigen-binding specificity and has the full biological activity of rIL-2. This approach can be taken to generate SCA-IL-2 proteins that bind to appropriate cellular antigens. In vivo administration of tumor-binding SCA-IL-2 should result in a localized high concentration of rIL-2 in the tumor tissues, maximizing the antitumor response while keeping systemic side effects to a minimum.  相似文献   

Ovarian cancer patients with persistent (platinum-resistant) or progressive (platinum-refractory) disease respond poorly to second line chemotherapy and have low survival expectancy. New and improved therapeutic approaches are needed and immune biologics are one possibility. Interleukin-2 (IL-2) is a T-cell growth factor believed to be important in anti-tumor immunity. We performed a phase II clinical trial with intraperitoneal (IP) recombinant IL-2 administered in weekly infusions of 6 × 105 IU/m2. Thirty-one subjects were sequentially entered into the study and clinical responses were surgically confirmed in 24 patients. The primary end point of this study was clinical response with immunologic measurements as secondary end points. The IP regimen was generally well tolerated. Of the 24 patients assessed for response, there were 6 (4 complete, 2 partial) responses for an overall response rate of 25.0% [95% confidence interval (CI) of 11–45]. The median survival of the 31 patient cohort was 2.1 years (95% CI of 1.3–4.4), but for the 6 patients with responses the median survival has not been reached (range 24–120+ months). Eosinophil and lymphocyte numbers were continuously monitored during treatment. Peripheral blood eosinophils were markedly increased at the completion of treatment (p < 0.0001) and associated with increased circulating eotaxin (p = 0.03). We also found significant associations between changes in CD3 counts and survival (p = 0.05) and between IFNγ-secreting CD8 T cells at early time points and survival (p = 0.04). This study provides important evidence for IP IL-2 in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer and identifies several immune correlates of survival.  相似文献   

运用新型测定活细胞个数的化学物质,建立一种快速测定重组人白细胞介素-2生物学活性的方法。活细胞代谢过程中,胞内的可溶性噻唑盐W ST-8在电子载体1-M ethoxy PMS存在时被还原成可溶性甲臢染料,甲臢染料可在A45Onm处产生吸收值,根据其吸收值的大小间接检测活细胞个数从而测定待检测样品中IL-2的浓度水平。相关性实验结果证明,在细胞浓度1250~160000个/孔范围内,CTLL-2活细胞个数与A45O值之间呈线性相关;用此种新方法检测的白细胞介素-2(IL-2)生物学活性结果与MTT法及XTT法结果基本一致,相关系数分别为r=0.9602和r=0.9511。因此,W ST-8法适用于悬浮依赖型细胞CTLL-2为基础的IL-2生物学活性检测,且具有经济、实用、简便、易行的特点,有较好的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

It is known that several cytokines can exert hormonal effects. At present, no data are available about the possible influence of IL-3 on the endocrine system. In order to investigate the endocrine effects of IL-3 in humans, we have evaluated serum levels of cortisol, beta-endorphin, GH, PRL, FSH, LH, TSH and melatonin in response to intravenous injection of IL-3 at a dose of 1 mcg/kg b.w. at 6.00 p.m. The study was performed in 5 non-small cell lung cancer patients. GH increased significantly in response to IL-3. PRL showed a progressive decrease after IL-3 injection, but its variations were not statistically significant. All other hormones, including cortisol, were not affected by IL-3. This preliminary study shows that IL-3 may exert endocrine effects in humans, which would seem at variance with previously reported results on most other cytokines.  相似文献   

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