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While the molecular cues initiating testis determination have been identified in mammals, the cellular interactions involved in generating a functional testis with cord and interstitial compartments remain poorly understood. Previous studies have shown that testis cord formation relies on cell migration from the adjacent mesonephros, and have implicated immigrant peritubular myoid cells in this process. Here, we used recombinant organ culture experiments to show that immigrant cells are endothelial, not peritubular myoid or other interstitial cells. Inhibition of endothelial cell migration and vascular organisation using a blocking antibody to VE-cadherin, also disrupted the development of testis cords. Our data reveal that migration of endothelial cells is required for testis cord formation, consistent with increasing evidence of a broader role for endothelial cells in establishing tissue architecture during organogenesis.  相似文献   

Special occluding junctions between Sertoli cells near the base of the seminiferous epithelium are the structural basis of the blood-testis permeability barrier. In micrographs of thin sections, multiple punctate pentalaminar contacts between apposed membranes are observed in the junctional regions.In freeze-fractured mature testis, the junctional membranes exhibit up to 40 parallel circumferentially oriented rows of intramembrane particles preferentially associated with the B-fracture face, but with complementary shallow grooves on the A-face. Short rows of particles may remain with the A-face resulting in discontinuities in the B-face particle rows. In addition, elongate aggregations of particles of uniform size (~70 A) arranged in one or more closely packed rows are occasionally found adjacent to the linear depressions on the A-face of the Sertoli junction. These are interpreted as atypical gap junctions.In immature testis, occluding junctions are absent but typical gap junctions are common. These gradually disappear. In the second postnatal week, linear arrays of particles appear on the B-face. Initially meandering and highly variable in direction, these gradually adopt a consistent orientation parallel to the cell base. The establishment of the blood-testis barrier appears to be correlated with this reorganization of the intramembrane particle rows. Sertoli junctions were shown to be resistant to hypertonic solutions that rapidly dissociate junctions of other epithelia.Sertoli junctions thus differ from other occluding junctions in their (1) basal location, (2) large number of parallel particle rows, (3) absence of anastomosis between rows, (4) preferential association of the particles with the B-face, (5) intercalation of atypical gap junctions, (6) unusual resistance to dissociation by hypertonic solutions.  相似文献   

The developmental fate of primordial germ cells in the mammalian gonad depends on their environment. In the XY gonad, Sry induces a cascade of molecular and cellular events leading to the organization of testis cords. Germ cells are sequestered inside testis cords by 12.5 dpc where they arrest in mitosis. If the testis pathway is not initiated, germ cells spontaneously enter meiosis by 13.5 dpc, and the gonad follows the ovarian fate. We have previously shown that some testis-specific events, such as mesonephric cell migration, can be experimentally induced into XX gonads prior to 12.5 dpc. However, after that time, XX gonads are resistant to the induction of cell migration. In current experiments, we provide evidence that this effect is dependent on XX germ cells rather than on XX somatic cells. We show that, although mesonephric cell migration cannot be induced into normal XX gonads at 14.5 dpc, it can be induced into XX gonads depleted of germ cells. We also show that when 14.5 dpc XX somatic cells are recombined with XY somatic cells, testis cord structures form normally; however, when XX germ cells are recombined with XY somatic cells, cord structures are disrupted. Sandwich culture experiments suggest that the inhibitory effect of XX germ cells is mediated through short-range interactions rather than through a long-range diffusible factor. The developmental stage at which XX germ cells show a disruptive effect on the male pathway is the stage at which meiosis is normally initiated, based on the immunodetection of meiotic markers. We suggest that at the stage when germ cells commit to meiosis, they reinforce ovarian fate by antagonizing the testis pathway.  相似文献   

Sertoli cell preparations isolated from 10-day-old rats were cultured on three different substrates: plastic, a matrix deposited by co-culture of Sertoli and peritubular myoid cells, and a reconstituted basement membrane gel from the EHS tumor. When grown on plastic, Sertoli cells formed a squamous monolayer that did not retain contaminating germ cells. Grown on the matrix deposited by Sertoli-myoid cell co-cultures, Sertoli cells were more cuboidal and supported some germ cells but did not allow them to differentiate. After 3 wk however, the Sertoli cells flattened to resemble those grown on plastic. In contrast, the Sertoli cells grown on top of the reconstituted basement membrane formed polarized monolayers virtually identical to Sertoli cells in vivo. They were columnar with an elaborate cytoskeleton. In addition, they had characteristic basally located tight junctions and maintained germ cells for at least 5 wk in the basal aspect of the monolayer. However, germ cells did not differentiate. Total protein, androgen binding protein, transferrin, and type I collagen secretion were markedly greater when Sertoli cells were grown on the extracellular matrices than when they were grown on plastic. When Sertoli cells were cultured within rather than on top of reconstituted basement membrane gels they reorganized into cords. After one week, tight junctional complexes formed between adjacent Sertoli cells, functionally compartmentalizing the cords into central (adluminal) and peripheral (basal) compartments. Germ cells within the cords continued to differentiate. Thus, Sertoli cells cultured on top of extracellular matrix components assume a phenotype and morphology more characteristic of the in vivo, differentiated cells. Growing Sertoli cells within reconstituted basement membrane gels induces a morphogenesis of the cells into cords, which closely resemble the organ from which the cells were dissociated and which provide an environment permissive for germ cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Mesonephric cell migration and seminiferous cord formation are critical processes in embryonic testis development at the time of male sex determination. Extracellular growth factors shown to influence seminiferous cord formation such as neurotropin-3 utilize in part the phosphotidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signal transduction pathway. The current study investigates the hypothesis that the PI3K pathway is critical in seminiferous cord formation and testis development. The role of the PI3K signaling pathway in testicular cord formation was examined using an Embryonic Day 13 organ culture system and a PI3K-specific inhibitor LY294002. The actions of a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase-specific inhibitor PD98059 was also examined. The PI3K inhibitor blocked cord formation or reduced the number of cords in a concentration-dependent manner. The actions of LY294002 were found to have a developmental stage specificity in that cord inhibition was observed in organs from embryos with 16-17 tail somites, while organs from embryos with 19 or more tail somites had no block in cord formation and only a small reduction in cord number. In contrast, the MAP kinase inhibitor PD98059 did not block cord formation and only caused a slight reduction in cord number. Neither PI3K or MAP kinase inhibitor altered apoptotic cell number, suggesting apoptosis was not the reason for the inhibition of cord formation. Embryonic testis cell migration assays showed that the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 blocked mesonephros cell migration into the testis, while the MAP kinase inhibitor had no effect. Observations suggest the interference of cell migration is the cause for the inhibition of cord formation. Western blot analysis confirmed that LY294002 and PD98509 inhibited phosphorylation of Akt and ERK1/ERK2, respectively. Combined observations demonstrate that the PI3K signaling pathway is involved in embryonic testis cord formation and mesonephros cell migration.  相似文献   

The signalling molecule WNT4 has been associated with sex reversal phenotypes in mammals. Here we show that the role of WNT4 in gonad development is to pattern the sex-specific vasculature and to regulate steroidogenic cell recruitment. Vascular formation and steroid production in the mammalian gonad occur in a sex-specific manner. During testis development, endothelial cells migrate from the mesonephros into the gonad to form a coelomic blood vessel. Leydig cells differentiate and produce steroid hormones a day later. Neither of these events occurs in the XX gonad. We show that WNT4 represses mesonephric endothelial and steroidogenic cell migration in the XX gonad, preventing the formation of a male-specific coelomic blood vessel and the production of steroids. In the XY gonad, Wnt4 expression is downregulated after sex determination. Transgenic misexpression of Wnt4 in the embryonic testis did not inhibit coelomic vessel formation but vascular pattern was affected. Leydig cell differentiation was not affected in these transgenic animals and our data implies that Wnt4 does not regulate steroidogenic cell differentiation but represses the migration of steroidogenic adrenal precursors into the gonad. These studies provide a model for understanding how the same signalling molecule can act on two different cell types to coordinate sex development.  相似文献   

Hormonal regulation of Sertoli cell differentiation.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Sry induces cell proliferation in the mouse gonad   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Sry is the only gene on the Y chromosome that is required for testis formation in mammals. One of the earliest morphological changes that occurs as a result of Sry expression is a size increase of the rudimentary XY gonad relative to the XX gonad. Using 5'-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation to label dividing cells, we found that the size increase corresponds with a dramatic increase in somatic cell proliferation in XY gonads, which is not detected in XX gonads. This male-specific proliferation was observed initially in the cells of the coelomic epithelium and occurred in two distinct stages. During the first stage, proliferation in the XY gonad was observed largely in SF1-positive cells and contributed to the Sertoli cell population. During the second stage, proliferation was observed in SF1-negative cells at and below the coelomic epithelium and did not give rise to Sertoli cells. Both stages of proliferation were dependent on Sry and independent of any other genetic differences between male and female gonads, such as X chromosome dosage or other genes on the Y chromosome. The increase in cell proliferation began less than 24 hours after the onset of Sry expression, before the establishment of male-specific gene expression patterns, and before the appearance of any other known male-specific morphological changes in the XY gonad. Therefore, an increase in cell proliferation in the male coelomic epithelium is the earliest identified effect of Sry expression.  相似文献   

Background: The gene Sry acts as a developmental switch, initiating a pathway of gene activity that leads to the differentiation of testis rather than ovary from the indifferent gonad (genital ridge) in mammalian embryos. The early events following Sry expression include rapid changes in the topographical organization of cells in the XY gonad. To investigate the contribution of mesonephric cells to this process, gonads from wild-type mice (CD1), and mesonephroi from a transgenic strain ubiquitously expressing β-galactosidase (ROSA26), were grafted together in vitro. After culture, organs were fixed and stained for β-galactosidase activity to identify cells contributed from the mesonephros to the male or female gonad.Results: Migration of mesonephric cells occurred into XY but not XX gonads from 11.5–16.5 days post coitum (dpc). Somatic cells contributed from the mesonephros were distinguished by their histological location and by available cell-specific markers. Some of the migrating cells were endothelial; a second population occupied positions circumscribing areas of condensing Sertoli cells; and a third population lay in close apposition to endothelial cells.Conclusions: Migration from the mesonephros to the gonad is male specific at this stage of development and depends on an active signal that requires the presence of a Y chromosome in the gonad. The signals that trigger migration operate over considerable distances and behave as chemoattractants. We suggest that migration of cells into the bipotential gonad may have a critical role in initiating the divergence of development towards the testis pathway.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells (PGCs) are the founder cells of the gametes. In mammals, PGCs migrate from the hindgut to the genital ridges, where they coalesce with each other and with somatic cells to form the primary sex cords. We show here that, in both sexes, PGCs express P- and E-cadherins during and after migration, and N-cadherin at post-migratory stages. E-Cadherin is not expressed by PGCs whilst in the hindgut, but is upregulated as they leave. Blocking antibodies against E-, but not P-cadherin cause defective PGC-PGC coalescence, and in some cases, ectopic PGCs.  相似文献   

Sex-reversal in fetal ovaries was studied by using a dissociation-reconstitution technique. Gonads of 12.5 gestation-day male and female mouse fetuses were dissociated into single cells. To eliminate germ cells, the dissociated cells were cultured for 14 h, and then somatic cells attached to culture dishes were harvested and aggregated by gyratory culture for 24 h. The aggregates were then transplanted into ovarian bursa in ovary-ectomized nude mice. The recovered explants were examined histologically. Male somatic cells developed into testes containing Sertoli cells, Leidig cells, and tunica albuginea. Female somatic cells formed testis cords and differentiated into Sertoli cells, but they did not differentiate into other testis components or ovarian tissues. However, aggregates consisting of both female and male somatic cells differentiated into well-developed testes containing Leidig cells and tunica albuginea as well as Sertoli cells. Enzyme marker analysis showed significant contributions of female cells in these organized testes. In contrast, aggregates containing both female germ cells and somatic cells developed into ovaries and did not differentiate into any testicular tissues. The results indicate that female somatic cells in fetal gonads at 12.5 gestation day have the potency to form testis cords and differentiate into Sertoli cells. The subsequent steps in testis development require the contributions of male cells. The present study also suggests that testicular differentiation is independent of germ cells but ovarian development involves the interaction between germ cells and somatic cells.  相似文献   

Proliferation and cord formation by embryonic Sertoli cells are pivotal events involved in testis morphogenesis. A number of growth factors have been implicated in mediating these events. However, the exact level of involvement and importance of each as yet remains elusive. We have adopted an in vitro approach to assess developing mouse Sertoli cells, whereby they are cultured in the presence or absence of fibroblast growth factor (FGF9) and/or extracellular matrix (ECM) gel, since previous studies have shown that ECM gel aids Sertoli cell differentiation. The present findings corroborate this effect, but in addition demonstrate that in the presence of FGF9 (10 ng/ml), cells undergo greater proliferation than those cultured on gel alone. They also display a differentiated epithelial phenotype, with appositional contact of cell membranes in cord-like aggregations. In addition we have shown that cultured Sertoli cells generally express a smaller truncated, nuclear form of the FGFr3, although in the presence of FGF9 and absence of gel, the larger, cytoplasmic form of the receptor is also expressed. Immunolocalisation of FGFr3 in Sertoli cells of whole testes revealed a temporal expression pattern profile, with high levels being abundant in the embryonic testicular cords and at puberty, but an absence in adult Sertoli cells. Our findings suggest that FGF9 plays an important role in proliferation and organisation of embryonic Sertoli cells during testis morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Galectins are vertebrate lectins interacting with beta-galactosides and derivates thereof such as blood group A, B and H determinants. The expression of gelectin-1 and -3 and galectin-specific binding sites by human Sertoli cells was analyzed in normal human testis and Sertoli cell only-syndrome (SCOS). Staining intensity was scored semiquantitatively on a 4-grade scale. Sertoli cells in normal testes displayed a moderate cytoplasmic and weak nuclear staining for galectin-1-specific binding sites. Galectin-3-specific binding sites were expressed in Sertoli cells less intensely than accessible ligands for galectin-1 (mean score 2.25 for galectin-1 and 1.50 for galectin-3). Germ cells were only weakly reactive. Tubular walls were negative for both classes of galectin-specific binding sites. In SCOS, galectin-1 binding was moderate to strong and more pronounced than galectin-3 binding by Sertoli cells (mean scores 4.00 and 2.25). Tubular walls were negative for galectin-staining. The ratio for galectin-1-/galectin-3-specific binding (staining score ratio) was 1.50 form normal testis and 1.78 for SCOS disclosing a relative increase of galectin-3 binding sites in the latter. Staining with galectin-1- and -3-specific antisera showed a strong cytoplasmic galectin-1 immunoreactivity in Sertoli cells of normal and SCOS testis (score 4.00 for both). Anti-galectin-3 did not stain Sertoli cells or germ cells in normal testis. Only Leydig cells were labeled (score 3.00). In SCOS a weak to moderate nuclear staining of Sertoli cells was noted (score 2.00). Galectin-3 expression and galectin-1-specific binding sites were found to be increased in Sertoli cells of SCOS. This modulation of reactivity can have implications for Sertoli cell interactions with galectin-reactive extracellular matrix components like laminin and for anti-apoptotic effects.  相似文献   

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