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Covalent lipoprotein from the outer membrane of Escherichia coli.   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  

The highly purified lipoprotein of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli forms paracrystals. The ultrastructures of these paracrystals were examined by electron microscopy. The needle-shaped paracrystals show several different band patterns, depending on conditions of paracrystallization. Models are presented to explain possible arrangements of the lipoprotein molecules within the paracrystals.  相似文献   

The infrared spectrum of a structural lipoprotein from the Escherichia coli outer membrane indicated the lipoprotein had an alpha-helical conformation but no sign for the existence of beta-structures. From circular dichroism spectra of the lipoprotein, the alpha-helical content of the protein was found to be as high as 88% in 0.01-0.03% sodium dodecyl sulfate in the presence of 10(-5) M Mg2+ at pH 7.1 and 23 degrees C. When sodium dodecyl sulfate concentration increased higher than 0.1%, the alpha-helical content of the lipoprotein decreased to about 57%. Divalent cations, such as Mg2+ and Mn2+, were found to increase the helical content of the lipoprotein. The high alpha-helical content of the lipoprotein was observed in a wide range of temperatures (23 to 55 degrees C). The significance of the high alpha-helical content of the lipoprotein is discussed in light of the three-dimensional molecular models of the lipoprotein proposed previously.  相似文献   

A globomycin-resistant mutant of Escherichia coli was found to produce a precursor of the major outer membrane lipoprotein (prolipoprotein), in which the glycine residue at position 14 within the signal peptide was replaced by an aspartic acid residue. The same mutation has been reported by Lin et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 175:4891-4895, 1978). The structural gene of the mutant prolipoprotein was inserted into an inducible expression cloning vehicle. When the mutant prolipoprotein was produced in lipoprotein-minus host cells, 82% of the unprocessed protein was found in the membrane fraction, with the remaining 18% localized in the soluble fraction. However, when the production of the mutant prolipoprotein was induced in the wild-type lpp+ host cells, only 31% of the mutant prolipoprotein was found in the membrane fraction, leaving the remaining 69% in the soluble, cytoplasmic fraction. In addition, the assembly of the wild-type lipoprotein in these cells was not affected, whether the mutant prolipoprotein was produced or not. These results suggest that secretions of both mutant and wild-type prolipoproteins utilize the same component(s) responsible for the initial stages of secretion across the cytoplasmic membrane. However, it appears that the wild-type lipoprotein has a higher affinity for these components than does the mutant lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The primary structure of a mutant lipoprotein of the outer membrane of Escherichia coli was investigated. This mutant was previously described as a mutant that forms a dimer of the lipoprotein by an S-S bridge (H. Suzuki et al., J. Bacteriol. 127:1494-1501, 1976). The amino acid analysis of the mutant lipoprotein revealed that the mutant lipoprotein had an extra cysteine residue, with concomitant loss of an arginine residue. From the analysis of the mutant lipoprotein revealed that the mutant lipoprotein had an extra cysteine residue, with concomitant loss of an arginine residue. From the analysis of tryptic peptides, it was found that the arginine residue at position 57 was replaced with a cysteine residue. The amino terminal structure of the mutant lipoprotein was found to be glycerylcysteine, as in the case of the wild-type lipoprotein. The present results show that the mutation that was previously determined to map at 36.5 min on the E. coli chromosome occurred in the structure gene (lpp) for the lipoprotein. This was further confirmed by the fact that a merodiploid carrying both lpp+ and lpp produces not only the wild-type lipoprotein but also the mutant lipoprotein.  相似文献   

The thyX gene for thymidylate synthase of the Lyme borreliosis (LB) agent Borrelia burgdorferi is located in a 54-kb linear plasmid. In the present study, we identified an orthologous thymidylate synthase gene in the relapsing fever (RF) agent Borrelia hermsii, located it in a 180-kb linear plasmid, and demonstrated its expression. The functions of the B. hermsii and B. burgdorferi thyX gene products were evaluated both in vivo, by complementation of a thymidylate synthase-deficient Escherichia coli mutant, and in vitro, by testing their activities after purification. The B. hermsii thyX gene complemented the thyA mutation in E. coli, and purified B. hermsii ThyX protein catalyzed the conversion of dTMP from dUMP. In contrast, the B. burgdorferi ThyX protein had only weakly detectable activity in vitro, and the B. burgdorferi thyX gene did not provide complementation in vivo. The lack of activity of B. burgdorferi's ThyX protein was associated with the substitution of a cysteine for a highly conserved arginine at position 91. The B. hermsii thyX locus was further distinguished by the downstream presence in the plasmid of orthologues of nrdI, nrdE, and nrdF, which encode the subunits of ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase and which are not present in the LB agents B. burgdorferi and Borrelia garinii. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that the nrdIEF cluster of B. hermsii was acquired by horizontal gene transfer. These findings indicate that Borrelia spp. causing RF have a greater capability for de novo pyrimidine synthesis than those causing LB, thus providing a basis for some of the biological differences between the two groups of pathogens.  相似文献   

The gene dosage effects of the structural gene (lpp) for the lipoprotein of the Escherichia coli outer membrane were examined. A novel F-prime factor containing the lpp gene was constructed. The amount of the free-form lipoprotein in the merodiploid strain carrying the F-prime factor was found to be about two times as great as that in the corresponding haploid strain. On the other hand, the amount of the bound-form lipoprotein, which is vovalently linked to the peptidoglycan, was not significantly different in the merodiploid strain as compared with the corresponding haploid strain. The present results suggest that the lpp gene is expressed constitutively in contrast to another major protein of the E. coli outer membrane, tolG protein (protein II, D. B. Datta et al., J. Bacteriol. 128:834-841, 1976). The F-prime factor isolated may include a portion of the E. coli chromosome (located between 33 and 36 min on the genetic map) that is not covered by any other F-prime factor.  相似文献   

The spirochete Borrelia hermsii, a relapsing fever agent, evades the host's immune response through multiphasic antigenic variation. Antigen switching results from sequential expression of genes for serotype-specific outer membrane proteins known as variable major proteins (Vmp's); of the 25 serotypes that have been identified for the HS1 strain, serotypes 7 and 21 have been studied in greatest detail. In the present study, an atypical variant was predominant in the relapse from a serotype 21 infection in mice; relapse cells were bound by monoclonal antibodies specific for Vmp21 as well as antibodies specific for Vmp7. In Western blots (immunoblots), the variant had a single Vmp that was reactive with monoclonal antibodies representing both serotypes. The gene encoding this Vmp, vmp7/21, was cloned and characterized by restriction mapping and sequence analysis to determine the likely recombination event. Whereas the 5' end of vmp7/21 was identical to that of vmp21, its 3' end and flanking sequences were identical to the 3' end of vmp7. Unlike other vmp genes examined thus far, the vmp7/21 gene existed only in an expressed form; a silent, storage form of the gene was not detected. We conclude that the vmp7/21 gene was created by an intragenic recombination between the formerly expressed vmp21 gene and a silent vmp7 gene. This finding suggests that the lack of cross-reactivity between variants, which is usually observed, results from immunoselection against variants possessing chimeric Vmp's rather than from a switching mechanism that excludes partial gene replacements.  相似文献   

The affinity to the matrix protein, one of the major outer membrane proteins of Escherichia coli, for the peptidoglycan was examined of extracting the cell envelope complex at 55 degrees C and 2% sodium dodecyl sulfate containing different amounts of NaCl. It was found that the matrix protein was extracted from the peptidoglycan of a mutant strain (lpo) that lacks another major membrane protein, the lipoprotein, at a lower NaCl concentration than was the matrix protein of the wild-type cell (lpo+). When the envelope fraction of the wild-type strain was treated with trypsin, which is known to cleave the bound-form lipoprotein from the peptidoglycan, the affinity of the matrix protein for the peptidoglycan decreased to the same level as that of the affinity of the matrix protein for the peptidoglycan of the mutant strain. It was further shown that the free-form lipoprotein was also retained in the matrix protein-peptidoglycan complex, although the extent of retention of the free form of the lipoprotein was less than that of the matrix protein. These results indicate that both the free and the bound forms of the lipoprotein are closely associated with the matrix protein and that the bound form of the lipoprotein plays and important role in the association between the matrix protein and the peptidoglycan.  相似文献   

We have cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli a gene encoding a 15,000-apparent-molecular-weight peptidoglycan-associated outer membrane lipoprotein (PAL) of Haemophilus influenzae. The nucleotide sequence of this gene encodes an open reading frame of 153 codons with a predicted mature protein of 134 amino acids. The amino acid composition and sequence of the predicted mature protein agree with the chemically determined composition and partial amino acid sequence of PAL purified from H. influenzae outer membranes. We have also identified a second gene from H. influenzae that encodes a second 15,000-apparent-molecular-weight protein which is recognized by antiserum against PAL. This protein has been shown to be a lipoprotein. The nucleotide sequence of this gene encodes an open reading frame of 154 codons with a predicted mature protein of 136 amino acids and has limited sequence homology with that of the gene encoding PAL. Southern hybridization analysis indicates that both genes exist as single copies in H. influenzae chromosomal DNA. Both genes encode polypeptides which have amino-terminal sequences similar to those of reported membrane signal peptides and are associated primarily with the outer membrane when expressed in E. coli.  相似文献   

Diversity of Chlamydia trachomatis major outer membrane protein genes.   总被引:66,自引:3,他引:63       下载免费PDF全文
Genomic DNA libraries were constructed for Chlamydia trachomatis serovars B and C by using BamHI fragments, and recombinants that contained the major outer membrane protein (omp1) gene for each serovar were identified and sequenced. Comparisons between these gene sequences and the gene from serovar L2 demonstrated fewer base pair differences between serovars L2 and B than between L2 and C; this finding is consistent with the serologic and antigenic relationships among these serovars. The translated amino acid sequence for the major outer membrane proteins (MOMPs) contained the same number of amino acids for serovars L2 and B, whereas the serovar C MOMP contained three additional amino acids. The antigenic diversity of the chlamydial MOMP was reflected in four sequence-variable domains, and two of these domains were candidates for the putative type-specific antigenic determinant. The molecular basis of omp1 gene diversity among C. trachomatis serovars was observed to be clustered nucleotide substitutions for closely related serovars and insertions or deletions for distantly related serovars.  相似文献   

A mutant of Escherichia coli that accumulated prolipoprotein, a secretory precursor of the outer membrane lipoprotein, was isolated. The prolipoprotein accumulated in this mutant was modified by glyceride, but the in vitro cleavage of the signal peptide of the accumulated prolipoprotein was found to be temperature sensitive. The mutation appears to be located outside the gene for the lipoprotein, thus suggesting that the gene for the signal peptidase for the prolipoprotein was mutated.  相似文献   

The product of the Klebsiella pneumoniae gene pulS, which is located downstream from the pullulanase structural gene (pulA), is essential for the cell surface localization and extracellular release of pullulanase in Escherichia coli K-12. pulS is transcribed in the opposite direction to pulA, from which it is separated by a region of 624 nucleotides. Although this latter region contains a new component of the maltose regulon, pulB, which is transcribed from the pulA promoter, it is not required for pullulanase synthesis or secretion. Unlike pulA and all other pullulanase secretion genes characterized so far, the expression of pulS is not induced by growth in the presence of maltose and is unaffected by mutations in the maltose regulator gene malT. The pulS gene product was identified as a ca. 12-kilodalton outer membrane lipoprotein. The characterization of PulS brings to three the number of identified proteins which are known to be required for pullulanase secretion in addition to the components of the signal sequence-dependent general protein export pathway.  相似文献   

In the outer membrane of P. aeruginosa, a protein of apparent molecular weight 8,000 (protein I) is present as a major protein. Purification and chemical analysis of protein I were carried out. This protein was purified by essentially the same procedure as for the purification of the E. coli lipoprotein, which was developed by Inouye et al. (J. Bacteriol. (1976) 127, 555--563). The amino acid composition of protein I was determined. Protein I lacks proline, valine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and half-cystine. Fatty acid analysis of the protein revealed that it contained 0.89 mol of fatty acids per mol of protein. Among the fatty acids hexadecanoic acid (C16:0) was predominant. In an in vivo labeling experiment, [2-3H]glycerol was incorporated into protein I. A protein with similar mobility to protein I on urea-SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was isolated from the purified peptidoglycan of P. aeruginosa by trypsin digestion. The amino acid composition of this protein was essentially the same as that of protein I. These results indicate that the outer membrane of P. aeruginosa contains a protein analogous to the E. coli lipoprotein, although considerable differences were observed in the amino acid composition and the fatty acid content.  相似文献   



Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans is an oral bacterium associated with aggressively progressing periodontitis. Extracellular release of bacterial outer membrane proteins has been suggested to mainly occur via outer membrane vesicles. This study investigated the presence and conservation of peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein (AaPAL) among A. actinomycetemcomitans strains, the immunostimulatory effect of AaPAL, and whether live cells release this structural outer membrane lipoprotein in free-soluble form independent of vesicles.  相似文献   

A new form of structural lipoprotein of outer membrane of Escherichia coli.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Among the membrane proteins synthesized in toluene-treated cells of Escherichia coli were two distinct membrane proteins of different molecular weights, which were cross-reactive with antiserum against a structural lipoprotein of the outer membrane. One was thought to be the known membrane lipoprotein since it migrated to the same position as that of the lipoprotein (Mr = 7,200) in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, the other protein migrated slower than the lipoprotein. No protein corresponding to the slower-migrating species was detected in the membrane proteins synthesized in vivo. The apparent molecular weight of the protein at the new peak was estimated to be between 10,000 and 15,000. Both the new protein and the lipoprotein were found to be synthesized from stable mRNA(s) in the toluene-treated cells. The synthesis of the new protein as well as the lipoprotein was sensitive to chloramphenicol, indicating that both proteins were synthesized on ribosomes. Peptides mapping of the new protein revealed the same COOH-terminal sequence as in the lipoprotein. This indicates that the new protein has an extra sequence at the NH2-terminal end. This hypothesis is supported by the finding that the NH2 terminus of the new lipoprotein is methionine, while that of the lipoprotein is a substituted cysteine. From double label experiments with each of 17 different amino acids and arginine, the amino acid composition of the extra region was deduced. The new protein was found to contain at least 18 to 19 extra amino acid residues over the lipoprotein, if it is assumed that the new protein has no extra arginine residues. It was found that 4 out of the 5 amino acids which were deficient in the lipoprotein (phenylalanine, tryptophan, proline, and histidine) were also deficient in the new protein, but the fifth one, glycine, was present in the new protein. From these results, it seems possible that this new form of the lipoprotine is a precursor of the lipoprotein (prolipoprotein) in the process of biosynthesis and assembly of the lipoprotein in the outer membrane.  相似文献   

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