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Monoclonal antibody LB-2 to a surface antigen on human B cells, lymphoblast, monocytes and vascular endothelial cells largely inhibited adhesion among Epstein Barr virus-immortalized normal B cells (EBV-B) and concanavalin A-stimulated blood mononuclear cells (Con A-BMC) before and after phorbol ester treatment. The antibody inhibited to a lesser extent phorbol ester-induced aggregation of monocytes, U937 cells and fresh BMC and had virtually no inhibitory effect on the adhesion among enriched T cells and granulocytes. A surface glycoprotein band of 84 kDa was obtained from EBV-B cells by immunoprecipitation and gel electrophoresis. Immunological and biochemical studies clearly distinguished this molecule from gp90 and associated glycoproteins which also mediate leukocyte adhesion.  相似文献   

In our study we have used anti-CD4 mAb to investigate the cell surface association between CD4 and the Ag-specific TCR complex on mature peripheral T cells. Anti-CD4 mAb was administered in vivo and in vitro and its effects on CD4 and CD3 cell surface expression were determined. In vivo, anti-CD4 mAb reduced cell surface expression of its ligand, CD4, and secondarily also reduced cell surface expression of CD3/TCR on CD4+ splenic T cells. In vitro, multivalent cross-linking of CD4 by anti-CD4 mAb and either FcR+ cells or anti-Ig mAb also resulted in decreased surface expression of CD4 and specific comodulation of CD3/TCR. The secondary reduction in cell surface CD3/TCR expression induced by CD4 cross-linking could be pharmacologically disrupted by high doses of PMA, indicating that the comodulation of CD3 with CD4 was dependent upon intracellular mediators, possibly including protein kinase C. These results demonstrate that, in the presence of anti-CD4 mAb, CD4 is functionally associated with the CD3/TCR complex, and that this association is dependent upon the activity of intracellular mediators. Such intracellular mediators might induce the coordinate down-modulation of physically unassociated CD4 and CD3/TCR molecules, or, alternatively, might promote a physical interaction between CD4 and CD3/TCR molecules.  相似文献   

 T cells play a key role in the control of abnormal B cell proliferation. Factors that play a role in inadequate T cell responses include absence of expression of costimulatory and adhesion molecules by the malignant B cells and lack of cytotoxic T cells specific for tumor-associated antigens. A number of approaches have been used to enhance T cell response against malignant B cells. Agents such as soluble CD40 ligand can enhance expression of costimulatory molecules by the malignant B cells and improve their ability to activate T cells. Anti-CD3-based bispecific antibodies can retarget T cells toward the tumor cells irrespective of T cell specificity. We used the V 38C13 murine lymphoma model to assess whether the combination of soluble CD40 ligand and anti-CD3-based bispecific antibody can enhance T cell activation induced by malignant B cells more effectively than either approach alone. Expression of CD80, CD86, and ICAM-1 on lymphoma cells was up-regulated by soluble CD40 ligand. Syngeneic T cells were activated more extensively by lymphoma cells when the lymphoma cells were pre-treated with soluble CD40 ligand. Bispecific-antibody induced T cell activation was more extensive when lymphoma cells pretreated with soluble CD40 ligand were present. The combination of soluble CD40 ligand plus bispecific antibody enhanced the median survival of mice compared to mice treated with bispecific anibody alone. We conclude that pretreatment of tumor cells with agents capable of inducing costimulatory molecule expression, such as soluble CD40 ligand can enhance the ability of malignant B cells to activate T cells. This effect is enhanced by the addition of bispecific antibody. The combination of enhanced expression of costimulatory molecules and retargeting of T cells by bispecific antibody may allow for a more effective T-cell-based immunotherapy. Accepted: 14 October 1997  相似文献   

In this study the effect of anti-cluster designation (CD) 2 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) on the activation of a cloned human T cell line, HY837, after triggering the CD3/T cell receptor (TcR) complex by anti-CD3 or anti-TcR mAb is described. HY837, which reacts with a series of mAb directed at different epitopes on the TcR, could be induced to proliferation and interleukin 2 (IL-2) production by soluble mAb directed at the CD3/TcR complex in the absence of accessory cells. mAb directed at the CD2 epitope T11-1 were shown to block the IL-2 production by HY837, as well as the expression of the IL-2 receptor, induced by anti-CD3 mAb, resulting in the inhibition of the proliferative response. The effect of anti-CD2 mAb on the proliferative response of HY837, induced by anti-CD3 mAb, was not due to a competition for Fc binding sites. In contrast, the proliferative responses and IL-2 production of HY837, induced by mAb directed at the TcR, were shown to be enhanced by the action of the anti-CD2 mAb. These results indicate that effects mediated by anti-CD3/TcR mAb cannot always be extrapolated to antigen-mediated effects and show that anti-CD2 mAb may regulate the T cell response, induced by mAb directed at the CD3/TcR complex, depending on which part of this complex is triggered during activation.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, AF3, was previously shown to specifically inhibit poliovirus binding to HeLa cells and to detect a 100-kDa glycoprotein only in cell lines and tissues permissive for poliovirus infection. These results suggested that the 100-kDa protein may be involved in the pathogenesis of poliomyelitis and the cellular function of the poliovirus receptor site. To study further the role of the 100-kDa protein in poliovirus attachment, immunoaffinity purification, amino acid sequencing, and cDNA cloning were undertaken. The results demonstrate that antibody AF3 reacts with the lymphocyte homing receptor CD44, a multifunctional cell surface glycoprotein involved in the homing of circulating lymphocytes to lymph nodes and the modulation of lymphocyte adhesion and activation. Antibody AF3 reacts with a subset of CD44 molecules (AF3CD44H), which appears to be a small fraction of the heterogeneously glycosylated CD44 molecules expressed on hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic cells. Anti-CD44 monoclonal antibodies, previously reported to induce CD44-mediated modulation of lymphocyte activation and adhesion, compete with 125I-AF3 in binding assays, demonstrating functional overlap among the epitopes. The anti-CD44 monoclonal antibody A3D8, which binds to a greater molecular weight range of CD44 than does AF3, inhibits poliovirus binding to a similar degree. CD44 does not act as a poliovirus receptor, since CD44-expressing mouse L-cell transformants did not bind poliovirus. The poliovirus receptor and AF3CD44H may be noncovalently associated, or they may interact through the cytoskeleton or signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

The present study shows that a mAb (H4C4) developed against human peripheral blood adherent cells has the unusual property of inducing in vitro homotypic aggregation of several types of hemopoietic cells and cell lines. The Ag recognized by mAb H4C4 is a 85-kDa glycoprotein that corresponds to the human Ag CD44 (equivalent to murine Pgp-1), as determined by protein purification, immunologic cross-reactivity studies, and tryptic fragment sequencing. In addition to H4C4, other mAb directed against some, but not all, epitopes of CD44(Pgp-1) were capable of inducing cell aggregation. This process was temperature sensitive and was almost totally abrogated by cytochalasin B but was unaffected by sodium azide, colchicine, EGTA, trifluoperazine, or staurosporin. A role for CD44 (Pgp-1) in cell-to-cell adhesion was further indicated by an inverse relationship observed between spontaneous aggregation of some hemopoietic cell lines and cell-surface expression of CD44(Pgp-1). These observations provide evidence for a fundamental role of CD44(Pgp-1) in cellular aggregation phenomena with an involvement of the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Ligation of cell surface matrix adhesion receptors such as integrins can increase expression of specific cell cycle regulatory proteins such as cyclin A, thereby regulating cell cycle progression. Disruption of cell surface matrix receptor interaction with the extracellular matrix can trigger apoptosis. Induction of apoptosis has been linked to unscheduled up-regulation of cyclin A and activation of cyclin-A-associated dependent kinase 2 activity due to cleavage of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors by caspases. We have found that ligation of the cell surface matrix adhesion receptor CD44 by anti-CD44 antibody induces cell detachment and triggers apoptosis. In this report we show that ligation of CD44 by anti-CD44 antibody increases the expression of cyclin A protein prior to activation of caspase-3-like activity and morphological changes of apoptosis. Down-regulation of cyclin A protein levels by cyclin A antisense oligonucleotides dramatically decreased fibroblast apoptosis in response to anti-CD44 antibody. These data identify an important functional role of cyclin A in the induction of fibroblast apoptosis due to the ligation of the cell surface adhesion receptor CD44 by anti-CD44 antibody.  相似文献   

The CD44 molecule, also known as Hermes lymphocyte homing receptor, human Pgp-1, and extracellular matrix receptor III, has been shown to play a role in T cell adhesion and activation. Specifically, anti-CD44 mAb block binding of lymphocytes to high endothelial venules, inhibit T cell-E rosetting, and augment T cell proliferation induced by the CD2 or CD3-TCR pathways. We have characterized an anti-CD44 mAb (212.3) which immunoprecipitates a 90-kDa protein and is specific for CD44 as shown by peptide mapping and antibody competition studies. Interestingly, our studies with 212.3 demonstrate that this CD44-specific mAb completely inhibits T cell proliferation stimulated by the anti-CD3 mAb, OKT3. Inhibition is not a result of reduced cell viability, but is associated with 1) inhibition of IL-2 production, 2) inhibition of IL-2R expression, and 3) inhibition of OKT3-mediated increases in intracellular Ca2+ levels. In addition, 212.3 does not inhibit proliferation by the T cell mitogens PHA or PWM nor does it inhibit proliferation in a mixed lymphocyte reaction. Similar to other anti-CD44 mAb, 212.3 also augments T cell proliferation induced by mAb directed against the T11(2) and T11(3) epitopes of CD2. Thus, these studies describe a novel CD44-specific mAb (212.3) that inhibits T cell activation by OKT3 by blocking early signal transduction. Furthermore, these studies suggest that "receptor cross-talk" between the CD3-TCR complex and CD44 may regulate T cell activation.  相似文献   

The neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM is involved in axonal outgrowth and target recognition in the developing nervous system. In vitro, NCAM-NCAM binding has been shown to induce neurite outgrowth, presumably through an activation of fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs). We have recently identified a neuritogenic ligand, termed the C3 peptide, of the first immunoglobulin (lg) module of NCAM using a combinatorial library of synthetic peptides. Here we investigate whether stimulation of neurite outgrowth by this synthetic ligand of NCAM involves FGFRs. In primary cultures of cerebellar neurons from wild-type mice, the C3 peptide stimulated neurite outgrowth. This response was virtually absent in cultures of cerebellar neurons from transgenic mice expressing a dominant-negative form of the FGFR1. Likewise, in PC12E2 cells transiently expressing a dominant-negative form of the mouse FGFR1, induction of neurites by the C3 peptide was abrogated. These findings suggest that the neuritogenic effect of the C3 peptide requires the presence of functional FGFRs and support the hypothesis that FGFRs are essential in cell adhesion molecule-stimulated neurite outgrowth. The C3 peptide appears to stimulate neurite outgrowth by specifically activating an NCAM-FGFR-dependent signaling cascade and may therefore be of considerable interest as a tool for the determination of NCAM-dependent neurite outgrowth as well as a potential drug capable of promoting outgrowth and regeneration of NCAM-responsive axons.  相似文献   

The dendritic-cell-specific intercellular adhesion molecule nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) CD209 is a receptor for Escherichia coli K-12 that promotes bacterial adherence and phagocytosis. However, the ligand of E. coli for DC-SIGN has not yet been identified. In this study, we found that DC-SIGN did not mediate the phagocytosis of several pathogenic strains of E. coli, including enteropathogenic E. coli, enterohemorrhagic E. coli, enterotoxigenic E. coli, and uropathogenic E. coli, in dendritic cells or HeLa cells expressing human DC-SIGN antigen. However, we showed that an outer core lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (rough) mutant, unlike an inner core LPS (deep rough) mutant or O-antigen-expressing recombinant of E. coli K-12 was phagocytosed. These results demonstrate that the host cells expressing DC-SIGN can phagocytose E. coli in part by interacting with the complete core region of the LPS molecule. These results provide a mechanism for how O antigen acts as an antiphagocytic factor.  相似文献   

Selectins and fibrin(ogen) play key roles in the hematogenous dissemination of tumor cells, and especially of colon carcinomas. However, the fibrin(ogen) receptor(s) on colon carcinoma cells has yet to be defined along with its relative capacity to bind fibrinogen versus fibrin under flow. Moreover, the functional P-selectin ligand has yet to be validated using intact platelets rather than purified selectin substrates. Using human CD44-knockdown and control LS174T cells, we demonstrate the pivotal involvement of CD44 in the P-selectin-mediated binding to platelets in shear flow. Quantitative comparisons of the binding kinetics of LS174T versus P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1)-expressing THP-1 cells to activated platelets reveal that the relative avidity of P-selectin-CD44 binding is more than sevenfold lower than that of P-selectin-PSGL-1 interaction. Using CD44-knockdown LS174T cells and microspheres coated with CD44 immunoprecipitated from control LS174T cells, and purified fibrin(ogen) as substrate, we provide the first direct evidence that CD44 also acts as the major fibrin, but not fibrinogen, receptor on LS174T colon carcinoma cells. Interestingly, binding of plasma fibrin to CD44 on the colon carcinoma cell surface interferes with the P-selectin-CD44 molecular interaction and diminishes platelet-LS174T heteroaggregation in the high shear regime. Cumulatively, our data offer a novel perspective on the apparent metastatic potential associated with CD44 overexpression on colon carcinoma cells and the critical roles of P-selectin and fibrin(ogen) in metastatic spread and provide a rational basis for the design of new therapeutic strategies to impede metastasis.  相似文献   

Dual role of the CD44 molecule in T cell adhesion and activation   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
Studies of T cell adhesion and activation reveal two new functions of the CD44 molecule, a molecule now recognized to be identical to three molecules of functional interest: Pgp-1, Hermes, and extracellular matrix receptor type III (ECMRIII). By screening for mAb which inhibit T cell adhesion to E, we have identified a functionally unique CD44-specific mAb, NIH44-1, which partially inhibits T cell rosetting by binding to CD44 on the E. NIH44-1, which immunoprecipitates a protein of 85 to 110 kDa with broad tissue distribution, was determined to be specific for CD44 based on comparison of its tissue distribution with multiple CD44-specific reference mAb and sequential immunoprecipitation with such mAb. Anticipating a role for many adhesion molecules in signal transduction, we studied the effect of CD44 mAb on T cell activation and observed that CD44 mAb dramatically augments T cell proliferation induced by CD3- and CD2-receptor-mediated activation. The augmentation of the response to immobilized CD3 mAb by exhaustively monocyte-depleted T cells indicates that augmentation can be mediated by binding to the T cell. Thus, our studies demonstrate specific new roles for CD44 in T cell adhesion and activation. Furthermore, we suggest that: 1) CD44 has a role in adhesion of cells of multiple lineages; and 2) CD44 may participate in adhesion not (only) by functioning as an adhesion receptor but rather by serving as an anchorage site for other adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

Recent studies have implicated sulfated polysaccharide (SP) recognition in a range of cell adhesion systems. Inasmuch as the CD2 (E rosette receptor, T11, LFA-2) molecule of human T lymphocytes is a cell surface glycoprotein involved in the adhesion of T cells to various target cells the possibility that CD2 binds SP was investigated. It was found that E rosetting of human T lymphocytes, a phenomenon involving CD2, was readily inhibited by the SP dextran sulfate (DxS) and, to a lesser extent, by the sulfated polymer polyvinyl sulfate whereas 11 other SP had no effect on E rosetting, this effect occurring at the T cell level. mAb binding studies revealed that DxS and polyvinyl sulfate, but none of the other SP tested, inhibited the binding to T cells of the anti-CD2 mAb OKT11 and anti-T112 but augmented expression of the T113 epitope of the CD2 molecule. In contrast, DxS had little or no effect on the binding of anti-CD3, -CD4, -CD8, -Pgp-1 and WT31 (TCR alpha/beta) mAb. Direct evidence that CD2 binds DxS was demonstrated by the ability of DxS-coupled fibers to totally deplete the CD2 Ag from lysates of radiolabeled human T lymphocytes and by the quantitative recovery of the CD2 Ag in fiber eluates. Control fibers coupled with other SP bound little or no CD2. Collectively, the data indicate that the CD2 molecule specifically binds DxS and suggest that a potential target cell ligand for CD2 is a sulfated carbohydrate structure.  相似文献   

We have defined a peptide K2 (ADKDVVVLTSSRTGGV) that corresponds to residues 201-216 of bovine interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein and induces experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU)4 in H-2Ak-carrying mice (H-2Ak mice). In this study, we attempted to ameliorate EAU in the H-2Ak mice without nonspecific suppression of T cell responses. Preceding s.c. administration of liposomes including K2 (liposomal K2) specifically inhibited subsequent generation of T cell response to K2. The same result was obtained with a combination of OVA323-339 peptide and the OVA-specific TCR-transgenic T cells. It was suggested that the inhibition was mainly attributed to peripheral anergy induction of T cells specific for the peptide Ag, although specific cell death might also be involved in the inhibition. Pretreatment with liposomal K2 also considerably abolished IFN-gamma production but not IL-4 production. The specific inhibitory effect of the pretreatment with liposomal peptide was augmented by a simultaneous administration of anti-CD40 ligand (anti-CD40L) mAb. Moreover, it was shown that the pretreatment with liposomal K2 reduced both the incidence and severity of the subsequent K2-induced EAU, and the simultaneous administration of anti-CD40L mAb augmented this preventive effect by liposomal K2. Our findings demonstrate that the s.c. administration of liposomal pathogenic peptide and anti-CD40L mAb can be applied to preventing autoimmune diseases without detrimental nonspecific suppression of T cell responses.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of CD137 costimulatory blockade in the development of murine acute and chronic graft-vs-host diseases (GVHD). The administration of anti-CD137 ligand (anti-CD137L) mAb at the time of GVHD induction ameliorated the lethality of acute GVHD, but enhanced IgE and anti-dsDNA IgG autoantibody production in chronic GVHD. The anti-CD137L mAb treatment efficiently inhibited donor CD8(+) T cell expansion and IFN-gamma expression by CD8(+) T cells in both GVHD models and CD8(+) T cell-mediated cytotoxicity against host-alloantigen in acute GVHD. However, a clear inhibition of donor CD4(+) T cell expansion and activation has not been observed. On the contrary, in chronic GVHD, the number of CD4(+) T cells producing IL-4 was enhanced by anti-CD137L mAb treatment. This suggests that the reduction of CD8(+) T cells producing IFN-gamma promotes Th2 cell differentiation and may result in exacerbation of chronic GVHD. Our results highlight the effective inactivation of CD8(+) T cells and the lesser effect on CD4(+) T cell inactivation by CD137 blockade. Intervention of the CD137 costimulatory pathway may be beneficial for some selected diseases in which CD8(+) T cells are major effector or pathogenic cells. Otherwise, a combinatorial approach will be required for intervention of CD4(+) T cell function.  相似文献   

Anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies are potent immunosuppressants widely used in clinical transplantation to prevent or treat acute allograft rejection. We have used a hamster monoclonal antibody (145 2C11) specific for the epsilon chain of the murine CD3 complex to treat autoimmune insulin-dependent diabetes appearing spontaneously by 15 to 30 weeks of age in female Non Obese Diabetic (NOD) mice. Mice showing overt disease (glycosuria and glycemia > or = 4 g/l) were randomized in two groups receiving either anti-CD3 (5 micrograms/day i.v. for 5 consecutive days) or an identical dose of hamster polyclonal immunoglobulins. Progressive remission of disease was observed, 3 to 6 weeks after the end of treatment, in 80% of anti-CD3 treated mice as compared to 6% of mice in the control group. This remission was maintained long term namely, during the 4 to 5 months (after the end of treatment) observation period. These results open interesting perspectives on the possibility to treat recently diagnosed diabetic patients with therapy showing long term efficacy and no chronic toxicity.  相似文献   

Antigenic modulation was defined as the down-regulation of a cell surface antigen expression induced by exposure to specific antibody. We investigated the modulation of CD4 surface expression in human peripheral blood lymphocytes incubated in vitro with anti-CD4 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). Modulation of surface CD4 was achieved at 37 degrees C, but not at 4 degrees C, with five different murine anti-CD4 mAbs of IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses, with different epitope specificities. Modulation was dose dependent with a maximum at nonsaturating mAb concentration. It was reversible upon culture in mAb-free medium. It was accelerated and amplified in the presence of monocytes or after cross-linking of anti-CD4 mAbs. It could be induced with solid phase anti-CD4 mAbs, but not with soluble F(ab')2 fragments. Its magnitude was identical on all CD4+ lymphocytes. It was associated with a moderate down-regulation of CD2 and CD3 but not of CD8 and HLA class I surface expression. Modulation was slightly augmented by addition of inhibitors of the endosome/lysosome pathway but not by protein synthesis inhibitors. The anti-CD4 mAb initially bound to cell surface was no longer detectable after 24 hr of culture. Most of surface CD4 proteins complexed with antibody were rapidly internalized and transiently replaced by CD4 from an intracytoplasmic pool and then no longer were expressed. CD4 mRNA was moderately decreased in cells incubated with anti-CD4 mAb while beta-actin and beta 2-microglobulin mRNAs remained at stable levels. It was concluded that down-regulation of CD4 surface expression induced by anti-CD4 mAb concerned only a part of CD4 molecules and was associated with a decreased synthesis. The delay required to achieve maximal modulation is likely to reflect exhaustion of the intracytoplasmic recycling pool of CD4 molecules.  相似文献   

Blockage in myeloid differentiation characterizes acute myeloid leukemia (AML); the stage of the blockage defines distinct AML subtypes (AML1/2 to AML5). Differentiation therapy in AML has recently raised interest because the survival of AML3 patients has been greatly improved using the differentiating agent retinoic acid. However, this molecule is ineffective in other AML subtypes. The CD44 surface antigen, on leukemic blasts from most AML patients, is involved in myeloid differentiation. Here, we report that ligation of CD44 with specific anti-CD44 monoclonal antibodies or with hyaluronan, its natural ligand, can reverse myeloid differentiation blockage in AML1/2 to AML5 subtypes. The differentiation of AML blasts was evidenced by the ability to produce oxidative bursts, the expression of lineage antigens and cytological modifications, all specific to normal differentiated myeloid cells. These results indicate new possibilities for the development of CD44-targeted differentiation therapy in the AML1/2 to AML5 subtypes.  相似文献   

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