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为培养医学本科生的创新能力,提高实验课教学质量,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,我们在实验课教学中围绕“培养学生创新思维”这一主题,进行了改进医学微生物学实验课教学方法的探索,引导学生积极思考,增强了学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,提升了医学微生物学实验课的教学效果。  相似文献   

寄生虫学检验是卫生职业教育医学检验专业的重要专业课程,具有较强的实践性。对于专业课教师而言,如何在有限的时间内让学生了解并掌握这门课程,为今后工作实践打下基础是每一位专业课教师需要认真思考的问题。近年来,笔者在寄生虫学检验教学中开展理论实践一体化模式教学改革,激发了学生的学习兴趣,增强了学生学习的自觉性和主动性,培养了学生的综合素质和能力,提高了教学质量。以下是笔者运用这一新模式进行《寄生虫学检验》教学的一点心得。  相似文献   

针对医学生理学理论性强、内容抽象,学生课堂积极性差的特点,采用以教师为主导,以学生为主体的"互动式"教学模式,通过多种教学方法在生理学教学中灵活应用,激发学生课堂学习的主动性、积极性,培养了学生的创新意识和科研思维能力,取得了较好的教学效果.  相似文献   

医学检验专业医学寄生虫学与检验课程教学改革初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的改革医学寄生虫学与检验理论与实践教学方法,提高教学质量。方法框架式讲授理论与实验内容后,引入案例,通过启发式教学方法引发学生兴趣;以问题为导向,进行探究式学习,以专业需求为目标,设专题实验室,以实践性和综合性实验为主导,改革课程知识安排顺序和考核评价方法。结果学生学习主动性提高,专业重点清晰。结论教学改革取得满意的效果。  相似文献   

学生的学习质量和学习效果在很大程度上取决于他们学习的兴趣、主动性和积极性,凡是感兴趣的事情,学生都会力求去认识,去了解,去学习。在植物生理学教学中,怎样激发学生的兴趣,培养学生的主动性和积极性,这是我们教师必须考虑和研究的问题。本文就如何结合课外知识在植物生理学教学中提高学生兴趣、主动性和积极性,谈谈我们的一些具体做法。  相似文献   

"医学微生物学"实验是联系微生物学理论知识与临床实践的重要桥梁,在医学微生物学教学中占据重要地位。然而传统的实验教学内容多为验证性实验,学习效果和教学效果都不理想。本文探索一种结合相关学科知识点的综合性实验教学模式——跨学科综合性实验教学模式,能有机整合不同学科的相关理论知识,将理论知识与今后可能遇到的临床实际问题更加密切地联系起来,克服传统教学中存在的弊端,充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,并能有效提高学生独立思考以及综合分析问题的能力。  相似文献   

将成果导向教育(outcome-based education,OBE)理念融入生物化学实验教学,对于学生未来的发展以及满足社会需求具有非常重要的意义。本文以学生学习产出为起点和核心,探索OBE理念下生物化学实验课程目标的制定、教学的实施及考核方式的革新。以期通过教学改革,增强学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高教学质量,为培养高素质医学人才打下基础。  相似文献   

医学微生物实验课教学的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
医学微生物学是高等医学院校课程体系的重要组成部分,实验课在本课程中占有重要的地位。为提高学生学习的主动性及积极性,进而提高教学质量,作者就几年来教学经验谈些体会。  相似文献   

我校为适应医学教学理念的转变,将医学微生物学、医学寄生虫学和医学免疫学有机整合为综合性医学课程《病原生物与免疫学》,并在课程后期引入问题导向性学习(problem-based learning,PBL)教学模式。每个PBL案例均包涵7~9个类似病例,涵盖医学微生物学、医学寄生虫学和医学免疫学3个学科的内容。每个PBL综合案例均由3幕构成,充分模拟医生看病场景。通过教学实践,我们认为该教学模式优于传统教学模式,有利于教师的成长和学生自主学习精神的养成。  相似文献   

为适应高职人才培养模式的改革需要,实现培养高层次技术应用型人才的培养目标。对高职医学检验专业微生物学检验技术课程的教材、教学内容、教学方法、考核方法等进行了一系列探索和改革。调动了学生的学习兴趣,提高了学生学习的积极性和主动性,培养了学生的创新精神与实践能力,教学质量有了明显的提高。  相似文献   

目的:探讨以问题为中心的教学方法(problem-based learning,PBL)在高职社区问诊教学中的效果,寻求更有效的现代医学教育方法。方法:在高职社区问诊技能学习中开展以问题为中心的教学方法(PBL),分析问诊中存在的问题,以提高知识应用与沟通能力。结果:通过对62名高职医学生进行问诊技能和见习报告评分显示,成绩优良比率为89%,满意度调查显示83.87%的高职医学生对PBL教学方法满意。PBL教学可以让高职医学生灵活的利用自已的时间,进行比较主动的学习,可以更好的发现高职医学生在问诊见习中存在的问题,有利于提高高职医学生的问诊技能及医患沟通能力,但实施中所需时间较长,占用课时多。结论:PBL教学对高职医学生的主动学习能力、问诊技能及医患沟通能力的提高有利,医学生对PBL教学方法满意度高。在医学教育中可以将PBL教学和传统教学方法结合起来,以在有效的时间里达到更好的教学效果。  相似文献   

LBL联合PBL的教学模式是一种"教为主导,学为主体,教与学并重"的综合教学方法。在临床医学专业的药理学教学中合理应用LBL联合PBL教学法,即采用LBL教学法讲授完理论知识后开设PBL病例讨论课。选取2011级五年制临床医学专业的学生为实验组,采用LBL联合PBL教学模式,2010级五年制临床医学专业的学生为对照组,采用传统LBL教学模式,对两组进行教学效果评估比较。结果显示与传统LBL教学法相比较,LBL联合PBL的教学法能显著提高学生的学习成绩,问卷调查分析结果显示LBL联合PBL的教学法能明显提高学生的综合能力。药理学授课中应用LBL联合PBL教学法充分调动了学生的积极性,培养了学生自主学习能力,分析问题、解决问题的能力和临床思维能力,对培养创新型医学人才具有重要意义。  相似文献   

互助学习在科技学院护理专业组胚教学中的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨互助学习在医学专业科技学院教学中的应用效果。方法对我校科技学院2009级护理专业组胚实验教学中实施互助学习,课程结束后对学生进行成绩分析及问卷调查。结果通过互助学习学生成绩显著提高,语言表达能力、合作能力、分析解决问题能力相应增强。结论互助学习能激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习能力和实验技能,改善学生的综合素质,为科技学院学生因材施教寻找到有效教学模式。  相似文献   

目的:为加强医学生的英语实际应用能力,探索如何培养我国复合型医学人才和实现可持续性发展提供参考方案。方法:采用整群抽样方法,选择在西京医院肾脏内科工作的低年资住院医师8人,规范化培训学员12人,随机分为两组,每组10人,分别为实验组(双语教学查房组)和对照组(中文教学查房组)。观察两组学员的效果评价分为过程性评价指标和结论性评价指标。过程性评价指标包括:查房过程中的互动频率、参加查房情况、英文病例探讨会的发言情况和英文综述阅读理解情况等;结论性评价指标包括:学员参加外籍专家进行的英文讲座次数及发言情况、学员及低年资住院医师参加每年医院内考试的成绩以及学员的满意度调查等,共观察6个月。结果:经过观察,实验组逐渐适应肾脏内科双语查房,其查房过程中课堂互动频率以及综述阅读理解情况均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(表1,P0.05),而两组学员参加查房的出勤率并没有显著差异。结论:在肾脏内科临床实习带教中贯彻双语教学,可以提高学员的积极性和学习兴趣,还可以逐步加深学员对医学英文的理解和掌握。  相似文献   

It is possible to focus medical genetics education by using a model that integrates the skills of end-user searching of the medical literature into the traditional course content. Since 1988, 313 first-year medical students were studied as they accessed MEDLINE to retrieve information about biochemical genetic disorders. Their search behavior was studied by analyzing data from the National Library of Medicine's traffic files. The skills that they initially learned were reinforced as they searched clinical genetics problem cases in the second-year pathology course, and these skills were consolidated in the third year when the students addressed specific patient-care questions in pediatrics. The students' perception of the value of this model was studied by analyzing questionnaires completed during the exercise. It was demonstrated that when students were taught the skills of accessing MEDLINE by computer, they could formulate a question, retrieve current information, critically review relevant articles, communicate effectively, and use these skills to contribute to patient care.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to design a digital game design-based STEM activity for fifth-grade students learning about endangered organisms and significance of biodiversity for living. This activity was carried out with twenty students in a public school in Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey during academic year of 2018–2019 spring term. This study planned as eight-lesson time (8?×?40?minutes) and completed at this lesson time. The students were given the digital game design challenge in real-life problem context that has been created based on design-based science learning and for which they shall use their knowledge and skills in each of the STEM disciplines. During this design challenge, students worked like a scientist and an engineer. They carried out scientific research and inquiry process in the science discipline, understood the engineering design process in the engineering discipline, established mathematical relations in the mathematics discipline, learned how to make coding in the technology discipline, and used this knowledge and skills thus acquired in their suggested solutions for the design challenge. They designed a digital game by coding and presented science knowledge and skills that acquired from inquiry process.  相似文献   

When students analyze and present original data they have collected, and hence have a cultivated sense of curiosity about the data, student learning is enhanced. It is often difficult to provide students an opportunity to practice their skills, use their knowledge, and gain research experiences during a typical course laboratory. This article describes a model of an out-of-classroom experience during which undergraduate exercise science students provide a free health and fitness screening to the campus community. Although some evidence of the effectiveness of this experience is presented, this is not a detailed evaluation of either the service or learning benefits of the fitness screening. Working in small learning groups in the classroom, students develop hypotheses about the health and fitness of the population to be screened. Then, as part of the health and fitness screening, participants are evaluated for muscular strength, aerobic fitness, body composition, blood pressure, physical activity, and blood cholesterol levels. Students then analyze the data collected during the screening, accept or reject their hypotheses based on statistical analyses of the data, and make in-class presentations of their findings. This learning experience has been used successfully to illustrate the levels of obesity, hypercholesterolemia, and lack of physical fitness in the campus community as well as provide an opportunity for students to use statistical procedures to analyze data. It has also provided students with an opportunity to practice fitness assessment and interpersonal skills that will enhance their future careers.  相似文献   

目的:研究"以问题为基础"的学习模式(PBL)结合与情景教学在呼吸科医学生实习中的应用价值。方法:将PBL结合与情景教学应用于呼吸科医学生实习中,以此来进行带教实习。结果:PBL结合与情景教学能较好的促进学生的学习能力,使学生由被动学习角色转变为主动学习角色;学生对PBL结合与情景教学具有较高的学习兴趣,能提高学习效率,增加对基础知识掌握的灵活度。结论:PBL结合与情景教学在呼吸科医学生实习中具有较好的应用价值,能充分利用临床资源,培养学生学习能力和临床思维。  相似文献   

We designed and evaluated an innovative computer-aided-learning environment based on the on-line integration of computer controlled medical diagnostic devices and a medical information system for use in the preclinical medical physics education of medical students. Our learning system simulates the actual clinical environment in a hospital or primary care unit. It uses a commercial medical information system for on-line storage and processing of clinical type data acquired during physics laboratory classes. Every student adopts two roles, the role of ‘patient’ and the role of ‘physician’. As a ‘physician’ the student operates the medical devices to clinically assess ‘patient’ colleagues and records all results in an electronic ‘patient’ record. We also introduced an innovative approach to the use of supportive education materials, based on the methods of adaptive e-learning. A survey of student feedback is included and statistically evaluated.The results from the student feedback confirm the positive response of the latter to this novel implementation of medical physics and informatics in preclinical education. This approach not only significantly improves learning of medical physics and informatics skills but has the added advantage that it facilitates students’ transition from preclinical to clinical subjects.  相似文献   

Problem-based learning (PBL) can be described as a learning environment where the problem drives the learning. This technique usually involves learning in small groups, which are supervised by tutors. It is becoming evident that PBL in a small-group setting has a robust positive effect on student learning and skills, including better problem-solving skills and an increase in overall motivation. However, very little research has been done on the educational benefits of PBL in a large classroom setting. Here, we describe a PBL approach (using tutorless groups) that was introduced as a supplement to standard didactic lectures in University of British Columbia Okanagan undergraduate biochemistry classes consisting of 45-85 students. PBL was chosen as an effective method to assist students in learning biochemical and physiological processes. By monitoring student attendance and using informal and formal surveys, we demonstrated that PBL has a significant positive impact on student motivation to attend and participate in the course work. Student responses indicated that PBL is superior to traditional lecture format with regard to the understanding of course content and retention of information. We also demonstrated that student problem-solving skills are significantly improved, but additional controlled studies are needed to determine how much PBL exercises contribute to this improvement. These preliminary data indicated several positive outcomes of using PBL in a large classroom setting, although further studies aimed at assessing student learning are needed to further justify implementation of this technique in courses delivered to large undergraduate classes.  相似文献   

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