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A field program was conducted in 1980 and 1981 on three lakes in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, to study plankton-water chemistry relationships in a region of potential acid precipitation stress. Among lake and between year comparisons were made. The three study sites represent two different types of lakes. Kejimkujik Lake (pH 4.8) and Pebbleloggitch Lake (pH 4.5) are both high-colored, dystrophic acid lakes. Beaverskin Lake is a clear, oligotrophic lake which is not as acidic (pH 5.4). The phytoplankton of Kejimkujik Lake was dominated by diatoms, while Pebbleloggitch Lake was dominated by chlorophytes and chrysophytes, and Beaverskin Lake was dominated by cyanophytes. Kejimkujik Lake had the highest total algal cell volume per liter, and Pebbleloggitch Lake the lowest. Rotifer populations composed the majority of the zooplankton communities, while the crustacean zooplankton were dominated by the acid-tolerant copepod Diaptomus minutus. Kejimkujik Lake had the lowest zooplankton biomass and Pebbleloggitch Lake the highest zooplankton biomass per m3. A pattern of highest algal density in Beaverskin Lake, but highest zooplankton density in Pebbleloggitch Lake emerged in both years. This is likely an effect of abundant, but unsuitable food (blue-green algae) in Beaverskin Lake and important detrital food resources in Pebbleloggitch Lake in both years. Multiple regression analysis of water chemistry variables with plankton species produced many significant effects, but failed to show clear patterns. Cause and effect relationships in aquatic ecosystems are poorly delineated by such techniques.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of nitrogen (N)was evaluated for three forest ecosystems[Woods Lake (WL), Pancake-Hall Creek (PHC) andHuntington Forest (HF)] in the Adirondackregion of New York, U.S.A. to evaluate theresponse of a range of N atmospheric inputsand experimental N additions. Bulk Ndeposition was higher at sites in the westthan those in the central and easternAdirondacks. These higher atmospheric N inputswere reflected in higher bulk throughfallfluxes of N (WL and PHC, 10.1 and 12.0 kg Nha–1 yr–1, respectively) in thewestern Adirondacks than at HF (4.6 kg Nha–1 yr–1) in the centralAdirondacks. Nitrogen was added to plots as(NH4)2SO4 at 14 and 28 kg Nha–1 yr–1 or as HNO3 at 14 kg Nha–1 yr–1. Litter decompositionrates of Fagus grandifolia and Acerrubrum were substantially higher at WL andPHC compared to HF but were not affected byexperimental N additions. Results usingmineral soil bags showed no effects of Naddition on N and C concentrations in soilorganic matter, but C and N concentrationincreases were less at WL and PHC compared toHF. Soil solution nitrate (NO3 )concentrations at 15-cm depth in the referenceplots were higher at PHC than at WL and HFwhile at 50-cm concentrations were higher atPHC and WL than at HF. The reference plots atthe two sites (WL and PHC) with the highestatmospheric inputs of N exhibited lower Nretention (53 and 33%, respectively) than HF(68%) in reference plots. The greatestincrease in NO3 loss in response tothe experimental treatments occurred at HFwhere the HNO3 additions resulted in thehighest NO3 concentrations andlowest N retentions. In contrast, at WL andPHC increases in soil water NO3 were not evident in response to experimental Nadditions. The results suggest that the twosites (WL and PHC) in the western Adirondacksdid not respond to additional N inputsalthough they have experienced elevatedatmospheric N inputs and higher N drainagelosses in reference plots than the HF site inthe central Adirondacks. Some of thesedifferences in site response may have alsobeen a function of stand age of WL and PHCthat were younger (24 and 33 years,respectively) than the HF (age 70).Highest NO3 fluxes in thereference plots across the sites correspondedto higher 15N values in soil andplants. An experimental addition experimentat PHC found that the forest floor and themineral soil were the largest sinks forexperimentally added N.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In the Adirondack region of northern New York, USA, severe weather and deep snow typically force white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to congregate in areas of dense coniferous cover and along watercourses at lower elevations. We examined 16 yards in the Adirondacks and explored the observation that deer have changed their movement behavior to incorporate residential communities within their wintering areas. We compared locations of deer herds in 2003 and 2004 to deer wintering areas mapped during the 1960s and 1970s. Deer were predominantly absent in 9 of 16 historical yards but were present in residential communities within the same drainage. Yarding areas to which deer shifted contained more residential, deciduous, and mixed cover than yards where no shift occurred, indicating that deer in residential areas were using conifer and mixed cover at a finer scale than deer in nonresidential areas. Smaller winter ranges and core areas of marked deer in a residential winter yard further imply greater concentration of resources available in these areas. Marked deer demonstrated flexibility in core winter range fidelity, a behavior that allows for more permanent shifts as habitat and food resources change or as new areas with appropriate resources are encountered. Our study suggests that low-density residential areas in lowland conifer forests may provide an energetic advantage for deer during winter due to the assemblage of quality habitat interspersed with open areas and a variety of potential food sources in environments where movement is typically constrained by deep snow. Managers should consider the potential for changes in use of deer wintering areas prior to land conservation efforts and may need to adapt management strategies to reduce conflicts in communities occupied by deer during winter.  相似文献   

1. For seepage and drainage lakes of the Adirondack mountain region (NY, U.S.A) hydrologic regime is correlated with physical and chemical differences that can affect phytoplankton and planktonic food webs (e.g. presence and influence of wetlands, dissolved organic carbon concentration, anoxia, nutrient cycling). We conducted short‐term (48 h), in situ enclosure experiments to evaluate the relative importance of macrozooplankton grazing and nutrient limitation of phytoplankton biomass in small Adirondack seepage and drainage lakes (N = 18, 1–137 ha). Epilimnetic dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and pH values represented the diversity of the region. We measured chlorophyll a changes in response to grazer removal (> 120 μm) and nutrient addition (~ 10× ambient N, P, or N + P), and evaluated changes with respect to in situ light, temperature, NO3, NH4, SRP, and crustacean assemblage characters. 2. Nutrient addition stimulated significant increase in chlorophyll a concentration at 11 of 18 sites (GLM, Tukey–Kramer). Phytoplankton of clearwater drainage lakes were P‐limited, whereas clearwater and brownwater seepage lakes responded to additions of N and/or N + P. Relative light availability explained half the variance in response to nutrient addition in drainage (r2 = 0.48), but not seepage lake experiments (P > 0.05). 3. We observed responses to grazer removal at eight of 18 sites, usually clearwater drainage lakes. Crustacean grazing may be as significant as nutrient limitation of [chl a] for many drainage lake phytoplankton assemblages. Responses were related to in situ density of zooplankton only in drainage lakes. Light explained some variability in response to grazer removal for drainage (r2 = 0.35) and seepage lake experiments (r2 = 0.35). 4. These experiments provide evidence that hydrology may ultimately play an important role in determining nutrient and grazer regulation of phytoplankton. Proximate mechanisms affecting our results may be associated with differences in wetland vegetation, [DOC], and nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Primary productivity of phytoplankton was measured in two fish ponds at monthly intervals during two annual cycles, of which the second one included an unusual drought. The temporal course of variations in phytoplankton primary productivity was essentially similar in both annual cycles, exhibiting peaks and troughs during summer and winter, respectively. However, monthly mean values of gross and net primary productivity of phytoplankton during the second year were several times higher than during the first. The greatest difference between the two years of investigation was found in the summer peak of primary productivity. It is estimated that an increase of nitrogen or phosphate or the N/P ratio by one unit during the second year caused a 2 to 16-fold enhancement of the rates of primary productivity. The seasonal changes of photosynthetic efficiency correlated with the concentrations of phosphate.  相似文献   

Brian Fry 《Biogeochemistry》1986,2(4):329-343
Cores from five lakes of the Adirondack Mountains, New York, were analyzed for sedimentary sulfur concentrations and stable sulfur isotopic compositions. Isotopic values of total sedimentary sulfur were as much as 6 to 8 lower than isotopic values of sulfur sources (soils, tree leaves and lake water sulfate) which showed little isotopic variation in the Adirondacks. The low isotopic values of recent sediments indicate increased sulfate reduction, probably in response to increased sulfate loading and acid deposition. Detailed historical reconstruction of sulfate loading histories from sedimentary sulfur profiles is premature, however, since model calculations indicate that sulfur can be added to deeper older sediments by ongoing, contemporary sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

Cumulative effects of atmospheric N deposition mayincrease N export from watersheds and contribute tothe acidification of surface waters, but naturalfactors (such as forest productivity and soildrainage) that affect forest N cycling can alsocontrol watershed N export. To identify factors thatare related to stream-water export of N, elevationalgradients in atmospheric deposition and naturalprocesses were evaluated in a steep, first-orderwatershed in the Catskill Mountains of New York, from1991 to 1994.Atmospheric deposition of SO 4 2– , andprobably N, increased with increasing elevation withinthis watershed. Stream-water concentrations ofSO 4 2– increased with increasing elevationthroughout the year, whereas stream-waterconcentrations of NO 3 decreased withincreasing elevation during the winter and springsnowmelt period, and showed no relation with elevationduring the growing season or the fall. Annual exportof N in stream water for the overall watershed equaled12% to 17% of the total atmospheric input on thebasis of two methods of estimation. This percentagedecreased with increasing elevation, from about 25%in the lowest subwatershed to 7% in the highestsubwatershed; a probable result of an upslope increasein the thickness of the surface organic horizon,attributable to an elevational gradient in temperaturethat slows decomposition rates at upper elevations. Balsam fir stands, more prevalent at upper elevationsthan lower elevations, may also affect the gradient ofsubwatershed N export by altering nitrification ratesin the soil. Variations in climate and vegetationmust be considered to determine how future trends inatmospheric deposition will effect watershed export ofnitrogen.  相似文献   

Relationships between surface-water discharge, water chemistry, and watershed geology were investigated to evaluate factors affecting the sensitivity of drainage waters in the Adirondack region of New York to acidification by atmospheric deposition. Instantaneous discharge per unit area was derived from relationships between flow and staff-gage readings at 10 drainage basins throughout the region. The average chemical composition of the waters was assessed from monthly samples collected from July 1982 through July 1984. The ratio of flow at the 50-percent exceedence level to the flow at the 95-percent exceedence level of flow duration was negatively correlated with mean values of alkalinity or acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC), sum of basic cations (SBC), and dissolved silica, for basins containing predominantly aluminosilicate minerals and little or no carbonate-bearing minerals. Low ratios are indicative of systems in which flow is predominately derived from surface- and ground-water storage, whereas high ratios are characteristic of watersheds with variable flow that is largely derived from surface runoff.In an evaluation of two representative surface-water sites, concentrations of ANC, SBC, and dissolved silica, derived primarily from soil mineral weathering reactions. decreased with increasing flow. Furthermore, the ANC was highest at low flow when the percentage of streamflow derived from ground water was maximum. As flow increased, the ANC decreased because the contribution of dilute surface runoff and lateral flow through the shallow acidic soil horizons to total flow increased. Basins having relatively high ground-water contributions to total flow, in general, have large deposits of thick till or stratified drift. A major factor controlling the sensitivity of these streams and lakes to acidification is the relative contribution of ground water to total discharge.  相似文献   

The biogeochemistry of Hg was evaluated in a small wetland in the Adirondack region of New York. Concentrations of total Hg (HgT) in streamwater draining the wetland showed little temporal variation. The annual areal watershed flux of HgT (2.2 µg/m2-yr) was considerably smaller than regional inputs of atmospheric deposition of HgT, indicating that the terrestrial environment is a net sink for atmospheric deposition of HgT. Drainage inputs of HgT were conservatively transported through the beaver impoundment. The annual flux of total methyl mercury (CH3Hg+ T was greater than literature values of atmospheric deposition suggesting that the watershed is a net source of CH3Hg+ T . Stream concentrations of CH3Hg+ T increased during low-flow summer conditions in a riparian wetland, and particularly at the outlet of the beaver impoundment. Net production of CH3Hg+ T occurred in the beaver impoundment (0.45 µg/m2-yr). Rates of net methylation for the beaver impoundment were comparable to values reported in the literature for wetlands.  相似文献   

Biogeochemical responses to changing climate and atmospheric deposition were investigated using nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) mass balances, including dry deposition and organic solutes in the Arbutus Lake watershed in the Adirondack Mountains, New York State. Long‐term monitoring of wet‐only precipitation (NADP/NTN, 1983–2001) and dry deposition (AIRMoN, 1990–2001) at sites adjacent to the watershed showed that concentrations of SO42? in precipitation, SO42? in particles,and SO2 vapor all declined substantially (P<0.005) in contrast to no marked temporal changes observed for most N constituents (NH4+ in precipitation, HNO3 vapor, and particulate NO3?), except for NO3? in precipitation, which showed a small decrease in the late 1990s. From 1983 to 2001, concentrations of SO42? in the lake outlet significantly decreased (?2.1 μeq L?1 yr?1, P<0.0001), whereas NO3? and dissolved organic N (DON) concentrations showed no consistent temporal trends. With the inclusion of dry deposition and DON fluxes into the mass balance, the retained portion of atmospheric N inputs within the main subcatchment increased from 37% to 60%. Sulfur outputs greatly exceeded inputs even with the inclusion of dry S deposition, while organic S flux represented another source of S output, implying substantial internal S sources. A significant relationship between the annual mean concentrations of SO42? in lake discharge and wet deposition over the last two decades (r=0.64, P<0.01) suggested a considerable influence of declining S deposition on surface water SO42? concentrations, despite substantial internal S sources. By contrast, interannual variations in both NO3? concentrations and fluxes in lake discharge were significantly related to year‐to‐year changes in air temperature and runoff. Snowmelt responses to winter temperature fluctuations were crucial in explaining large portions of interannual variations in watershed NO3? export during the months preceding spring snowmelt (especially, January–March). Distinctive response patterns of monthly mean concentrations of NO3? and DON in the major lake inlet to seasonal changes in air temperature also suggested climatic regulation of seasonal patterns in watershed release of both N forms. The sensitive response of N drainage losses to climatic variability might explain the synchronous patterns of decadal variations in watershed NO3? export across the northeastern USA.  相似文献   

Numerous pollen records provide evidence for the widespread range expansion of Alnus throughout Alaska and adjacent Canada during the middle Holocene. Because Alnus can fix atmospheric N2, this vegetational change probably had a profound effect on N availability and cycling. To assess this effect, we analyzed a sediment core from Grandfather Lake in southwestern Alaska for a suite of geochemical indicators, including elemental composition, biogenic silica (BSi) content, and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) isotopes of organic matter. These data, in conjunction with a pollen record from the same site, are used to infer biogeochemical processes associated with the mid-Holocene Alnus expansion. The increase in Alnus pollen percentages from 10% to 70% circa 8000-7000 BP (14C years before present) suggests the rapid spread of Alnus shrub thickets on mountain slopes and riparian zones in the Grandfather Lake region. Coincident with this vegetational change, the mean value of the sediment BSi content increases from 20.4 to 106.2 mg/g, reflecting increased diatom productivity within the lake as a result of Alnus N2 fixation in the watershed soils and the associated N flux to the lake. Elevated aquatic productivity at this time is also supported by increased percentages of organic C and N, decreased C:N ratios, and decreased values of δ 13C. Furthermore, the δ 15N values of sediments increase substantially with the establishment of Alnus shrub thickets, suggesting enhanced N availability and accelerated N cycling within the lake and its watershed. Superimposed on a general trend of soil acidification throughout the postglacial period, soil acidity probably increased as a result of the Alnus expansion, as can be inferred from decreasing ratios of authigenic base cations to allogenic silica (Si) and increasing ratios of authigenic aluminum (Al) to allogenic Si. The ultimate cause of these mid-Holocene ecosystem changes was an increase in effective moisture in the region. Received 21 July 2000; accepted 3 January 2001.  相似文献   

In 1981, we began to monitor the stream flow and chemistry of 13 first-order basins at the Turkey Lakes Watershed, with the objective of measuring the response of an undisturbed forested ecosystem to acid deposition. There was no trend in total annual precipitation received by the watershed, but the average annual water yield (percentage of annual precipitation) declined over the observation period. The proportion of runoff occurring in different seasons also changed, decreasing in the winter and increasing in the spring. In most streams the concentration of SO4 2− has decreased coincident with the decline in precipitation inputs. Recovery of the basins from acid deposition (as evidenced by increased pH, increased alkalinity, and decreasing base cation fluxes) has not been uniform. Basins that do not show signs of recovery are characterized by deeper flowpaths and greater potential neutralizing capacity, which minimizes the impacts of acid deposition. Basins that are dominated by shallow flowpaths and lower levels of potential neutralizing capacity are showing some signs of recovery, but their recovery is not complete and it is possible that cation depletion may prevent or retard it. Received 5 October 1999; accepted 9 May 2001.  相似文献   

This article is a review of the subfamily Desmodorinae (Nematoda, Desmodoroidea) and two related genera within this subfamily, Croconema Cobb, 1920 and Pseudochromadora Daday, 1899 with keys to genus or species level, genus diagnoses and lists of valid species. An emended diagnosis of, and discussion on, Sibayinema Swart & Heyns, 1991, is presented. Three new species are described: Croconema floriani sp.n. from the coast of Kenya, Pseudochromadora galeata sp.n. and P. securis sp.n. from the coast of Australia.  相似文献   

Watershed processes influence the acid neutralizing capacity of surface waters by mediating changes in concentration of ionic solutes. Acidification of surface waters by atmospheric deposition of mineral acids and the extent to which ecosystem transformations neutralize this acidity are of particular concern. Seasonal variations in flow paths of water through soil and biological processes result in short-term changes in chemistry that may be critical to surface water ecology. In this study, we assessed longitudinal and temporal variations in the chemistry of a low-order stream, Pancake-Hall Creek, located in the west-central Adirondack region of New York. By quantifying changes in ionic solute concentration (e.g. Ca2+, Ala+, SO 4 2– , NO 3 ) we were able to evaluate processes responsible for short-term fluctuations in acid/base chemistry.In the headwater sites, stream water was acidic; changes in pH, acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and Al were primarily due to seasonal variations in basic cation and NO 3 concentrations. At the downstream sites, water migrated through a large beaver impoundment and thick till resulting in higher pH, acid neutralizing capacity and basic cation concentrations, and lower concentrations of Al. Neutralization of acidity was particularly evident during the low flow summer period and coincided with retention of SO 4 2– in the beaver impoundment. During the high flow non-summer (October to June) period, depressed pH and ANC, and elevated Al concentrations were observed in the downstream sites. Acidic conditions during the non-summer period were not due to the oxidation of reduced sulfur deposits (e.g. SO 4 2– events) but rather the resumption of conservative SO 4 2– transport through the beaver impoundment (e.g. minimal SO 4 2– retention) coupled with increases in NO 3 .  相似文献   

The Regional Integrated Lake-Watershed Acidification Study (RILWAS) was conducted to identify and to quantify the environmental factors controlling surface water chemistry in forested watersheds of the Adirondack region of New York. The RILWAS vegetation research was designed to: (1) compare the quantitative patterns of forest cover and tree community structure in the study catchments of the Moose River drainage system; and (2) identify important vegetation differences among study watersheds that might help to explain inter-watershed differences in water chemistry and aquatic responses to acidic deposition. Field transect data indicated that the overall drainage system includes 50% mixed forest cover, 38% hardwood forest, 10% coniferous forest, and 2% wetland cover. Major tree species include yellow birch, red spruce, American beech, sugar maple, eastern hemlock, and red maple. Analysis of forest structure indicated that mean weighted basal area estimates ranged two-fold from 24–48 m2ha–1 among watersheds. Likewise, mean weighted estimates for aboveground biomass and aboveground annual productivity ranged among watersheds from 160 to 320 MT ha–1 and from 8 to 18 MT ha–1 yr–1, respectively. Results showed that differences in surface water chemistry were independent of vegetation differences among watersheds.  相似文献   

Inorganic particles in the upper waters of the 11 Finger Lakes of New York are morphometrically and elementally characterized by individual particle analysis conducted with scanning electron microscopy interfaced with automated image and X-ray analyses (IPA/SAX). Coupled measurements of Secchi disk transparency (SD), the attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance (Kd), the beam attenuation coefficient at 660 nm, and turbidity (Tn) were made to support evaluation of the importance of non-living, inorganic particles (inorganic tripton) in regulating these optical features of water quality. Wide differences in levels of inorganic tripton, represented in terms of particle projected area per unit volume (PAVin), and the optical measures are reported for these lakes. However, generally similar size distributions are observed for the inorganic tripton for the lakes. Terrigenous suspensoids, in the form of clay minerals, dominated the inorganic tripton particle assemblage of nine lakes, while CaCO3, formed autochthonously, dominated in the other two and was a noteworthy contributor in four others. PAVin is demonstrated to be an important regulator of the optical properties of these lakes, performing substantially better than chlorophyll in predicting SD, and Tn, and interlake differences in these optical measures.Contribution No. 226 of the Upstate Freshwater Institute  相似文献   

The NITREX project, which encompasses seven ecosystem-scale experiments in coniferous forests at the plot or catchment level in northwestern Europe, investigates the effect of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in coniferous forests. The common factor in all of the experiments is the experimentally controlled change in N input over a period of 4–5 years. Results indicate that the status and dynamics of the forest floor are key components in determining the response of forests to altered N inputs. An empirical relationship between the carbon–nitrogen (C/N) ratio of the forest floor and retention of incoming N provides a simply measured tool through which the likely timing and consequences of changes in atmospheric N deposition for fresh waters may be predicted. In the terrestrial ecosystem, a 50% increase in tree growth is observed following the experimental reduction of N and sulfur inputs in a highly N-saturated site, illustrating the damaging effects of acidifying pollutants to tree health in some locations. Few biotic responses to the experimental treatments were observed in other NITREX sites, but the rapid response of water quality to changes in N deposition, and the link to acidification in sensitive areas, highlight the need for N-emission controls, irrespective of the long-term effects on tree health. The observed changes in ecosystem function in response to the experimental treatments have been considered within the framework of the current critical-load approach and thus contribute to the formulation of environmental policy.  相似文献   

Decreases in pH and increases in the concentration of Al and NO 3 have been observed in surface waters draining acid-sensitive regions in the northeastern U.S. during spring snowmelt. To assess the source of this acidity, we evaluated solute concentrations in snowpack, and in meltwater collected from snow and forest floor lysimeters in the west-central Adirondack Mountains of New York during the spring snowmelt period, 29 March through 15 April 1984.During the initial phase of snowmelt, ions were preferentially leached from the snowpack resulting in elevated concentrations in snowmelt water (e.g. H+ = 140 eq.l–1; NO 4 2– = 123 eq.l–1; SO 3 = 160 eq.l–1). Solute concentrations decreased dramatically within a few days of the initial melt (< 50 eq.l–1). The concentrations of SO 4 2– and NO 3 in snowpack and snowmelt water were similar, whereas NO 3 in the forest floor leachate was at least two times the concentration of SO 4 2– .Study results suggest that the forest floor was a sink for snowmelt inputs of alkalinity, and a net source of H+, NO 3 , dissolved organic carbon, K+ and Al inputs to the mineral soil. The forest floor was relatively conservative with respect to snowmelt inputs of Ca2+, SO 4 2– and Cl. These results indicate that mineralization of N, followed by nitrification in the forest floor may be an important process contributing to elevated concentrations of H+ and NO 3 in streams during the snowmelt period.  相似文献   

Five strains of obligate methanotrophic bacteria (4G, 5G, 6G, 7G and 5B) isolated from bottom sediments of Southeastern Transbaikal soda lakes (pH 9.5–10.5) are taxonomically described. These bacteria are aerobic, Gram-negative monotrichous rods having tightly packed cup-shaped structures on the outer cell wall surface (S-layers) and Type I intracytoplasmic membranes. All the isolates possess particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) and one strain (5G) also contains soluble methane monooxygenase (sMMO). They assimilate methane and methanol via the ribulose monophosphate pathway (RuMP). The isolates are alkalitolerant or facultatively alkaliphilic, able to grow at pH 10.5–11.0 and optimally at pH 8.5–9.5. These organisms are obligately dependent on the presence of sodium ions in the growth medium and tolerate up to 0.9–1.4 M NaCl or 1 M NaHCO3. Although being mesophilic, all the isolates are resistant to heating (80 °C, 20 min), freezing and drying. Their cellular fatty acids profiles primarily consist of C16:1. The major phospholipids are phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylglycerol. The main quinone is Q-8. The DNA G+C content ranges from 49.2–51.5 mol%. Comparative 16S rDNA sequencing showed that the newly isolated methanotrophs are related to membres of the Methylomicrobium genus. However, they differ from the known members of this genus by DNA-DNA relatedness. Based on pheno- and genotypic characteristics, we propose a new species of the genus Methylomicrobium - Methylomicrobium buryatense sp. nov.  相似文献   

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