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A new type of temperature-sensitive deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis mutant, which can divide without a completion of DNA replication, was isolated from a thymidine-requiring Escherichia coli strain by means of photo-bromouracil selection after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. In this mutant, in spite of the fact that DNA synthesis stopped immediately after the temperature shift from 30 to 41 C, cells could continue to divide, though at a reduced rate. This cell division without DNA synthesis at 41 C is further supported by the following results. (i) Cell division took place at high temperature without addition of thymidine but not at all at 30 C. The parent strain of the mutant did not divide at 41 C without thymidine. (ii) Smaller cells isolated from the culture grown at 41 C did not contain DNA. This was shown by chemical analysis of the smaller cells and on electron micrographs. Ability of cells to divide was examined according to sizes of cells. By using the culture at 30 C, cells of various sizes were separated by means of sucrose-density gradient centrifugation. It was found that all cell fractions, including the smallest one, could divide at high temperature. These results suggest that in this mutant the completion of DNA replication is not required for triggering cell division at high temperature. Heat sensitivity of a factor which links cell division with DNA replication appears to be responsible. Some possible mechanisms of the coordination between cell division and DNA replication are discussed.  相似文献   

At 33 C (60-min generation time) the time required to replicate the chromosome is C = 60 min. The time between the end of a round of replication and cell division is D = 20 min, as at 37 C. Nalidixic acid and a temperature shift in a dnaB mutant give identical results for the determination of the end of a round of replication.  相似文献   

Synchronous cultures of Escherichia coli strain B/r were used to investigate the relationship between deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication and cell division. We have determined that terminal steps in division can proceed in the absence of DNA synthesis. Inhibition of DNA replication with nalidixic acid prior to the start of a new round of replication does not stop cell division, which indicates that the start of the round is not essential in triggering cell division. Inhibition of DNA replication at any time prior to the termination of a round of replication completely blocks cell division, which suggests that there may be a link between the end of the replication cycle and the commitment of the cell to divide. Studies that use a temperature-sensitive mutant which is unable to synthesize DNA at the nonpermissive temperature are in complete agreement with those that use nalidixic acid to inhibit DNA synthesis. This adds support to the idea that the treatments employed limit their action to DNA synthesis. Investigation of minicell production indicates that the production of minicells is blocked when DNA synthesis is inhibited with nalidixic acid. Although nuclear segregation is not required for cell division, DNA synthesis is still required to trigger division. The evidence presented suggests strongly that (i) DNA synthesis is essential for cell division, (ii) the end of a round of replication triggers cell division, and (iii) there is considerable time lapse (one-half generation) between the completion of a round of DNA replication and physical separation of the cells.  相似文献   

When cultures of Escherichia coli B/r growing at various rates were exposed to ultraviolet light, mitomycin C, or nalidixic acid, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis stopped but cell division continued for at least 20 min. The chromosome configurations in the cells which divided were estimated by determining the rate of DNA synthesis during the division cycle. The cultures were pulse-labeled with (14)C-thymidine, and the amount of label incorporated into cells of different ages was found by measuring the radioactivity in cells born subsequent to the labeling period. The cells which divided in the absence of DNA synthesis were those which had completed a round of chromosome replication prior to the treatments. It was concluded that completion of a round of replication is a necessary and sufficient condition of DNA synthesis for cell division.  相似文献   

During the conjugal transfer of the R64-11 plasmid at 42 C from donor cells thermosensitive for vegetative deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis to recipient minicells, the plasmids are conjugally replicated in the donor cells. This conjugal replication is inhibited by nalidixic acid, and the degree of inhibition is comparable to the reduction in the amount of plasmid DNA transferred to the recipient minicells in the presence of the drug. In addition, the size of DNA transferred to the minicells and the fraction of conjugally replicated DNA in the donor cells that can be isolated as closed-circular plasmid DNA under alkaline conditions are both reduced by nalidixic acid. When the drug is added to a mating that is underway, the rate of conjugal replication is immediately reduced. This change is accompanied by a reduction in the amount of conjugally replicated DNA in the donor cells that can be isolated as closed-circular plasmid DNA. Furthermore, conjugally replicated plasmid DNA that is not associated with the donor cell membrane becomes membrane bound after the addition of nalidixic acid.  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)-DNA hybridization on nitrocellulose filters can be used to assay for replication origin DNA from Escherichia coli if the DNA attached to the filters is enriched for the replication origin sequences. Such DNA can be readily isolated from very rapidly growing cells. When low amounts of this DNA were attached to filters, radioactively labeled DNA from the replication origin hybridized 1.7 times as well as radioactive replication terminus DNA. Under identical conditions, radioactively labeled DNA from exponentially growing cells hybridized only 1.3 times as well as radioactive replication terminus DNA. The replication origin, replication terminus, and randomly labeled DNA hybridized with similar efficiencies to filters containing DNA isolated from cells incubated in the absence of required amino acids. This DNA appeared to have all sequences present at equal frequencies. The hybridization assay was used to demonstrate that the DNA synthesized shortly after the addition of amino acids to cells previously deprived of required amino acids was primarily from the replication origin and then rapidly became similar to DNA synthesized by exponentially growing cells.  相似文献   

Conjugal replication of R64-11 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and the concomitant transfer of R64-11 DNA to DNA-deficient minicells are dependent upon processes that are inhibited by rifampin and chloramphenicol. The rifampin-sensitive product is not present in vegetatively growing cells and is needed to initiate both conjugal DNA replication in donor cells and DNA transfer to recipient minicells. If the rifampin-sensitive product is a ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecule (rather than RNA polymerase itself), our data indicate that this RNA species required for initiation of conjugal activity does not need to be translated into a protein product. The chloramphenicol-sensitive product(s) is present in vegetatively growing cells in sufficient quantity to permit most donor cells to carry out one round of plasmid conjugal replication and transfer. The initiation of second and subsequent rounds of conjugal replication and transfer are dependent on the synthesis of both the rifampin-sensitive and chloramphenicol-sensitive products. Our results demonstrate a correspondence between the amount of conjugal DNA replication in the donor and the amount of DNA transferred to recipient minicells under all conditions, and therefore suggest but do not prove that plasmid transfer is dependent on conjugal DNA replication. The results also add additional proof that R64-11 transfer to minicells is discontinuous. All of these results are discussed in regard to further refinements of old models for the mechanism of conjugal transfer as well as a more radical departure from current dogma.  相似文献   

Thymineless death (TLD) and nalidixic acid (NA) inactivation were studied in multiple auxotrophic strains of Escherichia coli B and B/r. As expected, it was found that both E. coli B and B/r exhibited an "immune state," i.e., a fraction of the population survived inactivation to both TLD and NA. With glucose as a carbon source in minimal medium, 0.1 to 0.3% of strain B and 0.2 to 0.5% of strain B/r survived inactivation; with acetate as the carbon source, the surviving fractions were increased to 1 to 2% and 5 to 7%, respectively. These immune fractions could be increased in magnitude by preincubation in minimal media containing thymine. Systematic analysis of the particular supplements necessary for the immune state indicated that the absence of the required amino acids was essential for the maximal expression of immunity. However, immunity was not abolished in acetate medium even in the presence of the required supplements. Further studies on the replication of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) during preincubation indicated that the degree of immunity did not necessarily correlate with the completion of a round of DNA replication. This finding was supported by examining the immune state in synchronous populations. In both glucose and acetate medium, there was no significant change in the degree of immunity to inactivation within the cell cycles of E. coli B and B/r. We concluded that some other event, possibly inhibition of protein synthesis, was necessary in determining the degree of the immune state. DNA replication was investigated after TLD and NA inactivation, and, as expected, it was found that both events led to premature initiation of replication. The only differences observed in the effects of these two processes on DNA synthesis were the following. (i) NA-induced replication was less sensitive to chloramphenicol than was TLD. (ii) TLD-induced replication was unaffected by pretreatment of the cells with mitomycin C, but this pretreatment prevented the replication of DNA after NA treatment. It was suggested that the mechanism of action of NA could involve a monofunctional attack on the DNA.  相似文献   

The lon(-) mutants of Escherichia coli form long filamentous cells after temporary inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis by ultraviolet irradiation, treatment with nalidixic acid, or thymine starvation. The kinetics of DNA synthesis and cell division after a period of thymine starvation have been compared in lon(+) and lon(-) cells. After this treatment, both kinds of cells recover their normal DNA to mass ratio with the same kinetics. In contrast to previous reports, cell division is found to recommence in both lon(+) and in lon(-) cells after such a temporary period of inhibition of DNA synthesis. However, the delay separating the recommencement of DNA synthesis and of cell division is approximately three times as long in lon(-) as in lon(+) cells. Low concentrations of penicillin inhibit cell division in both lon(+) and lon(-) cells. In this case, cell division recommences with the same kinetics in both strains after the removal of penicillin. This suggests that different steps in the cell division process are blocked by inhibition of DNA synthesis and by penicillin treatment. The lon(-) mutation appears to affect the former of these steps.  相似文献   

An Escherichia coli HF4704S mutant temperature sensitive in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis and different from any previously characterized mutant was isolated. The mutated gene in this strain was designated dnaH. The mutant could grow normally at 27 C but not at 43 C, and DNA synthesis continued for an hour at a decreasing rate and then ceased. After temperature shift-up, the increased amount of DNA was 40 to 50%. When the culture was incubated at 43 C for 70 min and then transferred to 27 C, DNA synthesis resumed after about 50 min, initiating synchronously at a fixed region on the bacterial chromosome. The initiation step in DNA replication sensitive to 30 mug of chloramphenicol per ml occurs synchronously before the resumption of DNA replication after the temperature shift-down, being completed about 30 min before the start of DNA replication. When the cells incubated at 27 C in the presence of 30 mug of chloramphenicol per ml after the temperature shift-down to 27 C were transferred to 43 C with simultaneous removal of the antibiotic, no resumption of DNA replication was observed. When the culture was returned to 43 C after being released from high-temperature inhibition at 30 min before the start of DNA replication, no recovery replication was observed; whereas at 20 min, the recovery of replication was observed. These results indicated that HF4704S was temperature sensitive in the initiation of DNA replication. Analysis of HF4704S, by an interrupted conjugation experiment, indicated that gene dnaH was located at about 64 min on the E. coli C linkage map. In E. coli S1814 (a K-12 derivative), which was a dnaH(ts) transductant from HF4704S (C strain) with phage P1, the mutated gene (dnaH) was demonstrated to be closely linked to the thyA marker by conjugation and P1 transduction experiments and to be distinct from genes dnaA through dnaG.  相似文献   

Crosses were carried out at 34 C and 42 C between eight pairs of isogenic strains of Escherichia coli K-12. The donor and recipient of each pair carried the same mutation for temperature-sensitive deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis; they differed only in the presence of F-lac in the donor and a spectinomycin-resistance marker in the recipient. A different temperature-sensitive mutation was present in each of the eight pairs, the eight temperature-sensitive mutations being located in at least two different genes. In all eight pairs, the transfer of F-lac occurred at high and equal rates at 34 C and 42 C, although vegetative DNA replication at 42 C was approximately 10−4 of that at 34 C. The transfer of F-lac at 42 C was accompanied in seven of the eight crosses by an equivalent amount of DNA synthesis in excess of that observed in the unmated controls. The DNA synthesized during transfer at 42 C was characterized by equilibrium centrifugation in cesium chloride and by its sedimentation velocity in sucrose gradients. It was found to have a density and a molecular weight characteristic of F-lac DNA. A small proportion of the material labeled during transfer was recovered in the form of covalently closed DNA. It is concluded that vegetative replication of the chromosome and transfer replication of F are separate processes, the former requiring at least two gene products which are nonessential for the latter.  相似文献   

Mutagenized E. coli B/r cells were subjected to a procedure designed to select mutants temperature-sensitive for initiation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication. Seventeen mutants exhibiting limited residual DNA synthesis at 42 C were obtained and the dna sites were mapped genetically. Sixteen of the sites map near dnaA, dnaB, and dnaC. One mutant (dna-208) maps in a new location between the trp and his genes. We propose to call this mutant dnaI208. In complementation experiments dnaC+ and dnaI+ were dominant to dnaC and dnaI alleles, respectively. However, dnaA was dominant to the wild-type allele dnaA+. All dnaA mutants and four out of six dnaC mutants could be suppressed by F factor integration. The pattern of suppression was specific for each mutant.  相似文献   

M. Monk  J. Kinross    C. Town 《Journal of bacteriology》1973,114(3):1014-1017
recA and recB derivatives of a strain of Escherichia coli with a temperature-sensitive deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase I (polA12) are inviable at high temperature, but continue to incorporate (3)H-thymine into DNA for extended periods. The DNA made in pulse-chase experiments at high temperature in the polA12 parent and its double-mutant derivatives has been examined by alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation analysis. The low-molecular-weight DNA fragments made during short pulses were joined at the same rate in each strain. Furthermore, the resulting high-molecular-weight DNA was of the same size in each case and was stable for at least 50 min. It is concluded that the inviability of the double mutants is due neither to a defect in converting low-molecular-weight DNA intermediates to high molecular weight nor to the presence of unrepaired random breaks in their DNA.  相似文献   

The rate of thymidine incorporation into cells of Salmonella typhimurium growing in different media has been measured. In glucose-minimal medium, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication occurs during the first two-thirds of the division cycle; the final one-third of the division cycle was devoid of DNA replication. The measured doubling time of S. typhimurium in this medium is approximately 48 min, indicating that C (the time for a round of replication) and D (the time between termination and cell division) are approximately 32 and 16 min, respectively. At slower growth rates the pattern of replication is the same as glucose minimal medium. At faster growth rates the "gap" in DNA synthesis disappears. At rapid growth rates evidence for multiple forks is obtained.  相似文献   

The progeny cells of Escherichia coli strain P678-54, which normally do not contain deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), were found to carry DNA when the parental cell carried colicin factor E1 (Col E1). The DNA found in the normally DNA-less segregants was shown to be Col E1 DNA, which is present primarily as a covalently closed circular molecule that can undergo more than one complete cycle of replication.  相似文献   

Alkaline sucrose gradients were used to study the molecular weight of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesized during the initiation of chromosome replication in Escherichia coli 15 TAU-bar. The experiments were conducted to determine whether newly synthesized, replication origin DNA is attached to higher-molecular-weight parental DNA. Little of the DNA synthesized after readdition of required amino acids to cells previously deprived of the amino acids was present in DNA with a molecular weight comparable to that of the parental DNA. The newly synthesized, low-molecular-weight DNA rapidly appeared in higher-molecular-weight material, but there was an upper limit to the size of this intermediate-molecular-weight DNA. This limit was not observed when exponentially growing cells converted newly synthesized DNA to higher-molecular-weight material. The size of the intermediate-molecular-weight DNA was related to the age of the replication forks, and the size increased as the replication forks moved further from the replication origin. The results indicate that the newly synthesized replication origin DNA is not attached to parental DNA, but it is rapidly attached to the growing strands that extend from the replication fork to the replication origin, or to the other replication fork if replication is bidirectional. Experiments are reported which demonstrate that the DNA investigated was from the vicinity of the replication origin and was not plasmid DNA or DNA from random positions on the chromosome.  相似文献   

将耐辐射奇球菌(Deinococcus radiodurans)recA基因克隆到表达质粒pET15b中,并在Escherichia coli HMS中高效表达了可溶性的RecA重组蛋白。同时将recA基因通过穿梭质粒pRADZ3导入recA缺损E.coli TG2细胞中,Western印迹实验显示RecA蛋白能够在不需要诱导剂IPTG的条件下稳定表达。辐射抗性实验表明,D.radiodurans的recA基因在E.coli细胞中的表达能够完全补偿recA缺损E.coli辐射抗性能力。  相似文献   

Endonuclease I, exonuclease I, and exonuclease II-deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) polymerase I activities are not vital functions in Escherichia coli, although the latter two enzymes have been indirectly shown to be involved in DNA repair processes. Acridines such as acridine orange and proflavine interfere with repair in vivo, and we find that such compounds inhibit the in vitro activity of exonuclease I and DNA polymerase I but stimulate endonuclease I activity and hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl thymidine-5′-phosphate by exonuclease II. Another acridine, 10-methylacridinium chloride, binds strongly to DNA but is relatively inert both in vivo and in vitro. These experiments suggest that acridines affect enzyme activity by interacting with the enzyme directly as well as with DNA. Resulting conformational changes in the DNA-dependent enzymes might explain why similar acridines which form similar DNA complexes have such a wide range of physiological effects. Differential sensitivity of exonuclease I and DNA polymerase I to acridine inhibition relative to other DNA-dependent enzymes may contribute to the acridine sensitivity of DNA repair.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the growth rate and the pattern of chromosome replication during the division cycle of Escherichia coli B/r growing in various media was investigated. The time between divisions, the time for a round of replication (C), and the time between completion of a round and cell division (D) were threefold longer at 21 C than at 37 C. At all temperatures and in all media, D equalled one-half C, suggesting that a common mechanism controls chromosome replication and the progression of the cell toward division after completion of a round of replication.  相似文献   

Exposure of Escherichia coli 15T(-) cells to the antibiotic myxin results in the inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) biosynthesis, degradation of intracellular DNA, and death of the cells. Each of these effects was markedly enhanced when protein synthesis was simultaneously inhibited by chloramphenicol. In the continued presence of chloramphenicol, a brief (1 min) exposure to myxin resulted in a rate of DNA degradation and cell death equivalent to that found in the continued presence of myxin alone. Single-strand breaks were present in the DNA of cells exposed to myxin, but when chloramphenicol was also present the breaks were found much earlier. Degradation of DNA in cells exposed to myxin was found to be distributed randomly in both strands and extended over the genome with no restriction to the vicinity of the replication point. There was no release of DNA from its attachment to the cellular membrane in myxin-exposed cells. The possibility that the chloramphenicol effect is due to the inhibition of repair enzyme synthesis which is stimulated by exposure of the cells to myxin is discussed. These data indicate that the extent of the lethal and metabolic damage to the cells by an exposure to myxin represents the result of competition between damage to and repair of cellular DNA.  相似文献   

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