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Mutations selected in reoviruses isolated from persistently infected cultures (PI viruses) affect viral entry into cells. Unlike wild-type (wt) viruses, PI viruses can grow in the presence of ammonium chloride, a weak base that blocks acid-dependent proteolysis of viral outer-capsid proteins in cellular endosomes during viral entry. In this study, we show that E64, an inhibitor of cysteine proteases such as those present in the endocytic compartment, blocks growth of wt reovirus by inhibiting viral disassembly. To determine whether PI viruses can grow in the presence of an inhibitor of endocytic proteases, we compared yields of wt and PI viruses in cells treated with E64. Prototype PI viruses L/C, PI 2A1, and PI 3-1 produced substantially greater yields than wt viruses type 1 Lang (T1L) and type 3 Dearing (T3D) in E64-treated cells. To identify viral genes that segregate with growth of PI viruses in the presence of E64, we tested reassortant viruses isolated from independent crosses of T1L and each of the prototype PI viruses for growth in cells treated with E64. Growth of reassortant viruses in the presence of E64 segregated exclusively with the S4 gene, which encodes viral outer-capsid protein sigma3. These results suggest that mutations in sigma3 protein selected during persistent infection alter its susceptibility to cleavage during viral disassembly. To determine the temporal relationship of acid-dependent and protease-dependent steps in reovirus disassembly, cells were infected with wt strain T1L or T3D, and medium containing either ammonium chloride or E64d, a membrane-permeable form of E64, was added at various times after adsorption. Susceptibility to inhibition by both ammonium chloride and E64 was abolished when either inhibitor was added at times greater than 60 min after adsorption. These findings indicate that acid-dependent and protease-dependent disassembly events occur with similar kinetics early in reovirus replication, which suggests that these events take place within the same compartment of the endocytic pathway.  相似文献   

Mammalian reoviruses undergo acid-dependent proteolytic disassembly within endosomes, resulting in formation of infectious subvirion particles (ISVPs). ISVPs are obligate intermediates in reovirus disassembly that mediate viral penetration into the cytoplasm. The initial biochemical event in the reovirus disassembly pathway is the proteolysis of viral outer-capsid protein sigma 3. Mutant reoviruses selected during persistent infection of murine L929 cells (PI viruses) demonstrate enhanced kinetics of viral disassembly and resistance to inhibitors of endocytic acidification and proteolysis. To identify sequences in sigma 3 that modulate acid-dependent and protease-dependent steps in reovirus disassembly, the sigma 3 proteins of wild-type strain type 3 Dearing; PI viruses L/C, PI 2A1, and PI 3-1; and four novel mutant sigma 3 proteins were expressed in insect cells and used to recoat ISVPs. Treatment of recoated ISVPs (rISVPs) with either of the endocytic proteases cathepsin L or cathepsin D demonstrated that an isolated tyrosine-to-histidine mutation at amino acid 354 (Y354H) enhanced sigma 3 proteolysis during viral disassembly. Yields of rISVPs containing Y354H in sigma3 were substantially greater than those of rISVPs lacking this mutation after growth in cells treated with either acidification inhibitor ammonium chloride or cysteine protease inhibitor E64. Image reconstructions of electron micrographs of virus particles containing wild-type or mutant sigma 3 proteins revealed structural alterations in sigma 3 that correlate with the Y354H mutation. These results indicate that a single mutation in sigma 3 protein alters its susceptibility to proteolysis and provide a structural framework to understand mechanisms of sigma 3 cleavage during reovirus disassembly.  相似文献   

Reoviruses isolated from persistently infected cultures (PI viruses) can grow in the presence of ammonium chloride, a weak base that blocks acid-dependent proteolysis of viral outer-capsid proteins during viral entry into cells. We used reassortant viruses isolated from crosses of wild-type (wt) reovirus strain, type 1 Lang, and three independent PI viruses, L/C, PI 2A1, and PI 3-1, to identify viral genes that segregate with the capacity of PI viruses to grow in cells treated with ammonium chloride. Growth of reassortant viruses in ammonium chloride-treated cells segregated with the S1 gene of L/C and the S4 gene of PI 2A1 and PI 3-1. The S1 gene encodes viral attachment protein sigma1, and the S4 gene encodes outer-capsid protein sigma3. To identify mutations in sigma3 selected during persistent reovirus infection, we determined the S4 gene nucleotide sequences of L/C, PI 2A1, PI 3-1, and four additional PI viruses. The deduced amino acid sequences of sigma3 protein of six of these PI viruses contained a tyrosine-to-histidine substitution at residue 354. To determine whether mutations selected during persistent infection alter cleavage of the viral outer capsid, the fate of viral structural proteins was assessed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis after treatment of virions of wt and PI viruses with chymotrypsin in vitro. Proteolysis of PI virus outer-capsid proteins sigma3 and mu1C occurred with faster kinetics than proteolysis of wt virus outer-capsid proteins. These results demonstrate that mutations in either the S1 or S4 gene alter acid-dependent disassembly of the reovirus outer capsid and suggest that increased efficiency of proteolysis of viral outer-capsid proteins is important for maintenance of persistent reovirus infections of cultured cells.  相似文献   

Reovirus virions are internalized into cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Within the endocytic compartment, the viral outer capsid undergoes acid-dependent proteolysis leading to degradation of sigma3 protein and proteolytic cleavage of micro1/micro1C protein. E64 is a specific inhibitor of cysteine-containing proteases that blocks disassembly of reovirus virions. To identify domains in reovirus proteins that influence susceptibility to E64-mediated inhibition of disassembly, we selected variant viruses by serial passage of strain type 3 Dearing (T3D) in murine L929 cells treated with E64. E64-adapted variant viruses (D-EA viruses) produced 7- to 17-fold-greater yields than T3D did after infection of cells treated with 100 microM E64. Viral genes that segregate with growth of D-EA viruses in the presence of E64 were identified by using reassortant viruses isolated from independent crosses of E64-sensitive strain type 1 Lang and two prototype D-EA viruses. Growth of reassortant viruses in the presence of E64 segregated with the S4 gene, which encodes outer-capsid protein sigma3. Sequence analysis of S4 genes of three D-EA viruses isolated from independent passage series revealed a common tyrosine-to-histidine mutation at amino acid 354 in the deduced amino acid sequence of sigma3. Proteolysis of D-EA virions by endocytic protease cathepsin L occurred with faster kinetics than proteolysis of wild-type T3D virions. Treatment of D-EA virions, but not T3D virions, with cathepsin D resulted in proteolysis of sigma3, a property that also was found to segregate with the D-EA S4 gene. These results indicate that a region in sigma3 protein containing amino acid 354 influences susceptibility of sigma3 to proteolysis during reovirus disassembly.  相似文献   

R Lemieux  G Lemay    S Millward 《Journal of virology》1987,61(8):2472-2479
Reovirus late (uncapped) mRNA was previously shown to be efficiently translated in vitro extracts prepared from infected cells but not from uninfected cells. We demonstrated that different fractions from infected cells can stimulate translation of late viral mRNA when added to uninfected extracts. The activity of the different fractions correlated with their relative content of the sigma 3 capsid protein; the fraction prepared by high-salt wash of the ribosomes had the highest specific activity. The activity present in this fraction was abolished by preincubation with an anti-sigma 3 serum. Purified sigma 3 protein also stimulated the translation of late viral mRNA, confirming that it was the factor involved. Altogether, these results suggest that this protein plays the role of a late-viral-mRNA-specific initiation factor. The absence of an inhibitory effect of sigma 3 on the translation of other mRNAs indicates that this protein is not directly involved in the inhibition of host and early viral mRNA translation that occurs in infected cells but that a second mechanism is probably operative.  相似文献   

Progeny virions of mammalian reoviruses are assembled in the cytoplasm of infected cells at discrete sites termed viral inclusions. Studies of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant viruses indicate that nonstructural protein sigmaNS and core protein mu2 are required for synthesis of double-stranded (ds) RNA, a process that occurs at sites of viral assembly. We used confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and ts mutant reoviruses to define the roles of sigmaNS and mu2 in viral inclusion formation. In cells infected with wild-type (wt) reovirus, sigmaNS and mu2 colocalize to large, perinuclear structures that correspond to viral inclusions. In cells infected at a nonpermissive temperature with sigmaNS-mutant virus tsE320, sigmaNS is distributed diffusely in the cytoplasm and mu2 is contained in small, punctate foci that do not resemble viral inclusions. In cells infected at a nonpermissive temperature with mu2-mutant virus tsH11.2, mu2 is distributed diffusely in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. However, sigmaNS localizes to discrete structures in the cytoplasm that contain other viral proteins and are morphologically indistinguishable from viral inclusions seen in cells infected with wt reovirus. Examination of cells infected with wt reovirus over a time course demonstrates that sigmaNS precedes mu2 in localization to viral inclusions. These findings suggest that viral RNA-protein complexes containing sigmaNS nucleate sites of viral replication to which other viral proteins, including mu2, are recruited to commence dsRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Cells infected with mammalian reoviruses contain phase-dense inclusions, called viral factories, in which viral replication and assembly are thought to occur. The major reovirus nonstructural protein mu NS forms morphologically similar phase-dense inclusions when expressed in the absence of other viral proteins, suggesting it is a primary determinant of factory formation. In this study we examined the localization of the other major reovirus nonstructural protein, sigma NS. Although sigma NS colocalized with mu NS in viral factories during infection, it was distributed diffusely throughout the cell when expressed in the absence of mu NS. When coexpressed with mu NS, sigma NS was redistributed and colocalized with mu NS inclusions, indicating that the two proteins associate in the absence of other viral proteins and suggesting that this association may mediate the localization of sigma NS to viral factories in infected cells. We have previously shown that mu NS residues 1 to 40 or 41 are both necessary and sufficient for mu NS association with the viral microtubule-associated protein mu 2. In the present study we found that this same region of micro NS is required for its association with sigma NS. We further dissected this region, identifying residues 1 to 13 of mu NS as necessary for association with sigma NS, but not with mu 2. Deletion of sigma NS residues 1 to 11, which we have previously shown to be required for RNA binding by that protein, resulted in diminished association of sigma NS with mu NS. Furthermore, when treated with RNase, a large portion of sigma NS was released from mu NS coimmunoprecipitates, suggesting that RNA contributes to their association. The results of this study provide further evidence that mu NS plays a key role in forming the reovirus factories and recruiting other components to them.  相似文献   

Reovirus replication occurs in the cytoplasm of infected cells and culminates in the formation of crystalline arrays of progeny virions within viral inclusions. Two viral nonstructural proteins, sigma NS and micro NS, and structural protein sigma 3 form protein-RNA complexes early in reovirus infection. To better understand the minimal requirements of viral inclusion formation, we expressed sigma NS, mu NS, and sigma 3 alone and in combination in the absence of viral infection. In contrast to its concentration in inclusion structures during reovirus replication, sigma NS expressed in cells in the absence of infection is distributed diffusely throughout the cytoplasm and does not form structures that resemble viral inclusions. Expressed sigma NS is functional as it complements the defect in temperature-sensitive, sigma NS-mutant virus tsE320. In both transfected and infected cells, mu NS is found in punctate cytoplasmic structures and sigma 3 is distributed diffusely in the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The subcellular localization of mu NS and sigma 3 is not altered when the proteins are expressed together or with sigma NS. However, when expressed with micro NS, sigma NS colocalizes with mu NS to punctate structures similar in morphology to inclusion structures observed early in viral replication. During reovirus infection, both sigma NS and mu NS are detectable 4 h after adsorption and colocalize to punctate structures throughout the viral life cycle. In concordance with these results, sigma NS interacts with mu NS in a yeast two-hybrid assay and by coimmunoprecipitation analysis. These data suggest that sigma NS and mu NS are the minimal viral components required to form inclusions, which then recruit other reovirus proteins and RNA to initiate viral genome replication.  相似文献   

Tagging of viral capsid proteins is a powerful tool to study viral assembly; it also raises the possibility of using viral particles to present exogenous epitopes in vaccination or gene therapy strategies. The ability of reoviruses to induce strong mucosal immune response and their large host range and low pathogenicity in humans are some of the advantages of using reoviruses in such applications. In the present study, the feasibility of introducing foreign epitopes, "tags", to the sigma3 protein, a major component of the reovirus outer capsid, was investigated. Among eight different positions, the amino-terminal end of the protein appeared as the best location to insert exogenous sequences. Additional amino acids at this position do not preclude interaction with the micro1 protein, the other major constituent of the viral outer capsid, but strongly interfere with micro1 to micro1C cleavage. Nevertheless, the tagged sigma3 protein was still incorporated to virions upon recoating of infectious subviral particles to which authentic sigma3 protein was removed by proteolysis, indicating that micro1 cleavage is not a prerequisite for outer capsid assembly. The recently published structure of the sigma3- micro1 complex suggests that the amino-terminally inserted epitope could be exposed at the outer surface of viral particles.  相似文献   

During maintenance of L-cell cultures persistently infected with reovirus, mutations are selected in viruses and cells. Cells cured of persistent infection support growth of viruses isolated from persistently infected cultures (PI viruses) significantly better than that of wild-type (wt) viruses. In a previous study, the capacity of PI virus strain L/C to grow better than wt strain type 1 Lang (T1L) in cured cells was mapped genetically to the S1 gene (R. S. Kauffman, R. Ahmed, and B. N. Fields, Virology 131:79-87, 1983), which encodes viral attachment protein sigma1. To investigate mechanisms by which mutations in S1 confer growth of PI viruses in cured cells, we determined the S1 gene nucleotide sequences of L/C virus and six additional PI viruses isolated from independent persistently infected L-cell cultures. The S1 sequences of these viruses contained from one to three mutations, and with the exception of PI 2A1 mutations in each S1 gene resulted in changes in the deduced amino acid sequence of sigma1 protein. Using electrophoresis conditions that favor migration of sigma1 oligomers, we found that sigma1 proteins of L/C, PI 1A1, PI 3-1, and PI 5-1 migrated as monomers, whereas sigma1 proteins of wt reovirus and PI 2A1 migrated as oligomers. These findings suggest that mutations in sigma1 protein affecting stability of sigma1 oligomers are important for the capacity of PI viruses to infect mutant cells selected during persistent infection. Since no mutation was found in the deduced amino acid sequence of PI 2A1 sigma1 protein, we used T1L X PI 2A1 reassortant viruses to identify viral genes associated with the capacity of this PI virus to grow better than wt in cured cells. The capacity of PI 2A1 to grow better than T1L in cured cells was mapped to the S4 gene, which encodes outer-capsid protein sigma3. This finding suggests that in some cases, mutations in sigma3 protein in the absence of sigma1 mutations confer growth of PI viruses in mutant cells. To confirm the importance of the S1 gene in PI virus growth in cured cells, we used T1L X PI 3-1 reassortant viruses to genetically map the capacity of this PI virus to grow better than wt in cured cells. In contrast to our results using PI 2A1, we found that growth of PI 3-1 in cured cells was determined by the sigma1-encoding S1 gene. Given that the sigma1 and sigma3 proteins play important roles in reovirus disassembly, findings made in this study suggest that stability of the viral outer capsid is an important determinant of the capacity of reoviruses to adapt to host cells during persistent infection.  相似文献   

《Bioscience Hypotheses》2008,1(4):224-227
Virally infected plants are resistant to secondary viral infection by similar viruses. This phenomenon has been used to confer virus resistance. Here we develop an equilibrium model of viral Coat Protein Mediated Resistance (CP-MR). This model successfully explains qualitative experimental observations. Our model also suggests an approach of developing transgenic viral infection resistant plant with minimal yield penalty.  相似文献   

Chloroquine-resistant (CQr) clones (CQ-21 and CQ-22) have been isolated from mutagenized hamster lung V79 cells by exposing the cells to a high dose of chloroquine. CQ-21 and CQ-22 showed about 3-fold higher resistance to chloroquine than the parental V79 cells, and they showed specific cross-resistance to another amine, NH4Cl, which is also concentrated in lysosomes. CQr clone showed no cross-resistance to other unrelated agents. Chloroquine-induced inhibition of [125I]ricin internalization was observed in both cell lines at neutral pH, but the inhibition of uptake was less in the variant. Also, the degradation of endogenous protein was slowed in the mutant; further, treatment of cells with 30 micrograms/ml of chloroquine inhibited the degradation of endogenous proteins in the parental V79, but not in CQ-22 cells. Similar levels of acid phosphatase, beta-glucuronidase and cathepsin D were observed in V79 and CQ-22 cells, but the level of cathepsin B was lower in the mutant. Electron microscopy showed an increased number of electron-dense bodies, possibly autophagosomes/lysosomes, in the mutant cells grown for 4 days with 5 micrograms/ml of chloroquine. Similar aberrant structures were observed in the parental V79 cells treated for only 3 h with 5 micrograms/ml of chloroquine.  相似文献   

Mammalian reoviruses are thought to assemble and replicate within cytoplasmic, nonmembranous structures called viral factories. The viral nonstructural protein mu NS forms factory-like globular inclusions when expressed in the absence of other viral proteins and binds to the surfaces of the viral core particles in vitro. Given these previous observations, we hypothesized that one or more of the core surface proteins may be recruited to viral factories through specific associations with mu NS. We found that all three of these proteins--lambda 1, lambda 2, and sigma 2--localized to factories in infected cells but were diffusely distributed through the cytoplasm and nucleus when each was separately expressed in the absence of other viral proteins. When separately coexpressed with mu NS, on the other hand, each core surface protein colocalized with mu NS in globular inclusions, supporting the initial hypothesis. We also found that lambda 1, lambda 2, and sigma 2 each localized to filamentous inclusions formed upon the coexpression of mu NS and mu 2, a structurally minor core protein that associates with microtubules. The first 40 residues of mu NS, which are required for association with mu 2 and the RNA-binding nonstructural protein sigma NS, were not required for association with any of the three core surface proteins. When coexpressed with mu 2 in the absence of mu NS, each of the core surface proteins was diffusely distributed and displayed only sporadic, weak associations with mu 2 on filaments. Many of the core particles that entered the cytoplasm of cycloheximide-treated cells following entry and partial uncoating were recruited to inclusions of mu NS that had been preformed in those cells, providing evidence that mu NS can bind to the surfaces of cores in vivo. These findings expand a model for how viral and cellular components are recruited to the viral factories in infected cells and provide further evidence for the central but distinct roles of viral proteins mu NS and mu 2 in this process.  相似文献   

Variants of B 16-F 1 mouse melanoma cells selected for resistance to wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) toxicity invitro were found to have undergone a stable surface change correlated both to lectin resistance and reduced metastasizing potential. The surface alteration, as indicated by the increased electrophoretic mobilities of several lactoperoxidase-iodinated cell surface proteins in SDS-PAGE, was restricted to polypeptides able to interact with WGA. The availability of lectin-resistant melanoma cell variants having altered metastasizing behavior provides a promising approach to studies of the role of specific cell surface components in the metastasizing process.  相似文献   

The reovirus cell attachment protein σ1 is a lollipopshaped structure with the fibrous tail anchored to the virion. Since it interacts with the cell receptor, σ1 is a major determinant of reovirus infectivity and tissue tropism. Studies on its structure-function relationships have been facilitated by the fact that protein σ1 produced in any expression system is capable of binding to cell receptors. The use of site-specific and deletion mutants has led to the identification and characterization of its virion anchorage and receptor binding domains. Studies on the oligomeric status of σ1 have revealed that σ1 is a homotrimer and that two independent trimerization events at different loci (the N- and C-terminal halves, respectively) of the protein, are involved in its generation. This also accounts for a clearly demonstrable dominant negative effect by a mutant subunit in a wild-type/mutant σ1 heterotrimer. Current efforts are focused on the involvement of chaperones in the generation of σ1 and on events that take place upon σ1 binding to the cell receptor. Protein σ1 has therefore become an excellent model system for the study of both virus attachment and protein oligomerization and folding mechanisms.  相似文献   

Reovirus preferentially replicates in transformed cells and is being explored as a cancer therapy. Immunological and physical barriers to virotherapy inspired a quest for reovirus variants with enhanced oncolytic potency. Using a classical genetics approach, we isolated two reovirus variants (T3v1 and T3v2) with superior replication relative to wild-type reovirus serotype 3 Dearing (T3wt) on various human and mouse tumorigenic cell lines. Unique mutations in reovirus λ2 vertex protein and σ1 cell attachment protein were associated with the large plaque-forming phenotype of T3v1 and T3v2, respectively. Both T3v1 and T3v2 exhibited higher infectivity (i.e., a higher PFU-to-particle ratio) than T3wt. A detailed analysis of virus replication revealed that virus cell binding and uncoating were equivalent for variant and wild-type reoviruses. However, T3v1 and T3v2 were significantly more efficient than T3wt in initiating productive infection. Thus, when cells were infected with equivalent input virus particles, T3v1 and T3v2 produced significantly higher levels of early viral RNAs relative to T3wt. Subsequent steps of virus replication (viral RNA and protein synthesis, virus assembly, and cell death) were equivalent for all three viruses. In a syngeneic mouse model of melanoma, both T3v1 and T3v2 prolonged mouse survival compared to wild-type reovirus. Our studies reveal that oncolytic potency of reovirus can be improved through distinct mutations that increase the infectivity of reovirus particles.  相似文献   

N-myristoylated viral polypeptide mu 1 was produced in COS cells transfected with a transient expression vector containing a DNA copy of the reovirus M2 gene. The mu 1 product was specifically cleaved to polypeptide mu 1C in cells that were cotransfected with the reovirus S4 gene and that expressed polypeptide sigma 3. Studies with site-specific mutants of the M2 gene demonstrated that conversion of mu 1 to mu 1C was dependent on myristoylation and the presence of the proteolytic cleavage sequence asparagine 42-proline 43 in mu 1, as well as on the presence of polypeptide sigma 3. The mu 1C product and polypeptide sigma 3 formed complexes that were immunoprecipitated by sigma 3-directed antibody, and a myristoylation-negative M2 double mutant, G2A-N42T, yielded mu 1 that did not undergo cleavage to mu 1C or bind sigma 3. However, the N42T single mutant did form immunoprecipitable complexes with sigma 3, indicating that binding can occur in the absence of cleavage. Polypeptide sigma 3 alternatively can bind double-stranded RNA and in COS cells stimulates translation of reporter chloramphenicol acetyltransferase mRNA translation, presumably by blocking double-stranded RNA-mediated activation of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha subunit kinase which inhibits the initiation of protein synthesis. Consistent with these observations and with the formation of mu 1C-sigma 3 complexes, coexpression of M2 with S4 DNA prevented the translational stimulatory effect of polypeptide sigma 3.  相似文献   

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