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1978年 ,Zamecnik等[1] 开创了根据碱基互补配对原理 ,设计反义寡核苷酸以用于基因治疗的研究。相当时间内 ,反义治疗成为研究领域的热点。至今该研究已经进行了2 0多年 ,但所取得的成果一直不令人满意。其中的一个关键问题是反义寡核苷酸的易降解及杂交结合力不强。所以 ,近十几年来 ,科学家们一直在找寻一种强有力的核苷酸替代物质。这种物质既要有强大的杂交亲合力及抗核酸酶能力 ,又必须对人体没有毒性[2 ] 。已经有很多关于各种核苷酸类似物被用于反义研究的报道 ,如硫代磷酸寡核苷酸、甲基化寡核苷酸、肽核酸 (PNA)等。近…  相似文献   

锁核酸的特点及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近期 ,锁核酸 (lockednucleicacid ,LNA)作为一种新颖的核苷酸衍生物在药学研究领域引起了人们的广泛关注 ,有希望成为分子水平治疗各种疾病的新突破口 .它是一种特殊的双环状核苷酸衍生物 ,结构中含有一个或多个2′ O ,4′ C 亚甲基 β D 呋喃核糖核酸单体 ,核糖的 2′ O位和 4′ C位通过不同的缩水作用形成氧亚甲基桥、硫亚甲基桥或胺亚甲基桥 ,并连接成环形 ,这个环形桥锁定了呋喃糖C3′ 内型的N构型 ,降低了核糖结构的柔韧性 ,增加了磷酸盐骨架局部结构的稳定性 .由于LNA与DNA/RNA在结构上具有相同的磷酸盐骨架 ,故其对DNA、…  相似文献   

反义核酸在肿瘤研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
反义核酸研究已活跃于肿瘤研究及基因治疗领域,反义核酸通过碱基配对待异性地抑制基因表达,因此为研究肿瘤中癌基因和生长因子的功能及癌基因突变检测提供了更为有效的手段,并为肿瘤的基因治疗提供了可能途径.文章综述了反义核酸在基因治疗中所面临的问题及部分解决办法.  相似文献   

核酸药物是具有特定碱基序列的药物,包括寡聚核苷酸药物、核酸适配体药物和核酸疫苗。目前核酸药物已被广泛用于基础研究,疾病的临床诊断和治疗,如肿瘤、感染性疾病、血液病及神经退行性疾病等。主要介绍核酸药物在疾病诊断和治疗中的研究进展。  相似文献   

核酸是由多个核苷酸构成的生物大分子,是遗传的物质基础,在生命活动中起着不可替代的作用。那么核酸是否需要外源性补充?核酸营养品有没有作用?从核酸消化、核苷酸代谢角度就这些问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

Zhao W  Chen GH  Tang J 《生理科学进展》1999,30(2):151-154
近年来研究证明,寡核苷酸(本文所指10 ̄30碱基的核苷酸)和多核苷酸虽然不能自由地通过细胞的脂双层膜,但可通过核酸特异性受体,摄取入细胞,细胞内核酸主要以结合的形式存在于胞质中,并可参与细胞内的信息传递递过程,此外尚有20% ̄40%的核酸可以进入核内,调控基因的转录和表达。  相似文献   

应用核酸适配子检测细胞因子的新方法—ELONA法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以人肿瘤坏死因子(Human tumor necrosis factor,hTNF—α)特异性的核酸适配子为检测分子建立了酶联寡聚核苷酸吸附试验(Enzyme—linked Oligonucleotide assay,ELONA)方法,用于hTNF—α的检测。通过SELEX(Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment)方法从随机RNA库中筛选到与hTNF—α特异结合的RNA适配子。根据其序列,用体外转录方法合成生物素标记的RNA适配子,并对其进行了氨基修饰以增加其稳定性。以hTNF—α的单克隆抗体为捕获分子,生物素标记的hTNF—α特异性RNA适配子为检测分子建立了ELONA方法,并对这种检测方法的灵敏度、精密度和准确度等进行了分析。同时用ELONA和ELISA方法检测了正常人血清中的hTNF—α水平,并对检测结果进行比较。结果显示,ELONA方法的灵敏度为100pg/mL,具有较好的精密度和准确度。ELONA法的检测结果与ELISA法检测结果基本一致。该方法适用于血清、细胞培养上清等多种生物标本中各种细胞因子及其它蛋白的检测。  相似文献   

核酸靶序列的体外选择和扩增技术王成济(第四军医大学生化教研室,西安710032)关键词寡聚核苷酸,体外选择,PCR基因表达的转录水平调控很大程度上依赖于基因的顺式调控元件(cis-actingelements)与反式调节因子(trans-acting...  相似文献   

目的:探讨针对乙肝病毒前S2基因同聚嘌呤区的锁核酸体外抑制细胞内病毒复制的作用.方法:针对乙肝病毒前S2基因同聚嘌呤区,分别设计合成锁核酸、硫代寡核苷酸、未修饰寡核苷酸及无关对照序列,以半乳糖配体介导转染HepG2.2.15细胞,采用荧光定量聚合酶链反应技术(FQ-PCR)、时间分辨免疫荧光技术(TRFIA)和酶联免疫法(ELISA)分别监测1、3、5和7d细胞培养上清液中HBV DNA、HBsAg和前S2抗原的含量;四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTT)法检测锁核酸对细胞代谢的影响.结果:加入锁核酸后,对HBV DNA复制、HBsAg和前S2抗原表达均显示有较强的抑制作用,且抑制率随时间呈增高趋势,7d后抑制率分别达61.56%、68.18%和72.82%.各实验组与对照组比较差异均具有统计学意义(均P<0.05).LNA对细胞代谢无明显影响.结论:针对乙肝病毒前S2基因同聚嘌呤区的反基因锁核酸,体外能有效抑制乙肝病毒的复制,既为乙肝病毒治疗提供有效靶位,也为反基因治疗提供理论和实验依据.  相似文献   

近年来核酸探针作为一种基因诊断技术逐渐被人们接受,综述了核酸探针的设计原理、制作方法及其在生物领域中的应用,为中学生物学教学提供参考。  相似文献   

A new locked pyranosyl nucleoside was synthesized by phenylsulfinyl-assisted chemistry. The novel building block was inserted into oligonucleotides and provides new insight on conformational restricted pyranosyl nucleosides on duplex formation  相似文献   

Locked nucleic acid (LNA) is a modified RNA nucleotide that can be incorporated at specific positions to generate probes with the desired length, melting temperature (TM), and specificity. Here, we describe a method of multiplex genotyping based on dramatic shifts in the TM of a single dual-labeled LNA probe. Using this method, two varieties of the hairtail fish Trichiurus lepturus can be distinguished from each other, as well as from Trichiurus japonicus, based on a 1- to 2-bp difference in a fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1. The shift in TM was 15 °C for a 1-bp mismatch and 27 °C for a 2-bp mismatch, indicating remarkable specificity. We anticipate that the method will be widely useful in applications such as species identification that require accurate, multiplex, and efficient detection of DNA polymorphisms.  相似文献   

肽核酸是一种寡核苷酸的类似物,它是由丹麦哥本哈根大学的Nielsen、Egholm等人首先发明合成的。肽核酸与传统的寡核苷酸相比,骨架结构发生了根要变化。肽核酸的电中性骨架有许多DNA所不具备的性质,例舅高灵敏度、高特异性、非盐依赖性等,从而使它成为一种优良的寡核苷酸的取代物,尤其是杂交检测领域。  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) is highly stable and binds to complementary RNA and DNA with high affinity, but it resists cellular uptake, thereby limiting its bioavailability. We investigated whether protectiveantigen (PA, a non-toxic component of anthrax toxin) could transport antisense PNA oligomers into reporter cells that contain luciferase transgenes with mutant β-globin IVS2 intronic inserts, which permit aberrant pre-mRNA splicing and impair luciferase expression. PNA oligomers antisense to mutant splice sites in these IVS2 inserts induced luciferase expression when effectively delivered into the cells. PNA 18-mers with C-terminal poly-lysine tails [PNA(Lys)8] demonstrated modest sequence-specific antisense activity by themselves at micromolar concentrations in luc-IVS2 reporter cell cultures. However, this activity was greatly amplified by PA. Antisense PNA(Lys)8 with but not without PA also corrected the IVS2-654 β-globin splice defect in cultured erythroid precursor cells from a patient with β-thalassemia [genotype, IVS2-654(β0E)], providing further evidence that anthrax PA can effectively transport antisense PNA oligomers into cells.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific hybridization of antisense and antigene agent to the target nucleic acid is an important therapeutic strategy to modulate gene expression. However, efficiency of such agents falls due to inherent intramolecular-secondary-structures present in the target that pose competition to intermolecular hybridization by complementary antisense/antigene agent. Performance of these agents can be improved by employing structurally modified complementary oligonucleotides that efficiently hybridize to the target and force it to transit from an intramolecular-structured-state to an intermolecular-duplex state. In this study, the potential of variably substituted locked nucleic acid-modified oligonucleotides (8mer) to hybridize and disrupt highly stable, secondary structure of nucleic acid has been biophysically characterized and compared with the conventionally used unmodified DNA oligonucleotides. The target here is a stem-loop hairpin oligonucleotide-a structure commonly present in most structured-nucleic acids and known to exhibit an array of biological functions. Using fluorescence-based studies and EMSA we prove that LNA-modified oligonucleotides hybridize to the target hairpin with higher binding affinity even at lower concentration and subsequently, force it to assume a duplex conformation. LNA-modified oligonucleotides may thus, prove as potential therapeutic candidates to manipulate gene expression by disruption of biologically relevant nucleic acid secondary structure.  相似文献   

This study describes the first application of unlocked nucleic acid (UNA)-modified small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) directed against a medically relevant target, the coxsackievirus B3. We systematically analyzed the impact of different siRNA modification patterns and observed good compatibility of the introduction of UNA with the maintenance of high antiviral activity. Additionally, the polarity of an siRNA was successfully reversed by modulating the relative stability of the termini with locked nucleic acid (LNA) and UNA as shown in a reporter assay. The potency of the reversed siRNA against the full-length target was, however, too low to inhibit the infectious virus. Altogether, combined modification of siRNAs with LNA und UNA provides a promising approach to alter and improve properties of an siRNA.  相似文献   

Peptide nucleic acids (PNA) are one of many synthetic mimics of DNA and RNA that have found applications as biological probes, as nano-scaffold components, and in diagnostics. In an effort to use PNA as constructs for cellular delivery we investigated the possibility of installing a biologically susceptible disulfide bond in the backbone of a PNA oligomer. Here we report the synthesis of a new abasic Fmoc monomer containing a disulfide bond that can be incorporated into a PNA oligomer (DS-PNA) using standard solid phase peptide synthesis. The disulfide bond survives cleavage from the resin and DS-PNA forms duplexes with complementary PNA oligomers. Initial studies aimed at determining if the disulfide bond is cleavable to reducing agents while in a duplex are explored using UV thermal analysis and HPLC.  相似文献   

肽核酸在基因诊断和治疗中的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
雷小勇  张洹 《生命科学》2001,13(1):6-10
肽核酸是一种以多肽为骨架,类似核苷酸的物质。它不带电荷,能抵抗核酸酶和蛋白酶的降解;它与DNA或RNA杂交特异性很强,可与靶基因形成稳定的三螺旋结构。肽核酸能够抑制基因的复制、转录、逆转录和翻译过程,在基因诊断及治疗方面有着广泛的用途。  相似文献   

To investigate the antisense effect of a pyrrolidine-based oxy-peptide nucleic acid (POPNA), we carried out the LacZ reporter assay using a 12-mer trans-l-POPNA conjugated with a cell-penetrating peptide (antisense reagent). The antisense effect of the conjugated POPNA (inhibition of LacZ activity) was comparable to that shown by a Nielsen-type peptide nucleic acid. Furthermore, the conjugated POPNA could switch the LacZ activity over a wide range of ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

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