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提升作物产量、抗逆性和品质的主要手段之一是利用杂种优势,其中细胞质雄性不育/恢复(CMS/Rf)系统是应用最广的雄性不育系统。研究细胞质雄性不育系育性恢复机理是"三系"法选育的重要分子遗传学基础。目前,各个作物已经创制了不同类型的不育系。随着分子技术、基因组学和测序技术的深入,大量育性恢复基因已被定位,且部分已被克隆和功能鉴定。针对主要作物中恢复基因的遗传模式,分子标记定位、克隆及CMS/Rf系统在杂交育种中的应用进行了系统总结。希望本文能为今后恢复系分子标记辅助选育,或利用转基因、基因编辑手段创制新恢复系提供思路。  相似文献   

近些年来,人们发现和创造了许多雄性不育材料.其中一些核质互作雄性不育类型已经“三系”配套,在生产上利用杂种优势提高作物产量;一些显性核不育材料已被用作自花授粉作物遗传改良工具,通过轮回选择选育优良品种.但是,对受环境条件影响的核不育材料的研究是不充分的,其应用价值也可能还远没有  相似文献   

转基因雄性不育油菜选育的简介   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
转基因雄性不育油菜选育的简介彭仁旺,周雪荣,方荣祥,陈正华,莽克强(中国科学院微生物研究所,北京100080;中国科学院遗传研究所,北京100101)杂种优势的利用是作物生产中用以提高产量、改进品质的重要措施之一,通过雄性不育系培植杂种是杂种优势利用...  相似文献   

利用杂种优势提高作物产量时,生产杂交种的主要授粉控制系统是细胞质雄性不育及其恢复系统。在杂交品种的选育过程中,优良恢复系选育至关重要。为了高效并准确地鉴定选择恢复材料,同时更深入地研究恢复基因的作用机理,近年来植物细胞质雄性不育恢复基因分子标记研究受到了广泛重视。本文综述了主要农作物水稻、油菜、小麦、棉花和玉米等细胞质雄性不育类型恢复基因的定位和分子标记研究进展,并讨论了恢复基因的精确定位和分子标记鉴定在基因克隆和分子标记辅助选择育种中的意义和应用前景。  相似文献   

利用杂种优势提高作物产量时, 生产杂交种的主要授粉控制系统是细胞质雄性不育及其恢复系统。在杂交品种的选育过程中, 优良恢复系选育至关重要。为了高效并准确地鉴定选择恢复材料, 同时更深入地研究恢复基因的作用机理, 近年来植物细胞质雄性不育恢复基因分子标记研究受到了广泛重视。本文综述了主要农作物水稻、油菜、小麦、棉花和玉米等细胞质雄性不育类型恢复基因的定位和分子标记研究进展, 并讨论了恢复基因的精确定位和分子标记鉴定在基因克隆和分子标记辅助选择育种中的意义和应用前景。  相似文献   

谷子是我国北方主要作物之一,耐干旱和瘠薄,在西北和华北干旱地区广为栽培,但产量较低。我们在谷子三系选育研究中,利用远缘杂交,以狗尾草属的5个野生种(包括法氏狗尾草在内)为母本与谷子杂交,分别选育不育系,1989年安排其反交组合 Ch 4n×法氏狗尾草,其目的在于:(一)根据雄性不育基因的多样性,彼此独立性和质核对应性原理,通过正反交对比,测验此雄性不育基因有无互补关系;(二)使从法氏狗尾草中获得的恢复源具有谷子  相似文献   

由中国工程院院士方智远带领中国农科院蔬菜花卉研究所甘蓝课题组进行的“甘蓝雄性不育系选育和利用研究”最近取得一系列重要进展。该课题组利用在国内外首次发现的甘蓝显性雄性不育材料 ,选育出 5份甘蓝显性雄性不育系 ,同时通过显性雄性不育系配制甘蓝杂交种的制种新技术 ,配制出 5个不同类型的甘蓝新品种。 5个新品种具有早熟、优质、抗逆、丰产的特性我国科学家育成甘蓝新品种  相似文献   

由一对隐性基因控制的普通核雄性不育性遗传方式能够满足对植物最佳雄性不育系选育的要求,是水稻等作物杂种优势利用的极好遗传工具。如果能解决其不育系繁殖问题,将优于现有的其他杂种优势利用方式。克隆出普通核雄性不育性的可育基因,通过叶绿体转化,将核雄性不育性可育基因向普通核雄性不育株细胞质转移,创造普通核雄性不育株的保持系;通过种子成熟后表达的启动子;和以位点特异性重组技术为基础的基因开关以及化学诱导启动子的利用,都可能繁殖出100%不育株率的普通核雄性不育系,创造普通核雄性不育性利用的新途径,对植物杂种优势利用产业有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

雄性不育是植物雄性细胞或生殖器官丧失生理机能的现象,该现象的利用大大提高了杂交种生产的效率。植物雄性不育包含细胞质雄性不育、不受环境影响的核雄性不育、光温敏型雄性不育及化学诱导的雄性不育。这些不育类型也已经被以三系或二系的方式应用于很多作物的杂交种生产中。综述了雄性不育各个途径的研究进展及其在作物杂种优势中的应用。  相似文献   

由一对隐性基因控制的普通核雄性不育性遗传方式能够满足对植物最佳雄性不育系选育的要求,是水稻等作物杂种优势利用的极好遗传工具。如果能解决其不育系繁殖问题,将优于现有的其他杂种优势利用方式。克隆出普通核雄性不育性的可育基因,通过叶绿体转化,将核雄性不育性可育基因向普通核雄性不育株细胞质转移,创造普通核雄性不育株的保持系;通过种子成熟后表达的启动子;和以位点特异性重组技术为基础的基因开关以及化学诱导启动子的利用,都可能繁殖出100%不育株率的普通核雄性不育系,创造普通核雄性不育性利用的新途径,对植物杂种优势利用产业有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

雄性不育技术在作物杂种优势利用和杂交种生产中发挥着重要作用。基于核质互作雄性不育的“三系法”与光温敏核不育的“两系法”已经在水稻等主要作物的杂交制种中获得了广泛应用,但是存在着资源利用效率低、育性不稳定、易受外界环境影响等诸多问题。近三十年来,利用生物技术创建不同类型的植物雄性不育系取得了一系列突破性进展。主要针对玉米、水稻、小麦三大作物的基因工程雄性不育技术的最新进展进行总结,特别详细地描述了本实验室最近研究创制的玉米多控不育技术体系,以期为相关研究和产业化应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

Reversible male sterility and doubled haploid plant production are two valuable technologies in F1-hybrid breeding. F1-hybrids combine uniformity with high yield and improved agronomic traits, and provide self-acting intellectual property protection. We have developed an F1-hybrid seed technology based on the metabolic engineering of glutamine in developing tobacco anthers and pollen. Cytosolic glutamine synthetase (GS1) was inactivated in tobacco by introducing mutated tobacco GS genes fused to the tapetum-specific TA29 and microspore-specific NTM19 promoters. Pollen in primary transformants aborted close to the first pollen mitosis, resulting in male sterility. A non-segregating population of homozygous doubled haploid male-sterile plants was generated through microspore embryogenesis. Fertility restoration was achieved by spraying plants with glutamine, or by pollination with pollen matured in vitro in glutamine-containing medium. The combination of reversible male sterility with doubled haploid production results in an innovative environmentally friendly breeding technology. Tapetum-mediated sporophytic male sterility is of use in foliage crops, whereas microspore-specific gametophytic male sterility can be applied to any field crop. Both types of sterility preclude the release of transgenic pollen into the environment.  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)隐性核雄性不育突变体是第三代杂交水稻技术的核心。为了挖掘优质雄性不育突变体, 该研究通过筛选优质籼稻黄华占(HHZ)的甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变突变体库, 获得1个雄性不育突变体ms102 (male sterility mutant 102)。该突变体营养生长正常, 但花药不开裂, 花粉败育。细胞学分析表明, 突变体花药绒毡层不能正常降解, 导致小孢子发育异常; 遗传分析表明, 该突变体的不育表型由1个已报道编码酰基转移酶的DPW2基因突变造成。研究获得了1个隐性核雄性不育突变体, 进一步证实了DPW2基因在水稻花药发育中的功能。  相似文献   

辣椒雄性不育材料小孢子发生的细胞形态学观察   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用石蜡切片技术,在光学显微镜下观察了辣椒雄性不育材料1A及其保持系1B的小孢子发育过程和各时期的形态特征.结果表明,雄性不育材料1A的小孢子败育发生在四分体至单核花粉粒时期,此时绒毡层细胞异常肥大,四分体受到挤压后破裂并降解,无法形成正常的单核花粉粒.扫描电镜观察结果表明,保持系1B的花粉粒结构完整,表面有3个明显的萌发沟;而雄性不育材料1A的成熟花粉粒形状不规则,空瘪,有部分花粉粒解体,败育比较彻底,说明该雄性不育材料在辣椒育种工作中有较高的利用价值.  相似文献   

Spontaneous mutations leading to male sterility have been described for many different crops and are of great importance to hybrid breeding, provided that their inheritance is resolved. This paper describes an efficient method to characterise male sterilities with respect to cytoplasmic factors that might be causally related to them. The differentiation of cytoplasmic (CMS) and genic (GMS) male sterility is achieved by a specific transfer of nuclear male sterility factors to different cytoplasm types which have previously been distinguished by means of RFLP analyses using mitochondrial gene probes. The nuclear sterility factors of Allium schoenoprasum used, st1 and st2, showed a monogenic recessive inheritance in their original cytoplasms. While st1 was expressed in four different cytoplasm types, st2 did not show itself in a cytoplasm type differing from the original. Therefore, the st1-sterility is a GMS, while a cytoplasmic factor is necessary for the occurrence of st2-sterility. This cytoplasmic factor was verified by a reciprocal cross, and the CMS system was completed by the selection of maintainer genotypes. Neither of these new sterilities were influenced by high temperatures or tetracycline. The benefits of a new CMS system to practical breeding and the advantages and disadvantages of the environmental influences on the expression of male sterility are discussed. Received: 24 November 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

概述总结了作物雄性不育性的类别与遗传特点。雄性不育性的遗传机理涉及细胞质遗传的现象,目前已初步探明玉米C群不育系的胞质基因可能是atp6-c,芝麻不育胞质基因拟为atpA。雄性不育化杂交种在实践中主要应用于玉米、水稻和蔬菜中。尽管现有近交理论、DNA甲基化效用、水稻胞质与核不育系遗传等理论提出,雄性不育化育种的基本理论尚需进一步探讨。在雄性不育化育种技术上,要逐步解决难点作物,如小麦、荞麦、菜豆等的不育化育种问题。  相似文献   

Incorporating male sterility into hybrid seed production reduces its cost and ensures high varietal purity. Despite these advantages, male‐sterile lines have not been widely used to produce tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) hybrid seeds. We describe the development of a biotechnology‐based breeding platform that utilized genic male sterility to produce hybrid seeds. In this platform, we generated a novel male‐sterile tomato line by clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR‐associated protein 9 (Cas9)‐mediated mutagenesis of a stamen‐specific gene SlSTR1 and devised a transgenic maintainer by transforming male‐sterile plants with a fertility‐restoration gene linked to a seedling‐colour gene. Offspring of crosses between a hemizygous maintainer and the homozygous male‐sterile plant segregated into 50% non‐transgenic male‐sterile plants and 50% male‐fertile maintainer plants, which could be easily distinguished by seedling colour. This system has great practical potential for hybrid seed breeding and production as it overcomes the problems intrinsic to other male‐sterility systems and can be easily adapted for a range of tomato cultivars and diverse vegetable crops.  相似文献   

小麦雄性不育遗传及基因定位研究进展   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
梁凤山  王斌 《遗传》2003,25(4):461-465
雄性不育的研究对于杂种优势的利用具有重要意义。本文综述了小麦雄性不育遗传及基因定位研究进展,介绍了小麦雄性不育的基因工程,对小麦雄性不育的应用进行了讨论。 Abstract:The study of plant male sterility plays an important role on utilization of heterosis.This paper reviews the current status of the studies of the heredity and mapping of the male sterile genes in wheat and the gene engineering of wheat male sterility.The application of male sterility in wheat breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Global food security is one of the utmost essential challenges in the 21st century in providing enough food for the growing population while coping with the already stressed environment. High temperature (HT) is one of the main factors affecting plant growth, development and reproduction and causes male sterility in plants. In male reproductive tissues, metabolic changes induced by HT involve carbohydrates, lipids, hormones, epigenetics and reactive oxygen species, leading to male sterility and ultimately reducing yield. Understanding the mechanism and genes involved in these pathways during the HT stress response will provide a new path to improve crops by using molecular breeding and biotechnological approaches. Moreover, this review provides insight into male sterility and integrates this with suggested strategies to enhance crop tolerance under HT stress conditions at the reproductive stage.  相似文献   

植物雄性不育是指植物雄性生殖器官不能产生正常有功能花粉的现象.玉米(Zea mays L.)是重要的粮食作物之一,也是较早利用杂种优势的作物之一.当前,生产上广泛种植的玉米品种类型主要是单交种.我国玉米杂交种的播种面积常年稳定在6.2亿亩左右,年用种量10亿公斤以上,常年制种面积高达250多万亩.利用传统的人工去雄或机...  相似文献   

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