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Mitsutoshi Tomotsune Shinpei Yoshitake Shinya Watanabe Hiroshi Koizumi 《Ecological Research》2013,28(2):259-269
Trenching (Tr), root biomass regression (RR), and root excising (RE) methods were used to estimate the contribution of root (RR) and heterotrophic (HR) respiration to soil respiration (SR) in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in central Japan. The contribution ratios of RR to SR were 23 % (?16 to 46 %), 11 % (?19 to 61 %), and 115 % (20 to 393 %), as estimated by the Tr, RR, and RE methods, respectively. The contribution ratio showed clear seasonal variation with high values in summer for the Tr method, while they were undetectable for the RR and RE methods because of some methodological problems. These results suggest the Tr method is the best of the three methods used to estimate the contribution ratio of RR and HR to SR in the forest. Annual SR, RR, and HR rates, estimated by the Tr method, were 479, 369, 110 gC m?2 year?1, respectively. The seasonal variation of SR was mainly influenced by HR (77 %) throughout the year, while the influence of RR on SR was strongest in summer (46 %). This effect occurred because RR (Q 10 = 7.5) is more sensitive to temperature than HR (Q 10 = 3.2). Also, the contribution of fine RR to total RR was higher than that of coarse RR because of high respiratory activity (Q 10 and R 10) as well as the large biomass of fine roots. These results suggest that each component of SR responds differently to the same environmental factors and their relative influence on SR changes across the seasons. 相似文献
The two components of soil respiration, autotrophic respiration (from roots, mycorrhizal hyphae and associated microbes) and heterotrophic respiration (from decomposers), was separated in a root trenching experiment in a Norway spruce forest. In June 2003, cylinders (29.7 cm diameter) were inserted to 50 cm soil depth and respiration was measured both outside (control) and inside the trenched areas. The potential problems associated with the trenching treatment, increased decomposition of roots and ectomycorrhizal mycelia and changed soil moisture conditions, were handled by empirical modelling. The model was calibrated with respiration, moisture and temperature data of 2004 from the trenched plots as a training set. We estimate that over the first 5 months after the trenching, 45% of respiration from the trenched plots was an artefact of the treatment. Of this, 29% was a water difference effect and 16% resulted from root and mycelia decomposition. Autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration contributed to about 50% each of total soil respiration in the control plots averaged over the two growing seasons. We show that the potential problems with the trenching, decomposing roots and mycelia and soil moisture effects, can be handled by a modelling approach, which is an alternative to the sequential root harvesting technique. 相似文献
Analysis of relationship between soil respiration and environmental factors has become essential for understanding changes in ecosystem carbon cycles under global warming. However, rough predictions have been made that soil respiration will increase with increasing temperature, but long-term data to support this theory were scarce. We measured soil respiration and environmental factors continuously using an automatic open-closed chamber system in a Korean cool-temperate forest from 2004 to 2016 to ascertain the reliability of this prediction and to more accurately predict changes in carbon cycle. Average air and soil temperatures were 11.0°C and 10.2°C. The increase in temperature was greater in winter (the inactive period for soil respiration) than in summer (the active period). Additionally, precipitation decreased sharply because of patter changes in 2012, and through 2016, it was approximately 69% of the previous period. Effect of precipitation on soil respiration was expected to be larger than temperature because the change in precipitation appeared in summer. Soil respiration exhibited a significant decline in 2012 because of precipitation. From 2004 to 2011, it averaged 344.4?mgCO2?m?2?h?1 and from 2012 to 2016 the average was 205.3?mgCO2?m?2?h?1. This phenomenon hasn’t been detected in short-term studies, suggesting that the prediction of previous studies is inaccurate. Additionally, to predict future ecosystem carbon cycle changes in a cool-temperate monsoon climate, changes in precipitation pattern should be regarded as equally important to temperature, and the prediction cannot be based solely on temperature. Therefore, long-term and continuous measurements are needed with consideration of the effects of both precipitation and temperature.Abbreviations: Rs: soil respiration; Ts: soil temperature; Ta: air temperature; AOCC: automatic open/closed chamber 相似文献
Seasonal changes in the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in a cool-temperate deciduous forest 总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32
A trenching method was used to determine the contribution of root respiration to soil respiration. Soil respiration rates in a trenched plot (R
trench) and in a control plot (R
control) were measured from May 2000 to September 2001 by using an open-flow gas exchange system with an infrared gas analyser. The decomposition rate of dead roots (R
D) was estimated by using a root-bag method to correct the soil respiration measured from the trenched plots for the additional decaying root biomass. The soil respiration rates in the control plot increased from May (240–320 mg CO2 m–2 h–1) to August (840–1150 mg CO2 m–2 h–1) and then decreased during autumn (200–650 mg CO2 m–2 h–1). The soil respiration rates in the trenched plot showed a similar pattern of seasonal change, but the rates were lower than in the control plot except during the 2 months following the trenching. Root respiration rate (R
r) and heterotrophic respiration rate (R
h) were estimated from R
control, R
trench, and R
D. We estimated that the contribution of R
r to total soil respiration in the growing season ranged from 27 to 71%. There was a significant relationship between R
h and soil temperature, whereas R
r had no significant correlation with soil temperature. The results suggest that the factors controlling the seasonal change of respiration differ between the two components of soil respiration, R
r and R
h. 相似文献
Tree-girdling to separate root and heterotrophic respiration in two Eucalyptus stands in Brazil 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The release of carbon as CO2 from belowground processes accounts for about 70% of total ecosystem respiration. Insights about factors controlling soil CO2 efflux are constrained by the challenge of apportioning sources of CO2 between autotrophic tree roots (and mycorrhizal fungi) and heterotrophic microorganisms. In some temperate conifer forests, the reduction in soil CO2 efflux after girdling (phloem removal) has been used to separate these sources. Girdling stops the flow of carbohydrates to the belowground portion of the ecosystem, which should slow respiration by roots and mycorrhizae while heterotrophic respiration should remain constant or be enhanced by the decomposition of newly dead roots. Therefore, the reduction in CO2 efflux after girdling should be a conservative estimate of the belowground flux of C from trees. We tested this approach in two tropical Eucalyptus plantations. Tree canopies remained intact for more than 3 months after girdling, showing no reduction in light interception. The reduction in soil CO2 efflux averaged 16–24% for the 3-month period after girdling. The reduction in CO2 efflux was similar for plots with one half of the trees girdled and those with all of the trees girdled. Girdling did not reduce live fine root biomass for at least 5 months after treatment, indicating that large reserves of carbohydrates in the root systems of Eucalyptus trees maintained the roots and root respiration. Our results suggest that the girdling approach is unlikely to provide useful insights into the contribution of tree roots and heterotrophs to soil CO2 efflux in this type of forest ecosystem. 相似文献
Seasonal patterns of fine root demography in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in central Japan 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Takami Satomura Yasushi Hashimoto Hiroshi Koizumi Kaneyuki Nakane Takao Horikoshi 《Ecological Research》2006,21(5):741-753
In forest ecosystems, fine roots have a considerable role in carbon cycling. To investigate the seasonal pattern of fine root demography, we observed the fine root production and decomposition processes using a minirhizotron system in a Betula-dominated forest with understory evergreen dwarf bamboo. The length density of fine roots decreased with increasing soil depth. The seasonal patterns of each fine root demographic parameter (length density of visible roots, rates of stand-total fine root production and decomposition) were almost the same at different soil depths. The peak seasons of the fine root demographic parameters were observed in the order: stand-total fine root production rate (late summer) > length density of the visible roots (early autumn) > stand-total fine root decomposition rate (autumn, and a second small peak in spring). The fine root production rate was high in the latter part of the plant growing season. Fine root production peaked in late summer and remained high until the end of the tree defoliation season. The higher stand-total fine root production rate in autumn suggests the effect of understory evergreen bamboo on the stand-total fine root demography. The stand-total fine root decomposition rate was high in late autumn. In the snow-cover period, the rates of both fine root production and decomposition were low. The fine root demographic parameters appeared to show seasonal patterns. The fine root production rate had a clearer seasonality than the fine root decomposition rate. The seasonal pattern of stand-total fine root production rate could be explained by both overstory and understory above-ground productivities. 相似文献
An empirical light simulation model was applied to estimate stand scale photosynthesis in a deciduous broadleaved forest in central Japan. Based on diurnal courses of photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD), we characterized the components of incoming light within the forest canopy, and found that the instantaneous relative PPFD (PPFD under the canopy relative to that above the canopy) under diffuse light condition was a reliable estimator of the intensity and duration of PPFD. We calculated the daily photosynthesis (Aday) for each PPFD class using photosynthesis–light response curves. Model simulated Aday were corroborated with the estimates obtained from the nearby CO2 flux tower. The result demonstrated the potential of the light simulation model. The light use efficiency of two dominant species, Betula ermanii as overstory and Sasa senanensis as understory species, were then evaluated. At the forest understory, PPFD under 50 mol m–2 s–1 contributed to 77% of the sunshine duration on a completely clear day. Therefore, a higher apparent quantum yield for S. senanensis enhanced the utilization of low PPFD for photosynthesis. On the other hand, at the upper forest canopies, B. ermanii with a higher light-saturated photosynthetic rate used high PPFD efficiently. Consequently, potential of daily net photosynthesis for both B. ermanii and S. senanensis was high under each light condition. Such interspecific difference in the patterns of light utilization was suggested as one of factors allowing coexistence of the two species in the study forest. 相似文献
Fertilization of boreal forest reduces both autotrophic and heterotrophic soil respiration 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
The boreal forest is expected to experience the greatest warming of all forest biomes, raising concerns that some of the large quantities of soil carbon in these systems may be added to the atmosphere as CO2. However, nitrogen deposition or fertilization has the potential to increase boreal forest production and retard the decomposition of soil organic matter, hence increasing both tree stand and soil C storage. The major contributors to soil‐surface CO2 effluxes are autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration. To evaluate the effect of nutrient additions on the relative contributions from autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration, a large‐scale girdling experiment was performed in a long‐term nutrient optimization experiment in a 40‐year‐old stand of Norway spruce in northern Sweden. Trees on three nonfertilized plots and three fertilized plots were girdled in early summer 2002, and three nonfertilized and three fertilized plots were used as control plots. Each plot was 0.1 ha and contained around 230 trees. Soil‐surface CO2 fluxes, soil moisture, and soil temperature were monitored in both girdled and nongirdled plots. In late July, the time of the seasonal maximum in soil‐surface CO2 efflux, the total soil‐CO2 efflux in nongirdled plots was 40% lower in the fertilized than in the nonfertilized plots, while the efflux in girdled fertilized and nonfertilized plots was 50% and 60% lower, respectively, than in the corresponding nongirdled controls. We attribute these reductions to losses of the autotrophic component of the total soil‐surface CO2 efflux. The estimates of autotrophic respiration are conservative as root starch reserves were depleted more rapidly in roots of girdled than in nongirdled trees. Thus, heterotrophic activity was overestimated. Calculated on a unit area basis, both the heterotrophic and autotrophic soil respiration was significantly lower in fertilized plots, which is especially noteworthy given that aboveground production was around three times higher in fertilized than in nonfertilized plots. 相似文献
We measured the soil surface CO2 efflux (R
S) from January 2005 to December 2006 in two neighboring stands in Gwangneung Forest, central Korea: evergreen coniferous forest
(Abies holophylla, stand A) and broad-leaved deciduous forest (Quercus-dominated, stand Q). Regarding seasonal variation, R
S rate was low during the winter and early spring months in each stand and peaked in late July [1170 (stand A) and 1130 (stand
Q) in 2005, and 1000 (stand A) and 740 (stand Q) mg CO2 m−2 h−1 in 2006]. R
S rate was higher in stand A than in stand Q during most of the growing season. The pattern of summer rainfall differed between
2005 and 2006. R
S rate for both stands was suppressed significantly by the droughts in June 2005 and September 2006. After the heavy rainfall
of July 2006, R
S rate was lower than in July 2005 in both stands, but this decrement was much greater in stand Q than in stand A. In midsummer
(August) 2006, under higher soil temperature (ST) and lower soil water content (SWC) conditions than in August 2005, R
S rate of stand A was lower than that in August 2005, whereas stand Q showed no marked change. The exponential relationship
between ST and R
S accounted for approximately 91–97% of the R
S variability in each stand and in each year. In stand A, the application of a second-order polynomial function indicated a
significant correlation between SWC and R
S when the soil was warm (ST > 15°C). Our results suggest that the seasonality of R
S is strongly affected by the pattern of summer rainfall even in an Asia monsoon climate regime. In addition, the vegetation
type (i.e., evergreen coniferous forest vs. broad-leaved deciduous forest) plays a significant role in response of R
S to various environmental fluctuations such as drought, heavy rainfall, and hot-dry condition. 相似文献
Biomass, production, and nutrient distribution of a pure Quercus variabilis Bl. stand (stand 1) and two mixed Q. variabilis–Q. mongolica Fisch. stands (stand 2 and 3) were investigated in central Korea. Stand 1 naturally occurred on a site with a southern aspect while stand 2 and stand 3 occurred on sites with a northern aspect. Total (overstory+understory vegetation) biomass (tha-1) and annual production (tha–1year–1) were 137.8 and 11.1 for stand 1, 216.2 and 16.6 for stand 2, and 253.3 and 19.7 for stand 3. Nutrient contents (kgha–1) in the vegetation were distributed as follows: K, 478–860; N, 471–839; Ca, 428–791; Mg, 72–125; Na, 77–141; and P, 37–71, and were greatest in stand 3 followed by stand 2, and stand 1. Stand density influenced the differences in biomass, annual production and nutrient contents in the vegetation. Forest floor dry mass and N content (kgha–1) were 13400 and 169 for stand 1, 10400 and 133 for stand 2, and 11200 and 127 for stand 3. Total amounts of N, P and Na in the ecosystem were greatest in the upper 40cm of mineral soil followed by the vegetation and forest floor. However, the vegetation contained a greater amount of K than the mineral soil. It appeared that microenvironments, such as, aspect influenced the distribution of natural oak species within a relatively small area and resulted in differences in biomass, production and nutrient distribution among the stands. 相似文献
Kristell Hergoualc’h Dede T. Hendry Daniel Murdiyarso Louis Vincent Verchot 《Biogeochemistry》2017,135(3):203-220
Heterotrophic respiration is a major component of the soil C balance however we critically lack understanding of its variation upon conversion of peat swamp forests in tropical areas. Our research focused on a primary peat swamp forest and two oil palm plantations aged 1 (OP2012) and 6 years (OP2007). Total and heterotrophic soil respiration were monitored over 13 months in paired control and trenched plots. Spatial variability was taken into account by differentiating hummocks from hollows in the forest; close to palm from far from palm positions in the plantations. Annual total soil respiration was the highest in the oldest plantation (13.8 ± 0.3 Mg C ha?1 year?1) followed by the forest and youngest plantation (12.9 ± 0.3 and 11.7 ± 0.4 Mg C ha?1 year?1, respectively). In contrast, the contribution of heterotrophic to total respiration and annual heterotrophic respiration were lower in the forest (55.1 ± 2.8%; 7.1 ± 0.4 Mg C ha?1 year?1) than in the plantations (82.5 ± 5.8 and 61.0 ± 2.3%; 9.6 ± 0.8 and 8.4 ± 0.3 Mg C ha?1 year?1 in the OP2012 and OP2007, respectively). The use of total soil respiration rates measured far from palms as an indicator of heterotrophic respiration, as proposed in the literature, overestimates peat and litter mineralization by around 21%. Preliminary budget estimates suggest that over the monitoring period, the peat was a net C source in all land uses; C loss in the plantations was more than twice the loss observed in the forest. 相似文献
Topographic and climatic controls on soil respiration in six temperate mixed-hardwood forest slopes, Korea 总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16
Sinkyu Kang † Sueyoung Doh Dongsun. Lee Dowon. Lee Virginia L. Jin‡ John S. Kimball§ 《Global Change Biology》2003,9(10):1427-1437
To better understand the effects of local topography and climate on soil respiration, we conducted field measurements and soil incubation experiments to investigate various factors influencing spatial and temporal variations in soil respiration for six mixed‐hardwood forest slopes in the midst of the Korean Peninsula. Soil respiration and soil water content (SWC) were significantly greater (P=0.09 and 0.003, respectively) on north‐facing slopes compared to south‐facing slopes, while soil temperature was not significantly different between slopes (P>0.5). At all sites, soil temperature was the primary factor driving temporal variations in soil respiration (r2=0.84–0.96) followed by SWC, which accounted for 30% of soil respiration spatial and temporal variability. Results from both field measurements and incubation experiments indicate that variations in soil respiration due to aspect can be explained by a convex‐shaped function relating SWC to normalized soil respiration rates. Annual soil respiration estimates (1070–1246 g C m?2 yr?1) were not closely related to mean annual air temperatures among sites from different climate regimes. When soils from each site were incubated at similar temperatures in a laboratory, respiration rates for mineral soils from wetter and cooler sites were significantly higher than those for the drier and warmer sites (n=4, P<0.01). Our results indicate that the application of standard temperature‐based Q10 models to estimate soil respiration rates for larger geographic areas covering different aspects or climatic regimes are not adequate unless other factors, such as SWC and total soil nitrogen, are considered in addition to soil temperature. 相似文献
Respiration of 1-year-old needles of 30-year-old Norway spruce trees [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] was studied in a nutrient optimisation experiment in northern Sweden. Respiration rates of detached needles,
from ten control (C) and ten irrigated-fertilised (IL) trees, were measured on 16 occasions from June 1992 to June 1993. The
aim of the study was to determine the influence of temperature on the seasonal course of needle maintenance respiration, and
the effect of nitrogen concentration [N] and carbohydrate content on needle respiration in young Norway spruce trees subjected
to long-term fertilisation. The IL treatment significantly affected needle size, in terms of dry mass and length, but not
specific needle length (SNL). There was, however, a strong tree-specific effect on SNL (P<10–9, R
2 = 0.75). Needle starch content varied markedly with season (0–25% of total dry mass). This, unless accounted for, would cause
erroneous estimates of nutrient concentrations, and of rates of needle respiration, within and between treatments. There was
considerable seasonal variation in needle respiration, both in terms of maintenance respiration and temperature dependence
(Q10). Q10 had its highest value (2.8) during winter and its lowest (2.0) in the middle of summer. In early autumn (August, September),
respiration rate and needle [N] were significantly related (C: P = 0.001, IL: P<0.0005). There was no significant difference in the slope between the two regression lines, but a difference in intercept.
At the same needle [N], needles from IL-plots always had a lower respiration rate than needles from control plots. No obvious
explanation for the observed difference in intercept was found, but some plausible assumptions are put forward and discussed.
Received: 24 January 1997 / Accepted: 1 July 1997 相似文献
Shigeru Mariko Noboru Nishimura Wenhong Mo Yoshisuke Matsui Takeshi Kibe Hiroshi Koizumi 《Ecological Research》2000,15(4):363-372
We measured diurnal and wintertime changes in CO2 fluxes from soil and snow surfaces in a Japanese cool-temperate Quercus/Betula forest between December 1994 and May 1995. To evaluate the relationship between these winter fluxes and temperature, flux measurements were made with the open-flow infrared gas analyzer (IRGA) method rather than with the more commonly used closed chamber method or the snow CO2 profile method. The open-flow IRGA method proved to be more successful in measurements of winter CO2 fluxes than the two standard methods. Despite colder air temperatures, soil temperature profiles were greater than 0°C because of the thermal insulation effect of deep snowpack. This reveals that soil temperature is satisfactory for microbial respiration throughout the winter. Unfrozen soils under the snowpack showed neither diurnal nor wintertime trends in CO2 fluxes or in soil surface temperature, although there was a daily snow surface CO2 flux of 0.18–0.32 g m–2. By combining this with other reference data, Japanese cool-temperate forest soils in snowy regions can be estimated to emit < 100 g m–2 carbon over an entire winter, and this value accounts for < 15% of the annual emission. In the present study, when data for all winter fluxes were taken together, fluxes were most highly correlated with deep soil temperatures rather than the soil surface temperature. Such a high correlation can be attributed to the relatively increased respiration of the deep soil where the temperature was higher than the soil surface temperature. Thus, deeper soil temperature is a better predictor of winter CO2 fluxes in cold and snowy ecosystems. 相似文献
T. R. Parsons D. G. Webb B. E. Rokeby M. Lawrence G. E. Hopky D. B. Chiperzak 《Polar Biology》1989,9(4):261-266
Summary Productivity studies in the Mackenzie estuary and Beaufort Sea have confirmed the existence of two food chains based either on autotrophic marine diatoms or on organic material derived from the river. From 13C and 15N isotope studies, it appears that autotrophic production, which reached surface values of 10 mgC/m3/h, was largely responsible for maintaining the herbivorous copepods and a number of important predators including jellyfish, chaetognaths, hyperiid amphipods and some marine fish. The heterotrophic food chain largely supported a population of gammarid amphipods and some anadromous fish. In the summer of 1987, bacterial populations of>106 cells/ml were encountered in the estuarine waters. These values were much higher than in 1986. It is suggested that this difference was caused by advective processes due to on-shore winds in 1987; other differences between 1986 and 1987 fish populations, near shore temperatures and ice cover were also noted. 相似文献
The photosynthetic light acclimation of fully expanded leaves of tree seedlings in response to gap formation was studied with respect to anatomical and photosynthetic characteristics in a natural cool-temperate deciduous forest. Eight woody species of different functional groups were used; two species each from mid-successional canopy species (Kalopanax pictus and Magnolia obovata), from late-successional canopy species (Quercus crispula and Acer mono), from sub-canopy species (Acer japonicum and Fraxinus lanuginosa) and from vine species (Schizophragma hydrangeoides and Hydrangea petiolaris). The light-saturated rate of photosynthesis (P max) increased significantly after gap formation in six species other than vine species. Shade leaves of K. pictus, M. obovata and Q. crispula had vacant spaces along cell walls in mesophyll cells, where chloroplasts were absent. The vacant space was filled after the gap formation by increased chloroplast volume, which in turn increased P max. In two Acer species, an increase in the area of mesophyll cells facing the intercellular space enabled the leaves to increase P max after maturation. The two vine species did not significantly change their anatomical traits. Although the response and the mechanism of acclimation to light improvement varied from species to species, the increase in the area of chloroplast surface facing the intercellular space per unit leaf area accounted for most of the increase in P max, demonstrating the importance of leaf anatomy in increasing P max. 相似文献
Variation in soil respiration under the tree canopy in a temperate mixed forest,central China,under different soil water conditions 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Yanchun Liu Shirong Liu Jingxin Wang Xueling Zhu Yuandong Zhang Xiaojing Liu 《Ecological Research》2014,29(2):133-142
The forest canopy cover can directly and indirectly affect soil conditions and hence soil carbon emission through soil respiration. Little is known, however, on the effects of canopy cover on soil respiration under the canopy of different tree species and soil water conditions. We have examined the variation in soil respiration at different soil water conditions (dry <10 %, wet >20 %, v/v) under different tree canopy covers in comparison with the canopy interspace in a temperate coniferous (Pinus armandii Franch) and broadleaved (Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata) mixed forest in central China. The results show that soil respiration measured under tree canopy cover varied with canopy size and soil water content. Soil respiration under small-sized canopies of P. armandii (PS) was higher than that under large-sized (PL) canopies, but the difference was only significant under the dry soil condition. However, soil respiration under large-sized canopies of Q. aliena (QL) was significantly greater than that under small-sized (QS) canopies under both dry and wet soil conditions. The difference in soil respiration between differently sized canopies of Q. aliena (33.5–35.8 %) was significantly greater than that between differently sized canopies of P. armandii (2.4–8.1 %). Differences in soil respiration between inter-plant gaps and under QS canopies in both the dry and wet soil conditions were significant. Significant increases in soil respiration (9.7–32.2 %) during the transition from dry to wet conditions were found regardless of canopy size, but the increase of soil respiration was significantly lower under P. armandii canopies (9.7–17.7 %) than under Q. aliena canopies (25.9–31.5 %). Our findings that the canopy cover of different tree species influences soil respiration under different soil moisture conditions could provide useful information for parameterizing and/or calibrating carbon flux models, especially for spatially explicit carbon models. 相似文献
亚热带天然阔叶林转换为杉木人工林对土壤呼吸的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用静态箱-气相色谱法对浙江省临安市玲珑山风景区天然阔叶林和由天然阔叶林改造的杉木人工林的土壤呼吸进行1年的定位监测.结果表明:天然阔叶林和杉木人工林土壤CO2排放速率均呈现一致的季节性变化规律即夏秋季高、冬春季低;天然阔叶林和杉木人工林土壤CO2排放速率分别为20.0~111.3和4.1~118.6 mg C·m-2·h-1;天然阔叶林土壤CO2年累积排放通量(16.46 t CO2·hm-2·a-1)显著高于杉木人工林(11.99 t CO2·hm-2·a-1).天然阔叶林和杉木人工林土壤CO2排放速率与土壤含水量均没有显著相关性,而与5 cm处土壤温度呈显著指数相关,Q10值分别为1.44和2.97;天然阔叶林土壤CO2排放速率与土壤水溶性碳(WSOC)含量无显著相关性,杉木人工林土壤CO2排放速率与WSOC含量呈显著相关.天然阔叶林转换为杉木人工林显著降低了土壤CO2排放,提高了土壤呼吸对环境因子的敏感性.
Haishan Dang Kerong Zhang Yanjun Zhang Mingxi Jiang Quanfa Zhang 《Plant Ecology》2014,215(10):1111-1121
Disturbance history of an old-growth subalpine fir (Abies fargesii) forest in the Shennongjia Mountains of central China was reconstructed using dendroecological methods. Increment cores were extracted from 468 trees within six 100 m × 50 m permanent transects distributed across the old-growth subalpine fir forest of 300 ha. Growth patterns of 299 fir cores were examined for abrupt increases in radial growth to indicate formation of past canopy gaps and for rapid early radial growth to indicate establishment in past canopy gaps. The results showed that 70.8 % of the canopy fir trees experienced an average of 0.78 (ranging from 0 to 2) major release event for an average of 15.8 (ranging from 10 to 24) years, and an average of 1.94 (ranging from 0 to 3) moderate release events for an average of 25.6 (ranging from 10 to 36) years before they reached canopy. Recruitment pulse of trees coincided temporally with the peak of disturbance rate from the 1900s to the 1910s, suggesting occurrence of intense disturbance events during the time period. Radial growth analyses indicated that a history with small-scale disturbance events has resulted in the formation of the old-growth subalpine fir forest, and stand-replacing disturbances might not be necessary for the development of the forest. This study provides strong evidence that there are substantial variations in the disturbance severity and frequency over time. Most disturbance events might rather cause treefall gaps than clear large areas of forest at once. Thus, the old-growth subalpine fir forest experienced frequent gap-scale disturbances and few large-scale disturbances in its development history. 相似文献