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Many species require captive breeding to ensuretheir survival. The eventual aim of suchprograms is usually to reintroduce the speciesinto the wild. Populations in captivitydeteriorate due to inbreeding depression, lossof genetic diversity, accumulation of newdeleterious mutations and genetic adaptationsto captivity that are deleterious in the wild.However, there is little evidence on themagnitude of these problems. We evaluatedchanges in reproductive fitness in populationsof Drosophila maintained under benigncaptive conditions for 50 generations witheffective population sizes of 500 (2replicates), 250 (3), 100 (4), 50 (6) and 25(8). At generation 50, fitness in the benigncaptive conditions was reduced in smallpopulations due to inbreeding depression andincreased in some of the large populations dueto modest genetic adaptation. When thepopulations were moved to `wild' conditions,all 23 populations showed a marked decline(64–86%percnt;) in reproductive fitness compared tocontrols. Reproductive fitness showed acurvilinear relationship with population size,the largest and smallest population sizetreatments being the worst. Genetic analysesindicated that inbreeding depression andgenetic adaptation were responsible for thegenetic deterioration in `wild' fitness.Consequently, genetic deterioration incaptivity is likely to be a major problem whenlong-term captive bred populations ofendangered species are returned to the wild. Aregime involving fragmentation of captivepopulations of endangered species is suggestedto minimize the problems.  相似文献   

Many species require captive breeding to savethem from extinction, with reintroduction intothe wild being the eventual aim of mostprograms. Adaptation to captive environmentstypically results in reduced fitness under wildconditions. Consequently, unintentionaladaptation during captive breeding programs mayseriously compromise the success ofreintroduction programs. However, there islittle experimental evidence on the rate orextent of adaptation for captive populationsmaintained under benign captive conditions forextended periods of time. To investigate thedynamics of genetic adaptation to captivity,large captive populations of Drosophilamelanogaster were assessed for relativefitness under captive conditions for up to 87generations in captivity. Captive fitnessincreased to 3.33 times the initial fitnessover 87 generations. The pattern of adaptationwas curvilinear, with an exponential curveproviding the best fit. Fitness reached 25% ofits maximum within 6 generations, 50% within15 generations, 75% within 31 generations and95% within 67 generations. The model predictedthat the asymptotic level of fitness reachedwould be 3.38 times the initial fitness. Thus,very large genetic adaptations to captivity mayoccur under relatively benign captiveconditions. Captive populations destined forreintroduction need to be managed to minimisegenetic adaptation to captivity.  相似文献   

Most of the major genetic concerns in conservation biology, including inbreeding depression, loss of evolutionary potential, genetic adaptation to captivity and outbreeding depression, involve quantitative genetics. Small population size leads to inbreeding and loss of genetic diversity and so increases extinction risk. Captive populations of endangered species are managed to maximize the retention of genetic diversity by minimizing kinship, with subsidiary efforts to minimize inbreeding. There is growing evidence that genetic adaptation to captivity is a major issue in the genetic management of captive populations of endangered species as it reduces reproductive fitness when captive populations are reintroduced into the wild. This problem is not currently addressed, but it can be alleviated by deliberately fragmenting captive populations, with occasional exchange of immigrants to avoid excessive inbreeding. The extent and importance of outbreeding depression is a matter of controversy. Currently, an extremely cautious approach is taken to mixing populations. However, this cannot continue if fragmented populations are to be adequately managed to minimize extinctions. Most genetic management recommendations for endangered species arise directly, or indirectly, from quantitative genetic considerations.  相似文献   

Captive‐breeding programs have been widely used in the conservation of imperiled species, but the effects of inbreeding, frequently expressed in traits related to fitness, are nearly unavoidable in small populations with few founders. Following its planned extirpation in the wild, the endangered red wolf (Canis rufus) was preserved in captivity with just 14 founders. In this study, we evaluated the captive red wolf population for relationships between inbreeding and reproductive performance and fitness. Over 30 years of managed breeding, the level of inbreeding in the captive population has increased, and litter size has declined. Inbreeding levels were lower in sire and dam wolves that reproduced than in those that did not reproduce. However, there was no difference in the inbreeding level of actual litters and predicted litters. Litter size was negatively affected by offspring and paternal levels of inbreeding, but the effect of inbreeding on offspring survival was restricted to a positive influence. There was no apparent relationship between inbreeding and method of rearing offspring. The observable effects of inbreeding in the captive red wolf population currently do not appear to be a limiting factor in the conservation of the red wolf population. Additional studies exploring the extent of the effects of inbreeding will be required as inbreeding levels increase in the captive population. Zoo Biol 29:36–49, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A nucleus population is a small captive population genetically supported by periodic importation of wild caught animals. Periodic importation will allow nucleus populations to maintain the same amount of gene diversity as larger captive populations that do not import wild caught animals. The function of nucleus populations as envisioned by the IUCN/SSC Captive Breeding Specialist Group (CBSG) is to make additional captive space available for endangered taxa not currently maintained in captivity. In this article, mathematical models are developed to assess the effectiveness of the nucleus population concept in reducing the population sizes necessary to maintain appreciable amounts of gene diversity in captive populations. It is shown that the Nucleus I population concept, as defined and promoted by the CBSG, requires an importation rate 10–20 times greater than they have indicated. Whereas nucleus populations are not appropriate for maintenance of significant amounts of gene diversity in long-term breeding programs, small populations can be valuable for research, education, and reintroduction projects with short-term goals. Decisions have to be made on which of the many endangered taxa will be maintained and for what purposes, if captive breeding is to be an effective component of species conservation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

K Theodorou  D Couvet 《Heredity》2015,114(1):38-47
Although ex situ conservation is indispensable for thousands of species, captive breeding is associated with negative genetic changes: loss of genetic variance and genetic adaptation to captivity that is deleterious in the wild. We used quantitative genetic individual-based simulations to model the effect of genetic management on the evolution of a quantitative trait and the associated fitness of wild-born individuals that are brought to captivity. We also examined the feasibility of the breeding strategies under a scenario of a large number of loci subject to deleterious mutations. We compared two breeding strategies: repeated half-sib mating and a method of minimizing mean coancestry (referred to as gc/mc). Our major finding was that half-sib mating is more effective in reducing genetic adaptation to captivity than the gc/mc method. Moreover, half-sib mating retains larger allelic and adaptive genetic variance. Relative to initial standing variation, the additive variance of the quantitative trait increased under half-sib mating during the sojourn in captivity. Although fragmentation into smaller populations improves the efficiency of the gc/mc method, half-sib mating still performs better in the scenarios tested. Half-sib mating shows two caveats that could mitigate its beneficial effects: low heterozygosity and high risk of extinction when populations are of low fecundity and size and one of the following conditions are met: (i) the strength of selection in captivity is comparable with that in the wild, (ii) deleterious mutations are numerous and only slightly deleterious. Experimental validation of half-sib mating is therefore needed for the advancement of captive breeding programs.  相似文献   

Biological changes occurring as a consequence of domestication and/or captivity are not still deeply known. In Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), endangered (Southern Europe) populations are enhanced by supportive breeding, which involves only 6 months of captive rearing following artificial spawning of wild‐collected adults. In this work, we assess whether several fitness‐correlated life‐history traits (migratory behavior, straying rate, age at maturity, and growth) are affected by early exposure to the captive environment within a generation, before reproduction thus before genetic selection. Results showed significant differences in growth and migratory behavior (including straying), associated with this very short period of captivity in natural fish populations, changing even genetic variability (decreased in hatchery‐reared adults) and the native population structure within and between rivers of the species. These changes appeared within a single generation, suggesting very short time of captivity is enough for initiating changes normally attributed to domestication. These results may have potential implications for the long‐term population stability/viability of species subjected to restoration and enhancement processes and could be also considered for the management of zoo populations.  相似文献   

Microbes can have important impacts on their host's survival. Captive breeding programs for endangered species include periods of captivity that can ultimately have an impact on reintroduction success. No study to date has investigated the impacts of captive diet on the gut microbiota during the relocation process of generalist species. This study simulated a captive breeding program with white‐footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) to describe the variability in gut microbial community structure and composition during captivity and relocation in their natural habitat, and compared it to wild individuals. Mice born in captivity were fed two different diets, a control with dry standardized pellets and a treatment with nonprocessed components that reflect a version of their wild diet that could be provided in captivity. The mice from the two groups were then relocated to their natural habitat. Relocated mice that had the treatment diet had more phylotypes in common with the wild‐host microbiota than mice under the control diet or mice kept in captivity. These results have broad implications for our understanding of microbial community dynamics and the effects of captivity on reintroduced animals, including the potential impact on the survival of endangered species. This study demonstrates that ex situ conservation actions should consider a more holistic perspective of an animal's biology including its microbes.  相似文献   

Captive populations of endangered species are typically maintained effectively as single random-mating populations by translocating individuals between institutions. Genetic, disease, and cost considerations, however, suggest that this may not be the optimal management strategy. Genetic theory predicts that a pooled population derived from several small isolated populations will have greater genetic diversity, less inbreeding, and less genetic adaptation to captivity than a single large population of equivalent total size, provided there are no population extinctions. These predictions were tested using populations of Drosophila with effective size comparisons of 50 vs. 2 × 25; 100 vs. 2 × 50 vs. 4 × 25, and 500 vs. 2 × 250 vs. 4 × 100 + 2 × 50 vs. 8 × 25 + 6 × 50. Populations were maintained at the indicated sizes as separate pedigreed populations for 50 generations. The several small treatments were subsequently pooled and maintained for eight to 10 generations prior to determination of fitness and evolutionary potential. Several small populations (pooled), when compared to single large populations of equivalent total size, were found to have lower average inbreeding coefficients, significantly higher reproductive fitness under competitive conditions, similar fitness under benign captive conditions, higher genetic diversity, and equivalent evolutionary potential. Trends favored the several small (pooled) populations in all comparisons at population sizes of 50 and 100. We recommend that endangered species in captivity be maintained as several small populations, with occasional exchange of genetic material. This has genetic benefits over current management both in captivity and especially for reintroductions, as well as reducing translocation costs and risks of disease transfer. Zoo Biol 17:467–480, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Captive breeding is a high profile management tool used for conserving threatened species. However, the inevitable consequence of generations in captivity is broad scale and often-rapid phenotypic divergence between captive and wild individuals, through environmental differences and genetic processes. Although poorly understood, mate choice preference is one of the changes that may occur in captivity that could have important implications for the reintroduction success of captive-bred animals. We bred wild-caught house mice for three generations to examine mating patterns and reproductive outcomes when these animals were simultaneously released into multiple outdoor enclosures with wild conspecifics. At release, there were significant differences in phenotypic (e.g. body mass) and genetic measures (e.g. Gst and F) between captive-bred and wild adult mice. Furthermore, 83% of offspring produced post-release were of same source parentage, inferring pronounced assortative mating. Our findings suggest that captive breeding may affect mating preferences, with potentially adverse implications for the success of threatened species reintroduction programmes.  相似文献   

The Amur tiger, Panthera tigris altaica, is a highly endangered felid whose range and population size has been severely reduced in recent times. At present, the wild population is estimated at 490 individuals, having rebounded from the 20–30 tigers remaining following a severe bottleneck in the 1940's. The current study presents preliminary data on the patterns and levels of genetic variation in the mitochondrial DNA control region using DNA extracted from non-invasively sampled faecal material, collected throughout the entire range of P. t. altaica in the Russian Far East. Analysis of 82 scat samples representing at least 27 individuals revealed extremely low levels of CR haplotype diversity, characterized by a single widespread haplotype (96.4%) and two rare variants, each differing by a single step within the hypervariable I (2.4%) and central conserved regions (1.2%), respectively. A comparison with previous data on cytochrome bvariation in 14 captive individuals revealed a potentially greater amount of genetic variation represented in captivity relative to that found in the wild population. The extremely low levels of mitochondrial DNA variation in the wild population is discussed in light of the demographic processes that might have shaped these patterns as well as the potential bias introduced through analysis of fecal samples. These results highlight the continuing need to assess levels of genetic variation even in recovering populations that are increasing in number and underscore the important role that captive breeding programs may play in preserving remnant genetic diversity of endangered species.  相似文献   

Fruit bats of the genus Pteropus are important contributors to ecosystem maintenance on islands through their roles as pollinators and seed dispersers. However, island faunas are the most prone to extinction and there is a real need to assess the possible genetic implications of population reductions in terms of extinction risk. An effective method of ameliorating extinction risk in endangered species is the establishment of captive populations ex situ. The effectiveness of captive breeding programmes may be assessed by comparing the genetic variability of captive colonies to that of wild counterparts. Here, we use polymorphic microsatellite loci to assess genetic variability in wild, critically endangered Rodrigues fruit bats (Pteropus rodricensis, Dobson 1878) and we compare this variability to that in a captive colony. We document remarkable conservation of genetic variability in both the wild and captive populations, despite population declines and founder events. Our results demonstrate that the wild population has withstood the negative effects of population reductions and that captive breeding programmes can fulfil the goals of retaining genetic diversity and limiting inbreeding.  相似文献   

Awareness of the genealogical relationships between founder animals in captive breeding programs is essential for the selection of mating pairs that maintain genetic diversity. If captive founder relationships are unknown they can be inferred using genetic data from wild populations. Here, we report the results of such an analysis for six Cyclura pinguis (Sauria: Iguanidae) acquired as adults in 1999 by the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research to begin a captive breeding program for this critically endangered species. The six founder animals were reportedly hatched in captivity from eggs collected on Anegada in 1985. No records exist, however, as to where on Anegada the eggs were collected or from how many nests they originated. To assist determination of genealogical relationships, we genotyped the six captive founders, their first six offspring, and 33 wild adult iguanas from Anegada at 23 informative microsatellite loci. With these data, we estimated allele frequencies among the wild samples and then estimated the relatedness of the captive population. Using likelihood inference, we determined that three closely related pairs exist among the six captive founders and that each pair is not closely related to the other two. In addition, we were able to assign parentage for all six of the founders’ offspring tested, one of which had been previously misdiagnosed. Using the assigned parentage and inferred relatedness of the six founders, we calculated mean kinship for each of the six founders and their five living offspring. Finally, based on the allelic diversity of the wild iguanas sampled, we conclude that the C. pinguis population on Anegada is not excessively inbred; however, further investigation is warranted.  相似文献   

Genetic adaptation to captivity in species conservation programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As wild environments are often inhospitable, many species have to be captive-bred to save them from extinction. In captivity, species adapt genetically to the captive environment and these genetic adaptations are overwhelmingly deleterious when populations are returned to wild environments. I review empirical evidence on (i) the genetic basis of adaptive changes in captivity, (ii) factors affecting the extent of genetic adaptation to captivity, and (iii) means for minimizing its deleterious impacts. Genetic adaptation to captivity is primarily due to rare alleles that in the wild were deleterious and partially recessive. The extent of adaptation to captivity depends upon selection intensity, genetic diversity, effective population size and number of generation in captivity, as predicted by quantitative genetic theory. Minimizing generations in captivity provides a highly effective means for minimizing genetic adaptation to captivity, but is not a practical option for most animal species. Population fragmentation and crossing replicate captive populations provide practical means for minimizing the deleterious effects of genetic adaptation to captivity upon populations reintroduced into the wild. Surprisingly, equalization of family sizes reduces the rate of genetic adaptation, but not the deleterious impacts upon reintroduced populations. Genetic adaptation to captivity is expected to have major effects on reintroduction success for species that have spent many generations in captivity. This issue deserves a much higher priority than it is currently receiving.  相似文献   

From 1995 to 1999, two species of endemic Hawaiian thrushes, `Oma`o (Myadestes obscurus) and Puaiohi (M. palmeri), were captive‐reared and re‐introduced into their historic range in Hawai`i by The Peregrine Fund, in collaboration with the U.S. Geological Survey–Biological Resources Division (BRD) and the Hawai`i State Department of Land and Natural Resources. This paper describes the management techniques that were developed (collection of wild eggs, artificial incubation, hand‐rearing, captive propagation, and release) with the non‐endangered surrogate species, the `Oma`o; techniques that are now being used for recovery of the endangered Puaiohi. In 1995 and 1996, 29 viable `Oma`o eggs were collected from the wild. Of 27 chicks hatched, 25 were hand‐reared and released into Pu`u Wa`awa`a Wildlife Reserve. Using the techniques developed for the `Oma`o, a captive propagation and release program was initiated in 1996 to aid the recovery of the endangered Puaiohi. Fifteen viable Puaiohi eggs were collected from the wild (1996–1997) to establish a captive breeding flock to produce birds for re‐introduction. These Puaiohi reproduced for the first time in captivity in 1998 (total Puaiohi chicks reared in captivity 1996–1998 = 41). In 1999, 14 captive‐bred Puaiohi were re‐introduced into the Alaka`i Swamp, Kaua`i. These captive‐bred birds reproduced and fledged seven chicks in the wild after release. This is the first endangered passerine recovery program using this broad spectrum of management techniques (collection of wild eggs, artificial incubation, hand‐rearing, captive‐breeding, and release) in which re‐introduced birds survived and bred in the wild. Long‐term population monitoring will be published separately [BRD, in preparation]. Zoo Biol 19:263–277, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

 The Japanese bitterling Tanakia tanago is an endangered cyprinid species; thus, captive breeding programs are being conducted in various facilities as ex situ conservation. To examine the genetic diversity in one wild and three reared populations, and its changes during the process of captive breeding, sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and control region were determined. The wild population, collected in 1993, was monomorphic. Although the reared population that originated from the wild population was almost monomorphic, a rare haplotype, distinct from all others by a relatively large sequence divergence, was also observed. In the other reared populations, some degree of genetic diversity had been maintained. A reared hybrid population, which originated from a mixture of three distinct populations, showed the greatest genetic diversity. These results suggest considerable genetic diversity within and among populations of T. tanago in the past. Although a loss of genetic diversity was observed in some year-classes of reared populations, there was no tendency for genetic diversity to decrease as a result of captive breeding, probably because offspring were obtained from multi-year-class parents in the captive breeding program. Accordingly, this breeding method should be appropriate for conserving the genetic diversity of T. tanago. Received: June 12, 2002 / Revised: December 3, 2002 / Accepted: December 16, 2002  相似文献   

Many wildlife species are propagated in captivity as models for behavioral, physiological, and genetic research or to provide assurance populations to protect threatened species. However, very little is known about how animals evolve in the novel environment of captivity. The histories of most laboratory strains are poorly documented, and protected populations of wildlife species are usually too small and too short-term to allow robust statistical analysis. To document the evolutionary change in captive breeding programs, we monitored reproduction and behavior across 18 generations in six experimental populations of Peromyscus leucopus mice started from a common set of 20 wild-caught founders. The mice were propagated under three breeding protocols: a strategy to retain maximal genetic diversity, artificial selection against stereotypic behaviors that were hypothesized to reflect poor adaptation to captivity, and random bred controls. Two replicates were maintained with each protocol, and inter-replicate crosses at generations 19 and 20 were used to reverse accumulated inbreeding. We found that one of the stereotypic behaviors (repetitive flipping) was positively associated with reproductive fitness, while the other (gnawing) was relatively invariant. Selection to reduce these stereotypic behaviors caused marked reduction in reproduction, and populations not under artificial selection to reduce these behaviors responded with large increases in flipping. In non-selected populations, there was rapid evolution toward much higher proportion of pairs breeding and more rapid conception. Litter size, pup survival, and weaning mass all declined slowly, to the extent that would be predicted based on inbreeding depression. Inter-crossing between replicate populations reversed these declines in fitness components but did not reverse the changes in behavior or the accelerated breeding. These findings indicate that adaptation to captivity can be rapid, affecting reproductive patterns and behaviors, even under breeding protocols designed to minimize the rate of genetic change due to random drift and inadvertent selection.  相似文献   

Captive breeding has been suggested as a method of conserving many threatened vertebrates, and is increasingly being proposed as a valuable conservation strategy for invertebrates. Potential genetic problems associated with ex situ conservation are widely recognized, but a further issue has received less attention: the possibility that populations will undergo adaptation to the captive environment, rendering them less well adapted to survival in the wild. We investigated six traits related to dispersal and reproduction in a culture of the large white butterfly Pieris brassicae (L.), that had been captive for c. 100–150 generations, and in recently wild stock reared simultaneously in a common environment. Individuals in the captive culture were heavier, with smaller wings and lower wing aspect ratios. Females from the captive culture laid many more eggs in cage experiments, and had higher ovary mass at the time of peak egg production. These differences are consistent with adaptation to captive conditions. Over time, similar evolutionary changes may affect invertebrates reared in ex situ conservation programmes, decreasing the likelihood that these species can be re-established in the wild. Although the timescale over which most vertebrates are likely to adapt to captivity is longer, and the traits involved will be different, invertebrates like P. brassicae may also provide a model of potential problems in long-term ex situ conservation programmes for both invertebrates and vertebrates. We suggest that measures to reduce or slow adaptation to captivity should be introduced alongside measures to reduce deleterious genetic effects in captive populations.  相似文献   

This study was focused on conservation genetics of threatened Hippocampus guttulatus on the Atlantic coast of NW Iberian Peninsula. Information about spatial structure and temporal stability of wild populations was obtained based on microsatellite markers, and used for monitoring a captive breeding program firstly initiated in this zone at the facilities of the Institute of Marine Research (Vigo, Spain). No significant major genetic structure was observed regarding the biogeographical barrier of Cape Finisterre. However, two management units under continuous gene flow are proposed based on the allelic differentiation between South-Atlantic and Cantabrian subpopulations, with small to moderate contemporary effective size based on single-sample methods. Temporal stability was observed in South-Atlantic population samples of H. guttulatus for the six-year period studied, suggesting large enough effective population size to buffer the effects of genetic drift within the time frame of three generations. Genetic analysis of wild breeders and offspring in captivity since 2009 allowed us to monitor the breeding program founded in 2006 in NW Spain for this species. Similar genetic diversity in the renewed and founder broodstock, regarding the wild population of origin, supports suitable renewal and rearing processes to maintain genetic variation in captivity. Genetic parentage proved single-brood monogamy in the wild and in captivity, but flexible short- and long-term mating system under captive conditions, from strict monogamy to polygamy within and/or among breeding seasons. Family analysis showed high reproductive success in captivity under genetic management assisted by molecular relatedness estimates to avoid inbreeding. This study provides genetic information about H. guttulatus in the wild and captivity within an uncovered geographical range for this data deficient species, to be taken into account for management and conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Supplementation of wild populations with captive-bred organisms is a common practice for conservation of threatened wild populations. Yet it is largely unknown whether such programmes actually help population size recovery. While a negative genetic effect of captive breeding that decreases fitness of captive-bred organisms has been detected, there is no direct evidence for a carry-over effect of captive breeding in their wild-born descendants, which would drag down the fitness of the wild population in subsequent generations. In this study, we use genetic parentage assignments to reconstruct a pedigree and estimate reproductive fitness of the wild-born descendants of captive-bred parents in a supplemented population of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The estimated fitness varied among years, but overall relative reproductive fitness was only 37 per cent in wild-born fish from two captive-bred parents and 87 per cent in those from one captive-bred and one wild parent (relative to those from two wild parents). Our results suggest a significant carry-over effect of captive breeding, which has negative influence on the size of the wild population in the generation after supplementation. In this population, the population fitness could have been 8 per cent higher if there was no carry-over effect during the study period.  相似文献   

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