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The magnitude and direction of phenotypic selection on emergence date and seedling size in Erigeron annuus was measured to determine the heterogeneity of selection among sites and the proportion of fitness variance explained by seedling size and emergence date. Three disturbance treatments (open, annual vegetation, perennial vegetation) were imposed to test the hypothesis of stronger selection on seedlings in competitive environments. Selection was most heterogeneous early in the life cycle, with significant spatial heterogeneity in the magnitude of selection on a local scale. The disturbance treatments affected only fecundity selection gradients and selection was strongest in open plots. Significant variation in the sign of selection differentials on emergence date was observed for establishment and fall viability selection episodes; at later stages selection varied in magnitude but not direction. Seedlings in the earliest cohort experienced high mortality during establishment, but increased size and fecundity later in the life cycle. Both stabilizing and disruptive selection on emergence date were observed during establishment, but in general selection was purely directional. At Stony Brook most selection on emergence date operated indirectly through seedling size, whereas at the Weld Preserve direct selection was stronger. There were persistent effects of both seedling emergence date and rosette diameter on adult fitness components, and October rosette diameter explained 18% of the total phenotypic variance in fecundity. Overall, viability fitness components were much more important than fecundity selection. Winter survivorship was the single most important episode of selection.  相似文献   

The results of natural selection depend critically on whether variation in fitness is finegrained or coarse-grained with respect to dispersal, but little is known of the spatial scale of fitness variation in natural populations. For most evolutionary questions, environmental heterogeneity must be defined by reversals in the relative fitness of genotypes; absolute fitness may vary, but if genotypes respond in parallel then selection is uniform. Thus, measurements of genotype-by-environment (G × E) interactions for fitness are necessary to understand patterns of variation in natural selection.  相似文献   

Because interactions among plants are spatially local, the scale of environmental heterogeneity can have large effects on evolutionary dynamics. However, very little is known about the spatial patterns of variation in fitness and the relative magnitude of spatial and temporal variation in selection. Replicates of 12 genotypes of Erigeron annuus (Asteraceae) were planted in 288 locations within a field, separated by distances of 0.1 to 30.0 m, and replicated in two years. In a given year, most spatial variation in relative fitness (genotype-environment [G × E] interactions for fitness) occurred over distances of only 50 cm. Year effects were as large or larger than the spatial variation in fitness; in particular there was a large, three-way, genotype-year-environment interaction at the smallest spatial scale. The genetic correlation of fitness across years at a given location was near zero, 0.03. Thus, the relative fitness of genotypes is spatially unpredictable and a map of the selective environment has constantly shifting locations of peaks and valleys. Including measurements of soil nutrients as covariates in the analysis removed most of the spatial G × E interaction. Vegetation and microtopography had no effect on the G × E terms, suggesting that differential response to soil nutrients is the cause of spatial variation in fitness. However, the slope of response to NH4 and P04 was negative; therefore the soil nutrients are probably just indicators of other, unknown, environmental factors. We explored via simulation the evolutionary consequences of spatial and temporal variation in fitness and showed that, for this system, the spatial scale of variation was too fine grained (by a factor of 3 to 5) to be a powerful force maintaining genetic variation in the population. The inclusion of both spatial and temporal variation in fitness actually reduced the coexistence of genotypes compared to pure spatial models. Thus the presence of spatial or temporal variation in selection does not guarantee that it is an effective evolutionary force maintaining diversity. Instead the pattern of selection favors generalist genotypes.  相似文献   

凉水国家自然保护区天然红松林遗传变异的RAPD分析   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
采用随机扩增多态DNA(random amplified polymorphic DNA RAPD)技术,研究了凉水国家自然保护区天然红松林的遗传变异水平及其分布规律。16个10bp长度的随机引物在8个实验样地内72个个体中共检测了96个位点,其中55个是多态位点。在种水平上,红松的多态位点比率为P=58.51%;Nei's遗传变异指数为H=0.2868;Shannon's指数为I=0.3654,所有的变异中,有92.47%的变异存在于样地内, 7.53%的变异存在于样地间。根据各遗传多样性在不同样地的分布,初步探讨了红松遗传变异水平与其种群发生及生境的相互关系。  相似文献   

The genetic and ecological effects of population subdividsion were investigated for two wild strains of Tribolium castaneum and two wild strains of T. confusum and compared with the effects of population subdivision on the synthetic laboratory strain of T. castaneum (c-SM), used extensively in earlier experiments. For the c-SM strain, it has been shown repeatedly, for a variety of different population structures (different combinations of effective numbers, Ne, and migration rates, m), that large heritable differences in population growth rate arise among demes during 10 to 15 generations of population subdivision. Because this laboratory strain was synthesized by mass mating several “inbred” strains in 1973 (80 to 100 generations ago), it is possible that it has genetic variation for fitness (measured as the heritable variance among demes in the rate of population increase) unusually large compared to natural populations of flour beetles. In this paper, I report that natural populations of flour beetle exhibit as much or more phenotypic and genetic variation in the effects of population structure on fitness than the laboratory strain, c-SM. The observation of substantial heritable variation for fitness in natural populations is unexpected under additive theory and may be indicative of nonadditive genetic variance.  相似文献   

Despite the directional selection acting on life‐history traits, substantial amounts of standing variation for these traits have frequently been found. This variation may result from balancing selection (e.g., through genetic trade‐offs) or from mutation‐selection balance. These mechanisms affect allele frequencies in different ways: Under balancing selection alleles are maintained at intermediate frequencies, whereas under mutation‐selection balance variation is generated by deleterious mutations and removed by directional selection, which leads to asymmetry in the distribution of allele frequencies. To investigate the importance of these two mechanisms in maintaining heritable variation in oviposition rate of the two‐spotted spider mite, we analyzed the response to artificial selection. In three replicate experiments, we selected for higher and lower oviposition rate, compared to control lines. A response to selection only occurred in the downward direction. Selection for lower oviposition rate did not lead to an increase in any other component of fitness, but led to a decline in female juvenile survival. The results suggest standing variation for oviposition rate in this population consists largely of deleterious alleles, as in a mutation‐selection balance. Consequently, the standing variation for this trait does not appear to be indicative of its adaptive potential.  相似文献   

Information on genetic composition of past and present populations may be obtained by analyzing DNA from archival samples. A study is presented on the genetic population structure of extant and extinct local populations of Atlantic salmon from 1913 to 1989 using dried scales as a source of DNA. Variation at six microsatellite loci was studied. Tests for differentiation among populations and among time series within populations showed that population structure was stable over time. This was also confirmed by a neighbor-joining dendrogram, which showed a clear clustering of samples from individual rivers that covered a time span of up to 76 years. These results suggest that salmon populations evolve as semi-independent units connected by modest amounts of gene flow. Additionally, a clear association between geographic and genetic distance was found. This relationship has otherwise been difficult to establish in several recent studies. The discrepancy may be due to impact of human activities on the genetic structure of present populations, whereas old samples represent populations in a more unaffected state. However, other explanations related to differences in the sampling of past and present populations may be equally valid.  相似文献   

Epigenetic variation has been observed in a range of organisms, leading to questions of the adaptive significance of this variation. In this study, we present a model to explore the ecological and genetic conditions that select for epigenetic regulation. We find that the rate of temporal environmental change is a key factor controlling the features of this evolution. When the environment fluctuates rapidly between states with different phenotypic optima, epigenetic regulation may evolve but we expect to observe low transgenerational inheritance of epigenetic states, whereas when this fluctuation occurs over longer time scales, regulation may evolve to generate epigenetic states that are inherited faithfully for many generations. In all cases, the underlying genetic variation at the epigenetically regulated locus is a crucial factor determining the range of conditions that allow for evolution of epigenetic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Directional and stabilizing selection tend to deplete additive genetic variance. On the other hand, genetic variance in traits related to fitness could be retained through polygenic mutation, spatially varying selection, genotype-environment interaction, or antagonistic pleiotropy. Most estimates of genetic variance in fitness-related traits have come from laboratory studies, with few estimates of heritability made under natural conditions, particularly for longer lived organisms. Here I estimated additive genetic variance in life-history characters of a monocarpic herb, Ipomopsis aggregata, that lives for up to a decade. Experimental crosses yielded 229 full-sibships nested within 32 paternal half-sibships. More than 5000 offspring were planted as seeds into natural field sites and were followed in most cases through their entire life cycle. Survival showed substantial additive genetic variance (genetic coefficient of variation ≈ 54%). Small differences at seedling emergence were magnified over time, such that the genetic variability in survival was only detectable by tracking the success of offspring for several years starting from seed. In contrast to survival, reproductive traits such as flower number, seeds per flower, and age at flowering showed little or no genetic variability. Despite relatively high levels of additive genetic variation for some life-history characters, high environmental variance in survival resulted in very low heritabilities (0–9%) for all of these characters. Maternal effects were evident in seed mass and remained strong throughout the lengthy vegetative period. No negative genetic correlations between major components of female fitness were detected. Mean corolla width for a paternal family was, however, negatively correlated with the finite rate of increase based on female fitness. That negative correlation could help to maintain additive genetic variance in the face of strong selection through male function for wide corollas.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression varies among species and among populations within a species. Few studies, however, have considered the extent to which inbreeding depression varies within a single population. We report on two experiments to provide evidence that inbreeding depression is genetically variable, such that within a single population some lineages suffer severe inbreeding depression, others suffer only mild inbreeding depression, and some lineages actually increase in phenotypic value at higher levels of inbreeding. We examine the effects of population structure on inbreeding depression for two traits in the first experiment (adult dry weight and female relative fitness), and for seven traits in the second experiment (female and male adult dry weight, female and male relative fitness, female and male developmental time, and egg-to-adult viability). In the first experiment, we collected data from 4 families within each of 38 lineages derived from a single ancestral stock population and maintained for four generations of full-sib mating. Both traits demonstrate significant inbreeding depression and provide evidence that even within a single lineage there is significant genetic variability in inbreeding depression. In the second experiment, we collected data from 5 replicates for each of 15 lineages derived from the same ancestral population used in the first experiment; these lineages were maintained for four generations of full-sib mating. We also collected data on outbred control beetles in each generation and incorporated these data into the analyses to account for environmental effects in an unbiased manner. All traits except female and male developmental time show significant inbreeding depression. All traits showing inbreeding depression are genetically variable in inbreeding depression, as is evident from a significant linear lineage-×-f component. For both experiments, the effect of population structure on inbreeding depression is further evident from the increasing amount of variation that can be explained by the models used to measure inbreeding depression when additional levels of population structure are included. Genetic variation in inbreeding depression has important implications for conservation biology and may be an important factor in mating-system evolution.  相似文献   

Predictions using quantitative genetic models generally assume that the variance-covariance matrices remain constant over time. This assumption is based on the supposition that selection is generally weak and hence variation lost through selection can be replaced by new mutations. Whether this is generally true can only be ascertained from empirical studies. Ideally for such a study we should be able to make a prediction concerning the relative strength of selection versus genetic drift. If the latter force is prevalent then the variance-covariances matrices should be proportional to each other. Previous studies have indicated that females in the two sibling cricket species Allonemobius socius and A. fasciatus do not discriminate between males of the two species by their calling song. Therefore, differences between the calling song of the two males most likely result from drift rather than sexual selection. We test this hypothesis by comparing the genetic architecture of calling song of three populations of A. fasciatus with two populations of A. socius. We found no differences among populations within species, but significant differences in the G (genetic) and P (phenotypic) matrices between species, with the matrices being proportional as predicted under the hypothesis of genetic drift. Because of the proportional change in the (co)variances no differences between species are evident in the heritabilities or genetic correlations. Comparison of the two species with a hybrid population from a zone of overlap showed highly significant nonproportional variation in genetic architecture. This variation is consistent with a general mixture of two separate genomes or selection. Qualitative conclusions reached using the phenotypic matrices are the same as those reached using the genetic matrices supporting the hypothesis that the former may be used as surrogate measures of the latter.  相似文献   

What is the nature of the genetic changes underlying phenotypic evolution? We have catalogued 1008 alleles described in the literature that cause phenotypic differences among animals, plants, and yeasts. Surprisingly, evolution of similar traits in distinct lineages often involves mutations in the same gene (“gene reuse”). This compilation yields three important qualitative implications about repeated evolution. First, the apparent evolution of similar traits by gene reuse can be traced back to two alternatives, either several independent causative mutations or a single original mutational event followed by sorting processes. Second, hotspots of evolution—defined as the repeated occurrence of de novo mutations at orthologous loci and causing similar phenotypic variation—are omnipresent in the literature with more than 100 examples covering various levels of analysis, including numerous gain‐of‐function events. Finally, several alleles of large effect have been shown to result from the aggregation of multiple small‐effect mutations at the same hotspot locus, thus reconciling micromutationist theories of adaptation with the empirical observation of large‐effect variants. Although data heterogeneity and experimental biases prevented us from extracting quantitative trends, our synthesis highlights the existence of genetic paths of least resistance leading to viable evolutionary change.  相似文献   

We analyze the stochastic components of the Robertson–Price equation for the evolution of quantitative characters that enables decomposition of the selection differential into components due to demographic and environmental stochasticity. We show how these two types of stochasticity affect the evolution of multivariate quantitative characters by defining demographic and environmental variances as components of individual fitness. The exact covariance formula for selection is decomposed into three components, the deterministic mean value, as well as stochastic demographic and environmental components. We show that demographic and environmental stochasticity generate random genetic drift and fluctuating selection, respectively. This provides a common theoretical framework for linking ecological and evolutionary processes. Demographic stochasticity can cause random variation in selection differentials independent of fluctuating selection caused by environmental variation. We use this model of selection to illustrate that the effect on the expected selection differential of random variation in individual fitness is dependent on population size, and that the strength of fluctuating selection is affected by how environmental variation affects the covariance in Malthusian fitness between individuals with different phenotypes. Thus, our approach enables us to partition out the effects of fluctuating selection from the effects of selection due to random variation in individual fitness caused by demographic stochasticity.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of 12 species of Chara indicates that functional gene duplication via polyploidy has commonly occurred in the genus. Duplication has been followed by differentiation of the loci encoding phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI). This has led directly to generation of substantial levels of genie variation both within and between taxa. A simple genetic model is proposed to account for the large array of PGI phenotypes encountered in natural populations. Constraints imposed by the reproductive biology of members of the genus, such as selfing, appear to have resulted in selective premiums on intrinsic mechanisms of generating genetic variation. Levels of variation in PGI were higher than would be predicted on the basis of charophyte reproductive characteristics; haploid loci segregate approximately two alleles within each species.  相似文献   

Monogamy is often presumed to constrain mating variance and restrict the action of sexual selection. We examined the reproductive patterns of a monogamous population of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui), and attempted to identify sources of within-season fitness variation among females and known-age males. Many males did not acquire a nest site, and many territorial males were unsuccessful in acquiring a mate. The likelihood that territorial males mated depended on several aspects of nest sites. Mated males of age three were larger than the average size of age-three males in the population. The mean sizes of age-four and age-five mated males were not different from the average of same-age males in the population. Thus, selection resulting from the acquisition of a mate favored large size among only age-three males. Timing of nest construction and breeding among territorial males was negatively related to male size and did not depend on male age after taking male size into account. Indirect evidence (numbers of eggs deposited in nests) suggests that the timing of spawning among females was also negatively related to female size. Fertility selection favored early reproduction within the season by males of all ages, but large male size was favored among only age-four males. The combined early breeding of fecund females and female mate choice of large males may explain the positive correlation between the size of age-four males and the number of eggs acquired. Despite large differences of female fecundity, however, the variance of relative mate number contributed about two times more than the variance of relative fertility among females to the total variance of relative fitness within each sex.  相似文献   

两种泥鳅不同群体遗传变异的RAPD分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
应用RAPD技术,分析了采自于我国黄河、长江和珠江三大水系中游的大鳞副泥鳅和泥鳅不同群体间的遗传变异。结果表明:种内不同群体间带纹相似度在0.730-0.938之间;遗传距离为0.089-0.245;种间不同群体间的带纹相似度为0.392-0.505,遗传距离为0.620-0.800。两种泥鳞采自武汉的群体,其不同个体间的相似度较之其它群体为低,表明其群体内遗传变异程度较高。  相似文献   

Theory suggests that heterogeneous environments should maintain more genetic variation within populations than homogeneous environments, yet experimental evidence for this effect in quantitative traits has been inconsistent. To examine the effect of heterogeneity on quantitative genetic variation, we maintained replicate populations of Drosophila melanogaster under treatments with constant temperatures, temporally variable temperature, or spatially variable temperature with either panmictic or limited migration. Despite observing differences in fitness and divergence in several wing traits between the environments, we did not find any differences in the additive genetic variance for any wing traits among any of the treatments. Although we found an effect of gene flow constraining adaptive divergence between cages in the limited migration treatment, it did not tend to increase within‐population genetic variance relative to any of the other treatments. The lack of any clear and repeatable patterns of response to heterogeneous versus homogeneous environments across several empirical studies suggests that a single general mechanism for the maintenance of standing genetic variation is unlikely; rather, the relative importance of putative mechanisms likely varies considerably from one trait and ecological context to another.  相似文献   

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