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Summary Allozyme studies in amaranth provided useful assays of genetic variation in order to verify the patterns inferred from morphological traits, for elucidating the genetic structure of landraces, and for the studies of evolutionary relationships among wild, weedy and crop species. Thirty-four populations of cultivated New World amaranths were surveyed along with 21 weedy New World populations for allozyme variation at nine electrophoretic enzyme loci. Eleven populations of cultivated amaranths from the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh and six from Nepal were also surveyed for a comparison. In the New World populations, heterozygosity was low, and different populations ranged from 0 to 44% polymorphic loci. Adjacent populations were often fixed for different alleles or had very different allele frequencies at certain loci, with no apparent geographical patterns. Diversity index H was partitioned into the intra- and interpopulation as well as the interspecific components of variability. The crop versus weed genetic distances were the largest, whereas the intra- and interpopulation components of H were about equal. Genetic structure of all three species of the New World amaranths together can be described as a collection of distinct populations, each more or less a heterogeneous collection of highly homozygous individuals. The North Indian populations showed relatively less allozyme variability with the most common alleles same as those of Mexican landraces. Alleles at several loci proved to be diagnostic of the crop and weed groups, and of the three individual crop species. Genetic distances based on pooled gene frequencies showed the three crop species to be generally more closely related inter se than they were to their putative weedy progenitor species, respectively (with the exception of the weed-crop pair A. quitensis and A. caudatus). This implies a single domestication event involving A. hybridus as the common ancestor rather than three separate domestication events. Close similarity between A. caudatus and A. quitensis might have resulted from transdomestication based on a weedy or semi-domesticated species having migrated from Meso-America to South America. This preliminary report must now be expanded by further ecogeographical, cytogenetic and population studies on new extensive collections from the areas of early domestication. Some evidence of recent introgression and/or segregation of crop-weed hybrids between A. caudatus and A. retroflexus is available in the form of rare individuals in crop populations with crop allozyme genotypes except for a single homozygous weedy allele.  相似文献   

Summary Using two different buffer systems and up to 6 different electrophoretic polyacrylamide gel concentrations, hidden enzymatic variability was investigated in samples of the rose aphid Macrosiphum rosae. MDH1, PGM1, SDH, EST and LAP were found to be polymorphic. No additional variation was observed by changing the test conditions compared to those of earlier investigations using starch gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A diploid member of the parthenogenetic gekkonid species complexHemidactylus garnotii-vietnamensis was discovered for the first time from Thailand. This gecko, seemingly unisexual and parthenogenetic, possesses 2n=2x=38 chromosomes, showing distinct heteromorphisms. The absence of bisexual congeneric species with a combination of karyomorphs to produce this karyotype indicates the occurrence of chromosomal rearrangements after the initial estabilishment of a diploid clonal lineage of hybrid origin. Results of karyotypic comparisons of the present sample and the three known triploid species belonging to theH. garnotii-vietnamensis complex suggest that a triploid karyomorph similar to that ofH. vietnamensis has first emerged through an insemination of the diploid parthenogen's egg by the sperm from a bisexual species having 44 chromosomes (all telocentric), and that the karyomorph subsequently experienced some minor chromosomal aberrations to produce the karyomorphs ofH. vietnamensis andH. garnotii. The origin of theH. stejnegeri karyotype still remains an open question for future studies.  相似文献   

Synopsis Significant genic differentiation occurred in samples of a stream population of Goodea atripinnis(Goodeidae) from a 1 km segment of the Rio Teuchitlan, Jalisco, Mexico. The lack of obvious selection gradients and physical barriers to migration over such short distances suggests that stochastic factors (seasonal reductions in stream flow, behavior) are involved in the differentiation. The extent of this phenomenon and its potential importance to the study of fish populations are discussed.To whom reprint should be sent.  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental biology and the problem of variation   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Abstract. One of the oldest problems in evolutionary biology remains largely unsolved. Which mutations generate evolutionarily relevant phenotypic variation? What kinds of molecular changes do they entail? What are the phenotypic magnitudes, frequencies of origin, and pleiotropic effects of such mutations? How is the genome constructed to allow the observed abundance of phenotypic diversity? Historically, the neo‐Darwinian synthesizers stressed the predominance of micromutations in evolution, whereas others noted the similarities between some dramatic mutations and evolutionary transitions to argue for macromutationism. Arguments on both sides have been biased by misconceptions of the developmental effects of mutations. For example, the traditional view that mutations of important developmental genes always have large pleiotropic effects can now be seen to be a conclusion drawn from observations of a small class of mutations with dramatic effects. It is possible that some mutations, for example, those in cis‐regulatory DNA, have few or no pleiotropic effects and may be the predominant source of morphological evolution. In contrast, mutations causing dramatic phenotypic effects, although superficially similar to hypothesized evolutionary transitions, are unlikely to fairly represent the true path of evolution. Recent developmental studies of gene function provide a new way of conceptualizing and studying variation that contrasts with the traditional genetic view that was incorporated into neo‐Darwinian theory and population genetics. This new approach in developmental biology is as important for micro‐evolutionary studies as the actual results from recent evolutionary developmental studies. In particular, this approach will assist in the task of identifying the specific mutations generating phenotypic variation and elucidating how they alter gene function. These data will provide the current missing link between molecular and phenotypic variation in natural populations.  相似文献   


A total of 1599 stoats were collected from 14 study areas (including all 10 National Parks) from 1972 to 1976. Samples were larger in summer, and contained more females. Young stoats are born in September-October, and females reach adult weight by the following March, though males not until after August. There was significant geographic variation in the body size of adult stoats sampled: males from lowland podocarp/broadleaved forests averaged 3% smaller than males from upland beech forests in skull length, and 4% smaller in head-and-body length. This pattern was repeated, less clearly, in females and in young (approximately 2–5 months old). In contrast with stoats in Britain, assumed to be still the same size as the colonising stock introduced into New Zealand in 1884 and subsequently, males from lowland podocarp forests were unchanged or possibly smaller, and males from upland beech forests were larger; females were larger in all habitats. In males, the extent of geographic variation is almost as great in New Zealand as in the whole of continental Europe. Possible explanations of this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

The population biology of coevolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
New populational approaches to the study of coevolution among species are confronting two major problems: the geographic scale at which coevolution proceeds, and the long-standing issue of how species may coevolve with more than one other species. By incorporating the ecological structure of life histories and populations into analyses of the coevolutionary process, these studies are indicating that coevolutionary change is much more ecologically dynamic than indicated by earlier work. Rather than simply a slow, stately process shaping species over long periods of time, parts of the coevolutionary process may proceed rapidly (sometimes observable in less than a decade), continually molding and remolding populations and communities locally and over broad geographic scales.  相似文献   

Diplazium with simply pinnate or bipinnatifid leaves. Diplazium wichurae var. wichurae, D. wichurae var. amabile, D. okudairae, and D. pin-faense are sexual diploids (2n=82; n=41II); D.× kidoi and D. × okudairaeoides are sterile diploids (2n= 82; meiosis irregular); D. donianum var. donianum is an apomictic triploid (2n=123; n=123II); D. donianum var. aphanoneuron is a sterile triploid (2n=123; meiosis irregular); D. crassiusculum, D. cavalerianum, D. incomptum, D. longicarpum, and D. pullingeri are sexual tetraploids (2n= 164; n=82II); and D. lobatum is an apomictic tetraploid (2n=164; n=164II). This is the first report of the chromosome numbers of D. lobatum, D. crassiusculum, D. incomptum, D. longicarpum, D. pullingeri, and D. × okudairaeoides, as well as the mitotic chromosome numbers of D. wichurae var. amabile, D. okudairae, D. pinfaense, and D. ×kidoi. The mitotic chromosome number, meiotic behavior, sterility, and allozyme analysis confirm that D. × kidoi and D. × okudairaeoides are hybrids between D. pin-faense and D. wichurae var. wichurae and D. okudairae and D. wichurae var. wichurae, respectively. Diplazium with simply pinnate to bipinnatifid leaves displayed an extraordinary cytological and reproductive complexity: a polyploidal series with diploids to hexaploids, sexual and apomictic reproduction, and natural hybridization. Received 14 August 2001/ Accepted in revised form 1 October 2001  相似文献   

The African rats of the genus Arvicanthis have been widely studied during recent years to clarify species boundaries and phylogenetic relationships. The wide chromosomal variability of the genus has been highlighted in several studies, with each accepted species characterised by its individual karyotypes and others being revealed as cryptic species. In the present paper we report the karyotype and the C- and G-banding patterns of the two species A. nairobae and A. neumanni from seven localities of Tanzania, an area of the range poorly studied. The two karyotypes were compared to that of A. niloticus, which is considered to be primitive. The karyotype of A. neumanni is characterised by 2n = 53–54 and NFa = 62. This karyotypic variability depends on a widespread Robertsonian polymorphism. The karyotype of A. nairobae shows 2n = 62 and NFa = 78; it diverges from that of A. niloticus through one reciprocal translocation, five inversions and three heterochromatic additions. The comparison with the karyotypes of other species of the genus showed that A. neumanni belongs to the east African lineage (with A. abyssinicus, A. blicki, A. niloticus), while A. nairobae is closer to the central and the west African representatives which were all previously under the name of A. niloticus (ANI-2, ANI-3, ANI-4). The distribution of A. nairobae in east Africa opens new scenarios in the biogeographical pattern of evolution of the genus.  相似文献   

Chromosomal changes, including polyploidy and dysploidy, often accompany speciation of angiosperms in continental regions. In contrast, on geologically young oceanic islands, little change in chromosome number occurs during speciation of endemics. Absence of change in number of chromosomes does not necessarily mean lack of chromosomal rearrangements. To determine whether detailed karyotypic changes accompany speciation in island habitats, nine endemic species in Abelia , Acer , Campanula , Dystaenia , Hepatica , Rubus , Valeriana , Veronica and Viola of Ullung Island, a geologically young volcanic island off the coast of peninsular Korea in the Eastern Sea, have been compared with progenitors in mainland Korea and Japan. Results confirm that no changes in ploidy level or dysploidy have occurred during speciation of these endemic island taxa. Detailed karyotypic analysis indicates that most of the taxa have not undergone significant macromorphological chromosomal changes. In the bitypic genus Dystaenia (Umbelliferae), D. takesimana , endemic to Ullung Island, differs karyotypically from its progenitor, D. ibukiensis from Japan, in a number of chromosomal elements, some of which appear to be satellites and others of which may represent B chromosomes. This suggests that rDNA loci might have been lost or rearranged during speciation. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 138 , 93–105.  相似文献   

Nine karyotypes are described within a single species of common New Zealand tree weta. Their diploid numbers range from 11 to 25. The distribution of the karyotypes suggests that each had a single origin except the 17-karyotype which was the most common karyotype and had a disjunct distribution. The overall level of allozyme diversity observed is similar to that seen within many widespread taxa. The distribution of allozyme alleles did not coincide with the distribution of karyotypes within this species and the Neighbour-Joining tree was not concordant with the chromosome based sub-divisions of the species. Thus, no evidence was found to suggest that chromosomal differentiation has been acting as a barrier to the flow of alleles within H. thoracica. The lack of concordance of genetic markers is thought to result from rapid chromosome radiation and reticulate evolution. Northland peninsula of North Island, New Zealand is a region of high chromosomal and allozymic diversity in H. thoracica. This may have resulted from geographic isolation during the Pliocene when Northland formed an archipelago of many small low-lying islands.  相似文献   

Resurgent interest in the genetics of population divergence and speciation coincides with recent critical evaluation of species concepts and proposals for species delimitation. An important result of these parallel trends is a slight but important conceptual shift in focus away from species diagnoses based on prior species concepts or definitions, and toward analyses of the processes acting on lineages of metapopulations that eventually lead to differences recognizable as species taxa. An advantage of this approach is that it identifies quantitative metapopulation differences in continuous variables, rather than discrete entities that do or do not conform to a prior species concept, and species taxa are recognized as an emergent property of population-level processes. The tension between species concepts and diagnosis versus emergent recognition of species taxa is at least as old as Darwin, and is unlikely to be resolved soon in favor of either view, because the products of both approaches (discrete utilitarian taxon names for species, process-based understanding of the origins of differentiated metapopulations) continue to have important applications.  相似文献   

In mature male snakes and lizards, a distal portion of the nephron is hypertrophied in relation to its appearance in females and immature males. This sexual segment of the male kidney apparently provides seminal fluid that is mixed with sperm and released into the female cloaca during copulation. In this article, we provide the first study at the ultrastructural level of seasonal variation in the sexual segment of the kidney of a squamate, the natricine snake Seminatrix pygaea. Previous workers have indicated that the sexual segment is secretory only when the testes are spermatogenically active. The sexual segment of the kidney in S. pygaea does not go through an extended period of inactivity but does show a cycle of synthesis and secretion that can be related to the spermatogenic cycle and mating activity. We show that synthesis of secretory product is initiated with the onset of spermatogenic activity in the spring and culminates with completion of spermiation in the fall. Secretion of the product, however, occurs in a premating period in March when the testes are inactive. Secretion during this premating period is probably necessary to provide time for the passage of the products down the ureter in order to mix with sperm during mating later in spring.  相似文献   

Drosophila antonietae is an endemic South American cactophilic species found in relictual xerophytic vegetation, mostly associated with Cereus hildmaniannus cactus. Low differentiation among populations of this species has been detected using several markers. In this work, we performed an allozyme genetic variability analysis of 11 natural populations of D. antonietae and included a discussion about the possible influences of several evolutionary processes that might be acting to maintain the pattern observed. The genetic variability of 14 isoenzyme loci was analysed and showed a high genetic diversity (average observed heterozygosity = 0.319) and a moderate genetic differentiation among populations ( F statistics = 0.0723). A correlation between genetic and geographical and ecological distances was detected among pairs of populations and the regional equilibrium analysis was thus applied. This analysis resulted in Nm (number of migrants) of approximately 3.21, indicating that moderate levels of both gene flow and genetic drift occur in this species, with gene flow overlapping genetic drift. However, considering ecological features of drosophilids, we propose a hypothesis to explain the moderate differentiation encountered as a result of three different processes, or a combination of them: (1) gene flow; (2) a short period of differentiation, i.e. maintenance of ancestral polymorphism; and (3) action of natural selection. Moreover, if gene flow is present, the high genetic diversity compared with other cactophilic and non-cactophilic species could be due to differential selection in different populations followed by gene exchange among them. These factors are discussed in the light of D. antonietae 's historical and evolutionary association with the host cactus.  相似文献   

The South American group of rodents known as Graomys griseoflavus comprises two sibling species differing only in diploid chromosomal complement: G. griseoflavus (2n = 36, 37 and 38) and G. centralis (2n=42). Reproductive barriers comprising postzygotic as well as precopulatory mechanisms prevent gene exchange between these species. We have studied genetic polymorphism in two populations of G. centralis and four of G. griseoflavus by means of gel electrophoresis of enzymes and other proteins giving information on a total of 30 loci. Values of interspecific genetic identity were similar to those obtained for conspecific populations, suggesting that fixation of Robertsonian fusions would have occurred without significant bottlenecks. It would also indicate that the cladogenetic process must be relatively recent. FIS values showed no evidence of inbreeding. Fixation indices (FST) for the ancestral species showed a tendency to form demes with very low gene flow among them, while in the derived species such tendency was not shown. However, because of the characteristics of the region they occupy, populations are of moderate size, and genic flow is low. Lack of correlation between gene flow levels and geographical distance between population pairs would indicate a recent and fast colonization of its distribution areas by the derived species. It is possible that fixation of Robertsonian fusions occurred in a marginal deme of the ancestral species, e.g. in a parapatric geographical context.  相似文献   

Polyploidization has played an important role in the diversification of the genus Sesleria (Poaceae), which comprises c. 48 species and subspecies mostly distributed in Europe. The genus' centre of diversity clearly is the Balkan Peninsula, harbouring about 80% of the species, half of which are endemic to this area. We employed chromosome counts, measurements of absolute genome size and determination of relative DNA‐content for 460 populations belonging to 43 species of Sesleria. Our main aim was to provide essential baseline data for future molecular genetic reconstructions of the genus' evolutionary history. Relative genome size allowed for a mostly clear separation of four ploidy levels. The most frequent and widespread cytotypes are tetraploids followed by octoploids, while di‐ and dodecaploids were only found in a few species. We present first chromosome numbers for the tetraploid species S. doerfleri, S. phleoides, S. skipetarum and S. tuzsonii as well as for diploid S. ovata. Based on relative and partly also on absolute genome size measurements, ploidy level was determined in tetraploid S. rhodopaea and S. voronovii for the first time, and new cytotypes were identified in S. interrupta, S. kalnikensis and S. wettsteinii (tetraploids), S. caerulea, S. klasterskyi, S. latifolia, S. tenerrima, S. ujhelyii and S. vaginalis (octoploids), and S. albanica and S. vaginalis (dodecaploids). While most Sesleria species are ploidy‐uniform, several comprise two or even, in the case of S. vaginalis, three ploidy levels. Genome downsizing after polyploidization was confirmed by significant negative correlation between ploidy level and monoploid genome size. Finally, we found a significant increase in monoploid relative genome size towards the margin of the genus' distribution area, which may be triggered by increased activity of transposable element in populations exposed to environmental or genomic stress. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 126–143.  相似文献   

Allozyme variation at 11 loci (with 37 alleles) was studied electrophoretically in seven outbreeding, closely related diploid and tetraploid taxa, seven from sect.Leptogalium and two from sect.Leiogalium. Whereas the sections are clearly distinct by several different alleles, aggregates, species and subspecies differ only in the frequency or presence/absence of common alleles. The resulting dendrogram suggests phylogenetic relationships and is supported by other multidisciplinary evidence. Tetraploids have originated independently in several groups, and there is evidence for tetrasomic inheritance and thus for autopolyploidy in spite of normal meiotic bivalent pairing and partly suspected hybrid origin. Tetraploids differ from related diploids only little in number of alleles and expected heterozygosity within populations, but clearly exhibit higher numbers of genotypes. This often corresponds to their greater morphological variability, increased adaptive flexibility, and better colonizing capacity compared to related diploids.  相似文献   

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