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In this study we used reciprocal rearing experiments to test the hypothesis that there is a genetic basis for the adaptive differences in host-use traits among host-associated soapberry bug populations (described in Carroll and Boyd 1992). These experiments were conducted on two host races from Florida, in which differences in beak length and development were found between natural populations on a native host plant species and those on a recently introduced plant species (colonized mainly post-1950). Performance was generally superior on the host species from which each lab population originated (i.e., on the “Home” host species): in analysis of variance, there was significant population-by-host interaction for size, development time, and growth rate. These results indicate that the population differences in nature are evolved rather than host induced. Increased performance on the introduced host was accompanied by reduced performance on the native host, a pattern that could theoretically promote further differentiation between the host races.  相似文献   

There is little evidence from nature that divergent natural selection is crucial to speciation. However, divergent selection is implicated if traits conferring adaptation to alternative environments also form the basis of reproductive isolation. We tested the importance of body size differences to premating isolation between two sympatric sticklebacks. The species differ greatly in size, and several lines of evidence indicate that this difference is an adaptation to alternative foraging habitats. Strong assortative mating was evident in laboratory trials, but a few hybridization events occurred. Probability of interspecific mating was strongly correlated with body size: interspecific spawning occurred only between the largest individuals of the smaller species and the smallest individuals of the larger species. Probability of spawning between similar-sized individuals from different species was comparable to spawning rates within species. Disruption of mating between individuals from different species can be traced to increased levels of male aggression and decreased levels of male courtship as size differences increased between paired individuals. Interspecific mate preferences in sympatric sticklebacks appears to be dominated by body size, implicating natural selection in the origin of species.  相似文献   

Theories of ecological diversification make predictions about the timing and ordering of character state changes through history. These theories are testable by “reconstructing” ancestor states using phylogenetic trees and measurements of contemporary species. Here we use maximum likelihood to estimate and evaluate the accuracy of ancestor reconstructions. We present likelihoods of discrete ancestor states and derive probability distributions for continuous ancestral traits. The methods are applied to several examples: diets of ancestral Darwin's finches; origin of inquilinism in gall wasps; microhabitat partitioning and body size evolution in scrubwrens; digestive enzyme evolution in artiodactyl mammals; origin of a sexually selected male trait, the sword, in platies and swordtails; and evolution of specialization in Anolis lizards. When changes between discrete character states are rare, the maximum-likelihood results are similar to parsimony estimates. In this case the accuracy of estimates is often high, with the exception of some nodes deep in the tree. If change is frequent then reconstructions are highly uncertain, especially of distant ancestors. Ancestor states for continuous traits are typically highly uncertain. We conclude that measures of uncertainty are useful and should always be provided, despite simplistic assumptions about the probabilistic models that underlie them. If uncertainty is too high, reconstruction should be abandoned in favor of approaches that fit different models of trait evolution to species data and phylogenetic trees, taking into account the range of ancestor states permitted by the data.  相似文献   

Using both multivariate and univariate regression techniques, I measured selection acting through female reproductive success in two hermaphroditic species with precise pollen placement but different pollinators: hummingbird-pollinated Lobelia cardinalis and bumblebee-pollinated L. siphilitica. Six traits were analyzed in two populations of L. cardinalis and one population of L. siphilitica: flower number, mean number of flowers open per day, inflorescence height, number of days in flower, median-flower date and nectar-stigma distance. In another study it was found that female reproductive success in one population of L. cardinalis was much less pollen limited than in the other two populations, and it was therefore expected that selection of female reproductive traits in this population would be weaker. In the univariate analyses correlations caused nearly all traits to have significant directional selection coefficients. However, in the multivariate analyses no traits in L. siphilitica experienced directional or quadratic selection. Selection acted differently in the two L. cardinalis populations. The less pollen-limited population experienced positive directional selection on flower number and median-flower date, while in the other L. cardinalis population there was positive directional selection on flower number and nectar-stigma distance and both positive directional and positive quadratic selection on height. The functional significance of floral traits in these two species and the probable effect of increased sample sizes are discussed.  相似文献   

Evolutionary inferences are usually based on statistical models that compare mean genotypes or phenotypes (or their frequencies) among populations. An alternative is to use the full distribution of genotypes and phenotypes to infer the “exchangeability” of individuals among populations. We illustrate this approach by using discriminant functions on principal components to classify individuals among paired lake and stream populations of threespine stickleback in each of six independent watersheds. Classification based on neutral and nonneutral microsatellite markers was highest to the population of origin and next highest to populations in the same watershed. These patterns are consistent with the influence of historical contingency (separate colonization of each watershed) and subsequent gene flow (within but not between watersheds). In comparison to this low genetic exchangeability, ecological (diet) and morphological (trophic and armor traits) exchangeability was relatively high—particularly among populations from similar habitats. These patterns reflect the role of natural selection in driving parallel adaptive changes when independent populations colonize similar habitats. Importantly, however, substantial nonparallelism was also evident. Our results show that analyses based on exchangeability can confirm inferences based on statistical analyses of means or frequencies, while also refining insights into the drivers of—and constraints on—evolutionary diversification.  相似文献   

Four allopatric populations of the widely distributed western anise swallowtail butterfly, Papilio zelicaon, use different plant genera as hosts, but simultaneous choice experiments showed that these populations have diverged only slightly in oviposition preference. Of the four populations—two from southeastern Washington State, one from coastal southwestern Washington State, and one from central California—three use hosts that are not available to any of the others. Although variation for the degree of preference for particular plant species occurred within and among populations, all four populations ranked hosts in the same overall order. Monophagy on a local, low-ranking host outside the range of high-ranking hosts did not necessarily lead to the loss of preference for those high-ranking hosts, thereby indicating that the high-ranking hosts would still be accepted, and in some cases even preferred, if a population encountered them again. Hence, the overall preference hierarchy among P. zelicaon populations appears to be evolutionarily conservative. Analyses of differences among families within the California population indicated that increased preference for some hosts is inversely correlated, whereas preference for other hosts may be uncorrelated. Positive correlations may also occur but were not observed among the plant species tested. Overall, the results indicate local monophagy on different plant species in P. zelicaon has not involved major reorganizations in the preference hierarchy of ovipositing females, even in populations that may have fed on a low-ranking host for many generations. Instead, small increases in preference for local hosts have occurred within an evolutionarily conservative preference hierarchy.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity has often been implicated in the maintenance of genetic variation. However, previous research has not considered how environmental heterogeneity might affect the rate of adaptation to a novel environment. In this study, I used an insect-plant system to test the hypothesis that heterogeneous environments maintain more genetic variation in fitness components in a novel environment than do uniform environments. To manipulate recent ecological history, replicate populations of the dipteran leafminer Liriomyza trifolii were maintained for 20 generations in one of three treatments: a heterogeneous environment that contained five species of host plant, and two uniform environments that contained either a susceptible chrysanthemum or tomato. The hypothesis that greater genetic variance for survivorship and developmental time on a new host plant (a leafminer-resistant chrysanthemum) would be maintained in the heterogeneous treatment relative to the uniform environments was then tested with a sib-analysis and a natural selection experiment. Populations from the heterogeneous host plant treatment had no greater genetic variance in either larval survivorship or developmental time on the new host than did populations from either of the other treatments. Moreover, the rate of adaptation to the new host did not differ between the ecological history treatments, although the populations from the uniform chrysanthemum treatment had higher mean survivorship throughout the selection experiment. The estimates of the heritability of larval survivorship from the sib-analysis and selection experiment were quite similar. These results imply that ecologically realistic levels of environmental heterogeneity will not necessarily maintain more genetic variance than uniform environments when traits expressed in a particular novel environment are considered.  相似文献   

We combine statistical and phylogenetic approaches to test the hypothesis that adaptive radiation and key innovation have contributed to the diversity of the order Araneae. The number of unbalanced araneid clades (those whose species numbers differ by 90% or more) exceeds the number predicted by a null Markovian model. The current phylogeny of spider families contains 74 bifurcating nodes, of which 31 are unbalanced. As this is significantly more than the 14.8 expected unbalanced nodes, some of the diversity within the Araneae can be attributed to some deterministic cause (e.g., adaptive radiation). One of the more highly unbalanced (97%) bifurcations divides the orb-weaving spiders into the Deinopoidea and the larger Araneoidea. A simple statistical model shows that the inequality in diversity between the Deinopoidea and the Araneoidea is significant, and that it is associated with the replacement of primitive cribellar capture thread by viscous adhesive thread and a change from a horizontal to a vertical orb-web orientation. These changes improve an orb-web's ability to intercept and retain prey and expand the adaptive zone that orb-weaving spiders can occupy and are, therefore, considered to be “key innovations.”  相似文献   

寄生蜂寄主选择行为研究进展   总被引:59,自引:2,他引:59  
侯照远  严福顺 《昆虫学报》1997,40(1):94-107
寄生蜂是膜翅目昆虫中的重要类群,在自然界种类多,数量大。据文献报道全世界膜翅目昆虫大约有10万种”’,其中许多种类与农林害虫长期保持一定的制约关系,在害虫防治中占有重要地位。由于大量使用化学农药导致害虫的抗药性增加,利用天敌昆虫来防治害虫越来越显示出其重要性和优越性。但是,直到近20年来,寄生蜂的寄生行为才受到重视,并给予了广泛的、深入的研究”-‘’严格地讲,寄生蜂应该称为拟寄生蜂,它与通常所说的寄生昆虫像虱子、臭虫等有明显不同,主要区别在于:1.寄生仅仅发生在未成熟阶段,而成虫阶段营自由生活;2.寄…  相似文献   

In parasites with mixed modes of transmission, ecological conditions may determine the relative importance of vertical and horizontal transmission for parasite fitness. This may lead to differential selection pressure on the efficiency of the two modes of transmission and on parasite virulence. In populations with high birth rates, increased opportunities for vertical transmission may select for higher vertical transmissibility and possibly lower virulence. We tested this idea in experimental populations of the protozoan Paramecium caudatum and its bacterial parasite Holospora undulata. Serial dilution produced constant host population growth and frequent vertical transmission. Consistent with predictions, evolved parasites from this “high‐growth” treatment had higher fidelity of vertical transmission and lower virulence than parasites from host populations constantly kept near their carrying capacity (“low‐growth treatment”). High‐growth parasites also produced fewer, but more infectious horizontal transmission stages, suggesting the compensation of trade‐offs between vertical and horizontal transmission components in this treatment. These results illustrate how environmentally driven changes in host demography can promote evolutionary divergence of parasite life history and transmission strategies.  相似文献   

激光辐照的林肯链霉菌(S.lincolnensis)研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次报导铜蒸气激光辐照林肯链霉菌(S.lincolnensis)的研究结果,曾获得高产株,最高发酵单位比对照未辐照者提高15.8%。  相似文献   

Through the course of an adaptive radiation, the evolutionary speed of cladogenesis and ecologically relevant trait evolution are expected to slow as species diversity increases, niches become occupied, and ecological opportunity declines. We develop new likelihood‐based models to test diversity‐dependent evolution in the auks, one of only a few families of seabirds adapted to underwater “flight,” and which exhibit a large variety of bill sizes and shapes. Consistent with the expectations of adaptive radiation, we find both a decline in rates of cladogenesis (a sixfold decline) and bill shape (a 64‐fold decline) evolution as diversity increased. Bill shape diverged into two clades at the basal cladogenesis event with one clade possessing mostly long, narrow bills used to forage primarily on fish, and the other with short thick bills used to forage primarily on plankton. Following this initial divergence in bill shape, size, a known correlate of both prey size and maximum diving depth, diverged rapidly within each of these clades. These results suggest that adaptive radiation in foraging traits underwent initial divergence in bill shape to occupy different food resources, followed by size differentiation to subdivide each niche along the depth axis of the water column.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the direct and correlated responses for fast and slow preadult development time in three laboratory populations of the bean weevil (Acanthoscelides obtectus). The first population (“base,” B) has experienced laboratory conditions for more than 10 years; the second (“young,” Y) and the third (“old,” O) populations were selected for early and late reproduction, respectively, before the onset of the present experiments. All three populations are successfully selected for both fast and slow preadult development. The realized heritabilities are very similar in all populations, suggesting a similar level of the additive genetic variance for preadult development. We studied the correlated responses on the following life-history traits: egg-to-adult viability, wet body weight, early fecundity, late fecundity, total realized female fecundity, and adult longevity. All life-history traits examined here, except for the egg-to-adult viability, are affected by selection for preadult development in at least in one of the studied populations. In all three populations, beetles selected for slow preadult development are heavier and live longer than those from the fast-selected lines. The findings with respect to adult longevity are unexpected, because the control Y and O populations, selected for short- and long-lived beetles, respectively, do not show significant differences in preadult development. Thus, our results indicate that some kind of asymmetrical correlated responses occur for preadult development and adult longevity each time that direct selection has been imposed on one or the other of these two traits. In contrast to studies with Drosophila, it appears that for insect species that are aphagous as adults, selection for preadult development entails selection for alleles that also change the adult longevity, but that age-specific selection (applied in the Y and O populations) mostly affects the alleles that have no significant influence on the preadult development. Implications of these findings on the developmental and evolutionary theories of aging are also discussed.  相似文献   

Are measurements of quantitative genetic variation useful for predicting long-term adaptive evolution? To answer this question, I focus on gmax, the multivariate direction of greatest additive genetic variance within populations. Original data on threespine sticklebacks, together with published genetic measurements from other vertebrates, show that morphological differentiation between species has been biased in the direction of gmax for at least four million years, despite evidence that natural selection is the cause of differentiation. This bias toward the direction of evolution tends to decay with time. Rate of morphological divergence between species is inversely proportional to θ, the angle between the direction of divergence and the direction of greatest genetic variation. The direction of greatest phenotypic variance is not identical with gmax, but for these data is nearly as successful at predicting the direction of species divergence. I interpret the findings to mean that genetic variances and covariances constrain adaptive change in quantitative traits for reasonably long spans of time. An alternative hypothesis, however, cannot be ruled out: that morphological differentiation is biased in the direction gmax because divergence and gmax are both shaped by the same natural selection pressures. Either way, the results reveal that adaptive differentiation occurs principally along “genetic lines of least resistance.”  相似文献   

Muller (1942) and Mayr (1963) hypothesized that natural selection indirectly causes the evolution of reproductive barriers between allopatric populations by causing adaptive genetic divergence that pleiotropically promotes prezygotic or postzygotic incompatibility. Under this mechanism, herbivorous insect populations should be more prone to speciate if they are adapting to different host plants, because the evolution of reproductive isolation will be accelerated above the rate promoted by genetic drift and host-independent sources of selection alone. Although the Muller-Mayr hypothesis is widely accepted, little direct evidence has been collected in support of selection's role in allopatric speciation. This paper offers a method for isolating and evaluating the contribution of host plant-related natural selection pressures to the reproductive isolation between allopatric herbivore populations. The host-related selection hypothesis (HRSH) predicts that herbivore populations using different host plants should be more reproductively isolated than those using the same host, other things being equal. Here, I test this hypothesis using Neochlamisus bebbianae, an oligophagous leaf beetle with a geographically variable host range. In each of two sets of experiments (contrast I, contrast II), I compared two beetle populations (Georgia and New York) that use the same host (Acer) in nature and a third population that natively uses a different host (Betula in Oklahoma [CI], Salix in Ontario [CII]). Experiments showed that “different-host” populations were more strongly differentiated in host-use traits (oviposition, host fidelity, feeding response, larval performance) than were “same-host” populations and that each population most readily uses foliage from its native host. As predicted by the HRSH, sexual isolation was also greater between the adaptively divergent different-host populations (from Betula vs. Acer, from Salix vs. Acer) than between the same-host populations (from Acer), which were undifferentiated in host-use traits. Interpreting these results in a historical context provided by mtDNA sequences from test populations indicated: (1) that Acer- and Betula-associated N. bebbianae represent separate sibling species whose causal origins have been lost to history, and whose incomplete sexual isolation is fortified by host-associated ecological and “physiological” isolation; and (2) that incipiently speciating Acer- and Salix-associated populations are more closely related to each other than are the two Acer-associated populations, which is consistent with the HRSH. This study thus illustrates the consequences of host-related selection for both the origin and maintenance of reproductive isolation. More important, it provides evidence that the pleiotropic effects of natural selection promote allopatric speciation.  相似文献   

多房棘球绦虫在我国自然动物宿主的发现及其形态学研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文报告在我国宁夏固原地区野生动物首次发现多房棘球蚴痫的病原自然感染。当地红狐自然感染多房棘球绦虫成虫27.27%,感染强度1,840—4,050条;达乌尔黄鼠citellus dauricus自然感染多房棘球蚴0.2%。成虫孕节人工感染小白鼠后163—424天,在其肝脏内可检到发育含有大量成熟原头节的多房棘球蚴。成虫期与幼虫期的形态特征有详细的描述并同国外代表性地区的报告列表比较。对我国西北地区人体多房棘球蚴病作综合报道。  相似文献   

We used genetic mapping to examine the genetic architecture of differences in host plant use between two species of noctuid moths, Heliothis subflexa, a specialist on Physalis spp., and its close relative, the broad generalist H. virescens. We introgressed H. subflexa chromosomes into the H. virescens background and analyzed 1462 backcross insects. The effects of H. subflexa‐origin chromosomes were small when measured as the percent variation explained in backcross populations (0.2–5%), but were larger when considered in relation to the interspecific difference explained (1.5–165%). Most significant chromosomes had effects on more than one trait, and their effects varied between years, sexes, and genetic backgrounds. Different chromosomes could produce similar phenotypes, suggesting that the same trait might be controlled by different chromosomes in different backcross populations. It appears that many loci of small effect contribute to the use of Physalis by H. subflexa. We hypothesize that behavioral changes may have paved the way for physiological adaptation to Physalis by the generalist ancestor of H. subflexa and H. virescens.  相似文献   

“Ecological” speciation occurs when reproductive isolation evolves as a consequence of divergent selection between populations exploiting different resources or environments. We tested this hypothesis of speciation in a young stickleback species pair by measuring the direct contribution of ecological selection pressures to hybrid fitness. The two species (limnetic and benthic) are strongly differentiated morphologically and ecologically, whereas hybrids are intermediate. Fitness of hybrids is high in the laboratory, especially F1 and F2 hybrids (backcrosses may show some breakdown). We transplanted F1 hybrids to enclosures in the two main habitats in the wild to test whether the distribution of resources available in the environment generates a hybrid disadvantage not detectable in the laboratory. Hybrids grew more slowly than limnetics in the open water habitat and more slowly than benthics in the littoral zone. Growth of F1 hybrids was inferior to the average of the parent species across both habitats, albeit not significantly. The contrast between laboratory and field results supports the hypothesis that mechanisms of F1 hybrid fitness in the wild are primarily ecological and do not result from intrinsic genetic incompatibilities. Direct selection on hybrids contributes to the maintenance of sympatric stickleback species and may have played an important role in their origin.  相似文献   

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