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Aphanomyces astaci, the crayfish plague pathogen, first appeared in Europe in the mid-19th century and is still responsible for mass mortalities of native European crayfish. The spread of this parasite across the continent is especially facilitated by invasive North American crayfish species that serve as its reservoir. In France, multiple cases of native crayfish mortalities have been suggested to be connected with the presence of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, which is highly abundant in the country. It shares similar habitats as the native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes and, when infected, the signal crayfish might therefore easily transmit the pathogen to the native species. We investigated the prevalence of A. astaci in French signal crayfish populations to evaluate the danger they represent to local populations of native crayfish. Over 500 individuals of Pacifastacus leniusculus from 45 French populations were analysed, plus several additional individuals of other non-indigenous crayfish species Orconectes limosus, O. immunis and Procambarus clarkii. Altogether, 20% of analysed signal crayfish tested positive for Aphanomyces astaci, and the pathogen was detected in more than half of the studied populations. Local prevalence varied significantly, ranging from 0% up to 80%, but wide confidence intervals suggest that the number of populations infected by A. astaci may be even higher than our results show. Analysis of several individuals of other introduced species revealed infections among two of these, O. immunis and P. clarkii. Our results confirm that the widespread signal crayfish serves as a key reservoir of Aphanomyces astaci in France and therefore represents a serious danger to native crayfish species, especially the white-clawed crayfish. The prevalence in other non-indigenous crayfish should also be investigated as they likely contribute to pathogen transmission in the country.  相似文献   

Many crayfish species have been introduced to novel habitats worldwide, often threatening extinction of native species. Here we investigate competitive interactions and parasite infections in the native Austropotamobius pallipes and the invasive Pacifastacus leniusculus from single and mixed species populations in the UK. We found A. pallipes individuals to be significantly smaller in mixed compared to single species populations; conversely P. leniusculus individuals were larger in mixed than in single species populations. Our data provide no support for reproductive interference as a mechanism of competitive displacement and instead suggest competitive exclusion of A. pallipes from refuges by P. leniusculus leading to differential predation. We screened 52 P. leniusculus and 12 A. pallipes for microsporidian infection using PCR. We present the first molecular confirmation of Thelohania contejeani in the native A. pallipes; in addition, we provide the first evidence for T. contejeani in the invasive P. leniusculus. Three novel parasite sequences were also isolated from P. leniusculus with an overall prevalence of microsporidian infection of 38% within this species; we discuss the identity of and the similarity between these three novel sequences. We also screened a subset of fifteen P. leniusculus and three A. pallipes for Aphanomyces astaci, the causative agent of crayfish plague and for the protistan crayfish parasite Psorospermium haeckeli. We found no evidence for infection by either agent in any of the crayfish screened. The high prevalence of microsporidian parasites and occurrence of shared T. contejeani infection lead us to propose that future studies should consider the impact of these parasites on native and invasive host fitness and their potential effects upon the dynamics of native-invader systems.  相似文献   

The Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule, also known as Dscam, is a member of the immunoglobulin super family. Dscam plays an essential function in neuronal wiring and appears to be involved in innate immune reactions in insects. The deduced amino acid sequence of Dscam in the crustacean Pacifastacus leniusculus (PlDscam), encodes 9(Ig)-4(FNIII)-(Ig)-2(FNIII)-TM and it has variable regions in the N-terminal half of Ig2 and Ig3 and the complete Ig7 and in the transmembrane domain. The cytoplasmic tail can generate multiple isoforms. PlDscam can generate more than 22,000 different unique isoforms. Bacteria and LPS injection enhanced the expression of PlDscam, but no response in expression occurred after a white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) infection or injection with peptidoglycans. Furthermore, PlDscam silencing did not have any effect on the replication of the WSSV. Bacterial specific isoforms of PlDscam were shown to have a specific binding property to each tested bacteria, E. coli or S. aureus. The bacteria specific isoforms of PlDscam were shown to be associated with bacterial clearance and phagocytosis in crayfish.  相似文献   

Physiological Adaptations of Crayfish to the Hypoxic Environment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. Crayfish routinely encounter waters of reduced oxygentension, resulting in a broad array of behavioral and physiologicalresponses. Many animals when faced with this stress will simplyremove themselves from the irritating environment through voluntarymigration. When an animal, either by choice or through physicalconstraints remains in a hypoxic environment it must compensatefor the reduction in O2 availability. Many crayfish have theability to maintain oxygen consumption independent of waterPo2 down to some critical level; below this the animal can nolonger maintain normoxic levels of aerobic metabolism. Regulationof oxygen uptake is thought to be due to a hypoxia-induced hyperventilationalong with an increase in hemocyanin O2 affinity and an improvementin the ability of the respiratory surfaces to transfer O2. Crayfishexposed to a reduction in water oxygen also show a strong bradycardia,which is compensated for by an increase in stroke volume, resultingin a maintenance of cardiac output. The adaptive advantage ofthis response is uncertain. As water Po2 drops crayfish havebeen shown to redistribute cardiac output, presumably throughthe action of the cardioarterial valves. Hemolymph is shuntedto the anterior end of the animal, resulting in a greater perfusionof nervous tissue. The animals' ability to detect changes inwater Po2 appear to result from O2 sensitive receptors locatedon the gills or in the branchiocardiac veins. The integratedphysiological response toward environmental hypoxia allows thecrayfish to not only deal with the stress but to maintain activity.  相似文献   

U-shaped, pouch-like burrows with parallel limbs, covered with short scratches arranged in sets, occur in the thalweg of the Oh?e river in NW Czech Republic. Similar, but smaller burrows with rare scratches, not arranged in sets, occur in the thalweg of the Drw?ca river in N Poland. Probably, they are produced by larvae and/or nymphs of Palingenia and Polymitarcis (Ephoron), respectively. In both localities, they burrowed in firmground surfaces at shallow depths. The burrowed surfaces were emerged during low water levels. A review of recent mayfly burrows shows that they are 1) U-shaped pouches with parallel limbs and septum, which may be covered with short scratches and are oriented perpendicular to the bottom, irrespective of its inclination, or 2) wide U-shape burrows with divergent limbs, which may be branched. In the fossil record, the ichnogenera Fuersichnus, Asthenopodichnium, and Rhizocorallium are partly ascribed to mayfly burrows, but their comparison to the recent burrows shows that such interpretations are somewhat problematic. The mayfly burrows are potentially good indicators of aquatic, non-marine, well oxygenated, clean water environments.  相似文献   

The expression of both swimmeret and postural motor patterns in crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) were affected by stimulation of a second root of a thoracic ganglion. The response of the swimmeret system depended on the state of the postural system. In most cases, the response of the swimmeret system outlasted the stimulus.Stimulation of a thoracic second root also elicited coordinated responses from the postural system, that outlasted the stimulus. In different preparations, either the flexor excitor motor neurones or the extensor excitor motor neurones were excited by this stimulation. In every case, excitation of one set of motor neurones was accompanied by inhibition of that group's functional antagonists.This stimulation seemed to coordinate the activity of both systems; when stimulation inhibited the flexor motor neurones, then the extensor motor neurones and the swimmeret system were excited. When stimulation excited the flexor motor neurones, then the extensor motor neurones and the swimmeret system were inhibited.Two classes of interneurones that responded to stimulation of a thoracic second root were encountered in the first abdominal ganglion. These interneurones could be the pathway that coordinates the response of the postural and swimmeret systems to stimulation of a thoracic second root.Abbreviations TSR thoracic second root - epsp excitatory post-synaptic potential - ipsp inhibitory post-synaptic potential - EJP excitatory jonctional potential - PS power-stroke - RS return-stroke - INT interneurone - N1 first segmental nerve - N2 second segmental nerve - N3 third segmental nerve - A1 abdominal ganglion 1  相似文献   

F. E. Round 《Hydrobiologia》1958,11(2):119-127
Summary The diatom flora has been analysed in 31 samples from the dune area at Braunton Burrows. Samples have been examined from (a) aquatic habitats, (b) soil, plants and mosses subject to seasonal flooding and (c) sand and mosses from dry dunes. The diatom flora of all these has been discussed and compared with data from elsewhere.Department of Botany, University of Bristol  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach based on Burrows–Wheeler transform to compare the protein sequences. The strings representing amino acid sequences do not reflect the chemical physical properties better, and it is very hard to extract any key features by reading these long character strings directly. The use of the Burrows–Wheeler similarity distribution needs a suitable representation which can reflect some interesting properties of the proteins. For the comparison of the primary protein sequences we convert the protein sequences into digital codes by the Ponnuswamy hydrophobicity index, and for the comparison of the structure of the proteins we adjust the topology of protein structure strings, which are simple but useful representation of the secondary structure of proteins to match the Burrows–Wheeler similarity distribution. At last, some experiments show that the approach proposed in this paper is a powerful and useful tool for the comparison of proteins.  相似文献   

The prophenoloxidase activating enzyme (ppA), a serine proteinase catalyzing the conversion of prophenoloxidase to an active phenoloxidase, has a molecular mass of about 36 kDa in its active form. This protein was cloned from a blood cell cDNA library and its corresponding cDNA of 1736 base pairs encodes a zymogenic protein (proppA) of 468 amino acids. An antibody raised against a synthetic peptide derived from a region of the cDNA sequence could efficiently inhibit the beta-1,3-glucan triggered activation of prophenoloxidase in vitro. The C-terminal half of the proppA is composed of a typical serine proteinase domain, with a sequence similar to other invertebrate and vertebrate serine proteinases. The N-terminal half contains a cationic glycine-rich domain, a cationic proline-rich domain and a clip-domain, in which the disulfide-bonding pattern is likely to be identical to those of the horseshoe crab big defensin and mammalian beta-defensins. Antibodies made against both the C- and the N-terminal halves recognize two proppAs under reducing conditions. However, under nonreducing conditions only the anti-C antibody recognized the two proppAs, which suggests that a conformational change takes place upon reduction that allows the anti-N to react with the N-terminal half of proppA. The recombinant clip-domain in crayfish proppA was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and the resulting peptide exhibited antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacterial strains such as Micrococcus luteus Ml11 and Bacillus megaterium Bm11 with 50% growth inhibitory concentrations of 1.43 microM and 17.9 microM, respectively. These results suggest that the clip-domains in proppAs may function as antibacterial peptides.  相似文献   

Aeromonas hydrophila is the most common Aeromonas species causing infections in human and other animals such as amphibians, reptiles, fish and crustaceans. Pathogenesis of Aeromonas species have been reported to be associated with virulence factors such as lipopolysaccharides (LPS), bacterial toxins, bacterial secretion systems, flagella, and other surface molecules. Several mutant strains of A. hydrophila AH-3 were initially used to study their virulence in two animal species, Pacifastacus leniusculus (crayfish) and Tenebrio molitor larvae (mealworm). The AH-3 strains used in this study have mutations in genes involving the synthesis of flagella, LPS structures, secretion systems, and some other factors, which have been reported to be involved in A. hydrophila pathogenicity. Our study shows that the LPS (O-antigen and external core) is the most determinant A. hydrophila AH-3 virulence factor in both animals. Furthermore, we studied the immune responses of these hosts to infection of virulent or non-virulent strains of A. hydrophila AH-3. The AH-3 wild type (WT) containing the complete LPS core is highly virulent and this bacterium strongly stimulated the prophenoloxidase activating system resulting in melanization in both crayfish and mealworm. In contrast, the ΔwaaE mutant which has LPS without O-antigen and external core was non-virulent and lost ability to stimulate this system and melanization in these two animals. The high phenoloxidase activity found in WT infected crayfish appears to result from a low expression of pacifastin, a prophenoloxidase activating enzyme inhibitor, and this gene expression was not changed in the ΔwaaE mutant infected animal and consequently phenoloxidase activity was not altered as compared to non-infected animals. Therefore we show that the virulence factors of A. hydrophila are the same regardless whether an insect or a crustacean is infected and the O-antigen and external core is essential for activation of the proPO system and as virulence factors for this bacterium.  相似文献   

Sperm from the crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, resemble other reptantian sperm in that they are composed of an acrosome, subacrosomal region, nucleus, membrane lamellar complex, and spikes which radiate from the nuclear compartment. The acrosome (PAS positive vesicle) can be subdivided into three regions: the apical cap, crystalline inner acrosomal material, and outer acrosomal material which is homogeneous except for a peripheral electron dense band. The nucleus contains uncondensed chromatin and bundles of microtubules which project into the spikes. The orientation of the microtubule bundles relative to the nuclear envelope near the base of the subacrosomal region suggests that the nuclear envelope may function in the organization of the spike microtubules.  相似文献   

An immunocytochemical technique with the use of three different antibodies raised against serotonin was applied to localize the immunoreactive neurons in the central nervous system of the crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus. Immunoreactive neurons were found in three optic ganglia (medulla externa, interna and terminalis). They appeared in three layers of the medulla externa and interna. The medulla terminalis displayed three prominent groups of immunoreactive perikarya and mainly marginal immunoreactive fibres. Immunoreactive areas of the brain comprised the protocerebral bridge, central body, paracentral lobes and two loci in the anterior portion of the protocerebrum, i.e., the terminal areas for immunoreactive fibres from the optic centres. The olfactory lobes showed a specific immunoreactive pattern. In addition, diffusely and sparsely distributed immunoreactive fibres were found throughout the brain. The immunoreactive neurons are largely localized in the same areas of the central nervous system as the catecholaminergic neurons although some distinct differences occur.  相似文献   

The development of dispersion in relation to burrows of young rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus L., was studied in a sand dune habitat between May and September 1984–1985. Generally, young rabbits did not show a close association with their original burrow. From the first week of life on the surface they used different burrows as well as the original one. No significant age-related changes in the mean distance from different kinds of burrows were observed. The mean distance from the nearest burrow remained always under 3 m, but this distance may have been due largely to the high density of burrows. The apparent freedom of movements of young rabbits around different burrows may be related to the social system of the adults in a sand dune habitat.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a protein resembling masquerade, a serine proteinase homologue expressed during embryogenesis, larval, and pupal development in Drosophila melanogaster, was identified in hemocytes of the adult freshwater crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus. The crayfish protein is similar to Drosophila masquerade in the following aspects: (a) overall sequence of the serine proteinase domain, such as the position of three putative disulfide bridges, glycine in the place of the catalytic serine residue, and the presence of a substrate-lining pocket typical for trypsins; (b) the presence of several copies of a disulfide-knotted motif in the putative propeptide. This masquerade-like protein is cleaved into a 27-kDa fragment, which could be detected by immunoblot analysis using an affinity-purified antibody against a synthetic peptide in the C-terminal domain of the protein. The 27-kDa protein could be immunoaffinity-purified from hemocyte lysate supernatant and exhibited cell adhesion activity in vitro, indicating that the C-terminal domain of the crayfish masquerade-like protein mediates cell adhesion.  相似文献   

A multifunctional masquerade-like protein has been isolated, purified, and characterized from hemocytes of the freshwater crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus. It was isolated by its Escherichia coli binding property, and it binds to formaldehyde-treated Gram-negative bacteria as well as to yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, whereas it does not bind to formaldehyde-fixed Gram-positive bacteria. The intact masquerade (mas)-like protein is present in crayfish hemocytes as a heterodimer composed of two subunits with molecular masses of 134 and 129 kDa. Under reducing conditions the molecular masses of the intact proteins are not changed. After binding to bacteria or yeast cell walls, the mas-like protein is processed by a proteolytic enzyme. The 134 kDa of the processed protein yields four subunits of 65, 47, 33, and 29 kDa, and the 129-kDa protein results in four subunits of 63, 47, 33, and 29 kDa in 10% SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions. The 33-kDa protein could be purified by immunoaffinity chromatography using an Ab to the C-terminal part of the mas-like protein. This subunit of the mas-like protein has cell adhesion activity, whereas the two intact proteins, 134 and 129 kDa, have binding activity to LPSs, glucans, Gram-negative bacteria, and yeast. E. coli coated with the mas-like protein were more rapidly cleared in crayfish than only E. coli, suggesting this protein is an opsonin. Therefore, the cell adhesion and opsonic activities of the mas-like protein suggest that it plays a role as an innate immune protein.  相似文献   

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