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To compare the strength of natural selection on different traits and in different species, evolutionary biologists typically estimate selection differentials and gradients in standardized units. Measuring selection differentials and gradients in standard deviation units or mean-standardized units facilitates such comparisons by converting estimates with potentially varied units to a common scale. In this note, I compare the performance of variance- and mean-standardized selection differentials and gradients for a unique and biologically important class of traits: proportional traits, that can only vary between zero and one, and their complements (1 minus the trait) using simple algebra and analysis of data from a field-study using morning glories. There is a systematic, mathematical relationship between unstandardized and variance-standardized selection gradients for proportional traits and their complements, but such a general relationship is lacking for mean-standardized gradients, potentially leading investigators to mistakenly conclude that a proportional change in a trait would have little effect on fitness. Despite this potential limitation, mean-standardized selection differentials and gradients represent a useful tool for studying natural selection on proportional traits, because by definition they measure how proportional changes in the mean of a trait lead to proportional changes in relative fitness.Co-ordinating editor: I. Olivieri 相似文献
Jeffrey K. Conner Scott Rush Suzanne Kercher Peter Jennetten 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1996,50(3):1137-1146
It has often been suggested that selection on floral traits in hermaphroditic plants should occur primarily through differences in male fitness. However, measurements of selection on floral traits through differences in lifetime male fitness have been lacking. We measured selection on a variety of wild radish floral traits using lifetime male fitness measures derived from genetic paternity analysis. These male fitness estimates were then combined with estimates of lifetime female fitness of the same plants to produce measurements of selection based on lifetime total fitness. Contrary to the prediction above, there was no strong evidence for selection on floral morphology through male fitness differences in any of the three years of the study, but there was strong selection for increased flower size through female fitness differences in one year. The main determinant of both male and female fitness in all years was flower number; this lead to moderately positive correlations between male and female fitness in all three years. 相似文献
《Ethology, Ecology and Evolution》2012,24(4):387-397
A variety of methods for measuring natural selection have been introduced recently, spurring a large number of empirical studies. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the use of different techniques in different ways has hampered comparisons among studies. I outline a method for integrating selection gradients, multiplicative fitness components and path analysis in a standardized way, to utilize the strengths of each technique and facilitate comparisons among studies. First, selection gradients are calculated using total lifetime fitness; these estimates can be used in equations to predict evolutionary change. Second, path analysis and multiplicative fitness components are used to understand the causes of selection. Examples of the method applied to studies of selection in an animal and a plant are given; use of this method allows comparisons to be made between the two studies of disparate taxa. 相似文献
Measurements of natural selection in hermaphrodite populations require the analysis of performance through both female and male sex functions. Here, we investigate selection on three floral traits: flower number, flower length, and corona width through both sex functions in natural populations of the tristylous daffodil Narcissus triandrus . Selection through female function was examined in six populations, and in two of these we also estimated male selection gradients using multilocus microsatellite genotyping of parents and offspring. We detected significant directional selection for flower number through female function, and significant stabilizing selection for corona width and flower length through male function. Variation in male reproductive success was strongly influenced by the distance between mates and was significantly higher than variation in female reproductive success in one population, a result consistent with Bateman's principle. However, variation through both sex functions was similar in the other population and there was a significant negative correlation between female and male fitness indicating sex-specific trade-offs in reproductive success. Selection on floral design in N. triandrus was stronger through male than female function probably because floral morphology plays an important role in promoting effective cross-pollen transfer in populations of this heterostylous species. 相似文献
Wolf U. Blanckenhorn Max Reuter Paul I. Ward Andrew D. Barbour 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1999,53(1):286-291
We show with a simulation that nonrepresentative sampling of two discrete fitness classes leads to biased estimates of selection. Systematic underestimation occurs if the selected class is overrepresented in the sample and overestimation if the unselected class is overrepresented. The bias is greater the stronger the selection intensity, the smaller the true fraction of individuals favored by selected, and the lower the sample size. We present a simple method that allows a posteriori statistical correction in cases of biased sampling given a separate estimate of the actual class representation, describe its practical implementation, and show that it works. 相似文献
Sandro Cavicchi Daniela Guerra Vanna Natali Cristina Pezzoli Gianfranco Giorgi 《Journal of evolutionary biology》1989,2(4):235-251
From a laboratory stock of Drosophila melanogaster (Oregon), reared for more than 20 years at 18° C, a new population was derived and maintained at 28° C for 8 years. The chromosomal and cytoplasmic contribution to genetic divergence between the two populations was estimated. Six body traits and reproductive fitness were taken into account. The third chromosome is responsible for the adaptive difference for temperature between the two lines. Temperature-selected genes which control body size are located on the second and third chromosomes, although the contribution of each chromosome depends on the environment in which the flies develop. The correlation between the chromosomal and cytoplasmic contributions to different traits and fitness, changes with temperature. At 28° C the correlation between fitness and each body trait is proportional to the response to selection exhibited by each of them, but this is not true at 18° C. Body size has, therefore, an adaptive significance in relation to temperature, which is expressed only in the environment where selection occurs. Cytoplasmic genes affect almost all characters to an extent similar to that of chromosomal genes. Inter-chromosomal and nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions are present and also change with temperature. In general, genes selected in a given environment produce greater phenotypic changes in that environment than in another. The population that experienced both temperatures is fitter in both environments, suggesting that the capacity to adapt to warm temperatures depends on genes other than those which are involved in the adaptation to cold. 相似文献
Mason W. Kulbaba Anne C. Worley 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2013,67(8):2194-2206
Particular floral phenotypes are often associated with specific groups of pollinators. However, flowering plants are often visited, and may be effectively pollinated by more than one type of animal. Therefore, a major outstanding question in floral biology asks: what is the nature of selection on floral traits when pollinators are diverse? This study examined how hummingbirds selected on the floral traits of Polemonium brandegeei, a species pollinated by both hummingbirds and hawkmoths. In array populations of P. brandegeei, we measured pollen movement, and female (seeds set) and male (seeds sired) fitness under hummingbird pollination. We then compared the patterns of selection by hummingbirds with our previous study examining selection by hawkmoths. We documented contrasting selection on sex organ positioning through female function, with hummingbirds selecting for stigmas exserted beyond the anthers and hawkmoths selecting for stigmas recessed below the anthers. Furthermore, hummingbirds selected for longer and wider corolla tubes, and hawkmoths selected for narrower corolla tubes. Therefore, contrasting selection by hawkmoths and hummingbirds may account for variation in sex organ arrangements and corolla dimensions in P. brandegeei. We documented how floral traits under selection by multiple pollinators can result in either an intermediate “compromise” between selective pressures (sex organs) or apparent specialization (corolla tube length) to one pollinator. 相似文献
1. The vertical distribution of zooplankton results from active habitat choice aiming to optimise fitness gain in a system of trade‐offs. 2. Using large, controlled indoor mesocosms (Plön Plankton Towers), we monitored the behavioural response of Daphnia pulicaria to vertical gradients of temperature, food, oxygen and light, in the presence and absence of fish predation. 3. In the absence of fish, Daphnia distributed as predicted by an ideal ‘free distribution with costs’. If the food was distributed homogeneously, they stayed in the warm epilimnion, while they balanced their time dwelling in epi‐ and hypolimnion if the food was concentrated in a deep‐water maximum. 4. However, oxygen depletion in the hypolimnion, representing an additional cost, prevented Daphnia from completely exploiting the hypolimnetic food maximum. Consequently, the proportion dwelling in the hypolimnion was larger if oxygen was not limiting. 5. Fish predation had an overwhelming effect, driving Daphnia into the hypolimnion under all experimental conditions. If permitted by oxygen availability, Daphnia used the whole hypolimnion, but oxygen depletion reduced their possible habitat to the upper hypolimnion with oxygen concentrations above c. 0.7 mg L?1. As fish were less tolerant of low oxygen, the layer below the thermocline formed a predation refuge for Daphnia. 相似文献
Complex phenotypes are often controlled by many interacting genes. One question emerging from such organization is how selection, acting at the phenotypic level, shapes the evolution of genes involved in regulatory networks controlling the phenotypes. We studied this issue through a matrix model of such networks. In a population submitted to selection, we simulated the evolution of a quantitative trait controlled by a set of loci that regulate each other through positive or negative interactions. Investigating several levels of selection intensity on the trait, we studied the evolution of regulation intensity between the genes and the evolution of the genetic diversity of those genes as an indirect measure of the strength of selection acting on them. We show that an increasing intensity of selection on the phenotype leads to an increased level of regulation between the loci. Moreover, we found that the genes responding more strongly to selection within the network were those evolving towards stronger regulatory action on the other genes and/or those that are the less regulated by the other genes. This observation is strongest for an intermediate level of selection. This may explain why several experimental studies have shown evidence of selection on regulatory genes inside gene networks. 相似文献
Noelia Pérez-Pereira Humberto Quesada Armando Caballero 《Evolutionary Applications》2023,16(7):1302-1315
Inbreeding depression (ID), the reduction in fitness due to inbreeding, is typically measured by the regression of the phenotypic values of individuals for a particular trait on their corresponding inbreeding coefficients (F). While genealogical records can provide these coefficients, they may be unavailable or incomplete, making molecular markers a useful alternative. The power to detect ID and its accuracy depend on the variation of F values of individuals, the sample sizes available, and the accuracy in the estimation of individual fitness traits and F values. In this study, we used Drosophila melanogaster to evaluate the effectiveness of molecular markers in estimating ID under suboptimal conditions. We generated two sets of 100 pairs of unrelated individuals from a large panmictic population and mated them for two generations to produce non-inbred and unrelated individuals (F = 0) and inbred individuals (full-sib progeny; F = 0.25). Using these expected genealogical F values, we calculated inbreeding depression for two fitness-related traits, pupae productivity and competitive fitness. We then sequenced the males from 17 non-inbred pairs and 17 inbred pairs to obtain their genomic inbreeding coefficients and estimate ID for the two traits. The scenario assumed was rather restrictive in terms of estimation of ID because: (1) the individuals belonged to the same generation of a large panmictic population, leading to low variation in individual F coefficients; (2) the sample sizes were small; and (3) the traits measured depended on both males and females while only males were sequenced. Despite the challenging conditions of our study, we found that molecular markers provided estimates of ID that were comparable to those obtained from simple pedigree estimations with larger sample sizes. The results therefore suggest that genomic measures of inbreeding are useful to provide estimates of inbreeding depression even under very challenging scenarios. 相似文献
S. P. Flanagan J. B. Johnson E. Rose A. G. Jones 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2014,27(11):2457-2467
Understanding how selection acts on traits individually and in combination is an important step in deciphering the mechanisms driving evolutionary change, but for most species, and especially those in which sexual selection acts more strongly on females than on males, we have no estimates of selection coefficients pertaining to the multivariate sexually selected phenotype. Here, we use a laboratory‐based mesocosm experiment to quantify pre‐ and post‐mating selection on female secondary sexual traits in the Gulf pipefish (Syngnathus scovelli), a sexually dimorphic, sex‐role‐reversed species in which ornamented females compete for access to choosy males. We calculate selection differentials and gradients on female traits, including ornament area, ornament number and body size for three episodes of selection related to female reproductive success (number of mates, number of eggs transferred and number of surviving embryos). Selection is strong on both ornament area and ornament size, and the majority of selection occurs during the premating episode of selection. Interestingly, selection on female body size, which has been detected in previous studies of Gulf pipefish, appears to be indirect, as evidenced by a multivariate analysis of selection gradients. Our results show that sexual selection favours either many bands or larger bands in female Gulf pipefish. 相似文献
Plant-pollinator interactions promote the evolution of floral traits that attract pollinators and facilitate efficient pollen transfer. The spatial separation of sex organs, herkogamy, is believed to limit sexual interference in hermaphrodite flowers. Reverse herkogamy (stigma recessed below anthers) and long, narrow corolla tubes are expected to promote efficiency in male function under hawkmoth pollination. We tested this prediction by measuring selection in six experimental arrays of Polemonium brandegeei, a species that displays continuous variation in herkogamy, resulting in a range of recessed to exserted stigmas. Under glasshouse conditions, we measured pollen removal and deposition, and estimated selection gradients (β) through female fitness (seeds set) and male fitness (siring success based on six polymorphic microsatellite loci). Siring success was higher in plants with more nectar sugar and narrow corolla tubes. However, selection through female function for reverse herkogamy was considerably stronger than was selection through male function. Hawkmoths were initially attracted to larger flowers, but overall preferred plants with reverse herkogamy. Greater pollen deposition and seed set also occurred in reverse herkogamous plants. Thus, reverse herkogamy may be maintained by hawkmoths through female rather than male function. Further, our results suggest that pollinator attraction may play a considerable role in enhancing female function. 相似文献
Although fitness is central to the evolutionary process, metrics vary by timescale. Different timescales may give rise to different estimates of selection, especially during demographic transitions caused by rapid environmental and socioeconomic change. In this study, we used a dataset of a human population in Finland from 1775 to 1950 to compare two fitness metrics and their estimates of selection pressures, before and during a demographic transition. Both metrics, lifetime reproductive success and an annual metric of individual performance, declined while selection on the ages at first and last reproduction remained nearly constant, favouring individuals with wider reproductive windows. The ability to partition the annual metric into contributions from reproduction and survival revealed the short‐term effects of a famine and the reversal of selection pressure via the survival component of annual fitness. Although the metrics generally agreed, the annual metric detected the effects of environmental variation and demographic change occurring within a generation. 相似文献
Jinshi Xu Yu Chen Lixia Zhang Yongfu Chai Mao Wang Yaoxin Guo Ting Li Ming Yue 《Ecology and evolution》2017,7(14):5056-5069
Community assembly processes is the primary focus of community ecology. Using phylogenetic‐based and functional trait‐based methods jointly to explore these processes along environmental gradients are useful ways to explain the change of assembly mechanisms under changing world. Our study combined these methods to test assembly processes in wide range gradients of elevation and other habitat environmental factors. We collected our data at 40 plots in Taibai Mountain, China, with more than 2,300 m altitude difference in study area and then measured traits and environmental factors. Variance partitioning was used to distinguish the main environment factors leading to phylogeny and traits change among 40 plots. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to colligate other environment factors. Community assembly patterns along environmental gradients based on phylogenetic and functional methods were studied for exploring assembly mechanisms. Phylogenetic signal was calculated for each community along environmental gradients in order to detect the variation of trait performance on phylogeny. Elevation showed a better explanatory power than other environment factors for phylogenetic and most traits’ variance. Phylogenetic and several functional structure clustered at high elevation while some conserved traits overdispersed. Convergent tendency which might be caused by filtering or competition along elevation was detected based on functional traits. Leaf dry matter content (LDMC) and leaf nitrogen content along PCA 1 axis showed conflicting patterns comparing to patterns showed on elevation. LDMC exhibited the strongest phylogenetic signal. Only the phylogenetic signal of maximum plant height showed explicable change along environmental gradients. Synthesis. Elevation is the best environment factors for predicting phylogeny and traits change. Plant's phylogenetic and some functional structures show environmental filtering in alpine region while it shows different assembly processes in middle‐ and low‐altitude region by different trait/phylogeny. The results highlight deterministic processes dominate community assembly in large‐scale environmental gradients. Performance of phylogeny and traits along gradients may be independent with each other. The novel method for calculating functional structure which we used in this study and the focus of phylogenetic signal change along gradients may provide more useful ways to detect community assembly mechanisms. 相似文献
Jeffrey K. Conner Scott Rush Peter Jennetten 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1996,50(3):1127-1136
Although the role of natural selection in the evolution of floral traits has been of great interest to biologists since Darwin, studies of selection on floral traits through differences in lifetime fitness have been rare. We measured selection acting on flower number, flower size, stigma exsertion, and ovule number per flower using field data on lifetime female fitness (seed production) in wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum. The patterns of selection were reasonably consistent across three field seasons, with strong directional selection for increased flower production in all three years, weaker selection for increased ovule number per flower in two years, and selection for increased flower size in one year. The causes of the selection were investigated using path analysis combined with multiplicative fitness components. Increased flower production increased fruit production directly, and increased numbers of ovules per flower increased the number of seeds per fruit in all three years; pollinator visitation did not influence either of these fitness components. Increased flower size was associated with increases in both the number of fruit and the number of seeds per fruit in one year, with the latter relationship being stronger. Total lifetime seed production was affected more strongly by differences in fruit production than by differences in either the number of seeds per fruit or the proportion of fertilized seeds that were viable, but all three fitness components were positively correlated with total seed production. 相似文献
Michael B. Morrissey 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2015,69(8):2050-2066
In quantitative genetics, the effects of developmental relationships among traits on microevolution are generally represented by the contribution of pleiotropy to additive genetic covariances. Pleiotropic additive genetic covariances arise only from the average effects of alleles on multiple traits, and therefore the evolutionary importance of nonlinearities in development is generally neglected in quantitative genetic views on evolution. However, nonlinearities in relationships among traits at the level of whole organisms are undeniably important to biology in general, and therefore critical to understanding evolution. I outline a system for characterizing key quantitative parameters in nonlinear developmental systems, which yields expressions for quantities such as trait means and phenotypic and genetic covariance matrices. I then develop a system for quantitative prediction of evolution in nonlinear developmental systems. I apply the system to generating a new hypothesis for why direct stabilizing selection is rarely observed. Other uses will include separation of purely correlative from direct and indirect causal effects in studying mechanisms of selection, generation of predictions of medium‐term evolutionary trajectories rather than immediate predictions of evolutionary change over single generation time‐steps, and the development of efficient and biologically motivated models for separating additive from epistatic genetic variances and covariances. 相似文献