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Threat-Sensitive Responses to Predator Attacks in a Damselfly   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The threat sensitivity hypothesis predicts that prey species assess and adjust their behavior flexibly in accordance with the magnitude of the threat imposed by a predator. We tested this hypothesis with regard to escape behavior and thanatosis (feigning of death to escape predation) in larvae of the damselfly Ischnura elegans. We manipulated the perceived predation threat of the larvae by changing three factors: lamellae autotomy (an escape strategy where animals sacrifice a body part when grasped by a predator; lamellae present or absent), kairomone type (odors released by predators; control, dragonfly kairomones or fish kairomones), and population of origin (fishpond or fishless pond). We demonstrated that thanatosis increased survival both when confronted with dragonfly and fish predators. We could show, for the first time, costs of past autotomy to be predator‐dependent: larvae without lamellae suffered higher predation mortality but only in the presence of a dragonfly predator and not in the presence of a fish predator. This is in accordance with the observed reduced escape speed of larvae after autotomy, which may affect escape probability toward dragonfly predators but not to the very fast fish predators. Unexpectedly, kairomone type did not affect the escape response of the larvae. In accordance with the threat sensitivity hypothesis, after an unsuccessful attack, larvae without lamellae had a higher frequency to enter thanatosis than larvae with lamellae and larvae from the fishpond showed longer thanatosis durations than larvae from the fishless pond. Consistent with the hypothesis, the reaction of the larvae to a simulated attack depended jointly on lamellae status and population. In fishless ponds, larvae with lamellae swam away more frequently than larvae without lamellae; in fishponds both groups almost never swam away and relied mostly upon immobility. Given the obvious benefits of adaptively varying escape responses we hypothesize this threat sensitivity to be widespread. Moreover, we argue that former inconsistencies between studies with regard to escape behavior may have been partly because of such adaptive variation.  相似文献   

In the field, we videotaped the reactions of squirrels to playbacks of 1, 3 and 5 whistle vocalizations at two sound intensities differing by 10 dB. The squirrels reacted by running to boulders or burrows and freezing. As time progressed following playbacks, freezing declined and squirrels resumed feeding, locomotion and grooming. With increasing numbers of whistles, squirrels were more likely to run and less likely to mount a boulder. With more high intensity whistles, squirrels froze quadrupedally more and bipedally less. Freezing postures did not vary as a function of the number of low-intensity whistles. Walking was suppressed least by 1 and 3 whistles at low intensity, and inhibited most by all high-intensity whistles as well as by the low-intensity 5-whistle playback. When the squirrel was on a boulder, quadrupedal freezing was more common than bipedal freezing. Off the boulder, the two freezing postures were equally likely. We propose that squirrels assessed risk from information encoded in the whistle(s) and contextual to it, and varied their reactions as a function of apparent risk.  相似文献   

Visual antipredator vigilance was predicted to increase in the presence of visual obstructions that do not otherwise provide cover. This hypothesis was tested using 13-lined ground squirrels as they fed in four Plexiglas boxes that varied in the extent and location of visual obstruction. Adults and juveniles of both sexes were studied. Adults reacted to long-range lateral visual occlusion and total occlusion by withdrawing more often and assuming both more pronounced and lengthy alert postures relative to short-range lateral occlusion and no occlusion. Juveniles were less vigilant than adults and did not behave differently in the four treatment conditions. There were no sex differences. Simulated hawk attacks on squirrels feeding in the boxes indicate that the greater vigilance of adults led to significantly reduced reaction times compared with juveniles.  相似文献   

Teleost and amphibian prey undertake fast-start escape responses during a predatory attack in an attempt to avoid being captured. Although previously viewed as a reflex reaction controlled by the autonomic nervous system, the escape responses of individuals when repeatedly startled are highly variable in their characteristics, suggesting some behavioural mediation of the response. Previous studies have shown that fishes are able to learn from past experiences, but few studies have assessed how past experience with predators affect the fast-start response. Here we determined whether prior experience with the smell or sight of a predator (the Dottyback, Pseudochromis fuscus) affected the escape response of juveniles of the Spiny Chromis (Acanthochromis polyacanthus). Results show that individuals exposed to any of the predator cues prior to being startled exhibited a stronger escape response (i.e., reduced latency, increased escape distance, mean response speed, maximum response speed and maximum acceleration) when compared with controls. This study demonstrates the plasticity of escape responses and highlights the potential for naïve reef fish to take into account both visual and olfactory threat cues simultaneously to optimise the amplitude of their kinematic responses to perceived risk.  相似文献   

Snake naive and experienced California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) were video taped while interacting with either a gopher snake or rattlesnake in a simulated burrow dimly illuminated with red light. Using nonvisually guided behavior, naive and experienced squirrels reacted to snakes in qualitatively similar ways, and behaved more defensively toward snakes than toward a control stimulus (white rat). The squirrels alternately interacted with the snake and attempted to escape from the burrow, which had a sealed entrance. Interaction with the snake included cautious approach in elongate postures, prolonged investigation of adjacent alleys before entering them, kicking sand at the snake, frequent tooth chattering, occasional calling, and building burrow plugs out of sand. These they packed by butting with their heads. When permitted to escape from the burrow, they turned just outside the entrance to tail flag, kick sand, scent mark, and finally plug the burrow. Since visual cues were not available, olfactory and auditory stimuli from the snake appeared to mediate snake-directed behavior in the burrow.  相似文献   

Averin  A. S.  Zakharova  N. M.  Ignatiev  D. A. 《Biophysics》2022,67(5):779-784
Biophysics - The effects of 1.5 mM nickel chloride on the contraction force, the force–frequency relation, and post-rest potentiation in the myocardium were studied in active Urocitellus...  相似文献   

Juvenile, but not adult, Belding’s ground squirrels (Spermophilus beldingi) exhibit markedly different responses to alarm calls as a function of their environment. Compared with same-aged, free-living juveniles, captive juveniles (housed in large outdoor enclosures) are more likely to respond to playbacks, to exhibit more exaggerated initial responses (e.g. enter a burrow vs. freeze) and to remain alert longer following playbacks of alarm and non-alarm calls. Two studies were conducted to identify the factors contributing to these response differences. Postemergent rearing environments (such as the opaque enclosure walls that limited visual and auditory stimulation in captivity, or the increased number of conspecifics and natural alarm calls that free-living juveniles experienced) could not account for the majority of response differences between captive and free-living juveniles (Study 1). To determine if the attenuated responses of free-living juveniles were due to foraging pressures, we compared the behaviours of food-provisioned captive juveniles with those of non-provisioned captive juveniles. Although sample sizes were small, no differences were evident in the development or expression of responses as a function of foraging pressure. Next, the development of captive juveniles was compared with that of juveniles reared in the field but housed in captivity after emergence (Study 2). Differences in the response patterns of field-reared and captive-reared animals matched the differences reported previously, as the responses of field-reared animals observed in captivity mirrored those of free-living juveniles that remained in the field. Thus, the differences in alarm-call responses originally observed between captive and free-living juveniles are attributed to their pre-emergent, but not post-emergent, rearing histories. Captive pups experienced levels of auditory, visual, tactile, and olfactory stimulation that were greater than those typically experienced by free-living pups. The increased exposure to conspecific alarm calls may have primed captive pups to respond more often and more intensely to the auditory stimuli they heard as juveniles. Sensitivity to early rearing environments may be adaptive for young ground squirrels if it facilitates the development of antipredator behaviour patterns that are appropriate for the local predator environment (e.g. openness of habitat, frequency of predators, availability of refuges).  相似文献   

I investigated whether free-living adult golden-mantled ground squirrels ( Spermophilus lateralis ) could learn to associate a novel sound with the appearance of a predator. Using a classical conditioning protocol, I presented adult squirrels with a novel tone followed by the appearance of a model hawk. After repeated trials, I again measured the squirrels' behavioral responses to the tone and compared them with their pretraining responses. Individuals that experienced the tone paired with the hawk responded with antipredator behavior of longer duration after pairing than before and these responses were indistinguishable from responses to natural, conspecific alarm calls. By examining the process, rather than simply the pattern, of call recognition ontogeny, this study provides new evidence for a mechanism by which animals can develop the ability to respond to both conspecific and heterospecific calls.  相似文献   

Antarctic terrestrial biota are generally limited by the inexorably linked environmental factors of low summer temperature and lack of available water. However, in parts of the Antarctic, both these factors are changing rapidly on contemporary timescales. Terrestrial biota have concurrently been faced with changes in the timing of UV-B maxima associated with spring ozone depletion. The region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc has experienced one of the most rapid rates of environmental warming seen worldwide over the last 30–50 years. Together with local changes in precipitation, this has resulted in a rapid reduction in extent and thinning of many ice-fields and glaciers, exposing new terrain for colonisation while, at the same time, altering patterns of water availability in terrestrial habitats. The rapid development of communities on newly-exposed ground is also facilitated by the existence of soil propagule banks, which contain propagules of both local and exotic origin. In this paper we collate and review evidence from a range of observational and manipulative studies that investigate the effect of climate change, especially increased temperature, on the processes of colonisation and subsequent community development by plants in the Antarctic. Biological changes that have been associated with climate change are visible in the form of expansions in range and local population numbers amongst elements of the flora. Environmental manipulation experiments further demonstrate the possibility of large and rapid species and community responses to climate amelioration, with many resident biota responding positively, at least in the absence of increased competition from exotic colonists. Manipulation studies are also starting to elucidate more subtle responses to climate changes, at levels ranging from cell biochemistry to habitat and food web structure. Integrating such subtle responses is vital to improving our ability to understand the consequences of climate change, as these may lead to much greater consequential impacts on communities and ecosystems.   相似文献   

Factors related to the invasion process, such as high abundance of invaders, residence time, and functional distinctiveness, are well documented, but less attention has been given to the effects of antipredator strategy of invasive species during colonization. In this study, we explored the antipredator strategy of an introduced species by comparing the predator avoidance behaviors of two native anuran species and one introduced(exotic) species in the presence of different predators. The two native anuran species used in the study were Black-spotted Pond Frog Rana nigromaculata and Terrestrial Frog Rana limnocharis. The introduced(invasive) species used was American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus. Chinese pond turtle Chinemys reevesii, Red-backed rat snake Elaphe rufodorsata, and Big-headed turtle Platysternon megacephalum were used as predator species. Chinese pond turtles and Red-backed rat snakes are native predators of Black-spotted Pond Frogs and Terrestrial Frogs, while Big-headed turtles are novel(unfamiliar) to the two frogs. All three predator species are novel(unfamiliar) to the American bullfrog. The results show that tadpoles of the two native species displayed behaviors of recognizing the two native predators, but did not display the capability of identifying the novel predator. Results from our study also suggest that American bullfrog tadpoles exhibited strong antipredator behavioral responses by displaying the capability of identifying unfamiliar predators without cohabitation history and prior exposure to them. Such antipredator behavioral responses could have resulted in more favorable outcomes for an invading species during the invasive introductory process.  相似文献   

In contrast to most other plant tissues, fleshy fruits are meant to be eaten in order to facilitate seed dispersal. Although fleshy fruits attract consumers, they may also contain toxic secondary metabolites. However, studies that link the effect of fruit toxins with seed dispersal and predation are scarce. Glucosinolates (GLSs) are a family of bitter-tasting compounds. The fleshy fruit pulp of Ochradenus baccatus was previously found to harbor high concentrations of GLSs, whereas the myrosinase enzyme, which breaks down GLSs to produce foul tasting chemicals, was found only in the seeds. Here we show the differential behavioral and physiological responses of three rodent species to high dose (80%) Ochradenus’ fruits diets. Acomys russatus, a predator of Ochradenus’ seeds, was the least sensitive to the taste of the fruit and the only rodent to exhibit taste-related physiological adaptations to deal with the fruits’ toxins. In contrast, Acomys cahirinus, an Ochradenus seed disperser, was more sensitive to a diet containing the hydrolyzed products of the GLSs. A third rodent (Mus musculus) was deterred from Ochradenus fruits consumption by the GLSs and their hydrolyzed products. We were able to alter M. musculus avoidance of whole fruit consumption by soaking Ochradenus fruits in a water solution containing 1% adenosine monophosphate, which blocks the bitter taste receptor in mice. The observed differential responses of these three rodent species may be due to evolutionary pressures that have enhanced or reduced their sensitivity to the taste of GLSs.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric disorders and affect a great number of people worldwide. Essential oils, take effects through inhalation or topical application, are believed to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Although clinical studies suggest that the use of essential oils may have therapeutic potential, evidence for the efficacy of essential oils in treating medical conditions remains poor, with a particular lack of studies employing rigorous analytical methods that capture its identifiable impact on human biology. Here, we report a comprehensive gas chromatography time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC-TOFMS) based metabonomics study that reveals the aromas-induced metabolic changes and the anxiolytic effect of aromas in elevated plus maze (EPM) induced anxiety model rats. The significant alteration of metabolites in the EPM group was attenuated by aromas treatment, concurrent with the behavioral improvement with significantly increased open arms time and open arms entries. Brain tissue and urinary metabonomic analysis identified a number of altered metabolites in response to aromas intervention. These metabolic changes included the increased carbohydrates and lowered levels of neurotransmitters (tryptophan, serine, glycine, aspartate, tyrosine, cysteine, phenylalanine, hypotaurine, histidine, and asparagine), amino acids, and fatty acids in the brain. Elevated aspartate, carbohydrates (sucrose, maltose, fructose, and glucose), nucleosides and organic acids such as lactate and pyruvate were also observed in the urine. The EPM induced metabolic differences observed in urine or brain tissue was significantly reduced after 10 days of aroma inhalation, as noted with the loss of statistical significance on many of the metabolites in the aroma-EPM group. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that the metabonomics approach can capture the subtle metabolic changes resulting from exposure to essential oils and provide the basis for pinpointing affected pathways in anxiety-related behavior, which will lead to an improved mechanistic understanding of anxiolytic effect of essential oils.  相似文献   

The evolution of leks may be explained by several hypotheses. The ‘female preference’ hypothesis, which states that females favour males that have aggregated, has recently gained some empirical support. Low-quality, unattractive males may, however, settle near attractive males, as predicted by the ‘hotshot’ hypothesis. We tested whether black grouse Tetrao tetrix females use auditory cues to find the preferred leks, and whether males respond to vocal display emitted on leks. We conducted a playback experiment with male vocal display (rookooing) on leks, where the visiting females and displaying males were counted. The number of males tended to increase more on playback leks. Specifically, the number of 1-year-old males was greater on playback sites than on control sites. Also, the number of females, in relation to the lek size before the start of the experiment tended to increase. In addition, we used aviary playback trials to test whether females distinguish between single-male and multi-male displays. In a choice test, females showed greater preference for the ‘multi-male’ tape. The tendency for increased male numbers on playback leks resulted from increased visits of young, mobile males which were attracted to leks that they perceived to be large. This suggests a ‘hotshot’-type mechanism in the settlement of young males. Because females also responded to the supplemented auditory advertisement, or directly to the increased number of males, the ‘female preference’ hypothesis is also supported. Females may, at least in part, base their decision of which lek to visit on auditory cues, but visual contact to males may be also needed.  相似文献   

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