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Since the birds' magnetic compass works as an inclination compass using the axial course of the magnetic field lines and their inclination, transequatorial migrants have to reverse their reaction with respect to the magnetic field after crossing the magnetic equator. Garden Warblers, long distance migrants breeding in Europe and wintering in tropical and southern Africa, were tested during autumn in the local geomagnetic field on the northern hemisphere. The experimental group was exposed to a field with horizontal field lines, simulating equator crossing, at the beginning of October; afterwards the birds were tested in the local geomagnetic field again. While the controls showed southerly tendencies during the entire season, the experimentals reversed their directional tendencies after staying in the horizontal field and now preferred northerly directions. In a field of the southern hemisphere, this preference corresponds to a southern course which would have meant the continuation of their migration flight.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):877-887
The migratory orientation of the robin was tested in shifted magnetic fields during the twilight period after sunset, under clear skies and under simulated total overcast. The horizontal direction of the geomagnetic field was shifted 90° to the right or left in relation to the local magnetic field, without changing either the intensity of the field or its angle of inclination. Experiments were conducted during both spring and autumn, with robins captured as passage migrants at the Falsterbo and Ottenby bird observatories in southern Sweden as test subjects. Generally, the orientation of robins was affected by magnetic shifts compared to controls tested in the natural geomagnetic field. Autumn birds from the two capture sites differed in their responses, probably because of different migratory dispositions and body conditions. The robins most often changed their orientation to maintain their typical axis of migration relative to the shifted magnetic fields. However, preferred directions in relation to the shifted magnetic fields were frequently reverse from normal, or axial rather than unimodal. These results disagree with suggested mechanisms for orientation by visual sunset cues and with the proposed basis of magnetic orientation. They do, however, demonstrate that the geomagnetic field is involved in the sunset orientation of robins, probably in combination with additional visual or non-visual cues that contribute to establish magnetic polarity.  相似文献   

Rachel  Muheim  Susanne  Åkesson  Thomas  Alerstam 《Oikos》2003,103(2):341-349
The use of celestial or geomagnetic orientation cues can lead migratory birds along different migration routes during the migratory journeys, e.g. great circle routes (approximate), geographic or magnetic loxodromes. Orientation cage experiments have indicated that migrating birds are capable of detecting magnetic compass information at high northern latitudes even at very steep angles of inclination. However, starting a migratory journey at high latitudes and following a constant magnetic course often leads towards the North Magnetic Pole, which means that the usefulness of magnetic compass orientation at high latitudes may be questioned. Here, we compare possible long‐distance migration routes of three species of passerine migrants breeding at high northern latitudes. The initial directions were based on orientation cage experiments performed under clear skies and simulated overcast and from release experiments under natural overcast skies. For each species we simulated possible migration routes (geographic loxodrome, magnetic loxodrome and sun compass route) by extrapolating from the initial directions and assessing a fixed orientation according to different compass mechanisms in order to investigate what orientation cues the birds most likely use when migrating southward in autumn. Our calculations show that none of the compass mechanisms (assuming fixed orientation) can explain the migration routes followed by night‐migrating birds from their high Nearctic breeding areas to the wintering sites further south. This demonstrates that orientation along the migratory routes of arctic birds (and possibly other birds as well) must be a complex process, involving different orientation mechanisms as well as changing compass courses. We propose that birds use a combination of several compass mechanisms during a migratory journey with each of them being of a greater or smaller importance in different parts of the journey, depending on environmental conditions. We discuss reasons why birds developed the capability to use magnetic compass information at high northern latitudes even though following these magnetic courses for any longer distance will lead them along totally wrong routes. Frequent changes and recalibrations of the magnetic compass direction during the migratory journey are suggested as a possible solution.  相似文献   

During autumn migration, orientation tests were performed with Goldcrests in the morning immediately after the birds had been caught. In the local geomagnetic field (vertical component pointing downward), they showed a significant tendency towards 144° SE; in a magnetic field with the vertical component pointing upward, their mean was at 321° NW. This response to an inversion of the vertical component reveals that the Goldcrests used the magnetic field for orientation and that their magnetic compass is an inclination compass as it has been described for several other species of migrants.  相似文献   

Adult bobolinks were tested in a planetarium under patterns of nonrotating artificial stars to determine the influence of natural and modified magnetic fields on their migratory orientation. The modified magnetic field was of the same total intensity as the natural field, but the vertical vector was reversed, causing the resulting total vector to point up and north (compared to the natural northern hemisphere vector pointing down and north). When exposed to the artificial magnetic field, the birds reversed their preferred headings relative to the stellar and geographic references. This response is consistent with the use of an inclination compass. Although 60 % of the individuals reversed their headings the first night, some individuals took up to 5 nights (mean = 2.1 nights).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung V?gel stellen den Bezug zum Ziel indirekt über ein externes Referenzsystem her. Der Navigationsproze? besteht deshalb aus zwei Schritten: zun?chst wird die Richtung zum Ziel als Kompa?kurs festgelegt, dann wird dieser Kurs mit Hilfe eines Kompa?mechanismus aufgesucht. Das Magnetfeld der Erde und Himmelsfaktoren werden von den V?gel als Kompa? benutzt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden der Magnetkompa?, der Sonnenkompa? und der Sternkompa? der V?gel in ihrer Funktionsweise, ihrer Entstehung und ihrer biologischen Bedeutung vorgestellt. Der Magnetkompa? erwies sich als Inklinationskompa?, der nicht auf der Polarit?t, sondern auf der Neigung der Feldlinien im Raum beruht; er unterscheidet „polw?rts“ und „?quatorw?rts“ statt Nord und Süd. Er ist ein angeborener Mechanismus und wird beim Vogelzug und beim Heimfinden benutzt. Seine eigentliche Bedeutung liegt jedoch darin, da? er ein Referenzsystem bereitstellt, mit dessen Hilfe andere Orientierungsfaktoren zueinander in Beziehung gesetzt werden k?nnen. Der Sonnenkompa? beruht auf Erfahrung; Sonnenazimut, Tageszeit und Richtung werden durch Lernprozesse miteinander verknüpft, wobei der Magnetkompa? als Richtungsreferenzsystem dient. Sobald er verfügbar ist, wird der Sonnenkompa? bei der Orientierung im Heimbereich und beim Heimfinden bevorzugt benutzt; beim Vogelzug spielt er, wahrscheinlich wegen seiner Abh?ngigkeit von der geographischen Breite, kaum eine Rolle. Der Sternkompa? arbeitet ohne Beteiligung der Inneren Uhr; die V?gel leiten Richtungen aus den Konfigurationen der Sterne zueinander ab. Lernprozesse erstellen den Sternkompa? in der Phase vor dem ersten Zug; dabei fungiert die Himmelsrotation als Referenzsystem. Sp?ter, w?hrend des Zuges, übernimmt der Magnetkompa? diese Rolle. Die relative Bedeutung der verschiedenen Kompa?systeme wurde in Versuchen untersucht, bei denen Magnetfeld und Himmelsfaktoren einander widersprechende Richtungs-information gaben. Die erste Reaktion der V?gel war von Art zu Art verschieden; langfristig scheinen sich die V?gel jedoch nach dem Magnetkompa? zu richten. Dabei werden die Himmelsfaktoren umgeeicht, so da? magnetische Information und Himmelsinformation wieder im Einklang stehen. Der Magnetkompa? und die Himmelsfaktoren erg?nzen einander: der Magnetkompa? ersetzt Sonnen- und Sternkompa? bei bedecktem Himmel; die Himmelsfaktoren erleichtern den V?geln das Richtungseinhalten, zu dem der Magnetkompa? offenbar wenig geeignet ist. Magnetfeld und Himmelsfaktoren sollten deshalb als integrierte Komponenten eines multifaktoriellen Systems zur Richtungsorientierung betrachtet werden.
The orientation system of birds — I. Compass mechanisms
Summary Because of the large distances involved, birds establish contact with their goal indirectly via an external reference. Hence any navigation is a two-step process: in the first step, the direction to the goal is determined as a compass course; in the second step, this course is located with a compass. The geomagnetic field and celestial cues provide birds with compass information. The magnetic compass of birds, the sun compass the star compass and the interactions between the compass mechanisms are described in the present paper. Magnetic compass orientation was first demonstrated by testing night-migrating birds in experimentally altered magnetic fields: the birds changed their directional tendencies according to the deflected North direction. The avian magnetic compass proved to be an inclination compass: it does not use polarity; instead it is based on the axial course of the field lines and their inclination in space, distinguishing “poleward” and “equatorward” rather than North and South. Its functional range is limited to intensities around the local field strength, but this biological window is flexible and can be adjusted to other intensities. The magnetic compass is an innate mechanism that is widely used in bird migration and in homing. Its most important role, however, is that of a basic reference system for calibrating other kinds of orientation cues. Sun compass orientation is demonstrated by clock-shift experiments: Shifting the birds' internal clock causes them to misjudge the position of the sun, thus leading to typical deflections which indicate sun compass use. The analysis of the avian sun compass revealed that it is based only on sun azimuth and the internal clock; the sun's altitude is not involved. The role of the pattern of polarized light associated with the sun is unclear; only at sunset has it been shown to be an important cue for nocturnal migrants, being part of the sun compass. The sun compass is based on experience; sun azimuth, time of day and direction are combined by learning processes during a sensitive period, with the magnetic compass serving as directional reference. When established, the sun compass becomes the preferred compass mechanism for orientation tasks within the home region and homing: in migration, however, its role is minimal, probably because of the changes of the sun's arc with geographic latitude. The star compass was demonstrated in night-migrating birds by projecting the northern stars in different directions in a planetarium. The analysis of the mechanism revealed that the internal clock is not involved; birds derive directions from the spatial relationship of the star configurations. The star compass is also established by experience; the directional reference is first provided by celestial rotation, later, during migration, by the magnetic compass. The relative importance of the various compass mechanisms has been tested in experiments in which celestial and magnetic cues gave conflicting information. The first response of birds to conflicting cues differs considerably between species; after repeated exposures, however, the birds oriented according to magnetic North, indicating a long-term dominance of the magnetic compass. Later tests in the absence of magnetic information showed that celestial cues were not simply ignored, but recalibrated so that they were again in agreement with magnetic cues. The magnetic compass and celestial cues complement each other: the magnetic field ensures orientation under overcast sky; celestial cues facilitate maintaining directions, for which the magnetic compass appears to be ill suited. In view of this, the magnetic field and celestial cues should be regarded as integrated components of a multifactorial system for directional orientation.

The Earth's magnetic field and celestial cues provide animals with compass information during migration. Inherited magnetic compass courses are selected based on the angle of inclination, making it difficult to orient in the near vertical fields found at high geomagnetic latitudes. Orientation cage experiments were performed at different sites in high Arctic Canada with adult and young white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) in order to investigate birds' ability to use the Earth's magnetic field and celestial cues for orientation in naturally very steep magnetic fields at and close to the magnetic North Pole. Experiments were performed during the natural period of migration at night in the local geomagnetic field under natural clear skies and under simulated total overcast conditions. The experimental birds failed to select a meaningful magnetic compass course under overcast conditions at the magnetic North Pole, but could do so in geomagnetic fields deviating less than 3 degrees from the vertical. Migratory orientation was successful at all sites when celestial cues were available.  相似文献   

Although magnetic compass orientation has been reported in a number of invertebrate and vertebrate taxa, including about a dozen migratory bird species, magnetic orientation capabilities in animals remain somewhat controversial. We have hand-raised a large number of Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) to study the ontogeny of orientation behavior. Young birds with a variety of early experience with visual and magnetic orientation cues have been tested for magnetic orientation during their first autumn migration. Here we present data from 80 hand-raised sparrows, each tested several times in both normal and shifted magnetic fields. Birds reared indoors with no experience with visual orientation cues showed axial north-south orientation that shifted by almost exactly the magnitude of 90° clockwise and counterclockwise shifts in the direction of magnetic north. Other groups of birds with varying early experience with visual orientation cues showed different preferred orientation directions, but all groups shifted orientation direction in response to shifts in the magnetic field. The data thus demonstrate a robust magnetic orientation ability in this species.  相似文献   

The magnetic compass of migratory birds has been suggested to be light-dependent. Retinal cryptochrome-expressing neurons and a forebrain region, "Cluster N", show high neuronal activity when night-migratory songbirds perform magnetic compass orientation. By combining neuronal tracing with behavioral experiments leading to sensory-driven gene expression of the neuronal activity marker ZENK during magnetic compass orientation, we demonstrate a functional neuronal connection between the retinal neurons and Cluster N via the visual thalamus. Thus, the two areas of the central nervous system being most active during magnetic compass orientation are part of an ascending visual processing stream, the thalamofugal pathway. Furthermore, Cluster N seems to be a specialized part of the visual wulst. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that migratory birds use their visual system to perceive the reference compass direction of the geomagnetic field and that migratory birds "see" the reference compass direction provided by the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

A model of magnetoreception proposes that the avian magnetic compass is based on a radical pair mechanism, with photon absorption leading to the formation of radical pairs. Analyzing the predicted light dependency by testing migratory birds under monochromatic lights, we found that the responses of birds change with increasing intensity. The analysis of the orientation of European robins under 502 nm turquoise light revealed two types of responses depending on light intensity: under a quantal flux of 8.10(15) quanta m(-2) s(-1), the birds showed normal migratory orientation in spring as well as in autumn, relying on their inclination compass. Under brighter light of 54.10(15) quanta m(-2) s(-1), however, they showed a "fixed" tendency toward north that did not undergo the seasonal change and proved to be based on magnetic polarity, not involving the inclination compass. When birds were exposed to a weak oscillating field, which specifically interferes with radical pair processes, the inclination compass response was disrupted, whereas the response to magnetic polarity remained unaffected. These findings indicate that the normal inclination compass used for migratory orientation is based on a radical-pair mechanism, whereas the fixed direction represents a novel type of light-dependent orientation based on a mechanism of a different nature.  相似文献   

Previous experiments have shown that a short, strong magnetic pulse caused migratory birds to change their headings from their normal migratory direction to an easterly direction in both spring and autumn. In order to analyse the nature of this pulse effect, we subjected migratory Australian silvereyes, Zosterops lateralis, to a magnetic pulse and tested their subsequent response under different magnetic conditions. In the local geomagnetic field, the birds preferred easterly headings as before, and when the horizontal component of the magnetic field was shifted 90 degrees anticlockwise, they altered their headings accordingly northwards. In a field with the vertical component inverted, the birds reversed their headings to westwards, indicating that their directional orientation was controlled by the normal inclination compass. These findings show that although the pulse strongly affects the magnetite particles, it leaves the functional mechanism of the magnetic compass intact. Thus, magnetite-based receptors seem to mediate magnetic 'map'-information used to determine position, and when affected by a pulse, they provide birds with false positional information that causes them to change their course.  相似文献   

The orientation system of migratory birds consists of a magnetic compass and compasses based upon celestial cues. In many places, magnetic compass directions and true or geographic compass directions differ (referred to as magnetic declination). It has been demonstrated experimentally in several species that the innate preferred direction of magnetic orientation can be calibrated by celestial rotation, an indicator of geographic directions. This calibration process brings the two types of compass into conformity and provides the birds with a mechanism that compensates for the spatial variation in magnetic declination. Calibration of magnetic orientation has heretofore been demonstrated only with hand-raised birds exposed to very large declination (90° or more). Here we show that the magnetic orientation of wild birds from near Albany, New York, USA (declination = 14° W) was N–S, a clockwise shift of 26° from the NNW–SSE direction of birds raised entirely indoors. Hand-raised birds having visual experience with either the daytime sky or both day and night sky orientated N–S, similar to wild-caught birds. These data provide the first confirmation that calibration of magnetic orientation occurs under natural conditions and in response to modest declination values.  相似文献   

Aquatic and terrestrial amphibians integrate acoustic, magnetic, mechanical, olfactory and visual directional information into a redundant-multisensory orientation system. The sensory information is processed to accomplish homing following active or passive displacement by either path integration, beaconing, pilotage, compass orientation or true navigation. There is evidence for two independent compass systems, a time-compensated compass based on celestial cues and a light-dependent magnetic inclination compass. Beaconing along acoustic or olfactory gradients emanating from the home site, as well as pilotage along fixed visual landmarks also form an important part in the behaviour of many species. True navigation has been shown in only one species, the aquatic salamander Notophthalmus viridescens. Evidence on the nature of the navigational map obtained so far is compatible with the magnetic map hypothesis.  相似文献   

Fat reserves influence the orientation of migrating songbirds at ecological barriers, such as expansive water crossings. Upon encountering a body of water, fat migrants usually cross the barrier exhibiting 'forward' migration in a seasonally appropriate direction. In contrast, lean birds often exhibit temporary 'reverse' orientation away from the water, possibly to lead them to suitable habitats for refueling. Most examples of reverse orientation are restricted to autumn migration and, in North America, are largely limited to transcontinental migrants prior to crossing the Gulf of Mexico. Little is known about the orientation of lean birds after crossing an ecological barrier or on the way to their breeding grounds. We examined the effect of fat stores on migratory orientation of both long- and short-distance migrants before and after a water crossing near their breeding grounds; Catharus thrushes (Swainson's and gray-cheeked thrushes, C. ustulatus and C. minimus ) and white-throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis were tested for orientation at the south shore of Lake Ontario during spring and autumn. During both spring and autumn, fat birds oriented in a seasonally appropriate, forward direction. Lean thrushes showed a tendency for reverse orientation upon encountering water in the spring and axial, shoreline orientation after crossing water in the autumn. Lean sparrows were not consistently oriented in any direction during either season. The responses of lean birds may be attributable to their stopover ecology and seasonally-dependent habitat quality.  相似文献   

Domestic chicks are able to find a food goal at different times of day, with the sun as the only consistent visual cue. This suggests that domestic chickens may use the sun as a time-compensated compass, rather than as a beacon. An alternative explanation is that the birds might use the earth's magnetic field. In this study, we investigated the role of the sun compass in a spatial orientation task using a clock-shift procedure. Furthermore, we investigated whether domestic chickens use magnetic compass information when tested under sunny conditions.Ten ISA Brown chicks were housed in outdoor pens. A separate test arena comprised an open-topped, opaque-sided, wooden octagonal maze. Eight goal boxes with food pots were attached one to each of the arena sides. A barrier inside each goal box prevented the birds from seeing the food pot before entering. After habituation, we tested in five daily 5-min trials whether chicks were able to find food in an systematically allocated goal direction. We controlled for the use of olfactory cues and intra-maze cues. No external landmarks were visible. All tests were done under sunny conditions. Circular statistics showed that nine chicks significantly oriented goalwards using the sun as the only consistent visual cue during directional testing. Next, these nine chicks were subjected to a clock-shift procedure to test for the role of sun-compass information. The chicks were housed indoors for 6 days on a light-schedule that was 6 h ahead of the natural light–dark schedule. After clock-shifting, the birds were tested again and all birds except one were disrupted in their goalward orientation. For the second experiment, six birds were re-trained and fitted with a tiny, powerful magnet on the head to disrupt their magnetic sense. The magnets did not affect the chicks’ goalward orientation.In conclusion, although the strongest prediction of the sun-compass hypothesis (significant re-orientation after clock-shifting) was neither confirmed nor refuted, our results suggest that domestic chicks use the sun as a compass rather than as a beacon. These findings suggest that hens housed indoors in large non-cage systems may experience difficulties in orientation if adequate alternative cues are unavailable. Further research should elucidate how hens kept in non-cage systems orient in space in relation to available resources.  相似文献   

While the role of magnetic cues for compass orientation has been confirmed in numerous animals, the mechanism of detection is still debated. Two hypotheses have been proposed, one based on a light dependent mechanism, apparently used by birds and another based on a "compass organelle" containing the iron oxide particles magnetite (Fe(3)O(4)). Bats have recently been shown to use magnetic cues for compass orientation but the method by which they detect the Earth's magnetic field remains unknown. Here we use the classic "Kalmijn-Blakemore" pulse re-magnetization experiment, whereby the polarity of cellular magnetite is reversed. The results demonstrate that the big brown bat Eptesicus fuscus uses single domain magnetite to detect the Earths magnetic field and the response indicates a polarity based receptor. Polarity detection is a prerequisite for the use of magnetite as a compass and suggests that big brown bats use magnetite to detect the magnetic field as a compass. Our results indicate the possibility that sensory cells in bats contain freely rotating magnetite particles, which appears not to be the case in birds. It is crucial that the ultrastructure of the magnetite containing magnetoreceptors is described for our understanding of magnetoreception in animals.  相似文献   

Orientation of birds in total darkness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Magnetic compass orientation of migratory birds is known to be light dependent, and radical-pair processes have been identified as the underlying mechanism. Here we report for the first time results of tests with European robins, Erithacus rubecula, in total darkness and, as a control, under 565 nm green light. Under green light, the robins oriented in their normal migratory direction, with southerly headings in autumn and northerly headings in spring. By contrast, in darkness they significantly preferred westerly directions in spring as well as autumn. This failure to show the normal seasonal change characterizes the orientation in total darkness as a "fixed direction" response. Tests in magnetic fields with the vertical or the horizontal component inverted showed that the preferred direction depended on the magnetic field but did not involve the avian inclination compass. A high-frequency field of 1.315 MHz did not affect the behavior, whereas local anesthesia of the upper beak resulted in disorientation. The behavior in darkness is thus fundamentally different from normal compass orientation and relies on another source of magnetic information: It does not involve the radical-pair mechanism but rather originates in the iron-containing receptors in the upper beak.  相似文献   

Animals adapted to light-deprived habitats might have improved non-visual sensory systems. Specimens of several cave-dwelling species of urodeles spontaneously and persistently align to natural or artificially-modified permanent magnetic fields. Video observations under dim infrared illumination revealed an obvious individual preference for one particular magnetic direction in every animal tested. Therefore, animals changed alignments predictably when the horizontal magnetic field vector (compass direction) was artificially reversed or deviated. When the vertical vector was compensated, individuals aligned axially. With the vertical vector reversed (inclination upward), either axial alignment was still typical, or the individuals behaved as with the horizontal vector reversed. However, reactions as to the natural field occurred as well. The findings suggest a receptor mechanism that needs both horizontal and vertical magnetic cues, but it is still an open question how and where the physical and physiological mechanisms of magnetic transduction and reception are realized. The visual system is likely not necessary because Proteus is ontogenetically deprived of eyesight, and the other species were blindfolded due to the faint infrared illumination. The results therefore tend to favor those putative receptor mechanisms, assumed to work by means of magnetite nano-elements. In sum, the ability to align within the geomagnetic field may be considered a prerequisite for magnetic orientation and is, among other sensory improvements, judged to be highly relevant as an important sensorial and ecological adaptation to light-deprived habitats.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Viele Zugvögel sind ortstreu; sie brüten und überwintern wiederholt am gleichen Ort. Die Zugwege sind an die Bedingungen zwischen Brutgebiet und Winter angepaßt, was oft zu nicht-gradlinigen Routen führt. Junge Zugvögel auf dem ersten Zug erreichen das ihnen noch unbekannte Winterquartier aufgrund angeborener Information über Richtung und Entfernung, wobei die Entfernung durch ein endogenes Zeitprogramm gesteuert wird, das Menge und Verlauf der Zugaktivität vorgibt.Die Vögel bedienen sich zweier Referenzsysteme, um die genetisch kodierte Richtungsinformation in eine aktuelle Flugrichtung umzusetzen: der Himmelsrotation und des Erdmagnetfelds. Die von ersterer bereitgestellte Referenzrichtung liegt gegenüber dem Rotationszentrum, entspricht geographisch Süd und wird durch Beobachtung des Tag- und Nachthimmels ermittelt. Mit ihrer Hilfe wird ein Sternkompaß aufgebaut. Vögel, die normalerweise nach Südwesten ziehen, bevorzugten, wenn ihnen nur Himmelsmarken zur Verfügung standen, rein südliche Richtungen. Sie waren jedoch in ihrer populationsspezifischen Zugrichtung orientiert, wenn ihnen nur magnetische Information zur Verfügung stand. Ausnahmen wurden in Gebieten mit steiler Inklination beobachtet, wo das Magnetfeld allein nur eine Achse vorgibt und die Vögel zur eindeutigen Orientierung zusätzlich Information von der Himmelsrotation benötigen. Da der Magnetkompaß als Inklinationskompaß arbeitet, können die Zugvögel der Nord- und der Südhalbkugel das gleiche Zugprogramm benutzen: im Herbst fliegen sie äquatorwärts.Zwischen den beiden Referenzsystemen treten Wechselwirkungen auf. Wenn das Rotationszentrum des Himmels und magnetisch Nord divergieren, dominiert während der prämigratorischen Phase die Himmelsrotation, und der magnetische Kurs wird umgestellt. Dabei gibt die Himmelsrotation nur eine Referenzrichtung vor; die populationsspezifische Abweichung von dieser Richtung ist nur in bezug auf das Magnetfeld kodiert und wird dann hinzugefügt. Der Grund, hier zwei Referenzsysteme zu benutzen, liegt wahrscheinlich darin, daß das Magnetfeld in höheren Breiten stark von der Säkularvariation beeinflußt wird, gleichzeitig aber, da es direkt wahrgenommen werden kann, vielleicht besser zur Kodierung von Richtungsabweichungen geeignet ist.Während des eigentlichen Zuges ist dagegen das Magnetfeld dominant. Im Konfliktfall werden Sterne und Sonnenuntergangsfaktoren entsprechend der magnetischen Nordrichtung umgeeicht. Bei Vögeln, die auf dem Zug Richtungswechsel durchführen, ist der zweite Kurs in bezug auf das Magnetfeld kodiert und wird offenbar erst während des Zuges festgelegt. Bei Gartengrasmücken und Gelbgesichtshonigfressern scheint das endogene Zugprogramm allein den Kurswechsel einleiten zu können; Trauerschnäpper sind dagegen zusätzlich auf bestimmte magnetische Bedingungen angewiesen. Für Transäquatorialzieher bewirkt der horizontale Feldlinienverlauf am magnetischen Äquator eine Richtungsumkehr von äquatorwärts nach polwärts.Das angeborene Zugprogramm führt junge Zugvögel in ihr Überwinterungsgebiet; es wird gegen Ende flexibel und erlaubt ihnen, sich einen geeigneten Ort als ihr Winterquartier zu suchen. Für den Zug zurück ins Brutgebiet und alle späteren Zugbewegungen können Vögel zusätzlich auf unterwegs gewonnene Erfahrungen zurückgreifen. Die vom angeborenen Zugprogramm weiterhin zur Verfügung gestellte Richtungsinformation wird durch auf Ortsinformation beruhende Navigationsvorgänge ergänzt und ersetzt. Dies erlaubt erfahrenen Zugvögeln z. B., günstige Rastgebiete gezielt wieder aufzusuchen, und macht sie weniger anfällig gegen Winddrift. Die Zugorientierung zeigt hier eine Parallele zum Heimfinden: sobald erfahrungsabhängige Mechanismen zur Verfügung stehen, werden diese gegenüber den angeborenen Mechanismen bevorzugt.
The orientation system of birds — III. Migratory orientation
Summary Many migratory birds show philopatry, i.e. they regularly breed and winter at the same sites. The routes taken by migrants are adjusted to the geographical and ecological conditions between breeding and wintering areas, often resulting in indirect paths. Young birds on their first migration face the task of reaching the as yet unknown population-specific winter quarters with the help of innate information. Large-scale displacement experiments with migrants and cage experiments with hand-raised birds revealed that this innate information is given as direction and distance, with the distance controlled by an endogenous time program that determines amount and temporal distribution of migratory activity. Both, migratory activity and direction — or, in the case of indirect routes, a sequence of directions — are genetically transmitted from one generation to the next.Birds use two reference systems to convert innate directional information into an actual flying course: celestial rotation and the geomagnetic field. Celestial rotation produces a reference direction opposite from its center, which is obtained by observing the diurnal and/or the nocturnal sky. This reference can be used to establish a star compass, not only utilizing the natural, but also artificial stars, provided the birds can observe these stars rotating. However, with only stars available, migrants that normally prefer southwesterly courses show southerly tendencies, apparently unable to convert the population-specific components of their migratory direction. Birds raised with only magnetic cues available, in contrast, are well oriented in their population-specific migratory direction, except in areas with steep inclination; here, the magnetic field provides only an axis, and birds also need celestial rotation for unimodal orientation. As the birds' magnetic compass is an inclination compass, migrants of the northern and southern hemisphere may use the same migratory program, starting out equatorwards in autumn.During the premigratory period, both reference systems interact to determine the migratory course. If North indicated by celestial rotation and magnetic North diverge, celestial rotation proves dominant, resulting in a changed magnetic compass course. However, celestial rotation does not simply override the magnetic course. In the natural situation, celestial rotation provides only the reference direction opposite from the center of rotation, corresponding to geographic South, which can be substituted by magnetic South if birds have no access to celestial cues. Population-specific deviations from South seem to be coded only with respect to the magnetic field and are then added to the reference direction, resulting in the population-specific migratory course. These processes are interrupted if the sky is made to rotate in the reverse direction. The reasons for using two reference systems may lie in the fact that at higher latitudes, the magnetic field is strongly affected by secular variations, while celestial rotation reliably provides geographic South. At the same time, the magnetic field, being directly perceivable, may be better suited for indicating angular deviations.During migration itself, the relationship between the two reference systems changes, with the magnetic field becoming dominant. In case of conflict, celestial cues are recalibrated according to magnetic North. The reasons for this shift in dominance may lie in celestial rotation ceasing to play a role. The sky changes its appearance as the birds progress, and the new stars are calibrated with the help of the geomagnetic field which becomes a reliable source of directional information at temperate and lower latitudes.Many birds change direction during migration. Their second compass course is coded with respect to the magnetic field. The conversion of the respective innate information appears to take place en route; a possible role of celestial rotation has not yet been analysed. In Garden Warblers and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters, the shift in direction can take place under the control of the endogenous time program alone; Pied Flycatchers, in contrast, require magnetic conditions of the region where the shift normally takes place. At the magnetic equator, birds must reverse their course with respect to their magnetic compass from equatorwards to polewards in order to continue southwards. Here, the field of the equator with its horizontal field lines serves as trigger. At the equator itself, where the magnetic compass becomes bimodal, birds may rely on celestial cues.The innate migratory program enables young birds to reach their general wintering area. The program becomes flexible at the end and allows them to look around for a suitable site to spend the winter. This becomes their winter home to which they return upon displacement. For the return migration to the breeding area and any later migrations, migratory birds can make use of experience obtained during earlier travels. The migratory program still provides them with directional information; however, navigational processes based on site-specific information dominate over the innate mechanisms. Many young birds undertake extended exploratory flights before they leave for migration, thus establishing a map of their future breeding area. As a consequence, they return to the normal breeding area after displacement. Adult birds must be expected to choose their migration route by mechanisms of true navigation, thus avoiding unfavorable areas and revisiting good refueling sites, at the same time becoming less vulnerable to wind drift and similar phenomena. Details of these navigation processes are not known, as they have escaped experimental analysis so far.The dominant role of true navigation, which replaces the innate program, represents a parallel to homing, where birds also rely on mechanisms of true navigation as soon as these become available.

Since birds use the earth's magnetic field for compass orientation when astronomical cues are lacking and it has recently been suggested that the pineal body is part of their magnetic compass, test releases have been performed in overcast conditions with pigeons deprived of the pineal body. On the whole, both experimental and control birds were capable of homeward orientation, though the bearings of experimental were rather more scattered. No differences in homing speed or success were recorded. Thus, the pineal body does not appear to play an important role in the homing of pigeons.  相似文献   

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