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Abstract. Demographic changes in Cytisus balansae populations were studied during the first 10 yr after a fire, by comparing populations of different ages in which different cohorts were considered. In the study area this species constitutes a monospecific formation which undergoes periodic burning. We distinguished both new genets (seedlings or plants originating from seedlings, after the last fire) and three types of ramets (resprout clumps): rootstock ramets, basal-branch ramets and lateral-root ramets. We found that C. balansae regenerated rapidly after fire. Most seedlings, rootstock ramets and basal-branch ramets emerged in the first year after fire. Lateral-root ramets appeared mainly after 2 - 4 yr and continued to emerge in the following years. The numbers of ramets and new genets decreased with time, mainly during the first six years. Density variations between quadrats within each population also decreased. Survivorship varied between seedlings and type of ramet, and according to time of emergence. Survival curves for seedlings which emerged in the first year were concave, for rootstock ramets convex, and for the remainder of the ramets intermediate. The 10-yr-old population was dominated by rootstock ramets. Some were entirely dead but most of them had only some dead basal branches. At this age new lateral-root ramets were still emerging. The future of C. balansae populations is discussed on the basis of results obtained for old (25 - 30 yr) plants, growing in the prolonged absence of fire.  相似文献   

Summary This paper discusses the interactions among prefire shrub abundance, soil moisture, and plant and animal species on postfire seedling establishment in mixed chparral in southern California. Postfire germination and survival of seedlings in a stand dominated by a facultative seeder (Adenostoma fasciculatum) and by an obligate seeder (Ceanothus greggii) were monitored for 2 years. Relative to prefire abundance, germination of C. greggii was higher than that of A. fasciculatum. Survival during the first year was also higher in C. greggii than in A. fasciculatum. During the second year, however, mortality of C. greggii was greater than that of A. fasciculatum, mostly due to a psyllid infection. Germination of A. fasciculatum was negatively related to prefire shrub abundance. C. greggii germination was not associated with prefire shrub abundance. Seedling mortality of both species was very strongly related to the depletion of soil moisture the first few months after germination. A. fasciculatum was more sensitive than C. greggii to the drying of the soil, especially in the upper levels. C. greggii seedlings had longer roots, greater root/shoot biomass ratios, higher water potentials, and a later peak in seasonal growth activity compared to A. fasciculatum. Herbs promoted greater survival of A. fasciculatum. Our results indicate that the obligate seeder species, C. greggii, is better adapted to establish seedling in chaparral by producing greater relative germination and greater seedling survival than the facultative seeder species A. fasciculatum. The greater adaptability of C. greggii to the physical environment is counteracted by interspecific interference by plant and animal interactions which tend to favor A. fasciculatum over C. greggii.  相似文献   

Summary Big Pod Ceanothus (Ceanothus megacarpus) is an obligate seeder after fire; Laurel Sumac (Rhus laurina) is primarily a resprouter after fire. Both species commonly occur together in mixed stands and are dominant members of the coastal chaparral of southern California. We compared the mean survival of post-fire seedlings of each species during the first summer drought after fire and found C. megacarpus to have a mean survival of 54% while R. laurina had a mean survival of only 0.1%. Rooting dephs were similar between species but predawn water potentials and leaf temperatures were higher for R. laurina seedlings. Leaf temperatures for R. laurina reached a mean value of 46.8° C on hot, summer days, about 5° C higher than seedlings of C. megacarpus. By the end of the first growing season, 92% of all C. megacarpus seedlings had suffered herbivory compared to only 17% of all R. laurina seedlings. Herbivory did not appear to be the immediate cause of seedling mortality. Transect data indicated that full recovery of prefire species composition and density at our study site was likely but the mode of recovery was different for the species examined. R. laurina recovered primarily by sprouting, C. megacarpus totally by seedling establishment and a third species, Adenostoma fasciculatum (chamise), by a combination of sprouting and seedling establishment. We attribute the higher mortality of R. laurina seedlings to the greater sensitivity of its tissue to water stress. It may be that differential survival of shrub seedlings and differential modes of reestablishment after fire play an important role in maintaining species diversity in the chaparral communities of coastal, southern California.  相似文献   

Abstract. In periodically burned ecosystems, fire frequency may be an important selective pressure for the evolution of plant reproductive allocation patterns. We evaluated this hypothesis for Florida (USA) scrub plants by developing three models of reproductive effort with time since last fire given assumptions concerning seed dormancy and seedling establishment. We then examined reproductive effort of five woody, resprouting shrubs at sites representing nine times since last fire (ranging from 0–64 yr). All species showed significant patterns with time since fire in percentage of stems reproductive and fruit production. Stems of all species needed to attain a minimum size before flowering. Four species had the greatest level of reproductive effort (fruit biomass/above-ground biomass) within 5 yr post-fire and best fit the Early Peak Model of reproductive effort (i.e. between-fire seedling recruitment or seed dormancy). A fifth species best fit the Broad Peak Model (i.e. immediate post-fire seedling establishment), peaking in reproductive effort at 7 yr post-fire. Both of these models are based on somewhat variable fire-return intervals, suggesting that the frequency of scrub fires may have been too unpredictable to select for reproductive allocation patterns precisely reflecting particular fire-return intervals. Early peaks in post-fire reproductive effort may be a bet-hedging strategy to allow for greater chances of seedling establishment and survival.  相似文献   

At fine spatial scales (0.1–10m), chaparral communities have been shown to be strongly influenced by canopy-gap patterns, leading to periodicities in vegetation at 4–5 m spatial scales. Fine-scale variations in fire behavior and post-fire erosion can lead to changes in the patterning of viable seeds and nutrients and may alter the spatial patterning of post-fire chaparral communities. This study deals with the relationship among fire behavior, post-fire nutrient availabilities and vegetation patterns in a 1-yr old, post-fire Adenostoma fasciculatum chaparral community in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, California, USA. Variations in mineral soil exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg) and extractable phosphorus (P04-P) were correlated with ash distribution. Cations and measures of ammonium and nitrate were also correlated with fire intensity, measured by the diameter of the smallest remaining A. fasciculatum twigs following fire. Fire intensity was correlated with the pattern of post-fire vegetation establishment based on first axis DC A scores. However, ash PO4-P was more highly correlated with sample DCA scores, local species richness and total cover (p < 0.01), suggesting that small-scale variations in PO4-P which correlate with ash distributions may be important in structuring this community. Two- and three-term local variance analysis revealed a maximum of pattern intensity in DCA first axis scores at 4–5 m intervals that likely corresponds to pre-fire canopy-gap patterns. However, total cover showed pattern at spatial scales of 8–10 m, and was correlated at this scale with patterns of ash distribution and fire intensity. Microtopographic patterns also occur at similar spatial scales. Microtopographic patterns appear important in determining post-fire plant nutrient and water distributions and, thereby, patterns of plant establishment. Thus, the scale and intensity of post-fire vegetation pattern may differ considerably from pre-fire conditions.  相似文献   

Population structure, fruit production and dispersal, and recruitment of Rhus integrifolia, a gynodioecious sclerophy llous shrub living in coastal chaparral, were studied in two localities in southern California last burned 60 and 90 years ago. Though hermaphroditic plants produce some fruits, only the male-sterile plants bore significant numbers. Among the sample plants, one individual accounted for 50% of the crop measured. Terrestrial animals, through the loss of some seeds taken for consumption, play a decisive role in the seed dispersal, promoting the establishment of seedlings outside the parent's canopy. Birds have not been demonstrated to contribute to long distance dispersal, but they are responsible for dropping 25% of the fruits collected below the R. integrifolia canopies, 36%) of which were completely destroyed. Allelopathic effects were not observed in laboratory assays, and germination is probably not influenced by the species beneath which seeds have been deposited. This pattern can explain the non-aggregated distribution of individuals observed in the studied populations. We conclude that establishment of new individuals has been continuous at both localities and that the populations of R. integrifolia are increasing in these long unburned stands. This may be indicative of a successional trend in unburned chaparral and coastal scrub toward a sclerophy llous woodland.  相似文献   

The disturbance regime of an old-growth forest in coastal California   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study deals with the disturbance regime of an old-growth, mixed-evergreen forest with a canopy composed of Arbutus menziesii, Lithocarpus densiflora, Pseudotsuga menziesii, Quercus chrysolepis, Q. wislizenii, and Sequoia sempervirens. 80 canopy gaps were randomly selected from throughout a 230-ha watershed. Of the land area sampled, 11.1 to 16.6 % was within gaps. Gap area had a mode of < 50m2 and a range of 6–3437 m2. Gaps were formed by snags, snaps, tips, and slope failures. Although < 10 % of the gaps sampled were due to slope failures, these accounted for 43 % of the total land area within gaps. All snags resulted from the death of a Pseudotsuga or Arbutus individual, the widely branched trunks of Arbutus individuals accounted for most of the irregularly shaped gaps, and larger gaps resulted from the death of Pseudotsuga and Sequoia individuals, averaging 119 and 111 m2 respectively, than from the death of Lithocarpus or Arbutus, averaging 54 and 52 m2. Gaps were more frequent over concave sections of slopes and large gaps were more frequent on north-facing slopes. The creation of a gap increased disturbance to the adjacent canopy, with half of the gaps formed through more than one disturbance. The relationship of disturbance regime to topography, the influence of canopy species biology on gap properties, and the repeated events involved in gap formation all indicate a fine scale variation in the pattern of gaps and their characteristics.  相似文献   

Abstract. Seedling abundance at four microsites (open fynbos, beneath emergent fynbos shrubs, beneath thicket, and beneath forest) was determined at three coastal dune landscapes, located along a gradient of increasing summer rainfall and where fire-dependent fynbos was the predominant vegetation. At all sites thicket seedlings were most common beneath emergent fynbos shrubs and under thicket clumps; seedlings of forest species were most abundant at forest microsites although some individuals were recorded beneath thicket. Very few thicket seedlings were observed in open fynbos. Birds play a keystone role in facilitating establishment of the fleshy fruit-bearing thicket flora. Seedling abundance at microsites of different thicket and forest species was generally unrelated to fruit abundance. Germination success of most species was highest under shaded conditions; soil organic content had no effect on germination. Removal of pulp and birdingestion enhanced the germination, relative to untreated controls, of two out of three species tested. A simple Markov model predicted a gradual increase in cover of the thicket and forest component and a gradual decline in fynbos under a ‘normal’ (20-yr interval) fire regime simulated over 10 cycles. Although inter-fire seedling establishment under emergent fynbos shrubs is important in the initial colonisation of fynbos by obligate resprouting thicket shrubs, these species persist and expand by vegetative recruitment after and between fires, respectively. In the prolonged absence of fire, the endemic-rich and fire-dependent fynbos flora would be replaced by species-poor forest and thicket.  相似文献   

Abstract. The regeneration after fire of the dominant east Mediterranean dwarf-shrub Sarcopoterium spinosum was studied under various habitat and geographic conditions in northern Israel, northern Crete and the Aegean coast of Turkey. Age structures of regenerating stands were determined 3–9 yr after fire on 13 1 mx 1 m sample stands by analysis of growth rings in the taproot crown of 874 plants. S. spinosum regenerated either by massive seedling recruitment in some habitats or by resprouting from surviving meristems in others. This versatility facilitates adaptation of the species to widely different environmental conditions and is a factor in the maintenance of its dominance after fire at occupied sites. In the years after fire, the growth of younger plants within the stand at all sites was severely suppressed by the older shrubs. Consequently, the age structure of the stands was dominated by one or two older cohorts that became established soon after fire. In addition, on most habitats, older shrubs (usually older than 6 yr) were often composed of clusters of plants that suggested clonal proliferation of ramets. The strongly peaked age structure, together with the appearance of clonal regeneration on the older plants, suggests that subsequent maintenance of the stand was not dependent on recurrent seedling recruitment. This can explain the persistence of S. spinosum in stands of herbaceous vegetation despite the extreme sensitivity of the seedlings to competition under such conditions.  相似文献   

Zigadenusfremontii is often a striking component of the flora following firein the chaparral. Like other geophytes, it produces large numbers of flowers inthe first spring after a burn. Although these plants are most conspicuous intheearly postfire environment, the question that remains is, how do they persistinthe interval between fires? To address this we investigated differences in thegrowth and reproduction of Z. fremontii in burned andunburned chaparral. We monitored marked individuals for nine years at threesites: two that were burned in 1990 and one in the same area that was inunburned mature chaparral. We measured leaf area, and production of flowers andfruits. We also conducted seed experiments in the field to determine the ratesand timing of germination. We found that reproduction occurs only in theimmediate postfireperiod: flowering and production of fruits and seeds in the first yearfollowingfire, and seedling establishment by year 3. There was a cost of reproduction;plants that flowered (in the burn area) had negative growth rates the followingyear. In contrast, plants in unburned chaparral, which did not flower, hadpositive growth rates over the same period. Moreover, plants that produced themost flowers had the lowest growth rates. In the unburned chaparral site,plantswere not dormant as predicted from previous literature; instead they producedleaves nearly every year. In most years the average leaf area per plant wasgreater than that in the burned sites. Our results indicate that postfirereproduction depends on growth and carbohydrate storage in the inter-fireperiod. We also suggest that this species is relatively long-lived for aherbaceous perennial.  相似文献   

Morgan  John W. 《Plant Ecology》1999,144(1):127-144
Many species-rich Themeda triandra grasslands in south-eastern Australia have been burnt annually in summer as a land management practice for decades. The characteristics of annual fires (maximum surface temperatures, maximum soil temperature changes at 10 mm depth, Byram fire intensity and duration of surface heating) were compared to fires that occur less frequently (2, 4 or 7-year inter-fire interval). The impacts of annual summer fires on seed survival, perennial plant dynamics and flowering were also documented at two sites over two years.Annual grassland fires differ principally from other grassland fire types in their duration of surface temperatures above 100°C (i.e., <1 min versus >2–3 min in grasslands burnt at 4–7-year intervals). This was correlated to fuel load, but not rate of spread or Byram fire intensity. Maximum surface temperatures were variable within annual fire events (98–458°C ) and did not differ significantly from those observed in other grassland fires. All sites experienced temperatures above 350°C but no site had its soil temperature increase at 10 mm depth by >10°C during fire. Byram fire intensity was lower in annually burnt sites, but positively correlated with rate of spread moreso than fuel load.Many perennial species (34–55%) and most perennial individuals (70–83%) avoid the annual summer fire event by being dormant at the time of burning. All perennial species regenerated rapidly by vegetative means after fire and seedlings were absent or rare for most species. As a result, turnover of species at the small-scale was low.Annual burning permits high perennial species richness (mean 18 species/0.25 m2) and high numbers of individual perennial plants (range 189–1036 plants/0.25 m2) to co-exist at the small-scale. Seasonal plant density maxima peaked in spring, 6–8 months after fire, and the number of plants in a species' population each year following fire depended on their seasonal response more than their direct fire response. The direction and magnitude of population change from one year to the next was species and site specific and did not correlate with life form or a plant's ability for vegetative spread. All perennial species have a short secondary juvenile period (i.e., 6–11 months) but relatively few individual plants flower in any one year. Seed that has made its way into the soil is completely protected from the direct effects of fire and hence, occasional post-fire seedling recruitment may be possible for all species.Maintaining annual burning in grasslands as a management regime is unlikely to lead to a decline in richness and plant density in the short-term. Rather, delayed burning (i.e., >3 year intervals), and the impact that this may have on interval dependent processes such as above-ground competition, are predicted to have more substantial long-term effects on the small-scale dynamic of this community.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that high and low intensity human-made fires can produce ecologically different effects in the Chilean matorral is examined. We compared the abundance of naturally established seedlings under shrubs burned by low and high intensity fires on five north and five south facing slopes. On south facing slopes, we found 54 shrubs burned by low intensity fires and only 4 shrubs burned by high intensity fires. In contrast, north facing slopes had approximately the same number of shrubs burned by low and high fire intensity fires (24 versus 19, respectively). We only found seedlings under shrubs burned by low intensity fires and most of them were of Muehlenbeckia hastulata and Trevoa trinervis. Also viable seeds were only found under shrubs burned by low intensity fires. Results indicate that fire intensity can be an important factor determining species distribution patterns in the matorral.  相似文献   

Abstract. Spatial patterns of shrub life history and Ceanothus distribution are examined in relation to topographically‐mediated differences in drought severity within 3 watersheds on the coastal and inland flank of the Santa Ynez Mountains, California. Spatially distributed fields of drought severity are simulated for the studied watersheds using high‐resolution digital terrain data and daily climate data in combination with a process‐based hydro‐ecological model (RHESSys). Field samples of species composition are spatially integrated with the distributed drought data for analysis of ecological relationships. Patterns of seedling recruitment type correspond to topographic variability in drought severity in ways that are consistent with concepts presented in the literature. Species that depend on fire for recruitment are increasingly represented with increasing drought severity, the converse also applies. Sites that experience moderate drought severity permit co‐dominance of species from both recruitment modes. Residual analysis suggests that some of the unexplained variability is related to substrate. Analyses also indicate that the distribution of 5 Ceanothus shrubs reflect differences in drought severity in ways that are consistent with their resistance to water stress‐induced xylem dysfunction. Species from the subgenus Cerastes sort in accordance with moisture availability and have unique spatial distributions. Results are evaluated and discussed with respect to studies on plant morphology, resource use and seedling establishment patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: What is the relative importance of fire‐induced canopy mortality, soil burning and post‐fire herbivory on tree seedling performance? Location: Subalpine Nothofagus pumilio forests at Challhuaco valley (41°13'S, 71°19'W), Nahuel Huapi National Park, Argentina. Methods: We fenced and transplanted soils of three burning severities along a fire severity gradient produced by a fire in 1996. Over two growing seasons we monitored soil water, direct incoming solar radiation, seedling survival, final seedling total biomass and root/shoot ratio. Additionally, we assessed severity‐related changes in soil properties. Results: Incoming radiation (an indicator of the amount of canopy cover left by the fire) was the primary factor influencing spring and summer top soil water availability, first and second‐year seedling survival and seedling growth. While seedling survival and soil water content were negatively affected by increased radiation, seedling final biomass was highest in very open microsites. Burned soils showed lower water holding capacity and soil carbon; however these changes did not affect topsoil water, and, contrary to expectation, there was a slight tendency toward higher seedling survival on more heavily burned soils. Herbivory significantly reduced seedling survival, but only under high‐radiation conditions. While the effect of radiation on final seedling biomass was not affected by herbivory, R/S ratios were significantly reduced by herbivory in high radiation micro sites. Conclusions: Despite inducing faster aerial growth, increased radiation and herbivory in severely burned sites may effectively prevent post‐fire regeneration in north Patagonian subalpine forest where seed sources are not limiting.  相似文献   

Abstract. Many perennial plants strongly enhance the survival of seedlings of other species. We studied patterns of long-term recruitment of Quercus agrifolia (Coastal live oak) associated with shrub-dominated communities by counting Q. agrifolia recruits on a time sequence of historical aerial photographs and comparing recruitment among mapped patches of coastal sage scrub, chaparral, and grassland in an 1120-ha landscape. Because we could not identify new recruits in existing woodlands with aerial photographs, we studied the recruitment of Q. agrifolia in this vegetation type indirectly by comparing population size structures and the spatial relationships between shrubs and recruits among woodlands that varied in understory community type. At the landscape scale, recruitment was higher in coastal sage scrub vegetation than predicted by the extent of its coverage, commensurate with the spatial coverage of chaparral, and very low in grassland. Recruitment within woodland communities also varied considerably. In woodland communities on sheltered, north-oriented topography with understories dominated by shrubs, there were large numbers of small Q. agrifolia, and recruits were not significantly spatially associated with shrubs within plots. In woodlands with herbaceous understories there were few individuals in the small size classes, and recruits were strongly spatially associated with shrubs within plots. Woodlands with shrub-dominated understories have population structures that appear to be stable, but woodlands with herbaceous understories exhibit size structures associated with declining populations. Quercus recruitment into shrub-dominated patches corresponds with previous documentation of facilitative relationships between shrubs and oak seedlings, and suggests the occurrence of an unusual form of patch dynamics in these landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the Rhône delta (southern France) Juncus gerardi is a dominant, strongly aggregating species in artificially flooded former rice fields. In order to explain this pattern, the effects of water depth, salinity and their interaction were measured on (1) seed germination and seedling development and (2) vegetative growth of J. gerardi in a controlled-environment experiment. The germination pattern of J. gerardi was affected by salinity. Low salinity (2 g/l NaCl) delayed germination while moderate salinity (12 g/l NaCl) reduced germination rate. In contrast, the germination of J. gerardi was not affected in the range of water depths tested (i.e. 0–10cm). Salinity negatively affected the development of below-ground parts, shoots and inflorescences. This negative effect of salinity on the vegetative growth of J. gerardi was amplified when combined with flooding. Flooding with fresh water (0–20 cm depth) did not limit biomass production during the experiment. However, a decrease in the ratio of below-ground/above-ground dry weight at deeper water depths suggests a limitation of the vegetative propagation of J. gerardi under prolonged flooding conditions. This hypothesis is supported by the negative correlation between the cover of J. gerardi and water depth found in an abandoned rice field. The limitation on seedling recruitment imposed by salinity and the depression of vegetative growth of J. gerardi due to a combination of salinity and water depth could explain the aggregate distribution of J. gerardi in former rice fields.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):179-188
Background: High values of specific leaf area (SLA) are generally associated with high maximal growth rates in resource-rich conditions, such as mesic climates and fertile soils. However, fire may complicate this relationship since its frequency varies with both climate and soil fertility, and fire frequency selects for regeneration strategies (resprouting versus seeding) that are not independent of resource-acquisition strategies. Shared ancestry is also expected to affect the distribution of resource-use and regeneration traits.

Aims: We examined climate, soil, and fire as drivers of community-level variation in a key functional trait, SLA, in chaparral in California.

Methods: We quantified the phylogenetic, functional, and environmental non-independence of key traits for 87 species in 115 plots.

Results: Among species, SLA was higher in resprouters than seeders, although not after phylogeny correction. Among communities, mean SLA was lower in harsh interior climates, but in these climates it was higher on more fertile soils and on more recently burned sites; in mesic coastal climates, mean SLA was uniformly high despite variation in soil fertility and fire history.

Conclusions: We conclude that because important correlations exist among both species traits and environmental filters, interpreting the functional and phylogenetic structure of communities may require an understanding of complex interactive effects.  相似文献   

Summary In the low elevation chaparral areas of Sequoia National Park, California, pure stands of chamise (Adenostoma fasciculatum) are periodically rejuvenated by fire. Mature stands showed considerable variability in density and total biomass even though a positive correlation exists between the two. Mature stands showed a preponderance of individuals in the smaller size classes (inverse-J shape distribution). Dead shrubs found in mature stands also tended to be in the smaller size classes. This relatively high mortality of small individuals is important to post-fire stand development. In addition, resprout and seedling biomass one year after fire both showed inverse-J shaped size-class structures. A positive correlation existed between the preburn basal area of a shrub and its first year resprout biomass. Shrub biomass and distance to nearest neighbor were poorly correlated. A significant correlation existed between stand density and a stand's variance-to-mean ratio, indicating a trend toward more regular spacing as density increases. Pre-burn and fire-induced mortality tended to move the stand towards a more clumped distribution. Seedlings replaced dead individuals after a fire and thus restored regular spacing.  相似文献   

Oak woodlands and savannas are key defining landscapes in the California Floristic Province, making up almost a quarter of the region's forests and woodlands. Two endemic Californian oak species, valley oak (Quercus lobata Neé) and blue oak (Quercus douglasii Hook. & Arn.), are widely considered at risk of decline from persistent recruitment failures in the last century. However, decades of research have produced no definitive conclusion about the existence, extent, or causes of this ‘regeneration problem’. Underlying causes of perceived recruitment failure are unclear and could include drivers at distribution‐wide to local scales including climate and atmospheric changes, habitat fragmentation, altered herbivore populations, changing fire regimes, exotic plant and animal invasions, livestock grazing, and soil conditions altered by past land uses. We performed meta‐analyses of existing stand‐scale data from the published and grey literatures on seedling and sapling recruitment in blue and valley oaks throughout each of their distributions. We sought to evaluate whether distribution‐wide regeneration ‘problems’ exist for either species and to assess what factors correlate with distribution‐wide recruitment patterns. Nearly 80% of sites surveyed for blue oaks but fewer than 50% of sites surveyed for valley oaks contained some evidence of seedling or sapling recruitment. A majority of sites surveyed for both species appear to have insufficient recruitment to replace adult populations, though further demographic work would be required to quantify minimum replacement recruitment rates. Reserve sites were seven times more likely than non‐reserve sites to contain valley oak populations with evidence of recruitment. Blue oak recruitment patterns were weakly related to climate and geographical factors and strongly variable at subregional scales. We suggest several lines of additional research that could fill gaps in the existing literature and clarify the patterns emerging from this analysis.  相似文献   

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