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Lasioglossum ( Chilalictus ) hemichalceum is a social halictine bee species for which we developed 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci in order to investigate detailed genetic structure of cooperating indvididuals. The loci are highly polymorphic with allele numbers ranging between eight and 22. A null allele was detected at one locus in the absence of pedigree information.  相似文献   

Summary The biology of communal species is not well known. Here we report the reproductivity (number of offspring per female) and genetic relatedness forLasioglossum (Chilalictus) hemichalceum, a communal halictine bee. There is a positive Model II regression, with a slope indistinguishable from one, between natural logarithms of the number of offspring and the number of adult females in a colony; indicating that as colony size increases the reproductivity per female does not decrease. This pattern is like that found in one other communal species and unlike that found in a wide variety of eusocial species. Relatedness among adult nestmates, based on two variable loci, is low. For 52 colonies it is about 0.13, and for a subset of 25 reproductively active colonies it was not distinguishable from zero. This indicates that the role of kin selection is minor at best in this highly cooperative, communal species. A review of the relatedness data available for communal groups, both foundress associations and species that are communal throughout their colony cycle, indicates that communal sociality is often but not always associated with low intra colony relatedness.  相似文献   

Laboratory behavioral experiments were conducted with two solitary, halictine bee species, in the genus Lasioglossum, to examine the nature of behavioral interactions between non-nestmate females. The experimental design of this study was identical to previous work on both a communal (Kukuk 1992) and a eusocial Lasioglossum species (Breed et al. 1978), thereby providing data for comparison of female-female interactions in species within a single, very large genus that exhibit different sociality. Both solitary species exhibited low levels of aggressive behavior yet nearly all females were reproductively active, as determined by subsequent dissections. Neither ovarian width nor size was associated with aggression in either species. Interspecific comparisons reveal large differences in cooperation and aggression among the four congeneric species. The communal species exhibits significantly more cooperative and less aggressive behavior than all other species suggesting that communal social behavior in Lasioglossum is not phenetically intermediate between the behavior of solitary and eusocial species.  相似文献   

An individual ambush predation is used by huntresses of the ponerine ant Ectatomma ruidum to capture halictid bees (Lasioglossum umbripenne) in the Panamanian mountains. Workers, which use this strategy and originated from a colony (A) situated within a nest aggregation of halictid bees, capture almost four times more prey than colony (B) with a foraging area which does not include this type of bee's nest. Forty-eight percent of the prey of colony (A) are halictid bees, demonstrating the local importance of this predatory strategy in E. ruidum. A close examination of the behavioral sequence of predation shows that ambush is successful in only 4.8% of cases, a very low success rate in comparison to other predatory strategies described in this species. Nevertheless, due to the high repetition (16.1 ± 5.9 times on average) of very short waiting phases (6.3 ± 1.9 s), the true success rate (i.e., according to the number of individual trips) can reach up to 80%. A review of ambush predation among ant species allows us to distinguish approaches between jumping, long stealth approaches, and true ambushes. Implications of learning and expectation processes are also discussed.  相似文献   

Studied two types of mate-orientation behavior in ♂♂ of the sweat bee, Lasioglossum rohweri: microterritoriality and patrolling. Observations were made in both the laboratory and the field. These ♂♂ behave uniquely for Hymenoptera in that 2–5 of them establish microterritories immediately around the same nest entrance. Some ♂♂ are exclusively patrollers, flying about flowers and nest sites. Rendezvous places (locations where animals are likely to find mates) in bees are: flowers, nesting sites, vegetative parts of plants, nest entrances, air, and nests. Territoriality in male bees may have arisen independently in 7 of the 9 families of bees.  相似文献   

Paralictus asteris Mitchell is a socially parasitic sweat bee that invades nests and becomes the dominant reproductive in colonies of a phylogenetically related host, Lasioglossum (Dialictus) imitatum (Smith). The parasite has a greatly enlarged quadrate head, with elongate scythe-like mandibles, and other morphological modifications apparently associated with a parasitic lifestyle. Nevertheless, the parasite did not forcefully enter nests. Host guards adopted a defensive posture at the nest entrance when they contacted a dead, frozen parasite, suggesting that they recognized the intruders as parasites. Living parasites, however, only sometimes induced this guarding response, while in other cases parasites entered host nests without obvious signs of aggression from the guard. Guards also responded aggressively to both frozen and living conspecifics from other nests, but were not aggressive to living or frozen nest-resident conspecifics, suggesting that the cues used for recognition of both unrelated conspecifics and parasites are chemical ones. More than one parasite can invade and occupy a nest, and successful invasion was not influenced by whether a parasitic female was mated or had developed ovaries.  相似文献   

Yanega's (1997) mating limitation hypothesis (MLH) states that if a female mates promptly after emerging, she then becomes a member of the maximally reproductive behavioral caste (i.e., in most cases an overwintering gyne). Females that do not mate early become workers. We tested the MLH in laboratory colonies of a eusocial population of Evylaeus albipes. Of 24 worker brood females (13 from queenright and 11 from orphaned nests), 13 mated on the first day of flight activity and all mated within the first 5 days; there were no significant differences between mating rates of females from the two colony types. All 24 commenced foraging as workers after an average of between 3 and 4 days postmating. We conclude that the MLH does not apply to this species despite the fact that the only known halictine for which this hypothesis has been experimentally tested is the fairly closely related E. marginatus.  相似文献   

The development of about 20 relatively small nests of Xylocopa pubescens was studied. After the first offspring had become adult, these nests reached a social stage in which there was only one egg-layer per nest. Freshly emerged (teneral) adults eat a lot of food, collected by a forager, before they fly out of the nest. This food appears to be of major importance to these bees in that it makes them fully agile. It seems therefore, that part of the food needed for the development of a young bee is not given at the larval stage, via the beebread, but at the teneral adult stage. As a result of this, a necessary overlap of generations is accomplished. Besides, less pollen has to be collected for the provision of a brood cell, so more cells can be constructed within a short period of time. There is a high degree of nest competition. Many nests were taken over by conspecific individuals (or by females of X. sulcatipes) that were searching for nesting sites within the study area. However, although more than 50% of the solitary nests were taken over sooner or later, strangers hardly ever intruded into social nests, with more than one adult. This illustrates how important it is for a reproducing female to tolerate the presence of nestmates which guard the nest in her absence. Although in most cases the foundress of a nest proceeded to produce new brood in the presence of her offspring, it happened that a daughter took over reproduction from her mother. In two of these cases, it could be observed that a mother started a new nest elsewhere after having been thrown out by her own daughter. At least in these cases, nest competition between mother and daughter started long before the mother had reached the end of her reproductive capacities. Since nesting possibilities are scarce, it seems a logical strategy to stay in the maternal nest and wait for a chance to become the egg-layer if the mother dies or if she loses her dominance. The occurrence of several social interactions among nestmates is discussed: — trophallaxis was observed often, not only under ‘forced’ conditions, but also as a form of ‘voluntary’ feeding; — nestmates were observed to groom each other.  相似文献   

Murao R 《ZooKeys》2011,(143):83-92
Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) subopacum (Smith) is recorded from the Korean Peninsula for the first time. Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) okinawa Ebmer et Maeta from Japan is ranked to a subspecies of Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) subopacum judging from the characteristics of the male. The male of Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) subopacumokinawa is described for the first time. Some bionomical notes of both subspecies are presented.  相似文献   

L. Packer 《Insectes Sociaux》1994,41(3):309-313
Summary Nine nests ofLasioglossum (Dialictus) tenax were excavated near Calgary, Alberta, Canada over a time period encompassing the entire brood production period in 1988. Each nest contained a maximum of one active adult female, nest productivity peaked in mid July, protandry was noted and no significant size difference between foundresses and the earlier emerging females was detected. These data suggest that this species is solitary. These results are compared with data for the sympatrically nesting eusocial speciesL. (D.) laevissimum.  相似文献   

Microsatellite loci were isolated from two solitary sweat bees: the polylectic Lasioglossum leucozonium (10 loci) and the oligolectic Lasioglossum oenotherae (9 loci) (Hymenoptera, Halictidae). All loci were polymorphic with high observed heterozygosities (0.07–0.75 for L. leucozonium; 0.06–0.92 for L. oenotherae). These loci will be used to study the consequences of diet specialization on the population and conservation genetics of bees.  相似文献   

Obligate social parasites of Hymenoptera, known as inquilines, have received enormous attention due to the elaborate adaptations they exhibit for exploiting their hosts, and because they have frequently been used to infer sympatric speciation. Their population biology can be difficult to infer as they are both rare and difficult to extract from host nests. Sex allocation has been studied for very few inquilines of social Hymenoptera. Here we report sex ratio patterns in the allodapine bee Inquilina schwarzi, which is an obligate social parasite of another allodapine, Exoneura robusta. We show that the sex ratio of this inquiline varies with its brood number, it is female-biased in the smallest broods, but becomes more even in larger broods, where the population-wide sex ratio is close to parity. We argue that this pattern of bias is consistent with local resource competition, where inquiline females compete to inherit their natal colony. We also argue that extremely female-biased sex ratios of the host species, combined with overall sex ratio parity in the parasite, may help ameliorate disparity in effective population sizes between these two species which are locked in an evolutionary arms race.  相似文献   

Behavioural integration associated with the fusion of two flocks is analyzed in captive siskins (Carduelis spinus) by quantifying changes in social behaviour with time since joining. In general there was an increase in the incidence of tolerant behaviour, supplanting attacks and hopping withdrawals with time since fusion of the flocks. However, the number of displays and flights showed the opposite, negative, trend. Taking dominance status into account, the greatest change in behaviour with time since joining is an increase in tolerance by dominants of new flock companions. Factorial analysis of correspondences was used to study how different birds changed their behaviour with time since joining a flock. This analysis showed that the introduction of new birds did not disrupt relationships with familiar birds, and that residents are dominant in interactions with the incoming new flock companions. The analysis also demonstrated that relationships within the new flock had stabilized 20 days after the flocks had joined. The characteristics of the socially integrated group of siskins are quite similar to those described by Rohwer & Ewald (1981) in their shepherds hypothesis: dominants tolerate their subordinates feeding in close proximity, offering them a profitable feeding area, but also supplant them to obtain food; both dominants and subordinates benefit from being in a flock. As a consequence, constant changes of membership in flocks is costly not only because birds lose dominance status, but also the advantages of clear dominant and subordinate roles.  相似文献   

In group‐living species, the development of agonistic interactions among conspecifics may be affected by socio‐ecological factors, such as size and composition of social group, and availability of nests and food. We analysed the importance of size and composition of social groups on agonistic interactions among males in the Southern mountain cavy (Microcavia australis). We made behavioural observations in four social groups of different size and composition. We recorded two types of agonistic interactions: agonistic displays and direct agonistic behaviours; both types increased in the breeding season. A social group composed of a high number of males was associated with high frequency of agonistic displays. Direct agonistic behaviours were also influenced by the interaction of season and number of males per social group and number of females per social group. Agonistic interactions were also recorded among males of different socials groups in the breeding season. Agonistic displays were most frequent among males of the same social group, whereas direct agonistic behaviours were most common among males of different social groups. These results suggest that social factors affect agonistic interactions among males of Southern mountain cavy and that in a conflict situation, males develop different strategies, such as increased frequency of agonistic behaviours in breeding season and intragroup cooperation for defence of oestrous females.  相似文献   

Circle tube experiments on the primitively eusocial bee, Halictus ligatus, were performed for a variety of combinations of caste and size. Push, Lunge, and Back without reverse behaviors enabled us to determine the dominant individual in most comparisons. Behavioral differences were readily detected within the first 15 min except for different-size forager–forager and same-size foundress–foundress pairs, for which 30 min of observations was required. In same-size forager–forager pairs, no differences in behaviors between individuals were detected even after 90 min. In extended observations, decreases in the frequency of the mild dominant behaviors were accompanied by a switch to the highly aggressive mandibular hold on the neck, particularly in different-size foundress–foundress and gyne–gyne pairs. Three workers were killed by their own queen as a result of this escalation of aggression. We discuss caste-based differences in the circle tube setting in terms of behaviors expected under more normal conditions and compare our data with published results from other species.  相似文献   

An unusual nesting substrate of a subterranean halictine bee, Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) vulsum (Vachal), was found at Mt Ishizuchi‐san, Ehime, Japan. Two nests were obtained from a decaying log in a display sign for a local restaurant. Brood cells, forming a cell cluster, were constructed in a wood hollow with rotted wood fibers pressed together. Nests in the decaying log show the same structural elements as those made in soil. This is the first report of wood nesting by subterranean halictine bees belonging to the subgenus Evylaeus.  相似文献   

Zayed A  Packer L 《Heredity》2007,99(4):397-405
Strong evidence exists for global declines in pollinator populations. Data on the population genetics of solitary bees, especially diet specialists, are generally lacking. We studied the population genetics of the oligolectic bee Lasioglossum oenotherae, a specialist on the pollen of evening primrose (Onagraceae), by genotyping 455 females from 15 populations across the bee's North American range at six hyper-variable microsatellite loci. We found significant levels of genetic differentiation between populations, even at small geographic scales, as well as significant patterns of isolation by distance. However, using multilocus genotype assignment tests, we detected 11 first-generation migrants indicating that L. oenotherae's sub-populations are experiencing ongoing gene flow. Southern populations of L. oenotherae were significantly more likely to deviate from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and from genotypic equilibrium, suggesting regional differences in gene flow and/or drift and inbreeding. Short-term N(e) estimated using temporal changes in allele frequencies in several populations ranged from approximately 223 to 960. We discuss our findings in terms of the conservation genetics of specialist pollinators, a group of considerable ecological importance.  相似文献   

Social learning is an important process in the spread of information, especially in changing environments where inherited behaviors may not remain relevant. In many species, the decision of whom to trust to have reliable information depends on the relationship between individuals. Many fish species, including three‐spined sticklebacks, preferentially associate with familiar individuals. Previous studies in three‐spined sticklebacks have provided mixed evidence about the effect of familiarity on social learning in this species. Therefore, this study further explores familiarity and social learning in sticklebacks, specifically from a demonstrator‐focused perspective. We found that in a food patch discrimination task, individuals with unfamiliar demonstrators performed significantly better than those with familiar demonstrators. In a problem‐solving task, we found that focal fish attended to the behavior of demonstrators, but we did not detect an effect of familiarity on performance, and indeed the proportion of individuals to solve the task after observing demonstrators was low. These results suggest that sticklebacks have a preference for unfamiliar demonstrators, but that the use of social information varies depending on context.  相似文献   

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