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The breeding behavior of a flock of Chilean flamingos was observed over a 3‐month period during the peak of breeding activity. This species’ habitat is becoming increasingly vulnerable, and concern has been raised over a decline in wild stocks numbers in the past two decades. Breeding programs in zoos have been established, but with limited success because little is known about the precise criteria and conditions required for breeding these animals. This study was undertaken to gain insight into the breeding behavior of captive Chilean flamingos. A catalogue of mating rituals, nest acquisition and defense, and egg incubation behavior was obtained. The results suggest that new additions to the colony may trigger breeding in the subsequent year and that rainfall has little effect on captive reproductive success. Individually identifiable flamingos were followed throughout the breeding season and detailed quantitative data on their nesting, copulation, and social interactions were obtained. Zoo Biol 19:227–237, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The influence of pair bond status, age and sex on aggression rates in a flock of 84 captive Chilean flamingos at Zoo Atlanta was examined. Analysis showed no difference between aggression rates of male and female flamingos, but adult flamingos had higher rates of aggression than juveniles. There were also significant differences in aggression depending on pair bond status (single, same‐sex pair, male–female pair or group). Bonded birds were significantly more aggressive than single birds, which is consistent with the concept that unpaired birds are not breeding and do not need to protect pair bonds or eggs. Birds in typical pair bonds (male–female) and atypical pair bonds (same‐sex pairs or groups) exhibited similar rates of aggression. These results contribute to the existing body of research on aggression in captive flamingos. Zoo Biol 30:59–64, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Due to the great number of greater flamingos in captivity and their long life span, studying their behavior and welfare might be useful to improve the husbandry and breeding of this species in zoos. This study aimed to investigate factors affecting the breeding activity of captive greater flamingos (Phoenicopterus roseus) from 2012 to 2016. To estimate reproductive success, the number of pairs, eggs laid, and hatchlings were recorded. In addition, information on age, egg-laying history of the partners, and pair composition was collected. An increase in the number of pairs, eggs, and hatchlings was reported over the years. For each breeding season, there were pairs who laid more than once, especially in 2014 and 2015. Approximately 50% of pairs were monogamous between consecutive years; however, the percentage dropped gradually when comparing nonconsecutive years. Senescence and previous experience seemed to affect the reproductive success of the study flamingos. In conclusion, different factors can influence the reproduction of greater flamingos in zoos. All these factors are related to nonhuman animal welfare and need to be considered in developing and improving management practices.  相似文献   

We test the hypothesis that the relationship between networks resulting from unresolved agonistic interactions (URI) and social dominance was context-dependent in a captive group of American Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber). URI formed networks that differed substantially from the dominance network and depended on the context in which the interactions occurred. Betweenness centrality in the URI network on the region (“the island”) where nesting took place was strongly correlated with dominance score. This correlation was particularly strong in the case of males, but, in both sexes, the dominant individual in a dyad was likely to have a higher betweenness centrality in the island URI. On the other hand, betweenness centrality in URI networks at the feeder did not show any relationship with dominance, but was associated with observed visits to the feeder. Thus, centrality in both the island URI network and the feeder URI network was associated with access to a resource over which individuals competed. Along with other results suggesting that non-dominance interactions may form social networks distinct from, but related to, dominance networks, our results support the hypothesis that relationships within animal social groups can be modeled as a series of distinct but inter-related networks.  相似文献   

The impact on the meiofaunal assemblage of the bioturbation caused by Chilean Flamingos (Phoenicopterus chilensis) feeding on the tidal flat at Caulín, southern Chile was investigated. The flamingos walk in circles in shallow water, moving their feet up and down in order to suspend the sediment which is then filtered through the lamellae in their beaks in order to capture their prey. Which component of the benthos the flamingos are targeting has yet to be unequivocally determined. Meiofauna are one potential food source as they are extremely abundant at the site and the filtering capacity of the flamingos could potentially retain meiofauna. Two possible hypotheses concerning the impact of flamingo feeding activity on the meiofaunal assemblage were tested: hypothesis 1 that the flamingos are feeding on the meiofaunal assemblage, and hypothesis 2 that the flamingos are displacing the meiofaunal assemblage over short distances. Meiofaunal samples were collected on four occasions (autumn, winter, spring and summer) using a randomized block design to include four levels of bioturbation: centre, ring, border and undisturbed. Meiofaunal abundances increased in sediment processed by the flamingos compared with adjacent unperturbed sediment. The results support hypothesis 2 that the flamingos are displacing the meiofauna and not feeding on them. Thus, the impact of flamingo feeding activity on the meiofaunal assemblage at Caulín is to increase small scale spatial (<1?m) heterogeneity in a background distribution that is already significantly heterogeneous.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Hoatzins ( Opisthocomus hoazin ) are the only member of the family Opisthocomidae and are found only in forests in the Amazon and Orinoco river basin of South America. Although locally common in riparian habitats, information about their natural history is based almost exclusively on observations from gallery forests in the "llanos" (savannahs) of Venezuela. We investigated the nesting activities of Hoatzins in a primary rainforest in Amazonian Ecuador from 1995 to 2000. At our study site, Hoatzins live and breed in the inundated forests that surround lakes and river channels. Egg laying occurred from February to July and from September to November, but always peaked in April, May, and June. The mean clutch size was 2.4 ± 1.1 eggs ( N = 291; range = 1–7), but 51% of all clutches contained two eggs. The mean duration of the incubation period was 32 ± 1.5 d ( N = 20) and, overall, 17% of Hoatzin nests fledged at least one young. The main cause of nest failure was predation, with birds and snakes being the most frequent predators. Hoatzin reproduction was closely linked to the rainy season, and such timing may be influenced by increased food availability (high water levels cause leaf fall and the subsequent growth of new leaves coincides with the beginning of the feeding period of the young) and reduced risk of nest predation by mammalian predators when water levels are high. Our results indicate that the breeding biology of Hoatzins in tropical rainforest habitat, including small clutch sizes and low annual reproductive success, is similar to that of tropical passerines and provides further support for the existence of typical life history characteristics for tropical birds.  相似文献   

Long‐term monogamy is most prevalent in birds but is also found in lizards. We combined a 31‐year field study of the long‐lived, monogamous Australian sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, with continuous behavioural observations through GPS data logging, in 1 yr, to investigate the duration of pair bonds, rates of partner change and whether either the reproductive performance hypothesis or the mate familiarity hypothesis could explain this remarkable long‐term monogamy. The reproductive performance hypothesis predicts higher reproductive success in more experienced parents, whereas the mate familiarity hypothesis suggests that effects of partner familiarity select for partner retention and long‐term monogamy. Rates of partner change were below 34% over a 5‐yr period and most sleepy lizards formed long‐term pair bonds: 31 partnerships lasted for more than 15 yr, 110 for more than 10 yr, and the recorded maximum was 27 yr (ongoing). In the year when we conducted detailed observations, familiar pairs mated significantly earlier than unfamiliar pairs. Previous pairing experience (total number of years paired with previous partners) had no significant effect. Early mating often equates to higher reproductive success, and we infer that is the case in sleepy lizards. Early mating of familiar pairs was not due to better body condition. We propose two suggestions about the proximate mechanisms that may allow familiar pair partners to mate earlier than unfamiliar partners. First, they may have improved coordination of their reproductive sexual cycles to reach receptivity earlier and thereby maximise fertilisation success. Second, they may forage more efficiently, benefiting from effective information transfer and/or cooperative predator detection. Those ideas need empirical testing in the future. Regardless of the mechanism, our observations of sleepy lizard pairing behaviour support the mate familiarity hypothesis, but not the reproductive performance hypothesis, as an explanation for its long‐term monogamous mating system.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species, extra‐pair paternity may increase the strength of intersexual selection by allowing males with preferred phenotypes to monopolize matings. Several studies have found relationships between male signals and extra‐pair mating, but many others fail to explain variation in extra‐pair mating success. A greater appreciation for the role that ecological contingencies play in structuring behavioural processes may help to reconcile contradictory results. We studied extra‐pair mating in a spatial context in the common yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), a territorial wood warbler. Over the course of 6 years, we observed 158 breeding attempts by 99 males, resulting in a total of 369 nests and 520 sampled nestlings. The spatial distribution of territories varied greatly, with males having between 0 and 10 close neighbours and between three and 39 neighbouring nestlings close enough to represent extra‐pair siring opportunities. Both within‐pair and extra‐pair reproductive success increased with breeding density, but the opportunity for sexual selection and strength of selection varied with density. Total variance in reproductive success was highest at low density and was mostly explained by variation in within‐pair success. In contrast, at high density, both within‐pair and extra‐pair successes contributed substantially to variance in reproductive success. The relationships between plumage and extra‐pair mating also varied by density; plumage was under strong sexual selection via extra‐pair mating success at high density, but no selection was detected at low density. Thus, ecological factors that structure social interactions can drive patterns of sexual selection by facilitating or constraining the expression of mating preferences.  相似文献   

粪食性金龟的行为及其适应演化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
白明  杨星科 《昆虫知识》2008,45(3):499-505
粪食性金龟的行为简单分为3类:粪居型(endocoprid或dwelling behaviour)、直接掘洞型(paracoprid或tunnelling behaviour)和滚粪球型(telocoprid或rolling behaviour)。文章详细阐述各类型的特点,探讨粪食性金龟行为的进化趋势和过程,并进一步阐述粪食性金龟的适应演化。  相似文献   

Conspecifics enhance egg production in an egg-carrying bug   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variation in host availability and quality is likely to affectfemale decision making on when to lay eggs in arthropods. Inthe present study, we show a case in which female reproductionis limited by the availability of conspecifics in a speciesin which females preferably oviposit on conspecific bodies.Female golden egg bugs (Phyllomorpha laciniata; Heteroptera,Coreidae) deposit eggs mainly on the bodies of both male andfemale conspecifics. Bugs other than parents carry most eggs.Egg carrying is costly for individuals. A few eggs are laidon the bug's food plant, but in most habitats, those eggs donot survive owing to intensive ant predation. We explored ifconspecific presence affects female egg production (eggs laidand eggs in reproductive tract) in the field. In our experiment,conspecific presence (two females enclosed with food plant)increased female egg-laying rate and egg production comparedwith that of females that were alone with the food plant. Innature, gaining a conspecific host is difficult, and the encounterrate of conspecifics (i.e., operational host density) is likelyto be important for female reproduction. There are opposinginterests between an egg-laying female and the recipient (maleor female) because most eggs are dumped on individuals thatare not the parent of the eggs.  相似文献   

Wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) use a polygynous mating system whereby males engage in multiple courtship behaviors, including vocalizations (gobbling) to attract females and compete with other males for breeding opportunities. Males must balance the risk of courtship behaviors with the reproductive potential of each courtship behavior. Male turkeys are primarily hunted during the reproductive period, so the associated risk of courtship behaviors is increased. Many state agencies attempt to set hunting season frameworks that maximize hunter satisfaction by allowing hunting when gobbling activity is greatest and most females are theoretically incubating nests, but the relationship between gobbling activity and nesting phenology is unclear. We used autonomous recording units and global positioning system transmitters to monitor gobbling activity by male turkeys and reproductive behaviors of female turkeys in the Piedmont region of Georgia, USA. We used 13,177 gobbles, behavioral data from 82 females during the reproductive season, and daily estimates of harvest of males by hunters to examine relationships between daily gobbling activity, cumulative removal of males, and reproductive behaviors (laying, incubating) of females during 2017–2018. We observed a weak negative relationship between daily gobbling activity and gobbling activity the following day. As the reproductive season progressed, gobbling activity decreased. As the proportion of females engaged in laying or incubating behaviors increased, expected daily gobbling activity increased. Conversely, we observed that hunting and removal of males had a negative effect on daily gobbling activity, and this effect was disproportionately greater than the positive effect of female reproductive behaviors. Our findings suggest that hunting and removal of males are important determinants of gobbling activity, and that corresponding reductions in gobbling activity may have mediating effects on the mating system of wild turkeys. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

This study focussed on the demography and ecology of Scolopsis bilineatus at three locations on the Great Barrier Reef: the Lizard Island Group, Orpheus Island and One Tree Island. Scolopsis bilineatus lived for up to 16 years and had four distinct life‐history stages, which varied in their distribution patterns, habitat use and reproductive behaviour. Pre‐maturational sex change occurred whereby all males were derived from immature females, and males grew faster and larger than females. Small females and larger males generally formed pairs, which influenced their spatial distributions at small scales. Distributions of S. bilineatus were influenced by depth and exposure within reefs, particularly for juveniles, and most fish were found in shallow, sheltered habitats. Abundance was influenced by benthic cover, and was higher in areas of high coral cover and low where algae were abundant. Habitat associations were stronger at the microhabitat scale, and shelter sites were important for adults. Ontogenetic changes in microhabitat associations were found: juveniles occupied sand and rubble, and adults occupied shelters such as caves and overhangs. Adults showed site fidelity for shelter sites over a period of 4 days and returned to specific shelter sites repeatedly. These findings illustrate the importance of understanding the spatial ecology and habitat use of coral reef fishes, particularly with reference to size‐based changes within species.  相似文献   

Classical models of breeding habitat selection rarely deal with the question of information gathering for patch quality assessment. In this paper, we present two models comparing the fitness outcomes of behavioural strategies based on conspecific reproductive success as a cue to assess local environmental quality before selecting a new breeding habitat. The models deal with two phases of the life-cycle of a territorial migratory species: recruitment to a breeding population (model 1) and breeding site fidelity of subsequent breeding attempts (model 2). The first model shows that prospecting breeding patches before recruiting is the best strategy if the environment is predictable and contains a low proportion of good patches, even if it implies losing a breeding opportunity. The second model shows that dispersing after a breeding attempt according to the patch's breeding success rather than the individual's own success is the bests own success is the best strategy if the environment is patchy. These results underline the importance of studying the spatio-temporal variations of factors affecting reproductive success when considering the importance of habitat selection strategies based on conspecifics. Moreover, they allow the understanding of individual behaviour patterns observed in natural populations and their potential consequences at the metapopulation level.  相似文献   

双斑切叶蜂的筑巢习性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蒙艳华  徐环李 《昆虫学报》2008,51(11):1170-1176
【目的】明确双斑切叶蜂Megachile leachella在沙地上的筑巢环境及筑巢特点,旨在当地利用人工巢管诱引其筑巢。【方法】采用目测和拍照等方法对双斑切叶蜂的整个筑巢过程进行了连续观察; 采用挖掘、测量方法对双斑切叶蜂巢内结构进行了观测;在室内对蜂茧在土中和指形管中的羽化情况进行了初步观测。【结果】双斑切叶蜂一般在废弃的泥墙或者沙地上蚂蚁等废弃的巢穴中筑巢,有时候它也在沙地上挖掘新巢筑巢。双斑切叶蜂用叶片构建巢室,一巢多室,各巢室首尾相接排列在巢中,筑完巢后用叶片将巢口封住。双斑切叶蜂构建一个巢室需要切取11~14片叶子,为每巢室采集蜂粮6~9次,每巢室内产卵1粒;在内蒙古毛乌素沙地,该蜂一年2代,第1代在6月中下旬羽化,第2代大约在7月下旬至8月上旬羽化,主要寄生性天敌有尖腹蜂Coelioxy sp.、青蜂Chrysis sp.。双斑切叶蜂能在指形管中羽化。【结论】双斑切叶蜂不同个体之间的筑巢行为相似,雌蜂可以用人工巢管进行诱集和驯化。  相似文献   

The extensive research investigating the reactions of a number of species of nonhuman primates to their mirror images has revealed that monkeys have never been observed to react with self-directed behaviors, as have some species of higher apes. The intermittent exposure of captive Cebus monkeys to a mirror over a 5-week period produced species-specific social reactions to the mirror, supporting the suggestion that at least in some instances the monkeys were viewing their mirror image as a conspecific. The variability in the duration and expression of mirror-directed behaviors observed in the study appeared to be related to the age and past experience of the monkeys. The duration of mirror viewing of subadults was over twice that of the adults, while the young, hand-reared animals exhibited more manipulative and fewer social behaviors than did the young animals raised in the zoo. The average viewing time of the zoo colony decreased substantially over the course of the study but the monkeys were still spending an appreciable time at the mirror after 5 weeks.  相似文献   

Gender was determined by laparoscopic visualization of the gonads for 38 adult American flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber ruber L.) and 36 adult Chilean flamingos (P. chilensis L.). Concomitant body weight (kg) and linear measurements (mm) of the culmen (bill), tarsus (tarsometatarsus), middle toe, and wing were taken. Statistical comparisons of body weight and linear measurements for male vs. female were made for each species. Also, the same-sex statistical comparisons were made between these two species, and between each of these two species and with data for greater flamingos (P. r. roseas L.) from a previous publication. As previously published for greater flamingos, an overlap between sexes existed in all measurements with males on average larger than females for both American and Chilean flamingos. However, Students' t-test indicated a significant sexual difference for all measurements between males and females of each species except for culmen length in Chilean flamingos. Students' t-test also indicated a significant difference when species were compared (Chilean vs. greater, and American vs. Chilean) and subspecies (American vs. greater) were compared for most of the 5 measurements. Thus, despite limitations imposed by between-sex overlap, weights and linear measurements, especially tarsus, middle toe, and wing length, appear to be useful in determining an individual's gender when species or subspecies identification is considered.  相似文献   

We used molecular approaches to study the status of speciation in coral reef fishes known as hamlets (Serranidae: Hypoplectrus). Several hamlet morphospecies coexist on Caribbean reefs, and mate assortatively with respect to their strikingly distinct colour patterns. We provide evidence that, genetically, the hamlets display characteristics common in species flocks on land and in freshwaters. Substitutions within two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) protein-coding genes place hamlets within a monophyletic group relative to members of two related genera (Serranus and Diplectrum), and establish that the hamlet radiation must have been very recent. mtDNA distances separating hamlet morphospecies were slight (0.6 +/- 0.04%), yielding a coalescent estimate for the age of the hamlet flock of approximately 430 000 years. Morphospecies did not sort into distinct mtDNA haplotype phylogroups, and alleles at five hypervariable microsatellite loci were shared broadly across species boundaries. None the less, molecular variation was not distributed at random. Analyses of mtDNA haplotype frequencies and nested clades in haplotype networks revealed significant genetic differences between geographical regions and among colour morphospecies. We also observed significant microsatellite differentiation between geographical regions and in Puerto Rico, among colour morphospecies; the latter providing evidence for reproductive isolation between colour morphospecies at this locale. In our Panama collection, however, colour morphospecies were mostly genetically indistinguishable. This mosaic pattern of DNA differentiation implies a complex interaction between population history, mating behaviour and geography and suggests that porous boundaries separate species in this flock of brilliantly coloured coral reef fishes.  相似文献   

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