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Forest under low rainfall (averaging 745 mm yr-1) on the Shai Hills in S.E. Ghana has redeveloped following cessation of farming in the 1890s. Forest stature is low, with a canopy at about 11 m, principally of three species, Diospyros abyssinica, D. mespiliformis and Millettia thonningii. Drypetes parvifolia and Vepris heterophylla are common understorey trees. Twelve species of woody liane were recorded. Species of thicket vegetation in the area were also present at low density. Most species are evergreen.Tree mortality averaged 2.3% yr-1 and exceeded recruitment (1.5% yr-1). Differences between species in mortality and recruitment were pronounced: canopy species showed a small decline in density; understorey species increased markedly and the thicket species declined. Seed production was very variable, but seedling establishment was very poor for all species. Seedling mortality was high (11% yr-1) especially for small seedlings. These population trends probably represent the latter stages of succession of forest regrowth after farming about 100 years ago.Compared with tropical rain forest, Shai Hills forest has similar relative tree diameter growth (1–3.5% yr-1), mortality and recruitment rates, and small-litter fall (5.52 t ha-1 yr-1).Shai Hills forest differs from rain forest by its short stature, relatively few (evergreen) tree species, poor regeneration from seed, high soil nutrient status and low rainfall. Similar forests have been reported in east Africa and in parts of New Guinea.Abbreviations dbh diameter at breast height (1.3 m) - gbh girth at breast height died May 1984  相似文献   

Questions: Is multi‐stemming a survival strategy in response to chronic disturbance? Is multi‐stemming under phylogenetic control? What environmental factors are associated with multi‐stemming? When do trees initiate growth of multiple stems? Do multi‐stemmed trees have limited stature? Location: Subtropical Indian Ocean coastal dune forest at Cape Vidal in the Greater St. Lucia Wetland Park, northeastern South Africa. Methods: Tree physiognomy and environmental conditions were sampled in 20 transects that were 300 m long and 5 m wide. Results: 38.9 % of trees were multi‐stemmed, with no correlation between multi‐stemming and taxonomic grouping. The multi‐stemming trait was most associated with stem decumb‐ency and substrate erosion and multi‐stemmed individuals were less common in protected dune slacks. Trees at Cape Vidal appear to facultatively produce multiple stems from an early stage. There was no trade‐off between tree height and stem number. Conclusions: Coastal winds and the unstable dune substrate are important environmental correlates of multi‐stemming. Both short stature and the high incidence of multi‐stemming are related to the tree‐disturbance interaction. The taxonomically widespread phenotypic plasticity in this trait indicates the importance of multi‐stemming to tree survival even under low levels of disturbance.  相似文献   

Non-structural carbohydrate pools in a tropical forest   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The pool size of mobile, i.e. non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) in trees reflects the balance between net photosynthetic carbon uptake (source) and irreversible investments in structures or loss of carbon (sink). The seasonal variation of NSC concentration should reflect the sink/source relationship, provided all tissues from root to crown tops are considered. Using the Smithsonian canopy crane in Panama we studied NSC concentrations in a semi-deciduous tropical forest over 22 months. In the 9 most intensively studied species (out of the 17 investigated), we found higher NSC concentrations (starch, glucose, fructose, sucrose) across all species and organs in the dry season than in the wet season (NSC 7.2% vs 5.8% of dry matter in leaves, 8.8/6.0 in branches, 9.7/8.5 in stems, 8.3/6.4 in coarse and 3.9/2.2 in fine roots). Since this increase was due to starch only, we attribute this to drought-constrained growth (photosynthesis less affected by drought than sink activity). Species-specific phenological rhythms (leafing or fruiting) did not overturn these seasonal trends. Most of the stem volume (diameter at breast height around 40 cm) stores NSC. We present the first whole forest estimate of NSC pool size, assuming a 200 t ha–1 forest biomass: 8% of this i.e. ca. 16 t ha–1 is NSC, with ca. 13 t ha–1 in stems and branches, ca. 0.5 and 2.8 t ha–1 in leaves and roots. Starch alone (ca. 10.5 t ha–1) accounts for far more C than would be needed to replace the total leaf canopy without additional photosynthesis. NSC never passed through a period of significant depletion. Leaf flushing did not draw heavily upon NSC pools. Overall, the data imply a high carbon supply status of this forest and that growth during the dry season is not carbon limited. Rather, water shortage seems to limit carbon investment (new tissue formation) directly, leaving little leeway for a direct CO2 fertilization effects.  相似文献   

Within a few years of field abandonment on the coastal dunes, a considerable number of species of trees and woody lianes of the climax evergreen forest enter the succession. At a relatively large-scale of analysis (a 100 m2 plot), there is no evidence of soil development during the early succession, with no accumulation of soil organic matter nor nutrients being detected. At this scale there is, therefore, little support for the facilitation model of succession. However, when smaller scales of analysis are employed (e.g. a plot equivalent to the canopy area of a sapling) a very different picture emerges; most recruitment of forest woody species occurs beneath saplings found in early succession. Nutrient concentrations were higher in soils under sapling canopies than in soils beyond sapling canopies. With increasing sapling size, an increasing number of seedlings of forest woody species were found and there is progressive soil amelioration. Thus, during the early succession, there is considerable small-scale patterning in soil development and recruitment. This pattern is largely established through bird dispersal, with the intensity of recruitment being dependent on the distance to seed sources.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine how the processes of seed dispersal and seed predation were altered in forest fragments of the dry forest of Madagascar, where the usual seed dispersers and vertebrate seed predators were absent, using a lemur-dispersed tree species (Strychnos madagascariensis; Loganiaceae) as an example. We then assessed how the changes in vertebrate community composition alter the regeneration pattern and establishment of this tree species and thus, ultimately, the species composition of the forest fragments. By using size-selective exclosures, data from forest fragments were compared with results from continuous forest where vertebrate dispersers and predators were abundant. Visits to the exclosures by mammalian seed predators were monitored with hair traps. In the continuous forest up to 100% of the seeds were removed within the 7 days of the experiments. A substantial proportion of them was lost to seed predation by native rodents. In contrast, practically no predation took place in the forest fragments and almost all seeds removed were dispersed into the safety of ant nests by Aphaenogaster swammerdami, which improves chances of seedling establishment. In congruence with these findings, the abundance of S. madagascariensis in the forest fragments exceeded that of the continuous forest. Thus, the lack of vertebrate seed dispersers in these forest fragments did not lead to a decline in regeneration of this animal-dispersed tree species as would have been expected, but rather was counterbalanced by the concomitant demise of vertebrate seed predators and an increased activity of ants taking over the role of seed dispersers, and possibly even out-doing the original candidates. This study provides an example of a native vertebrate-dispersed species apparently profiting from fragmentation due to flexible animal-plant interactions in different facets, possibly resulting in an impoverished tree species community.  相似文献   

Synopsis Seasonality was investigated in an intertidal ichthyofaunal community on the west coast of South Africa. Fishes were collected monthly from 12 to 16 intertidal pools between May 1992 and May 1993, using the ichthyocide rotenone. On each occasion sampling effort was divided equally between four biologically determined shore zones, namely the cochlear, lower and upper balanoid and littorina zones. A total of 5 409 fishes belonging to 20 species and five families was collected. All fishes were intertidal residents. No seasonal trend could be found in the total density of fishes during the year, the densities of individual species, species diversity or evenness. Thus species composition remained stable over the year. The proportion of mature individuals of each species decreased in summer as a result of recruitment of juveniles at this time. This almost complete lack of seasonality was attributed to the absence of transient species from this community.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of seed dispersal and recruitment of fleshy-fruited plants in tropical forests are supposed to be driven by the activity of animal seed dispersers, but the spatial patterns of seed dispersal, seedlings and saplings have rarely been analyzed simultaneously. We studied seed deposition and recruitment patterns of three Clusia species in a tropical montane forest of the Bolivian Andes and tested whether these patterns changed between habitat types (forest edge vs. forest interior), distance to the fruiting tree and consecutive recruitment stages of the seedlings. We recorded the number of seeds deposited in seed traps to assess the local seed-deposition pattern and the abundance and distribution of seedlings and saplings to evaluate the spatial pattern of recruitment. More seeds were removed and deposited at the forest edge than in the interior. The number of deposited seeds decreased with distance from the fruiting tree and was spatially clustered in both habitat types. The density of 1-yr-old seedlings and saplings was higher at forest edges, whereas the density of 2-yr-old seedlings was similar in both habitat types. While seedlings were almost randomly distributed, seeds and saplings were spatially clustered in both habitat types. Our findings demonstrate systematic changes in spatial patterns of recruits across the plant regeneration cycle and suggest that the differential effects of biotic and abiotic factors determine plant recruitment at the edges and in the interior of tropical montane forests. These differences in the spatial distribution of individuals across recruitment stages may have strong effects on plant community dynamics and influence plant species coexistence in disturbed tropical forests.  相似文献   

Svenning JC  Fabbro T  Wright SJ 《Oecologia》2008,155(1):143-150
Competition is believed to be a central force limiting local diversity and controlling the structure of plant communities. However, it has been proposed that the stressed understory environment limits total understory plant density to such low levels that competitive exclusion cannot be an important factor limiting the local diversity of understory plants. To evaluate the importance of inter-seedling competition, we performed a seedling competition experiment with five shade-tolerant species in a tropical moist forest in Panama. Three-month-old seedlings were transplanted into the forest singly or with their roots intertwined with a single conspecific or heterospecific seedling in all pairwise species combinations. If competition is important, performance (survival, stem height, and number of leaves after one and six years) would be expected to be lowest with a conspecific neighbor and greatest without a neighbor. The experiment was replicated in five 0.24-m2 plots at each of 20 sites in tall secondary forest. To test whether seedling performance differed among treatments we fitted linear mixed models (LMM) and generalized linear mixed models (GLMM), treating species identity and microsite (site and plot) as random effects. The five shade-tolerant study species all experienced good establishment with relatively high survival and growth rates. The neighbor treatment consistently affected seedling performance, but the effect was always very small, both in absolute terms and relative to the much stronger species and microsite effects. Seedlings with a conspecific neighbor consistently performed worse than seedlings with a heterospecific neighbor, but having no neighbor generally did not cause superior performance relative to the other treatments. We conclude that direct competitive interactions are relatively unimportant among understory plants in humid tropical forests.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that encourage or inhibit plant invasions is vital to focusing limited invasive control efforts within areas where they are most practical and cost-effective. To extend the range of contexts in which invasibility is studied and aid the development of practical strategies to limit damaging plant invasions, we set out to test the relative importance of native species richness, native seedling density, and invasive propagule pressure, on the invasibility of artificial assemblages of naturally occurring tropical woody seedling communities. Our greenhouse mesocosms included a species pool of twelve trees and woody shrubs native to South Florida's tropical hardwood hammocks, and an increasingly prevalent noxious woody invader of this system, Ardisia elliptica. We found that invader propagule pressure was the single most important factor determining community invasibility. We also revealed a positive relationship between invasibility and native species richness in our polyculture mesocosms. Because A. elliptica biomass production significantly differed among different native monocultures and was not related to overyielding in native polycultures, we suggest that the effect of species richness on invasibility in this experiment was the result of sampling effects rather than a true effect of diversity.Three broad findings hold potential for application in preventing and controlling plant invasions, especially in the seedling layers of tropical dry forests: (1) effective invasive control efforts will likely benefit from measures to minimize propagule pressure; (2) managers might do well to prioritize invasive monitoring and removal efforts on the most diverse habitats within a management region; and (3) while more data are necessary to further understand our finding of a lack of association between productivity and invasibility, management regimes aimed at maximizing primary productivity might not increase invasibility, and in fact, strategies for controlling invasive plants via the management of ecosystem productivity may be ineffective.  相似文献   

Karen L. McKee 《Oecologia》1995,101(4):448-460
A field study was conducted to evaluate the relative importance of factors affecting seedling establishment and survival on a mangrove-dominated island in Belize. An examination of spatial patterns of seedling relative densities in relation to reproductive adults and physico-chemical conditions provided correlative information on factors affecting mangrove regeneration patterns. Distance from reproductive adults explained 89–94% of the variation in relative density of Rhizophora mangle seedlings, whereas availability of resources (light and NH4) explained 73–80% of variation in Avicennia germinans seedling relative density. Just after dispersal (December), 89% of the variation in Laguncularia racemosa seedling relative density was attributable to distance from reproductive adults, but 7 months later (July) 74% of the variation was explained by intensity of flooding- and salinity-related stresses. Survivorship (after 2.5 years) of propagules and seedlings of R. mangle and A. germinans transplanted to zones of contrasting physico-chemical conditions demonstrated that: (1) mortality was highest during the establishment phase and major causes were failure to strand before viability was lost, consumption by predators and desiccation; and (2) after establishment, differences in sensitivity to physicochemical stress factors such as flooding (A. germinans) and initial orientation of the seedling axis (R. mangle) exerted a further influence on seedling survival. The results indicate that seedling recruitment in these neotropical forests is strongly influenced by dispersal patterns, differential establishment abilities and effects of physico-chemical factors that vary with elevation and distance from the shoreline.  相似文献   

Phosphorus cycling in a Mexican tropical dry forest ecosystem   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
The study was conducted in five contiguous small watersheds (12–28 ha) gauged for long-term ecosystem research. Five 80 × 30 m plots were used for the study. We quantified inputs from the atmosphere, dissolved and particulate-bound losses, throughfall and litterfall fluxes, standing crop litter and soil available P pools. Mean P input and output for a six-year period was 0.16 and 0.06 kgha–1yr–1, respectively. Phosphorus concentration increased as rainfall moved through the canopy. Annual P returns in litterfall (3.88 kg/ha) represented more than 90% of the total aboveground nutrient return to the forest floor. Phosphorus concentration in standing litter (0.08%) was lower than that in litterfall (0.11%). Phosphorus content in the litterfall was higher at Chamela than at other tropical dry forests. Mean residence time on the forest floor was 1.2 yr for P and 1.3 yr for organic matter. Together these results suggest that the forest at Chamela may not be limited by P availability and suggest a balance between P immobilization and uptake. Comparison of P losses in stream water with input rates from the atmosphere for the six-year period showed that inputs were higher than outputs. Balances calculated for a wet and a dry year indicated a small P accumulation in both years.  相似文献   

To understand the effects of grazing on grassland plants sexual and clonal recruitment, we conducted a demographic field investigation of species recruitment along a grazing gradient in the Tibetan alpine grassland. Grazing intensity had significant effects on quantity and diversity of sexual and clonal recruitment. Sexual recruitment increased significantly, but clonal offspring production decreased significantly with increased grazing intensity. Grazing intensity had different, significant effects on offspring recruitment of the various functional groups in the community, grasses (GG), sedges (SG), legumes (LG) and forbs (FG). Higher grazing intensity reduced offspring recruitment of GG and SG; it increased offspring recruitment of LG and FG. Seedlings were significantly more abundant in lightly grazed, moderately grazed and heavily grazed meadows than in non-grazed grasslands. Offspring diversity from sexual recruitment was significantly higher than that from clonal recruitment in grazed than in non-grazed grasslands. Our studies indicate that moderate grazing had positive effects on seedling recruitment and offspring diversity, but heavy gazing may alter community succession by affecting recruitment patterns among the four plant functional groups.  相似文献   

Root biomass of a dry deciduous tropical forest in Mexico   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The deciduous tropical dry forest at Chamela (Jalisco, Mexico) occurs in a seasonal climate with eight rainless (November through June) and four wet months (700 mm annual precipitation). The forest reaches a mean height of 10 m. Tree density in the research area was 4700 trees per ha with a basal area at breast height of 23 m2 per ha. The above-and below-ground biomass of trees, shrubs, and lianas was 73.6 Mg ha–1 and 31 Mg ha–1, respectively. A root:shoot biomass ratio of 0.42 was calculated. Nearly two thirds of all roots occur in the 0–20 cm soil layer and 29% of all roots have a diameter of less than 5 mm.  相似文献   

Questions: How are leaf attributes and relative growth rate (RGR) of the dominant tree species of tropical deciduous forest (TDF) affected by seasonal changes in soil moisture content (SMC)? What is the relationship of functional attributes with each other? Can leaf attributes singly or in combination predict the growth rate of tree species of TDF? Location: Sonebhadra district of Uttar Pradesh, India. Methods: Eight leaf attributes, specific leaf area (SLA); leaf carbon concentration (LCC); leaf nitrogen concentration (LNC); leaf phosphorus concentration (LPC); chlorophyll concentration (Chl), mass‐based stomatal conductance (Gsmass); mass based photosynthetic rate (Amass); intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi); and relative growth rate (RGR), of six dominant tree species of a dry tropical forest on four sites were analysed for species, site and season effects over a 2‐year period. Step‐wise multiple regression was performed for predicting RGR from mean values of SMC and leaf attributes. Path analysis was used to determine which leaf attributes influence RGR directly and which indirectly. Results: Species differed significantly in terms of all leaf attributes and RGR. The response of species varied across sites and seasons. The attributes were positively interrelated, except for WUEi, which was negatively related to all other attributes. The positive correlation was strongest between Gsmass and Amass and the negative correlation was strongest between Gsmass and WUEi. Differences in RGR due to site were not significant when soil moisture was controlled, but differences due to season remained significant. The attributes showed plasticity across moisture gradients, which differed among attributes and species. Gsmass was the most plastic attribute. Among the six species, Terminalia tomentosa exhibited the greatest plasticity in six functional attributes. In the step‐wise multiple regression, Amass, SLA and Chl among leaf attributes and SMC among environmental factors influenced the RGR of tree species. Path analysis indicated the importance of SLA, LNC, Chl and Amass in determining RGR. Conclusion: A mass, SMC, SLA and Chl in combination can be used to predict RGR but could explain only three‐quarters of the variability in RGR, indicating that other traits/factors, not studied here, are also important in modulating growth of tropical trees. RGR of tree species in the dry tropical environment is determined by soil moisture, whereas the response of mature trees of different species is modulated by alterations in key functional attributes such as SLA, LNC and Chl.  相似文献   

Aims Increasing anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition has been claimed to induce changes in species composition and community dynamics. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to examine the effect of increased N availability on growth and functional attributes of seedlings of five tree species with different life history characteristics under varying irradiances. The following questions have been addressed: (i) how do the pioneer and non-pioneer species respond in absolute growth and relative growth rate (RGR) to the interaction of light and nitrogen? (ii) how does the interaction between irradiance and nitrogen availability modulate growth attributes (i.e. functional attributes)? (iii) is there any variation in growth responses between leguminous and non-leguminous species along the light and nitrogen gradients?Methods Seedlings of five tree species (Acacia catechu, Bridelia retusa, Dalbergia sissoo, Lagerstroemia parviflora and Terminalia arjuna) were subjected to twelve combinations of irradiance and N levels. Various growth traits, including height (HT), basal area (BA), whole plant dry biomass (M D), leaf mass per unit area (LMA), leaf area ratio (LAR), net assimilation rate (NAR), RGR, biomass fractions, root-to-shoot ratio (R:S) and leaf nitrogen content, were studied to analyse intra- and inter-specific responses to interacting light and N gradients.Important findings Significant interactions for irradiance and N availability for majority of growth attributes indicates that growth and biomass allocation of seedlings were more responsive to N availability under high irradiance. However, species responded differentially to N addition and they did not follow successional status. Slow growers (B. retusa, a shade-tolerant species and L. parviflora, a light demander) exhibited greater response to N enrichment than the fast growers (A. catechu, D. sissoo and T. arjuna). However, N-mediated increment in growth traits was greater in non-legumes (B. retusa, L. parviflora and T. arjuna) compared with that of legumes (A. catechu and D. sissoo). Allocation of biomass to root was strongly suppressed at the highest N supply across species; however, at high irradiance and high N availability, a greater suppression in R:S ratio was observed for B. retusa. NAR was a stronger determinant of RGR relative to LAR, suggesting its prominent role in increased RGR along increasing irradiances. Overall, a higher growth response of slow-growing species to elevated N levels, particularly the non-pioneers (B. retusa and L. parviflora) suggests that future N deposition may lead to perturbations in competition hierarchies and species composition, ultimately affecting community dynamics in nutrient-poor tropical dry forests.  相似文献   

Two experiments conducted in spring and autumn 1992 examined the effect of mollusc grazing on seedling regeneration from natural grassland seedbanks by creating artificial gaps in plots in a grassland sward. Molluscs were excluded from half the gaps by application of molluscicide. Mollusc grazing in both the spring and autumn experiment significantly reduced seedling recruitment, though the intensity of grazing was greatest in autumn. Recruitment of five species was markedly influenced by molluscicide application. In spring, plots from which molluscs were excluded contained significantly more seedlings of Chenopodium polyspermum and Ranunculus acris. In the autumn, exclusion of molluscs resulted in increased populations of R. acris, Stellaria graminea and Rumex acetosa. Cerastium holosteoides populations were greatest in autumn grazed plots. Other species, notably the grasses Holcus lanatus and Agrostis capillaris and the legume Trifolium repens were unaffected by molluscicide application. Species diversity was significantly decreased by molluscicide application in the autumn. Gap size significantly affected the recruitment of two species. Ranunculus acris populations were significantly higher in small gaps in both spring and summer, while Chenopodium recruitment in the spring was greater in small gaps. Gap size also significantly influenced the risk of mollusc attack on Ranunculus as molluscs appeared to show an aggregative feeding response in the high seedling density small gaps. Selective grazing of vulnerable seedlings by molluscs may influence the eventual relative proportions of the species present and so provide a potent mechanism in shaping community composition in grasslands.  相似文献   

The response of plants to a warming climate could have a large feedback on further climatic change. This feedback is especially important for tropical forests, where the global peak in plant productivity and biodiversity occurs. Here we test the response of tropical forest tree seedling growth, photosynthesis and herbivory to 3 years of in situ full-soil profile warming. We studied six species, three of which are known nitrogen-fixers and we hypothesized that the warming response of growth will be mediated by nutrient availability to plants. Across species, growth was significantly lower in warmed soil compared to soil at ambient temperature, and the same pattern was observed for light-saturated photosynthesis, pointing toward a growth decline associated with decreased C fixation. Within species, the relative growth decline was significant for two species, Inga laurina and Tachigali versicolor, both of which are N-fixers. Together our results suggest a growth decline may have resulted from a negative effect of warming on N-fixation, rather than via changes in nutrient mineralization from soil organic matter, which was unchanged for N and increased for P during the dry-to-wet season transition. Overall, our study demonstrates that belowground warming causes species-specific declines in the growth and photosynthesis of seedlings, with a suggestion—requiring further investigation—that this growth decline is larger in N-fixing species.  相似文献   

Development of planted seedlings of four canopy tree species in recently abandoned pastures (mown and unmown) and in ca. 40-yr old secondary dry forest in Guana-caste National Park, Costa Rica, was studied from July 1989–June 1992. The species were the light-demanding Cedrela odorata and Swietenia macrophylla, and the shade-tolerant Hymenaea courbaril and Manilkara chicle. Seedling mortality was high and primarily correlated with dry season drought. After the first dry season, M. chicle and C. odorata showed < 5 % survival in the pasture and 20 % in the forest, but after 3 yr survival had decreased to 3% in all plots. Survival of S. macrophylla was highest in the mown pasture (45 % after 3 yr) and lowest in the forest (10 %). For H. courbaril, survival was 40–55 % under all three conditions. Growth rates were low, with a height increment of < 15 cm/yr, possibly due to low precipitation in 1990 and 1991. All species grew taller in the pasture than in the forest. Differences in soil depth, texture and drainage appeared to contribute to variation in the results both within and between plots. Herbivory contributed to the lower survival of C. odorata and S. macrophylla in the forest.  相似文献   

Red spruce forests have declined considerably throughout their range in the past decades. As agricultural fields are abandoned and land becomes available for reforestation, the possibility arises for red spruce forests to expand onto them. This study addresses the potential for red spruce forests to expand onto adjacent old fields in Greenwich, Prince Edward Island National Park, Canada. We examined red spruce distribution and abundance, plant species diversity and changes in community composition along a gradient from the interior of red spruce forests out towards the centre of adjacent old fields. Examining the patterns of red spruce distribution and abundance revealed that, where cultivation and logging have been abandoned recently in the fields and forests, regeneration is limited to the forest stands, but in the sites with older fields and forests, regeneration extends into and is more vigorous in the fields. Although species diversity varied from forest to field only for the tree and shrub layers, important changes occurred in the ground species composition. There is no evidence yet that the herbaceous species present in the forest stands will colonise the old fields. The results suggest that both environmental differences among sites and length of time since the fields were abandoned explain red spruce regeneration patterns. In order to more accurately assess the potential for red spruce regeneration in old fields, long-term monitoring of the production, dispersal and viability of red spruce seeds from adjacent forests and of the constraints to seedling establishment and survival in old fields will be needed.  相似文献   

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