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Svalbard bryozoan communities were investigated along a depth range from the surface to 296 m between the inner glacial fronts and fjord mouths during 2001 and 2002. The main study area was Kongsfjorden (79°N, 12°E). A total of 137 taxa of bryozoans were identified: 108 to species, 24 to genus, 3 to family, 1 to order and 1 to phylum level. Cluster and multidimensional scaling analyses revealed four distinct assemblages of bryozoans: shallow (0–40 m; 68 taxa), deep (40–296 m; 80 taxa), inner fjordic (three taxa) and an assemblage found on small stones in shallow waters (nine taxa). The inner fjordic assemblage was recorded from the front of tidal glaciers extending about 10 km out into the fjord. In terms of abundance, Celleporella hyalina Linnaeus dominated in shallow areas (18%), Hippothoa arctica Kluge (55%) in deep water, Alcyonidium disciforme Smitt (86%) proximate to glaciers fronts and Electra arctica Borg on small stones (98%). The species were classified according to their depth range as a stenobathic-shallow (46 taxa), stenobathic-deep (57 taxa) and eurybathic-generalist (21 taxa). Mean diversity measures did not show any significant differences between the shallow and deep communities. The bryozoan assemblages seem to be structured primarily by processes related to depth and sediment characteristics.  相似文献   

Marine benthic macrofauna communities are considered a good indicator of subtle environmental long-term changes in an ecosystem. In 1997/1998 and 2006, soft-bottom fauna of an Arctic glacial fjord Kongsfjorden was extensively sampled and major communities were identified along the fjord axis, which were related to the diminishing influence of glacial activity. Spatial patterns in community structure and species diversity were significantly different in the central basin of Kongsfjorden between periods while there was no change in the inner part of the fjord. In 1997/98, three faunal associations were distinguished with significant differences in species richness and diversity (H′) while in 2006 only two faunal associations were identified and there were no differences any more between the two formerly distinct associations in the central fjord. The increased input of Atlantic water due to a stronger West Spitsbergen Current may be the reason for unification of previous clear faunal division. The faunal association in the inner, well separated glacial part of the fjord, characterized by strong glacier influence, was protected from Atlantic water inflow and, hence, the macrobenthic fauna essentially remained unaffected. Reduced abundance of species typical for glacial bays in the central part of the fjord in 2006 may result from the decreasing effect of Blomstrandbreen glacier, strong increase of input of Atlantic water into the fjord and increased temperature of West Spitsbergen Current. Higher values of POC in 2006 than in 1998 are likely the effect of increased primary production resulting from warmer water temperatures.  相似文献   

Kongsfjorden and Hornsund are two glacial fjords without sills on the West Spitsbergen coast. Both sites are under the influence of relatively warm Atlantic-derived water, although Hornsund is more influenced by cold water from the Barents Sea. In this study, we compared the impacts of cold Arctic and warmer Atlantic waters on the pelagic ecosystems of Kongsfjorden and Hornsund. Both fjords were strongly influenced by Atlantic-derived waters during summer (2002). Diatoms were the most substantial contributors to phytoplankton biomass, especially in outer basins of both fjords, whereas the second most important contributors were autotrophic dinoflagellates in Kongsfjorden and nanoflagellates in Hornsund. Total phytoplankton biomass was highest in Hornsund. Primary production rates were an order of magnitude lower in Kongsfjorden than in Hornsund, and increased from inner to outer fjord (from 2.47 to 4.48 mg C m−2 h−1 in Kongsfjorden and from 14.00 to 86.65 mg C m−2 h−1 in Hornsund). Chlorophyll-a concentration was also substantially lower in Kongsfjorden. Zooplankton was dominated by omnivorous species in Kongsfjorden and herbivorous in Hornsund. Observed differences between the fjords may originate from (1) advection of different waters into the fjords; (2) differences in freshwater runoff and turbidity, and (3) timing of the phytoplankton bloom. Climate warming will likely increase the Atlantic water influence, and result in reduced production of diatoms and increase in flagellates.  相似文献   

Macrozoobenthic soft-sediment communities of central Arctic Kongsfjorden inhabiting six depth zones between 5 and 30 m were sampled using SCUBA-diving during June–August 2003 and analysed comparatively. About 63 taxa were found, nine of which had not been reported for Kongsfjorden and four for Svalbard. Suspension feeding or surface and sub-surface detritivorous polychaetes and deposit-feeding amphipods were dominant. Only 11 of the 63 taxa (45 species and additional 18 families not further identified) inhabited the complete depth range. Biomass ranged from 3.5 to 25.0 g ash free dry mass m−2 and mean Shannon diversity (Log e) was 2.06. Similarity clustering from abundance and biomass data showed a significant difference between the shallow station (5 m) and the rest. The latter formed two sub-groups (10–20 and 25–30 m). Depth is irrevocably correlated with ice-scouring. Thus the differences in diversity together with the predicted iceberg scour intensity support the ‘intermediate disturbance hypothesis’ indicating that habitats impacted by moderate iceberg scouring enable higher diversity. In contrast, biotopes frequently affected only host pioneer communities, while mature, less diverse assemblages dominate depths of low impact.  相似文献   

Kongsfjorden, a glacial fjord, is a typical fjord in the Spitsbergen (Svalbard archipelago) in the Arctic. The study supports a hypothesis that meiofauna and macrofauna are affected by natural environmental disturbances. Therefore, meiofaunal and macrofaunal analyses can be used to assess the effects of natural environmental disturbances in similar fjords in the Spitsbergen. Inputs from tidal glaciers create steep environmental gradients in sedimentation and salinity along the fjord. The magnitude of the glacial outflow diminishes towards the outer part of the fjord. Glacial-related physical stress causes reduced abundance, biomass and diversity among the meiofaunal assemblages in the inner part of the fjord. Based on quantitative and qualitative analyses of the composition of collected samples, three groups of meiofauna have been distinguished: one outer basin association and two in the inner, glacial bay. The presented results demonstrate that both the meiofauna and the macrofauna are affected on a similar scale by natural environmental disturbances. Therefore, as for macrofauna, meiofaunal analysis can be used to assess the effect of natural environmental disturbances.  相似文献   

Polychaetes are one of the most important groups of benthic organisms in marine ecosystems. They dominate on the Arctic shelf and play an important role in ecosystem functioning. This study focuses on the polychaete biodiversity and their distribution patterns in Hornsund, an open glacial fjord, in western Spitsbergen and provides important baseline data for future studies of temporal fluctuations in benthic fauna. The main aim of this study was to assess how the polychaete abundance, biomass, diversity, community structure, and function vary along the Hornsund fjord’s axis, in relation to the environmental factors. Eighty-eight polychaete taxa were identified; an average density was 457 ind. m?2 ± 237.5 SD. Three assemblages were distinguished (INNER, MIDDLE, and OUTER) along the fjord axis, reflecting the intensity of glacial disturbance. A clear division between the highly disturbed inner part of the fjord (Brepollen) and the less impacted middle and outer parts was observed. Continuous gradients in abundance, biomass, and diversity were found with all those values diminishing toward the inner region of the fjord. The polychaete assemblages' indices were significantly correlated with bottom temperature, sediment characteristics (grain size), and distance to the glacier (longitude). No significant correlations were found with depth or total organic carbon content. Carnivore and motile surface deposit feeding polychaete species dominated in the areas close to the glaciers, while the OUTER community was dominated by carnivores and surface sessile and discretely motile species, and had more complex trophic structure, with multiple species representing different functional groups including carnivores, sessile, discretely motile, and motile surface deposit feeders and motile burrowers.  相似文献   

The distribution patterns of macrozoobenthic communities as shown by the biomass of the higher taxa were investigated in Admiralty Bay. Material was collected at depths ranging from 4 to 500 m (102 quantitative samples), representing the full depth range of this basin and including areas characterized by the different levels of glacial influence. Five community groups were distinguished by multivariate analysis (clustering, MDS) based on the Bray--Curtis similarity index. In the Ezcurra Inlet, the area characterized by intensive glacial processes resulting in a high sedimentation rate, the distribution of biomass was not depth related, but was associated with the intensity of glacial disturbance along the axis of the fjord. The innermost part of this fjord, which receives strong outflows from glaciers, had a low biomass value (2.9 g/0.1 m2) and was dominated by polychaetes. The middle part of the fjord which is not so heavily disturbed had higher biomass values (46.1 g/0.1 m2) due to the dominance of bivalves. A clear depth gradient of biomass distribution was observed in bottom areas located far from glaciers, in the central basin of the bay, with three zones within the depth ranges 4–30, 40–380, and 400–500 m. The highest mean biomass values (92.5 g/0.1 m2) were found in the middle sublittoral (40–380 m) dominated by ascidians. In the shallow and deep assemblages, the biomass was lower (33.8 g/0.1 and 30.9 g/0.1 m2 respectively), most probably associated with the ice disturbance in the shallows and lower food supply in the deepest part of the shelf.  相似文献   

Twenty-nine surface sediment samples from Effingham Inlet, a small fjord on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, were analyzed for diatoms. This fjord has been selected for paleoceanographic investigation due to the presence of laminated sediments resulting from the dysoxic to anoxic bottom water conditions in the inner and outer basins of the inlet. Distributional patterns of the diatom microflora reflected proximity to littoral regions, phytoplankton production, and marine influence from outside the fjord. Principal components and cluster analyses of the microflora established four diatom assemblages with a clear separation between the inner and outer basin diatom floras. Inner basin stations were characterized by elevated absolute abundance with assemblages dominated by spring–early summer bloom taxa including Skeletonema costatum, Thalassiosira nordenskioeldii, and Thalassiosira pacifica. Chaetoceros spp. resting spores were abundant throughout Effingham Inlet, with the exception of the stations closest to the fjord head. Stations located in the outer basin and towards the fjord mouth had relatively lower absolute abundance yet showed a higher relative and absolute abundance of Thalassionema nitzschioides, Rhizosolenia setigera, Coscinodiscus radiatus, Ditylum brightwellii, Odontella longicruris, and Paralia sulcata in relation to the inner basin. Many of these latter taxa are often associated with late summer and autumn conditions in fjords along coastal British Columbia. Oceanographic data for Effingham Inlet suggest that increased offshore penetration is more likely to occur from summer to early fall, with a more restricted offshore influence in the inner basin. Diatom surface sediment assemblages in Effingham Inlet appear to reflect incursions of offshore waters into the fjord. Absolute abundance estimates and the preservation of lightly silicified taxa suggest excellent preservation of fossil material in the sediments of the predominantly anoxic inner basin. Preservation in the outer basin is reduced, reflecting more frequent recharge by oxygenated waters spilling over the outer sill into the basin. Our findings suggest the inner basin should be an optimal site for reconstruction of diatom production, with records from the outer basin providing more consistent information about offshore influence and coastal upwelling conditions over the Holocene. Estimates of diatom abundance within the inner basin sediment may serve as a good proxy of production, although proxy tracers of bottom water conditions and sedimentological analyses must be coupled to the diatom record to ensure depositional conditions were not influencing valve preservation or abundance. Our results suggest that fjords can serve as good environments for paleoceanographic reconstructions of both inshore and offshore conditions although careful site selection and understanding of processes affecting the microfossil record are essential.  相似文献   

Whether aging forest fragments are able to recover original assemblages or progressively move toward impoverished successional stages remains as an open question. This study tested the hypothesis that seedling assemblages in forest fragments differ from those across mature forest stands and examined to what extent the uncovered patterns supported the notion that edge‐affected habitats tend to support impoverished tree assemblages dominated by pioneer species. We contrasted a series of small forest remnants (3–91 ha) to old‐growth stands located in the largest (ca 3500 ha) and best preserved forest remnant in northeastern Brazil and found that tree seedling assemblages inhabiting forest fragments exhibited reduced species richness (up to 50%) at different spatial scales in comparison to seedling assemblages in mature forest and adult assemblages in both fragments and mature forest stands. Moreover, ordination analyses clearly segregated fragment seedling assemblages in taxonomic/functional terms and segregation correlated to the richness of pioneer species. Seedlings of pioneer species and those bearing medium‐sized seeds (0.6–1.5 cm) increased in fragments, whereas large‐seeded species (1.5–3.0 cm) were reduced by more than a half. Such a multiple‐scale replacement of the old‐growth flora by pioneers was also confirmed by an indicator species analysis and the resulting pioneer indicator species. Our results suggest that small forest fragments support impoverished and distorted seedling assemblages. This floristic/functional drift implies that forest remnants or edge‐affected habitats tend to be dominated by a small set of pioneer tree species rather than supporting a substantial portion of the old‐growth flora as do mature forest stands.  相似文献   

Sipuncula is a relatively species poor and generally rarely investigated phylum; nonetheless, it may play a considerable role in the ecosystem. During this study sipunculan species distribution patterns in four fjords of west Spitsbergen (Kongsfjorden, Hornsund, Isfjorden and van Mijenfjorden) were examined. Material was collected during ten cruises undertaken from 1997 to 2006. A total of 381 samples were taken at 132 stations located in the four fjords and, a total number of 920 sipunculans specimens were found in 114 of those samples. The highest sipunculan species richness was observed in Hornsund (six species), followed by Kongsfjorden and Isfjorden (five species in each fjord). Sipunculan fauna in all fjords was strongly dominated by Golfingia vulgaris (80% of all sipunculan individuals in Kongsfjorden), and Golfingia margaritacea (84% in van Mijenfjorden and 40% in Hornsund) or Nephasoma diaphanes (54% in Isfjorden). Locally, sipunculans were found in high densities (max. 62 ind. 0.1 m−2 and up to 11% of macrobenthic densities) and biomass (max. 110.87 g 0.1 m−2 and up to 80% of total fauna biomass). At such sites, sipunculans may play an important role in bioturbation of sediments and as a food source for higher trophic levels. Sipunculans did not occur within close proximity of the glacier where they might be eliminated due to high sedimentation rate and low amounts of organic matter. Because of their importance in benthic systems, a need to include sipunculans in routine macrobenthic surveys is emphasized.  相似文献   

Bryozoans are among the most important groups of the Southern Ocean benthic macrofauna, both in terms of species richness and abundance. However, there is a considerable lack of ecological research focused on their distribution patterns and species richness on smaller scale, especially in the soft bottom habitats of Antarctic glacial fjords. The aim of this study was to describe those patterns in the Admiralty Bay. Forty-nine Van Veen grab samples were collected at the depth range from 15 to 265 m, in the summer season of 1979/1980, at three sites distributed along the main axis of the fjord. Among 53 identified species of bryozoans, 32 were recorded in the Admiralty Bay for the first time. The most common and abundant species were Himantozoum antarcticum, Inversiula nutrix and Nematoflustra flagellata. Genera such as Arachnopusia, Cellarinella and Osthimosia were the most speciose taxa. It was demonstrated that depth was important for the distribution of the bryozoans. More than half of the recorded species were found only below 70 m. An influence of glacial disturbance was reflected in the dominance structure of colony growth-forms. The inner region of the fjord was dominated almost entirely by encrusting species, while the diversity of bryozoan growth-forms in less disturbed areas was much higher. In those sites the highest percentage of branched, tuft like species represented by buguliform and flustriform zoaria was observed.  相似文献   

The meiofaunal community structure at 32 stations in Hornsund fjord (77°N) was investigated, and results were compared with data from another Spitsbergen fjord, Kongsfjorden (79°N). Steep environmental gradients of sedimentation, organic matter content, and salinity from the inner to the outer basin of the fjord are present due to intensive glacial discharges of meltwater and ice. As the natural environmental disturbances were described for macrofauna benthic communities before, we aimed to check whether the same pattern occurs among meiofauna. A total of 12 higher meiofaunal taxa were recorded, with nematodes predominating at all stations. Non-parametric multivariate analyses demonstrated clear differences in meiofaunal abundance and composition between stations in the glacial bay and in the outer part of the fjord. Meiofaunal abundance increased with increasing distance from the source of disturbance, which in our study is tidal glaciers. Therefore, the current study demonstrates that the spatial structure of meiofauna is affected by the natural environmental disturbance, and analysis of meiofaunal assemblages can be used to assess the effect of such disturbances.  相似文献   

Territorial damselfish are important herbivores on coral reefs because they can occupy a large proportion of the substratum and modify the benthic community to promote the cover of food algae. However, on coastal coral reefs damselfish occupy habitats that are often dominated by unpalatable macroalgae. The aim of this study was to examine whether damselfish can maintain distinctive algal assemblages on a coastal reef that is seasonally dominated by Sargassum (Magnetic Island, Great Barrier Reef). Here, three abundant species (Pomacentrus tripunctatus, P. wardi and Stegastes apicalis) occupied up to 60% of the reef substrata. All three species promoted the abundance of food algae in their territories. The magnitudes of the effects varied among reef zones, but patterns were relatively stable over time. Damselfish appear to readily co-exist with large unpalatable macroalgae as they can use it as a substratum for promoting the growth of palatable epiphytes. Damselfish territories represent patches of increased epiphyte load on macroalgae, decreased sediment cover, and enhanced cover of palatable algal turf.  相似文献   

The marine ecosystem in Kongsfjorden (79°N), a glacial fjord in Svalbard, is to a large extent well known with regard to hydrography, mesozooplankton and higher trophic levels. Research on primary production and lower trophic levels is still scare and especially investigations from winter and spring periods. The spring bloom dynamics in Kongsfjorden were investigated in 2002. The development in nutrient conditions, phytoplankton, protozoans and primary production were followed from 15 April until 22 May. The winter/spring in 2002 was categorized as a cold year with sea ice cover and water masses dominated by local winter-cooled water. The spring bloom started around 18 April and lasted until the middle of May. The bloom probably peaked in late April, but break-up of sea ice made it impossible to sample frequently in this period. Diatoms dominated the phytoplankton assemblage. We estimated the total primary production during the spring bloom in 2002 to range 27–35 g C m−2. There was a mismatch situation between the mesozooplankton and the phytoplankton spring bloom in 2002.  相似文献   

1. Most insect species occur at low abundance but a greater research effort has been devoted to so‐called outbreak species and little research is available on scarce (low abundance) species that are typical of most insect species. 2. Larval free‐feeding macrolepidoptera of two riparian trees Salix nigra (Marsh) (black willow) and Acer negundo L. (box elder) were sampled and sorted by species and abundance. 3. Data collected established that the majority of species in the assemblages in each tree species occurred at low abundance in each of the 5 years when larvae were sampled. 4. Species in the Noctuidae and Geometridae dominated both assemblages. 5. On both trees, assemblages were dominated numerically by relatively few species, a pattern that has been observed for insect assemblages on plants in managed and unmanaged habitats.  相似文献   

Suspended and benthic algal communities from a mildly acidic, third-order Rhode Island stream were examined to determine the seasonal distribution, abundance and diversity of the lotic desmids. Within a one-year sampling period, 148 species and 202 subspecific taxa of desmids were identified, representing 23 genera. Species of Cosmarium and Closterium accounted for approximately 70% of the desmids present, and were the most diverse and abundant taxa during all seasons except spring, when Hyalotheca dissiliens was the dominant desmid species. Average abundance and species richness generally were greatest during summer for both suspended and benthic desmids. Most desmids occurred in benthic habitats, and were randomly distributed among substrata. Average seasonal abundance was 7.4 × 104 cells·g?1 dry wt substratum, among 13 types of substrata. Highest desmid abundance was measured among substrata with intricate morphologies, such as Fontinalis spp., which was associated with 1.2 × 106 desmid cells·g?1 dry wt substratum, or 1.7 × 103 cells·cm?2 substratum. Cell division was observed for 70 desmid taxa, and average seasonal reproduction (based on cell numbers) among all substrata ranged from 4% in winter to 20% during summer. In addition, sexually produced zygospores were found occasionally for H. dissiliens. Desmids were distributed among most substrata examined in this stream, with abundance comparable to reported estimates from softwater lakes and acid bogs. In contrast to established dogma, lotic desmids are not incidental drift organisms, but rather comprise a viable and persistent component of the stream periphyton.  相似文献   

There are only few studies on shallow Antarctic benthic communities associated with habitats affected by intense mineral sedimentation inflow. The analysis of macrofaunal communities associated with two shallow, isolated glacial coves was performed in Admiralty Bay (King George Island) and compared with non-disturbed sites. Multivariate analyses (hierarchical classification, nMDS) clearly separated glacial cove communities (two assemblages) from the sites situated outside both basins (two assemblages). The community influenced by the streamflow of glacial discharge of meltwater situated in the area with sandy–clay–silt sediments had a very low species richness, diversity and abundance. It was dominated by eurytopic, motile deposit feeding polychaetes such as Mesospio moorei, Tharyx cincinnatus and Leitoscoloplos kerguelensis as well as the bivalve Yoldia eightsi. The second glacial community of the area located at a grater distance from the outlet of the stream was characterized by sandy–clay–silt and clay–silt deposits and showed also a low diversity and species richness. The most abundant here were peracarid crustaceans, with the dominant opportunistic feeder Cheirimedon femoratus. Community from the non-disturbed area with silty–clay–sand, and silty–sand sediments had higher species richness and diversity. The assemblage of fauna from the sandy bottom has values of those two indexes similar to those found in the disturbed areas.  相似文献   

The Kongsfjord (west Spitsbergen) hosts the most active glacier on the island. Therefore the glacial impact on the marine ecosystem is very pronounced and easily recognisable. The study examines the influence of the steep glacier-derived environmental gradients on dominant macrofaunal species distributions and faunal associations in the fjord. The macrobenthic fauna was sampled by van Veen grab at 30 stations situated throughout the fjord (at depths 38–380 m). Two major communities were recognised. An inner basin receives the outflows from three glaciers and is occupied by a Glacial Bay Community dominated by small, surface detritus-feeders, with Chone paucibranchiata and a set of thyasirid and nuculanid bivalves (Thyasira dunbari, Yoldiella solidula, Y. lenticula) as characteristic species. An outer basin of the fjord is characterised by a common set of dominant species, including Heteromastus filiformis, Maldane sarsi, Levinsenia gracilis, Lumbrineris sp. and Leitoscoloplos sp. Three associations may be distinguished within the Outer Basin Community. Association TRANS is of transitional character, with Nuculoma tenuis and Terebellides stroemi. Association CENTR is the most typical for the community. It is dominated by tube-dwelling Prionospio sp., Clymenura polaris, Galathowenia oculata and Spiochaetopterus typicus. Association ENTR contains shelf benthos elements, e.g. Ophiura robusta and Lepeta caeca. An opportunistic eurytopic Chaetozone group is present throughout the fjord and its density and dominance increase with proximity to the glaciers. Dominant species distribution is discussed in relation to environmental factors, of which sediment stability, inorganic particle concentration, sedimentation rate and amount of organic matter in sediments are considered to be most important in structuring the communities.  相似文献   

Summary Benthic communities at the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands were sampled qualitatively with an epi-benthic sled at 57 stations over a five year period. Additional information on these communities was obtained from replicate underwater photographs. In total, 546 macrofaunal species were found. Despite the extreme isolation and geological youth of the islands, there seems to have been a diverse colonisation. A cluster-analysis based on species abundance aggregated most stations into 8 groups. Each of these groups had a unique depth and substratum combination. Thourella variabilis (Octocoralea), and Cabarea darwinii (Bryozoa) characterised deep rocky assemblages and Serpula vermicularis, Lanice conchilega (Polychaeta) and Magellania kerguelenensis (Brachiopoda) characterised soft substrata. Indicator species separating each of the 8 clusters are given. Trends in percentage cover and densities of major taxa with respect to depth and substratum, as shown by photographs, are described. Deep, rocky substrata were dominated by Porifera, Bryozoa and Cnidaria, while soft-substrata were dominated by Polychaeta, Bivalvia and Brachiopoda. Errant forms consisted predominantly of Echinodermata, with Crustacea being important in shallower habitats. Filter-feeders dominated the benthos of the islands in all habitats.  相似文献   

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