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We investigated how lactating cows are able to cope with a sustained water restriction. In experiment 1, body weight and meal patterns were recorded with ad libitum access to water (baseline) and during 8 days of 25 and 50% restriction of drinking water relative to ad libitum intake. In experiment 2, indirect calorimetry was combined with nitrogen and energy balance and plasma hormone and metabolite measurements to assess the effects of 50% water restriction on digestion and metabolism. In experiment 1, food intake and body weight declined during the first 3 days of water restriction depending on the restriction level and stabilized thereafter at a lower level. The daily food intake reduction with 50% water restriction was entirely due to a reduction of meal size. The size of the first meal on every day was markedly (>50%) reduced with 25 and 50% water restriction. In experiment 2, urea concentrations in milk and blood as well as plasma sodium and hematocrit were increased by 50% water restriction. Energy balance was not affected by 50% water restriction, but nitrogen balance became negative, because, relative to intake, nitrogen excretion via urine and milk was higher. The lower energy intake during 50% water restriction was compensated by a lower milk production, a higher digestibility of organic matter and energy, and, apparently, a more efficient energy use. Through these changes and a preserved water balance, the cows reached a new equilibrium at a lower water turnover level, which enabled them to cope with a sustained drinking water restriction of 50%.  相似文献   

To assess the potential benefit to fertility from gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) administration to third service cows managed in typical California dairy systems, 963 cows were enlisted from 14 dairies served by 6 veterinary practices. The cows were randomly assigned to receive either GnRH (100 mug) or placebo at the time of the third artificial insemination. Fertility data were entered onto a proprietary microcomputer program common to all six practices, and collated independently by a third party. For the duration of the trial (1 yr), GnRH and placebo-treated cows had 43.2 and 39.3% conception rates, respectively (P=0.35). When treatments administered in summer months (July, August, September) were excluded, conception rates were 48.1 and 41.0%, respectively (P<0.1). The conception rates of cows treated with GnRH in August tended to be lower than those of placebo-treated cows (95% logarithmic confidence intervals of odds ratio = -1.139, 0.377). Between-herd variation in benefit from GnRH was evident, with two dairies showing no benefit, one dairy showing a negative effect, and four showing a range of effects from lightly beneficial to significantly beneficial. First-lactation cows did not benefit at any time from GnRH treatment. The data suggest that GnRH administered to third-service dairy cows under California conditions may result in increased conception rates in non-summer months, but that other unidentified variables may have important influence on the outcome of such treatment.  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment was to test the hypothesis that oral manipulation of feed is a behavioural need in cattle, irrespective of actual rumen load. Twelve rumen fistulated cows were used and subjected to four different treatments: low rumen content+long duration of eating (A), high rumen content+short duration of eating (B), high rumen content+long duration of eating (=positive control) (C) and low rumen content+short duration of eating (=negative control) (D). To obtain treatment A and B, rumen content was transferred by hand from cow A to B through the rumen fistulaes. Each treatment lasted for 3 days with 2 weeks of recovery between each new treatment. The experiment was repeated twice during two consecutive years. All cows were fed the same mixture of silage, concentrate and hay. The cows were videotaped under normal conditions (24h), and on the third day of the experiment. From these videotapes, the behaviours (frequency and duration per 24h) have been analysed.Time spent eating differed between the four treatments (P<0.001), with shortest eating-times in B and D. The cows with low rumen content (A and D) spent shorter time ruminating (P<0.001) than the cows with filled rumen (B and C). The B and D cows (short duration of eating) spent longer time (P<0.001) with behaviours related to feed-searching than the cows with long duration of eating (A and C). The C cows had fewer (P<0.001) bouts of behaviours related to feed-searching than the A, B and D cows. Time spent with stereotypies (tongue-rolling) was longer (P<0.01) in D than in the other treatments. There was a difference (P<0.001) between treatments in eating bouts. The A cows had more (P<0.05) eating bouts than the cows in B, C and D. The cows with low rumen content (A and D) had fewer ruminating bouts (P<0.001) than the cows with filled rumens (B and C). The number of bouts with stereotypies differed (P<0.01), the cows in D having the highest figures compared with all the other treatments.In conclusion, our results support the hypothesis that oral manipulation of feed is a behavioural need in cattle irrespective of rumen load. A low duration of feeding behaviours combined with a low rumen load, which is a common practice in certain categories of growing cattle or dry dairy cows, seriously impairs the welfare in cattle.  相似文献   

A retrospective study involving 2756 pregnancies from two commercial dairy herds in northeastern Spain determined relationships between management, production and reproductive data, and high fertility (conception before 90 days in milk) in high-producing dairy cows. High fertility was registered in 989 (35.9%) cows. The following data were recorded for each animal: herd, repeated animal (cows included two or more times within the study in which data were obtained from different lactational periods), parity (primiparous versus multiparous), previous twinning, reproductive disorders following calving (retained placenta, primary metritis) and at postpartum gynecological examination (incomplete uterine involution, pyometra and ovarian cysts), days in milk at conception, previous estrous synchronization and season of calving and conception. In order to evaluate the possible effect of high production during the peak milk yield on subsequent fertility, daily milk production at Day 50 postpartum was also recorded and cows were classified as high (> or = 50 kg) and low (< 50 kg) producers. Logistic regression analysis indicated no significant effects of herd, repeated animal, previous twinning, reproductive disorders such as primary metritis, incomplete uterine involution, pyometra and ovarian cysts, previous estrous synchronization and season of calving and insemination. Based on the odds ratio, the likelihood of high fertility increased in high-producer cows by a factor of 6.8. High fertility was less likely for multiparous cows (by a factor of 0.35) and for cows suffering placenta retention (by a factor of 0.65). High fertile cows produced a mean of 49.5 kg milk at Day 50 postpartum, in contrast to that 43.2 kg milk of the remainder cows. These findings question the negative effect of high production on fertility. Our results indicated that high individual cow milk production can be positively related to high fertility.  相似文献   

The dairy farming systems of Western Europe are based on a simple feeding system composed of grazed and preserved grass, maize silage and concentrates in variable proportions. There is, nevertheless, a great diversity of feeding strategies between dairy farms. Over 5 years, we studied the direct and delayed effects of four feeding strategies on the lactation and reproduction performances of Holstein and Normande dairy cows. The four feeding strategies (denoted Hh, Hl, Lh and Ll) correspond to two total mixed rations applied in winter from calving to turnout (maize silage with 30% concentrate or grass silage with 15% concentrate), which were subsequently crossed with two levels of concentrate supplementation at grazing to 210 days. Each year, 72 dairy cows managed in grouped winter calving were assigned to the four strategies. Finally, the results of 325 lactations and 295 inseminated cows were analysed. The four strategies resulted in considerable variation in nutrient intake and, in particular, in differences in concentrates consumed, with values of 1407, 1026, 773 and 392 kg dry matter per cow for strategies Hh, Lh, Hl and Ll, respectively. Total milk production (7567, 7015, 6720 and 6238 kg per cow for treatments Hh, Lh, Hl and Ll, respectively), milk fat content (39.0, 37.1, 40.3 and 38.5 g/kg, respectively), milk protein content (33.0, 31.8, 33.1 and 31.6 g/kg, respectively), and the character of the lactation and body condition curves were all highly sensitive to the strategies applied. While no significant interaction was detected on total lactation yield, the Holstein cows reacted more dramatically to each dietary change at each period, compared with the Normande cows. Winter feeding did not affect the production of milk at pasture whereas, at pasture, the milk from the cows of the H groups in winter was higher in milk fat and protein content. Reproduction performance was unaffected by feeding strategy. The Holstein cows, well fed and producing the most milk (Hh and Hb), had the lowest rate of success at first artificial inseminations (21.5%). The dual-purpose Normande cows had a pregnancy rate 10 points higher than Holstein cows. This comparison of strongly contrasting feeding strategies confirms the immediate reactivity of dairy cows (in terms of milk performance and body condition) to variations of nutritive intake throughout lactation, with a weak carryover effect from feeding levels early in lactation. In contrast, reproduction performance was less sensitive to variation in nutrient supply.  相似文献   

Multiparous Holstein cows (n=717) from two dairy farms were blocked at calving by parity and previous lactation milk yield and, within each block, randomly assigned to one of two treatments: a diet containing no yeast culture (Control; n=359) or 30 g/d of a culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (YC; n=358) from 20 to 140 d postpartum. Only cows calving during months of heat stress, May-August were enrolled. Lameness score (1-5 scale) was evaluated at study enrollment and again at 100 d postpartum. The body condition score (BCS, 1-5 scale) was evaluated at calving, 28, 58 and 140 d postpartum. Cows received two injections of PGF(2alpha) at 37 and 51 d postpartum, and those observed in estrus were inseminated. Cows not in estrus were enrolled in a timed AI protocol at 65 d postpartum and inseminated at 75 d postpartum. Ovaries were examined by ultrasonography at 37 and 51 d postpartum to determine whether estrous cycling had been initiated by the presence of a corpus lutem (CL) in at least one of the two examinations. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 31, 38 and 66 d after the first AI and at 38 and 66 d after the second and third AI. Diet did not affect time of onset of estrous cycles postpartum, and 8.2% of the cows were anovular. Detection of estrus in the 7d after the second injection of PGF(2alpha) was similar for control and YC. For control and YC, conception rates 38 d after AI at first (30.8% and 31.4%), second (39.3% and 35.1%) and third (25.8% and 30.6%) inseminations, and pregnancy losses did not differ, which resulted in similar median days to pregnancy and proportion of pregnant cows at 140 d postpartum. Yeast culture did not affect incidence of lameness, but tended to reduce lameness score. Lame cows and anovular cows had lesser conception rates at first AI, and extended interval from calving to conception. A THI of 71 was identified as the critical point in which fertility was reduced in lactating dairy cows, although the sensitivity and specificity were minimal. Cows exposed to a THI>71 on the day of first AI had a 33% reduction in the rate of pregnancy resulting in extended interval to pregnancy. Feeding a yeast culture of S. cerevisiae had minor effects on lameness score, but no impact on reproduction of multiparous cows under heat stress.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of presynchronization with or without the detection of estrus on first service pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) and on Ovsynch outcome in lactating dairy cows. A total of 511 cows were divided randomly but unevenly into 3 treatment groups at 44 to 50 days in milk (DIM). Ovsynch was started at the same time (69 to 75 DIM) in all three groups. Cows in the Ovsynch group (CON, N = 126) received no presynchronization before Ovsynch, and all cows were bred by timed AI (TAI). Cows in the presynchronization with estrus detection (PED) and the presynchronization with only TAI (PTAI) groups received two doses of prostaglandin F (PGF) 14 days apart, starting at 44 to 50 DIM. Ovsynch was initiated 11 days after the second PGF treatment. Cows in the PED group (N = 267) received AI if estrus was detected after either PGF injection. Cows that were not determined to be in estrus after PGF injection received Ovsynch and TAI. Cows in the PTAI group (N = 118) were not inseminated to estrus, with all cows receiving TAI after Ovsynch. The ovulatory response to the first GnRH injection administered as part of Ovsynch differed (P = 0.002) among treatment groups (83.1% in PTAI, 72.6% in PED, and 62.7% in CON). However, the ovulatory response to the second injection of GnRH during Ovsynch did not differ among treatment groups. Of the 267 PED cows, a total of 132 (49.4%) exhibited estrus and were inseminated. The P/AI at the 31-day pregnancy diagnosis was similar between the cows in the PED group with AI after estrus detection (37.9%; 50/132) and those bred with TAI (34.1%; 46/135). The P/AI in the CON group (46.8%; 59/126) was greater (P < 0.05) than that in the PED group (36.0%; 96/267). In addition, the P/AI in the CON group was greater (P = 0.04) than that in the PED cows receiving TAI (34.1%; 46/135) but less than that in the PED cows bred to estrus (37.9%; 50/132) (P = 0.16). At the 31-day pregnancy diagnosis, the cows in the PTAI group had greater P/AI (55.9%; 66/118) than both those in the PED group (P < 0.01; either estrus or TAI) and those in the CON group (P = 0.08). Thus, presynchronization with PGF (PTAI) increased the ovulatory response to Ovsynch and improved P/AI in dairy cows. Interestingly, the breeding of cows to estrus during presynchronization reduced fertility to the TAI and overall fertility, including cows bred to estrus and TAI. These results indicate that maximal fertility is obtained when all cows receive TAI after the presynchronization protocol.  相似文献   

Poor detection of estrus, still a major problem in the dairy industry, has prompted the development of electronic estrous detection technologies. One of the features of estrous behavior is a marked increase in walking activity. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effects of various management factors on walking activity increase at estrus, and the relationship between this trait and fertility. Data from 5883 artificial inseminations (AI) conducted in two high-producing dairy herds were analyzed. Detection of estrus was performed using a pedometer system. Of the total AI investigated, 2072 (35.2%) resulted in pregnancy. The following data were recorded for each animal at AI: herd, lactation number, milk production (average for the 3 days prior to AI), lactation stage (early, mid, and late lactation), previous estrous synchronization (cloprostenol or progesterone releasing intravaginal device [PRID] for animals showing estrus within 7 days of treatment), season (warm versus cool period), insemination number following parturition, inseminating bull, inseminator, and pedometer measurements. Variables were screened for associations with walking activity by analysis of variance (ANOVA) through generalized linear model procedures (PROC GLM). Increased parity and milk production, and insemination during the warm period were associated with lower pedometer measurements. No significant effects of the herd, estrous synchronization, and lactation stage were observed. The link between walking activity and fertility was determined by applying logistic regression models. We detected no significant effects of herd, milk production, estrous synchronization, lactation stage, and inseminator on pregnancy rate. A higher lactation and insemination number, and insemination during the warm period were negatively correlated with the pregnancy rate. The likelihood of pregnancy was greater when semen from one of the bulls was used and when physical activity at estrus was increased. Our findings indicate that cow and management factors contribute intensely to walking activity at estrus, and also reveal a close link between increased walking activity and fertility.  相似文献   

Dairy bull fertility level has received less attention than production transmitting ability. A simplified fertility test may be beneficial. A study was designed to test the use of tris-(1-aziridinyl)-phosphine oxide (TEPA) treated sperm, which arrests early cell division of the fertilized egg, in heterospermic insemination of superovulated cows. Semen samples were collected and pooled from University of Illinois dairy bulls. Semen samples were washed once, suspended in Illini Variable Temperature diluent (IVT) and incubated with or without TEPA (1.0 to 5.0 mg/ml) for 15 min. Samples were then washed again to remove excess TEPA. Additions of 1.0 to 5.0 mg/ml TEPA to sperm concentrations of 8 x 10(8) sperm/ml had no adverse effect on motility or morphology. The first part of the study utilized superovulated cows inseminated with treated (six cows) or untreated (six cows) sperm in different samples from the same bulls. Secondly, superovulated cows (eight cows) were artificially inseminated with treated and untreated split ejaculates from the same bulls. Lastly, superovulated cows (five cows) were heterospermically inseminated with treated (bull No. 1) and untreated (bull No. 2) spermatozoa. Out of 54 and 39 ova recovered in control and test cows, 40 blastocysts and 31 embryos arrested at the one- to five-cell stage resulted, respectively. Out of a predicted 123 ovulations, 78 fertilized ova were recovered; 40 of these were fertilized by control spermatozoa and 36 by TEPA-treated spermatozoa for parts one and two of the study respectively. These results indicated no significant difference in fertilizability of ova between control and TEPA-treated spermatozoa. Of 41 fertilized ova recovered (part 3), bull No. 1 fertilized significantly more ova (mean +/- standard deviation 5.0 +/- 2.3) than bull No. 2 (2.6 +/- 1.8). Results indicate a difference in fertility between bulls.  相似文献   

Experiments tested whether supplemental antioxidants improved fertility. To test effects of beta-carotene, cows in a hot environment were injected with prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) and were given 3 injections, i.m., of 800 mg beta-carotene or saline at Days -6 and -3 before the anticipated date of insemination and at insemination (n = 37-41 inseminated cows/group). There was no effect of beta-carotene on the proportion of cows detected in estrus following PGF2 alpha, timing of estrus after PGF2 alpha injection or pregnancy rate in inseminated cows. In a second trial, cows in a temperate climate received intramuscular injections of vitamin E (500 mg) and selenium (50 mg) at 30 d post partum (n = 97) or were untreated controls (n = 89). Treatment did not affect interval from calving to first insemination or the proportion of cows pregnant at first service, but it increased the pregnancy rate at second service (69.8 vs 52.1%; P = 0.07) and reduced services per conception (1.7 vs 2.0; P < 0.05) and interval from calving to conception (84.6 vs 98.1; P < 0.05). Thus, injection of vitamin E and selenium increased fertility in cattle that did not become pregnant at first service.  相似文献   

Lactations from 1,111 heifers and 2,493 cows were evaluated for the effects of the duration of retained fetal membranes on subsequent fertility. Cows or heifers with metritis, ovarian cyst, both metritis and cyst, or neither were evaluated in separate strata in order to control for the effects of parity, metritis, and cyst on fertility. Duration of retention had no effect on fertility if an animal had metritis or cyst. There was a suggestion that retained fetal membranes in heifers free of metritis and cyst decreased conception rate at first service. In multiparous cows free of metritis and cyst there was a significant decrease in conception rate at first service when retention exceeded 5 days, and delays of +18 days to 1st service and +57 days to conception when retention exceeded 7 days.  相似文献   

Fertility in dairy cows has been declining for the past three decades. Genetic selection for increased milk production has been associated with changes in key metabolic hormones (growth hormone, insulin, IGF and leptin) that regulate metabolism by homoeostasis and homeorhesis. These metabolic hormones, particularly insulin, provide signals to the reproductive system so that regulation of ovarian function is coordinated with changes in metabolic status. Studies have shown, for example, that increasing circulating insulin concentrations during the early post partum period can advance the resumption of oestrous cycles by enhancing follicular growth. However, high concentrations of insulin can be detrimental to the developmental competence of oocytes, which is also influenced by the supply of fatty acids at the systemic level and at the ovarian level. Insulin status is also associated with the incidence and characteristics of abnormal ovarian cycles. These changes can occur without significant variation in circulating gonadotrophin concentrations. This suggests that additional factors, such as peripheral metabolites, metabolic hormones and locally produced growth factors, may have a modulating role. Recent evidence has demonstrated that ovarian responses to metabolic signals and nutrient profile vary according to the stage of the reproductive cycle. Improved understanding of this multifactorial process enables nutrition to be matched to genotype and milk production, with a positive impact on pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

Veerkamp RF  Beerda B 《Theriogenology》2007,68(Z1):S266-S273
Improving dairy cow fertility by means of genetic selection is likely to become increasingly important, since it is now well established that declining fertility cannot only be arrested by improved management. Profit margins per kg milk produced are decreasing, therefore farmers need to reduce cost and increase herd size. This restricts the labor input per cow and the disposable cost of getting a cow pregnant, whilst at the same time hormone treatments have become less acceptable. This makes it unlikely that additional management interventions will maintain fertility at acceptable levels in the near future. Genetic improvement seems the obvious solution. Effective selection tools are available in most Western countries using traditional breeding value estimation procedures. Also, in addition to gene assisted selection using individual genes or QTL, high throughput Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) technology allows genetic improvement of fertility based on information from the whole genome (tens of thousands SNP per animal), i.e. genomic selection. Simulation studies have shown that genomic selection improves the accuracy of selecting juvenile animals compared with traditional breeding methods and compared with selection using information from a few genes or QTL only. Research in the areas genomics and proteomics promise to make genetic selection even more effective. The genomic and proteomics technologies combined with the bioinformatics tools that support the interpretation of gene functioning and protein expression facilitate an exciting starting point for the development of new management strategies and tools for the improvement of reproductive performance.  相似文献   

High protein diets, which lead to excess production of nonprotein nitrogen such as ammonia and urea, have been associated with reduced fertility in dairy cows. In this study we test the hypothesis that diets containing high levels of quickly degradable urea nitrogen (QDN) compromise embryo development. Lactating dairy cows were fed mixed silage and concentrates twice daily. At 60 days postpartum, a synchronized estrus was induced and the cows were subsequently superovulated and inseminated using a standard protocol. On Day 7 after insemination, the uteri were flushed and embryos retrieved. At the start of treatment, cows were randomly allocated into three nutritional groups: control (CONT, n = 8), long (L-) QDN (n = 8) and short (S-) QDN (n = 9). The L-QDN cows were fed a supplement of urea from 10 days before insemination, and the S-QDN cows were fed the supplement from insemination until embryo collection. Both L- and S-QDN diets produced significant increases in plasma ammonia and urea 3 h post-feeding. The S-QDN but not the L-QDN diet was associated with a significant reduction in embryo yield. Embryo quality was also significantly reduced in the S-QDN cows. This study indicates that there is no deleterious effect on the yield and quality of embryos recovered 7 days after breeding when QDN feeding is initiated during the previous midluteal phase. However, introduction of a similar diet 10 days later, at the time of insemination, was deleterious. We suggest that QDN is toxic to embryos but cows can adjust within 10 days.  相似文献   

Extremely high nutrient loads have been reported in grazed grassland regimes compared with cutting regimes in some dairy systems that include the use of supplemental feeding. The aim of this study was, therefore, to investigate the effects on productivity and behaviour of high-yielding dairy cows with limited access to indoor feed and restriction in the time at pasture in a continuous stocking system. During a 6-week period from the start of the grazing season 2005, an experiment was conducted with the aim of investigating the effect of restrictive indoor feeding combined with limiting the time at pasture on the productivity and behaviour of high-yielding dairy cows (31.0 ± 5.4 kg energy-corrected milk) in a system based on continuous stocking. The herd was split into three groups allocated to three treatments consisting of 4, 6.5 and 9 h at pasture, respectively. Each group of cows grazed in separate paddocks with three replicates and was separately housed in a cubicle system with slatted floor during the rest of the day. All cows were fed the same amount of supplement, adjusted daily to meet the ad libitum indoor intake of the cows at pasture for nine hours. The herbage allowance was 1650 kg dry matter (DM) per ha, and the intake of supplemental feed was 9.1 kg DM per cow daily. The limitation of the time at pasture to 4 h in combination with restrictive indoor feeding reduced the daily milk, fat and protein yield and live weight compared with 9 h of access to pasture. The proportion of time during which the cows were grazing while at pasture increased from 0.64 to 0.86 and the estimated herbage intake per h at pasture decreased from 2547 g DM to1398 g DM, when time at pasture changed from 4 to 9 h. It can be concluded, that in systems with a high herbage allowance, the cow was able to compensate for 0.8 of the reduction in time at pasture by increasing the proportion of time spent grazing and presumably also both the bite rate and mass, although the latter two have not been directly confirmed in the present study.  相似文献   

Records were obtained over a 3 year period from six Holstein dairy farms of 300 to 500 cows each in the Phoenix, Ariz. area. Dairies were selected on the basis of similar management practices, herd size, milk production and facilities (with the exception of cooling systems). Microclimatic modifications (two dairies each) were shade only (approximately 3.7 m2/cow), evaporative-cooled shades and low-pressure water foggers under the shades. Data were categorized by season of calving (spring, Feb.–May; summer, June–Sept.; and fall, Oct.–Jan.). Traits evaluated were calving interval, days open and services/conception. Calving interval was shortest for cows calving in the spring (378 days), intermediate in fall (382 days) and longest in summer (396 days). Similar seasonal trends were observed for days open (103, 103 and 119 days, respectively) and services/conception (1.54, 1.81 and 1.93, respectively). All differences between spring and summer were significant (P < 0.05). Calving interval and days open were less for evaporative-cooled groups (374 and 98 days, respectively), with no difference between shade only and foggers (391 and 392 days, 112 and 116 days, respectively). Services/conception were similar for all groups (1.72 to 1.79). A significant interaction between microclimate and season for services/conception could be interpreted as (i) smaller season differences for evaporative-cooled groups than for shade or foggers, or (ii) a change in the ranking of control and fogger groups during summer versus fall. Evaporative cooling was more effective than fogging for reducing the detrimental effects of seasonal high temperatures on fertility.  相似文献   

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