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《Cellular immunology》1986,100(1):129-139
C57BL/6 mice sensitized by abdominal, dermal exposure to irradiated (50 kR) Schistosoma mansoni cercariae develop partial protection against subsequent exposure with unattenuated cercariae and express cell-mediated cutaneous sensitivity upon challenge with irradiated cercariae. Autoimmunoregulation occurs as a part of this sensitization, and can be demonstrated by augmentation of cutaneous sensitivity upon use of appropriate regimens of cyclophosphamide. Mice exposed to irradiated cercariae by either intraperitoneal or ear pinna routes developed a transient hyporesponsiveness to cercarial challenge. This unresponsiveness was also reversed by pretreatment with cyclophosphamide. Timed removal of the site of effective sensitization (abdominal skin) 7 days after exposure consistently led to reduced cutaneous responsiveness. This artificially induced hyporesponsiveness was reversed by either cyclophosphamide treatment or systemic administration of anti-I-Jb, but not anti-I-Jk sera. The data indicate the involvement of cyclophosphamide-sensitive, I-J-bearing T-suppressor cells or factors in the autoimmunoregulation that controls this cutaneous sensitivity. Parallel challenge infection studies in immunized mice treated with cyclophosphamide demonstrated that the resultant augmentation of cutaneous sensitivity did not lead to concomitantly elevated levels of resistance. Furthermore, successful adoptive cell transfer of cutaneous responsiveness also did not ensure protection against cercarial challenge. These observations indicate that dermal cell-mediated anti-cercarial responsiveness is not a sufficient mechanism to explain resistance in mice immunized with irradiated cercariae.  相似文献   

The appearance of serum levels of circulating cathodic antigen (CCA) detectable by a monoclonal antibody (mAb) (5H11) antigen-capture sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system was evaluated during acute Schistosoma mansoni infections in female CF1 mice exposed to either 100 or 25 cercariae. Measurable CCA levels occurred in these groups at 5 and 7 wk after infection, respectively. The kinetics of appearance of CCA were thus related to the intensity of infection. The level of resistance developed by female C57BL/6 mice upon immunization with irradiated cercariae, as expressed by both worm burden and CCA levels after cercarial challenge was evaluated. Immunization conferred 44% protection against the challenge infection, and the level of CCA detected in the sera of the control group was significantly (P less than 0.02) higher than that found in the sera of the immunized group, 6 wk after challenge. These results demonstrate that CCA detection by the 5H11 mAb antigen-capture sandwich ELISA can reflect vaccine-induced resistance against S. mansoni. Localization studies showed that 5H11 reacts with a CCA epitope in the adult worm gut and to a lesser extent with the male tegument. Adaptations of this and other antigen detection systems may prove useful in monitoring the efficacy of developmental vaccines, an ability that may be essential for the extension of such studies to humans.  相似文献   

Although the immunization of primates with irradiated schistosome cercariae has been demonstrated, no success has been reported by injection with the irradiated schistosomule stage. The present investigation was designed to test whether cynomolgus monkeys could be protectively immunized with 60Co-irradiated Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula. Monkeys injected once with 104 irradiated schistosomula (50 krad at 4 krad/min) had 52% fewer challenge worms than the control group at necropsy. Four immunizations did not induce a higher level of resistance. At 50 days post-challenge, the immunized monkeys excreted 80% fewer eggs than did the control animals. An attempt to enhance irradiated schistosomule-induced protection with tetramisole · HCl was unsuccessful.  相似文献   

The humoral immune responses of mice patently infected with Schistosoma mansoni and of mice vaccinated with radiation-attenuated cercariae were compared by radioimmunoassays and one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analyses of radioimmunoprecipitates. The binding observed with antibodies of mice vaccinated twice with radiation-attenuated cercariae over a period of 7 to 11 wk was less than 50% of the binding observed with antibodies of mice patently infected for 20 wk, but three to four times greater than that obtained with antibodies of mice infected for 6 wk, irrespective of whether the test antigen extracts were derived from schistosomula or adult worms. Sera of vaccinated mice precipitated a restricted number of predominantly high m.w. glycoproteins of both schistosomula and adult worms metabolically labeled with [35S] methionine. Each of the glycoproteins of 36 hr in vitro-cultured schistosomula that was precipitated by the sera of vaccinated mice was also precipitated by sera of infected mice. In contrast, sera of vaccinated mice uniquely precipitated a 38,000 m.w. glycoprotein of schistosomula cultured for 5 days and a 94,000 m.w. glycoprotein of adult male worms. Although radiation-attenuated larvae do not reach the adult stage, mice vaccinated with these still elicit a strong immune response against egg glycoproteins. In particular, an egg glycoprotein of 85,000 to 70,000 and isoelectric point of 4.8 showed an enhanced reactivity with sera of vaccinated mice in comparison with infected mice. These results show that the antibody response in mice vaccinated with radiation-attenuated larvae differs qualitatively and quantitatively from that of infected mice.  相似文献   

To study the role of IgG and IgM isotypes found in sera of mice or rabbits immunized with irradiated cercariae in schistosome immunity, the respective sera were fractionated by protein A chromatography. Both the protein A-bound and unbound fractions of vaccinated mouse serum (VMS) showed reactivities in ELISA assay using NP-40 membrane extracts of 3-hr schistosomula as antigens and in indirect immunofluorescence assay (IIF) using live 3-hr schistosomula. Both the protein A-bound and unbound fractions possessed high levels (84% and 76%, respectively) of complement-mediated cytotoxicity against schistosomula in vitro. The IgG- and IgM-containing fractions each conferred passive protection (30% and 20%) against challenge infection, although at a lower level when compared to unfractionated VMS (42%). These data demonstrate that in the mouse model both IgG and IgM can recognize epitopes on the surface of schistosomula, mediate cytotoxicity in vitro, and provide passive protection in vivo. Similarly, the protein A-bound and unbound fractions of vaccinated rabbit serum (VRS) were also shown to be positive in ELISA and IIF. The IgG- and IgM-containing fractions each possessed high levels (95% and 85%, respectively) of complement-dependent cytotoxicity against schistosomula in vitro. In contrast to VMS fractions, the IgG fraction of VRS conferred a similar level (28%) of in vivo protection as unfractionated VRS when injected into mice no later than 6 days after challenge. Moreover, the IgG fraction of VRS was still able to provide passive protection to mice when given as late as 15 days postinfection, but failed to confer protection when injected at 24 or 35 days postinfection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni: the cutaneous response to cercarial challenge in naive guinea pigs and guinea pigs vaccinated with highly irradiated cercariae. International Journal for Parasitology16: 491–510. Naive guinea pigs and guinea pigs vaccinated 4 weeks previously with highly irradiated cercariae were challenged percutaneously with normal cercariae. Skin samples from the challenge site were then harvested at varying times to provide histological, quantitative and ultrastructural data on the respective cellular responses to cercarial invasion. The primary cutaneous reaction was characterised by neutrophils; these cells reached peak numbers (16% of total cells) by 18 h. Eosinophils and basophils made only a small contribution to the infiltrate (2.9 and 5.7% respectively). Some basophils showed evidence of anaphylactic degranulation, others seemed to be damaged, but most appeared normal. Mononuclear cells of varied morphology were present at all times, but activated fibroblasts were prominent, and collagen deposition increased with time. Degranulating mast cells were recognised at 24 and 48 h. Dead schistosomula were never seen in naive-challenged skin, although one or two of the observed larvae showed minor tegumental abnormalities. In vaccinated guinea pigs, the cutaneous cellular response to challenge was significantly enhanced, with basophils dominating the reaction (33% of total cells at 24 h). Many basophils were already degranulating by the anaphylactic mechanism at 3 h post challenge, and free basophil granules were seen frequently. Both intact cells and free granules congregated in close proximity to invading larvae. Eosinophils were also present in greater numbers at secondary reaction sites, but they never exceeded 6% of the total infiltrate. Mononuclear cells believed to be immature eosinophils were prominent from 3 h. For the first time, the mechanism of eosinophil attachment and degranulation onto a multicellular target, described previously only from in vitro investigations, was recognized in vivo. Neutrophil numbers matched those recorded in naive-challenged skin at 3 and 6 h, but declined thereafter, while mast cells were seen degranulating at these early times. Mononuclear cells again presented a variety of morphological appearances; of particular note were large cells that had phagocytosed debris and were presumed to be macrophages, and small rounded cells with scant cytoplasm and few organelles, that may have been lymphocytes. By 12 h, large areas of the dermis had become severely disorganised and numerous, free basophil granules were distributed amongst the other cellular constituents. Dead schistosomula, denuded of tegument, were clearly recognised at 6 h, and such individuals invariably had neutrophils attached to their exposed muscle layers. Since dead schistosomula were not identified in naive-challenged guinea pig skin, it is concluded that a percentage of the challenge larvae, however small, is preferentially killed in the skin of the vaccinated animals.  相似文献   

In C57Bl/6 strain mice vaccinated with attenuated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni, the major site of immune elimination of normal challenge parasites is the lungs. The immune effector mechanism involves formation of focal inflammatory responses; the abundance of CD4+ T cells and the activation of alveolar macrophages suggests a role for inflammatory cytokines. We report the profile of cytokines produced by cultures of leukocytes recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) from the lungs of vaccinated and challenged mice. From 14 days after vaccination, BAL cultures contained infiltrating lymphocytes that produced abundant quantities of IFN-gamma and IL-3 on stimulation with larval Ag. Production declined from day 21 although the infiltrate of lymphocytes persisted. Challenge of vaccinated mice resulted in a second influx of IFN-gamma and IL-3-producing cells, earlier than after vaccination or in the appropriate controls. Ablation studies revealed that CD4+ T cells were essential for the production of IFN-gamma. The timing of cytokine production after vaccination, and challenge was coincident with the phases of macrophage activation previously reported. At no time could lymphocytes in BAL cultures be stimulated to proliferate with either larval Ag or mitogen, in contrast to splenocytes from the same mice. Furthermore, T cell growth factor activity was not detected in BAL cultures stimulated with Ag. We suggest that the lymphocytes recruited to the lungs are memory/effector cells. When Ag released from challenge schistosomula is presented to these cells, they respond by secreting cytokines that mediate the formation of cellular aggregates around the parasites, blocking their onward migration.  相似文献   

These studies address current controversies over the site(s) of challenge attrition in the murine irradiated vaccine model of immunity to Schistosoma mansoni. Two possibilities have been investigated. Firstly, that the site of death of the radiation-attenuated schistosomes used to vaccinate the mice may vary in different laboratories and secondly, that the skin sites selected for presentation of the immunizing and challenge parasites may influence the final site at which immunity is effected (i.e. ear/abdomen vs tail/tail). The migration of radiolabelled cercariae exposed to 0, 20 or 50 krad of gamma irradiation from the NIMR 60Cobalt source was examined in CBA/Ca mice by squashed organ autoradiography. Unirradiated parasites all migrated from the skin to the lungs, and 65% moved on to the liver. Migration of parasites attenuated by exposure to 20 krad of gamma irradiation was delayed, but 76% finally reached the lungs; only 1% was recruited to the liver. The majority of 50 krad attenuated parasites died in the skin, with only 4% accomplishing migration to the pulmonary vasculature. The major site of death (and by implication of antigenic stimulation) of the 20 krad attenuated NIMR strain S. mansoni used routinely for vaccination purposes in our laboratory, is thus the lungs, a finding that does not explain the fact that immunity is mediated primarily in the skin in our model system. Site elimination experiments and squashed organ autoradiography showed conclusively that, irrespective of the skin sites chosen for presentation of the immunizing and challenge population of worms, NIMR challenge parasites are killed predominantly in the skin of vaccinated CBA/Ca mice. Moreover, qualitative and quantitative histological examination of the challenged tail skin of vaccinated mice revealed that inflammatory reactions comprising mononuclear cells and eosinophils develop in this site and function to trap and eliminate challenge larvae, despite a reported reduction in antigen presenting cells in this region.  相似文献   

The teguments of developing and mature cercariae, recently transformed, and 1-wk-old schistosomula and adult worms were examined for the ultrastructural location of macromolecular carbohydrates and polyelectrolytes. The surface of mature cercariae within sporocysts and cercariae released from the snail is covered by a filamentous coat which reacts with cytochemical reagents for the demonstration of vicinal glycols, but neither the coat nor the surface of the tegument plasmalemma binds cationic colloidal iron at low pH.Upon penetrating mammalian skin, the cercaria sheds its surface coat; the tegument surface of newly transformed schistosomula, older schistosomula and adult worms stains en bloc with acidic colloidal iron, as does the tegument plasmalemma of mature cercariae if the overlying filamentous coat is first removed by physicochemical means. The cercarial coat thus serves to mask anionic groups at the surface of the tegument plasmalemma which become functionally exposed after penetration of the mammalian host. The distribution of colloidal iron binding sites coincides with those for the carbohydrate-complexing phytohemmagglutnin, concanavalin A, which suggests that these membrane-fixed anions are acid mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins or glycolipids. Carbohydrate-containing material was also localized within membrane-bound vesicles of the tegument matrix and perikarya of developing cercariae and postcercarial schistosomes, suggesting that surface mucosubstances contributing to the tegument glycocalyx of these worms are elaborated, at least in part, by the tegument itself.  相似文献   

Pulmonary cellular responses in C57BL/6 mice exposed to Schistosoma mansoni have been investigated by sampling cells from the respiratory airways with bronchoalveolar lavage. Mice exposed to cercariae attenuated with 20 krad gamma-radiation developed stronger and more persistent pulmonary leukocytic responses than animals exposed to equal numbers of normal parasites. Although vaccination with irradiated cercariae also stimulated T cell responses of greater magnitude and duration than normal infection, the lymphocytic infiltrate elicited by each regimen did not differ substantially in its composition, 5 wk after exposure. Studies with cercariae attenuated by different treatments established that a link exists between the recruitment of leukocytes to the lungs of vaccinated mice and resistance to reinfection. There was a strong association between pulmonary leukocytic responses and the elimination of challenge infections by vaccinated mice. Animals exposed to irradiated cercariae of S. mansoni were resistant to homologous challenge infection but were not protected against Schistosoma margrebowiei. Homologous challenge of vaccinated mice stimulated anamnestic leukocytic and T lymphocytic responses in the lungs, 2 wk postinfection, but exposure of immunized animals to the heterologous species failed to trigger an expansion in these populations of cells. Our studies indicate that pulmonary leukocytes and T lymphocytes are intimately involved in the mechanism of vaccine-induced resistance to S. mansoni. It remains unclear whether these populations of cells initiate protective inflammatory reactions against challenge parasites in the lungs, or accumulate in response to the activation of the protective mechanism by other means.  相似文献   

In our earlier experiments, NIH/Nmri (CV) mice developed protective immunity to a Schistosoma mansoni cercarial challenge when previously exposed percutaneously to highly 60Co-irradiated homologous cercariae. Experiments reported here were conducted to assess the immunogenicity of unfrozen and frozen and thawed schistosomules derived from 60Co-irradiated cercariae (irradiated schistosomules). Immunization of NIH/Nmri (CV) mice by 60Co-irradiated unfrozen schistosomules reduced worm burdens from a subsequent percutaneous challenge with normal cercariae by 41 to 72%. Immunogenicity was not narrowly dependent on irradiation dose rates between 1 and 8 kR/min, or on the total dose of irradiation given the schistosomules between 25 and 50 kR. Comparable protective immunity developed after injection of irradiated schistosomules which had been frozen to ?196 C in liquid nitrogen and thawed. Cryopreservation appears to offer a solution to the problem of storage of attenuated, immunogenic S. mansoni schistosomules.  相似文献   

Mice immunized against Schistosoma mansoni by a single percutaneous exposure to radiation-attenuated parasite larvae demonstrate partial resistance to challenge infection that has been shown to correlate with development of cell-mediated immunity, whereas mice hyperimmunized by multiple exposure to attenuated larvae produce antibodies capable of transferring partial protection to naive recipients. Measurement of Ag-specific lymphokine responses in these animals suggested that the difference in resistance mechanisms may be due to the differential induction of Th subset response by the two immunization protocols. Thus, upon Ag stimulation, singly immunized mice predominantly demonstrated responses associated with Th1 reactivity, including IL-2 and IFN-gamma production, whereas multiply immunized animals showed increased IL-5, IL-4, and IgG1 antibody production associated with enhanced Th2 response. These responses demonstrated some degree of organ compartmentalization, with splenocytes demonstrating higher Th1-related lymphokine production and cells from draining lymph nodes showing stronger proliferation and Th2 type reactivity. However, hyperimmunized mice also continued to demonstrate substantial Th1-associated immune reactivity. Moreover, in vivo Ag challenge elicited activated larvacidal macrophages in hyperimmunized animals. These observations indicate that protective cell-mediated mechanisms associated with induction of CD4+ Th1 cell reactivity predominate in singly vaccinated mice. Further vaccination stimulates Th2 responses, such as enhanced IgG1 production, that may also contribute to protective immunity.  相似文献   

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