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Winter (37), spring (8) wheat accessions and additionally, 7 double haploid (DH) lines were examined for susceptibility to Fusarium seedling blight after inoculation with F. culmorum and F. avenaceum. Winter accessions exhibited lower susceptibility of about 30% to both pathogens than spring cultivars. Susceptibility of winter cultivars varied from low (22%) to high (97%). Evaluation of the root was found to be more reliable than evaluation of coleoptile necrosis.
F. avenaceum infected mostly root and, to a lesser extent, coleoptile and leaves, with about a three times lower disease score of coleoptile against root. F. culmorum caused a 1.5 higher disease score on root than on coleoptile. Susceptibility of DH lines was different from susceptibility of parental forms. Reaction of individual accessions to F. culmorum and F. avenaceum was different.  相似文献   

The effects of Fusarium avenaceum and Fusarium culmorum on the reduction in yield components, after independent inoculation of 14 winter wheat cultivars, were investigated. Single isolates of F. avenaceum and F. culmorum were independently used in inoculations of winter wheat heads. Reductions in the following yield traits: 1000‐kernel weight (TKW), the weight (WKH) and number (NKH) of kernels per head after inoculation were analysed statistically. The results indicate differences between both pathogens in their effects on yield traits. The statistical calculations were performed using analysis of variance (a three‐factor experiment) for particular yield trait reductions and multivariate analysis of variance for the yield trait reductions jointly. Almost all of the univariate and multivariate hypotheses concerning no differences between pathogens (F. culmorum, F. avenaceum), climatic conditions (years) and cultivars as well as hypotheses concerning no interactions between factors (pathogens, years, cultivars) were rejected at least at P= 0.05 significance level. The reduction of yield traits indicated individual reactions of the tested winter wheat cultivars to different pathogens. Among the tested traits the highest influence on the rejection of the hypothesis concerning the equivalence of F. avenaceum and F. culmorum was observed for TKW and WKH. The effect of the pathogen on yield reduction was greater for F. avenaceum than for F. culmorum during 1996 and 1997. A comparison of the cultivars indicated that the Begra cultivar showed the highest tolerance to inoculation with both Fusarium pathogens. Moreover, this genotype as well as several others showed lower tolerance to F. avenaceum rather than to F. culmorum, whereas Elena was the only cultivar with the opposite tendency.  相似文献   

The toxicity of a number of dyestuffs to the spores of Fusarium culmorum and Cercosporella herpotrichoides was determined by the slide-germination technique. No attempt was made to distinguish between fungistatic and fungicidal activity.
The toxicity of basic dyestuffs was unaffected by the acid radicle associated with the dye base.
The high toxicity to Fusarium culmorum of malachite green dye base was reduced weight for weight and mole for mole by substitution of ethyl, propyl or butyl groups for methyl groups.
The reduction of malachite green to malachite green leuco base removed toxicity.
The substitution of amino groups and alkylated amino groups in benzene nuclei of triphenyl methane increased toxicity, whereas acid groups reduced toxicity. Sulphonation and carboxylation reduced toxicity to vanishing point.
Alkylation of amino groups increased, but alkylation of benzene nuclei did not affect toxicity appreciably.
When the central carbon atom of the triphenyl methane dyestuffs was replaced by nitrogen (e.g. Bindschedler's green) the diphenyl ammonium compounds were less toxic than the corresponding triphenyl-methane compounds.
The prevention of rotation of the aminated benzene rings by bridging, in the o -position to central atom, with O or N, and so obtaining a planar molecule only slightly affected toxicity.
Certain acid dyes stimulated fungal growth.
The toxicity of the basic dyestuffs seems to depend not on one specific part but on the molecule as a whole, and within certain limits the structure may be varied without pronounced changes in toxicity.  相似文献   

Twenty fungal genera, including 14 Fusarium species, were examined for ice nucleation activity at −5.0°C, and this activity was found only in Fusarium acuminatum and Fusarium avenaceum. This characteristic is unique to these two species. Ice nucleation activity of F. avenaceum was compared with ice nucleation activity of a Pseudomonas sp. strain. Cumulative nucleus spectra are similar for both microorganisms, while the maximum temperatures of ice nucleation were −2.5°C for F. avenaceum and −1.0°C for the bacteria. Ice nucleation activity of F. avenaceum was stable at pH levels from 1 to 13 and tolerated temperature treatments up to 60°C, suggesting that these ice nuclei are more similar to lichen ice nuclei than to bacterial ones. Ice nuclei of F. avenaceum, unlike bacterial ice nuclei, pass through a 0.22-μm-pore-size filter. Fusarial nuclei share some characteristics with the so-called leaf-derived nuclei with which they might be identified: they are cell free and stable up to 60°C, and they are found in the same kinds of environment. Highly stable ice nuclei produced by fast-growing microorganisms have potential applications in biotechnology. This is the first report of ice nucleation activity in free-living fungi.  相似文献   

Splash seed dispersal by raindrops was investigated for plants in southern Japan. Nine families, 10 genera and 19 species were confirmed as raindrop-dispersed plants. The 10 genera were Gentiana, Gratiola, Chrysosplenium, Mazus, Mitella, Ophiorrhiza, Sagina, Sedum, Trigonotis and Veronica. The method of splash rain dispersal in these species was clarified. Raindrop-dispersed species were all small herbaceous plants with a vertical pedicel and an apically opening fresh capsule when the seeds mature. Open capsules were cup-shaped or boat-shaped and can accommodate raindrops easily. The raindrops splashed the seeds from the capsule. In general, the seeds weighed very little, but they were heavier than powder or dust seeds dispersed by wind. A strong negative correlation was found between seed weight and the number of seeds per capsule. In the case of Trigonotis brevipes (Maxim.) Maxim., raindrops were received into the cup-shaped calyx-tube and dispersed the fruitlets. Some species, such as Gentiana thunbergii (G. Don) Griseb., Gentiana zollingeri Fawcett and Ophiorrhiza japonica Blume, had hydroscopic movement capsules that opened widely only when wet. Raindrop-dispersed plants were found in various habitats. For example, some plants grew together on rocks along the mountain torrents where splash water could easily be caught. The results of the laboratory and field experiments indicated that the dispersal distance of seeds by raindrops was 1m or less. For small herbaceous plants, splash dispersal by rain might be an effective and advantageous method of seed dispersal because dispersal is not affected by plant height.  相似文献   

Two strains of Fusarium sporotrichioides and one strain of F. culmorum were shown to produce the mycotoxin moniliformin in rice culture. Identification was by reverse-phase liquid chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Protoplast-like structures have been formed by digestion of the cell walls ofFusarium culmorum conidia by lytic enzyme preparations ofMicromonospora AS. Under the test conditions extrusion of the protoplasts was not observed. It seems that digestion of the cell wall occurs in different stages. Digestion of the septa preceded the formation of protoplasts of the individual cells of the multicellularF. culmorum conidia. A few protoplasts survived the lytic enzyme treatment. “Protoplasts” obtained from conidia are much more stable than those obtained from young hyphae and were able to germinate with the formation of normal mycelium. Lysis of some of the protoplast bodies led to the formation of a membranous structure. The protoplasts derived from each of the constituent cells of the conidia could be isolated with the micromanipulator. No differences were found in the ability of the isolated cells to germinate.  相似文献   


Basal rot is the main and economically soil-borne disease of onion that caused by various Fusarium species worldwide. To identify the prevailing Fusarium species, 140 Fusarium isolates were obtained from red onion bulbs farms in 10 regions of East and West Azarbaijan provinces in 2015. By inoculating 80 selected isolates, 40 of them were pathogenic on onion. These 40 isolates were identified as F. oxysporum with 43.62%, F. subglutinans with 44%, F. culmorum with 50.66%, F. avenaceum with 51%, F. solani with 42.41%, F. crookwellens with 55%, F. proliferatum with 47.16% and F. redolens with 55.5% virulence. Their frequency were 20%, 2.5%, 7.5%, 5%, 42.5%, 2.5%, 15% and 5%, respectively. Forty studied isolates demonstrating that, 14.2% were highly virulent, 26.1% virulent, 40.3% moderately virulent and 19.4% weakly virulent. This is the first report of F. avenaceum and F. crookwellens as the causal agents of red onion basal rot in Iran.  相似文献   

Two strains of Fusarium sporotrichioides and one strain of F. culmorum were shown to produce the mycotoxin moniliformin in rice culture. Identification was by reverse-phase liquid chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, and mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

It was found that crude preparation obtained from the culture medium of Fusarium avenaceum degraded cellulose and xylan. After chromatography on CM-Sepharose CL-6B of this preparation six fraction were obtained. The eluted fractions II and V showed xylanase activity, fraction IV — cellulase activity and fraction III — xylanase and cellulase activity. The end products of xylan hydrolysis by all xylanase fractions (II, III, V) were xylobiose, xylose, xylotriose and xylotetrose. The end products of cellulose hydrolysis by fractions III and IV was cellobiose, glucose and cellotriose. The data from gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 indicated a molecular weight of more than 250,000 for both cellulase IV and xylanase V. After gel filtration in the presence of urea disaggregation of those high molecular xylanase and cellulase particles was observed. Xylanase II in difference from the other fractions contained higher amount of sugar. Digestion of fraction II with cellulase-hemicellulase preparation from Phoma hibernica decreased the content of sugar from 17% to 8%, but did not change its enzymatic properties. Cellulase IV as well as xylanase V were inactivated by N-bromosuccinimide, 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide and tetranitromethane, hence it is suggested that tryptophan and tyrosine are the essential for the activity of these enzymes.  相似文献   

Inter‐simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis and aggressiveness assays were used to investigate genetic variability within a global collection of Fusarium culmorum isolates. A set of four ISSR primers were tested, of which three primers amplified a total of 37 bands out of which 30 (81%) were polymorphic. The intraspecific diversity was high, ranging from four to 28 different ISSR genotypes for F. culmorum depending on the primer. The combined analysis of ISSR data revealed 59 different genotypes clustered into seven distinct clades amongst 75 isolates of F. culmorum examined. All the isolates were assayed to test their aggressiveness on a winter wheat cv. ‘Armada’. A significant quantitative variation for aggressiveness was found among the isolates. The ISSR and aggressiveness variation existed on a macro‐ as well as micro‐geographical scale. The data suggested a long‐range dispersal of F. culmorum and indicated that this fungus may have been introduced into Canada from Europe. In addition to the high level of intraspecific diversity observed in F. culmorum, the index of multilocus association calculated using ISSR data indicated that reproduction in F. culmorum cannot be exclusively clonal and recombination is likely to occur.  相似文献   

The course of transformations of the pharmacological steroids: testosterone propionate, 4-chlorotestosterone acetate, 17beta-estradiol diacetate and their parent alcohols in Fusarium culmorum AM282 culture was compared. The results show that this microorganism is capable of regioselective hydrolysis of ester bonds. Only 4-ene-3-oxo steroid esters were hydrolyzed at C-17. 17beta-Estradiol diacetate underwent regioselective hydrolysis at C-3 and as a result, estrone--the main metabolite of estradiol--was absent in the reaction mixture. The alcohols resulting from the hydrolysis underwent oxidation at C-17 and hydroxylation. The same products (6beta- and 15alpha-hydroxy derivatives) as from testosterone were formed by transformation of testosterone propionate, but the quantitative composition of the mixtures obtained after transformations of both substrates showed differences. The 15alpha-hydroxy derivatives were obtained from the ester in considerably higher yield than from the parent alcohol. The presence of the chlorine atom at C-4 markedly reduced 17beta-saponification in 4-chlorotestosterone acetate. Only 3beta,15alpha-dihydroxy-4alpha-chloro-5alpha-androstan-17-one (the main product of transformation of 4-chlorotestosterone) was identified in the reaction mixture. 6beta-Hydroxy-4-chloroandrostenedione, which was formed from 4-chlorotestosterone, was not detected in the extract obtained after conversion of its ester.  相似文献   

Fine Structure and Spore Germination in Fusarium culmorum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MARCHANT  R. 《Annals of botany》1966,30(3):441-445
The fine structure of the macroconidium of Fusarium culmorum(W. G. Smith) Sacc. is described. The presence of a mucilaginouscoat around the conidium and its expansion during germinationare confirmed. Studies of germinating conidia have shown changesin the numbers of organelles. The germ tube is shown to be formedfrom an entirely new wall laid down in the conidium, and theemergence of the germ tube is brought about by lysis of theoriginal condial wall.  相似文献   

MARCHANT  R. 《Annals of botany》1966,30(4):821-830
The conidial and germ-tube walls of Fusarium culmorum (W. G.Smith) Sacc. have been examined by various chemical and electron-microscopetechniques. On the basis of these results and hypothesis isproposed for the organization of these walls. Microchemicaltests indicate the presence of chitin in the walls and suggestthat the mucilaginous layer around the conidium is mainly composedof xylan. Chemical analyses of isolated wall material confirmthe presence of chitin constituents in the wall, and a rylanlayer around the conidium. Furthermore, the wall contains apolypeptide moiety which has a different amino acid compositionfrom the rest of the protein of the cell. Electron microscopestudies of replicas and sections of conidia, germ tubes, andhyphae reveal a layered structure for the wall. The centrallayer is non-microfibrillar and is overlaid on both sides witha layer of randomly orientated microfibrils. The mucilaginouslayer of the conidium obscures the microfibrillar structurebeneath it unless the mucilage is removed by hydrolysis. Theproblem of hyphal growth is discussed on the basis of the structureof germ-tube tips and mature hyphae observed.  相似文献   

Coniothyrium minitans, a mycoparasite with biocontrol activity against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, was found to disperse during glasshouse trials where overhead irrigation was used. Consequently, the role of water splash in dispersal of C. minitans was investigated using soil-incorporated inoculum and a range of irrigation regimes found to occur in the glasshouse. The resulting inoculum deposition over horizontal distances up to 2 m was measured. Using drops < 6 mm diameter at 680 mm h-1, C. minitans was splash-dispersed at least 2.0 m, whereas with drops > 6 mm diameter at 30 mm h-1 it was dispersed to only 1.75 m. Irrigation with droplets < 1mm diameter at 49 mm h-1 failed to disperse inoculum beyond 0.5 m. The dispersal gradient produced by drops < 6 mm diameter at 680 mm h-1 was best described mathematically by the power function, whereas irrigation with drops > 6 mm diameter at 30 mm h- resulted in a gradient described well by power or exponential functions. The latter regime produced a significantly steeper gradient than irrigation with drops < 6 mm diameter at 680 mm h-1. C. minitans was isolated using an Andersen air sampler at concentrations of 2839 cfu m-3 or 22 cfu m-3 during irrigation with drops < 6 mm diameter at 680 mm h-1 or > 6 mm diameter at 30 mm h-1, respectively. After irrigation, deposition of C. minitans-canying aerosol particles declined exponentially and distance from source had no effect on the amount of inoculum isolated. Conidia of C. minitans, splash-dispersed by irrigation with drops < 6 mm diameter at 680 mm h-1 were able to infect sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum such that almost all sclerotia at 0.5 m from the inoculum source, and c. 50% of those at 2.0 m, became infected with the mycoparasite.  相似文献   

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