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Seamounts may influence the distribution of marine mammals through a combination of increased ocean mixing, enhanced local productivity and greater prey availability. To study the effects of seamounts on the presence and acoustic behaviour of cetaceans, we deployed a high-frequency acoustic recording package on the summit of Cross Seamount during April through October 2005. The most frequently detected cetacean vocalizations were echolocation sounds similar to those produced by ziphiid and mesoplodont beaked whales together with buzz-type signals consistent with prey-capture attempts. Beaked whale signals occurred almost entirely at night throughout the six-month deployment. Measurements of prey presence with a Simrad EK-60 fisheries acoustics echo sounder indicate that Cross Seamount may enhance local productivity in near-surface waters. Concentrations of micronekton were aggregated over the seamount in near-surface waters at night, and dense concentrations of nekton were detected across the surface of the summit. Our results suggest that seamounts may provide enhanced foraging opportunities for beaked whales during the night through a combination of increased productivity, vertical migrations by micronekton and local retention of prey. Furthermore, the summit of the seamount may act as a barrier against which whales concentrate prey.  相似文献   



Understanding cetacean species' distributions and population structure over space and time is necessary for effective conservation and management. Geographic differences in acoustic signals may provide a line of evidence for population-level discrimination in some cetacean species. We use acoustic recordings collected over broad spatial and temporal scales to investigate whether global variability in echolocation click peak frequency could elucidate population structure in Blainville's beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris), a cryptic species well-studied acoustically.


North Pacific, Western North Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.

Time period


Major taxa studied

Blainville's beaked whale.


Passive acoustic data were collected at 76 sites and 150 cumulative years of data were analysed to extract beaked whale echolocation clicks. Using an automated detector and subsequent weighted network clustering on spectral content and interclick interval of clicks, we determined the properties of a primary cluster of clicks with similar characteristics per site. These were compared within regions and across ocean basins and evaluated for suitability as population-level indicators.


Spectral averages obtained from primary clusters of echolocation clicks identified at each site were similar in overall shape but varied in peak frequency by up to 8 kHz. We identified a latitudinal cline, with higher peak frequencies occurring in lower latitudes.

Main conclusions

It may be possible to acoustically delineate populations of Blainville's beaked whales. The documented negative correlation between signal peak frequency and latitude could relate to body size. Body size has been shown to influence signal frequency, with lower frequencies produced by larger animals, which are subsequently more common in higher latitudes for some species, although data are lacking to adequately investigate this for beaked whales. Prey size and depth may shape frequency content of echolocation signals, and larger prey items may occur in higher latitudes, resulting in lower signal frequencies of their predators.  相似文献   

There are two recognized species in the genus Berardius, Baird's and Arnoux's beaked whales. In Japan, whalers have traditionally recognized two forms of Baird's beaked whales, the common “slate‐gray” form and a smaller, rare “black” form. Previous comparison of mtDNA control region sequences from three black specimens to gray specimens around Japan indicated that the two forms comprise different stocks and potentially different species. We have expanded sampling to include control region haplotypes of 178 Baird's beaked whales from across their range in the North Pacific. We identified five additional specimens of the black form from the Aleutian Islands and Bering Sea, for a total of eight “black” specimens. The divergence between mtDNA haplotypes of the black and gray forms of Baird's beaked whale was greater than their divergence from the congeneric Arnoux's beaked whale found in the Southern Ocean, and similar to that observed among other congeneric beaked whale species. Taken together, genetic evidence from specimens in Japan and across the North Pacific, combined with evidence of smaller adult body size, indicate presence of an unnamed species of Berardius in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

C-PODs are static passive acoustic monitoring devices used to detect odontocete vocalizations in the range of 20–160 kHz. However, falsely classified detections may be an issue, particularly with broadband species (i.e. many dolphin species) due to anthropogenic and other noise occurring at the same frequency. While porpoise detections are verified using species-specific acoustic parameters, the equivalent does not currently exist for verifying dolphin detections. Development of such parameters would increase the accuracy of dolphin detections and eliminate the need for additional monitoring techniques or devices, reducing the cost of monitoring programmes. Herein, we present parameters based on acoustic characteristics of bottlenose (n = 29), common (n = 19) and Risso’s (n = 99) dolphin click trains, sighted within 1 km of C-PODs during land-based surveys, for in-software verification. Overlap of click train parameters among dolphin species prevented robust species identification; therefore, parameters were devised for these dolphin species collectively using frequency, inter-click interval and click train duration. A data set of 4898 Detection Positive Hours was visually verified using these parameters. The temporal and spatial patterns in the visually verified data were similar to land-based observations, suggesting the parameters operate at an acceptable accuracy. However, 68% of high-, moderate- and low-quality KERNO detections were false-positive. Our results suggest that the accuracy of classifiers and quality class weightings are site-specific, and we highlight the importance of data exploration to make the most appropriate software choices based on the aims of a study.  相似文献   

We present genetic and morphological evidence supporting the recognition of a previously synonymized species of Mesoplodon beaked whale in the tropical Indo‐Pacific, Mesoplodon hotaula. Although the new species is closely‐related to the rare ginkgo‐toothed beaked whale M. ginkgodens, we show that these two lineages can be differentiated by maternally (mitochondrial DNA), biparentally (autosomal), and paternally (Y chromosome) inherited DNA sequences, as well as by morphological features. The reciprocal monophyly of the mtDNA genealogies and the largely parapatric distribution of these lineages is consistent with reproductive isolation. The new lineage is currently known from at least seven specimens: Sri Lanka (1), Gilbert Islands, Republic of Kiribati (1+), Palmyra Atoll, Northern Line Islands, U.S.A. (3), Maldives (1), and Seychelles (1). The type specimen (Sri Lanka) was described as a new species, M. hotaula, in 1963, but later synonymized with M. ginkgodens. This discovery brings the total number of Mesoplodon species to 15, making it, by far, the most speciose yet least known genus of cetaceans.  相似文献   

Many organizations collect large passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) data sets that need to be efficiently and reliably analyzed. To determine appropriate methods for effective analysis of big PAM data sets, we undertook a literature review of baleen whale PAM analysis methods. Methodologies from 166 studies (published between 2000–2019) were summarized, and a detailed review was performed on the 94 studies that recorded more than 1,000 hr of acoustic data (“big data”). Analysis techniques for extracting baleen whale information from PAM data sets varied depending on the research observed. A spectrum of methodologies was used and ranged from manual analysis of all acoustic data by human experts to completely automated techniques with no manual validation. Based on this assessment, recommendations are provided to encourage robust research methods that are comparable across studies and sectors, achievable across research groups, and consistent with previous work. These include using automated techniques when possible to increase efficiency and repeatability, supplementing automation with manual review to calculate automated detector performance, and increasing consistency in terminology and presentation of results. This work can be used to facilitate discussion for minimum standards and best practices to be implemented in the field of marine mammal PAM.  相似文献   

Passive acoustic data were collected January 2012 to April 2013 at four sites in the Chiloense Ecoregion (CER) in southern Chile (≈43°S–44°S, 71°W–73°W) and 1996–2002 from one site in the eastern tropical Pacific (ETP) (8°S, 95°W). Automatic detectors were used to detect the two songs (SEP1 and SEP2) described for southeast Pacific (SEP) blue whales. There was a strong seasonal pattern of occurrence of SEP songs in the CER from December to August, peaking March to May. In the ETP, the occurrence of songs was an order of magnitude lower but songs were present year‐round, with a peak around June. These findings support austral summer/autumn seasonal residency in the CER and a seasonal movement of blue whales towards the ETP during June/July, returning in December. Interannual differences in the ETP were possibly linked to the 1997–1998 El Niño event. At both study sites, SEP2 was significantly more common than SEP1; both songs largely followed the same temporal trends. These findings contribute to our understanding of the seasonal movements of endangered SEP blue whales and can inform conservation strategies, particularly in the CER coastal feeding ground. We recommend future year‐round passive acoustic studies in the CER and the ETP (e.g., near the Galapagos Islands), ideally coupled with oceanographic data.  相似文献   

We assessed North Pacific right whale (Eubalaena japonica) seasonal and daily calling patterns in the southeastern Bering Sea (SEBS) using long‐term hydrophone recordings from October 2000 through January 2006. We detected right whale calls on the SEBS middle shelf (<100 m depth) as early as May, intermittently throughout summer and fall, and as late as December. Calls also were detected on one day in June 2005 on the SEBS slope (>1,000 m), but were not detected near Kodiak Island from April to August 2003. In months with calls, detections occurred on more days in July–October (≥6 d/mo), than from May to June or November to December (≤3 d/mo). Calls were clustered in time and were usually detected on 1–3 consecutive days with a median interval of 6.5 d for calls >1 d apart. Hourly calling rates were significantly higher at night than during the day. These data indicate that right whales occur in the SEBS later in the year than previously known, intermittently pass through the middle‐shelf study region, and usually remain there no longer than a few days. Right whale habitat use in the SEBS may intensify in mid‐summer through early fall based on higher monthly and daily call detection rates.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities must be monitored to determine effects on marine mammal species, but the difficulty lies in how to measure impact. Mass strandings of beaked whales have occurred in association with naval exercises, with two species most affected, Cuvier's (Ziphius cavirostris) and Blainville's (Mesoplodon densirostris) beaked whales. Six such events have occurred in the Canary Islands but there have been no reported mass strandings in Hawai‘i. We assess the hypothesis that factors that influence the likelihood of strandings occurring and/or being detected differ between the Canary and main Hawaiian Islands, such that beaked whale stranding/detection probabilities will be lower in Hawai‘i. On an archipelago-wide basis, nearshore bathymetric comparisons indicate that the Canaries have a greater proportion and a total greater amount of appropriate beaked whale habitat closer to shore, with a steeper slope. Hawaiian shorelines are more dominated by steep cliffs, human population density is much lower, and human population per kilometer of shoreline is 53% lower than in the Canaries. All of these factors suggest that there is a higher probability of a carcass washing onshore and being detected in the Canary Islands. It cannot be concluded that the lack of mass strandings in Hawai‘i is evidence of no impact.  相似文献   

The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) is an endangered freshwater porpoise subspecies unique to the Yangtze River basin. Seasonal variations in local distribution of the animal, as well as fish presence, sand dredging, ship navigation, and bridges were examined as potential factors affecting the occurrence of the animals. Passive acoustic surveys were performed regularly from May 2007 to August 2010, near the conjunction of the Yangtze River and Poyang Lake. The distribution of the porpoises was seasonally site‐specific. In May and August, the animals were detected more often at river junctions than in the lake, but vice versa from November to February. The rate of the porpoise detection was significantly higher in areas of fish presence than in areas of absence. The number of porpoises detected did not differ significantly between the sand dredging operation and the prohibition period (in 2008), although the number of vessels obviously declined in 2008. Ship traffic and bridges also did not appear to affect the presence of porpoises. These results showed the relative importance of the various environmental factors, which is important for conservation of not only Yangtze finless porpoise but also endangered isolated cetaceans.  相似文献   

Understanding species distribution and behavior is essential for conservation programs of migratory species with recovering populations. The critically endangered Antarctic blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia) was heavily exploited during the whaling era. Because of their low numbers, highly migratory behavior, and occurrence in remote areas, their distribution and range are not fully understood, particularly in the southwest Pacific Ocean. This is the first Antarctic blue whale study covering the southwest Pacific Ocean region from temperate to tropical waters (32°S to 15°S). Passive acoustic data were recorded between 2010 and 2011 across the southwest Pacific (SWPO) and southeast Indian (SEIO) oceans. We detected Antarctic blue whale calls in previously undocumented SWPO locations off eastern Australia (32°S, 152°E) and within the Lau Basin (20°S, 176°W and 15°S, 173°W), and SEIO off northwest Australia (19°S, 115°E).In temperate waters, adjacent ocean basins had similar seasonal occurrence, in that calling Antarctic blue whales were present for long periods, almost year round in some areas. In northern tropical waters, calling whales were mostly present during the austral winter. Clarifying the occurrence and distribution of critically endangered species is fundamental for monitoring population recovery, marine protected area planning, and in mitigating anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   

Long‐term passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals on navy ranges provides the opportunity to better understand the potential impact of sonar on populations. The navy range in Tongue of the Ocean (TOTO), Bahamas contains extensive hydrophone arrays, potentially allowing estimation of the density of deep diving, vocally active species such as the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Previous visual surveys in TOTO have been of limited spatio–temporal coverage and resulted in only sporadic sightings of sperm whales, whereas passive acoustic observations suggest the species is present year round. However, until now the means of acoustically determining the specific number of individuals in each cluster has been limited. We used recently developed algorithms to identify the number of echolocating whales present during a 42 d study period. We screened a 297 h acoustic data set to determine the proportion of time animals were present; fifty 10 min samples during presence were analyzed to estimate the number of individuals vocalizing during each sample. These counts were combined with an independent estimate of the proportion of 10 min periods when tagged animals vocalize. The estimated average density was 0.16 whales/1,000 km2 (CV 27%; 95% CI 0.095–0.264). The method is potentially applicable to other areas containing dense hydrophone arrays.  相似文献   

The minke whale is one of the most abundant species of baleen whales worldwide, yet is rarely sighted in subtropical waters. In the North Pacific, they produce a distinctive sound known as the “boing,” which can be used to acoustically localize individuals. A vessel‐based survey using both visual and passive acoustic monitoring was conducted during the spring of 2007 in a large (616,000 km2) study area encompassing the Mariana Islands. We applied line transect methods to data collected from a towed hydrophone array to estimate the abundance of calling minke whales in our study area. No minke whales were sighted, but there were hundreds of acoustic detections of boings. Computer algorithms were developed to localize calling minke whales from acoustic recordings, resulting in over 30 independent localizations, a six‐fold increase over those estimated during the survey. The two best estimates of abundance of calling minke whales were determined to be 80 and 91 animals (0.13 and 0.15 animals per 1,000 km2, respectively; CV = 34%). These are the first density and abundance estimates for calling minke whales using towed hydrophone array surveys, and the first estimates for this species in the Mariana Islands region. These are considered minimum estimates of the true number of minke whales in the study area.  相似文献   

The Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) are an endangered species. Thus, up-to-date information on the distribution pattern of dolphins is critical for its proper management and conservation. Using a towed passive acoustic monitoring device, the distribution pattern of the Irrawaddy dolphins in the middle reaches of the Ayeyarwady River, Myanmar, was investigated during a vessel-based survey between Mingun and Katha. This region was successively divided into segments 1–4 from upstream to downstream. Sixteen echolocation encounters, with a series of click trains separated by <8 min and 26 dolphin acoustic trajectories were recorded. The mean dolphin detection rate (animals/kilometer) across the four segments progressively increased from upstream to downstream. High relative abundance was observed in segment 4 (46%) and segment 1 (23%) which was consistent with findings from historical boat-based visual surveys. The averaged interclick intervals of each click train in segment 2 and 4 was significantly shorter than that in segment 3, indicating that the dolphins in these segments frequently use shorter-ranged biosonar. More frequent and consistent surveys with a systematic sampling track design that incorporates other factors and covering the whole distribution range along the Ayeyarwady River and at varied water levels are needed in the future.  相似文献   

We monitored the underwater movements of Ganges River dolphins using stationed stereo acoustic data loggers. We estimated these movements using changes in the relative angle of the sound source direction (trajectory). Of the total acoustic recordings (66 h), 26.2% contained trajectories of dolphins, and 78.6% of these trajectories involved single animals, suggesting that dolphins tended to swim alone and were localized near the monitoring station. The observed trajectories were categorized as follows: staying type characterized by small changes in the sound source direction, moving type A (moving in the same direction), and moving type B (moving up and down the stream during recording). The average interpulse intervals of sounds in moving types A and B were significantly shorter than that of the staying type, suggesting that dolphins produce the former types of trajectories to echolocate across shorter distances during movement. The frequency of occurrence of moving type A increased during the night, whereas that of type B increased in the late afternoon and that of the staying type increased during the daytime. These results indicate that dolphins moving at night tended to use short‐range echolocation, whereas during the day, they remained in relatively small areas and used long‐range sonar.  相似文献   

The endangered North Atlantic right whale is susceptible to increased risks associated with the developing energy market off the Virginia coast of the U.S.A., including increased noise exposure from shipping and energy exploration and extraction, and shipping activity. Primarily viewed as a migratory corridor between northern feeding and mating areas and the southern calving area, Virginia waters have not been intensely monitored for right whales. We conducted a 1 yr, continuous, passive acoustic survey from the Virginia coast to the continental shelf to better describe the seasonal occurrence and spatial distribution of right whales in this area. We found that whales were acoustically detected in every month of the year, with increased seasonal occurrences in fall and late winter/early spring, and not just during limited periods of the year. As industry activities continue to increase in the area, these new right whale occurrence data have implications for siting and permitting of offshore energy activities.  相似文献   

Animal vocal signals are increasingly used to monitor wildlife populations and to obtain estimates of species occurrence and abundance. In future, acoustic monitoring should function not only to detect animals, but also to extract detailed information about populations by discriminating sexes, age groups, social or kin groups, and potentially individuals. Here we show that it is possible to estimate age groups of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) based on acoustic parameters extracted from rumbles recorded under field conditions in a National Park in South Africa. Statistical models reached up to 70% correct classification to four age groups (infants, calves, juveniles and adults) and 95% correct classification when categorizing into two groups (infants/calves lumped into one group vs. adults). The models revealed that parameters representing absolute frequency values have the most discriminative power. Comparable classification results were obtained by fully automated classification of rumbles by high-dimensional features that represent the entire spectral envelope, such as Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (75% correct classification) and Greenwood function cepstral coefficient (74% correct classification). The reported results and methods provide the scientific foundation for a future system that could potentially automatically estimate the demography of an acoustically monitored elephant group or population.  相似文献   

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