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Summary In vitro studies have been performed with 5-ethyl-2-deoxyuridine (EDU) concerning its incorporation into the cell nuclear material and its effects on the chromosome morphology of cultivated human lyphocytes and skin fibroblasts. This compound is presumably incorporated in the DNA without visible chromosome aberrations as is seen with many other pyrimidine analogues. A slight inhibition of the cell growth was noted at high concentration (120g/ml) of EDU. A similar degree of cell growth inhibition was found with corresponding doses of deoxythymidine.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden in vitro-Untersuchungen hinsichtlich des Äthyldeoxyuridineinbaus (ÄDU) und dessen Einfluß auf menschliche Lymphocyten- und Fibroblastenchromosomen durchgeführt. Diese Substanz wird in die DNS eingebaut und führt nicht zu sichtbaren Chromosomenaberrationen wie bei einigen anderen Pyrimidinanaloga. Eine leichte Hemmung des Zellwachstums wurde mit 120 g/ml ÄDU festgestellt. Eine ähnliche Hemmung des Zellwachstums ließ sich auch mit gleicher Deoxythymidinkonzentration nachweisen.

Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Irradiation of human lymphocytes by α-particles under different conditions has been seen to be substantially more effective in the induction of dicentric chromosomes than irradiation by ψ-rays. However, the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) determined in these studies RBE are likely to be due in part to differing exposure conditions. Therefore, a technique designed to insure iniformity of irradiation was developed in the present study, and complications due to the cell cycle kinetics were controlled. After stimulation with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), separated lymphocytes were allowed to attach for 3 h to the thin foil bottom of an irradiation chamber. Cell monolayers were exposed with α-particles from241Am. Strong over-dispersion was noted for the cell-to-cell variance of the number of dicentrics. The dose response of dicentrics was linear, with a yield of 0.27 dicentrics per cell and per Gy. This corresponds to a low dose RBE of 15 relative to137Cs γ-ray exposure under the same experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Oxidative DNA damage in blood appears to be useful as a marker of systemic oxidative stress levels. Dietary factors such as fat and energy intakes have been indicated to affect oxidative stress levels, and this may be an important mechanism by which diet can modulate cancer risk. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary intervention in premenopausal women on the levels of one type of oxidative DNA damage: 5-hydroxymethyl-2′-deoxyuridine. The trial randomly assigned women to control, low-fat, low-energy or combination low-fat/low-energy diets for 12?weeks. Blood samples were obtained every 2?weeks, and DNA was analysed for the levels of 5-hydroxymethyl-2′-deoxyuridine. Levels of DNA damage declined with time in each diet arm, including the control arm. The decreases were greater in the two arms with low-energy intake, but not significantly so. The numbers of women who exhibited decreased 5-hydroxymethyl-2′-deoxyuridine levels at 12?weeks versus baseline levels, however, was significantly greater in women assigned to any intervention diet (79%) than in the control arm (50%). Low-fat and low-energy diets therefore had a small effect on changes in oxidative DNA damage levels. The women participating in this study were not selected on the basis of increased cancer risk; therefore, they may have had low baseline levels of damage that were not amenable to further reduction by dietary change.  相似文献   

The effects of post-treatments with caffeine in G2 on the frequency of chromosomal aberrations induced by thiotepa, mitomycin C and N-methyl-N-nitro-N′-nitrosoguanidine were studied in human lymphocytes. Caffeine was found to potentiate the frequency of chromatid aberrations induced by all 3 S-dependent agents tested; the most striking enhancement being obtained when caffeine was present during the last 1.5 h before harvesting. Post-treatments in G2 with 3-aminobenzamide had no influence on the aberration frequency induced by thiotepa and N-methyl-N-nitro-N′-nitrosoguanidine.  相似文献   

This paper considers the dose-effect relationship for unstable chromosome aberration yields in human lymphocytes in very low-dose range. Data are presented for (60)Co γ-ray doses of 0, 10, 20, 40 and 1000 mGy. More than 5,000 metaphases were scored for each data point at the very low doses, and each cell was double-checked using a semi-automated metaphase finding/relocation system. Aberration yields of dicentrics plus centric rings followed an excellent linear dose response down to zero dose; the yields were significantly above the control frequency from 20 mGy.  相似文献   

We have studied the radiation responses of a human mammary epithelial cell line, H184B5 F5-1 M/10. This cell line was derived from primary mammary cells after treatment with chemicals and heavy ions. The F5-1 M/10 cells are immortal, density-inhibited in growth, and non-tumorigenic in athymic nude mice and represent an in vitro model of the human epithelium for radiation studies. Because epithelial cells are the target of -particles emitted from radon daughters, we concentrated our studies on the efficiency of -particles. Confluent cultures of M/10 cells were exposed to accelerated -particles [beam energy incident at the cell monolayer=3.85 MeV, incident linear energy transfer (LET) in cell= 109 keV/µm] and, for comparison, to 80 kVp x-rays. The following endpoints were studied: (1) survival, (2) chromosome aberrations at the first postirradiation mitosis, and (3) chromosome alterations at later passages following irradiation. The survival curve was exponential for -particles (D0 = 0.73± 0.04 Gy), while a shoulder was observed for x-rays (/ = 2.9 Gy; D0 = 2.5 Gy, extrapolation number 1.6). The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of high-LET -particles for human epithelial cell killing was 3.3 at 37% survival. Dose-response curves for the induction of chromosome aberrations were linear for cc-particles and linear-quadratic for x-rays. The RBE for the induction of chromosome aberrations varied with the type of aberration scored and was high (about 5) for chromosome breaks and low (about 2) for chromosome exchanges. The RBE for the induction of total chromosome aberrations (2.3 at 37% cell survival) was lower than that for cell survival, suggesting that chromosome damage at the first postirradiation mitosis is not sufficient to account for the increased efficiency of -particles in the induction of lethal effects. However, measured cell survival after -particle irradiation can be predicted from chromosome damage when cells at different population doubling numbers after irradiation are considered. In fact, a high percentage of -irradiated cells carried unstable chromosomal aberrations up to population doubling number about 5. On the other hand, x-ray-induced damage disappeared rapidly. These results suggest that -particle-induced reproductive death of human mammary epithelial cells is caused by chromosome damage in the first 5 generations following exposure, whereas the in-activation produced by low-LET radiation is mostly related to the aberrations at the first post-irradiation mitosis.  相似文献   

The effect of G2-treatments with 2-deoxyadenosine (dAdo) on the frequency of chromatid aberrations in X-irradiated and unirradiated human lymphocytes depends on the method of culture. In whole-blood cultures dAdo alone produced very few if any aberrations, but in the presence of inhibitors of adenosine deaminase (ADA), such as EHNA or coformycin, a high frequency of chromatid gaps, chromatid breaks, and isochromatid breaks were produced. In cultures of purified lymphocytes, dAdo produced aberrations even in the absence of an ADA inhibitor. Apparently the lymphocytes are protected against the chromosome-damaging effect of dAdo by the ADA activity of the erythrocytes. — When given as a post-treatment, dAdo also enhances the frequency of chromatid aberrations induced by X-rays in G2. In whole-blood cultures this effect is obtained even in the absence of an ADA inhibitor, although the concentration required to produce enhancement is about twenty times higher than in the presence of the inhibitor.  相似文献   

Experiments on the action of 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine on growth ofEscherichia coli B, CECT 101;Pseudomonas fluorescens, CECT 318;Pseudomonas savastanoi, CECT 93;Micrococcus luteus, ATCC 4698;Bacillus cereus, CIP 52.58;Bacillus macerans, ClP 52.58 andBacillus subtilis, ATCC 6633, are described. The inhibition of growth is reversed by thymine plus uracil in all cases except inPseudomonas strains in which uracil alone is active, and in which no exogenous thymine is taken up, not even in the presece of 2′-deoxyguanosine. Growth conditions for improved labelling of bacterial DNA are discussed in the light of the results.  相似文献   

Summary The inhibitors of DNA synthesis, 5-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine and hydroxyurea, caused an inhibition of thymidine kinase, replicative DNA polymerase and CDP reductase activities in stimulated lymphocytes when they were exposed to the inhibitors during the early transformation period (0–17 hr). However, the enzyme activities were unaffected when the inhibitors were added to cells stimulated for more than 17 hr. As opposed to these enzymes the deoxycytidylate deaminase activity was unaffected by the inhibitors during the entire transformation period (0–28 hr). This indicates a close regulatory mechanism in lymphocytes between DNA synthesis and induction of enzymes involved in DNA replication. The inhibitory mechanism exerted by the inhibitors is for the moment unknown. It might be independent of the well-known inhibition of the target enzymes, thymidylate synthetase and ribonucleoside diphosphate reductase, since there was no immediate apparent correlation in time between depletion of the pool sizes and the inhibition of the enzyme activities.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of 3-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine in aqueous solution has been investigated. Varying proportions of 3-methylcytosine, 3-methyluracil and 3-methyl-2′-deoxyuridine are formed depending upon conditions of pH and temperature. All three hydrolytic products are formed at pH 6.8 and 90°C. At pH 2, depyrimidination of 3-methylcytosine occurs as the only hydrolysis product. When the pH is increased to 12, 3-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine on heating at 90°C is completely deaminated to 3-methyl-2′-deoxyuridine with few side products formed. This reaction serves as the basis for a convenient synthesis of 3-methyl-2′-deoxyuridine. The 300 MHz spectra of 3-methyl-2′-deoxycytidine and 3-methyl-2′-deoxyuridine indicate that the sugar ring in these compounds is predominantly in 2E conformation.  相似文献   

Aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase and 16-hydroxylase were examined in intact, cultured human lymphocytes. The two microsomal mixed-function oxygenases had different pH optima and showed competitive inhibition for enzyme induction and activity. Population distributions were lognormal for both enzymes, giving apparent evidence for polygenic control. Induced levels of AHH were slightly higher among first-order relatives of lung or colon cancer patients than in the control group. The correlation coefficient (r) for AHH and SAH co-inducibility was –0.08, indicating no correlation and suggesting the absence of association between the two enzymes in man.Supported in part by NIH Contract NO1-CP5-5626 and NTSU Faculty Grants 34984 and 34815.National Science Foundation Predoctoral Trainee.  相似文献   

The effects of adenosine 3′ : 5′-monophosphate (cyclic AMP), guanosine 3′ : 5′-monophosphate (cyclic GMP) and exogenous protein kinase on Ca uptake and membrane phosphorylation were studied in subcellular fractions of vascular smooth muscle from rabbit aorta. Two functionally distinct fractions were separated on a continuous sucrose gradient: a light fraction enriched in endoplasmic reticulum (fraction E) and a heavier fraction containing mainly plasma membranes (fraction P).While cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP had no effect on Ca uptake in the absence of oxalate, both cyclic nucleotides inhibited the rate of oxalate-activated Ca uptake when used at concentrations higher than 10?5 M. The addition of bovine heart protein kinase to either fraction produced an increase in the rate of oxalate-activated Ca uptake which was further augmented by cyclic AMP. Cyclic GMP caused smaller stimulations of protein kinase-catalyzed Ca uptake than cyclic AMP.Mg-dependent phosphorylation, attributable to endogenous protein kinase(s), was inhibited in fraction E by low concentrations (10?8 M) of both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP. In fraction P, an inhibition by cyclic AMP occurred also at a concentration of 10?8 M, while with cyclic AMP a concentration of 10?5 M was required for a similar inhibition. Bovine heart protein kinase stimulated the phosphorylation of the membrane fractions much more than Ca uptake. In fraction E, in the presence of bovine protein kinase, both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP stimulated phosphorylation up to 200%. Under these conditions, no stimulation was observed in fraction P.These results are compatible with the hypothesis that in vascular smooth muscle soluble rather than particulate protein kinases are involved in the regulation of intracellular Ca concentration.  相似文献   


The first-order rate constants for hydrolysis of 3′-C-methyluridylyl(2′,5′)- and -(3′,5′)adenosine and the corresponding native dinucleoside monophosphates (2′,5′- and 3′,5′-UpA) have been determined as a function of hydroxide-ion concentration (0.025 - 7 M) at 25°C. In addition to the effects on the hydrolytic stability of the compounds, the effects of the 3′-C-methyl substitution on the kinetically determined pK a values for the sugar hydroxyls of the undine moiety are discussed.  相似文献   

Assignment of ecto-5′-nucleotidase to human chromosome 6   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Summary Ecto-5-nucleotidase activity (5NT) was measured on whole cells of 26 human x Chinese hamster hybrids. Concordance analysis showed 100% correlation between enzyme activity and inheritance of human chromosome 6. This observation was confirmed by a segregation analysis in which cells of a hybrid containing chromosome 6 were stained by indirect immunofluorescence for HLA Class 1 antigen and sorted by a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Cells in the HLA- compartment were cloned and expression of HLA and 5NT was determined. Of nine clones, three were HLA-, 5NT- and six were HLA+, 5NT+, supporting the linkage of 5NT to chromosome 6.  相似文献   


The three dimensional structure of the activiral agent, 5-methoxymethyl-2′-deoxyuridine (MmdUrd) was determined by x-ray diffraction methods. MMdUrd crystallized in space group P212121 of the orthorhombic system with a = 9.166(1)A, b, = 25.348(1)Amm c = 5.270(1)A and Z = 4. The conformation of the glycosyl bond is anti (χ = 233.30), the deoxyribose ring has the C(2′)-endo envelope conformation (2E), the CH2OH side chain has the g+ conformation and the methoxy group at the C(5) position is on the same side of pyrimidine plane as the 0(4′) oxygen. NMR spectroscopy was used to determine the conformation in solution. The spectra indicate that the sugar ring exists in a 60:40 equilibrium of the S- and N-states. The population of the three rotamers about the exocyclic c(4′)–C(5′) bond were estimated to be g+:t:g::61%:31%:8%. The correlaiton of molecular conforation with antiviral activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Two series of novel 4-chlorophenyl N-alkyl phosphoramidates of 3′-O-(t-butoxycarbonyl)-5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine (3′-BOC-FdU) (9a9j) and 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine (FdU) (10a10j) were synthesized by means of phosphorylation of 3′-BOC-FdU (4) with 4-chlorophenyl phosphoroditriazolide (7), followed by a reaction with the appropriate amine. Phosphoramidates 9a9j were converted to the corresponding 10a10j by removal of the 3′-t-butoxycarbonyl protecting group (BOC) under acidic conditions. The synthesized phosphoramidates 9a9j and 10a10j were evaluated for their cytotoxic activity in five human cancer cell lines: cervical (HeLa), nasopharyngeal (KB), breast (MCF-7), liver (HepG2), osteosarcoma (143B) and normal human dermal fibroblast cell line (HDF) using the sulforhodamine B (SRB) assay. Two phosphoramidates 9b and 9j with the N-ethyl and N-(methoxy-(S)-alaninyl) substituents, respectively, displayed remarkable activity in all the investigated cancer cells, and the activity was considerably higher than that of the parent nucleoside 4 and FdU. Among phosphoramidates 10a10j compound 10c with the N-(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl) substituent showed the highest activity. Phosphoramidate 10c was more active than the FdU in all the cancer cell lines tested.  相似文献   

Exogenous human interferon 2 (IFN) and 2–5 oligoadenylates (2–5A) have been shown to cause at least a dual physiological effect in tobacco and wheat: (i) increased cytokinin activity and (ii) induced synthesis of numerous proteins, among which members of two groups of stress proteins have been identified, namely pathogenesis-related (PR) and heat shock (HS) proteins. These effects were observed only by low concentrations of these substances: IFN at 0.1–1 u/ml and 2–5A at 1–10 nM.  相似文献   

Effects of 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine (BrdU) were studied on two neuroblastoma and two leukemia cell lines, in terms of the relationship between prostaglandin (PG) synthesis and cell growth/differentiation. After treatment with BrdU (5 μg/ml), cell growth of the 4 cell lines was inhibited and one neuroblastoma cell line (GOTO) showed flattened morphology with positive S-100 protein, one of the differentiation markers for Schwann or glial cells. In the 4 cell lines, BrdU treatment reduced [1-14C]-arachidonic acid incorporation into phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine and was associated with an increase into phosphatidylcholine and triglyceride. BrdU treatment also increased fractions of 6-keto-PGF and PGF , with a decreased TXB2 fraction. The decreased ratio of TXB2 /6-keto-PGF or increased 6-keto-PGF fraction correlated significantly with cell growth inhibition, suggesting that the changes in the balance of endogenous PGs might be associated with BrdU-induced cell growth inhibition with or without differentiation of neuroblastoma and leukemia cells in culture.  相似文献   

Exogenous adenosine 5′-triphosphate 3′-diphosphate (pppApp) had interesting effects on the cell cycle of B. subtilis IFO 3027. The growth rate was reduced by the addition of 1 mm pppApp, and the vegetative cell form was significantly changed. Moreover, the sporulation frequency was increased by 100 times or more as compared with the culture without pppApp. The sporulation process seemed to be stimulated around t0. pppGpp and ppGpp also showed the same effects as pppApp. Among these effects, depression in growth rate was restored by Mg2+ and Ca2+, and stimulation of sporulation was inhibited by Mg2+, Ca2+ and certain carbon sources, such as glucose and glycerol. On the other hand, casamino acids or monovalent cations showed no influence on the pppApp effects. pppApp was not incorporated into cells in experiments with radioactive pppApp.  相似文献   

The effect of metabolic inhibitor, 5-fluoro-2′-deoxyuridine (FUdR) on toxin production and the cell cycle of marine dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense, was investigated. Compared to untreated cells, FUdR at 3 μM (p < 0.05) to 300 μM (p < 0.01) inhibited the cell proliferation and toxin production in a dose-dependent manner for A. tamarense cultured in modified T1 medium. FUdR at 203 μM resulted in cell cycle arrest at the S phase at day 4 and toxigenesis was inhibited after day 2. The toxin profiles of the FUdR-treated cultures were similar to those of the control culture. These results suggest that FUdR inhibits saxitoxin (STX) biosynthesis in the early stage of the pathway. This report is the first to demonstrate the inhibition of toxin production in A. tamarense by a nucleoside analog.  相似文献   

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