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《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101903
Ceylonitermellus Emerson is a rarely collected soil inhabiting nasute termite endemic to Oriental region with three known species. A fourth species, Ceylonitermellus sahyadriensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated based on morphological characters of soldier and gut morphology of workers. Both the castes have poorly sclerotized body and paler in colour. This is the second species from India and fourth species of the genus from world. The species can be distinguished from the closely related C. periyarensis by the pyriform and shorter head capsule and with other two species of the genus by its larger head capsule as compared to C. kotuae and smaller head capsule as compared to C. hantanae. The new species was collected from tropical evergreen forest from a small colony near the base of a tree.LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:34616357-2CC9-46B2-8B8D-3CFD984CED89.  相似文献   

Cuezzo C  Nickle DA 《ZooKeys》2011,(159):1-9
A new genus and species of nasutitermitine termites are described and illustrated, based on soldier and worker characters. Sinqasapatermesgen. n., can be distinguished from all other nasutitermitine genera by its singular worker gut coiling and enteric valve characters: distal margin of the enteric valve not everted into the paunch but bending towards the ileum, that is, directed against the flow of food; enteric valve armature with one ring of six equal subtriangularly-shaped ridges, each ridge with short spines on the entire surface; enteric valve armature situatedonexternal face of cone, facing the internal ileum wall; enteric valve seating tri-lobed and separated from remaining portionof the paunch; paunch subdivided. Sinqasapatermes sachaesp. n., was collected on a tree in a very narrow flattened tunnel that was well concealed beneath lichens in a northern Peru rainforest (Arcadia, Loreto Province).  相似文献   

Mauricio M. Rocha 《ZooKeys》2013,(340):107-117
The imago and soldier castes of the Neotropical Termitinae species Genuotermes spinifer Emerson are redescribed. The gut anatomy of the worker is described in detail for the first time, and morphological variations in the soldier are noted and illustrated. The known geographical distribution of Genuotermes spinifer is greatly expanded.  相似文献   

Rocha MM  Cancello EM  Cuezzo C 《ZooKeys》2011,(148):125-134
Acangaobitermes krishnaigen. et sp. n., is described here, based on soldiers and workers collected in Brazil. Some characteristics suggest a close kinship with Noirotitermes Cancello & Myles, and both genera share the following traits absent in all other Syntermitinae: the microsculpturing on the soldier head capsule surface with internal granulations; the piercing mandibles with a single very reduced marginal tooth and the worker very similar in both genera. The most conspicuous differences between Acangaobitermes and Noirotitermes are the shape of the soldier head, the frontal tube and pronotum. The shape of the soldier head in Noirotitermes is unusual, with a very broad and short frontal tube, four conspicuous protuberances like sharp corners at the rear, while in the new genus the posterior contour of the head is devoid of these protuberances. The frontal tube of Acangaobitermes is elongate and conical, while in Noirotitermes it is short and very broad. The pronotum of Acangaobitermes is saddle-shaped as is usual in other Syntermitinae, while it is aberrant in Noirotitermes.  相似文献   

A survey of the infestation rate of colonies of Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) (Termitidae: Macrotermitinae) with the koinobiont endoparasitoid Misotermes mindeni Disney & Neoh (Diptera: Phoridae) was conducted in Malaysia from September 2009 to January 2011 in the states of Kedah, Penang, Perak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Johor, Terengganu, and Sarawak. Of the 1,125 M. gilvus mounds surveyed, 12.4% contained termites parasitized by M. mindeni and these mounds occurred only in the states of Penang and Perak. High frequencies of mounds containing parasitized termites were found at sites in Penang: Bayan Lepas (21.1%), Minden Campus of Universiti Sains Malaysia ([USM]; 24.5%), Teluk Bahang (28.0%), and Bukit Mertajam (35.0%); the lowest frequency (4.0%) was recorded from Gelugor. The parasitized colonies at all sites were classified as healthy, with exception of several from the Minden Campus of USM (96.4% healthy) and Ayer Itam (87.5% healthy). Most parasitized colonies (71.2%) had a low level of M. mindeni infestation. Only 16.7 and 12.1% of the infested colonies had moderate or high parasite infestation levels, respectively. The height of infected mounds was significantly higher than that of the healthy mounds, but there was no difference between the mound diameters of infested and uninfested mounds. Parasite infestation level was not significantly correlated with mound height or mound diameter. The ambient light intensity at sites with infested mounds was significantly lower than that of uninfested mounds. There was also a significant negative relationship between light intensity and degree of parasitism.  相似文献   

于炜  刘锦  张媚  王恩  张大羽 《昆虫学报》2019,62(8):987-992
【目的】明确黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanus巢群的觅食群体大小与工蚁体长之间的关系,为进一步研究其生态学特点以及更好地开展防治提供依据。【方法】在杭州植物园内选择5处有黑翅土白蚁活动区域作试验点,诱捕并以中性红(neutral red)标记捕获的白蚁工蚁,通过“捕获-标记-释放-重捕”试验测定黑翅土白蚁的觅食群体大小。【结果】5个试验点中有4个成功实施了“捕获-标记-释放-重捕”试验,4个试验点黑翅土白蚁巢群的觅食群体个体数量分别为443 133±45 469, 495 360±67 429, 674 345±101 703和1 224 662±93 112头。黑翅土白蚁觅食群体大小(Y)与觅食工蚁的体长(X)呈正相关,拟合的指数函数方程式为:Y=1.8389e0.7185X(R2=0.7834)。【结论】本研究明确了黑翅土白蚁的觅食群体大小以及工蚁体长之间的函数关系,为开展区域防治提供了依据。  相似文献   

Fungus-growing termites are among the most successful herbivorous animals and improve crop productivity and soil fertility. A range of symbiotic organisms can be found inside their nests. However, interactions of termites with these symbionts are poorly understood. This review provides detailed information on the role of multipartite symbioses (between termitophiles, termites, fungi, and bacteria) in fungus-growing termites for lignocellulose degradation. The specific functions of each component in the symbiotic system are also discussed. Based on previous studies, we argue that the enzymatic contribution from the host, fungus, and bacteria greatly facilitates the decomposition of complex polysaccharide plant materials. The host–termitophile interaction protects the termite nest from natural enemies and maintains the stability of the microenvironment inside the colony.  相似文献   

Social insects possess a rich set of exocrine organs producing diverse pheromones and defensive compounds. This is especially true for termite imagoes, which are equipped with several glands producing, among others, sex pheromones and defensive compounds protecting imagoes during the dispersal flight and colony foundation. Here, we describe the clypeal gland, a new termite exocrine organ occurring in the labro-clypeal region of imagoes of most Rhinotermitidae, Serritermitidae and Termitidae species. The clypeal gland of Coptotermes testaceus consists of class 1 (modified epidermal cell) and class 3 (bicellular gland unit) secretory cells. Ultrastructural features suggest that the gland secretes volatile compounds and proteins, probably after starting the reproduction. One peculiar feature of the gland is the presence of multiple secretory canals in a single canal cell, a feature never observed before in other insect glands. Although the function of the gland remains unknown, we hypothesize that it could produce secretion signalling the presence of functional reproductives or their need to be fed.  相似文献   

This study documents the major external and internal morphological differences between Epinephelus bruneus and Epinephelus moara, and analyses the complete mitogenomes of both species. The partial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (coI) sequence divergence between E. bruneus and E. moara is significantly higher than specimens within the same species (P < 0·05). Analyses of gene flow (Nm = 0·02) and genetic differentiation (?st = 0·92995, P > 0·05) reveal reproductive isolation between E. bruneus and E. moara. These results support the hypothesis that E. moara is a valid species. Further molecular comparisons between E. bruneus and E. moara obtained in this study and a specimen identified in GenBank as E. bruneus from South Korea reveal that the latter is identical to E. moara rather than to E. bruneus.  相似文献   

The tribe Diochini has a worldwide distribution, with 2 and 74 epigean species within the genera Antarctothius and Diochus, respectively. Recent phylogenetic studies suggest a sister relationship of Diochini and a lineage formed by Xantholinini, Maorothiini, and Othiini, within the subfamily Staphylininae. Here, we describe the first known endogean representative of Diochini, Diochus occultus n. sp., and provide the first two complete mitogenomes for the tribe, corresponding to the two European Diochus species: Diochus occultus n. sp. and Diochus staudingeri. These sequences were combined with 40 additional mitogenomes from representatives within Staphylininae, Paederinae, Silphidae, and Aleocharinae, and COI sequences from 5 additional species of Diochus to conduct a series of mitogenomic phylogenetic and dating analyses. The estimated molecular phylogeny is fully consistent with previous studies based on morphology and molecular data, finding a sister relationship of Diochini with a clade formed by Xantholinini and Othiini (Maorothiini not sampled). Dating analyses inferred an early split of the tribe Diochini at 140–156 Mya. Morphology shows clear differences in the aedeagal and external morphology of D. occultus n. sp. and D. staudingeri, whereas a sister relationship of these taxa is found in the phylogenetic analyses, with the split dated at 48–61 Mya. Although the study of additional Palaearctic Diochus species will be required to conclusively establish that D. occultus n. sp. is a palaeoendemic taxon sister to D. staudingeri, associated with forests of Abies pinsapo in the south of the Iberian Peninsula, this conclusion is consistent with the ancient estimated age of speciation, endogean habitat specificity, low dispersal capacity (flightless species), and microendemicity of D. occultus. This is also consistent with the continued emersion of the Betic sub‐plate along its tectonic evolution. The estimated ages of diversification of the Paederinae‐Staphylininae lineage are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Cephalomalthinus semifumatus species group, referred to as the “semifumatus” group henceforth, is interesting because of its heterogeneous morphology resembling either Cephalomalthinus Pic, 1921 or Rhagonycha Eschscholtz, 1830. To elucidate its phylogenetic status, mitochondrial genomes of four species of the “semifumatus” group, 11 Cephalomalthinus species, and 11 Rhagonycha species were sequenced and examined. All analysed mitogenomes were similar with respect to genome size, nucleotide composition, and AT content. Surprisingly, a rearrangement of the trnW-trnC and trnY genes was detected in the “semifumatus” group, presumably caused by tandem duplication and random loss events. Furthermore, genetic distance analyses showed that the proximity of the “semifumatus” group to Cephalomalthinus and to Rhagonycha was comparable to that between the latter two. Moreover, the produced phylogeny strongly supported the monophyly of the “semifumatus” group, and molecular clock analyses dated its divergence from Cephalomalthinus to 32.52 Ma. Thus, the new genus Amphimorphus gen. nov. is suggested to comprise the “semifumatus” group, in which the observed gene rearrangement was a synapomorphy. Moreover, morphological evidence regarding the unique structure of the aedeagus supported this separation. These results indicate that mitochondrial gene rearrangement provide important phylogenetic implications for revising Cephalomalthinus, a speciose genus that is puzzling in the morphology-based taxonomy.  相似文献   

Abstract. The genus Sinocapritermes is briefly reviewed, and a new species described. A key is also provided to the twelve species of Sinocapritermes recorded from China to date.  相似文献   

This article presents the diversity of cockroach family Corydiidae from China. Epipolyphaga wukong Qiu, Che et Wang, n. gen., n. sp., is described. Habitus and detailed characters of the new taxa are illustrated. A comparison between the new genus and the morphologically similar genus Eupolyphaga Chopard is given. The genus Tivia Walker and the species Eucorydia westwoodi (Gerstaecker) are newly recorded from China. The Corydioidea chapter in Cockroaches of Southeastern China by Liu et al. is revised. A key to genera and a checklist of Chinese Corydiidae are provided.  相似文献   

Sclerodepsa granulosa gen. et sp. n., a new genus and a new species of lanternflies (Fulgoridae) of the subfamily Cladyphinae, is described from Brazil and Paraguay, based on the brachypterous adult and the 4th-instar larva (penultimate instar). Its relationship with Dichopterinae is confirmed, and its similarity to Issidae and Callscelldae is shown and discussed.  相似文献   

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