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When liposomes are used to present haptens and T-independent antigens to the immune system the response is primarily of the IgM type. This response can be switched to a potent IgG type by the incorporation within the liposomal structure of either exogenous T-epitopes, immunostimulants, or both.

The capability of liposomes to co-present separate B-and T-epitopes and immunostimulants, without the necessity for covalent conjugation, thus makes them ideal candidates as carriers for vaccines where the immune response is limited to recognition of T-epitopes within the antigen.  相似文献   

The signaling lymphocyte activation molecule (SLAM) family plays important roles in adaptive immune responses. Herein, we evaluated whether the SLAM family member 2B4 (CD244) plays a role in immune cell development, homeostasis and antibody responses. We found that the splenic cellularity in Cd244 -/- mice was significantly reduced due to a reduction in both CD4 T cells and follicular (Fo) B cells; whereas, the number of peritoneal cavity B cells was increased. These findings led us to examine whether 2B4 modulates B cell immune responses. When we examined T-dependent B cell responses, while there was no difference in the kinetics or magnitude of the antigen-specific IgM and IgG1 antibody response there was a reduction in bone marrow (BM) memory, but not plasma cells in Cd244 -/- mice. When we evaluated T-independent immune responses, we found that antigen-specific IgM and IgG3 were elevated in the serum following immunization. These data indicate that 2B4 dampens T-independent B cell responses due to a reduction in peritoneal cavity B cells, but has minimal impact on T-dependent B cell responses.  相似文献   

Providing health services to the elderly demands an appreciation of the diversity of individuals within the single rubric. The use of a “test” format offers an opportunity to review one's awareness of these variations and the consequences of these differences.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite is a highly reactive chemical species with antibacterial properties that are synthesized in immune cells. In a proteomic approach, we identified specific target proteins of peroxynitrite-induced modifications in Escherichia coli. Although peroxynitrite caused a fairly indiscriminate nitration of tyrosine residues, reversible modifications of protein thiols were highly specific. We used a quantitative redox proteomic method based on isotope-coded affinity tag chemistry and identified four proteins consistently thiol-modified in cells treated with peroxynitrite as follows: AsnB, FrmA, MaeB, and RidA. All four were required for peroxynitrite stress tolerance in vivo. Three of the identified proteins were modified at highly conserved cysteines, and MaeB and FrmA are known to be directly involved in the oxidative and nitrosative stress response in E. coli. In in vitro studies, we could show that the activity of RidA, a recently discovered enamine/imine deaminase, is regulated in a specific manner by the modification of its single conserved cysteine. Mutation of this cysteine 107 to serine generated a constitutively active protein that was not susceptible to peroxynitrite.  相似文献   

Bedigian  Dorothea 《Economic botany》2018,72(4):496-542
Economic Botany - The usage and cultural importance of wild and weedy edible leaves of wild relatives of sesame, Ceratotheca and Sesamum in Africa, is reported from herbarium records, published...  相似文献   

John M. Denison 《CMAJ》1971,104(1):15-19
This paper describes the setting up and operation of a Crisis Intervention Service in a semi-rural community serving a population of 75,000 within a 20-mile radius. It was established in response to the mounting problem of drug abuse by youth in the community. Workers in the service were drawn from within the peer group being served, and the service has been deliberately client-orientated. It has developed as a community project. Significant features behind its success are described. Evaluation on a cost-effectiveness basis shows considerable saving in both financial and professional time terms, which should interest any organization, medical, social or political, concerned with these matters.  相似文献   

Cancers often overexpress EGF and other growth factors to promote cell replication and migration. Previous work has not produced targeted drug carriers sensitive to abnormal amounts of growth factors. This work demonstrates that liposomes bearing EGF receptors covalently crosslinked to p-toluic acid or methyl-PEO4-NHS ester (or, in short, MRBLs) exhibit an increased rate of release of encapsulated drug compounds when EGF is present in solution. Furthermore, the modified EGF receptors retain the abilities to form dimers in the presence of EGF and bind specifically to EGF. These results demonstrate that MRBLs are sensitive to EGF in solution and indicate that MRBL-reconstituted modified EGF receptors, in the presence of EGF in solution, form dimers which increase MRBL permeability to encapsulated compounds.  相似文献   

O antigen (O polysaccharide) is an important and highly variable cell component present on the surface of cells which defines the serospecificity of Gram-negative bacteria. Most O antigens of Shigella flexneri, a cause of shigellosis, share a backbone composed of →2)-α-l-RhapIII-(1→2)-α-l-RhapII-(1→3)-α-l-RhapI-(1→3)-β-d-GlcpNAc-(1→ repeats, which can be modified by adding various substituents, giving rise to 19 serotypes. The known modifications include glucosylation on various sugar residues, O-acetylation on RhaI, and phosphorylation with phosphoethanolamine on RhaII or/and RhaIII. Recently, two new O-antigen modifications, namely, O-acetylation at position 3 or 4 of RhaIII and position 6 of GlcNAc, have been identified in several S. flexneri serotypes. In this work, the genetic basis for the 3/4-O-acetylation on RhaIII was elucidated. Bioinformatic analysis of the genome of S. flexneri serotype 2a strain Sf301, which carries 3/4-O-acetylation on RhaIII, revealed an O-acyltransferase gene designated oacB. Genetic studies combined with O-antigen structure analysis demonstrated that this gene is responsible for the 3/4-O-acetylation in serotypes 1a, 1b, 2a, 5a, and Y but not serotype 6, which has a different O-antigen backbone structure. The oacB gene is carried by a transposon-like structure located in the proA-adrA region on the chromosome, which represents a novel mechanism of mobilization of O-antigen modification factors in S. flexneri. These findings enhance our knowledge of S. flexneri O-antigen modifications and shed light on the origin of new O-antigen variants.  相似文献   

In this study, we report on the transposition behavior of the mercury(II) resistance transposons Tn502 and Tn512, which are members of the Tn5053 family. These transposons exhibit targeted and oriented insertion in the par region of plasmid RP1, since par-encoded components, namely, the ParA resolvase and its cognate res region, are essential for such transposition. Tn502 and, under some circumstances, Tn512 can transpose when par is absent, providing evidence for an alternative, par-independent pathway of transposition. We show that the alternative pathway proceeds by a two-step replicative process involving random target selection and orientation of insertion, leading to the formation of cointegrates as the predominant product of the first stage of transposition. Cointegrates remain unresolved because the transposon-encoded (TniR) recombination system is relatively inefficient, as is the host-encoded (RecA) system. In the presence of the res-ParA recombination system, TniR-mediated (and RecA-mediated) cointegrate resolution is highly efficient, enabling resolution both of cointegrates involving functional transposons (Tn502 and Tn512) and of defective elements (In0 and In2). These findings implicate the target-encoded accessory functions in the second stage of transposition as well as in the first. We also show that the par-independent pathway enables the formation of deletions in the target molecule.It is widely recognized that mobile genetic elements contribute to genome plasticity and have been a driving force in the emergence and spread of resistance determinants within and between bacterial species; their impact is ongoing (10, 51). Significant among these elements are various classes of plasmids, transposons, and integrons which may lack resistance determinants or carry one or multiple determinants. Resistance determinants that have become globally dispersed in environmental and clinically significant bacteria include mercury(II) resistance (2, 17), evident even in ancient bacteria (27), and antibiotic resistance, which has increased in dominance since the advent of the antibiotic era (23, 40).This paper concerns the mercury resistance (mer) transposons Tn502 and Tn512, whose sequence organization and transpositional behavior show that they are new members of a family of elements exemplified by the mer transposon Tn5053 (22). These elements are closely related to those in the Tn402 family, which contain an integron (intI) recombination system (14, 36). Members of the two families differ in the positions of the mer or intI determinants (modules) near one end of the transposition (tni) module. The latter module contains four genes (tniABQR), and the entire transposon is bounded by 25-bp inverted-repeat termini (IRi and IRt). TniA, TniB, and TniQ are required to form the transpositional cointegrate, which is then resolved by the action of TniR (a serine resolvase) on a resolution (res) sequence located between tniR and tniQ (22). The transposon in its new location is flanked by 5-bp direct repeats (DRs) (20, 22). TniA, which contains a D,D(35)E transposase catalytic motif, is thought to function cooperatively with TniB, a putative nucleotide-binding protein, as the active TniAB transposase (21, 36). Studies of TniA conducted in vitro show binding to the IRs and to additional 19-bp repeat sequences that make up the complex termini of the transposon (21). The precise role of TniQ is unknown.An unexpected and unique feature of Tn5053 and Tn402 is that they depend on externally coded accessory functions for efficient transposition, namely, a res site served by a cognate resolvase (25). As a consequence, these transposons exhibit a strong transpositional bias for some target res sites (20, 25, 26) and have aptly been described as “res site hunters” (25). One such efficient interaction involves the res-ParA multimer resolution system of plasmid RP1 (IncPα); other plasmid- or transposon-encoded systems are less efficient or are refractory. Although the role of the external resolvase remains obscure, its capacity to bind to its cognate res is an essential requirement whereas its catalytic activity is not (20). For each interaction system, the target sites typically cluster in a single part of res but not necessarily within the same subregion and, on occasion, can lie in the vicinity of res. Typically, the transposon is in a single orientation with IRi closest to the resolvase gene. In one study, Tn402 clustered at two target sites, one within res and one nearby, and the orientations were different at the two sites (20).The experimentally observed target preference described above also occurs in natural associations of Tn5053/Tn402-like elements and became evident on sequencing class 1 integrons, which were often found positioned close to different res-resolvase gene regions (6, 20, 25). Most Tn402 family elements are comprised of an intI module that is flanked on the left by IRi and on the right by a 3′ conserved sequence (3′-CS) (13). In others, a remnant tni gene cluster may be present instead of the 3′-CS, and IRt occurs at the right flank. The structure of the latter category of integrons strongly indicated that they are defective transposons that were presumably capable of relocation provided that tni functions were supplied in trans (6, 32). The movement of In33 (Tn2521) from a chromosomal to a plasmid location appears to have been such an in trans event (30, 42), and others involving In0 and In2 are demonstrated in this study. In contrast, the integrons that lack the IRt end appear to be nonmobile remnants of Tn402-like transposons; they belong to several lineages, including those in which the incurred deletions are attributable to acquired insertion sequences (6). More recently, intact Tn5053/Tn402-like transposons and class 1 integrons have increasingly been detected in the res-parA region of IncP plasmids (39), which are arguably the most promiscuous of known plasmids (50). These various experimental and natural interactions provide insight into the dispersal pathways possible for Tn5053/Tn402-like elements.The res-hunting attribute is a striking feature that is experimentally supported by studies of four family members (namely, Tn5053 [22, 25], Tn402 [20, 26], and in this study, Tn502 [48] and Tn512). Another facet of the transposition of Tn502 is explored here. It concerns the observation that loss of the preferred par target region in RP1 does not abolish transposition of Tn502 (48), contrary to the finding with Tn5053 (25, 26) and, in this study, Tn512. The continued, low-frequency transposition of Tn502 involved at least three dispersed locations (48); however, nothing is known about the nature of these sites or about the features and requirements of the transposition process. Here we address these issues and uncover the existence of an alternative, par-independent pathway that is employed by Tn502 and is available to Tn512 under some circumstances. The study also provides information on the roles of the TniR and host (RecA) recombination systems in the resolution of transpositional cointegrates and on the ability of the par-independent transposition pathway to generate plasmid deletions.  相似文献   

Zoites of Sarcocystis muris were recovered from the skeletal muscles of infected mice by trypsin digestion. Extracts of zoites prepared by freeze-thaw, Triton X-100 (0.1%), or a combination of the two treatments contained antigenic components. Testing of these antigens by agar gel diffusion and immunoelectrophoresis against sera from infected mice showed one major precipitin band. SDS-polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the extracts revealed at least eight detectable polypeptides ranging in molecular weight from 10,000 to 220,000. The antigenic components of the extract were identified by labeling the parasite surface with [125I] and precipitation of the [125I]-labeled antigens with immune sera. Analysis of the immunoprecipitates by SDS-PAGE and autoradiography revealed three antigens with molecular weights of 27,500, 43,000 and 90,000. The smallest of these was the predominant antigen as suggested by labeling intensity.  相似文献   

Encapsulation of antibodies isolated from chicken egg yolk (IgY) in egg lecithin/cholesterol liposomes was attempted. IgY was successfully encapsulated into the liposomes by using the dehydration-rehydration method. Electron microscopic observation demonstrated that the liposomes prepared by this method were large multilamellar vesicles with a diameter of several μm. The encapsulation efficiency was improved by increasing the rehydration temperature to 60°C. The cholesterol/lecithin ratio also affected the efficiency, giving the highest value at a ratio of 1/4 (mol/mol). Some efflux of glucose through the liposomal membranes was observed, particularly for the liposome with a low cholesterol content, but that of IgY was not detected, irrespective of the cholesterol content. Encapsulation reduced the activity loss of the IgY antibodies under acidic conditions. IgY encapsulated in the liposomes was also markedly resistant to pepsin hydrolysis, which usually results in complete loss of activity with unencapsulated IgY, suggesting that liposomal encapsulation is an effective means for protecting IgY under gastric conditions.  相似文献   

Triemer  R. E.  Zimba  P. V.  & Rowan  M. 《Journal of phycology》2003,39(S1):56-57
Diatoms, dinoflagellates, pelagiophytes, prymnesiophytes, and cyanobacteria are the only divisions of microalgae known to produce toxins. We now report toxin production by freshwater members of the genus Euglena. Fish mortalities (sheepshead minnows, catfish, striped bass, and tilapia) have been observed following exposure in the field to Euglena blooms and in the laboratory when exposed to unialgal isolates of two species of Euglena ( E. sanguinea Ehrenberg and E. granulata (Klebs) Lemm.). Three toxic fractions have been isolated from unialgal isolates of both species, and include both water soluble and lipophilic compounds having ichthyotoxic activity. The toxins are stable at −80°C for at least 60 days and are heat stable to 30°C. Erratic swimming behavior of fish suggests a neurological toxin. This is the first report of fish kills by any freshwater algal taxa from both field and laboratory studies.  相似文献   

Pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccines, including those based on whole-parasite approaches, have shown protective efficacy in animal and human studies. However few pre-erythocytic antigens other than the immunodominant circumsporozoite protein (CSP) have been studied in depth with the goal of developing potent subunit malaria vaccines that are suited for use in endemic areas. Here we describe a novel technique to identify pre-erythrocytic malaria antigens that contribute to protection elicited by whole-parasite vaccination in the mouse model. Our approach combines immunization with genetically attenuated parasites and challenge with DNA plasmids encoding for potential protective pre-erythrocytic malaria antigens as luciferase fusions by hydrodynamic tail vein injection. After optimizing the technique, we first showed that immunization with Pyfabb/f, a P. yoelii genetically attenuated parasite, induces killing of CSP-presenting hepatocytes. Depletion of CD8+ but not CD4+ T cells diminished the killing of CSP-expressing hepatocytes, indicating that killing is CD8+ T cell-dependent. Finally we showed that the use of heterologous prime/boost immunization strategies that use genetically attenuated parasites and DNA vaccines enabled the characterization of a novel pre-erythrocytic antigen, Tmp21, as a contributor to Pyfabb/f induced protection. This technique will be valuable for identification of potentially protective liver stage antigens and has the potential to contribute to the understanding of immunity elicited by whole parasite vaccination, as well as the development of effective subunit malaria vaccines.  相似文献   


The interaction between (immuno)liposomes and different (target and nontarget) cells was investigated in vitro. Maleimidophenylbutyrate-phosphatidylethanolamine (MPB-PE)-containing reverse-phase evaporation vesicles (REV-MPB-PE) were used; Fab' (polyclonal) fragments against mouse red blood cells (RBC) were selected as the homing device. Unwanted, nonspecific interactions were observed. these could be overcome by blocking the free reactive maleimide group of MPB-PE after Fab' coupling with dithiothreitol (DTT), or by storing the immunoliposomes for a period of 1 week before use. the specific interaction between immunoliposomes and target cells was maintained during storage. Storage of MPB-PE liposomes before Fab' coupling to REV-MBP-PE, however, reduced the coupling capacity considerably.  相似文献   


The liposomalization and polyethyleneglycol (PEG) modification of antitumor agents prolongs their circulation in the blood and increases their accumulation in the tumor. It is expected that modification of the liposome surface with PEG-Lipid will prevent connection of liposome and tumor cell, so we examined the effect of PEG chain length and anchor length on liposome uptake into the tumor cell. It was obvious that modification of the liposome surface with PEG-Lipid did not prevent liposome uptake into tumor cells, but rather, promoted it. It was suggested that the increase in liposome uptake into the tumor cell was induced by modification of PEG-lipids with apparent stability. In other words, PEG 2,000-DPG, which had a high rate of residual PEG-Lipid on liposomal membrane depending on the re-uptake to liposomal membrane, met to this requirement.  相似文献   

A new variant of competitive heterogeneous immunoassay for certain proteinaceous antigens has been developed. The assay is based on the use of the target protein conjugated with Co(II) or Ni(II) ions and immobilized antibodies. The effect of catalytic hydrogen release allows quantitation of the metal ion labels by voltammetry at the final step of the assay. The conjugates have been characterized by spectrophotometry, voltammetry, atomic adsorption spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic relaxation. Based on the use of the conjugate RNase–diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid–Co(II) (10 : 4 : 4), a competitive immunoassay for RNase has been developed, detecting the target protein in the range 2 × 10–2–2 × 10–4 mg/ml.  相似文献   

Associations between clinical parameters of sarcoids and the equine leucocyte antigen system (ELA) were analysed for 120 Swedish horses. Median age of affected horses was 5.2 years, and the majority presented with solitary tumors between 2 and 5 cm in diameter and ventral abdomen was a predilection site. Clinical signs first appeared at a median age of 3.5 years, and sarcoids at different locations first appeared at different ages. Lesions at different sites differed in size, and multiple tumors, early onset, long duration, and older age all had an association with large size. Clinical manifestations of sarcoids and the association between certain ELA-specificities and early onset (A5) and increased recurrence rates after surgery (W13), in addition to increased prevalence (A3W13), strengthen further that some horses are inherently predisposed to sarcoid growth. Unassociated with any clinical parameters, one third of the untreated horses became free of sarcoids due to “spontaneous” regression, perhaps as a result of immune responses against the tumors. Seventy percent of the horses were treated (mostly by excision), and large size was the main parameter promoting treatment. Excision had no significant effect on possibly remaining sarcoids. Recurrence rate after first treatment was about 35%, with the majority of tumors recurring within 4 months. Early onset, long duration, large size, and localization to distal limbs all appeared to increase risk of recurrence. Early treatment, performed under general anesthesia in recumbency which permits wide excision and measures to avoid autoinoculation, significantly reduced recurrence rates.  相似文献   

Wild-Type Gross Leukemia Virus: Classification of Soluble Antigens (GSA)   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
By inhibiting techniques using indirect immunofluorescence tests and indirect immunoelectron microscopy, the G(Gross) soluble antigens (GSA) in the body fluids of AKR and C58 mice, which have a high incidence of spontaneous leukemia, were classified according to the known specificity of G antigens in the murine Gross leukemia system. GSA existing in the plasma of nonleukemic and leukemic AKR mice and in the ascitic fluid of transplanted AKR spontaneous leukemia K36 showed the several specificities corresponding to G cell surface antigens, GCSAa, b, and c, and type-specific and group-specific viral envelope antigens, tsVEA and gsVEA, respectively. However, the plasma of nonleukemic C58 mice lacks GSAc, which can be recognized by the G-typing mouse serum. GSA corresponding to G(IX) antigen was not detected in the body fluids.  相似文献   

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