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The question of differences between males and females in fertility values and attitudes was explored through surveys of unmarried male and female college students in North American colleges between 1967 and 1973. The tabulated data indicate that there is a definite difference in family size preference between males and females, with differences varying from 2- to 7/10 of a child depending on religious faith. Number of siblings in the respondent's family had no bearing on the family size preference. Nearly 1/2 of all respondents indicated a desire for number of children in the 2-4 range. However, males were more likely to prefer the lower end of the range while females preferred the upper end. Among all respondents, there were significant increases in preferences for 2-3 children and significant decreases in preferences for 5 or more, even among Catholics. In sum, Catholics preferred a range of 3-4 children with males choosing the lower and females the higher value. The optimal range for Protestants was 2-3, again with males preferring the lower and females the higher value. It is speculated that early socialization may be the reason why women prefer larger families. Research is needed into the effect of working and nonworking mothers on family size preferences of their children.  相似文献   

The current study examined ADHD stigma within a college-enrolled young adult population, including the debate regarding the cause of stigma: label or behavior. In Phase 1, 135 college students rated stigma toward one of the four fictitious partners described as having either: the label of ADHD alone, the behaviors associated with ADHD alone, the label of ADHD and a set of behaviors associated with ADHD, or neither the label nor behaviors. In Phase 2, 48 college students rated stigma toward one of the two assigned fictitious partners described as having either: the label of ADHD and a set of behaviors associated with ADHD, or the label of Depression and a set of behaviors associated with Depression. It was hypothesized that the interaction between the label and the behaviors would cause the highest levels of ADHD stigma and that ADHD would elicit more stigma than Depression. In Phase 1, stigma was associated with the behaviors of ADHD, but not the label. In Phase 2, ADHD and Depression were found to be equally stigmatized. Implications, limitations, and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effect of patients’ sex on selection of pacemakers. Design: Retrospective univariate and multivariate analysis of a large database. Setting: German central pacemaker register. Subjects: Records collected at the register for 1992 and 1993 (n=31 913), covering 64% of all implantations in Germany. Main outcome measure: Probability of receiving a single chamber, dual chamber, or rate responsive pacemaker in relation to sex. Results: Univariate analysis showed that women were more likely to receive single chamber pacemakers and less likely to receive dual chamber or rate responsive systems than men. After demographic and clinical variables were controlled for, women were still more likely to receive a single chamber system (atrial pacing: odds ratio 0.89, 95% confidence interval 0.74 to 1.07; ventricular pacing: 0.85, 0.80 to 0.92) and less likely to receive a dual chamber (1.20, 1.12 to 1.30) or a rate responsive system (1.26, 1.17 to 1.37) than men. Conclusions: The data suggest sex differences in the selection of a pacemaker system which cannot be explained by the underlying cardiac disorder. Further research is needed to evaluate why guidelines for implanting pacemakers are not better adhered to.

Key messages

  • Use of pacemakers varies despite guidelines, and the reasons for this are unclear
  • In this study women were more likely to receive single chamber pacemakers and less likely to receive dual chamber and rate responsive pacemakers than men
  • Demographic and clinical variables cannot fully explain these differences
  • Prospective studies are needed to evaluate the effect of sex and other non-medical variables on the selection of pacemakers

Objective: To characterize sugar‐sweetened beverage intake of college students. Research Methods and Procedures: Undergraduates in an urban southern community campus were surveyed anonymously about sugared beverage consumption (soda, fruit drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks, sweet ice tea) in the past month. Results: Two hundred sixty‐five undergraduates responded (66% women, 46% minority, 100% of volunteers solicited). Most students (95%) reported sugared beverage intake in the past month, and 65% reported daily intake. Men were more likely than women to report daily intake (74% vs. 61%, p = 0.035). Soda was the most common sugar‐sweetened beverage. Black undergraduates reported higher sugared beverage intake than whites (p = 0.02), with 91% of blacks reporting sugar‐sweetened fruit drink intake in the past month and 50% reporting daily consumption. Mean estimated caloric intake from combined types of sugar‐sweetened beverages was significantly higher among black students than whites, 796 ± 941 vs. 397 ± 396 kcal/d (p = 0.0003); the primary source of sugar‐sweetened beverage calories among blacks was sugared fruit drinks (556 ± 918 kcal/d). Younger undergraduates reported significantly higher intake than older students (p = 0.025). Discussion: Self‐reported sugar‐sweetened beverage consumption among undergraduates is substantial and likely contributes considerable non‐nutritive calories, which may contribute to weight gain. Black undergraduates may be particularly vulnerable due to higher sugared beverage intake. Obesity prevention interventions targeting reductions in sugar‐sweetened beverages in this population merit consideration.  相似文献   

This paper describes sex differences in spatial competencies among the Hadza, a mobile hunter–gatherer population in Tanzania. It addresses the following questions: (a) Is the usual male advantage in Euclidean spatial abilities found in this population, where both women and men are highly mobile? (b) Do Hadza women have better object location memory than men, as the gathering hypothesis predicts? (c) Do women who are nominated by others as being good at finding bushfoods excel at the object location memory task? We tested object location memory with a version of the memory game using cards of local plants and animals. This allowed us to also ask whether women and men would have better spatial memory for the plant and animal cards, respectively. We found that Hadza men were significantly better than women in three tests of spatial ability: the water-level test, targeting, and the ability to point accurately to distant locations (the latter only in the less mobile groups). There was a trend toward a male advantage at the object location memory task, in contrast to results found previously in nonforaging populations, and women's performance at the task deteriorated with age, while that of men did not. The women who were nominated by peers as being good at finding bushfoods were consistently older women. We discuss the probable hormonal causes and functional consequences of age changes in the spatial competencies of female foragers.  相似文献   

Sex, Sexuality, and the Anthropologist. Fran Markowitz and Michael Ashkenazi. eds. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1999.230 pp.  相似文献   

以真菌为对象的有性生殖机制研究揭示了普遍存在于真核生物中的生物学现象及规律,包括染色体倍性变化、减数分裂形成配子、交配对象识别及细胞一细胞融合形成合子等.真菌的有性生殖由交配型位点控制,除了类似其他真核生物两性生殖的异宗配合外,还包括同宗配合和次级同宗配合,部分物种的单倍体还具有交配型互换的能力.互补交配型的单倍体通过荷尔蒙及其受体进行相互识别,再经过G蛋白偶联受体介导的信号途径调控有性生殖过程及子实体发育,这一过程受多种胞内调控因子及外界环境条件的影响.不同真菌类群生殖方式的演化与物种进化仍缺少统一的规律.进一步研究揭示,真菌有性生殖的调控机制及环境诱导因子,不仅具有重要的理论意义,也有利于促进不同经济真菌子实体的人工培养及高效利用.  相似文献   


We hypothesize that the manner in which stereotype threat affects college-grade achievement is mediated by institutional context as well as individual characteristics. Drawing on a sample of black students from the National Longitudinal Survey of Freshmen, we find weak and inconsistent evidence that institutional characteristics influence the operation of stereotype threat. We find more consistent evidence to indicate that the effect of stereotype threat is conditioned by individual factors such as skin colour, multiracial origins and an integrated upbringing. Most of the effect on grade achievement occurs through the internalization pathway, in which the internalization of negative stereotypes leads to disinvestment manifested by a reduction in academic effort. The reduction in work effort, in turn, lowers grades. We also find evidence that immigrant origin confers protection from the negative effects of stereotype threat through both internalization and externalization mechanisms, although the ultimate effect of grade achievement is rather small.  相似文献   

Male and female parents often provide different type and amount of care to their offspring. Three major drivers have been proposed to explain parental sex roles: (1) differential gametic investment by males and females that precipitates into sex difference in care, (2) different intensity of sexual selection acting on males and females, and (3) biased social environment that facilitates the more common sex to provide more care. Here, we provide the most comprehensive assessment of these hypotheses using detailed parental care data from 792 bird species covering 126 families. We found no evidence for the gametic investment hypothesis: neither gamete sizes nor gamete production by males relative to females was related to sex difference in parental care. However, sexual selection correlated with parental sex roles, because the male share in care relative to female decreased with both extra‐pair paternity and frequency of male polygamy. Parental sex roles were also related to social environment, because male parental care increased with male‐biased adult sex ratios (ASRs). Taken together, our results are consistent with recent theories suggesting that gametic investment is not tied to parental sex roles, and highlight the importance of both sexual selection and ASR in influencing parental sex roles.  相似文献   

Males and females differ in both parasite load and the strength of immune responses and these effects have been verified in humans and other vertebrates. Sex hormones act as important modulators of immune responses; the male sex hormone testosterone is generally immunosuppressive while the female sex hormone estrogen tends to be immunoenhancing. Different sets of T-helper cells (Th) have important roles in adaptive immunity, e.g. Th1 cells trigger type 1 responses which are primarily cell-mediated, and Th2 cells trigger type 2 responses which are primarily humoral responses. In our review of the literature, we find that estrogen and progesterone enhance type 2 and suppress type 1 responses in females, whereas testosterone suppresses type 2 responses and shows an inconsistent pattern for type 1 responses in males. When we combine these patterns of generally immunosuppressive and immunoenhancing effects of the sex hormones, our results imply that the sex differences in immune responses should be particularly strong in immune functions associated with type 2 responses, and less pronounced with type 1 responses. In general the hormone-mediated sex differences in immune responses may lead to genetic sexual conflicts on immunity. Thus, we propose the novel hypothesis that sexually antagonistic selection may act on immune genes shared by the sexes, and that the strength of this sexually antagonistic selection should be stronger for type 2- as compared with type 1-associated immune genes. Finally, we put the consequences of sex hormone-induced effects on immune responses into behavioral and ecological contexts, considering social mating system, sexual selection, geographical distribution of hosts, and parasite abundance.  相似文献   

In female-bonded primate species, females invest more time in grooming than males, and the majority of this grooming occurs in intra- rather than intersexual interactions. These clear sex differences in sociability reflect females' need to forge and maintain complex networks of social relationships with other females in the group. Increasing evidence indicates that vocal signals can have a similar function to grooming in mediating social interactions and relationships, and sex differences in patterns of use of vocal communication comparable to those seen for grooming might therefore be expected to occur. In this study of free-ranging adult rhesus macaques, we tested for such patterns, focusing on the frequency of utterance of three types of vocalisations given during close-range social interactions: coos, grunts, and girneys. As predicted, we found that females gave such calls significantly more frequently than males and also directed more of these vocalisations towards other females than to males; males' rate of vocalising towards the two sexes was not significantly different. To our knowledge, these results provide the first evidence for a sex difference in the rate of production of social vocalisations among adult nonhuman primates. The finding that increased sociability is associated with increased reliance on vocal communication may have important implications for theories of language evolution.  相似文献   

Natural selection is demonstrated in most natural populations which suggests that populations are dispatched from their adaptive peaks as a result of selection on correlated characters, or conflicting selection between the sexes. We analysed patterns of survival selection in a population of serins (Serinus serinus) outside Barcelona over a period of 13 years. There was directional selection for increased wing length in males and females accompanied by strong disruptive selection on both tail and wing length in males and a selection against a positive correlation between the two characters in males. In females there was directional selection for increased bill width but decreased bill depth, which should be contrasted to the stabilizing selection acting on bill depth in males. There were conflicting selection on the characters within a sex and conflicting selection of the same characters between sexes, which constrain the rate of access to the nearest adaptive peak.  相似文献   

目的 探讨医学本科生气质性乐观与抑郁体验、生活满意度的关系,为改善医学生的心理健康提供依据.方法 方便抽取某医学院校在校本科生300名,采用生活取向测量问卷(LOT)、抑郁体验问卷(DEQ)、生活满意度问卷(SWLS)进行调查.结果 男女医学生乐观水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),独生子女乐观水平显著高于非独生子女,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);乐观维度和生活满意度显著正相关(r=0.40,P<0.01),悲观维度与无助性抑郁和内射性抑郁维度显著正相关(r=0.39,0.49,P<0.01);悲观因子显著正向预测抑郁(β=0.491,P<0.01),乐观因子显著正向预测生活满意度(β=0.357,P<0.01).结论 医学生的气质性乐观和抑郁、生活满意度有着密切关系,气质性乐观可能是影响医学生心理健康的重要因素.  相似文献   

In many instances, there are large sex differences in mutation rates, recombination rates, selection, rates of gene flow, and genetic drift. Mutation rates are often higher in males, a difference that has been estimated both directly and indirectly. The higher male mutation rate appears related to the larger number of cell divisions in male lineages but mutation rates also appear gene- and organism-specific. When there is recombination in only one sex, it is always the homogametic sex. When there is recombination in both sexes, females often have higher recombination but there are many exceptions. There are a number of hypotheses to explain the sex differences in recombination. Sex-specific differences in selection may result in stable polymorphisms or for sex chromosomes, faster evolutionary change. In addition, sex-dependent selection may result in antagonistic pleiotropy or sexually antagonistic genes. There are many examples of sex-specific differences in gene flow (dispersal) and a number of adaptive explanations for these differences. The overall effective population size (genetic drift) is dominated by the lower sex-specific effective population size. The mean of the mutation, recombination, and gene flow rates over the two sexes can be used in a population genetics context unless there are sex-specific differences in selection or genetic drift. Sex-specific differences in these evolutionary factors appear to be unrelated to each other. The evolutionary explanations for sex-specific differences for each factor are multifaceted and, in addition, explanations may include chance, nonadaptive differences, or mechanistic, nonevolutionary factors.  相似文献   

We studied mate selection strategies as revealed in heterosexual personal advertisements published in a Brazilian newspaper, analyzing both the ads' content, with respect to the attributes that men and women offered and sought, and predictors of the number of responses that each ad received. Demands made for a prospective partner changed as a function of the age of the advertiser in predictable sex-differentiated ways: women became less demanding as they aged, whereas men became more demanding. The number of responses received by men and women as a function of age followed a similarly sex-differentiated pattern, with older women receiving fewer responses than younger women, and older men receiving more responses than younger men. In general, results of the present study provided support for our predictions. People who used personal advertisements, a relatively recent unconventional way for selecting mates, expressed conventional preferences, suggestive of evolved psychological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Students from underrepresented groups are increasingly enrolling in 4-year institutions, yet they may face additional stressors upon entering college compared to majority peers. Supportive relationships with peers, parents, and natural mentors may foster successful adjustment to college among such students. The current study examined patterns of social support among 340 underrepresented first-year students at an elite, predominantly White, public university. Latent profile analysis was used to characterize support networks. Four profiles of support emerged: Average Frequency Support (AFS), Higher Frequency Support (HFS), Lower Frequency Support (LFS), and Compensatory Mentor Support (CMS). Participants in the HFS profile started college with the highest levels of psychological distress and also demonstrated the greatest improvements in mental health. Results suggest that the most vulnerable students may require greater support to have a psychologically healthy transition to college.  相似文献   

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