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The trypanocidal activity of crude hydro alcoholic extracts and several fractions of 13 plants from Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest were tested in vitro against epimastigote and trypomastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease. Crude ethanol extracts with promising in vitro activity (DL50 between 5-10 microg/ml) against epimastigotes were fractionated by solvent partition and further tested against bloodstream form of the parasite. Activity against bloodstream parasites was observed in both dichloromethane and hexane fractions of Polygala sabulosa and P. paniculata.  相似文献   

The germination requirements and the basis of the optimal water content before and after cryopreservation were studied for ten endangered Brazilian species of Bromeliaceae. Constant and alternating temperature regimes were used to determine the best conditions for seed germination. The relationship between seed water content and relative humidity was evaluated using water sorption isotherms at 15 °C. Seeds were cryostored at four water contents (3, 5, 7 and 9%) and three storage periods (0, 180 and 365 days), and loss in viability and vigour were estimated. Fresh seeds of all species showed maximum germination in < 30 days at temperatures between 20 and 30 °C, indicating the absence of a physical/morphological dormancy. A sigmoidal relationship between seed water content and relative humidity was observed with no apparent differences in sorption characteristics among the species. The optimum water content for cryopreservation of most of these species was c. 7%. Ultra‐drying (3% seed water content) had a detrimental effect on seed viability and vigour. Our experiments suggested orthodox storage behaviour for all species of Bromeliaceae examined as they are able to survive desiccation and freezing. This study has shown the feasibility of ex situ conservation in seed cryobanks of endangered bromeliads from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest to support future reintroduction of these species in nature. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 567–576.  相似文献   

The Brazilian Atlantic Forest has experienced a reduction in its original area since the discovery of Brazil. Over the last 30 years, studies and techniques for forest recovery have advanced. Establishing a self-sustainable reforested area with adequate biodiversity is the main parameter for any reforestation program. Thus, knowledge of the ecophysiological behavior of the species to be used is crucial. Our hypothesis is that certain tools are efficient in determining the ecophysiological characterization of native species within different functional groups. Filling group plants show fast growth, intense gas exchange, present mechanisms of water deficit tolerance and show high efficiency in radiation capture, so they are first planted in a reforestation area. While plants pertaining to the diversity group do not exhibit these characteristics, thus are plants after the establishment of the first group of species. To test this hypothesis, two experiments were installed using young plants of four species native to the Atlantic Forest, grown in 9-L pots. Leaf water potential, gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence and certain biochemical parameters of leaf metabolism were evaluated. In the first experiment, plants were maintained under two forms of light availability for 15 days, full light (control) and shaded (shade). The species Inga sp. and Brosimum guianensis presented the most contrasting responses on day 15, principally in the variables leaf water potential, gas exchange, leaf soluble sugar content, Ftextv /Ftextm F_{text{v}}^{prime } /F_{text{m}}^{prime } and F v/F m. In the second experiment, plants were divided into two groups: a well-hydrated group (control) and one that underwent irrigation suspension for 7 days (drought); measurements were performed on day 8 of drought. Again, Inga sp. and Brosimum guianensis plants showed responses characterizing them as pertaining to distinct functional groups for the experimental parameters previously described. Thus, Inga sp. was classified as pertaining to the filling group and B. guianensis to the diversity group. The performance of the species Cinnamomum zeylancium and Tapirira guianensis under the conditions studied suggests that these are intermediate species with potential for use as filling group species.  相似文献   

Anthropic activities are frequently related in many ways to forest fragmentation and alteration of natural communities. In this study, we correlate the presence of hunting, tourism activity, agriculture/pasturing, and the distance of the study sites to the nearest human residences with the species composition of small Atlantic forest mammals. To do this, we utilize a multiple regression analysis of similarity matrices. The presence of both agriculture/pasturing and human residences near the study sites proved to be determinant factors in species composition of small mammals of the studied areas. Working with socioeconomic variables related directly with the study site could be a reliable and a direct way to predict the influence of human presence and entailed activity on small mammal communities.  相似文献   

This study aimed to report the unprecedented volatile composition of the mosses Phyllogonium viride BRID, Orthotichella rigida (MÜLL.HAL.) B. H. ALLEN & MAGILL and Schlotheimia rugifolia (HOOK.) SCHWÄGR occurring in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, in order to elucidate the chemical composition of these species and enrich the chemotaxonomic knowledge of mosses. 28 compounds were identified, the major constituent being hexadecanoic acid, also known as palmitic acid, specifically P. viride com (38.55 %), O. rigida com (17.17 %) and S. rugifolia com (24.94 %), followed by phytol, P. viride com (3.92 %), O. rigida com (28.57 %) and S. rugifolia com (36.13 %). In addition, there was a prevalence of aliphatic hydrocarbons (25 %) and fatty acids (17.8 %) in the evaluated samples. These data contribute to the generation of new scientific information about the chemical constitution of mosses, still little studied, enriching the chemotaxonomic collection of the taxon.  相似文献   

Litterfall is an essential component of tropical forest productivity, transferring nutrients from the vegetation back to soils. Here, we summarize the data from 105 estimates of fine litterfall production from 45 sites in the Atlantic Forest domain, including two types of forests, evergreen and seasonal, and two successional stages, secondary and old growth. The overall litterfall average was 8.0 ± 2.5 Mg/ha. Litterfall was significantly in higher seasonal forests than in evergreen forests and in old growth versus secondary forests. Leaves were the major component of litterfall, contributing 68 percent to the total. The second most important component was branches, contributing 22 percent, followed by reproductive organs (flowers and fruits), at 6 percent. Accurate measurements of tropical forest productivity are crucial for estimating their role in sequestering atmospheric carbon, and we suggest some ways to standardize litterfall sampling to obtain better estimates.  相似文献   

Phylobetadiversity is defined as the phylogenetic resemblance between communities or biomes. Analyzing phylobetadiversity patterns among different vegetation physiognomies within a single biome is crucial to understand the historical affinities between them. Based on the widely accepted idea that different forest physiognomies within the Southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest constitute different facies of a single biome, we hypothesize that more recent phylogenetic nodes should drive phylobetadiversity gradients between the different forest types within the Atlantic Forest, as the phylogenetic divergence among those forest types is biogeographically recent. We compiled information from 206 checklists describing the occurrence of shrub/tree species across three different forest physiognomies within the Southern Brazilian Atlantic Forest (Dense, Mixed and Seasonal forests). We analyzed intra-site phylogenetic structure (phylogenetic diversity, net relatedness index and nearest taxon index) and phylobetadiversity between plots located at different forest types, using five different methods differing in sensitivity to either basal or terminal nodes (phylogenetic fuzzy weighting, COMDIST, COMDISTNT, UniFrac and Rao’s H). Mixed forests showed higher phylogenetic diversity and overdispersion than the other forest types. Furthermore, all forest types differed from each other in relation phylobetadiversity patterns, particularly when phylobetadiversity methods more sensitive to terminal nodes were employed. Mixed forests tended to show higher phylogenetic differentiation to Dense and Seasonal forests than these latter from each other. The higher phylogenetic diversity and phylobetadiversity levels found in Mixed forests when compared to the others likely result from the biogeographical origin of several taxa occurring in these forests. On one hand, Mixed forests shelter several temperate taxa, like the conifers Araucaria and Podocarpus. On the other hand, tropical groups, like Myrtaceae, are also very representative of this forest type. We point out to the need of more attention to Mixed forests as a conservation target within the Brazilian Atlantic Forest given their high phylogenetic uniqueness.  相似文献   

Three new cecidogenous species of Palaeomystella Fletcher (Lepidoptera, Momphidae) from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest are described. Larvae of P. fernandesi Moreira & Becker, sp. n., P. rosaemariae Moreira & Becker, sp. n. and P. tavaresi Becker & Moreira, sp. n. induce galls, respectively, on Tibouchina sellowiana (Cham.) Cogn., T. asperior (Cham.) Cogn. and T. fissinervia (Schrank & Mart. ex DC.) Cogn. (Melastomataceae). Adults, immature stages and galls are illustrated, and data on life history and a preliminary analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences, including related species, are also provided.  相似文献   

Thermophysiological traits, particularly thermal tolerances and sensitivity, are key to understanding how organisms are affected by environmental conditions. In the face of ongoing climate change, determining how physiological traits structure species’ ranges is especially important in tropical montane systems. In this study, we ask whether thermal sensitivity in physiological performance restricts montane lizards to high elevations and excludes them from the warmer environments reported at low elevations. For three montane lizard species in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, we collect thermophysiological data from lizards in the highest elevation site of each species’ distribution, and ask how well the individuals exhibiting those traits would perform across the Atlantic Forest. We use microclimatic and organism‐specific models to directly relate environmental conditions to an organism's body temperature and physiological traits, and estimate measures of thermophysiological performance. Our findings demonstrate that thermophysiological constraints do not restrict montane lizards to high elevations in this system, and thus likely do not determine the warm boundaries of these montane species’ distributions. Results also suggest that competition may be important in limiting the warm boundaries of the species’ ranges for two of the focal species. These experimental results suggest that caution should be used when claiming that physiology drives patterns of diversity and endemism within montane environments. They also highlight the importance of interdisciplinary experimental studies that bridge the fields of evolution and ecology to improve predictions of biological responses to future environmental shifts.  相似文献   

The genus Laranda has six described species and is confined to South and Southeast of Brazil. We describe a new species and discuss the biology and distribution of the genus. The new species can be distinguished from its known congeners by the following characteristics: absence of yellow spots on pronotum and base of posterior tibiae; female copulatory papilla: sclerotization in dorsal view forming opposing acute angles, apical lobes narrow and small; male genitalia: pseudepiphallic median process short and wide; pseudepiphallic paramere with apex incurved and ectophallic fold surpassing apex of the parameres. The genus is distributed within the Atlantic Forest biome; the new species is found on tree trunks, as well as on forest leaf litter.  相似文献   

Three new quercetin 3,3',4'-tri-O-beta-D-glucopyranosides isolated from leaves of Eruca sativa (Mill.) were identified as quercetin 3,3',4'-tri-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, quercetin 3'-(6-sinapoyl-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-3,4'-di-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and quercetin 3-(2-sinapoyl-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-3'-(6-sinapoyl-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl)-4'-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside. The structures were established by one- and two-dimensional 1H and 13C NMR spectra as well as b  相似文献   

Bacterial Community Diversity in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest Soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to characterize the bacterial community diversity of the Brazilian Atlantic forest soil by means of both cultivation and 16S rRNA clone libraries. A collection of 86 representative isolates, obtained from six samples of Atlantic forest soils from the National Park of Serra dos Órgãos (PARNASO), belonged to the genera Arthrobacter, Bacillus, Burkholderia, Leifsonia, Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas, Ralstonia, Serratia, and Streptomyces according to the 16S rRNA sequences. Representative isolates from the different genera degraded cellulose and lignin. The culture-independent analysis based on 894 partial 16S rRNA gene sequences revealed that the most frequently retrieved groups belonged to the phyla Acidobacteria (29–54%), Proteobacteria (16–38%), and Verrucomicrobia (0.6–14%). The majority of the sequences (82.6%) were unidentified singletons and doubletons, indicating a high diversity of rare unique sequences. Chao1 estimator disclosed a high number of phyla (41–152) and species (263–446). This is the first survey on the Atlantic Forest soils using a combination of cultivation and culture-independent approaches. We conclude that the Brazilian Atlantic Forest soil represents a vast source of novel bacteria.  相似文献   

In this study, we analysed the processes resulting in the origin of two endemic sister species of bumblebees in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. We studied the historical distribution pattern of Bombus bahiensis, which is restricted to small fragments in eastern Brazil and the phylogeographic pattern and historical demography of B. brasiliensis, which is widely distributed in southern and south-eastern Brazil and neighbouring regions of Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina. We used ecological niche models, niche analyses, and genetic and distribution data (i) to test the role of niche differentiation on the divergence between the two species, (ii) to find potential distribution areas for the most restricted B. bahiensis, and (iii) to evaluate the conservation status of both species. Our results showed that B. brasiliensis populations are able to disperse across mosaics of anthropogenic and preserved areas and exhibit low levels of spatial genetic structure. Otherwise, B. bahiensis presented a restricted distribution range and likely a lower diversity, where it is suffering with an increasing habitat loss. The climatic oscillations of the Pleistocene influenced the population structure of both species in different ways, probably due to differences in their effective population sizes, physiology and past demographic fluctuations. Specifically, while B. brasiliensis expanded its distribution range in the last 500,?000?years throughout most of the Atlantic Forest, B. bahiensis remained restricted to a small rainforest area between southern Bahia and northern Espírito Santo states in Brazil. In its southern distribution, in the state of Espírito Santo, B. bahiensis is currently very rare or extinct. Currently, the adjacent ranges of Bombus brasiliensis and B. bahiensis do not overlap and our results indicate that these species may have further diversified through a reinforcement process associated to niche specialization and differentiation.  相似文献   

We describe in this paper a new genus and species of cricetid rodent from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, one of the most endangered eco‐regions of the world. The new form displays some but not all synapomorphies of the tribe Oryzomyini, but a suite of unique characteristics is also observed. This new forest rat possesses anatomical characteristics of arboreal taxa, such as very developed plantar pads, but was collected almost exclusively in pitfall traps. Phylogenetic analyses of morphological (integument, soft tissue, cranial, and dental characters) and molecular [nuclear – Interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (Irbp) – and mitochondrial – cytochrome b– genes] datasets using maximum likelihood and cladistic parsimony approaches corroborate the inclusion of the new taxon within oryzomyines. The analyses also place the new form as sister species to Eremoryzomys polius, an Andean rat endemic to the Maranon valley. This biogeographical pattern is unusual amongst small terrestrial vertebrates, as a review of the literature points to few other similar examples of Andean–Atlantic Forest pairings, in hylid frogs, Pionus parrots, and other sigmodontine rodents. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161 , 357–390.  相似文献   

The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened tropical forests in the world. Leguminosae, by its great richness and dominance among arboreal stratum elements, is of major importance in the floristic composition and structure of this forest. We investigated the distribution of legume species on an altitudinal gradient to find out the altitudinal zones with higher richness of species; the altitudinal zones with greater floristic similarity; the possible presence of species that may be exclusive to certain vegetation types and the altitudinal amplitudes of those species, as well as the occurrence of species substitution along the altitudinal gradient. Therefore, thirty one studies conducted in different altitudinal levels between 5° S and 29° S were analyzed. A matrix with 142 tree species distributed in altitudinal zones (every 100 m) from sea level to 2100 m was built. The greatest species richness was observed in the Submontane Forest (50–500 m) with 92 species. The cluster analysis revealed a strong dissimilarity of the 1400–2100 m (Upper Montane) and 0–10 m zones (Restinga Forest). The Submontane and the Montane Forest share the highest number of species (38 ssp.). Forty species are unique to Submontane. Substitution of species was verified. Some species have their preferred habitat located at a specific altitudinal amplitude, as is the case of Inga laurina and I. subnuda (0–10 m), I. lanceifolia and Machaerium scleroxylon (800–1200 m). The Leguminosae, although well adapted to the first colonization and establishment of diverse environment, was poorly represented above 1500 m altitude.  相似文献   

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