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This study evaluated the effects of two different types of segmental/extra-segmental conditioning stimuli (tonic muscle pain and non-painful vibration) on the subjective experience (perceived pain intensity) and on the cortical evoked potentials to standardized test stimuli (cutaneous electrical stimuli). Twelve subjects participated in two separate sessions to investigate the effects of tonic muscle pain or cutaneous vibration on experimental test stimuli. The experimental protocol contained a baseline registration (test stimuli only), a registration with the test stimuli in combination with the conditioning stimuli, followed by a registration with the test stimuli only. In addition, the effects of the conditioning stimuli were examined at two anatomically separated locations (segmental and extra-segmental). Compared with the test stimulus alone, the perceived pain intensity and peak-to-peak amplitudes of the evoked potentials were unchanged in the presence of non-painful conditioning stimuli at either location. In contrast, a significant decrease of the perceived pain intensity and peak-to-peak amplitudes was found in the presence of painful conditioning stimuli at the extra-segmental sites. Moreover, the topographic maps of the 32-channel recordings suggested that the distribution of the scalp evoked potentials was almost symmetrical around the vertex Cz in the baseline registration. The evoked potentials were generally decreased during hypertonic saline infusion at the extra-segmental sites, but the distribution of the topographic maps did not appear to change. Vibration has previously been shown to inhibit pain, but in the present study the perceived intensity of phasic painful electrical stimuli was unchanged. The reduced perceived pain intensity and the smaller peak-to-peak amplitude of the evoked potential in the presence of extra-segmental conditioning pain are in accordance with the concept of diffuse noxious inhibitory control.  相似文献   

0ain-related somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following CO2 laser stimulation were analyzed in normal volunteers. Low power and long wavelength CO2 laser stimuli to the hand induced a sharp pain which was associated with a large positive component, P320, recorded over the scalp. Amplitude decreased and latency increased with reduction in stimulus intensity and subjective pain feeling. P320 was maximal at the vertex but was distributed widely over the scalp. There were no topographic differences between left- and right-hand stimulation, or between hand and chest stimulation. Lidocaine injection to produce anesthetic nerve block resulted in loss of P320, but the potential was relatively preserved during ischemic nerve block. No potential corresponding to P320 could be recorded following electrical or mechanical tactile stimulation.We consider P320 to be generated by impulses arising from pain stimuli and ascending through Aδ fibers. We propose the thalamus as a generator source from considering its scalp topography, but pain-specific cognition or perception may also be involved in generating this potential.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate reference sites for recording the middle- and long-latency scalp potentials elicited by painful and non-painful sural nerve stimulation. Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) were recorded from the scalp, the mastoid, the earlobe, the neck, and the wrist. Each site was referenced to the sterno-vertebral (SV) electrode, which is a balanced non-cephalic reference with essentially no ECG contamination.There was little or no activity recorded between the wrist and SV, and the SV was located within a region extending from the rostral neck to the wrist where the potentials were stable over space. Hence, the SV reference is indifferent for the middle- and long-latency potentials evoked by painful and non-painful sural nerve stimulation. There was, however, significant activity recorded from the earlobe and mastoid, sites which are frequently used as references for the SEP. It is important that investigators using these cephalic references to study the middle- and long-latency peaks of the SEP be aware of this activity as it will distort SEPs recorded from single sites and the SEP scalp topography, distortions which could unnecessarily complicate their interpretation.  相似文献   

Since our previous study of pain somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following CO2 laser stimulation of the hand dorsum could not clarify whether the early cortical component NI was generated from the primary somatosensory cortex (SI) or the secondary somatosensory cortex (SII) or both, the scalp topography of SEPs following CO2 laser stimulation of the foot dorsum was studied in 10 normal subjects and was compared with that of the hand pain SEPs and the conventional SEPs following electrical stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve recorded in 8 and 6 of the 10 subjects, respectively. Three components (N1, N2 and P2) were recorded for both foot and hand pain SEPs. N1 of the foot pain SEPs was maximal at the midline electrodes (Cz or CPz) in all data where that potential was recognized, but the potential field distribution was variable among subjects and even between two sides within the same subject. N1 of the hand pain SEPs was maximal at the contralateral central or midtemporal electrode. The scalp distribution of N2 and P2, however, was not different between the foot and hand pain SEPs. The mean peak latency of N1 following stimulation of foot and hand was found to be 191 msec and 150 msec, respectively, but there was no significant difference in the interpeak latency of Nl-N2 between foot and hand stimulation. It is therefore concluded that NI of the foot pain SEPs is generated mainly from the foot area of SI. The variable scalp distribution of the N7 component of the foot pain SEPs is likely due to an anatomical variability among subjects and even between sides.  相似文献   

The topography of the middle-latency N110 after radial nerve stimulation suggested a generator in SII. To support this hypothesis, we have tried to identify a homologous component in the tibial nerve SEP (somatosensory evoked potential). Evoked potentials following tibial nerve stimulation (motor+sensory threshold) were recorded with 29 electrodes (bandpass 0.5–500 Hz, sampling rate 1000 Hz). For comparison, the median nerve was stimulated at the wrist. Components were identified as peaks in the global field power (GFP). Map series were generated around GFP peaks and amplitudes were measured from electrodes near map maxima. With median nerve stimulation, we recorded a negativity with a maximum in temporal electrode positions and 106±12 ms peak latency (mean±SD), comparable to the N110 following radial nerve stimulation. After tibial nerve stimulation the latency of a component with the same topography was 131±11 ms (N130). Both N110 and N130 were present ipsi- as well as contralaterally. Amplitudes were significantly higher on the contralateral than the ipsilateral scalp for both median (3.1±2.4 μV vs. 1.7±1.6 μV) and tibial nerve (1.9±1.2 μV vs. 0.6+1 μV). The topography of the N130 can be explained by a generator in the vicinity of SII. The latency difference between median and tibial nerve stimulation is related to the longer conduction distance (cf. N20 and P40). The smaller ipsilateral N130 is consistent with the bilateral body representation in SII.  相似文献   

We recorded cortical potentials evoked by painful CO2 laser stimulation (pain SEP), employing an oddball paradigm in an effort to demonstrate event-related potentials (ERP) associated with pain. In 12 healthy subjects, frequent (standard) pain stimuli (probability 0.8) were delivered to one side of the dorsum of the left hand while rare (target) pain stimuli (probability 0.2) were delivered to the other side of the same hand. Subjects were instructed to perform either a mental count or button press in response to the target stimuli. Two early components (N2 and P2) of the pain SEP demonstrated a Cz maximal distribution, and showed no difference in latency, amplitude or scalp topography between the oddball conditions or between response tasks. In addition, another positive component (P3) following the P2 was recorded maximally at Pz only in response to the target stimuli with a peak latency of 593 msec for the count task and 560 msec for the button press task. Its scalp topography was the same as that for electric and auditory P3. The longer latency of pain P3 can be explained not only by its slower impulse conduction but also by the effects of task difficulty in the oddball paradigm employing the pain stimulus compared with electric and auditory stimulus paradigms. It is concluded that the P3 for the pain modality is mainly related to a cognitive process and corresponds to the P3 of electric and auditory evoked responses, whereas both N2 and P2 are mainly pain-related components.  相似文献   

The relationship between somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) and recovery from stroke was investigated in 12 patients. All had suffered recent cerebral infarction. SEPs were performed within the first week, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months after stroke onset. Improvement of initially abnormal SEPs was maximal in the first 6 weeks and this correlated closely with the period of maximum clinical improvement. The results of this study suggest that the major effect of stroke on on SEPs occurs acutely and is little affected by secondary degenerative processes.  相似文献   

Scalp distributions and topographies of early cortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to median nerve stimulation were studied in 22 patients with 5 different types of cerebral lesion due to cerebrovascular disease or tumor (thalamic, postcentral subcortical, precentral subcortical, diffuse subcortical and parieto-occipital lesions) in order to investigate the origins of frontal (P20, N24) and central-parietal SEPs (N20, P22, P23).In 2 patients with thalamic syndrome, N16 was delayed in latency and N20/P20 were not recorded. No early SEP except for N16 was recorded in 2 patients with pure hemisensory loss due to postcentral subcortical lesion. In all 11 patients with pure hemiparesis or hemiplegia due to precentral subcortical lesion N20/P20 and P22, P23/N24 components were of normal peak latencies. The amplitude of N24 was significantly decreased in all 3 patients with complete hemiplegia. These findings support the hypothesis that N20/P20 are generated as a horizontal dipole in the central sulcus (3b), whereas P23/N24 are a reflection of multiple generators in pre- and post-rolandic fissures. P22 was very localized in the central area contralateral to the stimulation.Topographical studies of early cortical SEPs are useful for detecting each component in abnormal SEPs  相似文献   

We recorded middle-latency (20–70 msec) auditory evoked potentials (MLAEPs) to monaural and binaural clicks in 30 normal adults (ages 20–49 years) at 32 scalp locations all referred to a balanced non-cephalic reference. Our goal was to define the MLAEP components that were present at comparable latencies and comparable locations across the subject population. Group and individual data were evaluated both as topographic maps and as MLAEPs at selected electrode locations.Three major components occurred between 20 and 70 msec, two well-known peaks centered at the vertex, and one previously undefined peak focused over the posterior temporal area. Pa is a 29 msec positive peak centered at the vertex and present with both monaural and binaural stimulation, Pb is a 53 msec positive peak also centered at the vertex but seen consistently only with binaural and right ear stimulation. TP41 is a 41 msec positive peak focused over both temporal areas. TP41 has not been identified in previous MLAEP studies that concentrated on central scalp locations and/or used active reference electrode sites such as ears or mastoids.Available topographic, intracranial, pharmacologic, and lesion studies indicate that Pa, Pb and TP41 are of neural origin. Whether Pa and/or Pb are produced in Heschl's gyrus, primary auditory cortex, remains unclear. TP41 is probably produced by auditory cortex on the posterior lateral surface of the temporal lobe. It should prove of considerable value in experimental and clinical evaluation of higher level auditory function in particular and of cortical function in general.  相似文献   

Median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials were recorded from 30 normal adults using conventional scalp derivations and an orthogonal bipolar surface electrode montage. This allowed the determination of the spatial orientation of the hypothetical centrally located equivalent dipole derived from the evoked response recorded in 3-dimensional voltage space. The 3-dimensional voltage trajectory describing changes in equivalent dipole orientation and magnitude revealed 4 major apices between 5 and 25 msec, 3 of which corresponded to the traditional P14, N20 and P25 peaks. A fourth apex at 17 msec was not as evident in the conventional recordings and signaled a transition from a vertical P14–N18 generator process to a horizontal N20 generator process. The normal within- and between-subject variability of trajectory apices, segments and planes are described, along with the theoretical and practical implications of this recording technique.  相似文献   

Short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following median nerve stimulation were recorded in 42 patients with Down's syndrome and in 42 age- and sex-matched normal subjects. There were no significant differences between the 2 groups in the absolute peak latencies of N9, N11 and N13 components. However, interpeak latencies, N9-N11, N11-N13 and N9-N13, were prolonged significantly in Down's syndrome. These findings suggest impaired impulse conduction in the proximal part of the brachial plexus, posterior roots and/or posterior column-medial lemniscal pathway. Interpeak latency N13-N20, representing conduction time from cervical cord to sensory cortex, was not significantly different between the 2 groups. Cortical potentials N20 and P25 in the parietal area and P20 and N25 in the frontal area were of significantly larger amplitude in Down's syndrome. P25 had double peaks in 16 of 42 normal subjects, but these were not apparent in any of the patients.  相似文献   

We report the development of a new method for frequency domain analysis of steady-state somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) to amplitude-modulated electrical stimulation, which can be recorded in significantly less time than traditional SEPs. Resampling techniques were used to compare the steady-state SEP to traditional SEP recordings, which are based on signal averaging in the time domain of cortical responses to repetitive transient stimulation and take 1–2 min or more to obtain a satisfactory signal/noise ratio. Median nerves of 3 subjects were stimulated continuously with electrical alternating current at several modulation frequencies from 7 to 41 Hz. Amplitude modulation was used to concentrate the power in higher frequencies, away from the modulation frequency, to reduce the amount of stimulus artifact recorded. Data were tested for signal detectability in the frequency domain using the Tcirc2 statistic. A reliable steady-state response can be recorded from scalp electrodes overlying somatosensory cortex in only a few seconds. In contrast, no signal was statistically discriminable from noise in the transient SEP from as much as 20 s of data. This dramatic time savings accompanying steady-state somatosensory stimulation may prove useful for monitoring in the operating room or intensive care unit.  相似文献   

Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP) to ipsilateral and contralateral median nerve stimulations were recorded from subdural electrode grids over the perirolandic areas in 41 patients with medically refractory focal epilepsies who underwent evaluation for epilepsy surgery. All patients showed clearly defined, high-amplitude contralateral median SEPs. In addition, four patients showed ipsilateral SEPs. Compared with the contralateral SEPs, ipsilateral SEPs were very localized, had a different spatial distribution, were of considerably lower amplitude, had a longer latency (1.2–17.8 ms), did not show an initial negativity, and were markedly attenuated during sleep. Stimulation of the subdural electrodes overlying the sensory hand area was associated with contralateral hand paresthesias, but no ipsilateral hand paresthesias occurred. It was concluded that subdurally recorded cortical SEPs to ipsilateral stimulation of the median nerve (M) reflect unconscious sensory input from the hand possibly serving fast bimanual hand control. The anatomical pathway of these ipsilateral short-latency MSEPs is not yet known. Transcallosal transmission seems unlikely because of the short delay between the ipsilateral and contralateral responses in selected cases. The infrequent occurrence of ipsilateral subdurally recorded SEPs and their low amplitude and limited distribution suggest that they contribute very little to the short-latency ipsilateral median SEPs recorded on the scalp.  相似文献   

Ten adult brain-dead patients were evaluated for the presence of clearly defined median nerve short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs). All met clinical criteria recommended by the President's Commission report (1981), had positive apnea tests, and had electrocerebral silent EEGs. P13-P14 and N20 were absent in all scalp-scalp channels, although 3 patients showed P13-P14 in scalp-non-cephalic channels. Of 6 patients showing N13, 3 lacked P13-P14. Our data suggest a characteristic destruction of N20 and rostral P13-P14 generators, with variable rostral-caudal loss of lower generators, SSEPs can provide valuable information about brain-stem activity in the evaluation of suspected brain-dead patients.  相似文献   

Fourteen adult patients undergoing open heart surgery under induced hypothermia had median nerve, short-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) recorded during cooling (from 36°C to 19°C) and subsequent rewarming. Similar data on another group of patients who had brain-stem auditory evoked potentials (BAEPs) were also analyzed. Hypothermia produced increased latencies of the major SSEP and BAEP components and the latencies returned to normal with subsequent warming. The temperature-latency relationship during the cooling phase was significantly different from that during the warming phase. For SSEP components the temperature-latency relationship was linear during cooling and curvilinear during warming, whereas for BAEP it was curvilinear both during cooling and warming. Furthermore, the regression curves were different during the two phases of temperature manipulation, particularly for temperatures below 30°C both for SSEP and BAEP components. At the onset of warming there was an initial exaggerated warming response on the evoked potential (EP) latencies and amplitude of the EP components. The temperature-latency regression curves were uniformly less steep during the warming phase compared to those during cooling. These findings suggest the existence of hysteresis in the relationship between temperature and EP latencies. The latencies at a given temperature below 30°C depend on whether that temperature is reached during cooling or during warming.  相似文献   

Middle-latency somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) following median and posterior tibial nerve stimulation were studied in 40 patients with Down's syndrome and in age- and gender-matched healthy controls as well as in middle-aged and aged healthy subjects. In median nerve SEPs, latencies of the initial cortical potentials, N18 and P18, showed no significant difference, but the following potentials N22, P25, N32, P41 and P46 were relatively or significantly shorter in latency in Down's patients than in the controls. Amplitudes of all components in Down's patients were significantly larger than those of age- and gender-matched controls as well as of those of middle-aged healthy subjects, but there was only a small difference in their amplitudes from aged healthy subjects. Results of posterior tibial nerve SEPs were generally consistent with those of median nerve SEPs. Therefore, ‘short latency with large amplitude’ is the main characteristic of middle-latency SEPs in Down's syndrome, possibly related to accelerated physiological aging of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

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