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This study investigated the effect of two organic amendments (compost of cattle ruminai content and Sphagnum-moss peat) on the reduction of hexavalent chromium and the distribution of this metal among the main solid phases of a soil with low organic matter content treated with different levels of Cr(VI) (0–2000 mg Cr kg?1 soil). At the same level of added organic carbon, the peat reduced Cr(VI) added to the soil from 250 to 2000 mg kg?1, with 100% efficiency. The reduction efficiency of the compost, however, decreased with the increasing dose of Cr(VI) soil. The distribution of Cr between the different soil components was evaluated by a sequential chemical extraction procedure. The concentration of water-soluble and exchangeable Cr decreased with the addition of organic amendments to the soil, whereas Cr increased in the organic fraction. The effect of added organic material on the Cr absorption was examined with two ornamental plants (Melissa officinalis and Begonia semperflorens). The increased Cr(VI) in the soil increased the Cr concentration in plant tissues. The addition of organic matter produced a greater aerial biomass for each level of added Cr in comparison with unamended soil. Sphagnum moss peat was more effective than the compost to decrease the total Cr and the Cr(VI) concentration in the water-soluble and exchangeable fraction of soil, thereby reducing the Cr accumulation in plants tissues and phytotoxic symptoms.  相似文献   

To improve knowledge on the role of microbial processes in phosphorus (P) transformations in highly weathered subtropical soil, dynamics in microbial biomass C (BC) and P (BP), and Olsen-P in a subtropical Ultisol following amendments with glucose at 2 g C kg−1 soil (G2) and rice straw at 2 and 4 g C kg−1 soil (RS2 and RS4) was studied during a 43-day incubation period at 25°C and 45% of soil water-holding capacity. By 3 days, the amount of soil BC had increased about 3.2, 1.7, and 2.6 times for G2, RS2, and RS4, respectively. The amount of soil BC significantly decreased between 3 and 7 days for G2 and 3 and 14 days for RS4, and thereafter remained almost steady throughout the 43-day incubation period, at levels about 1.6–2.4 times larger than for the control (no organic amendment; CK). The amount of soil BP for G2 and RS4 almost doubled by 3 or 7 days, then remained relatively steady, and for RS2, maintained relatively constant (6.7–8.2 mg kg−1 soil) throughout 43-day incubation period, whereas it declined by about 50% for CK. A significant decrease (3.5 mg kg−1 soil) in Olsen-P occurred in G2 by 3 days; indicating a close response of available P to microbial immobilization. Also, the amounts of Al- and Fe-bound P in G2 and Fe-bound-P in RS4 decreased significantly, as determined at 43 days. In conclusion, organic amendment enhances microbial immobilization and transformations of P, but the turnover of BP behaves in different patterns as BC in highly weathered subtropical soil.  相似文献   

At the present rate of loss (since 1990), half of the remaining wetlands worldwide will be developed within ~140 years, underscoring the importance of improving the creation and restoration of wetlands. Organic amendments are sometimes used during wetland creation. To evaluate the effectiveness of adding organic amendments we used a combined numerical method to assign “scores” on five categories of evaluation metrics: plant growth, soil properties, carbon accrual, denitrification, and anaerobic processes (e.g. redox potential). We found that amendments identified as “topsoil” scored measurably higher and had consistently more positive values with fewer negative results compared to amendments identified as “allochthonous organic matter” (alOM). Organic amendments had about the same effect on soils with low soil organic carbon (<2.5%) compared to soils richer in organic carbon. Organic amendments are not uniformly effective, and in some cases may have negative side effects. For example, alOM often resulted in a loss of plant diversity. These outcomes along with site conditions should be evaluated before using organic amendments.  相似文献   

Summary Out of six organic materials used to amend the infested soil for the control of Sclerotium wilt of sunflower, oat straw followed by oil cakes such as castor andneem cakes significantly reduced the incidence of the disease when compared with non-amended soil. Rice-husk and sawdust did not show any consistent and definite trend in influencing the disease incidence.Publication No. 2041 under the Journal Series of the Experiment Station, G.B. Pant Univ. of Agri.±Techn., Pantnagar, Nainital (U.P.). India.  相似文献   

An understanding of the dynamics of carbon (C) stock in soils, as impacted by management strategies, is necessary to identify the pathways of C sequestration in soils and for maintaining soil organic C (SOC) at a level critical for upkeeping soil health and also for restraining global warming. This is more important in tropical and subtropical region where soils are inherently low in organic C content and the production system is fragile. We evaluated the long‐term role of crop residue C inputs to soil in SOC sequestration and also the critical value of C inputs for maintenance of SOC across five different rice‐based cropping systems and four soil management practices including a fallow (no cultivation since initiation of the experiments) using five long‐term (7–36 years) fertility experiments in subtropical India. Cropping per se always caused a net depletion of SOC. Such depletion was inversely proportional to the amount of crop residue C incorporated into the soils (r=−0.92, P=0.001). Balanced fertilization with NPK, however, caused an enrichment (9.3–51.8% over the control) of SOC, its extent being influenced by the cropping systems. Long‐term application of organic amendments (5–10 Mg ha−1 yr−1) through farmyard manure (FYM) or compost could increase SOC hardly by 10.7% constituting only 18% of the applied C, the rest getting lost through oxidation. The total quantity of soil C sequestered varied from −11.5 to 14.5 Mg C ha−1 and was linearly related (r2=0.40, P=0.005) with cumulative crop residue C inputs to the soils. On an average, the rate of its conversion to SOC came out to be 6.4%. This was more in presence of added organics (6.9%) than in its absence (4.2%). For sustenance of SOC level (zero change due to cropping) we found that a minimum quantity of 2.9 Mg C is required to be added per hectare per annum as inputs. The cropping systems and the management practices that could provide C input higher than the above critical level are likely to sustain the SOC level and maintain good soil health in the subtropical regions of the Indian subcontinent.  相似文献   

Soil communities are often degraded in mined sites, and facilitating the recovery of soil mutualists such as arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) may assist with the restoration of native plants. At a grassland mine restoration site, I compared a commercial AMF inoculum with soil collected from beneath native grasses as a source of inoculum, as well as a control treatment. Field plots were broadcast‐inoculated and seeded with native grasses, and biomass of native and non‐native species was measured in three consecutive years. In addition, greenhouse‐grown seedlings of a native bunchgrass (Stipa pulchra) were inoculated with similar treatments, transplanted into the field, and assessed after 18 months. When broadcast inoculation was used, the local soil inoculum tended to increase non‐native grass biomass, and marginally decreased non‐native forb biomass in the second year of study, but did not significantly affect native grass biomass. Broadcast commercial inoculum had no detectable effects on biomass of any plant group. Stipa pulchra transplants had greater N content and mycorrhizal colonization, and marginally higher shoot mass and K content, when pre‐inoculated with local soil (relative to controls). Pre‐inoculation with commercial AMF increased AMF colonization of the S. pulchra transplants, but did not significantly affect biomass or nutrient content. The findings indicate that at this site, the use of local soil as an inoculum had greater effects on native and non‐native plants than the commercial product used. In order to substantially increase native grass performance, inoculation of transplanted plugs may be one potential strategy.  相似文献   

Little of the historical extent of tallgrass prairie ecosystems remains in North America, and therefore there is strong interest in restoring prairies. However, slow‐growing prairie plants are initially weak competitors with the fast‐growing yet short‐lived weedy plant species that are typically abundant in recently established prairie restorations. One way to aid establishment of slow‐growing plant species is through adding soil amendments to prairie restorations before planting. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi form mutualisms with the roots of most terrestrial plants and are particularly important for the growth of slow‐growing prairie plant species. As prairie ecosystems are adapted to fires that leave biochar (charred organic material) in the soil, adding biochar as well as AM fungal strains from undisturbed remnant prairies into the soil of prairie restorations may improve restoration outcomes. Here, we test this prediction during the first four growing seasons of a prairie restoration. When prairie plant seedlings were inoculated prior to planting into the field with AM fungi derived from remnant prairies, that one‐time inoculation significantly increased growth of five of the nine tested plant species through at least two growing seasons. This long‐term benefit of AM fungal inoculation was unaffected by biochar addition to the soil. Biochar application rates of at least 10 tons/ha significantly decreased Coreopsis tripteris growth but acted synergistically with AM fungal inoculation to significantly improve survival of Schizachyrium scoparium. Overall, inoculation with native AM fungi can help promote prairie plant establishment, but concomitant use of biochar soil amendments had relatively little effect.  相似文献   

The microbial dynamics expressed in terms of culturable microbial populations i.e. bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes and Azotobacter were measured after 33 years of continuous application of mineral fertilizers and amendments to an acid alfisol. The bacterial, fungal and Azotobacter populations were maximum in plots treated with mineral fertilizers and FYM (100%NPK+FYM) while actinomycetes population was maximum in mineral fertilizes and lime treated plots (100%NPK+Lime). The bacterial population decreased and fungal population increased with increasing levels of NPK i.e. from 50% to 150%NPK. Bacillus species of bacteria and Gliocladium, Aspergillus and Rhizopus species of fungi were the main dominating culturable microorganisms in all the treatments. The FYM and lime amended plots sustained crop productivity and microbial populations at higher levels than rest of the mineral fertilizer treatments. The nitrogenous fertilizers alone had the most deleterious effect on crop productivity and the biological soil environment.  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) uptake mediated alterations in functional components of photo assimilation during conversion of cow dung and poultry cast to vermicompost were studied in two Indian rice cultivars; MO 16 and MTU 7029. It was found that higher amount of Cd accumulate in plants grown in soil amended with vermicompost which in turn damaged functional components in photo assimilation. Enhancement of root growth was recognized as reason for Cd accumulation. Metabolic alterations noticed among plants were not taken place during application of raw materials used for vermicomposting such as cow dung and poultry cast amendment. Rice varieties accumulated Cd differentially where MTU 7029 accumulated more Cd compare to MO 16. It was also noticed that existence of negative correlation between zinc status of the plant and Cd accumulation.  相似文献   

Ecosystems worldwide are receiving increasing amounts of reactive nitrogen (N) via anthropogenic activities with the added N having potentially important impacts on microbially mediated belowground carbon dynamics. However, a comprehensive understanding of how elevated N availability affects soil microbial processes and community dynamics remains incomplete. The mechanisms responsible for the observed responses are poorly resolved and we do not know if soil microbial communities respond in a similar manner across ecosystems. We collected 28 soils from a broad range of ecosystems in North America, amended soils with inorganic N, and incubated the soils under controlled conditions for 1 year. Consistent across nearly all soils, N addition decreased microbial respiration rates, with an average decrease of 11% over the year‐long incubation, and decreased microbial biomass by 35%. High‐throughput pyrosequencing showed that N addition consistently altered bacterial community composition, increasing the relative abundance of Actinobacteria and Firmicutes, and decreasing the relative abundance of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia. Further, N‐amended soils consistently had lower activities in a broad suite of extracellular enzymes and had decreased temperature sensitivity, suggesting a shift to the preferential decomposition of more labile C pools. The observed trends held across strong gradients in climate and soil characteristics, indicating that the soil microbial responses to N addition are likely controlled by similar wide‐spread mechanisms. Our results support the hypothesis that N addition depresses soil microbial activity by shifting the metabolic capabilities of soil bacterial communities, yielding communities that are less capable of decomposing more recalcitrant soil carbon pools and leading to a potential increase in soil carbon sequestration rates.  相似文献   

从杉木林土壤中筛选到5株高效解酚菌(F2,F3,F4,F7,F15)通过盆栽试验,发现F4能抑制杉苗生长,而其余四株则能在不同条件下促进杉苗生长,但不能完全抵抗所加酸的抑制作用,而将五种菌按等比例混合后使用,则不仅能促进菌根苗Z和非菌根苗生长,还能抵抗酚酸的抑制作用。  相似文献   

Following the unprecedented oil drilling presently occurring in western North Dakota, thousands of kilometers of oil roads must be reclaimed to an acceptable post‐extraction condition. This study assessed the soil biological and plant communities of nine decommissioned oil roads reclaimed during three periods between 1983 and 2002 in the Little Missouri National Grasslands of western North Dakota. We hypothesized that time‐since‐reclamation would positively affect soil biological and plant communities and, consequently, success of reclamation at older sites. To assess this hypothesis, we measured soil enzyme activity, soil microbial community composition, plant community composition, and soil physical and chemical properties along a gradient extending from road‐center to adjacent native prairie for the nine roads. Time‐since‐reclamation did not affect soil and plant properties measured, indicating that older reclamations are not more similar to native prairie than reclamations occurring more recently. A strong gradient between samples from road‐center and native prairie was identified with univariate and ordination analyses, indicating that soil and plant communities of reclaimed oil roads do not resemble those of the surrounding prairie. Soil organic matter (SOM) was identified as the most significantly affected soil property, being 30% lower on reclaimed roads than prairie. The relationship between SOM, microbial community, and plant community suggests that incorporating additional SOM could hasten reclamation as a result of improving the physical environment for plants and providing a labile carbon and energy source for the soil microbial community which, in turn, will enhance the nutrient and physical conditions for plant growth.  相似文献   

从杉木林土壤中筛选到5株高效解酚菌(F2、F3、F4、F7、F15),结果表明,F4、Fd,F2、F155d能将600rng·L-1的阿魏酸降解完,F7的降解率为91.3%;F4、F3、F2、F7d,F15、4d能将600mg·L-1的对羟基苯甲酸完全降解;5株解酚菌对邻香草醛的降解能力较弱,除F25d能将300mg·L-1的邻香草醛完全降解外,其余4株5d的降解率为83%~96%.同时发现,F4能抑制杉苗生长,而其余4株则能在不同条件下促进杉苗生长,将5种菌按等比例混合使用,在土壤添加酚酸的情况下,仍能促进菌根苗Z和非菌根苗生长,杉木苗干重增长率为8.9%~168%.  相似文献   

The biodegradation of Bonny light crude petroleum by bacteria in batch culture was enhanced by the addition to culture media, of 0.2 mg of urea and soya bean lecithin per 100 ml of crude oil, sediment and water mixture. Biodegradation was found to be purely an aerobic process. There was a direct relationship between hydrocarbon content and proportion (%) of total heterotrophic count that was capable of growing on crude petroleum as sole carbon and energy source.  相似文献   


Mining activities have left a legacy of metals containing tailings impoundments. After mine closure, reclamation of mine wastes can be achieved by restoration of a vegetation cover. This study investigated the impact of biochar (BC), biosolids (BS), humic substances (HS), and mycorrhizal fungi (MF) for improving mine tailings fertility and hydraulic properties, supporting plant establishment, tailings revegetation, and enabling growth of energy crops. We conducted a pot trial by growing willow, poplar, and miscanthus in Pb/Zn/Cu mine tailings untreated or amended with two rates of amendments (low or high input). Biosolids resulted in the most significant changes in tailings properties, neutralizing pH and increasing organic carbon, nutrient concentrations, cation exchange capacity, water retention, and saturated hydraulic conductivity. The greatest increase in energy crops production was also observed in BS treatments enabling the financial viability of mine reclamation. Although BC resulted in significant improvements in tailings fertility and hydraulic properties, its impact on biomass was less pronounced, most likely due to lower N and P available concentrations. Increases in willow and miscanthus biomass were observed in HS and MF treatments in spite of their lower nutrient content. A pot experiment is underway to assess synergistic effects of combining BS with BC, HS, or MF.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to observe the effect of TS amendments on soil enzymes and phytoremediation potential of two economically important cultivars of geranium. Different doses of TS were applied in soil to examine threshold limit of HMs where geranium cultivars can be grown successfully in contaminated sites. Treatment variation significantly affected pH, EC, OC, N, P, K and HM content in soil after 50 days of incubation. After harvest, both cultivars were examined to assess the impact of various treatments on their fresh herb, dry matter, essential oil yield and HM accumulation. C/G ratio close to 1 was observed at 50 tha?1 sludge treatment in both cultivars. Urease and β-glucosidase activities in soil were maximum at 50 tha?1 whereas dehydrogenase and phosphatase activities were maximum at 100 tha?1 in both cultivars. β-glucosidase, acid and alkaline phosphatase, urease and dehydrogenase activities were relatively high after 85 days over 45 days in both cultivars. Maximum metal uptake was found in roots of cv. Bourbon followed by leaves. Geranium was observed to be a good candidate for phytoremediation as it mitigates metal toxicity by root absorption and cv. Bourbon is better candidate for the same.  相似文献   

杉木解酚菌的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从杉木林土壤中筛选到5株高效解酚菌(F2、F3、F4、F7、F15),结果表明,F4、F33d,F2、F155d能将600rng  相似文献   

Yin  Fating  Zhang  Fenghua 《Plant and Soil》2022,477(1-2):521-538
Plant and Soil - Reclamation of saline-alkali soils to grow cotton (Gossypium spp.) is very common in the arid Manas River Basin in Northwest China. However, little is known about the degradation...  相似文献   

为探究不同改良剂对酸性土壤铝(Al)胁迫条件下镉(Cd)锌(Zn)超积累植物伴矿景天Sedum plumbizincicola生长以及镉和锌吸取修复效率的影响,分别添加不同种类改良剂(钙镁磷肥(CMP)、MgCO3、KH2PO4)和不同浓度CMP进行温室盆栽试验。结果表明,CMP能够一定程度上提高土壤pH值并降低土壤交换性Al的浓度,MgCO3能够显著提高土壤pH值和降低土壤交换性Al的浓度,KH2PO4能够降低土壤中交换性Al浓度但未改变土壤pH值。施用适量的CMP(9.39 mg/kg)能够提高伴矿景天生物量和Cd、Zn吸取修复效率,用量过高会抑制伴矿景天生长和Cd、Zn修复效率;施用MgCO3可增大伴矿景天生物量和Cd、Zn修复效率,施用KH2PO4反而抑制了伴矿景天生长。酸性土壤上施用适量的CMP和MgCO3能够缓解伴矿景天的铝毒作用,维持较高的重金属吸收效率。  相似文献   

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