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Polypeptides of the synaptic membrane antigens D1, D2, and D3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rat brain synaptic membrane antigens D1, D2, and D3 were labelled by 125I and precipitated by antibodies in a crossed immunoelectrophoresis. The precipitates were stained, scraped off, reduced, and analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. The D1 antigen was composed of two polypeptide chains, apparent molecular weights 50 300 and 116 000 D2 of only one polypeptide chain, apparent molecular weight 139 000, and D3 of three polypeptides, apparent molecular weights 14 100, 23 500, and 34 400. Higher apparent molecular weight polypeptides were present in variable amounts in the D3 precipitate, except when the synaptic membrane extracts had been pre-treated with phospholipase D.  相似文献   

The inside-outside localization of the nervous system specific membrane proteins D1, D2 and D3 was investigated by a immunoabsorption technique. It was found that D1 was located at least partly on the outside of the synaptic membrane in contrast to D3 which was inside on the membrane, facing the cytoplasm. The protein D2 was outside on the synaptic membrane, and it was found very accessible to the antiserum. It is speculated that D2 might be involved in the axonal-dendritic recognition process during synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

The O antigen is an important cell wall antigen of gram-negative bacteria, and the genes responsible for its biosynthesis are located in a gene cluster. We have cloned and sequenced the DNA segment unique to the O-antigen gene cluster of Salmonella enterica group D3. This segment includes a novel O-antigen polymerase gene (wzyD3). The polymerase gives α(1→6) linkages but has no detectable sequence similarity to that of group D2, which confers the same linkage. We find the remnant of a D3-like wzy gene in the O-antigen gene clusters of groups D1 and B and suggest that this is the original wzy gene of these O-antigen gene clusters.  相似文献   

Microarray technology enables high-throughput testing of gene expression to investigate various neuroscience related questions. This in turn creates a demand for scalable methods to confirm microarray results and the opportunity to use this information to discover and test novel pathways and therapeutic applications. Discovery of new central nervous system (CNS) treatments requires a comprehensive understanding of multiple aspects including the biology of a target, the pathophysiology of a disease/disorder, and the selection of successful lead compounds as well as efficient biomarker and drug disposition strategies such as absorption (how a drug is absorbed), distribution (how a drug spreads through an organism), metabolism (chemical conversion of a drug, if any, and into which substances), and elimination (how is a drug eliminated) (ADME). Understanding of the toxicity is also of paramount importance. These approaches, in turn, require novel high-content integrative assay technologies that provide thorough information about changes in cell biology. To increase efficiency of profiling, characterization, and validation, we established a new screening strategy that combines high-content image-based testing on Array Scan (Cellomics) with a confocal system and the multiplexed TaqMan RT-PCR method for quantitative mRNA expression analysis. This approach could serve as an interface between high-throughput microarray testing and specific application of markers discovered in the course of a microarray experiment. Markers could pinpoint activation or inhibition of a molecular pathway related, for instance, to neuronal viability. We demonstrate the successful testing of the same cell population in an image-based translocational assay followed by poly(A) mRNA capture and multiplexed single tube RT-PCR. In addition, Ciphergen ProteinChip analysis can be performed on the supernatant, thus allowing significant complementarity in the data output and interpretation by also including the capture and initial analysis of proteins in the integrative approach presented. We have determined various conditions including the number of cells, RT and PCR optimization, which are necessary for successful detection and consequent assay integration. We also show the successful convergence of various different approaches and multiplexing of different targets within a single real-time PCR tube. This novel integrative technological approach has utility for CNS drug discovery, target and biomarker identification, selection and characterization as well as for the study of toxicity- and adverse event-associated molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19) is a member of the cytochrome P-450 enzyme superfamily and plays an important role in the metabolism of drugs. In order to gain insights for developing personalized drugs, the 3D (dimensional) structure of CYP2C19 has been developed based on the crystal structure of CYP2C9 (PDB code 1R90), and its structure-activity relationship with the ligands of CEC, Fluvoxamine, Lescol, and Ticlopidine investigated through the structure-activity relationship approach. By means of a series of docking studies, the binding pockets of CYP2C19 for the four compounds are explicitly defined that will be very useful for conducting mutagenesis studies, providing insights into personalization of drug treatments and stimulating novel strategies for finding desired personalized drugs.  相似文献   

Dopamine (DA) acts through five receptor subtypes (D1–D5). We compared expression levels and distribution patterns of all DA mRNA receptors in the spinal cord of wild-type (WT) and loss of function D3 receptor knockout (D3KO) animals. D3 mRNA expression was increased in D3KO, but no D3 receptor protein was associated with cell membranes, supporting the previously reported lack of function. In contrast, mRNA expression levels and distribution patterns of D1, D2, D4, and D5 receptors were similar between WT and D3KO animals. We conclude that D3KO spinal neurons do not compensate for the loss of function of the D3 receptor with changes in the other DA receptor subtypes. This supports use of D3KO animals as a model to provide insight into D3 receptor dysfunction in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

An LD50 of 0.2 mg/kg body wt has been determined for 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 in the rat. In comparison, the LD50 for 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2 is between 3.5 and 6.5 mg/kg. In terms of chronic toxicity, 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3 at a dose of 5 micrograms/kg/day causes death of one-half the animals in a 4-week period. On the other hand, 20 micrograms/kg/day of 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2 is required to induce similar toxicity. The body weight record and renal calcium accumulation during chronic treatment support the above conclusion. It therefore appears that 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2 is between 5 and 15 times less toxic than 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3. This surprising result prompted a reexamination of the relative biological activity of 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2 and 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D3. Both compounds are equally potent in the stimulation of intestinal calcium transport, bone calcium mobilization, in the elevation of serum phosphorus, and in the healing of rickets in the rat. The reason for lower toxicity of 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2 is unknown. The results suggest that 1 alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2 might represent a therapeutically superior compound.  相似文献   

Extraction, lipid-reduction, and chromatographic methods suitable for the resolution and subsequent quantitation of vitamin D2, vitamin D3, 25-hydroxyvitamin D2, and 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 from human milk are described. This procedure utilizes a methanol:methylene chloride extraction, precipitation of unwanted lipids with cold methanol and ether, backwash with alkaline buffer, silica Sep-Pak preparative chromatography, normal- and reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with final quantitation of the antirachitic sterols by competitive protein binding assay. The described assay was used to determine these antirachitic sterols in milk from women receiving various supplements of vitamin D or undergoing ultraviolet phototherapy.  相似文献   

Abstract: Disturbances in metabolic balance brought about by alterations in thyroid state and undernutrition during early life had a marked effect on the concentrations of the brain-specific proteins, D1, D2, and D3 in the developing rat cerebellum. In normal rats, the concentrations of D1 and D3 increased and that of D2 decreased during the first 3 weeks after birth. In the hyperthyroid state a small but consistent advancement was observed in the developmental curves of these proteins. The hypothyroid state caused a marked retardation in the maturational pattern of D1 and D2 but not of D3. In undernutrition, at 6 days the concentrations of D1 and D3 proteins were higher than in controls, but thereafter the developmental increase was markedly delayed for D1 only. The concentration of D2 was normal at 6 days, but after the first week a marked retardation was observed in the maturational pattern of this protein in undernourished rats. In addition, the "anodic-immature"form of D2 predominated in 6-day-old controls, but this was gradually replaced by a "cathodic-mature"form which progressively became the dominant form of D2 in 35-day-old rat cerebellum. The developmental switch in terms of the two forms was also advanced in hyperthyroidism and retarded in thyroid deficiency and undernutrition. Furthermore, daily treatment of hypothyroid rats with physiological doses of thyroxine from birth restored the concentrations of D1 and D2 to normal, but that of D3 was increased above control levels, indicating differences between the proteins in their sensitivity to mechanisms of control by thyroid hormone. Also, the overall effects of undernutrition were markedly different from those of hypothyroidism.  相似文献   

Isocitrate dehydrogenases (IDHs) catalyse oxidative decarboxylation of isocitrate to α-ketoglutarate (α-KG). IDH1 functions in the cytosol and peroxisomes, whereas IDH2 and IDH3 are both localized in the mitochondria. Heterozygous somatic mutations in IDH1 occur at codon 132 in 70% of grade II-III gliomas and secondary glioblastomas (GBMs), and in 5% of primary GBMs. Mutations in IDH2 at codon 172 are present in grade II-III gliomas at a low frequency. IDH1 and IDH2 mutations cause both loss of normal enzyme function and gain-of-function, causing reduction of α-KG to D-2-hydroxyglutarate (D-2HG) which accumulates. Excess hydroxyglutarate (2HG) can also be caused by germline mutations in D- and L-2-hydroxyglutarate dehydrogenases (D2HGDH and L2HGDH). If loss of IDH function is critical for tumourigenesis, we might expect some tumours to acquire somatic IDH3 mutations. Alternatively, if 2HG accumulation is critical, some tumours might acquire somatic D2HGDH or L2HGDH mutations. We therefore screened 47 glioblastoma samples looking for changes in these genes. Although IDH1 R132H was identified in 12% of samples, no mutations were identified in any of the other genes. This suggests that mutations in IDH3, D2HGDH and L2HGDH do not occur at an appreciable frequency in GBM. One explanation is simply that mono-allelic IDH1 and IDH2 mutations occur more frequently by chance than the bi-allelic mutations expected at IDH3, D2HGDH and L2HGDH. Alternatively, both loss of IDH function and 2HG accumulation might be required for tumourigenesis, and only IDH1 and IDH2 mutations have these dual effects.  相似文献   

The success of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across a wide range of domains has fuelled significant interest in its application to designing novel compounds and screening compounds against a specific target. However, many existing AI methods either do not account for the 3D structure of the target at all or struggle to capture meaningful spatial information from the target. In this Opinion, we highlight a range of recent structure-aware approaches which utilise deep learning for compound design and virtual screening. We discuss how such methods can be better integrated into existing drug discovery pipelines by facilitating the design of compounds which conform to a specified design hypothesis and by uncovering key protein-ligand interactions which can be used to aid molecule design.  相似文献   

The effects of active vitamin D3 analogues on radial mineral content (RMC) in postmenopausal osteoporosis were examined. Seventy eight subjects with postmenopausal osteoporosis were divided into 5 groups; Group 1 (n = 23) as the control group and Group 2 (n = 27), Group 3 (n = 8), Group 4 (n = 9) and Group 5 (n = 11) which were given 1 microgram of 1, 24(R) (OH)2D3 per day, 1 microgram of 1, 24(S)(OH)2D3 per day, 0.5 and 1 microgram of 1 alpha-OHD3 per day for 6 to 24 months, respectively. After 3-months administration of these drugs, RMC values were significantly increased in Groups 2 (102.8 +/- 1.8%), 4 (103.9 +/- 3.3%) and 5 (114.2 +/- 3.6%), when compared with the controls (97.9 +/- 2.4%). RMC in Group 3 (97.9 +/- 2.4%) was not significantly different from the control value. The administration of 1 alpha-OHD3 caused in increase in RMC in a dose-related manner. A rapid decrease in RMC was observed after withdrawal of the treatment in Groups 2, 4, and 5. A subsequent increase in RMC was observed after re-administration of 1 alpha-OHD3 and 1, 24(R)(OH)2D3. Serum Ca levels were increased in the group treated with 1, 24(R)(OH)2D3 and were decreased after the discontinuation of 1 alpha-OHD3 administration. Serum A1-P activity was decreased by treatment with 1 alpha-OHD3 (1 microgram per day) and a subsequent increase was observed in both groups treated with 1, 24(R)(OH)2D3 and 1 alpha-OHD3. Serum PTH levels were decreased by the administration of 1, 24(R)(OH)2D3 and 1 alpha-OHD3. In the group treated with 1 microgram of 1 alpha-OHD3 per day, hypercalcemia (2 out of 11 cases and these patients took calcium tablets) and an increase in BUN (1 out of 2 hypercalcemic patients) were observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Structural homology modelling was done with the software AMPS, MODELLER, PROCHECK, WHATIF AND VERIFY-3D to generate a quality model of human MARK3. Macromolecular docking simulations seem to confirm recent data in the literature and in MARK3 there does not occur intramolecular interactions between the associated kinase domain KA1 and the catalytic domain. Using virtual screening, we were able to identify and suggest the principal residues of MARK3 which interact with the ligands in addition to those reported in the literature. The pharmacophoric model obtained from Discovery Studio coincides with those obtained by molecular interaction fields, indicating the principal ligand residues of the MARK3 KA1 domain. Using virtual screening with pharmacophoric constraints as well as molecular dynamics, the most stable compounds in the ligand site as well as their potential toxicities were used to select potential inhibitors for further in vitro and in vivo investigations of human MARK3 KA1 domain, which could eventually pass to the market to be used for the treatment of head and neck cancer.  相似文献   

Subreceptor selectivity tuning of N-(3-pyrrolidinyl)benzamides leading to the selective dopamine D3 ligand ent1h and the derivatives 1g and 1e/ent1e which preferably recognize human D2 or D4 receptors, respectively, is described. Binding profiles were controlled by both, absolute and relative configuration. The enantiopure target compounds were synthesized from aspartic acid.  相似文献   

Samples of homozygous bovine serum transferrins have been prepared and their purity has been ascertained by immunological techniques and electrophoretic analysis in SDS. Measurements of carbohydrate composition show that no significant differences exist among the phenotypic variants AA, D1D1, D2D2, and EE. Chromatography of transferrin AA on DEAE-cellulose separated four subfractions, each of which corresponded well with one band obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Carbohydrate analyses of the individual subfractions did not show significant differences in sialic acid, hexose, or hexosamine contents. After desialylation with neuraminidase, each subfraction was converted to a major band and a minor band on gel electrophoresis. From the relative band positions of the desialylated transferrins, it was concluded that possession of sialyl residues by bovine transferrin is not the primary cause of electrophoretic multiplicity. Rather, sialic acid masks an underlying heterogeneity which most likely resides within the polypeptide chain. Further characterization of this heterogeneity will best be undertaken with the isolated asialotransferrin subfractions.This research was supported by Grants MT-4074 and MA-5554 from the Medical Research Council of Canada and a Senior Fellowship (to M. W. C. H.) from the Ontario Heart Foundation.  相似文献   

Three mixed ligands coordination polymers (CPs) [Ag1.5(apym)(nta)0.5]n (1), [(NH4)Ag2(mapym)(nta)·(H2O)3]n (2), [Ag2(dmapym)3(Hnta)]n (3) (apym = 2-aminopyrimidine, mapym = 4-methyl-2-aminopyrimidine, dmapym = 4, 6-dimethyl-2-aminopyrimidine, H3nta = nitrilotriacetate) were synthesized and characterized. For 1-3, as the substituents change from H to one methyl and two methyl groups, the dimensionalities of 1-3 decrease from three-dimension (3D) to one-dimension (1D) due to the steric effect of methyl groups. For 1, the μ2-apym ligands link the Ag(I) ions to form a 1D double-chain incorporating ligand unsupported Ag···Ag interaction. The nta3− ligands extend the 1D double-chain into a 3D framework. In 2, one heptadentate nta3− ligand binds four Ag(I) ions and incorporates μ2-mapym ligand to link metal centers to form a 2D sheet which can be simplified to be a 103 net. Complex 3 features a 1D chain structure incorporating Hnta2− and monodentate dmapym ligands. The substituents on the pyrimidyl ring intensively influence the coordination environments of metal ion and the coordination modes of the carboxyl group, and thus determine the structures of the CPs. The photoluminescent properties of 1-3 were also investigated.  相似文献   

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