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We measured carbon (C) stocks and fluxes and vegetation phenology in the world's oldest prairie restoration (∼65 years) and an adjacent prairie remnant in southern Wisconsin from 2001–2004 to quantify structural and functional differences. While the species distributions and frequency differed, the number of species measured per 1 m2 quadrat were not significantly different (15.8±4.4 and 14.1±2.1 for remnant and planted [order for all reported values in abstract]; P=0.29), and the annual average aboveground net primary productivity (271±51 and 330±55 g C m−2) and peak leaf area index (2.9–4.9 m2 m−2) were comparable under similar fire management. Total root biomass was not significantly different in 2002 (1736±1062 and 1690±459 g dry matter m−2) or 2003 (3029±2081 and 2146±898 g m−2), but annual average soil respiration (1229±77 and 1428±24 g C m−2 yr−1) was significantly higher in the restoration (P<0.0001). However, the prairie remnant contained 37% greater soil C (P<0.0001) in the top 25 cm. Soil respiration response to 10 cm soil temperature (Q10) varied with respect to prairie and soil moisture conditions as annual Q10 values ranged from 2.5 to 3.6. We calculated a range of net ecosystem production (NEP) values using estimated heterotrophic respiration and three root turnover values. Average NEP varied from −1.4 to 1.9 and −2.3 to 1.3 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for the remnant and planted prairies, respectively. While these two prairies share similar structural components and functional attributes, the large uncertainty in NEP casts doubt as to whether we can verify these prairies as C sources or sinks without direct measures of heterotrophic respiration and root turnover. We argue that quantitative studies of C exchange in prairies, which differ in restoration methodology, management intensity, and fire frequency, are needed to solidify the relationship between prairie structure and potentially desired functions such as C sequestration.  相似文献   

Large quantities of diverse and appropriately adapted native plant germplasm are required to facilitate restoration globally, yet shortages can prevent restorations from attaining desired species diversity and structure. An extensive native plant industry has developed in the United States to help meet these demands, yet very little is known about its capacity to support germplasm needs. To better understand current capacity and germplasm availability, we report results of the first comprehensive and quantitative assessment of the native plant industry in the United States, which includes at least 841 vendors nationwide and the species they make available for restoration. We synthesized lists of commercially available species from native plant vendors across the United States and identified gaps in species availability to inform germplasm research, development, and production. Of the approximately 25,000 vascular plant taxa native to the United States, 26% are sold commercially, with growth form, conservation status, distribution, and taxonomy significantly predicting availability. In contrast, only 0.07% of approximately 3,000 native nonvascular taxa are sold commercially. We also investigated how demand for germplasm to support high‐quality restoration efforts is met by vendors in the Midwestern tallgrass prairie region, which has been targeted extensively by restoration efforts for decades. In this well‐developed native plant market, 74% of more than 1,000 target species are commercially available, often from vendors that advertise genetically diverse, locally sourced germplasm. We make recommendations to build on the successes of regional markets like the tallgrass prairie region, and to fill identified gaps, including investing in research to support production, ensuring more consistent and clear demand, and fostering regional collaboration.  相似文献   

Within plant communities, niche‐based species sorting can occur among distinct soil patches (microsites), increasing coexistence and diversity. Microsite edges (microedges) may also offer additional niche space. Therefore, in recently abandoned croplands, which often have uniform soils caused by a legacy of tillage (soil homogenization), the plant species diversity of future restoration efforts may be reduced. We conducted an experiment during the early establishment phase (3 years) of a tallgrass prairie restoration on former cropland to determine if soil homogenization decreases species diversity and alters community composition, and if microedges offer additional niche space. Heterogeneous plots with sand‐ or woodchip‐enriched patches were compared to plots made up of the same components, but distributed homogeneously, and pits and mounds were compared to flat topsoil. Homogenization decreased diversity in flat topsoil plots relative to pit plots and increased diversity in woodchip plots. In both cases, the treatments with the lowest canopy cover and greatest plant density had the greatest diversity. Sand and topographic homogenization decreased diversity, but when a drought occurred in year two, the effect was suppressed in the sand treatment and magnified in the pit plots. Microedges had properties unique from adjacent patches. Overall, variability in heterogeneity–diversity relationships was affected by interactions with plant growth patterns and environmental conditions. Our results indicate that while the addition of contrasting soil microsites has the potential to promote increased diversity in grassland restoration on former cropland, the patch components and design must be optimized to achieve this management goal.  相似文献   

森林在减缓全球气候变化和大气CO2浓度升高上具有重要作用.森林经营与管理下的新造林和森林保护具有显著的固碳功能,其中,新造林和森林保护的固碳速率分别为0.04~7.52、0.33~5.20 t C·hm-2·a-1.同时,营造林过程中物资的生产和运输导致边界内产生温室气体排放;营造林导致的活动转移、市场效应和生态环境变化导致边界外产生碳泄漏.本文综述了国内外森林经营与管理活动边界内温室气体排放源的界定、计量方法、温室气体排放量与排放速率;边界外碳泄漏的类型、计量方法与碳泄漏量;净固碳量以及温室气体排放和碳泄漏对固碳的抵消强度.边界内温室气体排放对固碳的抵消强度为0.01%~19.3%,进一步考虑碳泄漏时可增至95%.若仅考虑森林经营与管理在边界内直接产生的温室气体排放与可测量的活动转移碳泄漏,森林经营与管理具有较好的净固碳效益,且相比于农田固碳措施在温室气体净减排方面具有更好的应用前景.随着我国各项重大生态工程新一期的开展和对工程固碳效益的关注,为增加重大生态工程对温室气体的净减排量,有必要在工程开展前进行合理规划、在工程开展过程中加强控制和监测以减少工程实施导致的边界内温室气体排放和边界外碳泄漏.  相似文献   

山地是高寒草甸的主要分布区,地形变化引起了土壤温湿度和物种的差异性分布,进而影响到草地生态系统生产功能。为明晰高寒草甸山地环境因子(土壤温湿度)和物种多样性(丰富度、多度、均匀度、优势度)与初级生产力的关系,本研究以青藏高原东北缘马牙雪山支脉的高寒草甸山体为研究对象,选择阶地、阴坡、山脊和阳坡与3个海拔梯度段,调查了189个样方的植物群落组成和土壤温湿度。采用线性回归法分析土壤温湿度和物种多样性与初级生产力之间的关系。结果表明:(1)以山地高寒草甸整体为研究单元,初级生产力只随物种多度的增加而显著增加(R~2=0.07 P=0.01)。(2)坡向影响初级生产力的因素不同,阴坡初级生产力与物种丰富度正线性相关;山脊初级生产力与土壤湿度正线性相关,也随物种丰富度增加而显著增加;阳坡初级生产力与物种多度正线性相关;阶地初级生产力随均匀度增加而显著增加,随优势度增加而显著降低。(3)只有低海拔区(2860-2910 m)初级生产力随物种多度和丰富度的增加而显著增加。综上所述,山地高寒草甸土壤温湿度和物种多样性与初级生产力关系受坡向比海拔的影响更大,且物种多样性对初级生产力的影响大于土壤温湿度。建议山地高寒草甸生态系统生产和生态管理过程中要重点考虑坡向对植物多样性和初级生产力的影响。  相似文献   

红树林是滨海湿地“蓝碳”的主要类型之一.准确和定位评估不同植物群落的固碳能力,对于红树林保育管理和恢复造林具有指导作用.本研究对深圳福田红树林4种代表性群落(白骨壤群落、秋茄群落、海桑群落、无瓣海桑群落)的各个植被碳库组分(乔木植物生物量碳库、林下灌丛碳库、呼吸根碳库、枯立木碳库、枯倒木碳库和枯枝落叶层碳库等)进行调查,计算各群落的植被碳储量,并通过生长增量-凋落物产量法计算得到各群落的净初级生产力.结果表明: 白骨壤群落、秋茄群落、海桑群落和无瓣海桑群落的植被碳储量分别为28.7、127.6、100.1、73.6 t C·hm-2,各群落的净初级生产力分别为8.75、7.67、9.60、11.87 t C·hm-2·a-1.位于深圳市中心的福田红树林,每年固定大气CO2高达4000 t.本研究结果将为红树林“蓝碳”碳汇功能的评估提供理论指导,并为我国红树林碳汇林建设提供依据.  相似文献   

秸秆还田配施中微量元素对农田土壤有机碳固持的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究秸秆还田配施中量元素(S)和微量元素(Fe和Zn)对粮田土壤有机碳固持的影响,进行了为期52 d的室内玉米秸秆腐解培养试验. 结果表明:秸秆腐解过程中分别添加S、Fe和Zn元素,均提高了微生物生物量碳(MBC)及土壤CO2-C矿化速率,52 d腐解培养结束后,CO2-C的累积矿化量显著提高,但土壤有机碳含量并未显著降低;3种元素中,添加Fe或Zn的处理提高了土壤惰性碳库、惰性碳库比例及土壤有机碳表观平衡,有利于土壤有机碳固持,而添加S的处理却降低了惰性有机碳比例及土壤有机碳表观平衡,不利于有机碳固持. 因此,在施N、P肥基础上,秸秆还田添加S、Fe或Zn均能促进土壤有机碳的矿化进程,但添加Fe或Zn可使更多有机碳固持于土壤中,添加S不利于土壤有机碳的固持.  相似文献   

农田土壤固碳速率是评价土壤固碳效应和潜力的重要指标,精确估算区域农田土壤固碳速率对土壤地力及环境效应均具有重要意义.本研究选取黄淮海平原典型潮土区河南省封丘县为研究区域,按照土壤利用-土壤类型联合单元布点法,于2011年采集了70个耕层土样,测定了土壤有机碳含量、机械组成、容重、pH,并与全国第二次土壤普查(1981年)数据进行对比分析,结合地统计方法和GIS技术研究了该地区近30年农田土壤固碳速率的空间变异特征,利用显著性检验、回归分析、方差分析等方法定量分析了该区域农田土壤固碳速率的影响因素.结果表明: 近30年封丘县域土壤固碳速率平均值为0.33 t C·hm-2·a-1,变异系数为74%,属于中等变异性;土壤固碳速率的变化在东西方向上表现为西高东低、中部高南北低,呈片状分布,区域结构性因素是引起农田土壤固碳速率空间分布差异的主导因素,如土壤类型、机械组成、容重、pH,可解释空间变异的59.5%,其次是随机性因素,如秸秆还田量、施肥量,可解释空间变异的40.5%.  相似文献   

An overarching conclusion in the literature is that soil seed banks rarely contain many restoration‐target species and are often liabilities rather than assets to restoration. Our objective was to evaluate composition and spatial variation of seed banks and their potential contributions to restoration, including restoration‐target species such as rare species and those characterizing historical habitats. On 64 sites in a Midwestern U.S. oak savanna landscape, we sampled soil seed banks in seven habitat types (restored oak savannas, oak woodlands, and mesic prairies; unmanaged upland oak and mesic forests; and unmanaged and managed pine plantations). The germinable seed bank was exceptionally rich in restoration‐target species. In total for the 64 sites, seedlings of 127 species emerged from seed bank samples. Of the 101 native species, 56 were restoration‐target species, an unusually high number among seed bank studies. Restoration‐target species in seed banks included 13 threatened or endangered species, in addition to 43 other specialist species associated with high‐quality native habitats or on a floral list thought to characterize historical ecosystems. When analyzed across the 64‐site gradient, seed banks differed among the seven habitat types and varied with historical (1939) land use, recent management activities that restored open‐structured habitats, and biophysical gradients of tree density, soil drainage, and soil texture. While not all restoration‐target species were detected in the seed bank, the unusually high‐quality seed bank is a potential asset to restoration and was partly structured along environmental gradients across the landscape.  相似文献   

农田土壤固碳措施的温室气体泄漏和净减排潜力   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
逯非  王效科  韩冰  欧阳志云  郑华 《生态学报》2009,29(9):4993-5006
农田土壤固碳措施作为京都议定书认可的大气CO2减排途径受到了广泛关注.研究表明,农田土壤固碳措施在主要农业国家和全球都具有很大的固碳潜力.但是,实施农田土壤固碳措施有可能影响农业中化石燃料消耗和其他农业投入的CO2排放和非CO2温室气体排放.这些土壤碳库以外的温室气体排放变化可能抵消部分甚至全部土壤固碳效果,构成了农田土壤固碳措施的温室气体泄漏.因此,将土壤固碳和温室气体泄漏综合计算的净减排潜力成为了判定土壤固碳措施可行性的首要标准.综述总结了目前较受重视的一些农田措施(包括施用化学氮肥、免耕和保护性耕作、灌溉、秸秆还田、施用禽畜粪便以及污灌)的土壤固碳潜力,温室气体泄漏和净减排潜力研究成果.结果表明,温室气体泄漏可抵消以上措施土壤固碳效益的-241%~660%.建议在今后的研究中,应该关注土壤碳饱和、气候变化及土地利用变化对农田固碳措施温室气体泄漏和净减排潜力的评估结果的影响.  相似文献   

Growing concerns about energy and the environment have led to worldwide use of bioenergy. Switching from food crops to biofuel crops is an option to meet the fast‐growing need for biofuel feedstocks. This land use change consequently affects the ecosystem carbon balance. In this study, we used a biogeochemistry model, the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model, to evaluate the impacts of this change on the carbon balance, bioenergy production, and agricultural yield, assuming that several land use change scenarios from corn, soybean, and wheat to biofuel crops of switchgrass and Miscanthus will occur. We found that biofuel crops have much higher net primary production (NPP) than soybean and wheat crops. When food crops from current agricultural lands were changed to different biofuel crops, the national total NPP increased in all cases by a range of 0.14–0.88 Pg C yr?1, except while switching from corn to switchgrass when a decrease of 14% was observed. Miscanthus is more productive than switchgrass, producing about 2.5 times the NPP of switchgrass. The net carbon loss ranges from 1.0 to 6.3 Tg C yr?1 if food crops are changed to switchgrass, and from 0.4 to 6.7 Tg C yr?1 if changed to Miscanthus. The largest loss was observed when soybean crops were replaced with biofuel crops. Soil organic carbon increased significantly when land use changed, reaching 100 Mg C ha?1 in biofuel crop ecosystems. When switching from food crops to Miscanthus, the per unit area croplands produced a larger amount of ethanol than that of original food crops. In comparison, the land use change from wheat to Miscanthus produced more biomass and sequestrated more carbon. Our study suggests that Miscanthus could better serve as an energy crop than food crops or switchgrass, considering both economic and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

【目的】河岸带物种多样性与土壤因子的关系对维持河岸带生态系统的稳定性十分重要,为揭示黄河中下游河岸带物种多样性与土壤因子的关系,进一步为黄河中下游过渡区河岸生态恢复、保护和高质量发展提供一定的参考与理论指导。【方法】采用样方调查法、试验分析法、CCA排序法等方法,以河南黄河中下游过渡区对植物分布和物种多样性与土壤因子的关系进行研究。【结果】结果表明:(1)黄河中下游过渡区河岸土壤含水量、有机质、速效钾及有效磷均属于中等变异程度,全氮变异系数为强变异性,土壤养分空间分布总体呈现中度不均匀的特征。(2)黄河中下游过渡区河岸植物优势度指数(D)与土壤全氮具有显著负相关关系(P<0.05);土壤pH值、速效钾和有效磷对物种丰富度指数(S)的影响不明显;均匀度指数(E)、香农-威纳指数(H)与6个土壤因子之间均没有达到显著水平。(3)红蓼、头状穗莎草、长芒稗、糠稷、醴肠群落的分布受土壤含水量的影响较大;青蒿、酸枣、毛白杨等的分布主要受全氮的影响较大,在全氮含量较高的区域分布较多;葎草和反枝苋受速效钾影响较大;而狗牙根、苍耳、芦苇、狗尾草、春蓼、绿豆等群落受土壤因子的影响较小。  相似文献   

Tropical forest ecosystems play an important role in the global carbon balance. Depending on age and land use, they can act as carbon sources, sinks, or be in approximate balance, but it is uncertain if global environmental changes are forcing these ecosystems outside their natural range of variation. We asked the question of whether or not the net carbon flux of a tropical primary forest, which should be in balance over the long term, is within the expected range of natural variation. A simple Bayesian hypothesis testing method was used to address this question for primary forests in the Porce region of Colombia. Net ecosystem production (NEP) was measured in this forest in a set of 33 permanent plots from 2000 to 2002 in 2, 1‐year intervals. Our estimate of NEP ranged between −4.03 and 2.22 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 for the two intervals. This range was compared with a priori defined range of natural variation estimated from the ecosystem model STANDCARB, which estimated spatial and temporal variation due to gap dynamics. The prior range of variation was estimated between −1.5 and 1.5 Mg C ha−1 yr−1. The observed data on NEP did not provide sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis that these forests are in C balance. We concluded that the ecosystem is likely behaving within its range of natural variation, but measurement uncertainties were a major limitation to finding evidence to reject the null hypothesis. A literature review of C flux studies in the tropics revealed that about half of the observations could be explained by gap dynamics alone, while significant C sinks have only been observed during La Niña years, with contrasting results in other tropical forests. In conclusion, observational data of carbon fluxes do not appear to provide direct evidence for a significant carbon sink in some sites in the tropics.  相似文献   

Resource availability and heterogeneity are recognized as two essential environmental aspects to determine species diversity and community abundance. However, how soil resource availability and heterogeneity determine species diversity and community abundance in highly heterogeneous and most fragile karst landscapes is largely unknown. We examined the effects of soil resource availability and heterogeneity on plant community composition and quantified their relative contribution by variation partitioning. Then, a structural equation model (SEM) was used to further disentangle the multiple direct and indirect effects of soil resource availability on plant community composition. Species diversity was significantly influenced by the soil resource availability in shrubland and woodland but not by the heterogeneity in woodland. Abundance was significantly affected by both soil resource availability and heterogeneity, whereas variation partitioning results showed that soil resource availability explained the majority of the variance in abundance, and the contribution of soil resource heterogeneity was marginal. These results indicated that soil resource availability plays a more important role in determining karst plant community composition than soil resource heterogeneity. Our SEMs further found that the multiple direct and indirect processes of soil resource availability in determining karst species diversity and abundance were different in different vegetation types. Soil resource availability and heterogeneity both played a certain role in determining karst plant community composition, while the importance of soil resource availability far exceeded soil resource heterogeneity. We propose that steering community restoration and reconstruction should be highly dependent on soil resource availability, and multiple direct and indirect pathways of soil resource availability for structuring karst plant communities need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

马紫荆  张云玲  刘彬 《广西植物》2022,42(7):1116-1125
为探讨天山中段南坡巴伦台植物群落物种多样性随海拔梯度的分布特征及其与土壤环境因子的关系,该研究采用野外调查的方法,在和静县巴伦台地区海拔范围内设置34个样地进行了植物多样性和土壤因子的调查及室内指标的统计分析。结果表明:(1)研究区共调查到30科75属134种植物,草本层为主要优势层。不同海拔高度上土壤理化指标具有异质性,土壤含水量、全盐、有机质、全氮、全钾、有效氮和有效钾差异性显著(P<0.05),其中除全钾以外,其他土壤因子的含量均表现为中海拔大于低、高海拔区域。随海拔的升高,植物群落在低、高海拔段Pielou均匀度指数较高; 灌木层物种Patrick丰富度指数较低; 草本层物种Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数随海拔升高先增加后减小。(2)RDA分析表明,影响植物群落物种多样性的主要环境因子是海拔、土壤含水量、全盐、有机质、全氮和有效氮。海拔作为主导因子,与草本层各物种多样性指数呈正相关,与灌木层各物种多样性指数呈负相关关系; 全盐是抑制植物群落总体物种Simpson指数的主要土壤因子; 氮元素一定程度上限制灌木、半灌木物种的生长。该研究结果表明土壤因子对不同生活型物种多样性的形成具有一定的筛选作用及不同物种对环境变化的适应策略不同。  相似文献   

林思美  黄华国 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3712-3722
林火是大兴安岭林区主要的干扰因子,且对森林生态系统的碳平衡有着重要影响.火干扰强度以及不同地形条件所导致的山地气候差异是影响火后植被净初级生产力恢复过程的主导因素.本研究以内蒙古根河林区为例,使用多时相的Landsat TM遥感数据(2008—2012年)和1980—2010年间的气象资料,结合山地小气候模型MTCLIM与光能利用效率模型3PGS,模拟森林火后植被净初级生产力(NPP)的时空恢复过程,并探讨不同火烧强度和地形因子对NPP恢复进程的影响.结果表明: 3PGS-MTCLIM模型能够较准确地在小尺度范围内模拟NPP的空间分布格局,模拟结果与样地具有较好的对应关系,R2=0.828;3PGS-MTCLIM模型模拟火后NPP下降百分比在43%~80%,相对于火前NPP水平该区域的平均恢复周期大约为10年;火烧强度对火后恢复具有显著影响,火烧强度越强,NPP恢复所需要的周期越长,火后NPP恢复速度呈现先快后慢的增长趋势;地形因子中,海拔对火后NPP恢复程度的影响最明显,其次为坡度,而坡向的影响最小.  相似文献   

Carbon exchange by the terrestrial biosphere is thought to have changed since pre-industrial times in response to increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 and variations (anomalies) in inter-annual air temperatures. However, the magnitude of this response, particularly that of various ecosystem types (biomes), is uncertain. Terrestrial carbon models can be used to estimate the direction and size of the terrestrial responses expected, providing that these models have a reasonable theoretical base. We formulated a general model of ecosystem carbon fluxes by linking a process-based canopy photosynthesis model to the Rothamsted soil carbon model for biomes that are not significantly affected by water limitation. The difference between net primary production (NPP) and heterotrophic soil respiration (Rh) represents net ecosystem production (NEP). The model includes (i) multiple compartments for carbon storage in vegetation and soil organic matter, (ii) the effects of seasonal changes in environmental parameters on annual NEP, and (iii) the effects of inter-annual temperature variations on annual NEP. Past, present and projected changes in atmospheric CO2 concentration and surface air temperature (at different latitudes) were analysed for their effects on annual NEP in tundra, boreal forest and humid tropical forest biomes. In all three biomes, annual NEP was predicted to increase with CO2 concentration but to decrease with warming. As CO2 concentrations and temperatures rise, the positive carbon gains through increased NPP are often outweighed by losses through increased Rh, particularly at high latitudes where global warming has been (and is expected to be) most severe. We calculated that, several times during the past 140 years, both the tundra and boreal forest biomes have switched between being carbon sources (annual NEP negative) and being carbon sinks (annual NEP positive). Most recently, significant warming at high latitudes during 1988 and 1990 caused the tundra and boreal forests to be net carbon sources. Humid tropical forests generally have been a carbon sink since 1960. These modelled responses of the various biomes are in agreement with other estimates from either field measurements or geochemical models. Under projected CO2 and temperature increases, the tundra and boreal forests will emit increasingly more carbon to the atmosphere while the humid tropical forest will continue to store carbon. Our analyses also indicate that the relative increase in the seasonal amplitude of the accumulated NEP within a year is about 0–14% year?1 for boreal forests and 0–23% year?1 in the tundra between 1960 and 1990.  相似文献   

The net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) drives the carbon (C) sink–source strength of northern peatlands. Since NEE represents a balance between various production and respiration fluxes, accurate predictions of its response to global changes require an in depth understanding of these underlying processes. Currently, however, detailed information of the temporal dynamics as well as the separate biotic and abiotic controls of the NEE component fluxes is lacking in peatland ecosystems. In this study, we address this knowledge gap by using an automated chamber system established across natural and trenching/vegetation removal plots to partition NEE into its production (i.e., gross and net primary production; GPP and NPP) and respiration (i.e., ecosystem, heterotrophic and autotrophic respiration; ER, Rh and Ra) fluxes in a boreal peatland in northern Sweden. Our results showed that daily NEE patterns were driven by GPP while variations in ER were governed by Ra rather than Rh. Moreover, we observed pronounced seasonal shifts in the Ra/Rh and above/belowground NPP ratios throughout the main phenological phases. Generalized linear model analysis revealed that the greenness index derived from digital images (as a proxy for plant phenology) was the strongest control of NEE, GPP and NPP while explaining considerable fractions also in the variations of ER and Ra. In addition, our data exposed greater temperature sensitivity of NPP compared to Rh resulting in enhanced C sequestration with increasing temperature. Overall, our study suggests that the temporal patterns in NEE and its component fluxes are tightly coupled to vegetation dynamics in boreal peatlands and thus challenges previous studies that commonly identify abiotic factors as key drivers. These findings further emphasize the need for integrating detailed information on plant phenology into process‐based models to improve predictions of global change impacts on the peatland C cycle.  相似文献   

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