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Differentiated rat thyroid epithelial cells, infected in vitro with a temperature-sensitive mutant of the Kirsten murine sarcoma virus, expressed at the permissive temperature (33 degrees C) some phenotypic properties typical of transformed cells, including morphological features, colony formation in agar, and induction of tumors in newborn animals. Specific functional markers of these differentiated cells, i.e., synthesis/secretion of thyroglobulin, synthesis of thyroglobulin mRNA and iodide uptake, were blocked during growth at 33 degrees C. Normal morphology, failure to grow in agar, and the requirement of hormones for optimal growth were all restored after shifting to the temperature nonpermissive for transformation (39 degrees C), though the typical differentiated functions remained blocked. Infection with a leukemia helper virus clone (Moloney or Kirsten murine leukemia virus) did not lead to the loss of the differentiated phenotype of rat epithelial thyroid cells, thus demonstrating that the loss of the differentiated phenotype is caused by the sarcoma virus component. These results indicate that the expression of some of the phenotypic properties of transformed differentiated rat thyroid epithelial cells is under the direct control of the p21 thermosensitive activity, whereas the block in the expression of two typical differentiation markers of thyroid epithelial cells is irreversible and probably controlled by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

We have examined culture fluids from a variety of Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (KiMSV) transformed rat and mouse cells for the presence of factors which induce normal Rat-1 cells to assume the transformed phenotype. All KiMSV transformants produced transforming factor (TF). Revertants of KiMSV transformed rat or mouse cells failed to relase TF as did normal rat or mouse cells. Cells transformed by a temperature sensitive mutant of KiMSV produced TF at the permissive temperature but not at the nonpermissive temperature. Further, cells from a spontaneous transformant of Rat-1 cells also produced TF. TF is a small polypeptide which competes for the epidermal growth factor receptor. Its effect upon normal cells is reversible and requires de novo RNA and protein synthesis. Cells treated with TF lose the actin fibers observed in normal fibroblasts, assume a transformed cell morphology, become anchorage independent for growth, grow in low concentrations of serum, grow to a high cell density, and have an increased rate of hexose uptake.  相似文献   

Oncogenes have previously been reported in the DNAs of mouse fibroblast lines which had become transformed after in vitro exposure to the carcinogen 3-methylcholanthrene. These oncogenes are now shown to be versions of the cellular Kirsten ras gene and are therefore homologous to oncogenes detected in a variety of human tumor DNAs.  相似文献   

The cell membrane receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGF) appears to be a glycoprotein of Mr 170,000 and mediates the mitogenic and metabolic responses of cells with EGF receptors (EGF-R). Normal rat kidney (NRK) have about 3 X 10(5) EGF-R per cell. Upon transformation of NRK cells by Kirsten sarcoma virus, the transformed derivative (KNRK) loses the ability to bind 125I-EGF. Membranes from NRK and KNRK cells were included in EGF-dependent phosphorylation reactions to search for evidence of the EGF-R. A phosphorylated protein of Mr 170,000 was detected in both NRK and KNRK membranes. The Mr 170,000 protein was identified to be EGF-R by immunoprecipitation with monoclonal antibody to the receptor. Furthermore, two-dimensional peptide mapping using trypsin and chymotrypsin digestions of the iodinated receptors from both NRK and KNRK cells showed essentially identical patterns. These data indicate that the EGF-R is present in KNRK cells with apparently the same protein structure as the NRK counterpart.  相似文献   

J Papkoff  I M Verma  T Hunter 《Cell》1982,29(2):417-426
We identified, in cells transformed by Moloney murine sarcoma virus (M-MuSV clone 124), a protein encoded by the M-MuSV transforming gene, v-mos. An antiserum against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the C terminus of a protein predicted from the v-mos nucleotide sequence specifically recognizes a protein doublet of approximately 37,000 daltons from 35S-methionine-labeled M-MuSV 124-transformed producer cells. By peptide mapping, this protein is almost identical to the 37 kd in vitro translation product from the M-MuSV v-mos gene. Immunoprecipitates from 32P-labeled cells contain a single v-mos-specific phosphoprotein, which has at least six sites of phosphorylation containing phosphoserine. Pulse-chase experiments show that the lower band in the 35S-methionine-labeled doublet is the primary translation product, which is modified, probably by phosphorylation, to yield the upper band. A similar mos protein is immunoprecipitated from HT1-MuSV-transformed cells, but not from uninfected NIH/3T3 cells. These mos proteins are present at very low levels in transformed cell lines. Cells acutely infected with M-MuSV 124, however, transiently contain much higher levels of the mos protein. These high levels coincide with extensive cell mortality.  相似文献   

Rat adrenal cortex cells infected with Kirsten murine sarcoma virus acquire a transformed phenotype in a progressive fashion. The expression of the viral p21ras does not appear to correlate with the degree of transformation of the adrenocortical cells but rather is produced at similar levels as the culture becomes transformed. This indicates that the expression of an oncogenic form of p21ras is not of itself sufficient to completely transform rat adrenal cortex cells.  相似文献   

Alterations of focal contacts (FC) of NRK cultured cells transformed by Kirsten's sarcoma virus and by ts-mutant of this virus were examined immunomorphologically using a new antibody-exclusion method. In nontransformed NRK cells the FC are arranged in the form of a network near the cell edges; numerous single contacts are seen in the center. The FC are always present in both KNRK and tsKNRK cells at permissive temperature. However, their quantity is drastically reduced, especially in the center of the cells, as is often their size. It is suggested that expression of the product of viral oncogene interferes with maturation of the FC continuously formed at the cell edge.  相似文献   

Here we have demonstrated that transformation of human skin fibroblasts (SF) by the Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (KiMSV) is associated with their neodifferentiation into preadipose cells. Hydrocortisone (HC) promotes the transformation/neodifferentiation of such preadipocytes into mature fat cells. The effects of HC on the expression of adipocyte-containing foci and on the total number of transformed foci present in KiMSV-treated cultures appeared to be dose-dependent and was optimal at a concentration of about 500 ng/ml, or 1.25 X 10(-6) M. Although increasing serum concentrations (2-15%) increased the total number of transformed foci, it had no effect on the expression of adipocyte-containing foci in the presence of HC. The virus-induced preadipocytes undergoing partial conversion in the presence of HC were capable of clonal expansion and extensive proliferative activity. In contrast, mature adipocytes were terminally differentiated and as such have lost their ability to proliferate. The results suggest a role for a ras oncogene and HC in the transformation/neodifferentiation of human cells that might ultimately lead to cancer in some fraction of such cells.  相似文献   

The murine epithelial cell line MMC-E was used to study changes in the cytoskeletal organization associated with viral transformation of epithelial cells by two different viruses. The cells were transformed with Moloney mouse sarcoma virus (MSV) or murine leukemia virus (MuLV). The expression of actin, myosin and of intermediate filament proteins in the cells was then studied. In MMC-E cells actin and myosin were organized as belt-like structures at the edges of the border cells of the cell islands and also circumferentially in the cells inside the islands. The major change after transformation was the decrease of the actomyosin containing belt extending from cell to cell at the borders of the cell islands. Both MMC-E cells and the MSV-transformed cells contained keratin as a juxtanuclear granular aggregate whereas the MuLV-transformed cells showed bright fibrillar arrays of keratin. Both virus-transformed cell lines showed enhanced vimentin-specific fluorescence and analysis of their cytoskeletal polypeptides confirmed the result. Similar molecular forms of keratin polypeptides were seen in all cells by immunoblotting. Viral transformation of MMC-E epithelial cells thus leads to different changes in their cytoskeletal organization depending on the transforming viral or cellular gene.  相似文献   

Characteristic changes in the secreted polypeptides of Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (KiMSV) transformed mouse and rat cell lines could be detected 48 hours after infection of phenotypically normal cells with this virus and correlated with detection of the KiMSV encoded polypeptide p21.  相似文献   

Transformation of rat NRK-49F cells (49F) by Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (Ki-MSV) renders these cells (Ki-49F cells) capable of autonomous anchorage independent (AI) growth. As compared to nontransformed 49F cells, the transformation by Ki-MSV does not modify the cell response to transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) in monolayer conditions, but alters it in A I growth conditions. The growth of nontransformed or Ki-MSV-transformed adherent 49F cells is slowed down by porcine TGF-beta, and this effect is reversed by epidermal growth factor (EGF). This decrease in the cell growth rate, induced by TGF-beta, does not affect the cloning efficiency of untransformed and transformed adherent 49F cells. Contrarily, porcine TGF-beta decreases the A I cloning efficiency of Ki-49F cells in agar-gelled medium; this effect is only partly reversed by EGF, which does not synergise with TGF-beta to enhance the A I growth as in the case of untransformed 49F cells. Media conditioned by 49F cells, Ki-49F cells, and chicken embryo fibroblasts contain a latent TGF-beta whose capacity to promote the A I growth of 49F cells and to inhibit that of Ki-49F cells is unmasked by acidification. The same situation exists concerning TGF-beta from human platelets. Neutral extracts are inefficient in both tests of promotion and inhibition of A I growth and contain an acid-activable component with an apparent molecular weight of 600 kd. In acid extracts, a 5-9 kd apparent molecular weight component is responsible for the A I growth enhancement of 49F cells and the A I growth inhibition of Ki-49F cells. Further purification by reverse phase chromatography shows that both activities strictly coelute at the same point (32%) of an acetonitrile gradient. These results indicate that TGF-beta is present in physiological conditions as a latent form which requires activation for inhibiting the A I growth of transformed cells as well as for enhancing that of 49F cells.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of simultaneous treatment with 0.1 mM N6, O2'-dibutyryl cAMP (dbcAMP) and 1 mM theophylline on several transformation-specific properties and on levels of the Kirsten murine sarcoma virus (Ki-MSV) transforming gene product p21v-Ki-ras, in a Ki-MSV-transformed mouse cell line (Balb/c-3T3, clone A31; KA31). The rate of logarithmic growth, cell motility, and final saturation density were reduced in dbcAMP-treated KA31 cultures. Capabilities for anchorage-independent growth were reduced in treated cells, to levels similar to those observed for the untransformed parental A31 cell line. Treatment with dbcAMP had no observable effect on the binding of 125I-labeled epidermal growth factor and did not alter fluorescence staining patterns for actin microfilaments and fibronectin which, although characteristic of normal cells, were also present in KA31 cells. Changes induced by dbcAMP were readily reversible, except for loss of anchorage-independent growth. However, this property was also reversible, provided removal of dbcAMP occurred 48 h prior to inoculation into soft agar medium. Immunoprecipitation with a monoclonal antibody directed against the protein p21v-Ki-ras (Y13-259) revealed the continued presence of this protein in dbcAMP-treated KA31 cells. We, therefore, conclude that cAMP mediates the inhibition of growth-related transformation-specific properties either by acting at steps subsequent to the expression of p21v-Ki-ras or on a pathway independent of p21ras function.  相似文献   

An RNAase-sensitive DNA polymerase from rat cells transformed by avian sarcoma virus has been characterized. The enzyme requires RNA for its activity, as shown by its sensitivity to RNAase with endogenous as well as exogenous DNA templates. This sensitivity is maintained after its purification by sucrose gradients and ion exchange columns. A molecular weight of about 100 000 has been estimated. This DNA polymerase requires high salt concentration for its activity, is resistant to high concentrations of phosphonoacetic acid (400 micrograms/ml), is partially inhibited by 5 mM N-ethylmaleimide, and is completely inhibited by 0.3 mM parahydroxymercuribenzoate.  相似文献   

The regulation of adenylate cyclase has been analyzed in normal rat thyroid cells as well as in the same cells transformed by the v-ras-k oncogene. In both cell types the adenylate cyclase complex consists of the two GTP-binding proteins, Gi and Gs, as demonstrated by the specific ADP-ribosylation induced by pertussis and cholera toxin, respectively. The response of adenylate cyclase of the transformed cells to forskolin, pertussis toxin and cholera toxin is attenuated with respect to the control cell line. The thyrotropic hormone (TSH), that acts on normal thyroid cells in culture as a growth factor by stimulating the adenylate cyclase activity, is not able to induce DNA synthesis nor does it stimulate adenylate cyclase in v-ras-k transformed cells.  相似文献   

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