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In many species, individuals do not attain their full adult coloration until one or several years after reaching sexual maturity, and this signaling of juvenile status is thought to enable young individuals to avoid aggression from older, dominant conspecifics. We propose that hybridization may be one of several costs and benefits associated with such delayed maturation. We tested this idea in a hybrid zone of collared (Ficedula albicollis) and pied (F. hypoleuca) flycatchers on the Baltic islands of Oland and Gotland. One-year-old (subadult) male collared flycatchers differed from older birds in many plumage traits, and approached male pied flycatchers in phenotype. On both islands, subadult male collared flycatchers hybridized at a higher rate than adults. Mate-choice experiments in aviaries suggest that this difference is at least partly due to female pied flycatchers having a preference for subadults when constrained to choose a heterospecific mate. Because novel morphologies are often derived from changes in ontology, juvenile forms may resemble adults of closely related taxa. When such juveniles are reproductively mature, their phenotypic similarity to the adults of closely related species may increase their risk of hybridization.  相似文献   

Descendants of a sample of cane mice (Zygodontomys brevicauda) trapped at 8 degrees latitude in Venezuela were tested for reproductive photoresponsiveness. This species breeds continuously, year around, despite living in a seasonally harsh habitat. At 50 days of age there were no differences in the weights of the testes or seminal vesicles or in sperm counts of males born and reared on 16L:8D, 13L:11D, 11L:13D, or 8L:16D photoperiods, although there were small differences in body weight. Females born and reared on 16L:8D vs. 8L:16D cycles became pregnant at the same rates and ages when paired with males at 21 or 31 days of age. The daily duration of melatonin secretion depended on the length of the dark phase of the cycle in both sexes. Circulating levels of melatonin were elevated for 8 h on a 16L:8D cycle and for between 9 and 16 h on an 8L:16D cycle. In this tropical species, the neuroendocrine pathway that links photoperiod to reproduction apparently is disconnected somewhere between melatonin and gonadotropin secretion, causing cane mice to be reproductively unresponsive to variation in photoperiod.  相似文献   

Summary Physiological and endocrine mechanisms mediating long-day (LD 168) triggered sexual maturation were studied in the terrestrial slug,Limax maximus. Our findings were: (1) Maturation was induced in immature slugs seeing only short days (LD 816) after implantation of whole brains from maturing donors, but no development was found in sham-operated control slugs or in animals receiving implants of muscle from mature donors (Table 1). (2) Removal of the optic tentacles did not block maturation in LD 168 or promote maturation in LD 816 (Fig. 1). (3) Gonadectomy (castration) abolished penis development in 9 of 11 slugs exposed to LD 168 for periods of up to 31 weeks (Table 2). The results are consistent with a model forLimax reproductive tract development in which the perception of long days by extraocular receptors results in the secretion of a maturation hormone by the brain followed by the production of a separate male-phase sex hormone by the developing gonad.Abbreviations ASO accessory sex organs - DB dorsal bodies - FPSH female-phase sex hormone - MH maturation hormone - MPSH male-phase sex hormone This work was supported in part by grants from NSF (BNS 78-01408) and NIH (MH 27948) to P.G.S. The assistance of Mr. T.M. Gordon, Mr. J.L. Broyles, and Mr. M. Bullock is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

On delayed social and physical maturation in mountain sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Nearly all the experimental mice used in aging research are derived from lineages that have been selected for many generations for adaptation to laboratory breeding conditions and are subsequently inbred. To see if inbreeding and laboratory adaptation might have altered the frequencies of genes that influence life span, we have developed three lines of mice (Idaho [Id], Pohnpei [Po], and Majuro [Ma]) from wild-trapped progenitors, and have compared them with a genetically heterogeneous mouse stock (DC) representative of the laboratory-adapted gene pool. Mean life span of the Id stock exceeded that of the DC stock by 24% (P < 0.00002), and maximal life span, estimated as mean longevity of the longest-lived 10% of the mice, was also increased by 16% (P < 0.003). Mice of the Ma stock also had a significantly longer maximal longevity than DC mice (9%, P = 0.04). The longest-lived Id mouse died at the age of 1450 days, which appears to exceed the previous longevity record for fully fed, non-mutant mice. The life table of the Po mice resembled that of the DC controls. Ma and Id mice differ from DC mice in several respects: both are shorter and lighter, and females of both stocks, particularly Id, are much slower to reach sexual maturity. As young adults, Id mice have lower levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-I), leptin, and glycosylated hemoglobin compared with DC controls, implicating several biochemical pathways as potential longevity mediators. The results support the idea that inadvertent selection for rapid maturation and large body size during the adaptation of the common stocks of laboratory mice may have forced the loss of natural alleles that retard the aging process. Genes present in the Id and Ma stocks may be valuable tools for the analysis of the physiology and biochemistry of aging in mice.  相似文献   

Delayed plumage maturation is the delayed acquisition of a definitive colour and pattern of plumage until after the first potential breeding period in birds. Here we provide a comprehensive overview of the numerous studies of delayed plumage maturation and a revised theoretical framework for understanding the function of delayed plumage maturation in all birds. We first distinguish between hypotheses that delayed plumage maturation is attributable to a moult constraint with no adaptive function and hypotheses that propose that delayed plumage maturation is a component of an adaptive life‐history strategy associated with delayed reproductive investment. We then recognize three potential benefits of delayed plumage maturation: crypsis, mimicry and status signaling. Evidence suggests that delayed plumage maturation is not a consequence of developmental constraints and instead represents a strategy to maximize reproductive success in circumstances where young adults cannot effectively compete with older adults for limited resources, particularly breeding opportunities. A multi‐factorial explanation that takes into account lifespan and the degree of competition for limited breeding resources and that combines the benefits of an inconspicuous appearance with the benefits of honest signaling of reduced competitiveness provides a general explanation for the function of delayed plumage maturation in most bird species. Delayed plumage maturation should be viewed as a component of alternative reproductive strategies that can include delay in both plumage and sexual development. Such strategies are frequently facultative, with individuals breeding prior to the acquisition of definitive plumages when conditions are favourable. Presumably, the benefits of delayed plumage maturation ultimately enhance lifetime reproductive success, and studying delayed plumage maturation within the context of lifetime reproductive success should be a goal of future studies.  相似文献   

The relationships between serum levels of zinc and copper and sexual maturation were analyzed in 2291 9-18-yr-old Finnish girls and boys. Development of public hair, breasts, and genitalia were used to grade maturation according to Tanner's classification. Serum zinc and sexual maturation were not related. However, 15- and 18-yr-old girls who had matured most slowly had low serum levels of zinc compared with their age mates. Thus, sexual maturation seems not to be affected by zinc deficiency in Finland; effects of zinc status on maturation in some minor groups cannot, however, be excluded. Serum copper levels were associated with age and sexual maturation, which complicates the drawing of conclusions about possible deficiencies.  相似文献   

Relationships between growth at sea, smolt size and age at sexual maturation of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were tested. The fish were offspring of brood stocks sampled in eight Norwegian rivers at latitudes between 59° and 70° N, hatchery reared and released at smolting at the mouth of the River Imsa (59° N). Smolt size influenced the subsequent growth rate of Atlantic salmon. The larger the fish were at release, the slower the yearly length increment at sea. Mean sea age at sexual maturity, measured as proportion of the returning adults attaining sexual maturity at sea age 2 years, was significantly correlated with mean growth rate during the first year at sea and mean smolt size ( r 2= 0·74, P < 0·001). Fish attaining maturity at a relatively high sea age were more fast growing during their first year at sea than those maturing at a younger age. The results indicate that high sea age at sexual maturation is a population-specific characteristic and associated with high early growth rate at sea.  相似文献   

The effects of acceleration and delay of puberty in female house mice on survival and reproduction were tested using 6 experimental groups: (1) control females mated at the time of first oestrus, (2) females mated at weaning, (3) females treated with male urine starting at weaning and mated at first oestrus, (4) females housed in groups and mated at first oestrus, (5) females housed alone, treated with urine from grouped females and mated at first oestrus, and (6) females housed alone and mated at 68 days of age. Females caged with males at weaning or treated with male urine and mated at puberty had lower rates of survival to 180 days of age, but did not differ in rates of fertility from mice in the other four treatments. Those females that were housed with males from weaning or treated with male urine also had smaller total numbers of litters, fewer total young, and smaller average litter sizes than did females for which the age of mating was delayed, by grouping or treatment with urine from grouped females, or by being held until age 68 days before mating. Control females mated at first oestrus generally were intermediate or did not differ from the male treatments on these dependent variables. There were no differences in the average number of female young/litter across the 6 treatments. However, females that were delayed in age of first mating had significantly more male young/litter than did females that were accelerated in their sexual development or control females.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Adaptations to hazardous environmental factors are essential for survival, although they may be maladaptive in conditions where the hazard is absent. In German cockroach (Blattella germanica L.) populations, glucose aversion has evolved rapidly in response to glucose‐containing insecticidal baits, but little is known about the consequences of this behaviour in the absence of bait. In the present study, glucose‐averse (GA) and wild‐type (WT) male German cockroaches are restricted to a range of nutritionally defined diets containing either glucose or fructose as the sole carbohydrate source, and time to first expression of courtship is measured by stimulating the male antennae daily with isolated antennae from receptive, 6‐day‐old females. Glucose‐averse males that are restricted to glucose‐containing diets mature their courtship responses significantly later than GA males restricted to fructose‐containing diets, whereas there is no difference in maturation of courtship responses between GA males restricted to fructose‐containing diets and WT males restricted to diets containing either sugar type. Glucose‐averse males furthermore respond later to GA female antennae than to WT female antennae, all from 6‐day‐old females. This suggests that GA females are less sexually stimulating, and the results are also consistent with earlier findings showing that GA females contain less developed oocytes than WT females at this age. These findings demonstrate that an adaptive gustatory mutation conferring protection from a toxin may have comparatively detrimental effects under conditions where the toxin has vanished, both by delaying female sexual maturation and signalling and by delaying male sexual maturation and courtship under conditions where glucose is a major energy source.  相似文献   

Infection by one strain of influenza type A provides some protection (cross-immunity) against infection by a related strain. It is important to determine how this influences the observed co-circulation of comparatively minor variants of the H1N1 and H3N2 subtypes. To this end, we formulate discrete and continuous time models with two viral strains, cross-immunity, age structure, and infectious disease dynamics. Simulation and analysis of models with cross-immunity indicate that sustained oscillations cannot be maintained by age-specific infection activity level rates when the mortality rate is constant; but are possible if mortalities are age-specific, even if activity levels are independent of age. Sustained oscillations do not seem possible for a single-strain model, even in the presence of age-specific mortalities; and thus it is suggested that the interplay between cross-immunity and age-specific mortalities may underlie observed oscillations.  相似文献   

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