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Fas exon 6 can be included or skipped to generate mRNAs encoding, respectively, a membrane bound form of the receptor that promotes apoptosis or a soluble isoform that prevents programmed cell death. We report that the apoptosis-inducing protein TIA-1 promotes U1 snRNP binding to the 5' splice site of intron 6, which in turn facilitates exon definition by enhancing U2AF binding to the 3' splice site of intron 5. The polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) promotes exon skipping by binding to an exonic splicing silencer and inhibiting the association of U2AF and U2 snRNP with the upstream 3' splice site, without affecting recognition of the downstream 5' splice site by U1. Remarkably, U1 snRNP-mediated recognition of the 5' splice site is required both for efficient U2AF binding and for U2AF inhibition by PTB. We propose that TIA-1 and PTB regulate Fas splicing and possibly Fas-mediated apoptosis by targeting molecular events that lead to exon definition.  相似文献   

Two recent publications illuminate the evolution of alternative splicing, showing that a SR (serine-arginine-rich) protein that regulates alternative splicing in multicellular organisms is also found in a unicellular organism without alternative splicing, in which it can assist in the splicing of weak introns. Moreover, insertion of SR proteins into an organism lacking such proteins can restore the splicing of weak introns. These results imply that SR proteins had already facilitated the splicing of weak introns before the evolution of alternative splicing.  相似文献   

Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) acts as a regulatory repressor of a large number of alternatively spliced exons, often requiring multiple binding sites in order to repress splicing. In one case, cooperative binding of PTB has been shown to accompany repression. The SM exon of the alpha-actinin pre-mRNA is also repressed by PTB, leading to inclusion of the alternative upstream NM exon. The SM exon has a distant branch point located 386 nt upstream of the exon with an adjacent 26 nucleotide pyrimidine tract. Here we have analyzed PTB binding to the NM and SM exon region of the alpha-actinin pre-mRNA. We find that three regions of the intron bind PTB, including the 3' end of the polypyrimidine tract (PPT) and two additional regions between the PPT and the SM exon. The downstream PTB binding sites are essential for full repression and promote binding of PTB to the PPT with a consequent reduction in U2AF(65) binding. Our results are consistent with a repressive mechanism in which cooperative binding of PTB to the PPT competes with binding of U2AF(65), thereby specifically blocking splicing of the SM exon.  相似文献   

The pathological role of mutations that affect not conserved splicing regulatory sequences can be difficult to determine. In a patient with Fanconi anemia, we identified two unpredictable splicing mutations that act on either sides of FANCA exon 8. In patients-derived cells and in minigene splicing assay, we showed that both an apparently benign intronic c.710-5T>C transition and the nonsense c.790C>T substitution induce almost complete exon 8 skipping. Site-directed mutagenesis experiments indicated that the c.710-5T>C transition affects a polypyrimidine tract where most of the thymidines cannot be compensated by cytidines. The c.790C>T mutation located in position − 3 relative to the donor site induce exon 8 skipping in an NMD-independent manner and complementation experiments with modified U1 snRNAs showed that U1 snRNP is only partially involved in the splicing defect. Our results highlight the importance of performing splicing functional assay for correct identification of disease-causing mechanism of genomic variants and provide mechanistic insights on how these two FANCA mutations affect exon 8 definition.  相似文献   

Pseudo-exons are intronic sequences that are flanked by apparent consensus splice sites but that are not observed in spliced mRNAs. Pseudo-exons are often difficult to activate by mutation and have typically been viewed as a conceptual challenge to our understanding of how the spliceosome discriminates between authentic and cryptic splice sites. We have analyzed an apparent pseudo-exon located downstream of mutually exclusive exons 2 and 3 of the rat alpha-tropomyosin (TM) gene. The TM pseudo-exon is conserved among mammals and has a conserved profile of predicted splicing enhancers and silencers that is more typical of a genuine exon than a pseudo-exon. Splicing of the pseudo-exon is fully activated for splicing to exon 3 by a number of simple mutations. Splicing of the pseudo-exon to exon 3 is predicted to lead to nonsense-mediated decay (NMD). In contrast, when "prespliced" to exon 2 it follows a "zero length exon" splicing pathway in which a newly generated 5' splice site at the junction with exon 2 is spliced to exon 4. We propose that a subset of apparent pseudo-exons, as exemplified here, are actually authentic alternative exons whose inclusion leads to NMD.  相似文献   

A general role for splicing enhancers in exon definition   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
Exonic splicing enhancers (ESEs) facilitate exon definition by assisting in the recruitment of splicing factors to the adjacent intron. Here we demonstrate that suboptimal 5' and 3' splice sites are activated independently by ESEs when they are located on different exons. However, when they are situated within a single exon, the same weak 5' and 3' splice sites are activated simultaneously by a single ESE. These findings demonstrate that a single ESE promotes the recognition of both exon/intron junctions within the same step during exon definition. Our results suggest that ESEs recruit a multicomponent complex that minimally contains components of the splicing machinery required for 5' and 3' splice site selection.  相似文献   

Reduced glutathione (GSH) serves as a primary redox buffer and its depletion causes growth inhibition or apoptosis in many organisms. In Dictyostelium discoideum, the null mutant (gcsA(-)) of gcsA encoding gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase shows growth arrest and developmental defect when GSH is depleted. To investigate the mechanism by which GSH depletion induces growth arrest, a proteomic analysis was performed and aldose reductase (AlrA) was identified as the most prominently induced protein in gcsA(-) cells. Induction of AlrA was dependent on GSH concentration and was repressed by GSH but not effectively by either the reducing agent such as dithiothreitol or overexpression of superoxide dismutase. Methylglyoxal (MG), a toxic alpha-ketoaldehyde, strongly induced alrA expression and AlrA catalysed MG reduction efficiently. The alrA knockdown gcsA(-) cells (gcsA(-)/alrA(as)) exhibited more decreased growth rate than gcsA(-) cells, whereas the gcsA(-) cells overexpressing alrA (gcsA(-)/alrA(oe)) showed the recovery of growth rate. Interestingly, intracellular MG levels were significantly augmented in gcsA(-)/alrA(as) cells compared with gcsA(-) cells following GSH depletion. By contrast, gcsA(-)/alrA(oe) cells showed repression of MG induction. Furthermore, MG treatment inhibited growth of wild-type KAx3 cells, inducing G1 phase arrest. Thus, our findings suggest that MG accumulated by GSH depletion inhibits cell growth in Dictyostelium.  相似文献   

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is characterized by degeneration of motor neurons of the spinal cord associated with muscle paralysis and caused by mutations of the survival motor neuron gene (SMN). To determine whether SMN gene defect in skeletal muscle might have a role in SMA pathogenesis, deletion of murine SMN exon 7, the most frequent mutation found in SMA, has been restricted to skeletal muscle by using the Cre-loxP system. Mutant mice display ongoing muscle necrosis with a dystrophic phenotype leading to muscle paralysis and death. The dystrophic phenotype is associated with elevated levels of creatine kinase activity, Evans blue dye uptake into muscle fibers, reduced amount of dystrophin and upregulation of utrophin expression suggesting a destabilization of the sarcolemma components. The mutant mice will be a valuable model for elucidating the underlying mechanism. Moreover, our results suggest a primary involvement of skeletal muscle in human SMA, which may contribute to motor defect in addition to muscle denervation caused by the motor neuron degeneration. These data may have important implications for the development of therapeutic strategies in SMA.  相似文献   

The most important physiological mechanism mediating enhanced exercise performance is increased sympathetic, beta adrenergic receptor (β‐AR), and adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity. This is the first report of decreased AC activity mediating increased exercise performance. We demonstrated that AC5 disruption, that is, knock out (KO) mice, a longevity model, increases exercise performance. Importantly for its relation to longevity, exercise was also improved in old AC5 KO. The mechanism resided in skeletal muscle rather than in the heart, as confirmed by cardiac‐ and skeletal muscle‐specific AC5 KO's, where exercise performance was no longer improved by the cardiac‐specific AC5 KO, but was by the skeletal muscle‐specific AC5 KO, and there was no difference in cardiac output during exercise in AC5 KO vs. WT. Mitochondrial biogenesis was a major mechanism mediating the enhanced exercise. SIRT1, FoxO3a, MEK, and the anti‐oxidant, MnSOD were upregulated in AC5 KO mice. The improved exercise in the AC5 KO was blocked with either a SIRT1 inhibitor, MEK inhibitor, or by mating the AC5 KO with MnSOD hetero KO mice, confirming the role of SIRT1, MEK, and oxidative stress mechanisms. The Caenorhabditis elegans worm AC5 ortholog, acy‐3 by RNAi, also improved fitness, mitochondrial function, antioxidant defense, and lifespan, attesting to the evolutionary conservation of this pathway. Thus, decreasing sympathetic signaling through loss of AC5 is not only a mechanism to improve exercise performance, but is also a mechanism to improve healthful aging, as exercise also protects against diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease, which all limit healthful aging.  相似文献   

The polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) has been described as a global repressor of regulated exons. To investigate PTB functions in a physiological context, we used a combination of morpholino-mediated knockdown and transgenic overexpression strategies in Xenopus laevis embryos. We show that embryonic endoderm and skin deficient in PTB displayed a switch of the alpha-tropomyosin pre-mRNA 3' end processing to the somite-specific pattern that results from the utilization of an upstream 3'-terminal exon designed exon 9A9'. Conversely, somitic targeted overexpression of PTB resulted in the repression of the somite-specific exon 9A9' and a switch towards the nonmuscle pattern. These results validate PTB as a key physiological regulator of the 3' end processing of the alpha-tropomyosin pre-mRNA. Moreover, using a minigene strategy in the Xenopus oocyte, we show that in addition to repressing the splicing of exon 9A9', PTB regulates the cleavage/polyadenylation of this 3'-terminal exon.  相似文献   

Interactions between introns via exon definition in plant pre-mRNA splicing   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The barley gene Mlo encodes a prototype of a novel class of plant proteins. In mlo mutants, absence of the 60 kDa wild-type Mlo protein results in broad-spectrum resistance to the powdery mildew fungus, Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei . To directly assess its function, Mlo was transiently expressed with a marker gene encoding a modified green fluorescent protein (GFP) in leaf epidermal cells of mlo resistant barley lines. Fungal inoculation of epidermal cells transfected with wild-type Mlo led to haustorium formation and abundant sporulation. Therefore, expression of the wild-type Mlo gene, in mlo resistant genotypes, is both necessary and sufficient to restore susceptibility to fungal attack. Complementation of mlo resistance alleles was restricted to single host cells, indicating a cell-autonomous function for the wild-type Mlo protein. We discuss our findings with respect to source–sink relationships of plants and biotrophic fungi and the potentially wide-ranging use of the transient complementation assay to analyse host compatibility and defence in response to powdery mildew attack.  相似文献   

The chloroplast Albino3 (Alb3) protein is a chloroplast homolog of the mitochondrial Oxa1p and YidC proteins of Escherichia coli, which are essential components for integrating membrane proteins. In vitro studies in vascular plants have revealed that Alb3 is required for the integration of the light-harvesting complex protein into the thylakoid membrane. Here, we show that the gene affected in the ac29 mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is Alb3.1. The availability of the ac29 mutant has allowed us to examine the function of Alb3.1 in vivo. The loss of Alb3.1 has two major effects. First, the amount of light-harvesting complex from photosystem II (LHCII) and photosystem I (LHCI) is reduced >10-fold, and total chlorophyll represents only 30% of wild-type levels. Second, the amount of photosystem II is diminished 2-fold in light-grown cells and nearly 10-fold in dark-grown cells. The accumulation of photosystem I, the cytochrome b(6)f complex, and ATP synthase is not affected in the ac29 mutant. Mild solubilization of thylakoid membranes reveals that Alb3 forms two distinct complexes, a lower molecular mass complex of a size similar to LHC and a high molecular mass complex. A homolog of Alb3.1, Alb3.2, is present in Chlamydomonas, with 37% sequence identity and 57% sequence similarity. Based on the phenotype of ac29, these two genes appear to have mostly nonredundant functions.  相似文献   

Intron removal from a pre-mRNA by RNA splicing was once thought to be controlled mainly by intron splicing signals. However, viral and other eukaryotic RNA exon sequences have recently been found to regulate RNA splicing, polyadenylation, export, and nonsense-mediated RNA decay in addition to their coding function. Regulation of alternative RNA splicing by exon sequences is largely attributable to the presence of two majorcis-acting elements in the regulated exons, the exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) and the suppressor or silencer (ESS). Two types of ESEs have been verified from more than 50 genes or exons: purine-rich ESEs, which are the more common, and non-purine-rich ESEs. In contrast, the sequences of ESSs identified in approximately 20 genes or exons are highly diverse and show little similarity to each other. Through interactions with cellular splicing factors, an ESE or ESS determines whether or not a regulated splice site, usually an upstream 3 splice site, will be used for RNA splicing. However, how these elements function precisely in selecting a regulated splice site is only partially understood. The balance between positive and negative regulation of splice site selection likely depends on thecis-element's identity and changes in cellular splicing factors under physiological or pathological conditions.  相似文献   

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