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A photoaffinity labeling method was developed to identify and characterize high affinity fatty acid-binding proteins in membranes. The specific labeling of these sites requires the use of low concentrations (nanomolar) of the photoreactive fatty acid 11-m-diazirinophenoxy-[11-3H]undecanoate. It was delivered as a bovine serum albumin (BSA) complex which serves as a reservoir for fatty acid and thus allows precise control of unbound fatty acid concentrations. ThefadL protein ofE. coli, which is required for fatty acid permeation of its outer membrane, was labeled by the photoreactive fatty acid neither specifically nor saturably when the probe was added in the absence of BSA; however when a nanomolar concentration of the uncomplexed probe was maintained in the presence of BSA, the labeling of thefadL protein was highly specific and saturable. This photoaffinity labeling method was also used to characterize a 22 kDa, high affinity fatty acid-binding protein which we have recently identified in the plasma membrane of 3T3-L1 adipocytes. This protein bound the probe with a Kd of 216 nM. The approach described is easily capable of identifying membrane-bound fatty acid-binding proteins and can distinguish between those of high and low affinities for fatty acids. It represents a general method for the identification and characterization of fatty acid-binding proteins.Abbreviations BSA Bovine Serum Albumin - DAP m-Diazirinophenoxy - SDS-PAGE Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis  相似文献   

Summary Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABP) are distinct but related gene products which are found in many mammalian cell types. They are generally present in high abundance, and are found in those tissues where free fatty acid (ffa) flux is high. The function(s) of FABP is unknown. Also not known is whether all FABP function similarly in their respective cell types, or whether different FABP have unique functions. The purpose of these studies was to assess whether different members of the FABP family exhibit different structural and functional properties. Two fluorescent analogues of ffa were used to compare the liver (L-FABP) and heart (H-FABP) binding proteins. The propionic acid derivative of diphenylhexatriene (PADPH) was used to examine the physical properties of the ffa binding site on L- and H-FABP, as well as the relative distribution of ffa between FABP and membranes. An anthroyloxy-derivative of palmitic acid, 2AP, was used to monitor the transfer kinetics of ffa from liver or heart FABP to acceptor membranes, using a resonance energy transfer assay. The results demonstrate that the ffa binding sites of both FABP are hydrophobic in nature, although the L-FABP site is more nonpolar than the H-FABP site. Equilibration of PADPH between L-FABP and phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers resulted in a molar partition preference of > 20: 1, L-FABP : PC. Similar studies with H-FABP resulted in a PADPH partition preference of only 3:1, H-FABP : PC. Finally, the transfer of 2AP from H-FABP to acceptor membranes was found to be 50-fold faster than transfer from L-FABP. These studies demonstrate that important structural and functional differences exist between different members of the FABP family, and therefore imply that the roles of different FABP may be unique.Abbreviations FABP Fatty Acid-Binding Protein - L-FABP Liver FABP - H-FABP Heart FABP - SUV Small Unilamellar Vesicle - PADPH 3-[p-(6-Phenyl)-1,3,5-Hexatrienyl]-phenylpropionic acid - 2AP 2-(9-Anthroyloxy)Palmitic acid - Q Quantum yield - F Fluorescence lifetime  相似文献   

Summary A variety of designations is currently being used to refer to cellular fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs). Besides from the use of other general names (e.g. Z protein), confusion mostly arises from the application of various abbreviations and symbols to denote the tissue(s) of origin and cellular localization (cytoplasm, plasma membrane) of a specific FABP. In order to minimize confusion a more unified and rational nomenclature is proposed, which is based on application of the formula X-FABPy. The prefix X is a capital letter indicating the tissue of greatest abundance, the suffix Y similarly denotes the (sub)cellular localization of the protein. The general and functional name fatty acid-binding protein (FABP) is preferred for the cellular proteins with the property to bind fatty acids, unless future research reveals that the binding of fatty acids is not the primary biological property or physiological role of (some of) these proteins.  相似文献   

Summary At least three different proteins are implicated in the cellular transport of fatty acid moieties: a plasmalemmal membrane and a cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding protein (FABPPM and FABPC, respectively) and cytoplasmic acyl-CoA binding protein (ACBP). Their putative main physiological significance is the assurance that long-chain fatty acids and derivatives, either in transit through membranes or present in intracellular compartments, are largely complexed to proteins. FABPC distinguishes from the other proteins in that distinct types of FABPC are found in remarkable abundance in the cytoplasmic compartment of a variety of tissues. Although their mechanism of action is not yet fully elucidated, current knowledge suggests that the function of this set of proteins reaches beyond simply aiding cytoplasmic solubilization of hydrophobic ligands, but that they can be assigned several regulatory roles in cellular lipid homeostasis.  相似文献   

When delipidated Mr>10,000 cut-off human fetal lung cytosol was separated on gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography on Auto-FPLC system, two fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) of pI 6.9 and pI 5.4 were purified to homogeneity. On Western blotting analysis with the anti-human fetal lung pI 6.9 FABP, these two proteins showed immunochemical cross reactivity with each other and with purified hepatic FABPs but not with cardiac or gut FABP. These two FABPs have identical molecular mass of 15.2 kDa, which is slightly higher than that of the hepatic proteins (14.2 kDa). Carbohydrate covalently linked to FABPs, that may substantially add to the molecular mass, was not detected in the purified protein preparations. Amino acid analysis revealed that both the proteins have same amino acid composition each containing one Trp residue that is lacking in hepatic FABP. Different isoforms of lung FABP exhibited different binding ability for their natural ligands. These proteins bind palmitoyl CoA with higher affinity than oleic acid. pI 6.9 FABP can more rapidly and efficiently transfer fatty acid than can pI 5.4 FABP from unilammelar liposomes. Thus these FABPs may play a critical role in fatty acid transport during human fetal lung development.Abbreviations AO anthroyloxy - 12-AS 12-(9-anthroyloxy)stearic acid - FABP fatty acid-binding protein - NBD-PE [N-(4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole)phosphatidylethanolamine - Pal-CoA palmitoyl coenzyme A - PITC phenylisothiocyanate - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PtdCho phosphatidylcholine - SUV small unilamellar vesicle - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl) amino methane  相似文献   

The mammalian fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) are thought to be important for the transport and metabolism of fatty acids in numerous cell types. The transfer of FA from different members of the FABP family to membranes has been shown to occur by two distinct mechanisms, an aqueous diffusion-based mechanism and a collisional mechanism, wherein the FABP interacts directly with membrane acceptors. Much of the work that underlies this concept comes from efforts using rodent FABPs. Given the increasing awareness of links between FABPs and several chronic diseases in humans, it was important to establish the mechanisms of FA transfer for human FABPs. In the present studies, we examined the rate and mechanism of fatty acid transfer from four pairs of human and rodent (rat or mouse, as specified) FABPs: hLFABP and rLFABP, hIFABP and rIFABP, hHFABP and rHFABP, and hAFABP and mAFABP. In the case of human IFABP, both the Ala54 and Thr54 forms were examined. The results show clearly that for all FABPs examined, the mechanisms of ligand transfer observed for rodent proteins hold true for their human counterparts. Moreover, it appears that the Ala to Thr substitution at residue 54 of the human IFABP does not alter the fundamental mechanism of ligand transfer to membranes, but nevertheless causes a consistent decrease in the rate of transfer.  相似文献   

Fatty acid-binding protein and its relation to fatty acid oxidation   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A relation between fatty acid oxidation capacity and cytosolic FABP content was found in heart and various muscles of the rat. Other tissues do not show such a relation, since they are involved in more or other pathways of fatty acid metabolism. At postnatal development FABP content and fatty acid oxidation capacity rise concomitantly in heart and quadriceps muscle in contrast to in liver and kidney. A dietary fat content of 40 en. % increased only the FABP content of liver and adipose tissue. Peroxisomal proliferators increased fatty acid oxidation in both liver and kidney, but only the FABP content of liver, and had no effect on heart and skeletal muscle. The FABP content of muscle did not show adaptation to various conditions. Only it increased in fast-twitch muscles upon chronic electrostimulation and endurance training.  相似文献   

Summary This overview of recent work on FABP types is focussed on their detection and expression in various tissues, their cellular and subcellular distribution and their binding properties. Besides the 3 well-known liver, heart and intestinal types, new types as the adipose tissue, myelin and (rat) renal FABPs have been described. Recent observations suggest the occurrence of more tissue-specific types, e.g. in placenta and adrenals. Heart FABP is widely distributed and present in skeletal muscles, kidney, lung, brain and endothelial cells. The cellular distribution of FABP types appears to be related to the function of the cells in liver, muscle and kidney. The presence of FABP in cellular organelles requires more evidence. The functional significance of the occurrence of more FABP types is unclear, in spite of the observed differences in their ligand-protein interaction.Abbreviations FABP(s) Fatty Acid-Binding Protein(s)  相似文献   

Summary Liver fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP) is expressed in a declining gradient between the portal and central zones of the liver acinus. This paper discusses the results of experimental studies which address the questions: (a) What factors regulate L-FABP expression in liver and produce its acinar gradient? (b) What is the relationship between the acinar gradient of L-FABP and acinar gradients in the transport and metabolism of long-chain fatty acids? Both high-fat diets and clofibrate-treatment increase L-FABP proportionally at both extremes of the liver acinus and the small intestine, with preservation of the L-FABP gradient in both tissues. Female rats differ from males, however, in showing a greater hepatic abundance of L-FABP which is expressed almost equally throughout the acinus. Dietary studies show that L-FABP is induced with increased fatty acid flux derived from dietary fat but not from de novo hepatic fatty acid synthesis. Studies of the synthesis and utilization of fatty acids by hepatocytes isolated from the periportal and pericentral zones of the liver acinus suggest that the acinar gradient of L-FABP is not associated with differences in the instrinsic capacity of zone 1 and zone 3 hepatocytes to utilize or synthesize fatty acids. In addition, studies of the acinar uptake pattern of a fluorescent fatty acid derivative by isolated perfused livers indicate that the acinar distribution of L-FABP does not determine the pattern of fatty acid uptake in the intact acinus. Rather, the acinar gradient of L-FABP is most likely to represent a response to physiological conditions existing in the intact acinus which may include gradients in the flux of fatty acids, fatty acid metabolites and hormones.Abbreviations ALT Alanine Aminotransferase - FABP Fatty Acid Binding Protein - I-FABP Intestinal-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein - L-FABP Liver-type Fatty Acid Binding Protein - 12-NBD-stearate 12-(N-methyl)-N-(7-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1, 3,-diazol-4-yl)amino)-octadecanoic acid  相似文献   

Summary Cardiac-type fatty acid-binding protein (cFABP) from human heart muscle of three individuals was isolated and characterized as pI 5.3-cFABP. The proteins were structurally analyzed by tryptic peptide mapping, application of plasma desorption time-of-flight mass spectrometry and amino acid sequencing. All three preparations of human heart FABP, having 132 amino acids, differed from the published sequence [Offner et al. Biochem J 251: 191–198, 1988] in position 104, where Leu is found instead of Lys, and in position 124, where Cys is found instead of Ser.  相似文献   

Fatty acid-binding protein from bovine liver but not from bovine heart binds hematin in a saturable manner with high affinity. This property is not confined to a particular isoform as both, pI 6.0- and pI 7.0 L-FABP, bind hematin similarly. In competition experiments hematin and oleic acid could replace each other demonstrating that they share at least parts of the same binding site. Common structural features, i.e. the presence of carboxylic groups and of hydrophobic carbon chains led to the hypothesis that both ligands interact similarly with L-FABP. This was supported by the decrease of binding affinity for either ligand upon modification with phenylglyoxal. Modification in the presence of fatty acid revealed the protection of one of the two arginines of L-FABP. By peptide mapping and Edman degradation Arg122 was identified as the counterpart of the fatty acids carboxylic group.  相似文献   

Since insect flight muscles are among the most active muscles in nature, their extremely high rates of fuel supply and oxidation pose interesting physiological problems. Long-distance flights of species like locusts and hawkmoths are fueled through fatty acid oxidation. The lipid substrate is transported as diacylglycerol in the blood, employing a unique and efficient lipoprotein shuttle system. Following diacylglycerol hydrolysis by a flight muscle lipoprotein lipase, the liberated fatty acids are ultimately oxidized in the mitochondria. Locust flight muscle cytoplasm contains an abundant fatty acid-binding protein (FABP). The flight muscle FABP ofLocusta migratoria is a 15 kDa protein with an isoelectric point of 5.8, binding fatty acids in a 1:1 molar stoichiometric ratio. Binding affinity of the FABP for longchain fatty acids (apparent dissociation constant Kd=5.21±0.16 M) is however markedly lower than that of mammalian FABPs. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence shares structural homologies with two insect FABPs recently purified from hawkmoth midgut, as well as with mammalian FABPs. In contrast to all other isolated FABPs, the NH2 terminus of locust flight muscle FABP appeared not to be acetylated. During development of the insect, a marked increase in fatty acid binding capacity of flight muscle homogenate was measured, along with similar increases in both fatty acid oxidation capacity and citrate synthase activity. Although considerable circumstantial evidence would support a function of locust flight muscle FABP in intracellular uptake and transport of fatty acids, the finding of another extremely well-flying migratory insect, the hawkmothAcherontia atropos, which employs the same lipoprotein shuttle system, however contains relatively very low amounts of FABP in its flight muscles, renders the proposed function of FABP in insect flight muscles questionable.  相似文献   

Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP) has a clam-shaped structure that may serve as a scaffold for the design of artificial enzymes and drug carriers. In an attempt to optimize the scaffold for increased access to the interior-binding cavity, several helix-less variants of I-FABP have been engineered. The solution-state NMR structure of the first generation helix-less variant, known as Delta17-SG, revealed a larger-than-expected and structurally ill-defined loop flanking the deletion site. We hypothesized that the presence of this loop, on balance, was energetically unfavorable for the stability of the protein. The structure exhibited no favorable pairwise or nonpolar interactions in the loop that could offset the loss of configurational entropy associated with the folding of this region of the protein. As an attempt to generate a more stable protein, we engineered a second-generation helix-less variant of I-FABP (Delta27-GG) by deleting 27 contiguous residues of the wild-type protein and replacing them with a G-G linker. The deletion site of this variant (D9 through N35) includes the 10 residues spanning the unstructured loop of Delta17-SG. Chemical denaturation experiments using steady-state fluorescence spectroscopy showed that the second-generation helix-less variant is energetically more stable than Delta17-SG. The three-dimensional structure of apo-Delta27-GG was solved using triple-resonance NMR spectroscopy along with the structure calculation and refinement protocols contained in the program package ARIA/CNS. In spite of the deletion of 27 residues, the structure assumes a compact all-beta-sheet fold with no unstructured loops and open access to the interior cavity.  相似文献   

Summary Based on sequence relationships the cytoplasmic fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) of mammalian origin are divided into at least three distinct types, namely the hepatic-, intestinal- and cardiac-type. Highly conserved sequences of FABPs within the same type correlate with immunological crossreactivities. Isoforms of hepatic-type FABP are found in several mammalian species and for bovine liver FABP specific shifts in isoelectric points upon lipidation with fatty acids are observed. Isoforms of intestinal-type FABP are not known and the occurrence of cardiac-type isoforms so far is confined to bovine heart tissue. A bovine mammary-derived growth inhibitor (MDGI) is 95% homologous to the cardiac-type FABP from bovine heart. Dissociation constants of FABP/fatty acid complexes are in the range of 1 M and 1:1 stoichiometries are usually found, but the neutral isoform of hepatic FABP from bovine liver binds 2 fatty acids. On subcellular levels hepatic- and cardiac-type FABPs are differently distributed. Though mainly cytosolic in either case, immunoelectron microscopy as well as a gelchromatographic immunofluorescence assay demonstrate the association of hepatic FABP in liver cells with microsomal and outer mitochondrial membranes and with nuclei, whereas in heart cells cardiac FABP is confined to mitochondria' matrix and nuclei. In mammary epithelial cells MDGI is associated with neither mitochondria nor endoplasmic reticulum, and is expressed in a strictly developmental-dependent spatial and temporal pattern. The specific role proposed for MDGI is to arrest growth of mammary epithelial cells when they become committed to differentiation in the mammary gland.  相似文献   

In isolated rat hepatocytes flavaspidic acid, a competitor with free fatty acids for the fatty-acid-binding-protein, decreased the uptake of oleic acid and triglyceride synthesis but stimulated the formation of CO2 and ketone bodies from oleic acid. Flavaspidic acid had no effect on the utilization of octanoic acid. Stimulation of the microsomal fatty-acid-activating enzyme by the fatty-acid-binding protein was reversed by flavaspidic acid. In contrast, the binding protein inhibited the mitochondrial fatty-acid-activating enzyme. Flavaspidic acid not only prevented this inhibition but actually stimulated the enzyme activity. The results indicate that the cytosol fatty-acid-binding protein directs the metabolism of long chain fatty acids toward esterification as well as enhancing their cellular uptake.  相似文献   

A radiochemical procedure for the assay of fatty acid binding by proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Protein-bound and unbound fatty acids can be efficiently separated at 0 degree C using a hydrophobic column-packing material (Lipidex 1000) similar to the separation of protein-bound and unbound steroids (E. Dahlberg, M. Snochowski, and J.-A. Gustafsson (1980) Anal Biochem. 106, 380-388). Protein-bound fatty acids are also removed by Lipidex 1000 when treatment is performed at 37 degrees C. Lipidex 1000 does not exhibit binding properties for soluble proteins at 0 and 37 degrees C, in contrast to dextran-coated charcoal. Lipidex 1000 appeared to be useful for the delipidation of protein samples at 37 degrees C and for a radiochemical assay of fatty acid-binding by microgram amounts of protein at 0 degree C. With this assay we obtained results on palmitate binding to serum albumin similar to those reported on the basis of equilibrium dialysis. Delipidated proteins from dealbuminized rat liver cytosol maximally bind about 4 nmol palmitate/mg protein.  相似文献   

To obtain insight into the relation between the release of heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABPc) and of long-chain fatty acids (FA) from injured cardiac tissue, rat hearts were Langendorff perfused according to the following scheme: 30 min normoxia, 60 min ischemia, 30 min reperfusion, 10 min Ca2+ free perfusion and finally 10 min Ca2+ repletion. During this protocol right ventricular (Q rv ) and interstitial effluent samples (Q i ) were collected at regular intervals. During reperfusion a total of 0.8±0.1 nmol H-FABPc but no FA were detected in the effluents. However, during Ca2+ readmission, 45±4 nmol H-FABPc (80–90% of total tissue content) was released with an initial (first 3 min) simultaneous release of FA (FA/H-FABPc ratio 0.90±0.07 mol/mol). Thereafter, FA release continued at 10–15 nmol per min mainly inQ rv while the rate of H-FABPc release decreased. During Ca2+ repletion, tissue FA content raised rapidly from 168±20 to 1918±107 nmol/g dry weight. These findings suggest that after severe cardiac damage initially FA is released bound to H-FABPc, whereas further FA release occurs in a non-protein bound manner.  相似文献   

Summary Heart tissue contains appreciable amounts of fatty acid-binding protein (FABP). FABP is thought to play a crucial role in the transport of fatty acids from the cellular membrane to the intracellular site of oxidation and also, in case of endothelial cells, in the transfer of fatty acids from the vascular to the interstitial compartment through the endothelial cytoplasm. The present study was designed to delineate a possible quantitative relationship between the capacity of different cell types in the heart to oxidize fatty acids and the presence of FABP. Palmitate oxidation capacity, measured in homogenates of cells isolated from adult rat hearts, was 2 nmol/min per mg tissue protein in freshly isolated cardiomyocytes (CMC), but only 0.09 and 0.31 nmol/min per mg tissue protein in cultivated endothelial (CEC) and fibroblast-like cells (CFLC), respectively. Palmitate oxidation rates were closely related to the cytochrome C oxidase activity and, hence, to the mitochondrial density in the cells under investigation. In CMC the content of cytosolic H-FABP (H-FABPc) was about 4.51 µg/mg tissue protein. However, in CEC and CFLC the FABP content was less than 0.01 and 0.004 µg/mg tissue protein, respectively, corresponding to at maximum 0.2% of the FABP content of CMC. These findings indicate a marked difference between CMC and non-myocytal cells in the heart regarding their capacity to oxidize fatty acids, and a marked disproportion between the fatty acid oxidation capacity and immunochemically determined FABP content in both CEC and CFLC. The functional implication of these observations remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Cytosolic long-chain fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) are found in tissues that metabolize fatty acids. Like most lipid binding proteins, their specific functions remain unclear. Two classes have been described. Membrane-active FABPs interact directly with membranes during exchange of fatty acids between the protein binding site and the membrane, while membrane-inactive FABPs bind only to fatty acids that are already in aqueous solution. Despite these binding proteins, most fatty acids in cell cytoplasm appear to be bound to membranes. This paper reviews data suggesting that FABPs catalyze transfer of fatty acids between intracellular membranes, often across considerable intracellular distances. This process occurs in three distinct steps: dissociation of the fatty acid from a donor membrane, diffusion of the fatty acid across the intervening water layer, and binding to an acceptor membrane. Membrane-active FABPs catalyze dissociation of the fatty acid from the donor membrane and binding to the acceptor membrane, while membrane-inactive FABPs catalyze diffusion of fatty acids across the aqueous cytosol. Thus, FABPs catalyze all three steps in intracellular transport. A simple quantitative model has been developed that predicts the rate of intracellular transport as a function of the concentration, affinity and diffusional mobility of the binding protein. Different FABPs may have evolved to match the specific transport requirements of the cell type within which they are found.  相似文献   

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