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Chemical synapses are asymmetric intercellular junctions through which neurons send nerve impulses to communicate with other neurons or excitable cells. The appropriate formation of synapses, both spatially and temporally, is essential for brain function and depends on the intercellular protein-protein interactions of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) at synaptic clefts. The CAM proteins link pre- and post-synaptic sites, and play essential roles in promoting synapse formation and maturation, maintaining synapse number and type, accumulating neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels, controlling neuronal differentiation, and even regulating synaptic plasticity directly. Alteration of the interactions of CAMs leads to structural and functional impairments, which results in many neurological disorders, such as autism, Alzheimer’s disease and schizophrenia. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the functions of CAMs during development and in the mature neural system, as well as in the pathogenesis of some neurological disorders. Here, we review the function of the major classes of CAMs, and how dysfunction of CAMs relates to several neurological disorders.  相似文献   

B cells form an essential part of the adaptive immune system by producing specific antibodies that can neutralize toxins and target infected or malignant cells for destruction. During B cell activation, a fundamental role is played by a specialized intercellular structure called the immunological synapse (IS). The IS serves as a platform for B cell recognition of foreign, often pathogenic, antigens on the surface of antigen‐presenting cells (APC). This recognition is elicited by highly specific B cell receptors (BCR) that subsequently trigger carefully orchestrated intracellular signaling cascades that lead to cell activation. Furthermore, antigen internalization, essential for full B cell activation and differentiation into antibody producing effector cells or memory cells, occurs in the IS. Recent developments especially in various imaging‐based methods have considerably advanced our understanding of the molecular control of B cell activation. Interestingly, the cellular cytoskeleton is emerging as a key player at several stages of B cell activation, including the initiation of receptor signaling. Here, we discuss the functions and molecular mechanisms of the IS and highlight the multifaceted role of the actin cytoskeleton in several aspects of B cell activation.   相似文献   

Molecular Mechanisms of Lead Neurotoxicity   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Epidemiological studies have shown a strong relationship between the level of lead in blood and bone as assessed by performance on IQ tests and other psychometric tests. Approximately 1 out of 10 children in the United States have blood lead levels above 10g/dl, which has been established as the level of concern. Studies on experimental animals exposed to lead after birth have shown learning deficits at similar blood lead levels. Since learning requires the remodeling of synapses in the brain, lead may specifically affect synaptic transmission. Although the molecular targets for lead are unknown, a vast amount of evidence accumulated over many years has shown that lead disrupts processes that are regulated by calcium. Our laboratory has been studying the effect of lead on protein kinase C, a family of isozymes some of which require calcium for activity. We and others have shown that picomolar concentrations of lead can replace micromolar concentrations of calcium in a protein kinase C enzyme assay. Furthermore, lead activates protein kinase C in intact cells and induces the expression of new genes by a mechanism dependent on protein kinase C. We propose that the learning deficits caused by lead are due to events regulated by protein kinase C that most likely occur at the synapse.  相似文献   

Tumors contain a vastly complicated cellular network that relies on local communication to execute malignant programs. The molecular cues that are involved in cell-cell adhesion orchestrate large-scale tumor behaviors such as proliferation and invasion. We have recently begun to appreciate that many tumors contain a high degree of cellular heterogeneity and are organized in a cellular hierarchy, with a cancer stem cell (CSC) population identified at the apex in multiple cancer types. CSCs reside in unique microenvironments or niches that are responsible for directing their behavior through cellular interactions between CSCs and stromal cells, generating a malignant social network. Identifying cell-cell adhesion mechanisms in this network has implications for the basic understanding of tumorigenesis and the development of more effective therapies. In this review, we will discuss our current understanding of cell-cell adhesion mechanisms used by CSCs and how these local interactions have global consequences for tumor biology.  相似文献   

The structures of two binary complexes (the TEM-1/BLIP complex and the trypsin/amiloride complex) were predicted prior to their experimental determination and compared to the corresponding experimental structures when these became available. In both predictions the rigid-body geometric docking algorithm ranked the correct solution among the top ones. Additional information concerning the structure and chemical character of the binding site of one of the molecules in the complex was used to single out the correct solution. The results indicate that the combination of geometric surface matching with biochemical information produces a useful tool for structure prediction.  相似文献   

Summary The structures of two binary complexes (the TEM-1/BLIP complex and the trypsin/amiloride complex) were predicted prior to their experimental determination and compared to the corresponding experimental structures when these became available. In both predictions the rigid-body geometric docking algorithm ranked the correct solution among the top ones. Additional information concerning the structure and chemical character of the binding site of one of the molecules in the complex was used to single out the correct solution. The results indicate that the combination of geometric surface matching with biochemical information produces a useful tool for structure prediction.  相似文献   

In a multicellular system, cellular communication is a must for orchestration and coordination of cellular events. Advent of the latest analytical and imaging tools has allowed us to enhance our understanding of the intercellular communication. An intercellular exchange of proteins or intact membrane patches is a ubiquitous phenomenon, and has been the subject of renewed interest, particularly in the context of immune cells. Recent evidence implicates that intercellular protein transfers, including trogocytosis is an important mechanism of the immune system to modulate immune responses and transferred proteins can also contribute to pathology. It has been demonstrated that intercellular protein transfer can be through the internalization/pathway, dissociation-associated pathway, uptake of exosomes and membrane nanotube formations. Exchange of membrane molecules/antigens between immune cells has been observed for a long time, but the mechanisms and functional consequences of these transfers remain unclear. In this review, we will discuss the important findings concerning intercellular protein transfers, possible mechanisms and highlight their physiological relevance to the immune system, with special reference to T cells such as the stimulatory or suppressive immune responses derived from T cells with acquired dendritic cell membrane molecules.  相似文献   

细胞黏附和突触发生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chen G  Wu X  Tuncdemir S 《生理学报》2007,59(6):697-706
突触是神经网络中神经细胞间相互连接的基本工作单位。突触的分子构建是一个引人入胜的问题,数十年来一直吸引着科学家们的注意。冯德培和许多其他科学家早期在神经肌肉接头领域做出了开创性的研究工作。至今,神经肌肉接头仍是一个杰出的突触标本,为我们研究中枢神经系统的突触形成铺平了道路。近期的研究又有新的亮点,发现一组细胞黏附分子具有很强的突触发生作用,使中枢突触形成的分子机制更加明朗。本文综述了这些表达在非神经细胞里能引起中枢突触形成的细胞黏附分子的功能与特性。  相似文献   

分子印迹技术是一种人工合成具有分子识别功能的介质的一种新技术,近年来在许多领域都得到很大的发展。本文介绍了分子印迹技术的发展现状,尤其对生物大分子的分子印迹技术进行了详细论述,对生物大分子印迹采用的功能单体、印迹分子的种类、印迹的方法、印迹的机理、存在的问题和应用的前景等分别进行了讨论。  相似文献   

免疫突触(immunological synapse,IS)是抗原提呈细胞与T细胞免疫识别时,多种分子参与、分阶段不断变化的过程,涉及黏附分子、细胞因子、信号传导分子、细胞骨架蛋白等多分子的聚集或离散.其形成不仅促进T细胞和抗原提呈细胞的稳定接触,而且激活T细胞信号传导途径,促进T细胞的活化和增殖.对IS的研究可以从分子水平解释免疫激活、免疫耐受、病原微生物感染与免疫细胞相互作用的机制,为进一步揭示疾病发生的分子机制,寻求疾病防治的靶向分子提供新的思路.近年来,光学成像的发展为可视化研究IS形成与T细胞活化的关系提供了有力帮助,为研究生理病理状态下的免疫应答提供了有力工具.  相似文献   

In order to thrive, viruses have evolved to manipulate host cell machinery for their own benefit. One major obstacle faced by pathogens is the immunological synapse. To enable efficient replication and latency in immune cells, viruses have developed a range of strategies to manipulate cellular processes involved in immunological synapse formation to evade immune detection and control T‐cell activation. In vitro, viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus 1 and human T‐lymphotropic virus type 1 utilise structures known as virological synapses to aid transmission of viral particles from cell to cell in a process termed trans‐infection. The formation of the virological synapse provides a gateway for virus to be transferred between cells avoiding the extracellular space, preventing antibody neutralisation or recognition by complement. This review looks at how viruses are able to subvert intracellular signalling to modulate immune function to their advantage and explores the role synapse formation has in viral persistence and cell‐to‐cell transmission.  相似文献   

Cell–cell and cell–matrix adhesions are fundamental to numerous physiological processes, including angiogenesis, tumourigenesis, metastatic spreading and wound healing. We use cellular potts model to computationally predict the organisation of cells within a 3D matrix. The energy potentials regulating cell–cell (JCC) and cell–matrix (JMC) adhesive interactions are systematically varied to represent different, biologically relevant adhesive conditions. Chemotactically induced cell migration is also addressed. Starting from a cluster of cells, variations in relative cell adhesion alone lead to different cellular patterns such as spreading of metastatic tumours and angiogenesis. The combination of low cell–cell adhesion (high JCC) and high heterotypic adhesion (low JMC) favours the fragmentation of the original cluster into multiple, smaller cell clusters (metastasis). Conversely, cellular systems exhibiting high-homotypic affinity (low JCC) preserve their original configuration, avoiding fragmentation (organogenesis). For intermediate values of JCC and JMC (i.e. JCC/JMC ~ 1), tubular and corrugated structures form. Fully developed vascular trees are assembled only in systems in which contact-inhibited chemotaxis is activated upon cell contact. Also, the rate of secretion, diffusion and sequestration of chemotactic factors, cell deformability and motility do not significantly affect these trends. Further developments of this computational model will predict the efficacy of therapeutic interventions to modulate the diseased microenvironment by directly altering cell cohesion.  相似文献   

Synapses are specialized adhesion sites between neurons that are connected by protein complexes spanning the synaptic cleft. These trans-synaptic interactions can organize synapse formation, but their macromolecular properties and effects on synaptic morphology remain incompletely understood. Here, we demonstrate that the synaptic cell adhesion molecule SynCAM 1 self-assembles laterally via its extracellular, membrane-proximal immunoglobulin (Ig) domains 2 and 3. This cis oligomerization generates SynCAM oligomers with increased adhesive capacity and instructs the interactions of this molecule across the nascent and mature synaptic cleft. In immature neurons, cis assembly promotes the adhesive clustering of SynCAM 1 at new axo-dendritic contacts. Interfering with the lateral self-assembly of SynCAM 1 in differentiating neurons strongly impairs its synaptogenic activity. At later stages, the lateral oligomerization of SynCAM 1 restricts synaptic size, indicating that this adhesion molecule contributes to the structural organization of synapses. These results support that lateral interactions assemble SynCAM complexes within the synaptic cleft to promote synapse induction and modulate their structure. These findings provide novel insights into synapse development and the adhesive mechanisms of Ig superfamily members.  相似文献   

Formation of the immunological synapse (IS) in T cells involves large scale molecular movements that are mediated, at least in part, by reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton. Various signaling proteins accumulate at the IS and are localized in specialized membrane microdomains, known as lipid rafts. We have shown previously that lipid rafts cluster and localize at the IS in antigen-stimulated T cells. Here, we provide evidence that lipid raft polarization to the IS depends on an intracellular pathway that involves Vav1, Rac, and actin cytoskeleton reorganization. Thus, lipid rafts did not translocate to the IS in Vav1-deficient (Vav1-/-) T cells upon antigen stimulation. Similarly, T cell receptor transgenic Jurkat T cells also failed to translocate lipid rafts to the IS when transfected with dominant negative Vav1 mutants. Raft polarization induced by membrane-bound cholera toxin cross-linking was also abolished in Jurkat T cells expressing dominant negative Vav1 or Rac mutants and in cells treated with inhibitors of actin polymerization. However, Vav overexpression that induced F-actin polymerization failed to induce lipid rafts clustering. Therefore, Vav is necessary, but not sufficient, to regulate lipid rafts clustering and polarization at the IS, suggesting that additional signals are required.  相似文献   

自然生境中有些植物的繁殖体传播距离有限, 这类植物更有可能与其亲缘相近的植株相邻。植物个体能否识别邻株的身份并做出相应的反应, 会对植物间的相互作用产生重要影响。亲缘选择理论预测亲缘相近的植物间可以通过亲缘识别和选择作用, 有效地削弱彼此间的干扰和竞争, 从而增加适合度。对植物通过根系进行自我/ 非我和亲缘识别能力、作用及其影响机制进行了综述, 同时指出了当前研究中存在的一些疑点和亟待解决的问题, 对植物身份识别研究的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Supramolecular clusters at the immunological synapse provide a mechanism for structuring complex communication networks between cells of the immune system. Regulating intra- and intercellular trafficking of proteins and lipids to and from the immunological synapse provides an additional level of complexity in determining the functional outcome of immune cell interactions. An emergent principle is that molecules requiring tightly regulated cell surface expression, e.g. negative regulators of cell activation or molecules promoting cytotoxicity, are trafficked to the immunological synapse from intracellular secretory as required lysosomes. Many molecules required for the early stages of the intercellular communication are already present at the cell surface, sometimes in lipid rafts, and are rapidly translocated laterally to the intercellular contact. Our understanding of these events critically depends on utilizing appropriate technologies for probing supramolecular recognition in live cells. Thus, we also present here a critical discussion of the technologies used to study lipid rafts and, more broadly, a map of the spatial and temporal dimensions covered by current live cell physical techniques, highlighting where advances are needed to exceed current spatial and temporal boundaries.  相似文献   


The interaction of monomeric and dimeric quinacridines with quadruplex DNA has been investigated using a variety of biophysical methods. Both series of compounds were shown to exhibit a high affinity for the G4 conformation with two equivalent binding sites. As shown from the SPR and dialysis experiments the macrocyclic dimer appears more selective than its monomeric counterpart.  相似文献   

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