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Development of a single follicle during the menstrual cycle is under control of hormones stimulating follicular maturation, ovulation and luteogenesis. Several factors intervene locally to prevent other follicles from developing at the same time as dominant follicle. These other follicles remain quiescent or evaluate to atresia. Atresia results from the action of several endocrine, paracrine and autocrine mechanisms which synergistically inhibit aromatase activity. The subsequent lack of estrogens reduces granulosa cell multiplication. The oocyte will not become fertilizable before the preovulatory peak of LH, after the resumption of meiosis and after reaching metaphase of the second meiotic division. Several factors are involved in the inhibition of spontaneous resumption of meiosis: cyclic nucleotides, sex steroids, somatostatin and oocyte maturation inhibitor(s) (OMI). Ovulation is related to breakdown of connective tissue synthesized by granulosa cells under the influence of FSH. Connective tissue lysis is dependent on proteolytic enzymes which are released and activated by FSH, LH and relaxin. A paracrine control could be involved in ovulation: LH induces the production of prostaglandin and relaxin by theca cells which, in turn, stimulate collagenase and proteoglycanase secretion by granulosa cells.  相似文献   

  • 1 Of the eight species of Ursidae, six are currently at risk of extinction and the remainder face significant risks to their future survival. One of the greatest threats to bears is human‐imposed environmental alteration (e.g. global warming, chemical pollutants, deforestation). An examination of the reproductive biology and phylogeny of the Ursidae reveals reproductive seasonality as a probable adaptation to adverse environmental conditions.
  • 2 Seven of the eight extant species exhibit distinct mating and birth seasons, with the most ancient species evolving facultative seasonality as an adaptation to the increasingly seasonal climate of the Pliocene. The remainder of the extant species evolved during the Pleistocene glaciations, under conditions of severe seasonal food restriction. Under these conditions, an obligate mode of seasonality emerged and persists to the present.
  • 3 Knowledge of the natural history of seasonal reproduction in the ursids and how it evolved in response to global climatic change provides a context for understanding the ramifications of current environmental change on the reproduction of these important species.

Energetic trade-offs between time spent on incubation and times spent on foraging for nesting birds give individuals in good body condition the possibility to incubate more continuously. In the present paper, the incubation behaviour of female barnacle geese Branta leucopsis was quantified in a colony in Svalbard. Females were weighted in early incubation and feeding recess lengths and frequencies were recorded. The feeding behaviour during the course of incubation was significantly correlated to by body mass, and heavy females had both fewer and shorter feeding recesses than lighter females. Moreover, there was an increase in the number of feeding recesses and the total feeding time as the incubation period progressed. Neither clutch size nor egg laying date had an effect on incubation behaviour. However, clutch size was positively related to female body mass suggesting that high-quality females produce large clutches but also allocate more body reserves to incubation. Females left the nest to feed at all times of the day, but more frequently during day time. This was not related to their body mass. Females presumably leave their nest at the time of day when the costs to reheat eggs are at a minimum. The diurnal rhythm may also be adjusted to the activity by egg predators. Overall the results support the state-dependent hypothesis for incubation behaviour, suggesting that body condition at the start of incubation is an important factor for incubation behaviour in barnacle geese.  相似文献   

Buccinanops globulosus mated all year round, with higher frequency from May to September, prior to spawning months. Gravid females were found between October and March. Oviposition peaked during rising temperatures and longest daylength while hatching peaked with high water temperature and declining daylength. Gravid females measured between 20 and 41?mm in shell length. The spawn consisted on average of 31 egg capsules, each containing 1266 eggs. Embryos usually completed development within each egg capsule by ingesting small fragments of the uncleaved nurse eggs, which were not a limiting resource. Egg capsules with more than one embryo were not common; in those cases, the embryos had different sizes probably related to intracapsular competition for nutrients, and were on average smaller than solitary embryos in the other capsules. Embryos hatched as crawling juveniles with a mean hatchling shell length of ~3.4?mm. In a few cases, malformed embryos were found, but it was not a common phenomenon. The information recorded in this study, as the minimum reproductive size and spawning season, is valuable for fisheries management.  相似文献   


This review deals with the studies which have been conducted for the past 30 years on the endocrine and neuroendocrine regulations in embryos and larvae of crustaceans, mostly in decapods. Y-organs, mandibular organs and the X-organ sinus gland complex of the eyestalks are present in the first post-embryonic instar of most investigated species. Y-organs, the X-organs and the sinus glands have also been located in embryos of a few species. Larval molting appears to be regulated in a way similar to that in adults involving a MIH-ecdysteroid system. Evidence points to a control of metamorphosis through the eyestalks. Experimental evidence points to a neuroendocrine control of changes in pigmentation and of osmoregulation. Progress in the isolation and characterization of the hormones and neurohormones controlling these metabolic changes in adults should help and promote further research on regulation during the embryonic and early postembryonic development.  相似文献   

Because body condition can affect reproduction, research has focused on the role of leptin, a body condition signal, in regulation of reproductive function. Objectives of this study were to determine if leptin supplementation directly affects 1) ovarian follicle growth and function, 2) oocyte maturation, or 3) preimplantation embryo development. Follicles cultured in the presence of recombinant mouse leptin resulted in a significant decrease in rate of follicle, but not oocyte, growth in a dose-dependent manner, with higher doses of leptin inhibiting growth. Leptin was also found to significantly increase stimulated progesterone, estradiol, and testosterone production/secretion by cultured follicles in a dose-dependent manner, with higher concentrations of leptin significantly increasing steroidogenesis. Culture of fully grown cumulus-enclosed germinal vesicle-intact (GV) mouse oocytes in the presence of increasing concentrations of leptin (0, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 ng/ml) had no effect on germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) or development to metaphase II (MII). Similarly, fully grown denuded oocytes showed no difference in GVBD at any concentration of leptin. However, maturation of denuded oocytes with 100 ng/ml leptin resulted in significantly reduced development to MII compared with oocytes matured with 0 or 12.5 ng/ml leptin. Culture of one-cell mouse embryos in increasing concentrations of leptin had no effect on cleavage or blastomere degeneration at 24 h of culture. Exposure of embryos for the first 96 h of development to increasing concentrations of leptin did not significantly affect total or expanded blastocyst development or hatching of blastocysts from zona pellucida. These results indicate leptin directly enhances insulin and gonadotropin-stimulated ovarian steroidogenesis, compromises denuded oocyte maturation, yet has no direct effect on preimplantation embryo development.  相似文献   

The aim of the performed investigations was to analyse the laying rhythm and reproductive traits of Ko?uda white geese from the W11 reproduction strain and to determine the heritability of these traits as well as correlations between the laying rhythm traits and reproductive traits. The total number of geese participating in the experiment included 383 one-year old layers from the control flock (the first year of reproductive utilisation). The following traits characterizing the laying rhythm were assessed individually for each layer: the number of 2 and 3-egg clutches or more, length (in days) of 2- or more egg clutches as well as the length of intervals between the laid eggs during the entire laying period. The following reproductive traits were also assessed individually for each bird: age at sexual maturity, initial number of eggs (eggs laid during the period from January, 1st to April, 30th), number of eggs during the whole laying period, laying intensity (the total number of eggs x 100/length of the laying period in days) as well as the length of the reproductive period. It was found that Ko?uda white geese laid most of their eggs (on average 70.2%) singly and not in clutches. With regard to egg clutches, it was found that 2-egg clutches constituted 85.3% of eggs laid in clutches. Moderate or high variability of traits associated with the laying rhythm and reproduction were demonstrated. The observed moderate heritability of the laying rhythm traits indicate that they may be utilised in the selection programs for geese. On the other hand, the reported high, positive genetic correlation coefficients between the number of egg clutches and the initial and total egg number as well as laying intensity confirm the existence of interactions between these traits. This fact may be helpful in breeding programs for determining the optimal selection systems for geese.  相似文献   

Parasites are characteristically aggregated within hosts, but identifying the mechanisms underlying such aggregation can be difficult in wildlife populations. We examined the influence of host age and sex over an annual cycle on the eggs per gram of feces (EPG) of nematode parasites infecting wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima Island. Five species of nematode were recorded from 434 fecal samples collected from an age-structured group of 50 individually recognizable macaques. All parasites exhibited aggregated EPG distributions. The age–infection profiles of all three directly transmitted species (Oesophagostomum aculeatum, Strongyloides fuelleborni, and Trichuris trichiura) exhibited convex curves, but concavity better characterized the age–infection curves of the two trophically transmitted species (Streptopharagus pigmentatus and Gongylonema pulchrum). There was a male bias in EPG and prevalence of infection with directly transmitted species, except in the prevalence of O. aculeatum, and no sex bias in the other parasites. Infection with O. aculeatum showed a female bias in prevalence among young adults, and additional interactions with sex and seasonality show higher EPG values in males during the mating season (fall) but in females during the birth season (spring). These patterns suggest that an immunosuppressive role by reproductive hormones may be regulating direct, but not indirect, life-cycle parasites. Exposure at an early age may trigger an immune response that affects all nematodes, but trophically transmitted species appear to accumulate thereafter. Although it is difficult to discern clear mechanistic explanations for parasite distributions in wildlife populations, it is critical to begin examining these patterns in host species that are increasingly endangered by anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   

The first gonotrophic cycle of oocyte maturation was defined for virgin Blaberus discoidalis cockroaches. A high correlation was found between growth of the basal oocytes and increased ovarian protein content. Allatectomy blocked ovarian protein formation, whereas JH-III administration compensated for the loss of the corpora allata. Experiments involving neuro-endocrine surgery and hormone replacement therapy indicated that JH, alone, could stimulate ovarian protein formation; however, the addition of neuroendocrine extracts enhanced the JH effects. The data suggest that both JH and neurohormones stimulate aspects of ovarian protein formation in this insect.  相似文献   

The seasonality, size, age, colour phases and sexual dimorphism of 13 reproductive classes of hogfish Lachnolaimus maximus are described. Analysis of histological sections of gonads ( n = 1662) confirmed earlier conclusions that L. maximus is a monandric, protogynous hermaphrodite. Sex change was initiated at the end of the spawning season and over a broad range of sizes and ages. It occurred after a functional female phase (postmaturation) and proceeded more slowly (months) than previously believed. Eventually all individuals changed sex to a terminal male phase. Females were batch spawners, spawning as often as every day during winter and spring. There was no evidence of precocious sperm crypts in active females, sperm competition or other alternative male sexual strategies. Mating has been reported elsewhere to be haremic. The sexual development of L. maximus appears to be adaptive in terms of Ghiselin's size-advantage model, which links monandric protogyny and polygyny. The slow rate of sex change, however, poses problems when fishing pressure is high because harvest of a single male has the potential to reduce the reproductive output of an entire harem.  相似文献   

A central goal in evolutionary ecology is to characterize and identify selection patterns on the optimal phenotype in different environments. Physiological traits, such as hormonal responses, provide important mechanisms by which individuals can adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions. It is therefore expected that selection shapes hormonal traits, but the strength and the direction of selection on plastic hormonal signals are still under investigation. Here, we determined whether, and in which way, selection is acting on the hormones corticosterone and prolactin by characterizing endocrine phenotypes and their relationship with fitness in free‐living great tits, Parus major. We quantified variation in circulating concentrations of baseline and stress‐induced corticosterone and in prolactin during the prebreeding (March) and the breeding season (May) for two consecutive years, and correlated these with reproductive success (yearly fledgling number) and overwinter survival in female and male individuals. In both years, individuals with high baseline corticosterone concentrations in March had the highest yearly fledgling numbers; while in May, individuals with low baseline corticosterone had the highest yearly reproductive success. Likewise, individuals that displayed strong seasonal plasticity in baseline corticosterone concentrations (high in March and low in May) had the highest reproductive success in each year. Prolactin concentrations were not related to reproductive success, but were positively correlated to the proximity to lay. Between‐year plasticity in stress‐induced corticosterone concentrations of males was related to yearly variation in food abundance, but not to overall reproductive success. These findings suggest that seasonally alternating directional selection is operating on baseline corticosterone concentrations in both sexes. The observed between‐year consistency in selection patterns indicates that a one‐time hormone sample in a given season can allow the prediction of individual fitness.  相似文献   

We report the results of an expedition to a barnacle-goose (Branta leucopsis) breeding area in Kolokolkova Bay, west of the lower Pechora delta in northern Russia, undertaken in July 2002. In total, 6 breeding colonies were found within the study area, harbouring 1,324 nests. Mean clutch size was 2.77±0.10 but may have been underestimated because of nest predation. Nest predation was high and correlated with the density of breeding gulls, Larus. The 2002 season was relatively cold and peak hatch occurred late, on 14 July. More than 11,000 barnacle geese were found to moult in the area which, together with the large number of nests found, emphasises the importance of Kolokolkova Bay for barnacle geese. Adult barnacle geese (341) were captured, marked and measured during their annual wing moult. Birds with broods started to moult approximately 2 weeks later than non- and failed breeders. Weight loss during moult was 3 times as rapid as reported for barnacle geese breeding in the Baltic, and a large cost of reproduction seemed to exist in the form of reduced body weight at the onset of moult for birds leading broods. Work in the area will continue over the coming years to document and explain the differences in major life-history parameters, dynamics and environmental effects between arctic and temperate breeding barnacle-goose populations.  相似文献   

Reproductive characters of the Caribbean reef-building coral Acropora cervicornis were investigated based on histological samples collected from April 2001 through October 2002. Oogenesis commenced in early to mid-October through November and spermatogenesis was initiated from January to March. The onset of gametogenesis was staggered, exhibiting up to approximately a 1-month delay within colonies. In the hermaphroditic polyps, the observed male-to-female gonad ratio was nearly 1:1 and ripe oocytes represented over 70% of the total gonadal volume. Fecundity estimates based on Stage IV ova ranged between 10.4 and 21.8 mm3 per square centimeter per year, comparable to A. cervicornis in Puerto Rico and other broadcasting Indo-Pacific Acropora. Fecundity estimates based on Stage III vitellogenic oocytes indicated statistically significant differences among study sites. Spawning in field conditions was observed in 2001, 2003, and 2004 from 2300 to 2330 h. Gamete release generally occurred synchronously between nights two and seven after the full moon of July or August. However in 2003, multiple, small-scale gamete release episodes occurred over more than one lunar cycle. This coincided with the full moon occurring early in the month of July. While prolific gamete production is reported in this study, low levels of recruitment have been reported for this species. Thus, the highly fragmenting A. cervicornis may rely heavily on asexual reproduction for population maintenance and expansion, and recovery after disturbance may be greatly protracted.  相似文献   

Hennhöfer, D., Götz, S. & Mitchell, S.F. 2012: Palaeobiology of a Biradiolites mooretownensis rudist lithosome: seasonality, reproductive cyclicity and population dynamics. Lethaia, Vol. 45, pp. 450–461. During the Cretaceous, rudist bivalves were among the most important benthic carbonate producers on tropical to sub‐tropical carbonate platforms. Yet questions concerning the biology of rudist bouquets remain unanswered to a great extent. In this study a monospecific bouquet of the small radiolitid rudist Biradiolites mooretownensis has been evaluated from a palaeobiological angle. Three‐dimensional, high‐resolution, quantitative analysis provides a detailed evaluation of growth and reproduction in an in situ rudist association. A total of 1237 consecutive tomograms with a vertical spacing of 0.1 mm were produced of which 1150 have been digitally measured for total area, number of specimens, packing density, spat density, recruitment, survival time, mortality and accommodation space. The results show constant coverage of about 60%, a stable packing density of 3.2 specimens per cm2 and constant reproduction throughout the bouquet. Time series analysis (spectral analysis) using PAST statistical software shows cyclic spat density every 14.9 mm of vertical growth. Combined with the results of the δ18O isotope analysis (showing cyclicities of 14 mm) one reproduction cycle appears to be annual. 46.4% of all counted specimens died before 3 mm of vertical growth. More than 93% of the initial spat does not exceed 15 mm shell height or 1 year respectively. Two mortality peaks in the juvenile’s life at 4 and 10–15 mm shell height either represent important obstacles in the ontogenetic development of the species or reflect external influences. □ Biradiolites, grinding tomography, palaeobiology, population dynamics, reproduction, rudists, sclerochronology, seasonality.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates that the reproductive seasonality ofMacaca fuscata seems to be more affected by environmental temperature than by photoperiod. Mean conception dates for 25 groups of Japanese macaques species did not correlate with latitude. Instead, they were positively related to mean fall and winter temperatures and negatively related to the magnitude of the decrease in the mean temperature from summer to fall. Evidence from transplanted groups supports the hypothesis that environmental temperature is a decisive factor in determining the timing of mating activities of Japanese macaques. These results are also consistent with the concept that, in temperate zones, environmental temperature is probably the best indicator of local climatic characteristics.  相似文献   

We investigated the variation in birth synchrony displayed by impala Aepyceros melampus populations across their distribution from southern to eastern Africa. Our analysis was based on field data from Chobe National Park in Botswana and Mala Mala Private Game Reserve in South Africa (4 and 13 years of monitoring, respectively). We compared our results with those from other studies conducted across the impala species range. Impala lambing was highly synchronized in Chobe with 90% of lambs born within 2 weeks in mid-November. Variation in rainfall in the preceding wet season explained 74% of variation in the dates of the first lamb observation in Mala Mala. In Chobe, the earliest birth peak occurred after the highest rainfall and the body condition of lambs in that cohort was also best for both males and females. No association was found between the lunar cycle and the estimated onset of the conception period, despite previous studies having found an association between the lunar cycle and the rutting behaviour in males. On a regional scale, impalas in areas with a marked dry season (several months with no rain) tend to synchronize births with the onset of the rains, when grass quality is highest. Number of months with rain explained 78% of the regional variation in birth synchrony. Neither latitude nor total rainfall contributed significantly to a stepwise multiple regression model. These data support the theory that impalas synchronize births in areas with a highly seasonal food supply, and temporally space births in less seasonal (equatorial) areas to reduce predation risks.  相似文献   

Kawamoto K 《Zoological science》2003,20(9):1057-1069
Bats, Chiroptera, constitute the second largest order of the class Mammalia and vary greatly in habitats, available foods and mating systems. The timing, duration and patterns of reproduction in bats vary considerably among species and different localities. Though much is known about the reproductive phenomena and associated endocrine characteristics of various species, the central mechanism regulating the peculiar delay and asynchrony in reproductive activity remains to be elucidated. The current understanding on the endocrine characteristics and possible mechanism of regulation of the hypothalamo-adenohypophysial-gonadal axis of bats will be reviewed, based mainly on our own studies in hibernating rhinolophid bats.  相似文献   

The induction of multiple follicular growth during ovarian stimulation for in vitro fertilization (IVF) implies follicular asynchrony. As a consequence oocytes of different quality are obtained. The maturity and fertilizability of oocytes cannot sufficiently be predicted by their morphological appearance under the light microscope. Looking for additional parameters of oocyte quality, FSH, hCG, estradiol (E2), progesterone (P), testosterone (T), prolactin (PRL) and cAMP were analysed in human follicular fluid (FF) containing a morphologically mature oocyte. The evaluation of the relationship between FF values and oocyte fertilization showed the following results: no differences of FSH, hCG, E2, P and T concentrations in FF between the group of fertilized and not fertilized ova. However, significant differences were detected for PRL and cAMP. In FF of fertilized oocytes PRL content was higher (38.8 +/- 2.2 vs 29.7 +/- 2.3 ng/ml, P less than 0.01) and cAMP level was lower (32.7 +/- 1.9 vs 59.8 +/- 7.4 pmol/ml, P less than 0.01) as compared with FF of unfertilizable oocytes. In conclusion PRL- and cAMP concentration of FF might be additional parameters of oocyte maturation and fertilizability.  相似文献   

Perineal swelling was correlated with changes in vaginal cytology and serum ovarian hormone levels and with development of the ovarian follicle. The average length of 66 menstrual cycles as seen in 12 mature baboons was 35.7±.66 days with a range of 25 to 47 days. Laparoscopic observations and photographic documentation of follicular development were made as early as 13 days prior to ovulation with the most rapid follicular maturation occurring 24 to 48 hours before ovulation. In 38.5% of the cycles ovulation occurred on the last day of maximal perineal tumescence with 26.9% of the ovulations occurring one day after initial detumescence. In 17.8% ovulations occurred two to five days prior to detumescence while the remaining 17.8% occurred two to three days following first observed detumescence. The mean progesterone level during the follicular phase was significantly less than that in the luteal phase, 1.6 and 6.7 ng/ml respectively (p<0.01). The level of estrogen detected during the periods of maximal tumescence was significantly higher (p<0.05) than that detected in the remainder of the cycle, 19.8 and 5.9 pg/ml respectively. Vaginal smears were stained, observed microscopically, and found to correlate with perineal swelling, hormone levels, and laparoscopic observations.  相似文献   

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