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Crystals of mitochondrial creatine kinase isolated from chicken heart were grown by precipitation with polyethylene glycol 1000. The enzyme has been crystallized in the absence and presence of ATP in two different space groups. Crystals are tetragonal, with space group P42(1)2, a = b = 171 A, c = 150 A in the absence of ATP; and P422, a = b = 101 A, c = 114.4 A in the presence of ATP. We suggest that there is one octamer (346 kDa) per asymmetric unit without ATP and one dimer (86 kDa) per asymmetric unit with ATP. Using synchrotron radiation, the octameric form diffracts to at least 3 A resolution.  相似文献   

In most organisms, mitochondrial creatine kinase (MtCK) is present as dimers and octamers with the latter predominating under physiological conditions. An absolutely conserved tryptophan residue (Trp-264 in chicken sarcomeric MtCK) appears to play a key role in octamer stability. Recently, it has been shown that the sponge Tethya aurantia, a member of the most ancient group of living multi-cellular animals, expresses an obligate, dimeric MtCK that lacks this absolutely conserved tryptophan residue, instead possessing a tyrosine in this position. In the present study we confirm that the absolutely conserved tryptophan residue is lacking in other sponge MtCKs where it is instead substituted by histidine or asparagine. Site directed mutations of the Trp-264 in expression constructs of chicken sarcomeric MtCK and the octameric MtCK from the marine worm Chaetopterus destabilized the octameric quaternary structure producing only dimers. A Tyr-->Trp mutation in an expression construct of the Tethya MtCK construct failed to produce octamerization; Tyr-->His and Tyr-->Asn mutations also yielded dimers. These results, in conjunction with analysis of homology models of Chaetopterus and Tethya MtCKs, strongly support the view that while the absolutely conserved tryptophan residue is important in octamer stability, octamer formation involves a complex suite of interactions between a variety of residues.  相似文献   

We report the expression of the human muscle (CK-MM) and brain (CK-BB) creatine kinases in Escherichia coli. The proteins have been purified to apparent homogeneity and several of their physical and kinetic properties investigated. In the process, we have conclusively verified the correct DNA sequence of the genes encoding the respective isozymes, and determined the correct primary structure and mass of the gene products. Alignment of the primary sequences of these two enzymes shows 81% sequence identity with each other, and no obvious gross structural differences. However, Western blot analyses demonstrated the general lack of antigenic cross-reactivity between these isozymes. Preliminary kinetic analyses show the K m and k cat values for the creatine and MgATP substrates are similar to values reported for other isozymes from various tissues and organisms. The human muscle and brain CKs do not, however, exhibit the synergism of substrate binding that is observed, for example, in rabbit muscle creatine kinase.  相似文献   

We developed a novel procedure for isolation of the muscle isozymes of aldolase, triose phosphate isomerase (TPI), glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK), phosphoglycerate mutase (PGM), enolase, pyruvate kinase (PK) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), and also creatine kinase (CK), at high purity, specific activity and yield. Protein was extracted from chicken breast muscle and glycolytic enzymes were purified by a three step procedure consisting of: Ammonium sulfate combined with pH fractionation. Phosphocellulose chromatography with performance of high pressure liquid chromatography, exploiting a pH gradient formed by a gradient of the buffering ion for protein elution. Affinity chromatography causing elution by substrate or pH. The enzymes, obtained at over 95% purity as judged by specific activity and silver stained electropherograms, were injected into sheep. Antibody for each enzyme was purified on specific immunosorbant and its specificity was verified by immunotransfer analysis.  相似文献   

The influence of mitochondrial creatine kinase on subcellular high energy systems has been investigated using isolated rat heart mitochondria, mitoplasts and intact heart and skeletal muscle tissue.In isolated mitochondria, the creatine kinase is functionally coupled to oxidative phosphorylation at active respiratory chain, so that it catalyses the formation of creatine phosphate against its thermodynamic equilibrium. Therefore the mass action ratio is shifted from the equilibrium ratio to lower values. At inhibited respiration, it is close to the equilibrium value, irrespective of the mechanism of the inhibition. The same results were obtained for mitoplasts under conditions where the mitochondrial creatine kinase is still associated with the inner membrane.In intact tissue increasing amounts of creatine phosphate are found in the mitochondrial compartment when respiration and/or muscle work are increased. It is suggested that at high rates of oxidative phosphorylation creatine phosphate is accumulated in the intermembrane space due to the high activity of mitochondrial creatine kinase and the restricted permeability of reactants into the extramitochondrial space. A certain amount of this creatine phosphate leaks into the mitochondrial matrix.This leak is confirmed in isolated rat heart mitochondria where creatine phosphate is taken up when it is generated by the mitochondrial creatine kinase reaction. At inhibited creatine kinase, external creatine phosphate is not taken up. Likewise, mitoplasts only take up creatine phosphate when creatine kinase is still associated with the inner membrane. Both findings indicate that uptake is dependent on the functional active creatine kinase coupled to oxidative phosphorylation.Creatine phosphate uptake into mitochondria is inhibited with carboxyatractyloside. This suggests a possible role of the mitochondrial adenine nucleotide translocase in creatine phosphate uptake.Taken together, our findings are in agreement with the proposal that creatine kinase operates in the intermembrane space as a functional unit with the adenine nucleotide translocase in the inner membrane for optimal transfer of energy from the electron transport chain to extramitochondrial ATP-consuming reactions.  相似文献   

The effect of adenylic acid, glucose-6-phosphate, fructose-1,6-diphosphate and phosphoenolpyruvate on creatine kinase isoenzymes (brain extract, muscle and heart extracts and purified muscle enzyme) was studied. These effectors, especially phosphoenolpyruvate, are shown to inhibit in different degree the reaction of ATP formation catalysed by creatine kinase from all tissues. The effectors do not inhibit the creatine phosphate synthesis in extracts, but depress purified creatine kinase. The interrelationship of the creatine kinase system and the key glycolytic enzymes (phosphofructokinase, hexokinase, pyruvate kinase) is discussed.  相似文献   

Chicken muscle cell cultures were incubated at 41 degrees C, the physiological chicken body temperature, and compared with cultures incubated at 37 degrees C, the typical cell culture incubation temperature. The cultures incubated at 41 degrees C show not only an increase in creatine kinase (CK)-specific activity but also a marked increase in the percentage of adult muscle CK isozyme (MM-CK) in 7-day muscle cultures. Muscle cell cultures incubated in the presence of cytosine arabinoside (ara-C), a cell proliferation inhibitor, do not have the mononucleated cell overgrowth seen at 41 degrees C and thus exhibit a further increase in creatine kinase-specific activity compared with cultures incubated at 41 degrees C in the absence of ara-C. These results suggest that muscle cell cultures incubated at 41 degrees C are more highly differentiated than those incubated at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

In a recent study it has been shown that mitochondrial creatine kinase from chicken brain (Mia-CK) and heart (Mib-CK) are two distinct isoenzymes differing in ten out of the thirty N-terminal amino acids (Hossle, J.P., Schlegel, J., Wegmann, G., Wyss, M., B?hlen, P., Eppenberger, H.M., Wallimann, T., and Perriard J.C. (1988) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 151, 408-416). The present article describes the purification and biophysical characterization of the mitochondrial creatine kinase isoenzyme from chicken brain (Mia-CK). Gel permeation chromatography, direct mass measurements of individual molecules by scanning transmission electron microscopy, and analytical ultracentrifugation confirmed the existence of two different oligomeric forms, dimeric and octameric Mia-CK, with molecular masses of 85 kDa and 306-352 kDa and with sedimentation constants of 4.9-5.3 and 11.6-12.0 S, respectively. In addition, it was tested if Mia- and Mib-CK can form heterodimeric and heterooctameric molecules with subunits of other CK isoenzymes. By denaturation in urea or guanidine hydrochloride and subsequent renaturation, MiaMib-CK and surprisingly also MiaM-CK heterodimers could be generated. In contrast, no heterodimers were obtained between Mib- and M- or B-CK. Furthermore, reoctamerization of a mixture of Mia- and Mib-CK homodimers led to the formation of MiaMib-CK heterooctamers. In these heterooctamers, the Mia- and Mib-CK homodimers remained the fundamental building blocks. No subunit exchange between adjacent dimers within the heterooctamer could be observed even after storage for 3 months at 4 degrees C. The relevance of these data on the structural organization of the Mi-CK octamer and on the physiological aspects of tissue-specific isoenzyme expression are discussed.  相似文献   

The cDNA and deduced amino-acid sequences for dimeric and octameric isoforms of creatine kinase (CK) from a protostome, the polychaete Chaetopterus variopedatus, were elucidated and then analysed in the context of available vertebrate CK sequences and the recently determined crystal structure of chicken sarcomeric mitochondrial CK (MiCK). As protostomes last shared a common ancestor with vertebrates roughly 700 million years ago, observed conserved residues may serve to confirm or reject contemporary hypotheses about the roles of particular amino acids in functional/structural processes such as dimer/octamer formation and membrane binding. The isolated cDNA from the dimeric CK consisted of 1463 nucleotides with an open reading frame of 1116 nucleotides encoding a 372-amino-acid protein having a calculated molecular mass of 41.85 kDa. The percentage identity of C. variopedatus dimeric CK to vertebrate CK is as high as 69%. The octameric MiCK cDNA is composed of 1703 nucleotides with an open reading frame of 1227 nucleotides. The first 102 nucleotides of the open reading frame encode a 34-amino-acid leader peptide whereas the mature protein is composed of 375 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 42.17 kDa. The percentage identity of C. variopedatus MiCK to vertebrate CK is as high as 71%. This similarity is also evident in residues purported to be important in the structure and function of dimeric and octameric CK: (a) presence of seven basic amino acids in the C-terminal end thought to be important in binding of MiCK to membranes; (b) presence of a lysine residue (Lys110 in chicken MiCK) also thought to be involved in membrane binding; and (c) presence of a conserved tryptophan thought to be important in dimer stabilization which is present in all dimeric and octameric guanidino kinases. However, C. variopedatus MiCK lacks the N-terminal heptapeptide present in chicken MiCK, which is thought to mediate octamer stabilization. In contrast with vertebrate MiCK, polychaete octamers are very stable indicating that dimer binding into octamers may be mediated by additional and/or other residues. Phylogenetic analyses showed that both octamer and dimer evolved very early in the CK lineage, well before the divergence of deuterostomes and protostomes. These results indicate that the octamer is a primitive feature of CK rather than being a derived and advanced character.  相似文献   

A comparison of specific structural features of creatine kinase from rabbit muscle and brain was undertaken to determine if the observed isozyme specific differences in catalytic cooperativity are related to conformational differences, particularly differences in packing density. The intrinsic fluorescence of the brain isozyme is 2-fold higher than the muscle isozyme. In the denatured state, both proteins display the characteristic red shift in emission maximum; however, the emission intensity of the brain isozyme increases only 5% upon denaturation compared to nearly 100% increase for the muscle protein. The fluorescence lifetimes are 2.65 ns (67%) and 0.48 ns for native muscle enzyme and 4.38 ns (65%) and 0.80 ns for brain enzyme. Upon denaturation, the lifetimes are 3.98 ns (77%) and 0.99 ns for muscle protein and 3.82 ns (79%) and 0.86 ns for brain protein. Stern-Volmer plots of quenching by acrylamide are essentially the same for both native isozymes indicating that the differences of the intrinsic fluorescence of the native proteins are not due to differences in solvent accessibility. The spectral and lifetime differences in the isozymes in the native state and changes accompanying denaturation are consistent with the occurrence of energy transfer in native muscle isozyme. The rotational correlation times of 5-[2-(iodoacetyl)aminoethyl]aminonaphthalene-1-sulfonate conjugated proteins, derivatized at the active site reactive thiol, are best described by two term decay laws. The slower rotations, 45.1 ns (75%) and 40.6 ns (71%) reflect overall macromolecular rotation for the muscle and brain isozymes, respectively. The faster motions, 2.4 ns for muscle isozyme and 0.4 ns for the brain isozyme, are attributed to the probe or probe associated segmental motions and indicate these motions are more restricted in the muscle protein. Reactivity of creatine kinase (2.5-10 microM) with the amino-specific reagent trinitrobenzene sulfonate (0.4-2 mM) was analyzed by pseudo-first-order and second order models, neither of which was adequate for the entire range of data. However, in every case, the rate constants were faster for brain creatine kinase but the extent of reaction was greater for muscle creatine kinase. The faster initial reactivity of the brain isozyme is consistent with greater accessibility for lysine derivatization.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

—Total tRNA fractions were isolated from pure mitochondrial and cytoplasmic calf brain preparations. After incubation with homologous crude preparations of aminoacyl-tRNA ligases in the presence of [14C]-glutamic acid, tRNAs were separated chromatographically on BD-cellulose columns and in reversed phase chromatography systems. In both of the methods used, cytoplasmic tRNA preparations revealed a larger number of radioactivity peaks. In experiments with double labelling, five radioactivity peaks for cytoplasmic glutamyl-tRNAs corresponded to only three mitochondrial glutamyl-tRNA fractions. The results imply the presence of isoaccepting species of tRNA in brain.  相似文献   

Cnidaria are the most basal animal phylum in which smooth and striated muscle cells have evolved. Since the ultrastructure of the mononucleated striated muscle is similar to that of higher animals, it is of interest to compare the striated muscle of Cnidaria at the molecular level to that of triploblastic phyla. We have used tropomyosins, a family of actin binding proteins to address this question. Throughout the animal kingdom, a great diversity of tropomyosin isoforms is found in non-muscle cells but only a few conserved tropomyosins are expressed in muscle cells. Muscle tropomyosins are all similar in length and share conserved termini. Two cnidarian tropomyosins have been described previously but neither of them is expressed in striated muscle cells. Here, we have characterized a new tropomyosin gene Tpm2 from the hydrozoan Podocoryne carnea. Expression analysis by RT-PCR and by whole mount in situ hybridization demonstrate that Tpm2 is exclusively expressed in striated muscle cells of the medusa. The Tpm2 protein is shorter in length than its counterparts from higher animals and differs at both amino and carboxy termini from striated muscle isoforms of higher animals. Interestingly, Tpm2 differs considerably from Tpm1 (only 19% identity) which was described previously in Podocoryne carnea. This divergence indicates a functional separation of cytoskeletal and striated muscle tropomyosins in cnidarians. These data contribute to our understanding of the evolution of the tropomyosin gene family and demonstrate the recruitment of tropomyosin into hydrozoan striated muscles during metazoan evolution. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 285:378-386, 1999.  相似文献   

A common protease-resistant fragment (Mr = 27,000) was generated from purified rat hepatic actinogelin, and rat skeletal muscle and chicken gizzard alpha-actinins by limited proteolysis using thermolysin. A monoclonal antibody (A-1) which was raised against the rat hepatic actinogelin and has a cross-reactivity with rat skeletal muscle and chicken gizzard alpha-actinins was found to bind to all of the 27-kDa fragments selectively. Furthermore, one-dimensional peptide maps of the 27-kDa fragments showed a close similarity indicating the presence of some conservation in primary structure of the fragments. The 27-kDa fragments were purified to homogeneity by the same procedure using ammonium sulfate fractionation and hydrophobic chromatography. As the fragments were easily separated from other peptides during purification, they might be present as an independent structural domain. Purified 27-kDa fragments were found to bind to F-actin in a Ca2+-insensitive manner. The fragments failed to affect the low-shear viscosity of F-actin up to a molar ratio to actin monomer of 1:3.2, indicating that gelation activity of the parental molecules was lost and the fragments have only a single binding site on F-actin. Binding of the fragments to F-actin was almost completely inhibited by respective parental molecules, while binding of the whole molecules was blocked partly by their 27-kDa fragments. Thus, the interaction of the fragments with F-actin seemed to be specific, although apparent affinity was lower than the parental molecules. Considering these results, we concluded that the 27-kDa fragments are a conserved, monovalent, and Ca2+-insensitive actin-binding domain of the actinogelin and muscle alpha-actinins.  相似文献   

1. The purification of creatine kinase from normal and genetically dystrophic chicken breast muscle is described. Enzyme recovery was significantly lower from dystrophic muscle. 2. Both enzymes had the same number of reactive and total thiol groups and had similar specific activities and similar amino acid compositions. 3. No significant differences were observed in sedimentation, electrophoretic or kinetic properties. 4. Peptide ;maps' showed no significant differences, and electrophoresis of partial acid hydrolysates of the labelled enzymes suggested that corresponding amino acid sequences around all the thiol groups were very similar. 5. The enzymes showed identical temperature stabilities. 6. No significant differences between the enzymes from normal and dystrophic muscle were observed.  相似文献   

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