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Little is known about the reproductive biology of the exotic bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in the Missouri River. In order to fill this gap in understanding, herein is described the reproductive condition of these Asian carps. Evidence is presented which indicates that bighead and silver carp in the Missouri River have a protracted spawning period that extends from early spring through fall and some individual bighead and silver carp are spawning multiple times during a reproductive season. Although bighead and silver carps are successfully maturing and spawning in the Missouri River some reproductive abnormalities such as intersex, atresia, and sterility were observed. Knowledge of the reproductive activity of these invasive carps may be useful to resource managers tasked with their control. Furthermore, the reproductive abnormalities observed should be considered when evaluating the environmental condition of the Missouri River relative to supporting a healthy fish fauna.  相似文献   

Bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix have been two economically important aquaculture species in China for centuries. In the past decades, bighead and silver carp have been introduced from the Yangtze River to many river systems in China, including the Pearl River, in annual, large-scale, stocking activities to enhance wild fisheries. Nonetheless, few studies have assessed the ecological or genetic impacts of such introductions on native conspecific fish populations. An mtDNA D-loop segment of 978 bp from 213 bighead carp samples from 9 populations and a 975 bp segment from 204 silver carp samples from 10 populations were obtained to evaluate genetic diversity and population integrity. Results from a haplotype network analysis revealed that most haplotypes of the Pearl River clustered with those of Yangtze River origin and only a small proportion were distinct, suggesting that both the native Pearl River bighead and silver carp populations are currently dominated by genetic material from the Yangtze River. The genetic diversity of Pearl River populations is high in both species because of this inter-population gene flow, but the diversity of native Pearl River populations is low. To preserve the native genetic diversity, stocking of non-native fingerlings should cease immediately and native Pearl River bighead and silver carp fish farms should be established. This research demonstrates the danger to native biodiversity across China because of the substantial, ongoing stock-enhancement activities without prior genetic assessment.  相似文献   

【背景】罗非鱼作为联合国粮农组织(FAO)向全世界推广养殖的优良品种之一,有多个品系,其养殖范围已遍布85个国家和地区。1956年我国从越南引进莫桑比克罗非鱼,经过养殖及推广,2006年我国罗非鱼产量达到100万t。但是,该外来物种在给我国带来良好经济价值的同时,对土著种类及水环境造成了极大的影响。【方法】对近几年珠江水系渔获物的调查数据进行整理,并观察尼罗罗非鱼早期发育形态,统计尼罗罗非鱼苗对其他鱼苗的最大捕食量及捕食规格,以分析罗非鱼生物学特性及其在珠江水系的入侵现状。【结果】尼罗罗非鱼早期发育快,卵黄营养非常丰富,比珠江水系土著种类更有竞争性;罗非鱼苗呈现很强的攻击性与捕食性;尼罗罗非鱼已经扩散到珠江水系各主要河流,并在部分江段形成优势种群。【结论与意义】尼罗罗非鱼种群快速扩张,对土著种已构成严重威胁,有必要将其列为珠江水系高危入侵种。  相似文献   

50年来长江鲢、鳙形态特征的变迁(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yu HX  Tang WQ  Li SF 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):651-656
采用多元分析方法,对采自长江中游的上世纪中期(下称早期)和本世纪初(下称当前)的121尾1龄鲢、鳙的30项形态度量性状进行了分析。依据对判别贡献最大的5个参数所建立的判别公式,对鲢、鳙早期和当前群体的平均判别准确率分别达94.2%和98.%,显示鲢或鳙的当前与早期群体间在总体上存在着显著差异。单因素方差分析显示,在早期和当前群体间,鲢有12个特征差异极显著、8个差异显著,鳙分别有8个特征差异极显著或显著。其中,鲢和鳙的6个显著或极显著变大的特征参数集中在头部,而14个鲢和10个鳙的显著或极显著变小的特征参数则主要集中在躯干部与尾部。研究表明,最近50年来长江鲢、鳙的头及头部特征有相对变大的趋势,而躯干部与尾部的许多特征参数则有相对变小的趋势,这些形态演变趋势符合人们喜食鱼头、追求高经济效益的期望。  相似文献   

The infra- and component communities of intestinal helminths of carp Cyprinus carpio were investigated in six lakes in the flood plain of the lower and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, China. Eight species of helminth parasites were recorded. The intestinal helminth communities were species rich in Niushan and Tonghu lakes where the digenean Asymphylodora japonica was the dominant species, whereas in Qinggang and Yanglan lakes a species-poor helminth community had only one species, Khawia sinensis . The degree of similarity within localities was highest in Qinggang and Yanglan lakes, and was high between communities where K. sinensis was the dominant species. The rich composition of these helminth communities may be because China is the heartland for carp while the poor helminth composition of those in Qinggang and Yanglan lakes may reflect the poor fauna there. It is suggested that species compositions of intestinal helminth communities of carp may be diversified in lakes in the flood plain of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

Fertilization and early embryonic mitoses of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus were examined by fluorescence staining of whole-mount as well as squash preparations. Egg meiosis occurs near the ventral surface of the egg, while sperm transforms into a sperm pronucleus in the cytoplasmic island on the dorsal side. After meiosis, the egg pronucleus moves across the egg toward the sperm pronucleus in the island, where union of these nuclei occurs. The first cleavage mitosis is gonomeric, as in insects such as Pyrrhocoris, Drosophila, and Bombyx. After the third cleavage the synchrony of nuclear division is lost and the dividing nuclei are distributed all over the egg by 12 h after deposition.  相似文献   

The species composition, distribution and abundance of the Tubificidae (8 spp.) and Naididae (at least 4 spp.) in the Guangzhou reach of the Lower Pearl River were investigated. Limnodrilus spp. (particularly L. hoffmeisteri) constitutes the greatest part in nearly all samples, which were taken in both clean and polluted parts of the reach. In the polluted sites, total oligochaete densities reach values of up to 700 000 ind. m–2. The importance and problems of using oligochaetes as indicators of organic pollution are discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty five Prussian carp Carassius auratus gibelio were radio‐tracked weekly along the course of the upper Elbe River, for 15 months. In addition, diurnal movements were observed in three different habitat types (main channel, navigation canal and floodplain areas). Fish species composition from 10 fish ladders was regularly analysed in 1996, 2000 and 2001, and patterns of juvenile (0+ year) fish distribution and abundance were collected in 2000 and 2001, to support telemetric data on longitudinal migrations, and habitat preference within the studied stretch. Downstream migrations dominated in all seasons, being most intensive in spring and reaching a maximum distance of 85 km. Migration stopped when specimens found a floodplain area, where they occupied larger home ranges compared to the main channel. Migrations upstream of up to 2 km were rare, and specimens did not enter fish ladders. Spontaneous reproduction only occurred on the floodplain and its success was very low. The results suggested that neither upstream migrations, nor spontaneous reproduction represented the key mechanism for the Prussian carp invasion into the Elbe catchment area of the Czech Republic. It can be assumed that escapes from aquaculture activities are primarily responsible for its expansion.  相似文献   

Sang Qi 《Hydrobiologia》1987,155(1):199-208
Densities of the 8 most important species or genera of the 15 taxa found at a series of stations along the Guangzhou Reach of the Pearl River are given. Shannon-Weaver diversity index values were low throughout the area studied. No clear correlations were found between oligochaetes and NH3-N or a combination of 6 chemical factors (COD, NH3-N, NO3-N, Cr, Pb, Hg). However, when the main groups of the benthos, including the oligochaetes, were taken together, and a BPI (Biological Pollution Index) approach used, a correlation between the macroinvertebrate community and the combined chemical factors was noted.  相似文献   

Morphometric and genetic variation were examined in parental Carassius auratus gibelio and Carassius carassius individuals, and their natural hybrids. Of meristic traits, only the number of gill rakers clearly distinguished hybrids (39·4 ± 1·4) from parental C. a. gibelio (48·3 ± 0·7) and C. carassius (28·6 ± 1·1). MtDNA sequences showed that the hybrids were descendants of female C. a. gibelio . Microsatellite analysis confirmed the presence in hybrids of variants typical of C. a. gibelio and C. carassius .  相似文献   

Microsatellite DNAs were used to analyze the variations and structures of three geographic populations of Cirrhina molitorella in Xijinag (XJ), Beijiang (BJ), and Dongjiang (DJ) in the Pearl River Basin as well as one cultured population. The genetic diversity was calculated using microsatellites. This data revealed high genetic variations in both wild and cultured populations of C. molitorella, with average He ranging from 0.7081 to 0.7723. The analysis of molecular variance (amova ) showed that only 5.76% of the variance was among populations, whereas 94.24% of the variance was within populations. Exact testing for non‐differentiation showed insignificant differentiation among populations (P > 0.05), but a phylogenetic tree calculated in Phylip produced evidence for some differentiation between wild and cultured populations.  相似文献   

We describe three new species of Pareuchiloglanis. Based on a comparison of 17 valid species of Pareuchiloglanis, the genus can be divided into two groups contingent on their gill opening size and the anus position. One group, which we call the large gill opening group, has a large gill opening extending to the base of the first pectoral-fin element; the anus is obviously closer to pelvic-fin insertion than the anal-fin origin; this group includes five species distributed in the Red and Pearl Rivers, China. The other group has a small gill opening extending only to the middle base of the pectoral-fin elements; the anus is usually located at the midpoint of the pelvic-fin insertion to the anal-fin origin or slightly behind. This group includes the other 12 species, which are distributed in the Mekong and Yangtze Rivers. The large-gill-opening group can be divided into two sub-groups based on the length of the caudal peduncle. One sub-group has a long caudal-peduncle and the distance from the anal-fin origin to caudal-fin base is greater than distance from the pelvic-fin insertion. This sub-group is only distributed in the Pearl River drainage. Another sub-group has a short caudal peduncle and the distance from the anal-fin origin to the caudal-fin base is typically smaller than the distance from the pelvic-fin insertion. This sub-group is only distributed in the Red River basin of China and Vietnam. The former will be called the large-gill-opening group with long caudal peduncle in the text and only includes one species P. longicauda. During our ongoing taxonomic work of specimens collected from Nanpan-jiang and Beipan-jiang (upper Pearl River drainage in Yunnan, China), some Pareuchiloglanis specimens that had the characters of the large-gill-opening group with long caudal peduncle represent three undescribed species.  相似文献   

Egg masses of Luciogobius ryukyuensis were found in spawning grounds around the lowest reach of the adult??s habitat in the tidally influenced area of streams on Okinawa Island. The eggs were attached to the underside of stones and were cared for by a solitary male fish. The number of eggs within an egg mass was 191?C1368. The eggs were elliptical, measuring 2.0?C2.6?mm in length, and 0.6?C0.8?mm in width. Early development of L. ryukyuensis was described from laboratory-reared specimens. Newly hatched larvae, measuring 2.8?C3.3?mm in body length, had an open mouth, pigmented eyes, pectoral fin buds, an orange-colored yolk sac, and characteristic melanophores along the dorsal and ventral midlines of the body. The yolk was completely absorbed at days 2?C3. Notochord flexion began at day 10 and was completed at day 15. The fish started settling on the bottom of the tank at day 34 (14.1?mm in body length) when the body surface started to be covered by intense pigmentation. The eggs and newly hatched larvae of L. ryukyuensis were of standard size of the genus and their morphologies closely resemble those of L. guttatus.  相似文献   

To improve the laboratory mass rearing and the winter greenhouse use of the multicoloured Asian lady beetle Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae), the effects of photoperiod on the development and fecundity of H. axyridis were investigated at 20°C and photoperiods ranging from 0L:24D to 24L:0D. We foun'd photoperiod to significantly affect the pre-imaginal development and reproduction of H. axyridis. The development of the pre-imaginal stage was significantly faster at shorter photoperiods (0–14?h) than at longer ones (16–24?h). The proportion of females laying eggs within the first 30 days after eclosion, the mean number of eggs per ovipositing female, and the long axial length of the first oocyte were all lower at shorter photoperiods (6–12?h) than at longer ones (14–24?h). These results suggest that adult H. axyridis may encounter problems in preying and reproducing in the winter conditions of unheated and unilluminated greenhouses in areas with temperatures lower than 20°C and day lengths shorter than 12?h.  相似文献   

王超  李新辉  赖子尼  刘乾甫 《生态学报》2016,36(18):5657-5669
珠三角河网是珠江汇入南海的必经之地,2012年对该水域裸藻门及各属的多样性特征及影响因子进行系统阐析。调查期间共发现裸藻12属84种,其中裸藻属是最主要类群,其次为扁裸藻属和囊裸藻属。珠三角河网独特的地理位置和人类活动造成的水体富营养化是该水域裸藻物种多样性丰富的主要原因。季节特征显示,丰水期裸藻的种类丰富度和生物量均明显高于枯水期。除了洪水引发的裸藻物种的外源供给增大外,泄洪所带来的有机质的增加也是有利因素。此外,丰水期对应的高温也是有益条件。空间特征存在明显的季节差异,丰水期河网外侧站位的生物量和种类丰富度高于中部站位,主要原因是受径流影响较大;枯水季节除广州附近站位的值明显偏高外,其它站位间差异不大,营养盐的空间格局是主要决定因素。尽管裸藻主要依赖于沿江静水水体中的外源供给,分析表明,其在随水流下行的过程中存在增长过程。不同藻属相对组成的结果显示,扁裸藻属和囊裸藻属因属于生长缓慢的K-选择策略型,富集营养物质的能力不及裸藻属,仅在枯水期与裸藻属形成互补优势。裸藻门及主要属的生物量与种类丰富度呈线性正相关关系,偏重于多样性单峰模式的上升区。  相似文献   

珠江东塔产卵场鳙繁殖的生态水文需求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
帅方敏  李新辉  李跃飞  杨计平  李捷 《生态学报》2016,36(19):6071-6078
鳙(Aristichthys nobilis(Richardson)),我国著名的四大家鱼之一,是一种重要的大型淡水经济鱼类。然而近年来由于各种原因,我国鳙种群数量急剧下降。依据2006—2013年珠江中下游长时间序列仔鱼数据和日平均流量数据,分析了研究水域鳙的繁殖生态,包括仔鱼出现的时间分布特征和早期资源周年变化规律,同时采用交互小波光谱分析方法 (cross wavelet analysis),分析了径流量与鳙仔鱼多度的关系。发现珠江水系鳙早期资源发生主要在5至8月,2006—2011年早期补充资源量逐渐减少,2012—2013年间呈明显著增加;鳙早期资源年度出现的时间呈缩减趋势,其中最大繁殖量出现的时间逐年提前。交互小波光谱分析结果表明:径流量的改变与鳙仔鱼的多度显著正相关,当径流量大于5×103m3/s,且持续2d以上,是珠江水系鳙大量繁殖的基础,将对受梯级水坝控制的鳙产卵场的繁殖生态水文保障具有指导意义。  相似文献   

为研究转大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchus keta)生长激素基因鲤(转基因鲤)在不同食物含量条件下的生长竞争(主要是生长、生殖),实验设定两个实验组,分别为正常投饲组和半饥饿实验组,每组的饲养池大小相同、混养的转基因鲤和对照鲤初始总体重相等。连续3个月定期采样后,处理数据并拟合体重体长方程,从形态学和组织学入手对转基因鲤和对照鲤(Cyprinus carpio)的生长状况、饲料占有情况和性腺发育状况开展研究。结果表明,正常投饲组的转基因鲤和对照鲤体重相对增长率分别为127.9%和70.6%,而半饥饿实验组的转基因鲤、对照鲤的体重相对增长率分别是72.3%和52.2%,表明无论在饱食还是在饲料短缺情况下,转基因鲤显示出快速生长的优势;通过比较两组转基因鲤和对照鲤的肠道充塞度,发现正常投饲组的转基因鲤和对照鲤的肠道食物充塞度差异不显著(P0.05),半饥饿组中的两种鱼的肠道食物充塞度差异不显著(P0.05),但是转基因鲤的肠长/体长比大于对照鲤,差异显著(P0.05),表明转基因鲤可能对饲料具有较强的消化、吸收能力;总体来看,两组实验鱼的性腺发育进程无明显差异(P0.05),但在部分月份转基因鲤和对照雌、雄鲤的相对性腺重差异显著(P0.05),无论在饱食还是在半饥饿情况下,转基因鲤的性腺发育情况略好于对照鲤。  相似文献   

Invasive bighead (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) and silver carp (H. molitrix) are reproductively isolated in their native range, but form a bimodal, multigenerational hybrid swarm within the Mississippi River Basin (MRB). Despite observed F1 hybrid superiority in experimental settings, effects of postzygotic selection on bighead and silver carp hybrids have not been tested in a natural system. Individual parent and hybrid genotypes were resolved at 57 species‐specific loci and used to evaluate postzygotic selection for body condition (Wr) and female reproductive potential (presence of spawning stage gonads and gonadosomatic index [GSI]) in the MRB during 2009–2011. Body condition in the Marseilles Reach, Illinois River declined with a decrease in species‐specific allele frequency from 1.0 to 0.4 for each species and early generation hybrids (F1, F2, and first‐generation backcross) had lower mean Wr than late generation hybrids (2nd+ generation backcrosses) and parentals. Proportions of stage IV and stage V (spawning stage) female gonads differed between bighead and silver carp, but not among parentals and their early and late generation hybrids within the MRB. Mean GSI values did not differ between parentals and hybrids. Because reproductive potential did not differ between hybrids and parentals, our results suggest that early generation hybrids occur in low frequency either as a factor of poor condition (Wr) and postreproductive survival, infrequent reproductive encounters by parental bighead and silver carp, or selection pressures acting on juvenile or immature life stages. Our results suggest that a combination of genetic and environmental factors may contribute to the postzygotic success of bighead and silver carp hybrids in the Mississippi River Basin.  相似文献   

Forty‐four microsatellite DNA markers were developed for silver carp, and used to investigate polymorphisms of 41 wild silver carps and seven wild bighead carps collected from Jingzhou fragment of Yangtze River. In silver carp, 40 markers were polymorphic. A total of 297 alleles were detected at 40 polymorphic loci. The number of alleles per locus varied from two to 16 with an average of 7.4 and the expected heterozygosities of each locus ranged from 0.07 to 0.91 with an average of 0.69. All markers amplified both silver carp and bighead carp DNAs.  相似文献   

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