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Summary Localization of iodopsin in the retina of the chicken and Japanese quail was investigated immunohistochemically with the use of monoclonal antibodies (R1-R4) highly specific for R-photopsin (protein moiety of iodopsin). In paraffin sections of the retina, the outer segments of double cones (principal and accessory cones) and of one particular type of single cones were labeled with the antibodies. In addition, reticular cytoplasmic structures, probably representing the Golgi apparatus in a position close to the vitreous pole of the paraboloid and to the outer limiting membrane were intensely stained in the cone cells bearing an immunoreactive outer segment. In whole-mount preparations, 5 types of cone cells were identified according to the color of oil droplets, i.e., red, yellow, pale-green (principal member of double cones), pale-blue and clear, in addition to a sixth type devoid of an oil droplet (accessory member of double cones). The immunohistochemical analysis of the preparations revealed that R-photopsin (suggesting the presence of iodopsin) is localized in the outer segments of both the principal and accessory members of double cones, and the population of single cones displaying a red oil droplet. Other cones endowed with a yellow, blue or clear oil droplet were not labeled with the antibodies used. Similar results were obtained in the retina of the Japanese quail.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study, we have demonstrated, by means of the biotin-avidin method, the widespread distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY)-immunoreactive structures throughout the whole brain of the Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica). The prosencephalic region contained the highest concentration of both NPY-containing fibres and perikarya. Immunoreactive fibres were observed throughout, particularly within the paraolfactory lobe, the lateral septum, the nucleus taeniae, the preoptic area, the periventricular hypothalamic regions, the tuberal complex, and the ventrolateral thalamus. NPY-immunoreactive cells were represented by: a) small scattered perikarya in the telencephalic portion (i.e. archistriatal, neostriatal and hyperstriatal regions, hippocampus, piriform cortex); b) medium-sized cell bodies located around the nucleus rotundus, ventrolateral, and lateral anterior thalamic nuclei; c) small clustered cells within the periventricular and medial preoptic nuclei. The brainstem showed a less diffuse innervation, although a dense network of immunopositive fibres was observed within the optic tectum, the periaqueductal region, and the Edinger-Westphal, linearis caudalis and raphes nuclei. Two populations of large NPY-containing perikarya were detected: one located in the isthmic region, the other at the boundaries of the pons with the medulla. The wide distribution of NPY-immunoreactive structures within regions that have been demonstrated to play a role in the control of vegetative, endocrine and sensory activities suggests that, in birds, this neuropeptide is involved in the regulation of several aspects of cerebral functions.Abbreviations AA archistriatum anterius - AC nucleus accumbens - AM nucleus anterior medialis - APP avian pancreatic polypeptide - CNS centrai nervous system - CO chiasma opticum - CP commissura posterior - CPi cortex piriformis - DIC differential interferential contrast - DLAl nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars lateralis - DLAm nucleus dorsolateralis anterior thalami, pars medialis - E ectostriatum - EW nucleus of Edinger-Westphal - FLM fasciculus longitudinalis medialis - GCt substantia grisea centralis - GLv nucleus geniculatus lateralis, pars ventralis - HA hyperstriatum accessorium - Hp hippocampus - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - HV hyperstriatum ventrale - IF nucleus infundibularis - IO nucleus isthmo-opticus - IP nucleus interpeduncularis - IR immunoreactive - LA nucleus lateralis anterior thalami - LC nucleus linearis caudalis - LFS lamina frontalis superior - LH lamina hyperstriatica - LHRH luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone - LoC locus coeruleus - LPO lobus paraolfactorius - ME eminentia mediana - N neostriatum - NC neostriatum caudale - NPY neuropeptide Y - NIII nervus oculomotorius - NV nervus trigeminus - NVI nervus facialis - NVIIIc nervus octavus, pars cochlearis - nIV nucleus nervi oculomotorii - nIX nucleus nervi glossopharyngei - nBOR nucleus opticus basalis (ectomamilaris) - nCPa nucleus commissurae pallii - nST nucleus striae terminalis - OM tractus occipitomesencephalicus - OS nucleus olivaris superior - PA palaeostriatum augmentatum - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - POA nucleus praeopticus anterior - POM nucleus praeopticus medialis - POP nucleus praeopticus periventricularis - PP pancreatic polypeptide - PYY polypeptide YY - PVN nucleus paraventricularis magnocellularis - PVO organum paraventriculare - R nucleus raphes - ROT nucleus rotundus - RP nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis - Rpc nucleus reticularis parvocellularis - RPgc nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis, pars gigantocellularis - RPO nucleus reticularis pontis oralis - SCd nucleus subcoeruleus dorsalis - SCv nucleus subcoeruleus ventralis - SCNm nucleus suprachiasmaticus, pars medialis - SCNl nucleus suprachiasmaticus, pars lateralis - SL nucleus septalis lateralis - SM nucleus septalis medialis - Ta nucleus tangentialis - TeO tectum opticum - Tn nucleus taeniae - TPc nucleus tegmenti pedunculo-pontinus, pars compacta - TSM tractus septo-mesencephalicus - TV nueleus tegmenti ventralis - VeL nucleus vestibularis lateralis - VLT nucleus ventrolateralis thalami - VMN nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami A preliminary report of this study was presented at the 15th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists, Leuven, Belgium, September 1990  相似文献   

Summary In embryos of the domestic mallard, domestic fowl, and Japanese quail vasotocin-, mesotocin-, luliberin (LHRH)-, met-enkephalin-, cortico- tropin-, and somatostatin-immunoreactive perikarya and fiber formations were visualized at different incubation stages by means of the PAP technique (Sternberger 1979). The most striking results were: (1) Vasotocin-, mesotocin-, and luliberin-immunoreactive systems display, up to the late embryonic period, morphological features most probably related to a neurohormonal function. (2) Met-enkephalin immunoreactivity appears very late during embryonic life; it is restricted to fiber networks and not found in perikarya. (3) Corticotropin immunoreactivity is observed in the tuberal region temporarily at the end of the second and the beginning of the last third of the incubation period. (4) Somatostatin-immunoreactive material is present (i) at the end of the first third of incubation, in association with the olfactory system; (ii) during the same period, adjacent to thin-layered portions of the roof of the brain; (iii) shortly thereafter, in cells of both pancreatic primordia and thyroid gland; and (iv) onward from the middle of the incubation period, in a mesencephalic cell group.The striking difference, in the early embryo, between the mature somatostatin system and the immature character of the surrounding tissues may indicate that somatostatin plays a role in the development of the brain, as well as the pancreas, and the thyroid gland.  相似文献   

The C-terminal pentapeptide amide segment of neuropeptide Y (NPY) binds specifically to chicken brain membrane preparations. The contribution of each residue of the C-terminus to this binding has been investigated through the synthesis and evaluation of a series of pentapeptide analogs. The binding of these molecules is strongly dependent on the presence of certain functional groups, in particular the guanidinium group of Arg-35 and the C-terminal aromatic amide function. The significance of these results for the binding to chicken brain tissue of NPY, pancreatic polypeptide and other potentially related neuropeptides is discussed.  相似文献   

Peptide YY is a highly potent emetic when given intravenously in dogs. We hypothesized that the area postrema, a small brain stem nucleus that acts as a chemoreceptive trigger zone for vomiting and lies outside the blood-brain barrier, might have receptors that PYY would bind to, in order to mediate the emetic response. We prepared [125I]PYY and used autoradiography to show that high affinity binding sites for this ligand were highly localized in the area postrema and related nuclei of the dog medulla oblongata. Furthermore, the distribution of [125I]PYY binding sites in the rat medulla oblongata was very similar to that in the dog; the distribution of [125I]PYY binding sites throughout the rat brain was seen to be similar to the distribution of [125I]NPY binding sites.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the mRNA expression of the two estrogen receptor (ER) subtypes ERalpha and ERbeta in the brain of Japanese quail embryos. We found expression of both ERalpha and ERbeta mRNA in homogenate of whole head from 6-day-old embryos, and in brain homogenate from 9- and 12-day-old embryos using real-time PCR. In 9- and 12-day-old embryos the ERalpha expression was higher in females than in males. We used in situ hybridization to examine the localization of the ERs in sections from male and female brains on day 9 and day 17 of incubation. On day 9, ERbeta mRNA was detected in the developing medial preoptic nucleus (POM), in the medial part of the bed nucleus of the striae terminalis (BSTm), and in the tuberal region of the hypothalamus. ERalpha signal could not be detected in the POM, the BSTm or the tuberal region in 9-day-old embryos. In 17-day-old embryos, ERbeta was highly expressed in the preoptic area, the nucleus Taeniae of the Amygdala (TnA) and the BSTm. Expression of ERalpha mRNA was detected in parts of the preoptic area and in the telencephalic TnA. No ERalpha expression was found in the BSTm, an area known to be sexually dimorphic in adults. The high embryonic expression of ERbeta in brain areas linked to sexual behavior indicates that ERbeta plays a role in sexual differentiation of the Japanese quail brain.  相似文献   

This study investigated the distribution of neuropeptide Y (NPY) in the brain of the night-migratory redheaded bunting (Emberiza bruniceps). We first cloned the 275-bp NPY gene in buntings, with ≥95 % homology with known sequences from other birds. The deduced peptide sequence contained all conserved 36 amino acids chain of the mature NPY peptide, but lacked 6 amino acids that form the NPY signal peptide. Using digosigenin-labeled riboprobe prepared from the cloned sequence, the brain cells that synthesize NPY were identified by in-situ hybridization. The NPY peptide containing cell bodies and terminals (fibers) were localized by immunocytochemistry. NPY mRNA and peptide were widespread throughout the bunting brain. This included predominant pallial and sub-pallial areas (cortex piriformis, cortex prepiriformis, hyperpallium apicale, hippocampus, globus pallidus) and thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei (organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, nucleus (n.) dorsolateralis anterior thalami, n. rotundus, n. infundibularis) including the median eminence and hind brain (n. pretectalis, n. opticus basalis, n. reticularis pontis caudalis pars gigantocellularis). The important structures with only NPY-immunoreactive fibers included the olfactory bulb, medial and lateral septal areas, medial preoptic nucleus, medial suprachiasmatic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus, ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, optic tectum, and ventro-lateral geniculate nucleus. These results demonstrate that NPY is possibly involved in the regulation of several physiological functions (e.g. daily timing feeding, and reproduction) in the migratory bunting.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) has prominent stimulatory effects on food intake in virtually all animals that have been studied. In mammals, the effect is primarily mediated by receptors Y1 and Y5, which seem to contribute to different aspects of feeding behavior in guinea pigs and rats/mice. Interestingly, differences in receptor distribution among mammalian species have been reported. To get a broader perspective on the role of Y5, we describe here studies of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus), a species which due to its phylogenetic position in the mammalian radiation is an interesting complement to previous studies in rat and mouse. Guinea pig brain sections were hybridized with two 35S-labeled oligonucleotides complementary to Y5 mRNA. The highest expression levels of Y5 mRNA were observed in the hippocampus and several hypothalamic and brain stem nuclei implicated in the regulation of feeding, such as the paraventricular, arcuate and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei. This contrasts with autoradiography studies that detected low Y5-like binding in these areas, a discrepancy observed also in rat and human. Y5 mRNA expression was also seen in the striatum, in great contrast to mouse and rat. Taken together, these data show that Y5 mRNA distribution displays some interesting species differences, but that its expression in feeding centers seems to be essentially conserved among mammals, adding further support for an important role in food intake.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor subtypes Y1 and Y5 are involved in the regulation of feeding and several other physiological functions in mammals. To increase our understanding of the origin and mechanisms of the complex NPY system, we report here the cloning and pharmacological characterization of receptors Y1 and Y5 in the first non-mammal, chicken (Gallus gallus). The receptors display 80-83% and 64-72% amino acid sequence identity, respectively, with their mammalian orthologues. The three endogenous ligands NPY, peptide YY (PYY) and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) have similar affinities as in mammals, i.e. NPY and PYY have subnanomolar affinity for both receptors whereas chicken PP bound with nanomolar affinity to Y5 but not to Y1. A notable difference to mammalian receptor subtypes is that the Y1 antagonist SR120819A does not bind chicken Y1, whereas BIBP3226 does. The Y5 antagonist CGP71863A binds to the chicken Y5 receptor. Anatomically, both Y1 and Y5 have high mRNA expression levels in the infundibular nucleus which is the homologous structure of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus in mammals. These results suggest that some of the selective Y1 and Y5 antagonists developed in mammals can be used to study appetite regulation in chicken.  相似文献   

The glomerular capillary architecture of nephrons that include a loop of Henle (looped) and those that lack the loop (loopless) nephrons was examined qualitatively and quantitatively by electron microscopy in Gallus gallus and Callipepla gambelii. The glomerular capillaries of looped nephrons form a dichotomously branched network, while those of loopless nephrons are arranged loosely, and the majority are unbranched. There was no significant difference in the diameter of the glomerular capillaries between looped and loopless nephrons; however, in all cases the diameter of the afferent arteriole was significantly larger than that of the efferent arteriole. Based on size alone, the predicted blood flow rate in the efferent arteriole in 20% that of the afferent arteriole in G. gallus and 7% that of the afferent arteriole in C. gambelii. There was no significant difference in the volume density (Vv) of the glomerular capillaries between looped and loopless nephrons. However, the surface area density (Sv) of the glomerular capillaries in loopless nephrons of C. gambelii was significantly larger than for the looped nephrons, and for the loopless nephrons in G. gallus. This suggests that there may be a decrease in blood flow rate along the glomerular capillaries of the loopless nephrons in C. gambelii. Overall, the results indicate that the avian glomerular capillaries are less complex than those of mammals. Reasons may be that either avian blood is more viscous than that of mammals or that avian erythrocytes may be unable to fit physically through a tight intertwining network of capillaries due to the presence of a nucleus, which limits the tank-treading ability of avian erythrocytes. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) inhibits insulin secretion. Increased numbers of pancreatic islet cells expressing NPY have been observed in type 1 diabetic rats. To understand the functional significance of NPY expression in islet cells, we investigated the effects of high fat feeding and diabetic conditions on the expression and location of NPY expressing cells in normal and diabetic rats. Twenty rats were maintained on either normal chow (ND) or a high fat dietary regimen (HFD) for 4 weeks. In half of each group, type 1 or type 2 diabetes (groups T1DM and T2DM, respectively) was induced by injection of streptozotocin. At 8 weeks rats were euthanized and the pancreases were processed for immunofluorescence labeling (NPY/insulin, NPY/glucagon, NPY/somatostatin, and NPY/pancreatic polypeptide). Compared with the ND group, HFD rats had significantly fewer alpha cells, but beta cells were similar, while T1DM and T2DM rats showed significant increases in the proportions of alpha, delta, and PP cells. Robust increases in NPY-positive islet cells were found in the HFD, T1DM, and T2DM rats compared with ND controls. In ND rats, 99.7% of the NPY-positive cells were PP cells. However, high fat feeding and diabetes resulted in significant increases in NPY-positive delta cells, with concomitant decreases in NPY-positive PP cells. In summary, high-fat feeding and diabetes resulted in changes in the hormonal composition of pancreatic islet and increased number of NPY-expressing islet cells. Under diabetic conditions NPY expression switched from predominantly a characteristic of PP cells to predominantly that of delta cells. This may be a factor in reduced pancreatic hormone secretion during diabetes.  相似文献   

Interleukin 1 isoforms (IL-1) are major regulators of vertebrate immune responses. In the mammalian CNS, this function is reflected in physiological and anatomical evidence implicating IL-1 in a suite of behaviors associated with sickness. Although birds show sickness behavior, a parallel role of IL-1 in birds has not been investigated. As proinflammatory effects of IL-1 are mediated via the IL-1 type I receptor (IL-1RI), we investigated the distribution of IL-1RI protein and mRNA after lipopolysaccharide challenge in brains of two avian species, the chicken and Japanese quail. In some respects, the neuroanatomic distribution of IL-1R mRNA and protein in chicken and Japanese quail resembled that reported in mammals and was consistent with its putative role in the physiology and behavior of sickness. For example, we found IL-1RI mRNA or IL-1RI immunoreactivity in lemnothalamic visual projection areas of the pallium, surrounding blood vessels in pallial areas, in the dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, in the nucleus taenia, in cerebeller Purkinje cells and the motor components of the trigeminal and vagus nuclei. However, in contrast to mammals, we did not find evidence of IL1-RI receptors in medial or lateral pallial structures, paraventricular nucleus, areas homologous to the arcuate nucleus, the choroid plexus, organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis or the reticular activating system. The distribution of IL-1RI suggests that a role for IL-1 in sickness behavior is conserved in birds, but that roles in other putative mammalian functions (e.g. hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal and gonadal axes regulation, transport through barrier-related tissues, arousal) may differ.  相似文献   

Activation of the NPY2 receptor to reduce appetite while avoiding stimulation of the NPY1 and NPY5 receptors that induce feeding provides a pharmaceutical approach to modulate food intake. The naturally occurring peptide PYY(3-36) is a nonselective NPY1, NPY2, and NPY5 agonist. N-terminal truncation of PYY to abrogate affinity for the NPY1 and NPY5 receptors and subsequent N-terminal modification with aminobenzoic analogs to restore NPY2 receptor potency results in a series of highly selective NPY2 receptor peptide agonists.  相似文献   

Summary The immunohistochemical localization of neuropeptide Y (NPY) was correlated with those of dopamine--hydroxylase (DBH) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) by mapping serial 7 m paraffin sections at three levels of the guina pig lower brainstem: a) area postrema, b) dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, and c) nucleus prepositus of the hypoglossal nerve. Based on differences in transmitter expression, three populations of NPY-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were distinguished: NPY-IR catecholaminergic cells (NPY/CA), NPY-IR VIP-ergic cells (NPY/VIP), and NPY-IR cells which were not reactive to either DBH or VIP. Within these populations, size differences among neurons in characteristic locations allowed differentiation among the following subpopulations: NPY/CA neurons in the lateral reticular nucleus — magnocellular part (mean neuronal size 538 m2) and parvocellular part (318 m2)-, in the vagus-solitarius complex (433 m2), and in the dorsal strip (348 m2); NPY/VIP neurons in the vagus-solitarius complex (368 m2) and in the nucleus ovalis (236 m2). Apart from scattered NPY-IR cell bodies in the regions listed above, NPY-IR cell bodies in the lateral portion of the nucleus solitarius and in the caudal part of the spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve did not exhibit IR to either DBH or VIP. NPY-IR neurons in the area postrema occurred too infrequently for co-localization studies. The differential distribution of heterogeneous NPY-IR cell subpopulations may reflect the involvement of NPY in a variety of neuronal functions.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, grant He 919/6-1  相似文献   

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Emerging functions of neuropeptide Y Y(2) receptors in the brain   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Kaga T  Fujimiya M  Inui A 《Peptides》2001,22(3):501-506
The Y(2) receptor is the predominant neuropeptide Y (NPY) receptor subtype in the brain. Y(2) receptor mRNA is discretely distributed in the brain, including specific subregions of the hippocampus and the hypothalamus, and is largely consistent with the distribution of Y(2) receptor protein demonstrated by radioligand-binding methods. Y(2) receptor-mediated effects have been reported principally based on the observations using the C-terminal fragments of NPY. Recent studies indicate an involvement of the receptor in food intake, gastrointestinal motility, cardiovascular regulation, and neuronal excitability. Very recently, Y(2) receptor selective antagonist has been developed and Y(2) receptor-deficient animals have been created. These new pharmacological tools will help to clarify the roles of this receptor in brain functions.  相似文献   

Rat peptide YY and rat neuropeptide Y have been isolated in parallel from colon and brain extracts respectively, using salt fractionation, gel filtration chromatography, cation-exchange HPLC, and reverse phase phenyl-silica HPLC. Immunoreactivity was identified using a combination of 3 NPY immunoassays which exhibit differing cross-reactivities for PYY (90%, less than 0.01% and 30% respectively). The yield at the final purification step was 1.2 nmol rPYY and 0.5 nmol rNPY. Half of each purified peptide was subjected to complete microsequence analysis. This showed that while rat NPY was structurally identical to human NPY, the sequence of PYY from rat colon was the same as porcine PYY isolated from extracts of duodenum.  相似文献   

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